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Singh  J.S.  Singh  Smita  Raghubanshi  A.S.  Singh  Saranath  Kashyap  A.K.  Reddy  V.S. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):115-121
Methane uptake was measured for two consecutive years for four forest and one savanna sites in a seasonally dry tropical region of India. The soils were nutrient-poor and well drained. These sites differed in vegetational cover and physico-chemical features of the soil. There were significant differences in CH4 consumption rates during the two years (mean 0.43 and 0.49 mg m-2 h-1), and at different sites (mean 0.36 to 0.57 mg m-2 h-1). The mean uptake rate was higher (P < 0.05) in dry seasons than in the rainy season at all the sites. There was a significant season and site interaction, indicating that the effect of different seasons differed across the sites. There was a positive relation between soil moisture and CH4 uptake rates during summer (the driest period) and a negative relation during the rest of the year. The results suggested that seasonally dry tropical forests are a strong sink for CH4, and C and N status of soils regulates the strength of the sink in the long term.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of oxygen (O2) concentration on methane (CH4) production and oxidation in two humid tropical forests that differ in long‐term, time‐averaged soil O2 concentrations. We identified sources and sinks of CH4 through the analysis of soil gas concentrations, surface emissions, and carbon isotope measurements. Isotope mass balance models were used to calculate the fraction of CH4 oxidized in situ. Complementary laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of O2 concentration on gross and net rates of methanogenesis. Field and laboratory experiments indicated that high levels of CH4 production occurred in soils that contained between 9±1.1% and 19±0.2% O2. For example, we observed CH4 concentrations in excess of 3% in soils with 9±1.1% O2. CH4 emissions from the lower O2 sites were high (22–101 nmol CH4 m?2 s?1), and were equal in magnitude to CH4 emissions from natural wetlands. During peak periods of CH4 efflux, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions became enriched in 13C because of high methanogenic activity. Gross CH4 production was probably greater than flux measurements indicated, as isotope mass balance calculations suggested that 48–78% of the CH4 produced was oxidized prior to atmospheric egress. O2 availability influenced CH4 oxidation more strongly than methanogenesis. Gross CH4 production was relatively insensitive to O2 concentrations in laboratory experiments. In contrast, methanotrophic bacteria oxidized a greater fraction of total CH4 production with increasing O2 concentration, shifting the δ13C composition of CH4 to values that were more positive. Isotopic measurements suggested that CO2 was an important source of carbon for methanogenesis in humid forests. The δ13C value of methanogenesis was between ?84‰ and ?98‰, which is well within the range of CH4 produced from CO2 reduction, and considerably more depleted in 13C than CH4 formed from acetate.  相似文献   

Methane flux from rainforest soils in northeast Queensland, Australia, was investigated using a combination of laboratory, field and simulation modelling. In aerobic laboratory incubations, CH4 uptake in the top 0.1 m of the soil (?2.5 to ?7.3 μg CH4 kg?1 SDW day?1) is approximately one order of magnitude higher than CH4 production under anaerobic conditions. The highest CH4 uptake, as well as potential CH4 production is found in the uppermost C rich soil layers. Detailed measurements from three contrasting rainforest sites identified the soils to be functioning as sinks for atmospheric CH4. Fifteen months continuous measurement at one of the lowland rainforest sites showed that the seasonality of CH4 uptake was mainly driven by changes in soil moisture rather than by temperature changes. Maximum CH4 uptake (109 μg CH4 m?2 h?1) was observed during dry season conditions, whereas during the wet season, CH4 uptake decreased significantly to near zero. Based on our laboratory experiments and on published literature we developed a semi-empirical CH4 module for the biogeochemical model ForestDNDCtropica. Tests at several sites showed the robustness of our modelling approach with mean simulated values within 12% of observed values. To estimate regional CH4 uptake by rainforest soils in the region of the ‘Wet Tropics’, Queensland, Australia, we linked CH4 uptake and production algorithms to a regional GIS database. We estimated that the lowland and montane rainforest soils in northeast Queensland, Australia, were a net sink for CH4 with a mean uptake rate of ?2.89 kg CH4 ha?1 year?1 during July 1996 to June 1997 period.  相似文献   

Humid tropical forests have the fastest rates of organic matter decomposition globally, which often coincide with fluctuating oxygen (O2) availability in surface soils. Microbial iron (Fe) reduction generates reduced iron [Fe(II)] under anaerobic conditions, which oxidizes to Fe(III) under subsequent aerobic conditions. We demonstrate that Fe (II) oxidation stimulates organic matter decomposition via two mechanisms: (i) organic matter oxidation, likely driven by reactive oxygen species; and (ii) increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) availability, likely driven by acidification. Phenol oxidative activity increased linearly with Fe(II) concentrations (< 0.0001, pseudo R2 = 0.79) in soils sampled within and among five tropical forest sites. A similar pattern occurred in the absence of soil, suggesting an abiotic driver of this reaction. No phenol oxidative activity occurred in soils under anaerobic conditions, implying the importance of oxidants such as O2 or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in addition to Fe(II). Reactions between Fe(II) and H2O2 generate hydroxyl radical, a strong nonselective oxidant of organic compounds. We found increasing consumption of H2O2 as soil Fe(II) concentrations increased, suggesting that reactive oxygen species produced by Fe(II) oxidation explained variation in phenol oxidative activity among samples. Amending soils with Fe(II) at field concentrations stimulated short‐term C mineralization by up to 270%, likely via a second mechanism. Oxidation of Fe(II) drove a decrease in pH and a monotonic increase in DOC; a decline of two pH units doubled DOC, likely stimulating microbial respiration. We obtained similar results by manipulating soil acidity independently of Fe(II), implying that Fe(II) oxidation affected C substrate availability via pH fluctuations, in addition to producing reactive oxygen species. Iron oxidation coupled to organic matter decomposition contributes to rapid rates of C cycling across humid tropical forests in spite of periodic O2 limitation, and may help explain the rapid turnover of complex C molecules in these soils.  相似文献   

