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The diet and population dynamics of the Eurasian lynxLynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758 as well as an index of its main prey abundance were studied in transitional mixed forests of northern Belarus in 1985-2004. Monitoring of the lynx population and its main potential prey (the mountain hareLepus timidus, and the roe deerCapreolus capreolus) was done by snow-tracking. Also, abundance of tetraonids (Tetraonidae) was monitored by sight count. Hare numbers were fairly stable during the study period, whereas density of the roe deer population markedly increased, and tetraonids decreased. Composition of the lynx diet was stable seasonally. Lynx fed mostly on hares, roe deer and birds (usually tetraonids) year-round. However, the share of roe deer in lynx diet increased significantly during the period of its higher abundance and the share of tetraonids decreased with their decreasing numbers. There was also a remarkable increase of lynx population, which followed that of the roe deer, despite the pronounced decline of tetraonids. The results of the study emphasised the importance of roe deer as a prey of the Eurasian lynx.  相似文献   

Human harvest is the most important mortality factor for wild ungulates in Europe and can affect several aspects of ungulate biology. There is a growing concern about possible negative side effects of human harvest. To better understand the differences between human and natural mortality, we compared the extent, age and sex structure, nutritional condition, spatial and temporal distribution of human harvest, and natural predation by the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx on the European roe deer Capreolus capreolus, the most abundant wild ungulate in Europe. Compared to the human harvest, lynx were less likely to kill fawns and yearlings than adults, and among adult deer, lynx were more likely to kill females. The proportion of roe deer with fat-depleted bone marrow was higher among lynx prey than among harvested animals. Average lynx kill rate was estimated to 47.8 roe deer per year, and lynx predation was considerably lower than the human harvest in the same area. While human harvest increased with higher roe deer density, lynx predation was similar across the gradient of roe deer densities. Comparison with other countries indicated that differences between human harvest and natural mortality of ungulates vary considerably in different parts of Europe. Variation in hunting practices and, even more importantly, carnivore predation may have an important role in buffering unwanted side effects of harvest of wild ungulates.  相似文献   

Foraging of lynxes in a managed boreal-alpine environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foraging of Eurasian lynxes Lynx lynx was studied with telemetry and snow tracking in central Norway. In all habitats and at all seasons, medium-sized ungulates (roe deer Capreolus capreolus , reindeer Rangifer tarandus and domestic sheep Ovis aries) dominated the diet (81% of ingested biomass estimated from faeces). Mountain hares Lepus timidus and galliform birds comprised the remainder of the diet (15% and 3%, respectively). Lynxes with different life history status did not differ in prey choice, but adult males utilised carcasses of ungulate prey considerably less (16% of the edible parts) than did females with offspring (80%) and subadults (58%.). Forest habitats in lowlands and adjacent to cultivated fields were the most favourable foraging habitats (indexed as the prey encounter rate per km lynx track) primarily owing to the presence of roe deer. Two family groups tracked in winter killed 0.2 ungulate per day. The importance of agricultural land as a foraging habitat and the dominance of livestock in the diet in remoter areas indicate that the lynx has responded to agriculture and reindeer husbandry during the past century by switching from smaff game to ungulates.  相似文献   

We studied microhabitat selection of the Eurasian lynxLynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758) at 116 hunting and 88 resting sites in Białowieża Primeval Forest (Poland) to describe its characteristics and determine the importance of habitat structure for stalking prey and for security during resting. We identified lynx-used sites by radio-tracking 3 male and 3 female lynx. When hunting, the lynx did not select for any type or age class of forest. During both summer and winter, the lynx selected sites characterized by high complexity (number of structures useful for stalking: fallen logs and branches, root plates, patches of dense bushes) and low visibility. In summer, hunting sites were often located in the vicinity of small forest glades that provided good stalking opportunities for lynx and rich foraging resources for roe deer — the main prey of lynx. The habitat at kill sites was more open than at sites where the prey was cached, with higher visibility, lower density of trees and poorer undergrowth. The most important characteristic of resting sites was very low visibility that resulted mainly from using young pine or spruce thickets in the winter and dense undergrowth of oak-lime-hornbeam and ash-alder forests in the summer. The information provided by this study could have direct implications for Eurasian lynx conservation by guiding forest restructuring to better suit the species’ biological requirements.  相似文献   

