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The pattern of locomotor (walking) activity was studied in adult males and females of short‐winged (brachypterous) and long‐winged (macropterous) morph of the flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) under constant laboratory conditions. Walking activity was measured with a computerized video system and analysed with respect to sex, physiological status (reproduction, diapause and reproductive arrest of non‐diapause type) and wing dimorphism of the bugs. The largest duration was observed in the macropterous females with reproductive arrest of non‐diapause type (average 6 h per day) and the shortest duration in diapausing brachypterous females and males (average less than 2 h per day). This was reflected also in the overall time spent by walking during the first 14 days after imaginal ecdysis. The time spent by walking significantly increased in the macropterous morph as the bugs aged, whereas in diapausing brachypters the time spent by walking decreased with age. No linear relationship between walking activity and age was found in reproductive brachypterous morph. The bugs of all experimental groups moved mostly during the photophase and were almost inactive during the scotophase. Thus, walking activity in P. apterus is diurnal, irrespective of the wing morph, physiological status, sex and age. Contrary to the macropterous morph, where the locomotor activity of females during photophase was significantly higher than in males, no significant differences were found between the locomotor activities of brachypterous males and females. The observed differences in locomotor activity are discussed in relation to different roles of two wing morphs in the life history of this heteropteran.  相似文献   

Three experimental groups of adult females (reproductive and diapausing brachypters, and macropters with reproductive arrest) of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) from a temperate population were analysed for their adipokinetic responses. The adipokinetic response, expressed as an increase of haemolymph lipids after injection of adipokinetic hormone from Locusta migratoria (Lom-AKH-I), was assessed in relation to age, wing dimorphism and type of reproductive arrest. Two pmols of Lom-AKH-I were used for determination of adipokinetic responses. The increase of haemolymph lipids in all experimental groups of females induced by this dose of the hormone was comparable with that induced by crude extract of the bug’s own corpora cardiaca. The level of adipokinetic response after injection of 2 pmol of Lom-AKH-I was significantly higher in macropterous and diapausing brachypterous females than in reproductive brachypterous females. However, significantly higher contents of haemolymph lipids in control macropterous females than those found in the control reproductive and diapausing brachypterous females of the corresponding age revealed wing-morph-related differences in lipid metabolism. The observed wing morph- and diapause-related differences in the content of haemolymph lipids and adipokinetic response, respectively, are discussed in relation to the different roles of two wing morphs in the life history of this heteropteran.  相似文献   

In spite of the existence of many experimental studies on the function of warning coloration in insects, little is known about the universality of reactions of different predators towards a particular warning signal. Reactions of nine passerine bird species, namely Parus major , Parus caeruleus , Aegithalos caudatus , Erithacus rubecula , Turdus merula , Sylvia atricapilla , Fringilla coelebs , Carduelis chloris and Emberiza citrinella , to the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus wildtype (brachypterous adults) and its artificially obtained (painted) brown non-aposematic variant were compared. Most insectivorous birds (great tits, blue tits, robins and blackcaps) distinguished between aposematic and non-aposematic bugs, attacking the former less often. Partly granivorous buntings and finches did not distinguish between them, and attacked both variants equally. As all the birds were caught in the wild, the results can be interpreted in terms of the presence of a higher proportion of experienced individuals among insectivorous than among omnivorous species. Two insectivorous species differed from others. The heaviest blackbird attacked and killed aposematic as well as non-aposematic firebugs, and, in contrast, the lightest long-tailed tit avoided both variants. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 517–525.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The present study tested whether the pattern of feeding activity in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) is sex- and wing morph-related, diurnal or nocturnal, as well as whether the feeding rhythm persists in constant darkness. Temporal patterns of feeding activity are analysed in macropterous and brachypterous adults reared under long-day (LD 18 : 6 h) and short-day (LD 12 : 12 h) photoperiods, and in adults transferred to constant darkness. In females, the total feeding activity is highest in long-day reproductively active brachypters, intermediate in short-day diapausing brachypters, and lowest in macropters; the differences among males are substantially smaller. Although the total feeding activity of macropterous males is higher than in macropterous females, no sex-related differences are found in feeding activity of diapausing and reproductively active brachypters. The frequency of feeding exhibits sex-related differences, with obviously higher values in males. Mean feeding periods of macropterous and reproductively active brachypterous males are shorter than in females of the same wing morph. Mean interfeeding periods are longest in macropters, intermediate in diapausing brachypters, and shortest in reproductively active brachypters, and always lower in males than in females. The study shows that the feeding activity of P. apterus adults is age-, sex- and wing morph-related, and exhibits a diurnal pattern, except in reproductively active brachypterous females. The latter do not express a clear diurnal rhythm of feeding, presumably because of interactions with cycles of egg development and oviposition. The persistence of diurnal rhythm of feeding activity in short-day brachypterous females transferred to constant darkness indicates an endogeneity of this rhythm in P. apterus .  相似文献   

