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Based on previous research in captivity, bonobos, Pan paniscus, have been called a female-bonded species. However, genetic and behavioural data indicate that wild females migrate. Bonding between these unrelated females would then be in contradiction with socio-ecological models. It has been argued that female bonding has been overemphasized in captive bonobos. We examine patterns of proximity, grooming and support behaviour in six well established captive groups of bonobos. We find that female bonding was not a typical characteristic of all captive bonobo groups. In only two groups there was a trend for females to prefer proximity with other females over association with males. We found no evidence that following or grooming between females was more frequent than between males and unrelated females or between males. Only in coalitions, females supported each other more than male–female or male–male dyads. We also investigated five mother–son pairs. Grooming was more frequent among mothers and sons than in any other dyad, but sons did not groom their mothers more than males groomed unrelated females. Mothers groomed their sons, or provided more support to them than females groomed or supported unrelated males. Thus, while bonds between females were clearly present, intersexual relations between males and either unrelated females or their mothers are of more, or equal importance.  相似文献   

I studied dominance relations in a wild group of bonobos at Wamba, Democratic Republic of Congo. Although agonistic interactions between males occurred frequently, most of them consisted only of display, and physical attacks were infrequent. Dominance rank order seemed to exist among males, but its linearity is unclear. Dominant males rarely disturbed copulatory behavior by subordinate males. However, high-ranking males usually stayed in the central position of the mixed party and, so, would have more chance of access to estrous females. Among females, older individuals tended to be dominant over younger individuals. However, agonistic interactions between females occurred rather infrequently, and most consisted of displacement without any overt aggressive behavior. Dominance between males and females is unclear, but females tended to have priority of access to food. The close social status between males and females may be related to the prolonged estrus of females and their close aggregation during ranging. Existence of a male's mother in the group and her dominance status among females seemed to influence his dominance rank among males. Young adult males whose mothers were alive in the group tended to have high status. In some cases, change in dominance between high-ranking males was preceded by a corresponding change in dominance between their mothers. As the dominance status of females is similar to that of males, mothers may be able to support their sons to achieve high status, stay in the center of the mixed party, and so have greater access to females, which may maximize the number of descendants of the mothers.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of support behaviour within a captive group of bonobos. Most support was evoked by inter-sexual conflicts with the two highest ranking females. Within a dyad, the usual winner was most often supported. Individuals that challenged the rank order by aggressions and pestering were aggressed more often by their targets in the company of an ally. The two lowest ranking males served as scapegoats, receiving 80% of the contra-support. In coalitions, inviduals did not aggress victims they would not dare to attack without supporters. However, the victims of coalitions reacted more strongly with fear and rarely counteraggressed than when being attacked alone, indicative of the high impact of aggression in support. The alpha female showed some control behaviour when intervening in conflicts. The data fitted with several functional hypotheses: coalitions functioned to maintain existing ranks, to acquire ranks, to reduce tension, and to test or strengthen the bond. We suggest that support behaviour fulfilled a crucial role in the maintenance of the power of the two highest ranking females over the males. Among the females themselves the dominance relationships were not based on coalitions, but on individual attributes.  相似文献   

The question of whether bonobos show feeding priority and female dominance has been proposed and examined, both in the wild and in captive studies, with differing results. The relationship between female dominance and female feeding priority has been best studied in prosimian primates. These studies use established criteria of females consistently evoking submissive behavior from males in dyadic encounters for determining female dominance. Although the relationship is complex, female dominance in prosimians is associated with preferential access to food. Data from studies of wild habituated bonobos in the Lomako Forest, Democratic Republic of the Congo, are examined for evidence of both female feeding priority and female social dominance using similar criteria as used for prosimians. Bonobos showed evidence of female feeding priority in small, but not in large, food patches. Male-male competition for mating opportunities at the start of the food bout was related to some, but not all, differences in time spent feeding between the sexes. Female dominance similar to that seen in prosimians was not observed in these bonobos. Males were consistently dominant in dyadic interactions. Female feeding priority with male dyadic social dominance implies that male deference during feeding cannot be excluded as one explanation of interpretations of female dominance in bonobos. Additionally, dominance of male bonobos by females appears to require the presence of female coalition partners. As in other primates with female feeding priority, bonobo females express this trait where food is economically defendable. Unlike prosimians, however, bonobo female feeding priority may result from male deference and the importance of female coalitions in nondyadic interactions.  相似文献   

