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V. V. Lednev has proposed a mechanism that he suggests would allow very weak magnetic fields, at the cyclotron resonance frequency for Ca2+ ions in the earth's field, to induce biological effects. I show that for four independent reasons no such mechanism can operate.  相似文献   

Calcium-ion uptake by normal and leukemia lymphocytes increased during a 30-min exposure to a 13.6 Hz, sinusoidal magnetic field at 20 microT peak. The time-varying field was horizontal and parallel to a 16.5 microT component of the ambient static magnetic field. The uptake of 45Ca2+ increased 102% in a line of murine, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (C57B1/6-derived CTLL-1), increased 126% in freshly-isolated spleen lymphocytes (C57B1/6 mice), and increased 75% in a line of lymphoma cells (C57B1/6-derived EL4). In contrast, there was no effect when the same field was applied for 30 min immediately before--as opposed to during--incorporation of calcium ions. When spleen lymphocytes were exposed during incubation with 45Ca2+ to a 60 Hz magnetic field at 20 microT peak, a small but statistically significant increase (37%) in uptake of the labeled ions occurred. These results indicate that weak, alternating magnetic fields might affect calcium-dependent functions of normal and leukemic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The total current of Ca2+ ions through patch-clamped cell membranes was measured while exposing clonal insulin-producing β-cells (RINm5F) to a combination of DC and AC magnetic fields at so-called cyclotron resonance conditions. Previous experimental evidence supports the theory that a resonant interaction between magnetic fields and organisms can exist. This experiment was designed to test one possible site of interaction: channels in the cell membrane. The transport of Ca2+ ions through the protein channels of the plasma membrane did not show any resonant behavior in the frequency range studied. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The possibility that weak, ac and dc magnetic fields in combination may affect binding equilibria of calcium-ions (Ca2+) was investigated with two metallochromic dyes as calcium-binding molecules: murexide and arsenazo III. Calcium-dye equilibria were followed by measuring solution absorbances with a fiber-optic spectrophotometer. A Ca(2+)-arsenazo solution was also used indirectly to monitor the binding of Ca2+ to calmodulin. Parallel, ac and dc magnetic fields were applied to each preparation. The ac magnetic field was held constant during each of a series of experiments at a frequency in the range between 50 and 120 Hz (sine wave) or at 50 pps (square wave) and at an rms flux density in the range between 65 and 156 microT. The dc magnetic field was then varied from 0 to 299 microT at 1.3 microT increments. The magnetic fields did not measurably affect equilibria in the binding of metallochromic dyes or calmodulin to Ca2+.  相似文献   

Extremely-low-frequency (ELF), low-intensity magnetic fields have been shown to influence cell signaling processes in a variety of systems, both in vivo and in vitro. Similar effects have been demonstrated for nervous system development and neurite outgrowth. We report that regeneration in planaria, which incorporates many of these processes, is also affected by ELF magnetic fields. The rate of cephalic regeneration, reflected by the mean regeneration time (MRT), for planaria populations regenerating under continuous exposure to combined DC (78.4 μT) and AC (60.0 Hz at 10.0 μT peak) magnetic fields applied in parallel was found to be significantly delayed (P ? 0.001) by 48 ± 1 h relative to two different types of control populations (MRT ? 140 ± 12 h). One control population was exposed to only the AC component of this field combination, while the other experienced only the ambient geomagnetic field. All measurements were conducted in a low-gradient, low-noise magnetics laboratory under well-maintained temperature conditions. This delay in regeneration was shown to be dependent on the planaria having a fixed orientation with respect to the magnetic field vectors. Results also indicate that this orientation-dependent transduction process does not result from Faraday induction but is consistent with a Ca2+ cyclotron resonance mechanism. Data interpretation also permits the tentative conclusion that the effect results from an inhibition of events at an early stage in the regeneration process before the onset of proliferation and differentiation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The calculated distribution of electric fields induced in homogeneous human and rat models by a 60-Hz magnetic field is compared with values measured in instrumented mannequins. The calculated values agree well with measured values.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of sinusoidal electromagnetic fields (EMF) on ion transport (Ca2+, Na+, K+, and H+) in several cell types (red blood cells, thymocytes, Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, and HL60 and U937 human leukemia cells). The effects on the uptake of radioactive tracers as well as on the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), the intracellular pH (pHi), and the transmembrane potentsial (TMP) were studied. Exposure to EMF at 50 Hz and 100–2000 μT (rms) had no significant effects on any of these parameters. Exposure to EMF of 20–1200 μT (rms) at the estimated cyclotron magnetic resonance frequencies for the respective ions had no significant effects except for a 12–32% increase of the uptake of 42K within a window at 14.5–15.5 Hz and 100–200 μT (rms), which was found in U937 and Ehrlich cells but not in the other cell types. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that specific combinations of DC and low frequency AC magnetic fields at so-called cyclotron-resonance conditions could affect the transport of ions through ion channels, or alter the kinetics of ion channels (opening and closing rates), has been tested. As a model system, the ion channels formed by gramicidin A incorporated in lipid bilayer membranes were studied. No significant changes in channel conductance, average lifetime, or formation rate as a function of applied fields could be detected over a wide range of frequencies and field strengths. Experiments were carried out to measure the time-resolved single-channel events and the average conductances of many-channel events in the presence of K+ and H+ ions. The channel blocking effect of Ca++ was also studied. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