Abstract. The red firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.), was shown not to be strictly a monovoltine species in Czechoslovakia. A second generation arises from eggs laid by females emerging between June and the beginning of August. Oviposition takes place before diapause is induced in the females by shortening of photophase. Adults that moult later, enter diapause without having laid eggs.
Electrophoretic patterns of haemolymph proteins of adults collected in the field throughout a year showed a characteristic temporal pattern of changes correlated not only with the stages of ovarian development, but also with the progression of diapause and post-diapause quiescence. The changes mainly concerned vitellogenin and polypeptides of molecular weight 78 and 80 kDa.
Vitellogenin was present only in the haemolymph of reproductive females. The polypeptides of 78 and 80 kDa, belonging to the group of storage proteins, accumulated conspicuously in the haemolymph of adults undergoing diapause and post-diapause quiescence. However, the occurrence of these polypeptides seems not to be connected exclusively with cold, because their titres increased with the length of diapause development, even in diapausing adults reared in the laboratory at a constant 26.C  相似文献   

We investigated how predator/prey body‐size ratio and prey colour pattern affected efficacy of prey warning signals. We used great and blue tits (Parus major and Cyanistes caeruleus), comprising closely related and ecologically similar bird species differing in body size, as experimental predators. Two larval instars and adults of the unpalatable red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), differing in body size and/or coloration, were used as prey. We showed that prey body size did not influence whether a predator attacked the prey or not during the first encounter. However, smaller prey were attacked, killed, and eaten more frequently in repetitive encounters. We assumed that body size influences the predator through the amount of repellent chemicals better than through the amount of optical warning signal. The larger predator attacked, killed and ate all forms of firebug more often than the smaller one. The difference between both predators was more pronounced in less protected forms of firebug (chemically as well as optically). Colour pattern also substantially affected the willingness of predators to attack the prey. Larval red–black coloration did not provide a full‐value warning signal, although a similarly conspicuous red‐black coloration of the adults reliably protected them. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 890–898.  相似文献   