Male mating success in a multimale–multifemale group can depend on several variables: body condition, dominance, coalitions, “friendship,” or an exchange of services for mating access. Exchange patterns may also be determined by market effects or social relationships. We studied the mating tactics of males in a captive, multimale–multifemale group of rhesus macaques and the resulting patterns of mating and paternity to determine the influence of dominance rank, mating markets, and relationship quality on their mating tactics. Male rank was positively related to the total number of copulations and the number of mating partners, but did not explain male mating distribution completely. Moreover, male fertilization success was not related to male rank. Males did not exchange grooming for mating access on the same day and neither the supply nor the rank (as a proxy for quality) of receptive females affected the amount of male grooming, suggesting that market effects did not explain male mating access. However, there was a positive correlation between long-term grooming patterns of both males and females and mating access, indicating that social relationships were important for male mating access. Paternity data revealed that these social relationships were also important for male reproductive success. We conclude that both male rank and male–female “friendship” determined male mating access in these rhesus macaques, but that “friendship” was more important in determining paternity, emphasizing the importance of intersex social bonds in male mating success in multimale primate societies.  相似文献   

Five adult and subadult sons of middle- and low-ranking female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were observed to hold high dominance rank in their natal groups during a 12-month study at Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. Three of these males also experienced high mating success during at least one mating season. These findings contrast with all previously published accounts of rank acquisition by natal male rhesus macaques in provisioned colonies, and they present a challenge to the hypothesis that natal transfer functions to increase male access to fertile females.  相似文献   

Allogrooming contributes to the development and maintenance of social relationships, including those that involve alliances, in many primate species. Variation in relatedness, dominance rank, and other factors can produce variation in the value of others as grooming partners. Several models have been developed to account for variation in the distribution of grooming in relation to dominance ranks. These start from the premise that individuals are attracted to high-ranking partners, but time limits, direct competition, and prior grooming engagement between high-ranking individuals can constrain access to them. Sambrook et al. (1995) formalized some of these models and showed the importance of taking group size variation into account when assessing them. Chimpanzees form multimale communities in which males are the philopatric sex. Males commonly associate and groom with each other; they also form dominance hierarchies and form alliances that influence dominance ranks and mating success. Both male rank and the rank distance between partners are significantly correlated with the distribution of grooming between males in an extremely large chimpanzee community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, that has more males than any other known community. High-ranking males had more grooming partners than mid- or low-ranking males. Grooming predominantly went up the dominance hierarchy, but was also concentrated among males that were close in rank. Rank and rank distance apparently both affected grooming independently of reciprocity in grooming and independently of the frequency with which males associated in temporary parties. However, the data do not clearly indicate how constraints on access to partners might have operated. Published data from a smaller chimpanzee community at Mahale show no rank or rank distance effect on male grooming. These results and earlier, conflicting findings on the association between dominance rank and grooming in male chimpanzees indicate that variation in group size, i.e., the number of males per community, probably influences the strength of any such effects, as happens for grooming between females in several cercopithecine species. Data on coalitions at Ngogo support the argument that high-ranking males are valuable social partners, and similarity in strategies of alliance formation may influence the distribution of grooming.  相似文献   

Differences in social relationships among community members are often explained by differences in genetic relationships. The current techniques of DNA analysis allow explicit testing of such a hypothesis. Here, we have analysed the genetic relationships for a community of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers extracted from faecal samples. Bonobos show an opportunistic and promiscuous mating behaviour, even with mates from outside the community. Nonetheless, we find that most infants were sired by resident males and that two dominant males together attained the highest paternity success. Intriguingly, the latter males are the sons of high-ranking females, suggesting an important influence of mothers on the paternity success of their sons. The molecular data support previous inferences on female dispersal and male philopatry. We find a total of five different mitochondrial haplotypes among 15 adult females, suggesting a frequent migration of females. Moreover, for most adult and subadult males in the group we find a matching mother, while this is not the case for most females, indicating that these leave the community during adolescence. Our study demonstrates that faecal samples can be a useful source for the determination of kinship in a whole community.  相似文献   

