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F Conti  A Gheri  M Pusch    O Moran 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(3):1295-1312
The use-dependent block of sodium channels by tetrodotoxin (TTX) has been studied in cRNA-injected Xenopus oocytes expressing the alpha-subunit of rat brain IIA channels. The kinetics of stimulus-induced extra block are consistent with an underlying relaxation process involving only three states. Cumulative extra block induced by repetitive stimulations increases with hyperpolarization, with TTX concentration, and with extracellular Ca2+ concentration. We have developed a theoretical model based on the suggestion by Salgado et al. that TTX blocks the extracellular mouth of the ion pore less tightly when the latter has its external side occupied by a cation, and that channel opening favors a tighter binding by allowing the escape of the trapped ion. The model provides an excellent fit of the data, which are consistent with Ca2+ being more efficient than Na+ in weakening TTX binding and with bound Ca2+ stabilizing the closed state of the channel, as suggested by Armstrong and Cota. Reports arguing against the trapped-ion mechanism are critically discussed.  相似文献   

Adriamycin (doxorubicin) is one of the most effective chemotherapeutic agents against a variety of cancers, but its usefulness is seriously curtailed by the risk of developing heart failure. Available laboratory evidence suggests that an increase in oxidative stress, brought about by increased free radical production and decreased myocardial endogenous antioxidants, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of heart failure. Adriamycin-induced apoptosis and hyperlipidemia may also be involved in the process. Probucol, a lipid-lowering drug and an antioxidant, completely prevents the occurrence of heart failure by reducing oxidative stress as well as by the modulation of apoptis and high lipid concentrations. Thus, combined therapy with adriamycin and probucol has a high potential for optimizing the treatment of cancer patients.  相似文献   

The regulation of vascular tone, vascular permeability, and thromboresistance is essential to maintain blood circulation and therefore tissue environments under physiological conditions. Atherogenic stimuli, including diabetes, dyslipidemia, and oxidative stress, induce vascular dysfunction, leading to atherosclerosis, which is a key pathological basis for cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease and stroke. We have proposed a novel concept termed "vascular failure" to comprehensively recognize the vascular dysfunction that contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Vascular endothelial cells form the vascular endothelium as a monolayer that covers the vascular lumen and serves as an interface between circulating blood and immune cells. Endothelial cells regulate vascular function in collaboration with smooth muscle cells. Endothelial dysfunction under pathophysiological conditions contributes to the development of vascular dysfunction. Here, we address the barrier function and microtubule function of endothelial cells. Endothelial barrier function, mediated by cell-to-cell junctions between endothelial cells, is regulated by small GTPases and kinases. Microtubule function, regulated by the acetylation of tubulin, a component of the microtubules, is a target of atherogenic stimuli. The elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction as a cellular mechanism for vascular failure could provide novel therapeutic targets of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

In this study, the trypsin gene (bgtryp-1) from the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, was cloned via the immunoscreening of patients with allergies to cockroaches. Nucleotide sequence analysis predicted an 863 bp open reading frame which encodes for 257 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibited 42-57% homology with the serine protease from dust mites, and consisted of a conserved catalytic domain (GDSGGPLV). bgtryp-1 was determined by both Northern and Southern analysis to be a 0.9 kb, single-copy gene. SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analyses of the recombinant protein (Bgtryp-1) over-expressed in Escherichia coli revealed that the molecular mass of the expressed protein was 35 kDa, and the expressed protein was capable of reacting with the sera of cockroach allergy patients. We also discussed the possibility that trypsin excreted by the digestive system of the German cockroach not only functions as an allergen, but also may perform a vital role in the activation of PAR-2.  相似文献   

The additive partitioning of species diversity: recent revival of an old idea   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Ecologists have traditionally viewed the total species diversity within a set of communities as the product of the average diversity within a community (alpha) and the diversity among the communities (beta). This multiplicative concept of species diversity contrasts with the lesser known idea that α- and β-diversities sum to give the total diversity. This additive partitioning of species diversity is nearly as old as the multiplicative concept, yet ecologists are just now beginning to use additive partitioning to examine patterns of species diversity. In this review we discuss why additive partitioning remained "hidden" until just a few years ago. The rediscovery of additive partitioning has expanded the way in which ecologists define and measure β-diversity. Beta diversity is no longer relegated to describing change only along an environmental gradient. Through additive partitioning, β-diversity is explicitly an average amount of diversity just as is α-diversity. We believe that the additive partitioning of diversity into α and β components will continue to become more widely used because it allows for a direct comparison of α- and β-diversities. It also has particular relevance for testing ecological theory concerned with the determinants of species diversity at multiple spatial scales and potential applications in conservation biology.  相似文献   

Galactose as an Inhibitor of the Expansion of Root Cells   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
HUGHES  R.; STREET  H. E. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(3):555-564
The inhibition of the growth of cultured tomato roots by galactoseis due to an inhibition of cell expansion. Galactose is rapidlyabsorbed during the first 8 h following application and thefull inhibitory effect on extension growth of the roots is exertedwithin the first 24 h. At a concentration of 0·05 percent or less (50 per cent inhibition occurs at 0·035per cent) the galactose is not toxic and growth continues for7 days at the partially inhibited rate. The simultaneous presenceof glucose reduces galactose uptake but significant galactoseuptake continues at sites insensitive to a high concentrationof external glucose. In presence of an appropriate level ofglucose, although galactose uptake proceeds, the growth inhibitoryeffect of the galactose is fully reversed. Galactose reduces the content in the cell walls of the -cellulosefraction and during feeding with (I-14C) galactose all the cellwall fractions become labelled. The -cellulose fraction thenyields galactose of high specific activity. Glucose inhibitsthe incorporation of carbon from galactose into the -cellulosefraction and galactose inhibits the incorporation into thisfraction of the carbon of sucrose. The hypothesis is developedthat galactose inhibits cell expansion by a disruption of cellulosesynthesis which involves a direct incorporation of the externallyapplied galactose into the a-cellulose fraction of the cellwalls.  相似文献   