A physical mechanism is suggested for a resonant interaction of weak magnetic fields with biological systems. An ion inside a Ca(2+)-binding protein is approximated by a charged oscillator. A shift in the probability of ion transition between different vibrational energy levels occurs when a combination of static and alternating magnetic fields is applied. This in turn affects the interaction of the ion with the surrounding ligands. The effect reaches its maximum when the frequency of the alternating field is equal to the cyclotron frequency of this ion or to some of its harmonics or sub-harmonics. A resonant response of the biosystem to the magnetic field results. The proposed theory permits a quantitative explanation for the main characteristics of experimentally observed effects.  相似文献   

Low-intensity magnetic fields alter operant behavior in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study demonstrates that operant behavior is affected by a combination of a 60-Hz magnetic field and a magnetostatic field 2.6 X 10(-5) T (about half the geomagnetic field). Rats exposed to this combination for 30 min consistently exhibited changes in the rate and pattern of responding during the differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL) component of a multiple fixed ratio (FR) DRL reinforcement schedule. By contrast, there were no measurable changes following exposure to the static field alone or to the oscillating field alone, even with a 10-fold increase in intensity (5 X 10(-5) to 5 X 10(-4) Trms). A cyclotron resonance mechanism has been suggested as a possible explanation for the observation that weak static magnetic fields modify the response of in vitro brain tissue to low-frequency magnetic fields. The choice of static field intensity Bo and frequency nu in the present study follows from the cyclotron resonance condition nu = (1/2 pi)(q/m)Bo, for singly charged lithium, an element in extensive use in the clinical treatment of affective disorders in humans. The present research is consistent with a cellular cyclotron resonance mechanism and tends to imply a functional dependence of behavior on the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

Observations recently reported by others indicate that a combination of a weak dc magnetic field and extremely-low-frequency ac magnetic field can produce resonant effects in biological systems. We report measurements of the effects of combined dc and ac magnetic fields on the dc current through channel-free planar phospholipid membranes. The combined dc-ac magnetic fields did affect the dc current through planar phospholipid membranes, but not in every membrane, and not consistently at the same values of magnetic flux density and frequency. None of our measurements showed resonant response akin to the cyclotron-like resonance reported in diatoms [Smith et al., 1987] and lymphocytes [Liboff et al., 1987].  相似文献   

This human exposure study examined the relationship between field strength and biological response and tested whether the exposure levels at which the greatest effects occur differ for different endpoints. Three matched groups of 18 men each participated in two 6 h exposure test sessions. All subjects were sham exposed in one session. In the other session, each group of subjects was exposed at a different level of combined electric and magnetic field strength (low group: 6 kV/m, 10 μT; medium group: 9 kV/m, 20 μT; and high group: 12 kV/m, 30 μT). The study was performed double blind, with exposure order counterbalanced. Significant slowing of heart rate, as well as alterations in the latency and amplitude of event-related brain potential measures derived from the electro encephalogram (EEG), occurred in the group exposed to the 9 kV/m, 20 μT combined field (medium group). Exposure at the other field strength levels had no influence on cardiac measures and differential effects on EEG activity. Significant decrements in reaction time and in performance accuracy on a time estimation task were observed only in the low group. These results provide support for the hypothesis that humans may be more responsive to some combinations or levels of field strength than to others and that such differences in responsivity may depend, in part, on the endpoint of interest. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kinetics of channelized membrane ions in magnetic fields   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The cyclotron resonance model for channel ion transport in weak magnetic fields is extended to include damping losses. The conductivity tensor is obtained for different electric field configurations, including the circuital field E phi normal to the channel axis. The conductivity behavior close to the cyclotron resonance frequency omega c is compared to existing Ca2+-efflux data in the literature. A collision time of .023 s results from this comparison under the assumption that K+ ions are transiting in a 0.35 G field. We estimate a mean kinetic energy of 3.5 eV for this ion at resonance. This model leads to discrete modes of vibration (eigenfrequencies) in the ion-lattice interaction, such that omega n = n omega c. The presence of such harmonics is compatible with recent results by Blackman et al. [1985b] and McLeod et al. [1986] with the interesting exception that even modes do not appear in their observations, whereas the present model has no restriction on n. This harmonic formalism is also consistent with another reported phenomenon, that of quantized multiple conductances in single patch-clamped channels.  相似文献   

