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The tumor‐suppressor protein BRCA1 works with BARD1 to catalyze the transfer of ubiquitin onto protein substrates. The N‐terminal regions of BRCA1 and BARD1 that contain their RING domains are responsible for dimerization and ubiquitin ligase activity. This activity is a common feature among hundreds of human RING domain‐containing proteins. RING domains bind and activate E2 ubiquitin‐conjugating enzymes to promote ubiquitin transfer to substrates. We show that the identity of residues at specific positions in the RING domain can tune activity levels up or down. We report substitutions that create a structurally intact BRCA1/BARD1 heterodimer that is inactive in vitro with all E2 enzymes. Other substitutions in BRCA1 or BARD1 RING domains result in hyperactivity, revealing that both proteins have evolved attenuated activity. Loss of attenuation results in decreased product specificity, providing a rationale for why nature has tuned BRCA1 activity. The ability to tune BRCA1 provides powerful tools for understanding its biological functions and provides a basis to assess mechanisms for rescuing the activity of cancer‐associated variations. Beyond the applicability to BRCA1, we show the identity of residues at tuning positions that can be used to predict and modulate the activity of an unrelated RING E3 ligase. These findings provide valuable insights into understanding the mechanism and function of RING E3 ligases like BRCA1.  相似文献   

Loss of the tumour suppressor BRCA1 results in profound chromosomal instability. The fundamental defect underlying this catastrophic phenotype is not yet known. In vivo, BRCA1 forms a heterodimeric complex with BARD1. Both proteins contain an N-terminal zinc RING-finger domain which confers E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. We have isolated full-length human BRCA1/BARD1 complex and have shown that it has a dual E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. First, it mediates the monoubiquitylation of nucleosome core histones in vitro, including the variant histone H2AX that co-localizes with BRCA1 at sites of DNA damage. Secondly, BRCA1/BARD1 catalyses the formation of multiple polyubiquitin chains on itself. Remarkably, this auto-polyubiquitylation potentiates the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of the BRCA1/BARD1 complex >20-fold. Even though BRCA1 has been reported to associate with a C-terminal ubiquitin hydrolase, BAP1, this enzyme does not appear to function in the deubiquitylation of the BRCA1/BARD1 complex.  相似文献   

BRCA1 is frequently down-regulated in breast cancer, the underlying mechanism is unclear. Here we identified DCAF8L1, an X-linked gene product, as a DDB1-Cullin associated Factor (DCAF) for CUL4 E3 ligases to target BRCA1 and BARD1 for proteasomal degradation. Forced expression of DCAF8L1 caused reduction of BRCA1 and BARD1, and impaired DNA damage repair function, conferring increased sensitivity to irradiation and DNA damaging agents, as well as Olaparib, a PARPi anticancer drug; while depletion of DCAF8L1 restored BRCA1 and suppressed the growth of its xenograft tumors. Furthermore, the expression of DCAF8L1 was induced in human H9 ES cells during transition from primed to naïve state when Xi chromosome was reactivated. Aberrant expression of DCAF8L1 was observed in human breast fibroadenoma and breast cancer. These findings suggest that CRL4DCAF8L1 is an important E3 ligase that may participate in the development of breast cancer, probably through regulating the stability of BRCA1 and BARD1 tumor suppressor, linking BRCA1 and X chromosome inactivation to breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor BRCA1 accumulates at sites of DNA damage in a ubiquitin‐dependent manner. In this work, we revisit the role of RAP80 in promoting BRCA1 recruitment to damaged chromatin. We find that RAP80 acts redundantly with the BRCA1 RING domain to promote BRCA1 recruitment to DNA damage sites. We show that that RNF8 E3 ligase acts upstream of both the RAP80‐ and RING‐dependent activities, whereas RNF168 acts uniquely upstream of the RING domain. BRCA1 RING mutations that do not impact BARD1 interaction, such as the E2 binding‐deficient I26A mutation, render BRCA1 unable to accumulate at DNA damage sites in the absence of RAP80. Cells that combine BRCA1 I26A and mutations that disable the RAP80–BRCA1 interaction are hypersensitive to PARP inhibition and are unable to form RAD51 foci. Our results suggest that in the absence of RAP80, the BRCA1 E3 ligase activity is necessary for recognition of histone H2A Lys13/Lys15 ubiquitylation by BARD1, although we cannot rule out the possibility that the BRCA1 RING facilitates ubiquitylated nucleosome recognition in other ways.  相似文献   

