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The trabecular meshwork (TM) is part of a complex tissue that controls the exit of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye, and therefore helps maintaining intraocular pressure (IOP). Because of variations in IOP with changing pressure gradients and fluid movement, the TM and its contained cells undergo morphological deformations, resulting in distention and stretching. It is therefore essential for TM cells to continuously detect and respond to these mechanical forces and adapt their physiology to maintain proper cellular function and protect against mechanical injury. Here we demonstrate the activation of autophagy, a pro-survival pathway responsible for the degradation of long-lived proteins and organelles, in TM cells when subjected to biaxial static stretch (20% elongation), as well as in high-pressure perfused eyes (30 mm Hg). Morphological and biochemical markers for autophagy found in the stretched cells include elevated LC3-II levels, increased autophagic flux, and the presence of autophagic figures in electron micrographs. Furthermore, our results indicate that the stretch-induced autophagy in TM cells occurs in an MTOR- and BAG3-independent manner. We hypothesize that activation of autophagy is part of the physiological response that allows TM cells to cope and adapt to mechanical forces.  相似文献   

Improving our understanding of the design requirements of biologically derived collagenous scaffolds is necessary for their effective use in tissue reconstruction. In the present study, the collagen fiber kinematics of small intestinal submucosa (SIS) was quantified using small angle light scattering (SALS) while the specimen was subjected to prescribed uniaxial or biaxial strain paths. A modified biaxial stretching device based on Billiar and Sacks (J. Biomech., 30, pp. 753-7, 1997) was used, with a real-time analysis of the fiber kinematics made possible due to the natural translucency of SIS. Results indicated that the angular distribution of collagen fibers in specimens subjected to 10% equibiaxial strain was not significantly different from the initial unloaded condition, regardless of the loading path (p=0.31). Both 10% strip biaxial stretch and uniaxial stretches of greater than 5% in the preferred fiber direction led to an increase in the collagen fiber alignment along the same direction, while 10% strip biaxial stretch in the cross preferred fiber direction led to a broadening of the distribution. While an affine deformation model accurately predicted the experimental findings for a biaxial strain state, uniaxial stretch paths were not accurately predicted. Nonaffine structural models will be necessary to fully predict the fiber kinematics under large uniaxial strains in SIS.  相似文献   

We examined cerebral arteriolar structure and autoregulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in control (n = 8), sham-operated (n = 8), pinealectomized (n = 10), and pinealectomized plus melatonin-treated (0.51 +/- 0.01 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1) in drinking water, n = 9) young Wistar rats. The lower limit of CBF autoregulation (LLCBF) was determined by measurement of CBF (in arbitrary units, laser Doppler) during stepwise hypotensive hemorrhage; the arteriolar internal diameter (ID; in microm, cranial window) was also measured. Measurements of ID were repeated during a second stepwise hypotension after smooth muscle cell deactivation (67 mmol/l EDTA). The cross-sectional area (CSA) was measured by histometry. CSA and EDTA-induced vasodilatation decreased after pinealectomy (517 +/- 21 vs. 819 +/- 40 microm(2) in sham and 829 +/- 55 microm(2) in control, P < 0.05, and 81 +/- 4 vs. 102 +/- 5 microm in sham and 104 +/- 4 microm in control, P < 0.05, respectively) and were restored by melatonin (924 +/- 39 microm(2) and 102 +/- 5 microm, respectively). These results suggest that melatonin deprival makes the arteriolar wall thinner and stiffer. However, these changes had little effect on LLCBF. In conclusion, pinealectomy of young rats induces atrophy and decreases distensibility of the cerebral arteriolar wall; these effects are prevented by melatonin. They do not modify LLCBF.  相似文献   

Effects of Welsh onion extracts on human platelet function in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chen JH  Chen HI  Wang JS  Tsai SJ  Jen CJ 《Life sciences》2000,66(17):1571-1579
Welsh onion has been consumed for prevention of cardiovascular disorders. However, its underlying mechanisms are still unclear. This study investigated whether Welsh onion extracts can alter human platelet function (ie, platelet adhesion, aggregation, and thromboxane release). To clarify the underlying mechanisms, we also measured the intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) and cyclic nucleotide levels in platelets. Our results showed that 1) boiled extracts directly induced platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner; 2) raw extracts inhibited platelet adhesion and ADP-evoked platelet aggregation, while boiled extracts enhanced them; 3) raw green extract suppressed ADP-stimulated platelet [Ca2+]i elevation and thromboxane production, whereas boiled green extract enhanced them; 4) raw green extract elevated platelet cAMP level, whereas boiled green extract had no effect on cAMP level. Furthermore, the boiled green extract, but not the raw extract, induced pronounced platelet morphological changes. In conclusion, raw extracts of Welsh onion inhibit platelet function in vitro while boiled extracts activate platelets.  相似文献   

