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OBJECTIVE--To determine whether placental ratio is influenced by maternal ethnic origin, obesity, hypertension, and haematological indices of iron deficiency anaemia. DESIGN--Observational study. SETTING--District general hospital in Birmingham. SUBJECTS--692 healthy nulliparous pregnant women, of whom 367 were European, 213 Asian, 99 Afro-Caribbean, and 13 of other or undocumented ethnic origin. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Placental ratio and maternal body mass index, blood pressure, and haematological indices. RESULTS--Though birth weight and placental weight were lower in Asian women than in other groups, mean placental ratio was similar in Asian (19.5% (SD 3.3%)), European (20.0% (4.0%)), and Afro-Caribbean women (20.4% (5.3%)). Gestational age at birth was the main predictor of placental ratio in the univariate analysis (r = -0.34, P < 0.001) and multivariate analysis. The only other significant predictor of placental ratio in multivariate analysis was maternal body mass index, which was positively associated with placental ratio (r = 0.1, P = 0.01). Mean (SD) placental ratio was not significantly higher in women who developed gestational hypertension (20.4% (4.5%)) and pre-eclampsia (23.3% (7.3%)) than in normal women (19.8% (3.8%)). No evidence of a relation between placental ratio and first antenatal visit haemoglobin concentration or mean cell volume was detected, and placental ratio was not associated with change in mean cell volume during pregnancy or with third trimester serum ferritin concentration. CONCLUSIONS--These data do not support the proposed association between poor maternal nutrition and increased placental ratio. The association between high placental ratio and adult hypertension may be confounded by genetic and environmental factors associated with maternal obesity (and possibly maternal hypertension).  相似文献   

Cleavage in 1-cell mouse eggs was suppressed by continuous treatment with cytochalasin B for 3 or 4 days. During this period the eggs became highly polyploid and showed gene products not found before the 6- to 8-cell stage in control embryos. These polyploid 1-cell eggs (a) reacted with two monoclonal antibodies (anti-SSEA-1 and ECMA 7), which recognize stage-specific surface antigens, and (b) expressed the paternal form of the enzyme glucosephosphate isomerase. The molecular development of early mouse embryos, therefore, seems to progress stage specifically even without cleavage occurring.  相似文献   

Mice of the CBA strain which had given birth to five litters sired by males of a different H-2 type (C57BL/10) showed evidence of immunization to paternal antigens, in that the numbers of lymphocytes forming alloclusters with paternal erythrocytes were significantly elevated. On the other hand, the graft-versus-host responsiveness of maternal splenic lymphocytes to paternal antigens remained virtually unchanged, showing only a slight increase at Day 8 of the assay.  相似文献   

We have previously reported (Bauer MK, Breier BH, Bloomfield FH, Jensen EC, Gluckman PD, and Harding JE. J Endocrinol 177: 83-92, 2003) that a chronic pulsatile infusion of growth hormone (GH) to intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) ovine fetuses increased fetal circulating IGF-I levels without increasing fetal growth. We hypothesized a cortisol-induced upregulation of fetal hepatic GH receptor (GH-R) mRNA levels, secondary increases in IGF-I mRNA levels, and circulating IGF-I levels, but a downregulation of the type I IGF receptor (IGF-IR) as an explanation. We, therefore, measured mRNA levels of genes of the somatotrophic axis by real-time RT-PCR in fetal and placental tissues of fetuses with IUGR (induced by uteroplacental embolization from 110- to 116-days gestation) that received either a pulsatile infusion of GH (total dose 3.5 mg/day) or vehicle from 117-126 days and in control fetuses (n = 5 per group). Tissues were collected at 127 days (term, 145 days). Fetal cortisol concentrations were significantly increased in IUGR fetuses. However, in liver, GH-R, but not IGF-I or IGF-IR, mRNA levels were decreased in both IUGR groups. In contrast, in placenta, GH-R, IGF-I, and IGF-IR expression were increased in IUGR vehicle-infused fetuses. GH infusion further increased placental GH-R and IGF-IR, but abolished the increase in IGF-I mRNA levels. GH infusion reduced IGF-I expression in muscle and increased GH-R but decreased IGF-IR expression in kidney. IUGR increased hepatic IGF-binding protein (IGFBP)-1 and placental IGFBP-2 and -3 mRNA levels with no further effect of GH infusion. In conclusion, the modest increases in circulating cortisol concentrations in IUGR fetuses did not increase hepatic GH-R mRNA expression and, therefore, do not explain the increased circulating IGF-I levels that we found with GH infusion, which are likely due to reduced clearance rather than increased production. We demonstrate tissue-specific regulation of the somatotrophic axis in IUGR fetuses and a discontinuity between GH-R and IGF-I gene expression in GH-infused fetuses that is not explained by alterations in phosphorylated STAT5b.  相似文献   