The ‘developmental stress hypothesis’ attempts to provide a functional explanation of the evolutionary maintenance of song learning in songbirds. It argues that song learning can be viewed as an indicator mechanism that allows females to use learned features of song as a window on a male's early development, a potentially stressful period that may have long-term phenotypic effects. In this paper we formally model this hypothesis for the first time, presenting a population genetic model that takes into account both the evolution of genetic learning preferences and cultural transmission of song. The models demonstrate that a preference for song types that reveal developmental stress can evolve in a population, and that cultural transmission of these song types can be stable, lending more support to the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Research in object recognition has tried to distinguish holistic recognition from recognition by parts. One can also guess an object from its context. Words are objects, and how we recognize them is the core question of reading research. Do fast readers rely most on letter-by-letter decoding (i.e., recognition by parts), whole word shape, or sentence context? We manipulated the text to selectively knock out each source of information while sparing the others. Surprisingly, the effects of the knockouts on reading rate reveal a triple dissociation. Each reading process always contributes the same number of words per minute, regardless of whether the other processes are operating.  相似文献   

Considering psychiatry as a medical discipline, a diagnosis identifying a disorder should lead to an effective therapy. Such presumed causality is the basis of evidence-based psychiatry. We examined the strengths and weaknesses of research onto the causality of relationship between diagnosis and therapy of major depressive disorder and suggest what could be done to strengthen eventual claims on causality. Four obstacles for a rational evidence-based psychiatry were recognised. First, current classification systems are scientifically nonfalsifiable. Second, cerebral processes are-at least to some extent-nondeterministic, i.e. they are random, stochastic and/or chaotic. Third, the vague or lack of relationship between therapeutic regimens and suspected pathogenesis. Fourth, the inadequacy of tools to diagnose and delineate a functional disorder. We suggest a strategy to identify diagnostic prototypes that are characterised by a limited number of parameters (symptoms, markers and other characteristics). A prototypical diagnosis that may either support or reject particular elements of current diagnostic systems. Nevertheless, one faces the possibility that psychiatry will remain a relatively weak evidence-based medical discipline.  相似文献   

Pyrophosphate serves as an alternative energy donor to ATP for sucrose mobilisation via sucrose synthase, for glycolysis via pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase, and for tonoplast energisation via the tonoplast proton-pumping pyrophosphatase. This review considers the possible roles of these pyrophosphate-driven reactions. Correlative evidence based on expression patterns, the distribution of proteins and activities in various tissues, and comparisons of the in vitro properties of the enzymes with the in vivo metabolite levels indicates an important role in young growing tissues and in stress conditions including anaerobiosis, but interpretation is complicated by the reversibility of the pyrophosphate-driven reactions and by their duplication by ATP-dependent reactions. The review then considers the evidence emerging from experiments using reversed genetics to alter expression of sucrose synthase, the pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase, and the tonoplast proton-pumping pyrophosphatase. This approach has revealed that sucrose synthase plays an essential role in sucrose breakdown in potato tubers, and that pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase catalyses a near-equilibrium reaction with a net flux in the direction of glycolysis. However, it does not support a special role of the latter enzymes in stress responses. Interpretation is complicated by compensation, which can include expression of other members of a gene family, use of alternative pathways, and relaxation of the feed back regulation in response to decreased expression of the enzyme. In an alternative approach, ectopic overexpression of soluble pyrophosphatase from E. coli has been used as a tool to decrease the levels of pyrophosphate in the cytosol. Constitutive overexpression leads to dramatic changes in sucrose and starch synthesis, sink-source relations and plant growth, phloem-specific overexpression of soluble pyrophosphatase leads to an inhibition of phloem transport, leaf mesophyll-specific overexpression leads to a small stimulation of sucrose synthesis, and potato tuber-specific overexpression leads to an inhibition of starch accumulation.  相似文献   

Melchers KG  Shanks DR  Lachnit H 《Behavioural processes》2008,77(3):413-27; discussion 451-3
An enduring theme for theories of associative learning is the problem of explaining how configural discriminations--ones in which the significance of combinations of cues is inconsistent with the significance of the individual cues themselves-are learned. One approach has been to assume that configurations are the basic representational form on which associative processes operate, another has tried in contrast to retain elementalism. We review evidence that human learning is representationally flexible in a way that challenges both configural and elemental theories. We describe research showing that task demands, prior experience, instructions, and stimulus properties all influence whether a particular problem is solved configurally or elementally. Lines of possible future theory development are discussed.  相似文献   

In the nineteenth century protozoology and early cell biology intersected through the nexus of Darwin’s theory of evolution. As single-celled organisms, amoebae offered an attractive focus of study for researchers seeking evolutionary relationships between the cells of humans and other animals, and their primitive appearance made them a favourite model for the ancient ancestor of all living things. Their resemblance to human and other metazoan cells made them popular objects of study among morphologists, physiologists, and even those investigating animal behaviour. The amoeba became the exemplar of the new protoplasmic cell concept of mid-century and because its apparent simplicity made it widely generalizable it became a popular subject in a breadth of experimental investigations and theoretical speculations. It was able to do this because “the amoeba” denotes not a particular organism, but a general type of behaviour common to the cells of a range of protozoa, simple plants and higher animals. Its status as an exemplary cell also rested upon auxiliary philosophical assumptions about what constitutes a primitive characteristic and the thesis that evolution is a progressive development of order from chaos.  相似文献   

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