Recognition of the substrates by ubiquitin ligases is crucial for substrate specificity in the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. In the present study, we designed a double RING finger ubiquitin ligase to direct the ubiquitin machinery to a specific substrate. The engineered ligase contains the RING finger domains of both BRCA1 and BARD1 linked to a substrate recognition site PCNA, which is known to interact with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57. The double RING finger ubiquitin ligase formed a homo-oligomer complex and exhibited significant ligase activity. Co-transfection of the ligase reduced the expression of transfected p57 to the background level in a proteasome-dependent manner and restored the colony formation ability of U2OS cells that is otherwise inhibited by overexpressed p57. The results indicate the ability of the engineered double RING ubiquitin ligase to target the intended substrate. By redesigning the substrate recognition site, expression of engineered double RING ubiquitin ligases may provide a useful tool for removing many different gene products at the protein level.  相似文献   

Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are important players in diverse biological processes. Upon DNA damage, cells activate a complex signaling cascade referred to as the DNA damage response (DDR). Using a microarray screen, we identify here a novel lncRNA, DDSR1 (DNA damage-sensitive RNA1), which is induced upon DNA damage. DDSR1 induction is triggered in an ATM-NF-κB pathway-dependent manner by several DNA double-strand break (DSB) agents. Loss of DDSR1 impairs cell proliferation and DDR signaling and reduces DNA repair capacity by homologous recombination (HR). The HR defect in the absence of DDSR1 is marked by aberrant accumulation of BRCA1 and RAP80 at DSB sites. In line with a role in regulating HR, DDSR1 interacts with BRCA1 and hnRNPUL1, an RNA-binding protein involved in DNA end resection. Our results suggest a role for the lncRNA DDSR1 in modulating DNA repair by HR.  相似文献   

BRCA1 is a DNA damage response protein and functions in the nucleus to stimulate DNA repair and at the centrosome to inhibit centrosome overduplication in response to DNA damage. The loss or mutation of BRCA1 causes centrosome amplification and abnormal mitotic spindle assembly in breast cancer cells. The BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimer binds and ubiquitinates γ-tubulin to inhibit centrosome amplification and promote microtubule nucleation; however regulation of BRCA1 targeting and function at the centrosome is poorly understood. Here we show that both N and C termini of BRCA1 are required for its centrosomal localization and that BRCA1 moves to the centrosome independently of BARD1 and γ-tubulin. Mutations in the C-terminal phosphoprotein-binding BRCT domain of BRCA1 prevented localization to centrosomes. Photobleaching experiments identified dynamic (60%) and immobilized (40%) pools of ectopic BRCA1 at the centrosome, and these are regulated by the nuclear export receptor CRM1 (chromosome region maintenance 1) and BARD1. CRM1 mediates nuclear export of BRCA1, and mutation of the export sequence blocked BRCA1 regulation of centrosome amplification in irradiated cells. CRM1 binds to undimerized BRCA1 and is displaced by BARD1. Photobleaching assays implicate CRM1 in driving undimerized BRCA1 to the centrosome and revealed that when BRCA1 subsequently binds to BARD1, it is less well retained at centrosomes, suggesting a mechanism to accelerate BRCA1 release after formation of the active heterodimer. Moreover, Aurora A binding and phosphorylation of BRCA1 enhanced its centrosomal retention and regulation of centrosome amplification. Thus, CRM1, BARD1 and Aurora A promote the targeting and function of BRCA1 at centrosomes.  相似文献   

BRCA1 is an important mediator of the DNA damage response pathway. Previous studies have identified a number of proteins that associate with BRCA1 at nuclear foci after ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DNA damage. However, the co-localization patterns of BRCA1 and various DNA damage response proteins have not yet been systematically quantified and compared within the same experimental system. In this study, a new inducible human cell line was established to allow unambiguous detection of YFP–BRCA1 at nuclear foci. Quantitative 2-D microscopic analysis was performed to compare the intranuclear co-localization of YFP–BRCA1 with 10 cellular proteins and 4 cellular domains before and after IR. Intriguingly, YFP–BRCA1 displayed significantly better focal co-localization with BARD1, RAP80 and Abraxas than with the upstream foci-initiating proteins γH2AX and MDC1. In contrast to previous reports, we found that the co-localization between YFP–BRCA1 and 53BP1 foci was surprisingly weak. Quantitative analyses of 3-D confocal images showed that ~ 60% of 53BP1 foci were unrelated to YFP–BRCA1 foci, ~ 35% of foci were abutting and only ~ 5% of foci co-localized. The YFP–BRCA1 and 53BP1 nuclear foci were distinctively separated within the first 3 h after IR. In addition, in situ nuclear retention analysis revealed YFP–BRCA1 and BARD1 are less mobile than 53BP1 at IR-induced nuclear foci. Our findings indicate that BRCA1–BARD1 and 53BP1 are proximal but not overlapping at DNA break sites and are consistent with recent evidence for distinct roles of these proteins in the DNA damage response pathway.  相似文献   