The in vitro effect of different concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyric acid (betaHBA) on bovine milk leukocytes was examined. betaHBA level similar to those found in cows with clinical ketosis induced a significant inhibitory effect on the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction as a mean of assaying the metabolic integrity of macrophages after the phorbol-mirystate- acetate and opsonized zymosan stimulation. In the same way, the H2O2 production after stimulation with both soluble and particulate agents decreased significantly in 33 and 26%, respectively, compared with cells incubated without ketone bodies. This result suggests a possible fault in the microbicidal oxidative activity. The macrophage phagocytosis also decreased in cells treated with different betaHBA concentrations, in relation to that obtained from control cells. Neutrophils migration in agarose was determined, and the mean chemotactic response was higher when the cells were incubated with lower level or absence of ketone bodies. Considering the determined differences, we hypothesize that abnormally high levels of ketone bodies could produce a direct effect on leukocyte membranes. The induction of some modification on the receptor structure impairment the interaction ligand-receptor and this may be, in part, responsible for the higher susceptibility to local infections in mammary gland during subclinical and clinical ketosis.  相似文献   

Effects of biaxial deformation on pulmonary artery endothelial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An apparatus has been designed to subject vascular cells grown on a compliant substrate in vitro to uniform, quantifiable levels of biaxial deformation. The system described can be controlled with respect to strain level, rate, and frequency to mimic the pulsatile force to which vascular cells are exposed in vivo under both physiologic and pathologic conditions. In the experiments presented here, bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells were grown on a substrate of segmented polyurethane urea (Mitrathane). Cell growth and morphology on this substrate were compared with those of cells grown on standard tissue culture polystyrene with no difference noted between the two substrates. Primary cultures of pulmonary artery endothelial cells were seeded onto Mitrathane, which was then subjected to cyclic biaxial deformation-producing strains of 0.78%, 1.76%, 4.9%, or 12.5% at a frequency of 1 sec-1 and a duty cycle of 0.5 sec-1 for 7 h. Cells subjected to deformations generating strains of either 4.9% or 12.5% secreted significantly less fibronectin than nondeformed cells. Similar results were obtained in experiments using cloned pulmonary artery endothelial cells on Mitrathane subjected to the 4.9% strain; however, total protein synthesis was increased. Cell viability and DNA synthesis were not affected by cyclic biaxial deformation in these experiments.  相似文献   

Our recent in vitro study (Lidington et al. J Cell Physiol 185: 117-125, 2000) suggested that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) reduces communication along blood vessels. The present investigation extended this study to determine whether any effect of LPS and/or inflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1beta, and IL-6] on endothelial cell coupling in vitro could also be demonstrated for an arteriolar conducted response in vivo. Using an electrophysiological approach in monolayers of microvascular endothelial cells, we found that LPS (10 microg/ml) but not these cytokines reduced intercellular conductance (c(i)) (an index of cell communication) and that LPS together with these cytokines did not further reduce c(i). Also, c(i) was restored after LPS washout, and the LPS-induced reduction was prevented by protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) inhibitors (1.5 microM Tyr A9 and 10 nM PP-2). In our in vivo experiments in arterioles of the mouse cremaster muscle, local electrical stimulation evoked vasoconstriction that conducted along arterioles. LPS in the muscle superfusate did not alter local vasoconstriction but reduced the conducted response. Washout of LPS restored the conducted response, whereas PTK inhibitors prevented the effect of LPS. On the basis of a newly developed mathematical model, the LPS-induced reduction in conducted response was predicted to reduce the arteriolar ability to increase resistance to blood flow. We conclude that LPS can reduce communication in in vitro and in vivo systems comparably in a reversible and tyrosine kinase-dependent manner. Based on literature and present results, we suggest that LPS may compromise microvascular hemodynamics at both the arteriolar responsiveness and the conduction levels.  相似文献   