Abstract The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) causes large loss of free-ranging domestic sheep in Norway. We tested whether the observed higher kill rates by male lynx than female lynx were related to an association between the availability of the main natural prey, as measured by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) habitat suitability, presence of sheep, and habitat selection of male and female lynx. We found that lynx selected areas with high roe deer suitability during summer and winter. Moreover, during summer, compared to male lynx, females had greater selection for roe deer areas and a stronger avoidance for sheep grazing areas, which suggests that previously observed differences in kill rates between male and female lynx can be attributed to sex-specific habitat use during summer. The connection between lynx habitat use and roe deer also was reflected in a positive relationship between the roe deer suitability of a sheep grazing area and the total loss of lambs, which suggests that livestock, rather than being actively selected, are mainly killed by lynx incidentally when encountered during other lynx activities (e.g., searching for natural prey species). Therefore, any management practice that separates lynx and sheep, such as concentrating livestock into small patches or less preferred habitats, may reduce depredation.  相似文献   

Winter diets of wolfCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 and lynxLynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758 in Latvia and Estonia were investigated in 1997–2000 based on stomach contents of hunted animals and scats. Ungulates appeared to be the staple food for both predators. Lynx diet to a high extent consisted of cervids (Estonia 52% frequency of prey, Latvia 88%), roe deer dominating. Mountain hareLepus timidus made up from 9% (Latvia) to 31% (Estonia) of the lynx diet, and red foxVulpes vulpes 7% in Estonian sample. Wolf diet was more diverse; besides cervids (44% in Latvia, 63% in Estonia) it included wild boar Sus scrofa (32% in Latvia, 17% in Estonia), carrion, small rodents, and other food items. Proportion of empty stomachs was high both in wolves (37%) and lynxes (35%) in Latvia. Range of stomach content weights varied from zero to more than 4 kg in wolves and almost 1.5 kg in lynx. Pianka’s indices of food niche overlapped significantly between species and countries (0.85–0.99).  相似文献   

Predator‐prey theory predicts that in the presence of multiple types of predators using a common prey, predator facilitation may result as a consequence of contrasting prey defense mechanisms, where reducing the risk from one predator increases the risk from the other. While predator facilitation is well established in natural predator‐prey systems, little attention has been paid to situations where human hunters compete with natural predators for the same prey. Here, we investigate hunting‐mediated predator facilitation in a hunter‐predator‐prey system. We found that hunter avoidance by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) exposed them to increase predation risk by Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). Lynx responded by increasing their activity and predation on deer, providing evidence that superadditive hunting mortality may be occurring through predator facilitation. Our results reveal a new pathway through which human hunters, in their role as top predators, may affect species interactions at lower trophic levels and thus drive ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

The Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx (Linnaeus 1758) is an opportunistic predator that usually selects the smallest ungulate available. Its diet varies considerably among different regions; therefore it is important to study lynx diet in different parts of the species’ range. We studied the diet of lynx from the endangered Dinaric population in Slovenia and Croatia by analyzing lynx scats, prey remains, and stomach contents. Dinaric lynx mainly killed European roe deer Capreolus capreolus (0.64 frequency of occurrence, 79% of all consumed biomass), which were used more frequently during winter and spring. Ungulates were killed more often by adult males than by lynx of other age and sex groups. In contrast to studies from other regions, lynx in the northern Dinaric Mountains also frequently fed on the edible dormice Glis glis (0.18 frequency of occurrence, 7% of all consumed biomass). This large rodent appears to be an important alternative prey, especially for females and young lynx, and was the reason for the highest use of rodents reported so far for the Eurasian lynx. Edible dormice in Dinaric forests have highly variable numbers of active animals. Seasonal and possibly annual variation in dormouse availability obviously affects lynx diet. This is a rare example where variability in the availability of the alternative prey and not the preferred prey leads to the dietary shift. This study confirms the opportunistic nature of Eurasian lynx and the regional variability of its diet.  相似文献   