The preimplantation embryo is sensitive to its environment and, despite having some plasticity to adapt, environmental perturbations can impair embryo development, metabolic homeostasis, fetal and placental development, and offspring health. This study used an in vitro model of embryo culture with increasing mitochondrial inhibition to directly establish the effect of impaired mitochondrial function on embryonic, fetal, and placental development. Culture in the absence of the carbohydrate pyruvate significantly increased blastocyst glucose oxidation via glycolysis to maintain normal levels of ATP and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity. This culture resulted in a significant reduction in blastocyst development, trophectoderm cell number, and respiration rate but, importantly, did not impair implantation rates or fetal and placental development. In contrast, increasing concentrations of the mitochondrial inhibitor amino-oxyacetate (AOA) impaired glycolysis, TCA cycle activity, respiration rate, and ATP production; incrementally reduced blastocyst development; and decreased blastocyst inner cell mass and trophectoderm cell numbers. Importantly, AOA did not affect implantation rates; however, 5 μM AOA significantly reduced placental growth but not fetal growth, increasing the fetal:placental weight ratio. Furthermore, 50 μM AOA significantly reduced both placental and fetal growth but not the fetal:placental weight ratio. Hence, this study demonstrates that a threshold of mitochondrial function is required for normal development, and despite developmental plasticity of the embryo, impaired mitochondrial function in the embryo affects subsequent fetal and placental growth. These results highlight the importance of mitochondrial function in regulating pre- and postimplantation development; however, the effect on offspring health remains unknown.  相似文献   

The effect of restriction of placental growth on the supply of glucose to the gravid uterus and fetus and on fetal and utero-placental metabolism of glucose and lactate was examined in this study. Endometrial caruncles were removed from 13 sheep (caruncle sheep) prior to mating, which restricted placental growth in the subsequent pregnancy. Half the fetuses of caruncle sheep were small or growth retarded, with the remainder normal in size. After insertion of vascular catheters at 110 days gestation, the caruncle sheep, together with 16 control sheep, were studied between 121 and 130 days of gestation. Glucose delivery to and consumption by the gravid uterus and its contents, both as a total and per kg of tissue mass, was significantly lower in caruncle ewes with small fetuses, although glucose extraction was similar to that in controls. Utero-placental glucose consumption was significantly lower in caruncle ewes carrying small fetuses compared to that in control ewes, both as a total and per kg of placenta. Small caruncle fetuses were hypoxaemic and hypoglycaemic and the lactate concentration in the common umbilical vein was significantly higher than in control sheep. Glucose delivery to and consumption by the fetus was significantly lower in normal-sized and in small caruncle fetuses compared to controls. Fetal glucose consumption per kg of fetus was similar in control and caruncle sheep. Fetal glucose extraction increased as fetal weight decreased. Utero-placental production of lactate was similar in control and caruncle ewes. However, uterine output of lactate decreased as placental weight fell. Utero-placental production of lactate per kg of placenta was significantly higher in caruncle ewes compared to controls and increased as oxygen content in blood from the fetal femoral artery decreased. Fetal lactate consumption per kg of fetus increased as the concentration of lactate in blood from the common umbilical vein increased. It is concluded that intrauterine growth retardation due to restriction of placental growth is associated with a reduced supply of glucose to both the pregnant uterus and fetus and a redistribution of glucose therein to the fetus, both directly as glucose and indirectly as lactate. This reflects the disproportionate maintenance of fetal weight relative to that of the placenta, reduced utero-placental consumption of glucose per kg of placenta, conversion of a greater proportion of that glucose or other substrate(s) to lactate by the placenta and an increase in the fraction of the lactate produced by utero-placental tissues that is secreted into the fetal circulation.  相似文献   

Neonatal tolerance inducibility of self-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-class II-associated antigens was compared with that of allo-class II antigens. BALB/c (H-2d, Mlsb) mice, less than 24 hr after birth, were intravenously injected with bone marrow cells of either (BALB/c X DBA/2)F1 (H-2d, Mlsb/a, semiallogeneic at the Mls locus) or (BALB/c X B10.BR)F1 (H-2d/k, Mlsb; semiallogeneic at the MHC), as antigens. The mice were tested for in vivo immune activity of class II-reactive T cells by means of the popliteal lymph node-swelling assay. They developed tolerance, irrespective of type of antigens, showing profoundly suppressed host-versus-graft reaction, and those tolerized to the allo-MHC antigens accepted skin grafts of the corresponding allogeneic mice. In the thymus and spleen of the Mls-tolerant mice, antigen-specific class II-reactive T-cell activity was completely abolished, without the apparent involvement of suppressor cells. In contrast, the activity in allo-MHC-tolerant mice was not reduced in either thymus or peripheral lymphoid organs, suggesting that systemic hyporesponsiveness is attributable to reversible suppression of immune competent cells. The resistance for cell-level tolerance induction to allo-class II antigens may not be ascribed to the active participation of allo-MHC antigens in prevention of or in escape from tolerance induction or both, since an injection of bone marrow cells of both Mls and H-2-semiallogeneic (DBA/2 X B10.BR)F1 (H-2d/k, Mlsa/b) mice could induce tolerance to Mlsa-H-2d antigens in newborn thymus cells.  相似文献   