This study, based on 687 hr of focal observations, aims to describe overall patterns of the sexual behavior of the adult male chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains, to compare the results with previous reports, and to explain the variations between studies. Genital inspection of cycling females by adult males was eight times as frequent as that of lactating females, and twice as frequent as that of pregnant females. Inspection of the genitals of cycling females increased dramatically 7–10 days before the onset of maximal swelling and gradually decreased as the day of ovulation approached. Adult males likely obtained information on the attractivity of females by inspecting their genitals. Mating was usually initiated by male courtship and followed by pelvic thrusts in a dorsoventral posture, performed on, rather than above, the ground, which continued for 7 s. on average, and was typically followed by female squeaking and darting from the male, or by the male grooming the female. Higher-ranking males mated with females in the peri-ovulatory period more frequently than did lower-ranking males. In particular, two alpha males mated with such females more often than did any other adult males. A male who interfered with a mating pair was dominant over the mating male in other agonistic contexts. The duration of intromission was correlated with neither dominance rank nor age. However, when an adult male declined in rank from alpha in 1991 to third in 1992, he showed a significantly shorter duration of intromission. This indicates that for a particular male, the alpha rank guaranteed longer duration of intromission. Allies of alpha males tended to mate with peri-ovulatory females more frequently than expected from their low dominance ranks. The number of mating partners was not correlated with male dominance rank, but was sometimes negatively correlated with male age. Females were significantly more likely to emit a copulatory squeak when mating with younger, rather than older, adult males. Male dominance rank and the rate of female copulatory squeaking were not correlated. Weaning infants regularly interfered with their mothers' mating. Occasionally, unrelated adolescent males and rarely females pushed themselves in between copulating adults. Female choice was indicated when they performed a “penis erection check” or took the initiative in courtship, or on the other hand showed strong reluctance to mate with particular males. Young adult males more often received erection checks than did prime males, while none of the three old adult males did. Courtship initiated by estrous females was not directed to two of the oldest males, the exception of which was the alpha male. The oldest males, except for the alpha, were consistently avoided by many estrous females, both young and old. In response to female reluctance, males behaved violently, however, this was not effective, because other more dominant males came to rescue the female. Neither courtship nor mating was seen between mature sons and their mothers, nor between brothers and sisters.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(5):1510-1527
A 4-year study of the social organization of spotted hyaenas in a clan of 60–80 individuals showed that there is a separate dominance hierarchy within each sex. One female and her descendants dominated all others; matrilineal rankings were stable over time because maternal rank is inherited. Cubs of higher ranking females were able to feed at kills in competition with adults more successfully than other cubs, and male offspring of the alpha female were the only males able to dominate adult females. The mating system is highly polygynous: only the behaviourally dominant male was seen to mate, though all other resident males regularly courted females. Among females, there was no correlation between reproductive success and age, size, or social rank. It is postulated that the unusually aggressive sons of the alpha female would probably be highly successful competitors in the context of a polygynous mating system. A primary consequence of female dominance over males is that females and their young have priority of access to food in a highly competitive feeding situation. This competition may have been the selective force that produced female dominance and the associated syndrome of female virilization that is characteristic of the species. Cooperation among related females may be the basis for the matrilineal system, as has been suggested for certain primate species.  相似文献   