Odours of vertebrates often contain information about the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), and are used in kin recognition, mate choice or female investment in pregnancy. It is, however, still unclear whether MHC-linked signals can also affect male reproductive strategies. We used horses (Equus caballus) to study this question under experimental conditions. Twelve stallions were individually exposed either to an unfamiliar MHC-similar mare and then to an unfamiliar MHC-dissimilar mare, or vice versa. Each exposure lasted over a period of four weeks. Peripheral blood testosterone levels were determined weekly. Three ejaculates each were collected in the week after exposure to both mares (i.e. in the ninth week) to determine mean sperm number and sperm velocity. We found high testosterone levels when stallions were kept close to MHC-dissimilar mares and significantly lower ones when kept close to MHC-similar mares. Mean sperm number per ejaculate (but not sperm velocity) was positively correlated to mean testosterone levels and also affected by the order of presentation of mares: sperm numbers were higher if MHC-dissimilar mares were presented last than if MHC-similar mares were presented last. We conclude that MHC-linked signals influence testosterone secretion and semen characteristics, two indicators of male reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract Two different methods of applying Pya -AKH to long-winged (macropterous) females of the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera) were compared: both injection and topical application increased the levels of lipids in the haemolymph and stimulated locomotor activity. Lipid mobilization was maximal when 10 pmol was applied by injection or 40–100 pmol by topical application, with the first significant responses occurring 1.5 h after injection and 2 h after topical application. The highest elevations of lipid concentration in the haemolymph were comparable between the treatments, i.e. 14.36 ± 3.59 mg/mL for injection and 14.43 ± 4.07 mg/mL for topical application. However, these maximal elevations were achieved at different times: 3 h after the injection and 7 h after the topical application.
Injection of 10 and 40 pmol of Pya -AKH stimulated locomotor activity with maximal activity 3 h later but, surprisingly, injection of 80 pmol showed no effect initially and than a slight inhibitory effect after 6–8 h.
Increased locomotor activity was found after topical application of Pya -AKH, but the response was lower than after injection and appeared later, 5–9 h after the hormone application. In addition, the greatest increase in walking activity required topical application of 300 pmol and was still less dramatic than the response to injection. The stimulatory effect of Pya -AKH on locomotion was positively correlated with its effect on lipid mobilization only for injection of the hormone. It is argued that a stress caused by injection could play a role in the appearance of the complex response to adipokinetic hormone.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a common morphological trait in ungulates, with polygyny considered the leading driver of larger male body mass and weapon size. However, not all polygynous species exhibit SSD, while molecular evidence has revealed a more complex relationship between paternity and mating system than originally predicted. SSD is, therefore, likely to be shaped by a range of social, ecological and physiological factors. We present the first definitive analysis of SSD in the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) using a unique morphological dataset collected from 2994 aged individuals. The results confirm that hippos exhibit SSD, but the mean body mass differed by only 5% between the sexes, which is rather limited compared with many other polygynous ungulates. However, jaw and canine mass are significantly greater in males than females (44% and 81% heavier, respectively), highlighting the considerable selection pressure for acquiring larger weapons. A predominantly aquatic lifestyle coupled with the physiological limitations of their foregut fermenting morphology likely restricts body size differences between the sexes. Indeed, hippos appear to be a rare example among ungulates whereby sexual selection favours increased weapon size over body mass, underlining the important role that species-specific ecology and physiology have in shaping SSD.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to study, with the use of video-recordering and computerized methods, the flight and wing movement behavior in two wing morphs of the flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus during the first 14 days of their adult life. We demonstrated the capability of macropterous males and females of this heteropteran to flap their fore- and hindwings for the first time. Flight was not observed in any of the tested males and females. We revealed that wing flapping does not occur earlier than on the fourth and fifth day after adult emergence in males and females, respectively. Time-series analysis of the obtained data showed that the maximum activity of wing flaps is limited to the light phase of the 12-h light/12-h dark photocycle, with the peak occurring in the morning, i.e., about 3 h after turning the light on. No substantial differences in the peaks of wing flapping activities in males versus females were found. The present paper is the first experimental demonstration of wing flap activity in a representative species with a nonfunctional alary polymorphism.  相似文献   

Symbiotic bacteria often play an essential nutritional role for insects, thereby allowing them to exploit novel food sources and expand into otherwise inaccessible ecological niches. Although many insects are inhabited by complex microbial communities, most studies on insect mutualists so far have focused on single endosymbionts and their interactions with the host. Here, we provide a comprehensive characterization of the gut microbiota of the red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus, Hemiptera, Pyrrhocoridae), a model organism for physiological and endocrinological research. A combination of several culture‐independent techniques (454 pyrosequencing, quantitative PCR and cloning/sequencing) revealed a diverse community of likely transient bacterial taxa in the mid‐gut regions M1, M2 and M4. However, the completely anoxic M3 region harboured a distinct microbiota consisting of facultative and obligate anaerobes including Actinobacteria (Coriobacterium glomerans and Gordonibacter sp.), Firmicutes (Clostri‐dium sp. and Lactococcus lactis) and Proteobacteria (Klebsiella sp. and a previously undescribed Rickettsiales bacterium). Characterization of the M3 microbiota in different life stages of P. apterus indicated that the symbiotic bacterial community is vertically transmitted and becomes well defined between the second and third nymphal instar, which coincides with the initiation of feeding. Comparing the mid‐gut M3 microbial communities of P. apterus individuals from five different populations and after feeding on three different diets revealed that the community composition is qualitatively and quantitatively very stable, with the six predominant taxa being consistently abundant. Our findings suggest that the firebug mid‐gut microbiota constitutes a functionally important and possibly coevolved symbiotic community.  相似文献   