Predator avoidance depends on prey being able to discern how risk varies in space and time, but this is made considerably more complicated if risk is simultaneously present from multiple predators. This is the situation for an increasing number of mammalian prey species, as large carnivores recover or are reintroduced in ecosystems on several continents. Roe deer Capreolus capreolus in southern Norway illustrate a case in which prey face two predators with contrasting patterns of predation risk. They face a catch‐22 situation: spatially avoiding the risk from one predator (lynx Lynx lynx in dense habitat) implies exposure to the other (hunters in open habitat). Using GPS‐data from 29 roe deer, we tested for daily and seasonal variation in roe deer selection for habitat with respect to the habitats’ year‐round average risk level. Generally, roe deer altered their habitat selection between night and day in a pattern consistent with being able to avoid predicted risk from the nocturnal lynx during night and predicted risk from human hunters during day. However, seasonal variation in habitat selection only partially corresponded with the predicted seasonal variation in risk. Whereas roe deer avoided areas with high risk from hunters more strongly during the hunting season than in other seasons, there was a lack of selection towards areas and time periods lowering the risk of lynx predation during winter. It seems likely that the risk of starvation and thermal stress constrain roe deer habitat selection during this energetically challenging season with cold temperatures, snow cover and limited natural forage. The habitat selection pattern of roe deer fits thus only partly with the two contrasting risk gradients they face. Adjusting risk‐avoidance behavior temporally can be an adaptive response in the case of several predators whose predation patterns differ in space and time.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors shaping the dynamics of carnivore–livestock conflicts is vital to facilitate large carnivore conservation in multi-use landscapes. We investigated how the density of their main wild prey, roe deer Capreolus capreolus, modulates individual Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx kill rates on free-ranging domestic sheep Ovis aries across a range of sheep and roe deer densities. Lynx kill rates on free-ranging domestic sheep were collected in south-eastern Norway from 1995 to 2011 along a gradient of different livestock and wild prey densities using VHF and GPS telemetry. We used zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) models including lynx sex, sheep density and an index of roe deer density as explanatory variables to model observed kill rates on sheep, and ranked the models based on their AICc values. The model including the effects of lynx sex and sheep density in the zero-inflation model and the effect of lynx sex and roe deer density in the negative binomial part received most support. Irrespective of sheep density and sex, we found the lowest sheep kill rates in areas with high densities of roe deer. As roe deer density decreased, males killed sheep at higher rates, and this pattern held for both high and low sheep densities. Similarly, females killed sheep at higher rates in areas with high densities of sheep and low densities of roe deer. However, when sheep densities were low females rarely killed sheep irrespective of roe deer density. Our quantification of depredation rates can be the first step towards establishing fairer compensation systems based on more accurate and area specific estimation of losses. This study demonstrates how we can use ecological theory to predict where losses of sheep will be greatest, and can be used to identify areas where mitigation measures are most likely to be needed.  相似文献   

In the multi-use landscape of southern Norway, the distribution of lynx is likely to be determined both by the abundance of their favoured prey – the roe deer – and the risk associated with the presence of humans because most lynx mortalities are caused by humans (recreational harvest, poaching, vehicle collisions). We described the distribution of the reproductive portion of the lynx population based on snow-track observations of females with dependent kittens collected over 10  yr (1997–2006) in southern Norway. We used the ecological-niche factor analysis to examine how lynx distribution was influenced by roe deer, human activity, habitat type, environmental productivity and elevation. Our first prediction that lynx should be found in areas of relatively high roe deer abundance was supported. However, our second prediction that lynx should avoid human activity was rejected, and lynx instead occupied areas more disturbed in average than those available (with the exception of the most densely occupied areas). Lynx, however, avoided the most disturbed areas and our third prediction of a trade-off between abundance of prey and avoidance of human activity was supported. On the one hand, roe deer in the most disturbed areas benefit to a large extent from current human land use practices, potentially allowing them to escape predation from lynx. On the other hand, the situation is not so favourable for the predators who are restricted in competition refuges with medium to low prey densities. The consequence is that lynx conservation will have to be achieved in a human modifed environment where the potential for a range of conflicts and high human-caused mortality will remain a constant threat.  相似文献   