The regulator of cell cycle progression, cyclin D1, is up-regulated in breast cancer cells; its expression is, in part, dependent on ERalpha signaling. However, many ERalpha-negative tumors and tumor cell lines (e.g., SKBR3) also show over-expression of cyclin D1. This suggests that, in addition to ERalpha signaling, cyclin D1 expression is under the control of other signaling pathways; these pathways may even be over-expressed in the ERalpha-negative cells. We previously noticed that both ERalpha-positive and -negative cell lines over-express BRCA1-IRIS mRNA and protein. Furthermore, the level of over-expression of BRCA1-IRIS in ERalpha-negative cell lines even exceeded its over-expression level in ERalpha-positive cell lines. In this study, we show that: (1) BRCA1-IRIS forms complex with two of the nuclear receptor co-activators, namely, SRC1 and SRC3 (AIB1) in an ERalpha-independent manner. (2) BRCA1-IRIS alone, or in connection with co-activators, is recruited to the cyclin D1 promoter through its binding to c-Jun/AP1 complex; this binding activates the cyclin D1 expression. (3) Over-expression of BRCA1-IRIS in breast cells over-activates JNK/c-Jun; this leads to the induction of cyclin D1 expression and cellular proliferation. (4) BRCA1-IRIS activation of JNK/c-Jun/AP1 appears to account for this, because in cells that were depleted from BRCA1-IRIS, JNK remained inactive. However, depletion of SRC1 or SRC3 instead reduced c-Jun expression. Our data suggest that this novel signaling pathway links BRCA1-IRIS to cellular proliferation through c-Jun/AP1 nuclear pathway; finally, this culminates in the increased expression of the cyclin D1 gene.  相似文献   

In addition to previously isolated ratjadone A we describe three new members of this family, ratjadones B, C, and D, from another strain of the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum. We have investigated the properties of these ratjadones with respect to their activity on mammalian cell lines. We found IC(50) values in the picomolar range and a significant increase in the size of nuclei. A further examination showed that they inhibit the export of the leucine-rich nuclear export signal (LR-NES) containing proteins in different cell lines. Ratjadones are able to inhibit the formation of the nuclear export complex composed of the CRM1, RanGTP, and the cargo protein, as shown by two different in vitro assays. Finally, the binding of ratjadone C to CRM1 was demonstrated. These ratjadone activities are in the same concentration range as described for the polyketide leptomycin B (LMB) from Streptomyces sp. Like LMB, it seems that the ratjadones covalently bind to CRM1, inhibit cargo protein binding via LR-NES, and thereby block nuclear export. Thus, the ratjadones represent a new class of natural compounds which inhibit proliferation in eukaryotes by blocking nuclear export.  相似文献   

乳腺癌易感蛋白BRCA1的BRCT1结构域染色质伸展活性的定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乳腺癌易感基因BRCA1(Breast cancer susceptibility gene 1)在乳腺癌的发生、发展中起重要作用。BRCA1 C末端含有2个BRCT结构域(BRCT1和BRCT2),许多乳腺癌易感突变发生在BRCA1的BRCT结构域中。利用染色质结构检测技术表明,BRCT结构域具有染色质伸展活性。本文利用缺失突变技术构建了6种BRCT1结构域(1642-1736 aa)缺失突变体并将BRCT1结构域中与染色质伸展相关的重要区域定位到1691-1721之间的氨基酸残基;用丙氨酸扫描技术构建了10种BRCT1结构域丙氨酸扫描突变体并将重要氨基酸残基序列定位到1707-1711之间的IAGGK。利用定位的重要区域进行Blast分析,结果找到一新型同源蛋白质。BRCT1结构域的定位有助于预测BRCT1结构域突变后发生乳腺癌的风险,也为进一步研究BRCT1结构域的功能机制提供了有用的材料。  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 1alpha (PP1alpha) regulates phosphorylation of BRCA1, which contains a PP1-binding motif (898)KVTF(901). Mutation of this motif greatly reduces the interaction between BRCA1 and PP1alpha. Here we show that mutation of the PP1-binding motif abolishes the ability of BRCA1 to enhance survival of Brca1-deficient mouse mammary tumor cells after DNA damage. The Rad51 focus formation and comet assays revealed that the DNA repair function of BRCA1 was impaired when the PP1-binding motif was mutated. Analysis of subnuclear localization of GFP-tagged BRCA1 demonstrated that mutation of the PP1-binding motif affected BRCA1 redistribution in response to DNA damage. BRCA1 is required for the formation of Rad51 subnuclear foci after DNA damage. Mutation of the PP1-binding motif in BRCA1 also affected recruitment of Rad51 to sites of DNA damage. Consistent with these findings, knockdown of PP1alpha in BRCA1-proficient cells by small interfering RNA also significantly reduced Rad51 focus formation induced by DNA damage. Further analysis indicated that mutation of the PP1-binding motif compromised BRCA1 activities in homologous recombination. Altogether, our data implicate that interaction with PP1alpha is important for BRCA1 function in DNA repair.  相似文献   

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