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1. Migratory behaviour can result in reduced prevalence of pathogens in host populations. Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain this relationship: (i) ‘migratory escape’, where migrants benefit from escaping pathogen accumulation in contaminated environments; and (ii) ‘migratory culling’, where the selective removal of infected individuals occurs during migration. 2. In the host–parasite system between the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus Linn.) and its obligate protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE), there is evidence to support both hypotheses, particularly during the monarchs' autumn migration. However, these processes can operate simultaneously and could vary throughout the monarchs' annual migratory cycle. Assessing the relative strength for each hypothesis has not previously been done. 3. To evaluate both hypotheses, parasite infection prevalence was examined in monarchs sampled in eastern North America during April–September, and stable isotopes (δ2H, δ13C) were used to estimate natal origin and infer migration distance. There was stronger support for the migratory escape hypothesis, wherein infection prevalence increased over the breeding season and was higher at southern latitudes, where the breeding season tends to be longer compared with northern latitudes. Little support was found for the migratory culling hypothesis, as infection prevalence was similar whether monarchs travelled shorter or longer distances. 4. These results suggest that migration allows individuals to escape parasites not only during the autumn, as shown in previous work, but during the monarchs' spring and summer movements when they recolonise the breeding range. These results imply a potential fitness advantage to monarchs that migrate further north to exploit parasite‐free habitats.  相似文献   

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) depend on the presence of host plants (Asclepias spp.) within their breeding range for reproduction. In the southern Great Plains, Asclepias viridis is a perennial that flowers in May and June, and starts to senesce by August. It is locally abundant and readily used by monarchs as a host plant. We evaluated the effects of summer prescribed fire on A. viridis and the use of A. viridis by monarch butterflies. Summer prescribed fire generated a newly emergent population of A. viridis that was absent in other areas. Pre-migrant monarch butterflies laid eggs on A. viridis in summer burned plots in late August and September, allowing adequate time for a new generation of adult monarchs to emerge and migrate south to their overwintering grounds. Thus, summer prescribed fire may provide host plant patches and/or corridors for pre-migrant monarchs during a time when host plant availability may be limited in other areas.  相似文献   

The migration of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) from Canada and the United States to overwintering sites in Mexico is one of the world’s most amazing biological phenomena, although recent threats make it imperative that the resources needed by migrating monarchs be conserved. The most important first step in preserving migration resources—determining the migration flyways—is also the most challenging because of the large-scale nature of the migration. Prior attempts to determine the flyways using mark-recapture techniques with wing tags gave some clues, but this important information has never been fully obtainable until now. In 2005 the citizen-science program, Journey North, initiated a project that asked participants to record sightings of overnight roosts of monarchs during their fall migration, and this project now provides an ideal way to illustrate the flyways used by monarchs on their way to Mexico, with the assumption that roost locations indicate migration routes. We used 3 years of this data to elucidate the flyways on a continent-wide scale, that revealed two distinct flyways, but only one appears to lead directly to Mexico. This main, ‘central’ flyway begins in the American Midwest states and southern Ontario, then continues south-southwest through the states of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas, and finally passes through Texas and northern Mexico. These data also highlighted a separate, smaller flyway along the eastern and coastal states, but there was a noticeable lack of roost sightings in this flyway at lower latitudes. Since there are few recoveries of marked monarchs in Mexico originating from coastal areas, we compared the timing of roost formation in this ‘eastern’ flyway with the main, central flyway. Roosts in the eastern flyway lagged behind the central roosts in timing, suggesting that monarchs traveling in this flyway have a reduced chance of making it to the Mexico wintering site. Combined, our evidence indicates that locations in the central flyway should be considered priority areas for conserving migration resources.  相似文献   