In many animals, variance in male mating success is strongly correlated with male dominance rank or some other measure of fighting ability. Studies in primates, however, have varied greatly in whether they detect a relationship between male dominance rank and mating success. This variability has led to debate about the nature of the relation between rank and mating success in male primates. We contribute to the resolution of this debate by presenting an analysis of the relationship between dominance rank and male mating success over 32 group-years in a population of wild savannah baboons. When data were pooled over the entire period, higher-ranking males had greater access to fertile females. However, when we examined successive 6-month blocks, we found variance in the extent to which rank predicted mating success. In some periods, the dominance hierarchy functioned as a queue in which males waited for mating opportunities, so that rank predicted mating success. In other periods, the queuing system broke down, and rank failed to predict mating success when many adult males were in the group, when males in the group differed greatly in age, and when the highest-ranking male maintained his rank for only short periods. The variance within this single population is similar to the variance observed between populations of baboons and between species of primates. Our long-term results provide strong support for the proposition that this variance is not an artefact of methodological differences between short-term studies, but is due to true variance in the extent to which high-ranking males are able to monopolize access to females. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In polygynous, sexual dimorphic species with higher variance in male reproductive success compared with females, females are expected to invest more heavily in sons than daughters within the constraints imposed by their physical condition (Science 1973; 179:90). Mothers in good condition, usually those of high rank, should produce more sons than females in poor condition or of low rank. We investigated sex allocation and sex‐biased maternal investment in a population of wild Hanuman langurs using rank and group size as approximations of female physical condition. Our results show that reproductive costs of sons were higher with both significantly longer interbirth intervals following male births and longer lactational periods for sons. Not in all groups did analyses of rank‐dependent sex allocation reveal the expected pattern of high‐ranking mothers producing more sons. However, sex ratio was significantly influenced by group size, with females from larger groups, i.e., in worse physical condition, producing a daughter‐biased sex ratio. In fact, only females of population‐wide superior physical condition can be expected to produce sons, because in Hanuman langurs males disperse and compete population‐wide. Thus, our results support the Trivers–Willard model and may explain the mixed evidence accruing from studies of single groups. We present a graphical model of how group size and dominance‐related differences in energy gain may influence sex allocation under different competitive regimes relative to overall resource availability. Tests of adaptive sex allocation models should consider whether reproductive competition of the preferred sex takes place primarily within a group or within the population.  相似文献   

Given the costs of multiple mating, why has female polyandry evolved? Utetheisa ornatrix moths are well suited for studying multiple mating in females because females are highly polyandrous over their life span, with each male mate transferring a substantial spermatophore with both genetic and nongenetic material. The accumulation of resources might explain the prevalence of polyandry in this species, but another, not mutually exclusive, possibility is that females mate multiply to increase the probability that their sons will inherit more‐competitive sperm. This latter “sexy‐sperm” hypothesis posits that female multiple mating and male sperm competitiveness coevolve via a Fisherian runaway process. We tested the sexy‐sperm hypothesis by using competitive double matings to compare the sperm competition success of sons of polyandrous versus monandrous females. In accordance with sexy‐sperm theory, we found that in 511 offspring across 17 families, the male whose polyandrous mother mated once with each of three different males sired significantly more of all total offspring (81%) than did the male whose monandrous mother was mated thrice to a single male. Interestingly, sons of polyandrous mothers had a significantly biased sex ratio of their brood toward sons, also in support of the hypothesis.  相似文献   

In some primate species dominance rank of males is correlated with reproductive success, whereas in other species this relationship is inconsistent. Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) live in a promiscuous mating system in which males are ranked in a dominance hierarchy that influences their access to females. High-ranking males usually monopolize fertile females during their estrous period and show increased mating activities. Subadult males generally rank below adult males. For Barbary macaque females in the Gibraltar colony, there was no correlation between dominance status and reproductive success. Paternity data for 31 offspring collected over four consecutive breeding seasons were used to test whether male social rank was associated with reproductive success and whether reproductive success was mainly confined to a small number of males. Genetic variation was assessed using 14 microsatellite markers for a dataset of 127 individuals sampled in all five social groups of the Gibraltar colony. Paternity analysis was conducted for offspring in one social group only, where all in-group males were sampled. Eighty-three percent of the offspring could be assigned to an in-group candidate father; none of the extra-group males appeared to have sired an infant. Male dominance rank was not found to contribute to the observed variation in male reproductive output. Fifty-nine percent of the offspring was sired by two low-ranking males, whereas the two top-ranking males sired one-fifth. A highly significant correlation was found for male age and dominance rank. Reproductive success of subadult males might be explained by the gap in the age distribution of male group members. These missing prime males are usually regarded as serious competitors for older males. Subadult males may have gained easier access to females in their absence. In addition, the presence of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms, which might also have overpowered possible rank effects, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