The effects of predation on ungulate populations depend on several factors. One of the most important factors is the proportion of predation that is additive or compensatory respectively to other mortality in the prey, i.e., the relative effect of top-down and bottom-up processes. We estimated Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) kill rate on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) using radio-collared lynx. Kill rate was strongly affected by lynx social status. For males it was 4.85 ± 1.30 S.E. roe deer per 30 days, for females with kittens 6.23 ± 0.83 S.E. and for solitary females 2.71 ± 0.47 S.E. We found very weak support for effects of prey density (both for Type I (linear) and Type II (non-linear) functional responses) and of season (winter, summer) on lynx kill rate. Additionally, we analysed the growth rate in a roe deer population from 1985 to 2005 in an area, which lynx naturally re-colonized in 1996. The annual roe deer growth rate was lower after lynx re-colonized the study area, but it was also negatively influenced by roe deer density. Before lynx colonized the area roe deer growth rate was λ = 1.079 (± 0.061 S.E.), while after lynx re-colonization it was λ = 0.94 (± 0.051 S.E.). Thus, the growth rate in the roe deer population decreased by Δλ = 0.14 (± 0.080 S.E.) after lynx re-colonized the study area, which corresponded to the estimated lynx predation rate on roe deer (0.11 ± 0.042 S.E.), suggesting that lynx predation was mainly additive to other mortality in roe deer. To conclude, this study suggests that lynx predation together with density dependent factors both influence the roe deer population dynamics. Thus, both top-down and bottom-up processes operated at the same time in this predator-prey system.  相似文献   

Aim We aimed to describe the large‐scale patterns in population density of roe deer Caprelous capreolus in Europe and to determine the factors shaping variation in their abundance. Location Europe. Methods We collated data on roe deer population density from 72 localities spanning 25° latitude and 48° longitude and analysed them in relation to a range of environmental factors: vegetation productivity (approximated by the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation) and forest cover as proxies for food supply, winter severity, summer drought and presence or absence of large predators (wolf, Canis lupus, and Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx), hunter harvest and a competitor (red deer, Cervus elaphus). Results Roe deer abundance increased with the overall productivity of vegetation cover and with lower forest cover (sparser forest cover means that a higher proportion of overall plant productivity is allocated to ground vegetation and thus is available to roe deer). The effect of large predators was relatively weak in highly productive environments and in regions with mild climate, but increased markedly in regions with low vegetation productivity and harsh winters. Other potentially limiting factors (hunting, summer drought and competition with red deer) had no significant impact on roe deer abundance. Main conclusions The analyses revealed the combined effect of bottom‐up and top‐down control on roe deer: on a biogeographical scale, population abundance of roe deer has been shaped by food‐related factors and large predators, with additive effects of the two species of predators. The results have implications for management of roe deer populations in Europe. First, an increase in roe deer abundance can be expected as environmental productivity increases due to climate change. Secondly, recovery plans for large carnivores should take environmental productivity and winter severity into account when predicting their impact on prey.  相似文献   

The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is a common predator of both roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Sweden. We investigated the influence of prey availability, latitude, sex, and age on body size and body mass variation of the Eurasian lynx in Sweden, using data from 243 specimens whose locality of capture, year of capture, sex, and age were known. We found that both body size and body mass of the lynx in Sweden are mainly affected by the lynx sex and age but also by the availability of prey during the first year of life. Body size and body mass of lynx as well as the density of roe deer increased from Central Sweden to South. Furthermore, body size and body mass of lynx increased from Central Sweden to North (i.e. within the reindeer husbandry area). Lynx body size was slightly smaller within the reindeer husbandry area (approximately north of latitudes 62°–63°N) compared to outside, probably because reindeer are more difficult prey to hunt, as well as being migratory and thus an unpredictable prey for the Eurasian lynx compared to the non-migratory roe deer. Our results support a growing body of evidence showing that food availability at growth has a major effect on body size of animals.  相似文献   