A taxonomic assessment of four species of octocorals from the northeastern Pacific Ocean (British Columbia to California) is provided. Included here are a new species of clavulariid stolonifieran Cryptophyton, a new species of the nephtheid soft coral Gersemia, an undetermined species of soft coral in the genus Alcyonium that has been referred in the literature by several other names, and a new genus is named for a plexaurid sea fan originally described in the Indo-Pacific genus Euplexaura. Discussions are included that compare the species to related taxa, or provide revisionary assessments.  相似文献   

Addressing population declines of migratory insects requires linking populations across different portions of the annual cycle and understanding the effects of variation in weather and climate on productivity, recruitment, and patterns of long‐distance movement. We used stable H and C isotopes and geospatial modeling to estimate the natal origin of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in eastern North America using over 1000 monarchs collected over almost four decades at Mexican overwintering colonies. Multinomial regression was used to ascertain which climate‐related factors best‐predicted temporal variation in natal origin across six breeding regions. The region producing the largest proportion of overwintering monarchs was the US Midwest (mean annual proportion = 0.38; 95% CI: 0.36–0.41) followed by the north‐central (0.17; 0.14–0.18), northeast (0.15; 0.11–0.16), northwest (0.12; 0.12–0.16), southwest (0.11; 0.08–0.12), and southeast (0.08; 0.07–0.11) regions. There was no evidence of directional shifts in the relative contributions of different natal regions over time, which suggests these regions are comprising the same relative proportion of the overwintering population in recent years as in the mid‐1970s. Instead, interannual variation in the proportion of monarchs from each region covaried with climate, as measured by the Southern Oscillation Index and regional‐specific daily maximum temperature and precipitation, which together likely dictate larval development rates and food plant condition. Our results provide the first robust long‐term analysis of predictors of the natal origins of monarchs overwintering in Mexico. Conservation efforts on the breeding grounds focused on the Midwest region will likely have the greatest benefit to eastern North American migratory monarchs, but the population will likely remain sensitive to regional and stochastic weather patterns.  相似文献   

Every autumn the entire eastern North American population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) undergoes a spectacular migration to overwintering sites in the mountains of central Mexico, where they form massive clusters and can number in the millions. Since their discovery, these sites have been extensively studied, and in many of these studies, monarchs were captured and sexes recorded. In a recent effort to compile the sex ratio data from these published records, a surprising trend was found, which appears to show a gradual decline in proportion of females over time. Sex ratio data from 14 collections of monarchs, all spanning 30 years and totaling 69 113 individuals, showed a significant negative correlation between proportion of females and year (r = −0.69, p = 0.007). Between 1976 and 1985, 53 per cent of overwintering monarchs were female, whereas in the last decade, 43 per cent were female. The relationship was significant with and without weighting the analyses by sampling effort. Moreover, analysis of a recent three-year dataset of sex ratios revealed no variation among nine separate colonies, so differences in sampling location did not influence the trend. Additional evidence from autumn migration collections appears to confirm that proportions of females are declining, and also suggests the sex ratio is shifting on breeding grounds. While breeding monarchs face a number of threats, one possibility is an increase in prevalence of the protozoan parasite, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, which recent evidence shows affects females more so than males. Further study will be needed to determine the exact cause of this trend, but for now it should be monitored closely.  相似文献   

We examine patterns of occurrence of associated dinosaur specimens (n = 343) from the North American Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation and equivalent beds, by comparing their relative abundance in sandstone and mudstone. Ceratopsians preferentially occur in mudstone, whereas hadrosaurs and the small ornithopod Thescelosaurus show a strong association with sandstone. By contrast, the giant carnivore Tyrannosaurus rex shows no preferred association with either lithology. These lithologies are used as an indicator of environment of deposition, with sandstone generally representing river environments, and finer grained sediments typically representing floodplain environments. Given these patterns of occurrence, we argue that spatial niche partitioning helped reduce competition for resources between the herbivorous dinosaurs. Within coastal lowlands ceratopsians preferred habitats farther away from rivers, whereas hadrosaurs and Thescelosaurus preferred habitats in close proximity to rivers, and T. rex, the ecosystem's sole large carnivore, inhabited both palaeoenvironments. Spatial partitioning of the environment helps explain how several species of large herbivorous dinosaurs coexisted. This study emphasizes that different lithologies can preserve dramatically dissimilar vertebrate assemblages, even when deposited in close proximity and within a narrow window of time. The lithology in which fossils are preserved should be recorded as these data can provide unique insights into the palaeoecology of the animals they preserve.  相似文献   

