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RNA transcription and translation in sea urchin oocytes and eggs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The steady-state concentrations and absolute rates of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules were measured in oocytes, eggs, embryos, and larvae of the Hawaiian sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. The steady-state concentration per genome of the RNA precursor sequences measured by hybridization to a cloned rDNA fragment was approximately 100- to 300-fold greater in the RNA obtained from oocytes and eggs than in the RNA extracted from embryos and larvae. Since the rate of processing of the rRNA precursor at different stages is not greatly different, the rates of rRNA synthesis must be considerably greater in oocytes than in embryo cells. The absolute rate of RNA synthesis in oocytes and embryos was determined from the incorporation of [3H]guanosine into cellular GTP pools and into both precursor and mature rRNA species. The data indicate an approximately 40-fold higher rate of rRNA synthesis in oocytes than that measured in embryos or previously in larvae (J. Griffith and T. Humphreys, 1979, Biochemistry18, 2178–2185). Together these results indicate that the ribosomal genes are transcribed much more rapidly during sea urchin oogenesis than during embryogenesis or larval stages.  相似文献   

Histones have been isolated from the nuclei of unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The electrophoresis of these histones exhibits a pattern different from that of the sperm or embryo of the same species.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the patterns of protein synthesis in developing embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. There was an increase in the number of proteins detectably synthesized during development, as well as significant changes in relative rates of synthesis involving approximately 20% of the nearly 900 newly synthesized polypeptides. The majority of these changes were increases rather than decreases in synthesis; about half were of at least 10-fold, while a few were of more than 100-fold. Very few changes were detected upon fertilization and during the first several hours of development, while about 60% of the changes detected occurred between the hatching and the beginning of invagination. An analysis of proteins detected by silver staining indicated that most remained nearly constant in mass during embryonic development, but several increased or declined substantially. Many proteins present in eggs were not detectably synthesized in either eggs or embryos.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in the two cell types of echinoid early gastrulae was analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. Epithelial cells and primary mesenchyme cells were isolated from early gastrulae as described by M. A. Harkey and A. H. Whiteley, 1980 (Wilhelm. Roux's. Arch.189, 111–112). Newly synthesized proteins were labeled with [3H]valine, extracted in SDS buffer, and analyzed electrophoretically. Of the 454 labeled proteins analyzed, 58 incorporated [3H]valine at markedly different relative rates in the two cell types, and 69 were labeled exclusively in one or the other cell type. The most rapidly synthesized proteins in gastrula cells constituted a class which exhibited a much higher degree of cell specificity than the total protein population. Several of these rapidly synthesized proteins were analyzed individually. Among those that were synthesized preferentially in primary mesenchyme cells, two low-molecular-weight, acidic proteins, designated PM28 and PM32, accounted for 9–14% of the total protein synthesis in primary mesenchyme cells but were barely detectable in epithelial cells. Those proteins that were synthesized preferentially in the epithelial cells included several low-molecular-weight species, probably histones, and the cytoskeletal proteins, actin and tubulin. These data indicate that the primary mesenchyme and epithelium of the early gastrula differ profoundly with respect to the synthesis of specific proteins.  相似文献   