Population dynamics, demography and home ranges of the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx were studied in Bialowiez̊a Primeval Forest (BPF, 1250 km2), the best preserved mixed and deciduous forest in the lowlands of Europe; 40% of BPF area belongs to Poland and 60/0 to the Belarus Republic. Results of radiotelemetry of lynx (1991–1994) were combined with the Polish and Belarussian game departments' inventories of lynx numbers (1946–1994), archival hunting statistics (1869–1989), observations and snowtracking of lynx. In 1991–1994, 12 lynx were radiocollared. Their home ranges covered from SO to 246 km2 (mean 147 km2), depending largely on the time the lynx was radiotracked. During a given period, i.e. the autumn-winter seasons (I October-30 April), the home ranges were largest in adult males (90–148 km2), then in adult females (82–108 km2), and smallest in subadult lynxes (39–55 km2). Home ranges overlapped extensively. In winters 1992/93 and 1993/94, 21 and 29 lynxes, respectively, were recorded by the mapping of radiotracked and snowtracked individuals in the Polish part of BPF. Of them, 45/11 were ‘transborder’ individuals utilising both Polish and Belarussian pits of BPF. Winter densities were c. 3 adult lynx 100 km-2 and 5 lynx 100 km-2 if kittens were included. Adult males formed, on average, 29% and reproducing females 23% of all lynx. Subadults and kittens constituted, respectively, 12% and 35% of the population. Sex ratio was 1:1. During the first 3 months of kittens' life, on average 3.3 kittens/mother were recorded; only 1.6 young/mother survived till independence. Mortality of kittens was at least 48%, and the rate of mortality was highest during the early stage of kittens' life. Mean annual reproduction rate of lynx population was 0.59. In the protected population, annual mortality rate of subadult and adult lynx was on average 0.37. Poaching was the most important factor contributing 71% to the total annual mortality rate. During the last 125 years (1869–1994), three periods with relatively low harvest of lynx by man and thus with fairly natural functioning of lynx population, were recorded: before 1875 (density 2–3 lynx 100 km-2), in 1920–1959 (4–6 lynx 100 km-2) and after 1970 (2–5 lynx 100 km-2). The levels of lynx densities were most probably determined by the varying abundance of roe deer Capreolus capreolus and red deer Cervta elaphus (lynx's main prey) in the ungulate community in BPF. Two periods of near extermination of lynx occurred (1890–1914 and 1960–1970), both caused by deliberate persecution of lynx. As soon as persecution was abandoned, lynx population recovered rapidly, mainly due to immigration from vast continuous forests in the east and north-east. Review of the long-term data on lynx dynamics in the Palaearctic revealed that in the Far North-East (Yakutia), the 10-year cycles of lynx and the blue hare Lupus timidus, its main prey, were recorded. Towards west, the cycle period becomes shorter (5–6 years in the Komi region). In the SW regions of the Palaearctic, where lynx relies on ungulates, lynx numbers are more stable but, periodically, also more aflected by man.  相似文献   

Winter climate at northern latitudes is a challenge to small-bodied ungulates, and they modify behaviour to save energy and to increase the likelihood of survival. Also, the ongoing expansion of large carnivores in several European countries can lead to the recovery of (potentially energetically costly) anti-predator behaviours. In an area recently recolonized by Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx , we snow-tracked radio-collared roe deer Capreolus capreolus in order to investigate their bedding and feeding behaviour during winter, and assess how environmental factors affect their habitat use. We also tested the prediction that roe deer use more open sites than locally available in areas with a stalking predator such as the lynx. Our results showed that both bed sites and foraging sites had more cover, compared with random sites. Most of the variation in canopy cover and in the distance and foraging sites between bed sites and foraging sites was explained by prevailing weather. As the winter progressed, the presumed depletion of fat reserves promoted the use of more canopy cover at foraging sites by night, less by day and a decrease in the distance between beds, foraging sites and human activities. Males used artificial feeding sites less often and bedded further from humans than females. The data fit the hypothesis of tighter energy budgets for family groups (females with fawns) or that males are more cautious towards humans. There was no support for the hypothesis that roe deer used more open habitat than locally available in order to reduce their vulnerability to lynx predation. Owing to severe winter conditions and the danger of starvation, roe deer seem to be forced to accept a high risk when predators are present, not changing their main pattern of habitat use from comparative areas where predators are absent.  相似文献   

Prey animals must balance antipredatory behaviour with foraging behaviour. According to the risk allocation hypothesis, prey increase antipredatory behaviour and reduce foraging activity during pulses of high risk, but with continuous risk, other activities must continue and antipredatory behaviour decreases despite the risk. We studied the impact of lynx presence on the vigilance behaviour of wild roe deer under conditions of (i) a pulsed elevated risk by experimentally spreading lynx urine as an olfactory cue, and (ii) continuous risk by comparing an area where lynx was eradicated 160 years ago to an area where lynx has been re‐introduced 30 years ago. Roe deer were extremely vigilant in response to the predator olfactory cue; however, roe deer vigilance did not differ measurably among areas with or without potential lynx presence. Deer were more vigilant before sunset than during the night at both study areas, probably due to long‐term adaptation of roe deer to human hunting during daytime. Vigilance decreased from August to September even though activity of lynx increases in autumn, which may be a result either of increased foraging due to decrease in food quality in autumn, or of changes in social organization of the deer. Our results suggested that the degree of vigilance depends on environmental cues. We found that roe deer respond to lynx urine despite a long absence of lynx in the ecosystem. Our results support the risk allocation hypothesis for responses to pulses of high risk but not for responses to continuous elevated levels of risk.  相似文献   