Host susceptibility and patterns of infection are predicted to differ between males and females due to sex-based tradeoffs between the demands of reproduction and costly immune defenses. In this study, we examined immune defenses and the response to experimental infection by a protozoan parasite, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, in male and female monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus. We quantified two measures of immunity in late instar larvae: the concentration of circulating hemocytes and mid-gut phenoloxidase activity, and also quantified final parasite loads, body size, longevity, and wing melanism of adult butterflies. Results showed that females had greater average hemocyte counts than males in the absence of infection; males, but not females, showed an increased concentration of hemocytes in the presence of infection. However, higher hemocyte concentrations in larvae were not significantly correlated with lower adult parasite loads, and mid-gut phenoloxidase activity was not significantly associated with hemocyte counts or parasite treatments. Among unparasitized females, greater hemocyte concentrations were costly in terms of reduced body size, but for parasite-treated females, hemocyte concentrations and body size were positively associated. Across all monarchs, unparasitized butterflies showed greater wing melanism (darker forewings) than parasitized monarchs. Overall, this study provides support for differential costs of immune defenses in male and female monarch butterflies, and a negative association between parasite infection and monarch wing melanism.  相似文献   

Kerr PH 《ZooKeys》2011,(137):41-76
Six new species are described, raising the number of North American Acomoptera species to seven and the genus total to ten, and nearly doubling the number of species within the putative clade containing Acomoptera, Drepanocercus, and Paratinia. These novel species forms have implications for the concept of Acomoptera that in turn, may impact our understanding of its generic relationships and the evolution and composition of Gnoristinae and Sciophilinae. The new species, Acomoptera crispa, Acomoptera digitata, Acomoptera echinosa, Acomoptera forculata, Acomoptera nelsoni,and Acomoptera vockerothi, are compared with the type species of the genus, Acomoptera plexipus (Garrett), whose diagnostic features are imaged and illustrated for the first time. The European species, Acomoptera difficilis (Dziedzicki) is also illustrated and compared. Acomoptera spinistyla (Søli) comb. n. is transferred from Drepanocercus. A key to species is provided. Future work will seek to incorporate this knowledge into a systematic phylogenetic study of relationships between these species and their sister taxa.  相似文献   

The spectral, angular and polarization sensitivities of photoreceptors in the compound eye of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) are examined using electrophysiological methods. Intracellular recordings reveal a spectrally homogenous population of UV receptors with optical axes directed upwards and ≥10° to the contralateral side. Based on optical considerations and on the opsin expression pattern (Sauman et al. 2005), we conclude that these UV receptors belong to the anatomically specialized dorsal rim area (DRA) of the eye. Photoreceptors in the main retina with optical axes <10° contralateral or ipsilateral have maximal sensitivities in the UV (λmax≤340 nm), the blue (λmax=435 nm) or in the long-wave range (green, λmax=540 nm). The polarization sensitivity (PS) of the UV receptors in the DRA is much higher (PS=9.4) than in the UV cells (PS=2.9) or green cells (PS=2.8) of the main retina. The physiological properties of the photoreceptors in the DRA and in the main retina fit closely with the anatomy and the opsin expression patterns described in these eye regions. The data are discussed in the light of present knowledge about polarized skylight navigation in Lepidopterans.  相似文献   