Tidal stresses are thought to be involved in maintaining airway patency in vivo. The present study examined the effects of normal stresses exerted by the lung parenchyma during tidal ventilation on recovery from agonist-induced airway constriction. In seven anesthetized dogs, one lung was selectively ventilated with a Univent endotracheal tube (Vitaid, Lewiston, NY). Airway tone was increased either transiently (intravenous bolus) or continuously (intravenous infusion) with methacholine (MCh). During one-lung ventilation, changes in the airway size of both lungs were measured for up to 40 min during recovery from constriction by using high-resolution computed tomography. After recovery to baseline, the alternate lung was ventilated, and the protocol was repeated. The absence of tidal stresses led to an attenuated recovery from either transient or steady-state airway constriction. The effectiveness or lack thereof of normal tidal stress in stabilizing airway size may be one factor that contributes to the lack of reversal with tidal breathing and deep inspiration seen in asthmatic subjects.  相似文献   

Bone disease as a consequence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is not fully understood. The effects of high glucose (30 mM), high insulin (50 nM), or mannitol (30 mM; osmotic control) were evaluated on MC3T3-E1 cells (osteoblasts) in vitro. The mRNA and protein levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor (PTH1R), collagen I, RANKL, osteoprotegerin (OPG), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and glucose transporter (GLUT1) were estimated by real-time polymerase chain reaction or Western blotting. The mineralization capacity was analyzed by von Kossa staining. High glucose induced overexpression of RANKL (2×) and OPG (30×), suggesting that RANKL-induced osteoclast activity might not be a dominant mechanism of bone disease in DM, since this increase was followed by increased OPG. Collagen I increased by 12×, indicating an excess of organic matrix production. The expression of ALP decreased by 50 %, indicating a deficit in mineralization capacity, confirmed by von Kossa staining. Mannitol induced similar effects as glucose suggesting that extracellular hyperosmolarity was able to stimulate organic matrix production. GLUT1 expression was not altered, and insulin did not reverse most of the effects of glucose, suggesting that glucose uptake by osteoblasts was not altered by high glucose. The data suggest that the bone fragility typical of DM is not a consequence of excessive bone reabsorption but is instead attributable to a defect in organic matrix mineralization. The heightened increase in OPG versus RANKL might cause a decrease in the bone-remodeling cycle. Osteoblasts appear to be more sensitive to extracellular hypertonicity than to the intracellular metabolic effects of hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

Vascular tissues express arginase that metabolizes L-arginine to L-ornithine and urea and thus reduces substrate availability for nitric oxide formation. Dahl salt-sensitive (Dahl-S) rats with salt-induced hypertension show endothelial dysfunction, including decreased vascular nitric oxide formation. This study tests the hypothesis that increased vascular arginase activity contributes to endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive Dahl-S rats. Male Dahl-S rats (5-6 wk) were placed on high (8%) or low (0.3%) NaCl diets for 4 wk. With respect to the low-salt group, mean arterial blood pressure was increased in the high-salt animals. Immunohistochemical stainings for arginase I and II were enhanced in arterioles isolated from high-salt Dahl-S rats. Experiments used isolated Krebs buffer-superfused first-order gracilis muscle arterioles with constant pressure (80 mmHg) and no luminal flow or constant midpoint but altered endpoint pressures to establish graded levels of luminal flow (0-50 microl/min). In high-salt arterioles, responses to an endothelium-dependent vasodilator acetylcholine (1 nmol/l to 3 micromol/l) and flow-induced dilation were decreased. Acute in vitro treatment with an inhibitor of arginase, 100 micromol/l (S)-(2-boronoethyl)-L-cystine, or the nitric oxide precursor, 1 mmol/l L-arginine, similarly enhanced acetylcholine and flow-induced maximal dilations and abolished the differences between high- and low-salt arterioles. These data show that arteriolar arginase expression is increased and that endothelium-dependent vasodilation is decreased in high-salt Dahl-S rats. Acute pretreatment with an arginase inhibitor or with L-arginine restores endothelium-dependent vasodilation and abolishes the differences between high- and low-salt groups. These results suggest that enhanced vascular arginase activity contributes to endothelial dysfunction in Dahl-S rats with salt-induced hypertension and identifies arginase as a potential therapeutic target to prevent endothelial dysfunction.  相似文献   