Human related mortality is a major threat for large carnivores all over the world and there is increasing evidence that large predators respond to human related risks in a similar way as prey respond to predation risk. This insight recently led to the conceptual development of a landscape of coexistence that can be used to identify areas which can sustain large predator populations in human dominated landscapes. In this study we applied the landscape of coexistence concept to a large predator in Europe. We investigated to what extent Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx habitat selection is affected by human disturbance in a human dominated landscape. More specifically, we were interested in the existence of a tradeoff between the availability of roe deer, one of their main prey and avoidance of human disturbance and how this affects the spatio‐temporal space use patterns of lynx. We found that lynx face a tradeoff between high prey availability and avoidance of human disturbance and that they respond to this by using areas of high prey availability (but also high human disturbance) during the night when human activity is low. Furthermore our analysis showed that lynx increase their travelling speed and remain more in cover when they are close to areas of high human disturbance. Despite clear behavioral adjustments in response to human presence, prey availability still proved to be the most important predictor of lynx occurrence at small spatial scale, whereas human disturbance was considerably less important. The results of our study demonstrate how spatio‐temporal adaptations in habitat selection enable large carnivores to persist in human dominated landscapes and demonstrate the usefulness of the concept of a landscape of coexistence to develop adaptive management plans for endangered populations of large carnivores.  相似文献   

In a multi‐prey system, predators kill different kinds of prey according to their availability, where “availability” is a function of prey abundance and vulnerability (e.g. anti‐predator behavior). We hypothesized that prey availability changes seasonally, for instance because reproduction leads to a higher abundance of young in spring and summer or because changes in behavior such as during the mating season makes the prey periodically more vulnerable. We tested this hypothesis in a simple predator‐prey system in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland and France, where a single large mammalian predator, the Eurasian lynx, preys upon two ungulate species, the roe deer and the chamois. In 1996 and 1997 we were able to assign a total of 190 roe deer and 54 chamois killed by lynx to a specific age and sex class (males, females or juveniles). As expected, the proportion of juveniles killed varied considerably among periods, being at the highest from 1st of June to 15th of August. No significant seasonal differences were detected regarding the frequency of predation on males versus females. In particular, the interaction between species and period, expected because of different timing of the rutting period between roe deer and chamois, was not significant. Females were killed only slightly more often during gestation. The relationship between prey abundance and vulnerability is highly complex, as the lynx’ prey selection needs to be analyzed not only horizontally (changes of a specific prey category with season) but also vertically (an increase in the vulnerability of one category releases predation pressure on others). Second, we predicted that certain activities, such as feeding, expose prey to predation more than others. We found more chamois predated when feeding, whereas roe deer were predated mainly when ruminating. This interspecific discrepancy reflects differences either in the anti‐predator behavior of roe deer and chamois or in the relative time allocation to feeding and ruminating between the two species.  相似文献   

Migratory prey is a widespread phenomenon that has implications for predator–prey interactions. By creating large temporal variation in resource availability between seasons it becomes challenging for carnivores to secure a regular year‐round supply of food. Some predators may respond by following their migratory prey, however, most predators are sedentary and experience strong seasonal variation in resource availability. Increased predation on alternative prey may dampen such seasonal resource fluctuations, but reduced reproduction rates in predators is a predicted consequence of migratory primary prey behavior that has received little empirical attention. We used data from 23 GPS collared Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx monitored during 2007–2013 in northern Norway, to examine how spatio‐temporal variation in the migratory behavior of semi‐domestic reindeer Rangifer tarandus influences lynx spatial organization and reproductive success using estimates of seasonal home range overlap and breeding success. We found that lynx of both sexes maintained seasonally stable home ranges and exhibited site fidelity across years, independent of whether they had access to reindeer throughout the year or experienced a scarcity of reindeer in winter due to migration. However, lynx without access to reindeer in winter showed a decreased probability of reproducing and a tendency for lowered kitten survival into their first winter, when compared to female lynx with reindeer available year around. This supports the hypothesis that sedentary predators experience demographic costs in systems with migratory primary prey. Changes in the migratory behavior of ungulates, including disrupted migrations, is therefore likely to have bottom–up effects on the population dynamics of sedentary predators as well as the previously documented consequences for ungulate population dynamics.  相似文献   

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