While studies of sexual selection focus primarily on female choice and male-male competition, males should also exert mate choice in order to maximize their reproductive success. We examined male mate choice in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, with respect to female size and female dominance. We found that the number of mating attempts made by a male was predicted by the dominance rank of females in a group, with dominant females attracting more mating attempts than subordinates. The number of mating attempts made by males was independent of the female size. The observed bias in the number of mating attempts towards dominant females may be driven either by straightforward male mate choice, since dominance and female fecundity are often closely related, or via the dominant females mediating male mating behaviour by restricting their access to subordinate females.  相似文献   

Demographic changes were recorded throughout a 12-year period for three social groups ofMacaca fascicularis in a natural population at Ketambe (Sumatra, Indonesia). We examined the prediction that females' lifetime reproductive success depended on dominance rank and group size. Average birth rate was 0.53 (184 infants born during 349 female years). For mature females (aged 8–20 yr) birth rate reflected physical condition, being higher in years with high food availability and lower in the year following the production of a surviving infant. High-ranking females were significantly more likely than low-ranking ones to give birth again when they did have a surviving offspring born the year before (0.50 vs 0.26), especially in years with relatively low food availability (0.37 vs 0.10). Controlled comparisons of groups at different sizes indicate a decline in birth rate with rroup size only once a group has exceeded a certain size. The dominance effect on birth rate tended to be strongest in large groups. Survival of infants was rank-dependent, but the survival of juveniles was not. There was a trend for offspring survival to be lower in large groups than in mid-sized or small groups. However, rank and group size interacted, in that rank effects on offspring survival were strongest in large groups. High-ranking females were less likely to die themselves during their top-reproductive years, and thus on average had longer reproductive careers. We estimated female lifetime reproductive success based on calculated age-specific birth rates and survival rates. The effects of rank and group size (contest and scramble) on birth rate, offspring survival, age of first reproduction for daughters, and length of reproductive career, while not each consistently statistically significant, added up to substantial effects on estimated lifetime reproductive success. The group size effects explain why large groups tend to split permanently. Since females are philopatric in this species, and daughters achieve dominance rank positions similar to their mother, a close correlation is suggested between the lifetime reproductive success of mothers and daughters. For sons, too, maternal dominance affected their reproductive success: high-born males were more likely to become top-dominant (in another group). These data support the idea that natural selection has favored the evolution of a nepotistic rank system in this species, even if the annual benefits of dominance are small.  相似文献   

In polygynous species with biparental care, the amount of paternal support often varies considerably. In the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), females mated with monogamous males receive more male assistance during the nestling phase than females mated with bigynous males, as the latter have to share their mates with another female. Bigynous males, however, give more support to their primary broods than to their secondary broods. Using a long-term dataset (31 years), the present study revealed that direct reproductive success, i.e. number of fledglings, was lower in females that mated with bigynous males, especially in secondary broods without male assistance, than in females that mated with monogamous males. Secondary broods with male assistance were more affected than primary broods. Female survival was independent of mating status. In primary broods, a delayed compensation for inferior direct reproductive success was found in terms of the number of grandoffspring, a phenomenon that did not occur in secondary broods. Delayed compensation in primary broods refers to indirect effects, i.e. good genes. According to the sexy son hypothesis, genetically superior (i.e. sexy) males may have sons with a higher number of broods belonging to a polygynous breeding status than do sons from broods with a monogamous father. This was indeed the case for sons descending from primary broods, but not for sons descending from secondary broods.  相似文献   