1. We assessed the distribution of scaled chrysophytes in fresh waters along 3200 km of the east coast of North America (29° to 48°N) to determine any biogeographic patterns in relation to chemical, physical, climatic and spatial variables. 2. Scaled chrysophytes were identified using scanning electron microscopy and counted from 264 waterbodies in nine regions (20 subregions). Eighteen chemical, physical and climate variables were determined for each waterbody. We used Sorensen’s similarity index and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) to evaluate whether the floras differed between regions, subregions, glaciated and non‐glaciated areas, as well as within sets of waterbodies with similar chemical and physical characteristics but situated in different regions. Distance‐based linear modelling (DISTLM) was used to evaluate the relative importance of the chemical, physical and climate factors in explaining the variability in the assemblages of scaled chrysophytes, and the resulting models were visualised using redundancy analysis (RDA). 3. Significant differences in the flora were found between all regions and most subregions, and between glaciated and non‐glaciated areas. Significant differences were also recorded between waterbodies with similar chemical and physical characteristics but situated in different regions. Many species were abundant along specific sections of the latitudinal gradient, but lacking from others. A set of environmental variables explained significant and independent portions of the variation in scaled chrysophytes, with pH and mean minimum July temperature accounting for 20% of the total. 4. The distribution of scaled chrysophytes along the east coast of North America is not homogeneous and there are biogeographic patterns, despite apparent dispersal mechanisms (migratory birds and wind events) that might act to reduce differences between regions. Rather, differences exist even between neighbouring subregions containing sites with statistically similar chemical and physical attributes. Environmental variables clearly play a significant role in determining whether species will inhabit a given site. However, species were not always found in waterbodies likely to support growth, implicating inadequate dispersal, poor transportability or both.  相似文献   

Fishes farmed in sea pens may become infested by parasites from wild fishes and in turn become point sources for parasites. Sea lice, copepods of the family Caligidae, are the best-studied example of this risk. Sea lice are the most significant parasitic pathogen in salmon farming in Europe and the Americas, are estimated to cost the world industry €300 million a year and may also be pathogenic to wild fishes under natural conditions.Epizootics, characteristically dominated by juvenile (copepodite and chalimus) stages, have repeatedly occurred on juvenile wild salmonids in areas where farms have sea lice infestations, but have not been recorded elsewhere. This paper synthesizes the literature, including modelling studies, to provide an understanding of how one species, the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, can infest wild salmonids from farm sources. Three-dimensional hydrographic models predicted the distribution of the planktonic salmon lice larvae best when they accounted for wind-driven surface currents and larval behaviour. Caligus species can also cause problems on farms and transfer from farms to wild fishes, and this genus is cosmopolitan. Sea lice thus threaten finfish farming worldwide, but with the possible exception of L. salmonis, their host relationships and transmission adaptations are unknown. The increasing evidence that lice from farms can be a significant cause of mortality on nearby wild fish populations provides an additional challenge to controlling lice on the farms and also raises conservation, economic and political issues about how to balance aquaculture and fisheries resource management.  相似文献   

Herpetogramma sphingealissp. n., a new species of Crambidae (Lepidoptera), is described from Québec, Canada. The species is included in the genus Herpetogramma Led., 1863, a genus in the subfamily Spilomelinae. Adults and genitalia of this species are described and illustrated, as well as those of Herpetogramma aeglealis (Walker, 1859) and Herpetogramma thestealis (Walker, 1859), and adults of the semi-melanic form of Herpetogramma aeglealis are illustrated.  相似文献   