Eggs of the sea urchins Arbacia punctulata (Ap), Lytechinus pictus (Lp), and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Sp) were labeled to equilibrium with 32PO3-4. Approximately 65-70% of the label in extractable adenine nucleotides comigrates chromatographically with ATP. Autoradiograms of one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) slab gels show that each species possesses a distinct complement of phosphate-exchangeable phosphoproteins. No changes in the phosphoprotein composition are detected in Lp and Sp eggs as a result of fertilization or development for 2.5 hr (with the possible exception of a 43,000 Mr protein in Lp). In Ap, increases in the phosphorylation of bands at Mr's 30,000, 55,000, and 105,000 are seen during the first 10 min postinsemination. The 30,000 Mr band in Ap eggs has previously been identified as ribosomal protein S6 and the hypothesis presented that its increased phosphorylation may be an important step in the activation of protein synthesis at fertilization (D. G. Ballinger and T. Hunt, 1981, Dev. Biol. 87, 277-285). In Lp and Sp eggs S6 (identified by two-dimensional PAGE) is heavily phosphorylated in the unfertilized state and the extent of labeling does not increase after fertilization. If the increased phosphorylation of S6 seen in Ap is indeed related to translational activation, then these results suggest that different sea urchin species may rely on different mechanisms for the activation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The fertilized sea urchin egg is invested by the hyaline layer, a thick extracellular coat which is necessary for normal development. On the basis of ultrastructural studies and the fact that hyalin is released during the time of the cortical reaction, it has been generally accepted that hyalin is derived from the cortical granules. However, this has never been proven definitely, and recently, it has been reported that hyalin is a membrane and/or cell surface protein. To determine where hyalin is stored, we carried out an ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of hyalin in the unfertilized egg. Hyalin purified from isolated hyaline layers was used to immunize rabbits. Antisera so obtained were shown to be hyalin specific following absorption with a combination of sea urchin proteins. Immunocytochemical localizations were carried out on sections of Epon-embedded material using protein A-coated gold particles as an antibody marker. Our results demonstrate that, prior to fertilization, hyalin is stored in the homogeneous component of the cortical granule in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Labeling of small cortical vesicles in both unfertilized and fertilized eggs, suggests that these vesicles may contain a secondary reservoir of hyalin.  相似文献   

A library of cDNA clones was constructed representing polysomal polyadenylated RNA of mesenchyme blastulae of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Using this library, we determined whether or not individual RNA species are associated with animalization of embryos by zinc ions. Clones corresponding to the most actively synthesized RNAs during the period just prior to the mesenchyme blastula stage were selected by screening colonies with in vivo-labeled RNA. The most abundant of these were chosen for further study. Individual RNA abundance was measured as percent of mass of total polyadenylated RNA by hybridizing cDNA exhaustively with cloned DNA on filters. The RNAs in the selected, cloned sequences were present in abundances of 0.01 to 1% of the mass of polyadenylated RNA. Changes in abundance of individual RNA species occurred during normal development and departures from these developmental changes occurred in the zinc-animalized embryos. Two RNA species, which normally increase 10-fold in abundance, are drastically repressed and at least one RNA species increases in abundance dramatically in the animalized embryos. These departures from the normal program of presumptive gene expression may furnish insights into changes in the normal processes of development.  相似文献   

Sea urchin spermatozoa are normally immotile in semen, but motility can be initiated by increasing gas flow over the semen--for example, by blowing N2 gas over a thin layer of semen. This result indicates that sperm motility is not O2 limited and suggests that seminal fluid contains a volatile inhibitor of motility which is responsible for the paralysis of sperm in semen. This inhibitor might be carbon dioxide, which reversibly immobilizes sperm. 31P-NMR measurements of pH show that the sperm intracellular pH (pHi) increases by 0.36 pH unit upon dilution of semen into seawater. Since previous studies have shown that this magnitude of pH increase is sufficient to trigger sperm motility, we suggest that the volatile inhibitor is inhibiting sperm motility in semen by depressing the pHi. A simple hypothesis that explains these observations is that the volatile motility inhibitor is CO2, which could acidify pHi as a diffusable weak acid. In this regard, sperm diluted into seawater release acid, and this acid release is related to the pHi increase and motility initiation. In fact, nearly half of the acid released by sperm upon dilution is volatile and may therefore be due to CO2 efflux. Most of the acid, however, cannot be attributed to CO2 release because it is not volatile. Thus, when sperm are diluted into seawater, they raise their pHi by releasing CO2 and protons from the cytoplasm into the surrounding seawater.  相似文献   