The reproductive and diapausing adult females of brachypterous morph and macropterous females with reproductive arrest of non-diapause type, originating from the laboratory cultures of Pyrrhocoris apterus, were studied for their feeding and drinking behaviour, digestive enzyme activities, and carbohydrate and lipid contents. The highest feeding and drinking activities were observed in reproductive brachypters, the lowest in macropters. Macropters also differed from brachypters by lower activities of gut lipase, peptidase and protease, lower concentration of haemolymph sugars, and lower weight of fat body, which probably reflects their low feeding activity. The total content of fat body lipids was also lower in macropters (0.6 mg) than in reproductive and diapausing brachypters (4.6 and 7.5 mg, respectively) on day 14. A very high amount of glycogen was found in the fat body of diapausing brachypters, 363 micrograms on day 14, as opposed to 15 and 80 micrograms in macropterous and reproductive brachypterous females, respectively. The obtained data indicate that the most important difference between macropterous and brachypterous females with different types of reproductive arrest consists of an enhanced mobilization of lipids for dispersal in macropters and accumulation of energetic reserves for hibernation in brachypters.  相似文献   

We expect that sexual selection may play an important role in the evolution of mushroom-forming basidiomycete fungi. Although these fungi do not have separate sexes, they do play female and male roles: the acceptance and the donation of a nucleus, respectively. The primary mycelium (monokaryon) of basidiomycete fungi, growing from a germinating sexual spore, is hermaphroditic, but it loses female function upon the acceptance of a second nucleus. The resulting dikaryon with two different nuclei in each cell retains a male potential as both nuclei can fertilize receptive mycelia. We tested the occurrence of sexual selection in the model species of mushroom-forming basidiomycetes, Schizophyllum commune, by pairing monokaryons with fully compatible dikaryons. In most pairings, we found a strong bias for one of the two nuclei although both were compatible with the monokaryon when paired alone. This shows that sexual selection can occur in mushroom-forming basidiomycetes. Since the winning nucleus of a dikaryon occasionally varied depending on the receiving monokaryon, we infer that sexual selection can operate through choosiness of the receiving individual (analogous to female choice). However, in other cases the same nucleus won, irrespective of the receiving monokaryon, suggesting that competition between the two nuclei of the donating mycelium (analogous to male–male competition) might also play a role.  相似文献   

Sex and sexual differentiation are pervasive across the tree of life. Because females and males often have substantially different functional requirements, we expect selection to differ between the sexes. Recent studies in diverse species, including humans, suggest that sexually antagonistic viability selection creates allele frequency differences between the sexes at many different loci. However, theory and population-level simulations indicate that sex-specific differences in viability would need to be very large to produce and maintain reported levels of between-sex allelic differentiation. We address this contradiction between theoretical predictions and empirical observations by evaluating evidence for sexually antagonistic viability selection on autosomal loci in humans using the largest cohort to date (UK Biobank, n = 487,999) along with a second large, independent cohort (BioVU, n = 93,864). We performed association tests between genetically ascertained sex and autosomal loci. Although we found dozens of genome-wide significant associations, none replicated across cohorts. Moreover, closer inspection revealed that all associations are likely due to cross-hybridization with sex chromosome regions during genotyping. We report loci with potential for mis-hybridization found on commonly used genotyping platforms that should be carefully considered in future genetic studies of sex-specific differences. Despite being well powered to detect allele frequency differences of up to 0.8% between the sexes, we do not detect clear evidence for this signature of sexually antagonistic viability selection on autosomal variation. These findings suggest a lack of strong ongoing sexually antagonistic viability selection acting on single locus autosomal variation in humans.  相似文献   

Across taxa, female behavior and physiology change significantly following the receipt of ejaculate molecules during mating. For example, receipt of sex peptide (SP) in female Drosophila melanogaster significantly alters female receptivity, egg production, lifespan, hormone levels, immunity, sleep, and feeding patterns. These changes are underpinned by distinct tissue- and time-specific changes in diverse sets of mRNAs. However, little is yet known about the regulation of these gene expression changes, and hence the potential role of microRNAs (miRNAs), in female postmating responses. A preliminary screen of genomic responses in females to receipt of SP suggested that there were changes in the expression of several miRNAs. Here we tested directly whether females lacking four of the candidate miRNAs highlighted (miR-279, miR-317, miR-278, and miR-184) showed altered fecundity, receptivity, and lifespan responses to receipt of SP, when mated once or continually to SP null or control males. The results showed that miRNA-lacking females mated to SP null males exhibited altered receptivity, but not reproductive output, in comparison to controls. However, these effects interacted significantly with the genetic background of the miRNA-lacking females. No significant survival effects were observed in miRNA-lacking females housed continually with SP null or control males. However, continual exposure to control males that transferred SP resulted in significantly higher variation in miRNA-lacking female lifespan than did continual exposure to SP null males. The results provide the first insight into the effects and importance of miRNAs in regulating postmating responses in females.  相似文献   

