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吼叫是扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)经常发生的行为之一,而目前有关吼叫行为生物学意义的资料还很缺乏。本文通过对安徽省扬子鳄繁殖研究中心繁殖区内扬子鳄吼叫行为的监测和观察发现,5-10月,扬子鳄常在水池边形成合唱吼叫(即两条以上鳄在同一时间段内一起吼叫);并且在交配期(6月份)吼叫声会引起四处分散栖息的个体向同一水体聚集,与非交配期相比具有明显的集群作用;交配期合唱吼叫具有6∶00-7∶00和11∶00-12∶00两个明显的高峰时间段,与其随后的交配高峰(夜间12∶00左右)都相差12h以上。分析表明,扬子鳄在交配期形成合唱吼叫的主要作用可能在于召集其它个体(包括雌性和雄性)形成集群,为集群后的水中寻找配偶和多次交配做准备. 相似文献
扬子鳄红细胞超氧化歧化酶的纯化及其性质研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 研究扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)消化道中生长素释放肽ghrelin免疫活性(IR)细胞的分布、组织定位及其在冬眠期的变化.方法 应用链霉亲和素-生物素-过氧化物酶复合物(SABC)免疫组织化学方法结合生物统计学分析.结果 Ghrelin-IR细胞在扬子鳄的小胃密度最高,在胃贲门部、胃体和胃幽门部有少量分布,主要位于胃腺上皮细胞之间.在食管、十二指肠、空肠、回肠和直肠中均未检测出ghrelin-IR细胞.冬眠期小胃ghrelin-IR细胞显著性减少(P〈0.01),其它部位无显著性变化(P〉0.05).结论扬子鳄消化道ghrelin-IR细胞的分布同其它动物有相似之处,也有其一定的特异性.Ghrelin在扬子鳄冬眠期的代谢变化和能量稳态的调节中起重要作用. 相似文献
扬子鳄体温与环境温度关系的初步分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在人工饲养下,对非繁殖的扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)体温及其所处的环境温度进行了测定,并对其体温与环境温度的关系进行了分析.经过一年的测量,得出体长为(116.83±32.26)cm(n=183)的扬子鳄年均体温为(18.81±8.08)℃(n=183),雄性体温为(20.81±9.69)℃(n=42),雌性体温为(17.81±8.56)℃(n=69);在活动期(4~11月),扬子鳄的体温为(25.54±5.24)℃(n=89),水温为(25.42±5.20)(n=89),两者间无显著性差异(P>0.05);在冬眠期(12月至翌年3月),扬子鳄的体温为(10.78±1.90)℃(n=94),冬眠期的地表温为(10.64±1.74)℃(n=94),两者间无显著性差异(P>0.05).结果表明,扬子鳄的体温受其周围环境温度的显著影响,而不受其体长及性别的影响.即扬子鳄的体温由其长期接触的环境介质的温度决定,其中水环境是控制活动期鳄体温波动的最重要介质.初步推测扬子鳄的偏爱体温范围是28~33℃. 相似文献
扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)是中国特有的珍稀物种,该物种的生长、繁殖状况一直备受关注,分别在2014年3月(冬眠期)和6月(繁殖期)对17条成年雌性扬子鳄腹部应用VIVIDⅠ型彩色多普勒超声(B型超声)便携诊断仪进行检测,并对3月份卵巢卵泡大小用SPSS 19.0回归分析。扬子鳄心、肝、肠等内脏器官形态在B型超声诊断仪下清晰可见。冬眠期17条扬子鳄两侧卵巢中共检测到41枚卵泡,繁殖期共42枚。冬眠期卵泡处于低回声暗区或无回声暗区的未成熟状态,繁殖期多数卵泡的发育状态与3月相同,少数卵泡呈高回声暗区,此时已形成卵黄颗粒,也有呈高回声亮光区形成卵黄膜的卵泡。对3月份检测的17条扬子鳄具有卵泡的19个卵巢大小与卵泡大小进行回归分析,卵巢随卵泡发育而增大。本研究探讨了B超这种低损伤方法对扬子鳄检测的有效性,同时评估卵泡发育状况,提高繁殖鳄的筛选正确率。 相似文献
扬子鳄 (Alligatorsinensis)是中国特有的珍稀物种 ,其遗传资源的保护已受到广泛关注和重视。本文简要介绍了近年来有关扬子鳄在分子系统学、遗传多样性与种群遗传结构、线粒体基因组、个体识别以及性别决定方面的分子遗传学研究状况。 相似文献
Xianyan Wang † Ding Wang Xiaobing Wu‡ Chaolin Wang§ Renping Wang§ & Tongsheng Xia§ 《Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie》2009,115(9):832-839
Stringency in the identification of conspecific call properties is essential among sympatric species to ensure conspecific mating, as the risk of improper recognition and heterospecific mating is high. In this study we investigated the basic signal structure required for intraspecies communication in the Chinese alligator ( Alligator sinensis ), a species that has no relatives living in sympatry, by playback of signals modified in the temporal (truncating original bellows with first 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or last 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 portion) or frequency domain (with low- or high-pass filters at frequencies 100, 250, 500 and 1000 Hz), or by reversal of natural bellows. The playback experiments revealed that relatively large modifications in bellow temporal or frequency structure failed to impair Chinese alligators' bellowing behavior; even reversed bellows effectively evoked a positive response. In general, the first half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies below 500 Hz were critical for behavioral induction, while the last half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies above 500 Hz failed to produce a single positive response, implying a potential functional signal redundancy. The observed high tolerance to bellow variations in Chinese alligators may be an evolutionary adaptation to (1) the acoustic constraints of propagation imposed by dense vegetative habitats; or (2) a lack of selection pressure due to the low risk of incorrect conspecific recognition and heterospecific mating. 相似文献