Messenger ribonucleoprotein particles in unfertilized sea urchin eggs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The properties of poly(A)-containing messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) from unfertilized sea urchin eggs isolated under various ionic conditions were studied. Poly(A)-containing RNPs of eggs sediment with a modal value of 60–65 S under all conditions used. However, buoyant densities vary strikingly with conditions of particle preparation. Deproteinized poly(A)-containing mRNA has an average molecular weight of about 1 × 106. RNPs prepared in 0.35 M Na+ in the absence of Mg2+ contain an average of 0.25 × 106 daltons of protein, while particles prepared in 0.05 M Na+ in the absence of Mg2+ contain 0.35 to 11 × 106 daltons of protein per RNA molecule. Particles prepared in 0.35 M Na+ plus 5 mM Mg2+ contain 1.4 × 106 daltons of protein suggesting that Mg2+ may be necessary for maintenance of RNP intergrity if high Na+ concentrations are used to prevent nonspecific RNA-protein interactions. Particles prepared in 0.35 M K+ contain 0.9 × 106 daltons of protein in both Mg2+ and EDTA. Mg2+ does not cause significant aggregation of particles, since the size of RNA extracted from RNPs is proportional to RNP sedimentation rate. Monovalent cation concentrations normally used in analysis of RNPs by sedimentation cause deproteinized poly(A)-containing RNA to sediment with abnormally high sedimentation coefficients, indicating that high sedimentation rates alone do not indicate that RNA is contained in an RNP.  相似文献   

Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos were fractionated into two cell populations of defined lineages at times corresponding to two critical developmental events: determination (16-cell stage) and early differentiation (mesenchyme blastula). The 16-cell stage blastomeres, labeled with [35S]methionine, exhibited identical protein synthesis patterns by fluorography, and this pattern was not significantly altered by cell separation. In comparing the proteins of the mesenchyme blastula to the 16-cell stage, differences (increases and decreases) were seen by fluorography of newly synthesized proteins. The synthesis of 2.9% of the mesenchyme blastula proteins is specific to or enriched in primary mesenchyme cells and 8.2% is specific to or enriched in endoderm/ectoderm cells. Additionally, in contrast to the earlier stage, the pattern of protein synthesis in the mesenchyme blastula embryos is substantially altered by cell separation. The ability to alter protein synthesis in response to environmental factors may be a further demonstration of the differentiation of these cells.  相似文献   

Timing the early events during sea urchin fertilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine precisely the timing, duration, and sequences of the earliest events during sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) fertilization, the bioelectric recordings of microelectrode-impaled eggs were electronically superimposed, by video mixing, over the microscopic differential interference contrast image of the same egg at insemination. Videotape analysis, utilizing a slow-motion analyzer, demonstrates that the successful sperm triggers the bioelectric membrane potential reversal within 3.36 +/- 3.02 sec (0.72-9.76 sec range; sigma = 23 eggs) of sperm-egg attachment. This sperm, actively gyrating about its attachment site, is indistinguishable from the other, unsuccessful sperm until 12.66 +/- 2.72 sec (6.72-16.60 sec range; sigma = 15) later when the sperm tail ceases its beating and sperm incorporation ensues. The cortical granules begin to discharge, and the fertilization coat starts to elevate at the fusion site at 20.79 +/- 3.18 sec (13.62-26.08 sec range; sigma = 12) after the onset of the fertilization potential, i.e., an average of about 8 sec after the cessation of sperm-tail motility during incorporation. In most cases, the bioelectric responses starts within 7 sec of sperm adhesions; if the data are analyzed excluding the few slow cases, the fertilization potential is found to start 1.93 sec (+/- 1.28 sec) after sperm attachment. These results indicate that the first successful sperm triggers the fast block to polyspermy within 3.4 sec, perhaps as quickly as 1.9 sec, of sperm-egg adhesion, about 13 sec before the first morphological indication of fertilization, and about 21 sec before the characteristic elevation of the fertilization coat responsible for the late block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of the basal lamina in the sea urchin embryo   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The patterns of expression for several extracellular matrix components during development of the sea urchin embryo are described. An immunofluorescence assay was employed on paraffin-sectioned material using (i) polyclonal antibodies against known vertebrate extracellular matrix components: laminin, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, collagen types I, III, and IV; and (ii) monoclonal antibodies generated against sea urchin embryonic components. Most extracellular matrix components studied were found localized within the unfertilized egg in granules (0.5-2.0 micron) distinct from the cortical granules. Fertilization initiated trafficking of the extracellular matrix (ECM) components from within the egg granules to the basal lamina of the developing embryo. The various ECM components arrived within the developing basal lamina at different times, and not all components were unique to the basal lamina. Two ECM components were not found within the egg. These molecules appeared de novo at the mesenchyme blastula stage, and remained specific to the mesoderm through development. The reactivity of antibodies to vertebrate ECM antigens with components of the sea urchin embryo suggests the presence of immunologically similar ECM molecules between the phyla.  相似文献   