Conditioned medium from human placental monolayer cultures (PM) had a marked stimulatory effect on proliferation (3H-thymidine uptake) of human fetal zone adrenal cells in primary monolayer culture, even in the absence of serum. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) also significantly stimulated fetal adrenal cell growth. However, the effects of PM differed from those of EGF and FGF in several respects: 1) maximal response to PM was 2-5 times greater; 2) mitogenic effects of EGF and FGF were suppressed by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), whereas that of 50% PM was not; 3) PM inhibited ACTH-stimulated steroidogenesis (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and cortisol), but EGF and FGF did not. Preliminary characterization studies have indicated that approximately half of the placental growth-promoting activity is heat resistant and sensitive to bacterial proteases, and that 50-60% of the activity is lost after dialysis with membranes having a molecular weight cutoff of 3500. These findings suggest a role for the placenta in the growth and differentiated function of the human fetal adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Summary The present study investigates the potential of bone marrow cells from mice tolerant to tumor antigens to repopulate tumor-specific effector T cells. C3H/He mice were inoculated i.v. with 106 10000 R X-irradiated syngeneic X5563 plasmacytoma tumor cells three times at 4-day intervals. This regimen abrogated the ability of spleen cells from these mice to develop anti-X5563 cytotoxic and in vivo protective (tumor-neutralizing) T cell-mediated immunity as induced by i.d. inoculation of viable X5563 cells followed by surgical resection of the tumor. Since such suppression was induced in a tumor-specific way, this represented a state of antitumor tolerance. When bone marrow cells from normal or X5563-tolerant mice were transferred i.v. into 950 R X-irradiated syngeneic C3H/He mice, both groups of recipient mice generated anti-X5563 tumor immunity over a similar time course and to almost the same degree. Anti-X5563 tumor immunity induced in (C3H/He×C57BL/6) F1 mice which had been transferred with bone marrow cells from normal or X5563-tolerant C3H/He mice were mediated by T cells expressing the Ly phenotype of C3H/He, but not of C57BL/6, excluding the possibility that the antitumor effector cells were derived from recipient mice. It was also demonstrated that C3H/He mice which had been reconstituted with normal marrow were rendered tolerant when the tolerance regimen was started 7 weeks, but not 1 week after the bone marrow reconstitution. These results indicate that bone marrow cells from antitumor tolerant mice are not rendered tolerant to the tumor but can provide the potential to repopulate antitumor CTL and in vivo protective effector T cells.This work was supported by the Special Project Cancer-Bioscience from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan Abbreviations used: MHC, major histocompatibility complex; CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocytes; TNP, trinitrophenyl; C, complement; TNBS; trinitrobenzene sulfonate; MMC, mitomycin C  相似文献   

C3H/He mice were injected i.v. with heavily X-irradiated syngeneic X5563 tumor cells three times at 4-day intervals. This regimen resulted in the abrogation of the potential to generate X5563 tumor-specific T cell-mediated immunity as induced by i.d. inoculation of viable X5563 tumor cells followed by surgical resection of the tumor, representing the tolerance induction. Although such a tumor-specific tolerant state was long-lasting, the recovery of anti-X5563 effector T cell responses was observed when the above ordinary immunization procedure was performed 6 months after the tolerance induction. The present study investigated whether the recovery from the tolerance can be accelerated by applying a helper-effector T-T cell interaction model in which enhanced anti-X5563 immunity is obtained by priming mice with BCG and by immunizing X5563 tumor cells modified with BCG cross-reactive MDP hapten (designated as L4-MDP) in the presence of anti-L4-MDP helper T cells preinduced with BCG. The results demonstrated that BCG-primed mice which received the tolerance regimen failed to generate anti-X5563 immunity when the ordinary immunization was performed 2 or 3 months after the tolerance induction. In contrast, the immunization of BCG-primed and X5563-tolerant mice with L4-MDP-coupled X5563 tumor cells at comparable timing to that of the ordinary immunization were capable of generating potent X5563-specific in vivo protective T cell-mediated immunity. As control groups, BCG-primed or unprimed tolerant mice did not develop anti-X5563 immunity when immunized with L4-MDP-uncoupled or L4-MDP-coupled tumor cells, respectively. These results indicate that immunization of BCG-primed, tumor-tolerant mice with L4-MDP-modified tumor cells results in accelerated recovery from the tumor tolerance.  相似文献   

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