Oviparous female reptiles select nesting sites with optimal ecological factors that contribute to egg development. Chinese alligator(Alligator sinensis), an oviparous reptile, is a critically endangered crocodilian with temperature-dependent sex determination. Research on its nesting behavior may facilitate the protection of this species. In this study, we monitored nesting behavior over eight years. We compared selected frequency of nest sites, distance from nest site to water, height from nest site top to the water surface, distance from nest site to human activity region, and canopy density between nest sites on the island and bank. The results showed that 45 nest sites were used by female alligators over eight years and each site was selected from one to 10 times. The selected frequency of nest site occurrence on the island was higher than that on the bank(P 0.001). We observed that 88% of the individual alligators(15/17) showed different degrees of nest site fidelity. However, Chinese alligators might not always be loyal to only one nest site because of environmental changes or interspecific competition at nest sites. Our findings suggest that female alligators prefer to nest at island, which might be because of the nests on the island had a higher canopy density(P = 0.010) and were further from the human activity region(P 0.001) than those on the bank did. It would be beneficial to reduce human activities during the breeding season and protect the vegetation of Chinese alligator habitats in the future. of the beach(Ali et al., 2005; Kamel and Mrosovsky, 2005; Turkozan et al., 2012). Other species such as snakes and lizards select nest sites with more moist substrates, which significantly increases their body size at hatching(Brown and Shine, 2004; Reedy et al., 2013). Nest site preference may be maintained for one or more breeding seasons(Janzen and Morjan, 2001; Kamel et al., 2006). When female chose the same site or area during different years, it is called nest site fidelity(Switzer, 1993). This nest choice behavior may influence offspring survival(Lindeman, 1992) and nest site fidelity has been documented in numerous species such as birds(Lindberg and Sedinger, 1997), turtles(Mitrus, 2006; Walde et al., 2007), tuatara(Refsnider et al., 2010), and crocodilians(Elsey et al., 2008).Chinese alligator(Alligator sinensis) is a critically endangered freshwater crocodilian endemic to China(Thorbjarnarson and Wang, 1999). Recent investigations show that there are no more than 130 Chinese alligators 相似文献
本文在22例扬子鳄胚胎中观察了附肢的组织发生过程。孵化第6天,前、后肢芽形成处的组织开始向外隆起。第8天,前、后肢芽突出呈乳状。第14天,前、后肢芽基部的中胚层浓缩,开始形成肱骨、股骨软骨原基。第16天,前肢的桡骨、尺骨及后肢的胫骨、腓骨软骨原基出现,软骨原基周围的骨骼肌亦开始分化。第18天,肱骨、股骨、桡骨、胫骨、腓骨均发生明显的软骨化,前肢尺骨尚未发生软骨化,后肢跖软骨原基形成。第20天,前肢掌骨原基及后肢的第1、2、3趾骨原基出现。第24天,前肢第1、2、3、4指骨原基清晰,后肢第1、2、3、4趾骨基节软骨化明显,趾肌开始分化。第30天,前、后肢的指(趾)骨均发生明显的软骨化,前肢掌骨以上诸骨和后肢跖骨以上诸骨的软骨化趋于成熟,其周围的骨骼肌已较发达。本文着重讨论了扬子鳄附肢组织发生的规律和特点。 相似文献
生态因子对生物的生长、发育、生殖和分布有着直接和间接的影响.在1998~2005年对扬子鳄繁殖研究中心内自然环境下鳄卵及其繁殖地环境因子进行调查,包括窝卵数、产卵时间、出壳时间、孵化期内温度、湿度的变化情况、雏鳄孵出后的存活数量以及巢区的植被盖度.调查发现天气状况直接影响母鳄产卵时间、卵的孵化质量与雏鳄的出壳数量.盖度相对大于0.5的窝巢中多数卵基本能正常发育,盖度小于0.5的窝巢中可能只有少数几枚卵发育正常. 相似文献
人工饲养条件下扬子鳄的营巢和产卵行为 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2003~2005年,利用红外线摄像仪,对人工饲养条件下扬子鳄(Alligatorsinensis)的营巢和产卵行为进行了研究。扬子鳄在产卵前,有营造后肢落脚洞的行为;在产卵后期,一边产卵,一边覆盖。为探讨气候对营巢的影响,采用线性回归对气候和扬子鳄营巢开始时间进行分析后的结果表明,对营巢开始时间影响最大的是4月的平均气温,较高的平均气温会导致扬子鳄营巢开始时间提前。运用主成分分析饲养条件下巢址的环境因子,得出巢址的植被盖度、离水源距离等对扬子鳄的巢址利用有较大影响。 相似文献