Trait consistency over time is one of the cornerstones of animal personality. Behavioral syndromes are the result of correlations between behaviors. While repeatability in behavior is not a requirement for behavioral syndromes, the two concepts studied together provide a more comprehensive understanding of how behavior can change over ontogeny. The roles of ontogenetic processes in the emergence of personality and behavioral syndromes have received much individual attention. However, the characterization of both individual trait consistency and behavioral syndromes across both sexes, as in our study, has been relatively rare. Ontogeny refers to changes that occur from conception to maturation, and juveniles might be expected to undergo different selection pressures than sexually mature individuals and also will experience profound changes in hormones, morphology, and environment during this period. In this study, we test for behavioral trait consistency and behavioral syndromes across six time points during ontogenetic development in the desert funnel‐web spider (Agelenopsis lisa). Our results indicate behavioral traits generally lack consistency (repeatability) within life stages and across ontogeny. However, penultimate males and mature females do exhibit noticeable mean‐level changes, with greater aggressive responses toward prey, shorter latencies to explore their environment and in the exhibition of risk‐averse responses to predatory cues. These traits also show high repeatability. Some trait correlations do exist as well. In particular, a strong correlation between aggressiveness toward prey and exploration factors is observed in mature males. However, because correlations among these factors are unstable across ontogeny and vary in strength over time, we conclude that behavioral syndromes do not exist in this species. Nevertheless, our results indicate that increased consistency, increasing average trait values, and varying correlations between traits may coincide with developmentally important changes associated with sexual maturation, albeit at different time points in males and females. This period of the life cycle merits systematic examination across taxa.  相似文献   

Coriobacterium glomerans Haas and König 1988, is the only species of the genus Coriobacterium, family Coriobacteriaceae, order Coriobacteriales, phylum Actinobacteria. The bacterium thrives as an endosymbiont of pyrrhocorid bugs, i.e. the red fire bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. The rationale for sequencing the genome of strain PW2T is its endosymbiotic life style which is rare among members of Actinobacteria. Here we describe the features of this symbiont, together with the complete genome sequence and its annotation. This is the first complete genome sequence of a member of the genus Coriobacterium and the sixth member of the order Coriobacteriales for which complete genome sequences are now available. The 2,115,681 bp long single replicon genome with its 1,804 protein-coding and 54 RNA genes is part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   

Abstract. Macropterous females of Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) reared under short-day conditions (LD 12:12 h) were analysed for temporal patterns of feeding and drinking behaviour, activities of digestive enzymes in the gut, and lipid and glycogen content in the haemolymph and fat body. Peaks of drinking activity were recorded at days 3, 7 and 10 during the first 14 days after imaginal ecdysis. Feeding activity peaked on the third day, ceasing completely after the fourth day of adult life. Esterase, protease, amylase and aminopeptidase activities exhibited the highest overall activity in the first days after imaginal emergence; then enzyme activities decreased. In the fat body, the content of lipids was highest on day 5, then a decrease of about 40% was observed at day 14; the amount of glycogen was highest on day 1 at 11 μg of glucose equivalents/mg of fat body, then decreased to 2 μg at day 14 after the imaginal moult. In the haemolymph, the lipid content rose until day 8 when it reached almost 0.3 μmol/μl; at day 14 the value was slightly lower. The association of fasting with reproductive arrest in macropterous females of P. apterus, accompanied by a decrease in digestive enzyme activities and a mobilization of lipid reserves from the fat body, was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The interspecific relationships between egg size and female size, sexual size dimorphism, latitude, preoviposition and egg-laying behaviour, was investigated in European Satyrine butterflies by controlling for taxonomic relatedness and by simple cross-species comparisons. Egg size scales positively to female size, although the relationship is not significant (but nearly so) when taxonomic effects are controlled for. Egg size is correlated with latitude. When the effects of latitude are removed, the relationship between egg and female size becomes more evident. Sexual size dimorphism is negatively correlated with egg size, but the effect disappears when adult size is controlled for. Small egg size is related to long preoviposition. No relationship between egg laying mode and egg size appears. The results are interpreted as evidence for positive scaling of egg to female size, with superimposed effects of egg size radiation. The correlation of egg size with latitude suggests that temperature, or season length, is likely to have made an important contribution to egg size selection within this geographic area.  相似文献   

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