We have previously described a temperature-sensitive mutant of Escherichia coli, 2S142 (rel-, met-, rns-, ilv-, ts-) which shows specific inhibition of stable RNA synthesis at 42 degrees C. This mutation mimics a carbon source downshift in that the decay of guanosine 5'-diphosphate, 3'-diphosphate (ppGpp) is inhibited at the restrictive temperature. In this paper we show that the temperature-sensitive lesion in 2S142 does affect the uptake of glucose or alpha-D-methylglucopyranoside (alpha DMG) at 42 degrees C. However, restoration of glucose or alpha DMG uptake by the insertion of a constitutive galactose permease gene or further restriction of glucose uptake by insertion of a ptsG mutation into 2S142 have no effect on rRNA synthesis at 42 degrees C (although ppGpp levels are lowered in both cases). Furthermore, while restriction of uptake at 42 degrees C varies widely from carbon source to carbon source, severe restriction of rRNA synthesis is observed on all carbon sources tested at 42 degrees C. Levels of glycolytic intermediates, adenylate energy charge, ATP levels, and cAMP levels are all unaffected at the restrictive temperature. GTP levels decrease at 42 degrees C in glucose grown cells but that also does not appear to be related to the decrease in rRNA synthesis. These data were interpreted to suggest that the restriction of stable RNA synthesis in 2S142 at 42 degrees C can not be explained on the basis of decreased uptake and/or metabolism of carbon source. "Phantom spot" levels do decrease in 2S142 at 42 degrees C. In fact, "phantom spot" is the only putative regulatory molecule which correlates with restriction of rRNA synthesis on all carbon sources tested.  相似文献   

We have compared the total single-copy sequences transcribed as nuclear RNA in blastula and pluteus stage embryos of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla by hybridization of excess nuclear RNA with purified radioactive single-copy DNA. The kinetics of hybridization of either blastula or pluteus nuclear RNA with single-copy DNA show a single pseudo-first-order reaction with 34% of the single-copy genome. From the rate of the reaction and the purity of the nuclear RNA, it can be estimated that the reacting RNAs are present on the average at a concentration of one molecule per 14 nuclei. A mixture of blastula and pluteus RNA also hybridizes with 34% of the single-copy genome, indicating that the total complexity of RNAs transcribed at both stages is no greater than transcribed at each stage alone. The identity of the sequences transcribed by blastula and pluteus embryos was further examined by fractionation of the labeled DNA into sequences complementary and not complementary to pluteus RNA. This was achieved by hybridization of single-copy DNA to high pluteus RNA Cot, and separation of the hybridized and nonhybridized DNA on hydroxylapatite. Using either the DNA complementary or noncomplementary with pluteus RNA, essentially identical amounts of RNA:DNA hybrids are formed at high RNA Cot with blastula or pluteus RNA. Gross changes in the total RNA sequences transcribed do not appear to be involved in the developmental changes between blastula and pluteus, even though 45% of the mRNA sequences change between these two stages (Galau et al., 1976).  相似文献   

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