The processes governing the evolution of sexual dimorphism provided a foundation for sexual selection theory. Two alternative processes, originally proposed by Darwin and Wallace, differ primarily in the timing of events creating the dimorphism. In the process advocated by Darwin, a novel ornament arises in a single sex, with no temporal separation in the origin and sex-limitation of the novel trait. By contrast, Wallace proposed a process where novel ornaments appear simultaneously in both sexes, but are then converted into sex-limited expression by natural selection acting against showy coloration in one sex. Here, we investigate these alternative modes of sexual dimorphism evolution in a phylogenetic framework and demonstrate that both processes contribute to dimorphic wing patterns in the butterfly genera Bicyclus and Junonia. In some lineages, eyespots and bands arise in a single sex, whereas in other lineages they appear in both sexes but are then lost in one of the sexes. In addition, lineages displaying sexual dimorphism were more likely to become sexually monomorphic than they were to remain dimorphic. This derived monomorphism was either owing to a loss of the ornament ('drab monomorphism') or owing to a gain of the same ornament by the opposite sex ('mutual ornamentation'). Our results demonstrate the necessity of a plurality in theories explaining the evolution of sexual dimorphism within and across taxa. The origins and evolutionary fate of sexual dimorphism are probably influenced by underlying genetic architecture responsible for sex-limited expression and the degree of intralocus sexual conflict. Future comparative and developmental work on sexual dimorphism within and among taxa will provide a better understanding of the biases and constraints governing the evolution of animal sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Wagner DL  McCabe TL 《ZooKeys》2011,(149):89-101
The adult of a widespread but previously undescribed species of Zanclognatha Lederer is described from eastern North America. Images of the mature larva and life history datafor Zanclognathadentatasp. n. are included, along with a preliminary key to the larvae of ten eastern North American Zanclognatha species.  相似文献   

Zooarchaeological evidence has often been called on to help researchers determine prehistoric relative abundances of elk (Cervus elaphus) in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Some interpret that evidence as indicating elk were abundant; others interpret it as indicating elk were rare. Wildlife biologist Charles Kay argues that prehistoric faunal remains recovered from archaeological sites support his contention that aboriginal hunters depleted elk populations throughout the Intermountain West, including the Yellowstone area. To support his contention Kay cites differences between modern and prehistoric relative abundances of artiodactyls, age and sex demographics of ungulates in the prehistoric record indicating selective predation of prime-age females, and a high degree of fragmentation of artiodactyl bones indicating humans were under nutritional stress. Kay’s data on taxonomic abundances are time and space averaged and thus mask much variation in elk abundances. When these data are not lumped they suggest that elk were at some times, in some places, as abundant as they are today. Data on the age-sex demography of artiodactyl prey are ambiguous or contradict Kay’s predictions. Bone fragmentation data are variously nonexistent or ambiguous. The zooarchaeological implications of Kay’s aboriginal overkill hypothesis have not yet undergone rigorous testing. Insightful comments of two anonymous reviewers helped improve this paper. Lyman earned his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Washington in 1982. His research interests include the cultural and natural history of the Pacific northwestern United States. He is presently a professor in, and chair of, the Department of Anthropology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.  相似文献   

Bousquet Y 《ZooKeys》2012,(163):69-81
A new species of the genus Platynus Bonelli, Platynus daviesi, is described from specimens collected in the Appalachian Mountains. The species is structurally most similar to Platynus parmarginatus Hamilton but differs in having the coloration of the body dorsally darker on average, the elytra proportionally longer and wider, the vertex and disc of pronotum with well impressed microsculpture, the elytral interval 3 with four or five discal setae in most specimens, and the median lobe of aedeagus less curved overall. DNA barcoding was performed on several species of eastern North American Platynus species and Platynus daviesi was found to be genetically distinct from Platynus parmarginatus. A key to the 12 species of Platynus found east of the Mississippi River is provided.  相似文献   

All species of the Xiphinema americanum-group and their synonyms are listed. The North American species reported are listed by state or province. Among these species, X. rivesi has the most widely reported distribution. Six species (X. diffusum, X. floridae, X. laevistriatum, X. luci, X. shell, and X. tarjanense) have been reported from only Florida. The reports of X. pachtaicum, X. sheri, and X. luci did not include morphometrics and need to be confirmed; X. brevicolle from California was identified before Lamberti and Bleve-Zacheo described 15 new species in 1979 and similarly needs to be confirmed. Because of the proliferation of species in this group, reports of X. americanum (sensu stricto) before 1979 are questionable. Extraction techniques for longidorids are discussed.  相似文献   

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