In anaesthetized dog, right atrial stretch leads in the first five minutes to a decrease in plasma renin activity, when measured in inferior vena cava just above the renal veins. Bilateral cervical vagotomy increases plasma renin activity. After vagotomy, atrial stretch no longer has any effect on plasma renin activity. The results support the hypothesis of a control of renin secretion originating from atrial volume receptors.  相似文献   

The values of the optimal stretch for the maximal responses of the rat mesenteric artery ring to electrical field stimulation (FES) or noradrenaline as well as for the maximal myogenic responses, tone, and maximal changes in these responses produced by low pH and dynamic sinusoidal stretch of the vessel wall were compared. The findings show that the magnitude of stretch corresponding to the maximal effect depend on the character of responses, on the factor, and on the responses occurrence conditions.  相似文献   

A pipette aspiration technique was proposed for the measurement of nonlinear mechanical properties of arteries under biaxial stretching. A cross-shaped specimen of porcine thoracic aorta whose principal axes corresponded with the axial and circumferential directions of the aortic walls was excised. The intraluminal surface of the specimen was aspirated with a circular cross-sectioned glass pipette while the specimen was stretching in the axial and circumferential directions in 10% increments. The elastic modulus agreed with the incremental elastic modulus obtained through a conventional pressure-diameter test of the same specimen to within an error of 30% at a circumferential stretch ratio below 1.3 and an axial stretch ratio of 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2, which represent lower range of physiological stretch ratios for the porcine aorta. A rectangular cross-sectioned pipette was utilized to measure anisotropic properties of the specimen under biaxial stretching. When aspirated with such a pipette, the specimens' elastic properties along the length of the rectangular pipette cross section can be neglected. The elastic modulus was found to increase rapidly when the specimen was stretched in the direction of the pipette's width. Thus, pipette aspiration should have many advantages such as well measurement of the local nonlinear and anisotropic mechanical properties of blood vessel walls.  相似文献   

Cultured quiescent satellite cells were subjected to mechanical stretch in a FlexerCell System. In response to stretch, satellite cells entered the cell cycle earlier than if they were under control conditions. Only a brief period of stretch, as short as 2 h, was necessary to stimulate activation. Additionally, conditioned medium from stretched cells could activate unstretched satellite cells. The presence of HGF on c-met-positive myogenic cells was detected by immunofluorescence at 12 h in culture, and immunoblots demonstrated that HGF was released by stretched satellite cells into medium. Also, stretch activation could be abolished by the addition of anti-HGF antibodies to stretched cultures, and activity in conditioned medium from stretched cells could be neutralized by anti-HGF antibodies. In addition, stretch appeared to cause release of preexisting HGF from the extracellular matrix. These experiments suggest that HGF may be involved in linking mechanical perturbation of muscle to satellite cell activation.  相似文献   

Wall shear stress (WSS) on anchored cells affects their responses, including cell proliferation and morphology. In this study, the effects of the directionality of pulsatile WSS on endothelial cell proliferation and morphology were investigated for cells grown in a Petri dish orbiting on a shaker platform. Time and location dependent WSS was determined by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). At low orbital speed (50 rpm), WSS was shown to be uniform (0-1 dyne/cm(2)) across the bottom of the dish, while at higher orbital speed (100 and 150 rpm), WSS remained fairly uniform near the center and fluctuated significantly (0-9 dyne/cm(2)) near the side walls of the dish. Since WSS on the bottom of the dish is two-dimensional, a new directional oscillatory shear index (DOSI) was developed to quantify the directionality of oscillating shear. DOSI approached zero for biaxial oscillatory shear of equal magnitudes near the center and approached one for uniaxial pulsatile shear near the wall, where large tangential WSS dominated a much smaller radial component. Near the center (low DOSI), more, smaller and less elongated cells grew, whereas larger cells with greater elongation were observed in the more uniaxial oscillatory shear (high DOSI) near the periphery of the dish. Further, cells aligned with the direction of the largest component of shear but were randomly oriented in low magnitude biaxial shear. Statistical analyses of the individual and interacting effects of multiple factors (DOSI, shear magnitudes and orbital speeds) showed that DOSI significantly affected all the responses, indicating that directionality is an important determinant of cellular responses.  相似文献   

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