The effects of 60 Hz magnetic fields of 5 μT (50 mG) or less on biological structures holding magnetite (Fe3O4) are shown to be much smaller than that from thermal agitation; hence such interactions cannot be expected to be biologically significant. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adair [Bioelectromagnetics 14:1–4, 1993] writes that “the effects of 60 Hz magnetic fields of 5 μT (50 mG) or less on biological structures holding magnetite (Fe3O4) are shown to be much smaller than those from thermal agitation; hence such interactions cannot be expected to be biologically significant.” This conclusion is questioned, because it appears to be based on a model that probably has very limited validity for pertinent biological systems. Furthermore, biologically plausible parameters can be selected to show that even this particular model does not exclude biologically significant effects of 60 Hz magnetic fields below 5 μT. Reported experimental results indicate effects in mammals of 50 Hz fields at the 1 μT level. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This is an attempt to solve the energetic problem of the primary detection of weak parallel static (DC) and alternating (AC) extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields. We studied the equations of motion for an ion situated inside a macromolecule under the influence of these fields. The main concern is with the magnetic field influence on thermal motion of the ion in the macromolecule. The resonance effects are revealed at discrete frequencies of the ion thermal oscillations determined by the DC field magnitude and the AC field frequency. These phenomena result from the Larmor precession of the ion thermal motion. When the DC field or, to a greater extent, the combined DC and AC fields with the specific frequencies are turned on or cut off, changes occur in the energy of the ion thermal motion. If, inside the macromolecule, the ion is sufficiently protected against immediate impacts of particles of the medium surrounding the macromolecule, these changes may be enough to trigger alteration in the quantum state of the macromolecule. Bioelectromagnetics 19:279–292, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Zeng Q  Ke X  Gao X  Fu Y  Lu D  Chiang H  Xu Z 《Bioelectromagnetics》2006,27(4):274-279
Previously, we have reported that exposure to 50 Hz coherent sinusoidal magnetic fields (MF) for 24 h inhibits gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) in mammalian cells at an intensity of 0.4 mT and enhances the inhibition effect of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) at 0.2 mT. In the present study, we further explored the effects of incoherent noise MF on MF-induced GJIC inhibition. GJIC was determined by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) with a laser-scanning confocal microscope. The rate of fluorescence recovery (R) at 10 min after photobleaching was adopted as the functional index of GJIC. The R-value of NIH3T3 cells exposed to 50 Hz sinusoidal MF at 0.4 mT for 24 h was 30.85 +/- 14.70%, while the cells in sham exposure group had an R-value of 46.36 +/- 20.68%, demonstrating that the GJIC of NIH3T3 cells was significantly inhibited by MF exposure (P < .05). However, there were no significant differences in the R-values of the sham exposure, MF-plus-noise MF exposure (R: 49.58 +/- 19.38%), and noise MF exposure groups (R: 46.74 +/- 21.14%) (P > .05), indicating that the superposition of a noise MF alleviated the suppression of GJIC induced by the 50 Hz MF. In addition, although MF at an intensity of 0.2 mT synergistically enhanced TPA-induced GJIC inhibition (R: 24.90 +/- 13.50% vs. 35.82 +/- 17.18%, P < .05), further imposition of a noise MF abolished the synergistic effect of coherent MF (R: 32.51 +/- 18.37%). Overall, the present data clearly showed that although noise MF itself had no effect on GJIC of NIH3T3 cells, its superposition onto a coherent sinusoidal MF at the same intensity abolished MF-induced GJIC suppression. This is the first report showing that noise MF neutralizes 50 Hz MF-induced biological effect by using a signaling component as the test endpoint.  相似文献   

Calculations of the current density and electric field distributions induced in cell cultures by an applied low-frequency magnetic field have assumed that the medium is uniform. This paper calculates these distributions for a more realistic, inhomogeneous, anisotropic model in which the cells are regarded as conducting squares surrounded by insulating membranes. Separate parameters are used to specify the resistivities of the cell interior, the cell membrane parallel to its surface, the cell membrane perpendicular to its surface, and the intercellular junction parallel to the membrane. The presence of gap junctions connecting the interiors of adjacent cells is also considered. For vertical applied magnetic fields, the induced currents and field distributions may deviate considerably from the homogeneous medium model if there is sufficiently tight binding of the cells to each other. The presence of gap junctions can produce relatively large transmembrane electric fields or intracellular current densities. These considerations are generally less important for horizontal applied fields. A simple microscopic model of the cell surface is also discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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