Although secondary sexual adornments are widespread in male primates, few studies have examined female choice for these characters. Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) present an extreme example of sexual dimorphism, with males exhibiting an array of striking adornments. The most dominant adult male in a group exhibits the brightest and most extensive red coloration, while the other males are less brightly colored. I examined whether female mandrills prefer brightly colored males using data on periovulatory sexual behavior during the 1996 mating season for all males 8 years old (n = 5) and all parous females (n = 9) in a semifree-ranging colony at CIRMF, Gabon. Brightness of male coloration is significantly positively correlated with time spent within 2 m of females, female responsibility for proximity, number of sexual presentations received, % approaches accepted by females, and % inspections with which females cooperated. Females also groomed only the brightest male. Behaviors indicating female preference are not correlated significantly with male dominance rank, and partial correlations confirm that the influence of male color on female behavior is stronger than that of male rank. With the influence of male dominance rank controlled, correlation coefficients between female behaviors and male mating success are high and positive. In further support of the hypothesis that females show mate choice for brightly colored males, independent of dominance rank, I report an unusual case wherein the alpha male fell in rank without loss of coloration. He experienced no significant change in female responsibility for proximity, sexual presentations received, or female reaction to approaches or inspections, though he was no longer observed to mate. Accordingly, female mandrills attend to differences in male secondary sexual characters and favor brightly colored males. As brightly colored males are also dominant this reinforces the influence of male-male competition on male reproductive success and may explain the very high reproductive skew in mandrill males and their extraordinary appearance.  相似文献   

In long–lived social mammals such as primates, individuals can benefit from social bonds with close kin, including their mothers. In the patrilocal chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes spp.) and bonobo (Pan paniscus), sexually mature males reside and reproduce in their natal groups and can retain post-dependency bonds with their mothers, while immatures of both sexes might also have their paternal grandmothers available. However, quantitative information on the proportion of males and immatures that co-reside with both types of these close female relatives is limited for both species. Combining genetic parentage determination and group composition data from five communities of wild chimpanzees and three communities of wild bonobos, we estimated the frequency of co-residence between (1) mature males and their mothers, and (2) immature males and females and their paternal grandmothers. We found that adult males resided twice as frequently with their mothers in bonobos than in chimpanzees, and that immature bonobos were three times more likely to possess a living paternal grandmother than were immature chimpanzees. Patterns of female and male survivorship from studbook records of captive individuals of both species suggest that mature bonobo females survive longer than their chimpanzee counterparts, possibly contributing to the differences observed in mother–son and grandmother–immature co-residency levels. Taking into account reports of bonobo mothers supporting their sons'' mating efforts and females sharing food with immatures other than their own offspring, our findings suggest that life history traits may facilitate maternal and grandmaternal support more in bonobos than in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Male–male competition for access to receptive females can take the form of nonrecurring fights and/or a sustained contest over mating opportunities. Male physical condition has been linked to dominance rank and reproductive success in species characterized by intrasexual fights for dominance and access to females. In group-living species characterized by endurance rivalry, however, factors contributing to male reproductive success are less well understood. In such species, particularly seasonally breeding ones with low sexual dimorphism and seniority-based rank, age and social factors other than rank may prove important. In the absence of genetic data, male mate guarding or consortship can serve as an indicator of male reproductive success. To evaluate the contribution of age and intragroup sociality to male consortship rate, I collected behavioral data during one nonmating and one mating season in two social groups of free-ranging rhesus macaques that experience no predation or food scarcity. Higher-ranking males, younger males, or males that exhibited lower rate of intrasexual aggression had higher consortship rates. Male–female dyads that groomed outside consortship did not form consortships as often as dyads that did not engage in nonconsort grooming. This is the first study to identify the significance of male–male aggression and male–female affiliation to male consortship rate in a species characterized by endurance rivalry, high male rank stability, and strong female mate choice. Social behaviors and male age may be particularly important in determining male reproductive success in populations experiencing high food availability and a lack of predation, which are typical of an increasing number of vertebrates in areas densely populated by humans.  相似文献   

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