In tropical ecosystems with highly weathered soils, transformation of organic phosphorus (P) to bioavailable inorganic P plays a crucial role for the nutrition of organisms. In these ecosystems, P is suspected to be growth-limiting and might therefore be affected by atmospheric nutrient deposition occurring even in remote areas such as montane rainforests. We assessed effects of P and nitrogen (N) addition on net and gross P mineralization rates, and microbial P immobilization in the organic layer along an altitudinal gradient of a tropical montane rainforest in Ecuador. Net P mineralization rates amounted to 1.8 ± 0.9 (at 1000 m a.s.l.), 3.7 ± 0.6 (at 2000 m) and 2.0 ± 0.4 (at 3000 m) mg P kg?1 day?1. Altitudinal differences led to an increased microbial P immobilization at 1000 m compensating for a higher gross P mineralization. P addition increased net P mineralization rates at 2000 and 3000 m, suggesting a higher P demand at 1000 m. At higher altitudes, P likely was released as a by-product during organic matter decomposition. Gross P mineralization, determined by means of the isotopic dilution approach, could not be calculated for control and N treatments due to rapid microbial P immobilization. For P (+N) treatments, gross P mineralization rates were lowest at the 1000 m site towards the end of the long-term incubation period. Atmospheric P deposition in the tropics might lead to P fertilization effects through direct input as well as through acceleration of P release from organic matter, thereby increasing P availability for organisms.  相似文献   

热带山地常绿林和热带山顶矮林均属于热带云雾林.为了揭示其群落结构和物种多样性特征,在海南岛霸王岭热带山地常绿林和热带山顶矮林分别设置8个和10个2,500 m2样方,调查所有DBH≥1cm的乔木、灌木和藤本植株.结果显示:(1)热带山地常绿林幼树(1cm≤DBH<5 cm)和小树(5cm≤DBH< 10 cm)的平均密...  相似文献   

李君怡  席毅  赵俊福 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4978-4987
森林土壤是一个重要的大气甲烷的汇。然而,相较于寒带和温带,在热带尤其是东南亚地区,森林土壤甲烷通量的观测较少,这限制了目前对热带森林土壤甲烷通量与环境因子之间关系的认识,也给热带森林土壤甲烷汇的估算带来了一定的不确定性。在中国海南省吊罗山国家森林公园的热带森林土壤,采用激光光谱法测量了2016年9月至2018年9月逐月的土壤甲烷通量,并分析了其与周围环境因子的关系。结果表明:研究区土壤是甲烷的汇,山顶样地的年平均吸收量为0.95 kg CH4-C hm-2 a-1,山脚样地的年平均吸收量为1.93 kg CH4-C hm-2 a-1。干季(11月—次年4月)的甲烷吸收通量明显高于湿季(5—10月),占到全年甲烷吸收的68%。山顶样地年平均土壤湿度为19.2%,年内的波动较小(2.8%)。而山脚样地的年平均湿度相对较低,为12.7%,且年内波动大(5.4%)。土壤湿度是控制甲烷吸收最主要的环境因子,可以解释月际甲烷吸收变化的76%,甲烷吸收通量与土壤温度的相...  相似文献   

The origins and composition of soil organic matter (SOM) are still largely uncertain. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are recognized as indirect contributors through their influence on soil aggregation, plant physiology, and plant community composition. Here we present evidence that AMF can also make large, direct contributions to SOM. Glomalin, a recently discovered glycoprotein produced by AMF hyphae, was detected in tropical soils in concentrations of over 60 mg cm–3. Along a chronosequence of soils spanning ages from 300 to 4.1 Mio years, a pattern of glomalin concentrations is consistent with the hypothesis that this protein accumulates in soil. Carbon dating of glomalin indicated turnover at time scales of several years to decades, much longer than the turnover of AMF hyphae (which is assumed to be on the order of days to weeks). This suggests that contributions of mycorrhizae to soil carbon storage based on hyphal biomass in soil and roots may be an underestimate. The amount of C and N in glomalin represented a sizeable amount (ca. 4–5%) of total soil C and N in the oldest soils. Our results thus indicate that microbial (fungal) carbon that is not derived from above- or below-ground litter can make a significant contribution to soil carbon and nitrogen pools and can far exceed the contributions of soil microbial biomass (ranging from 0.08 to 0.2% of total C for the oldest soils).  相似文献   

Wetlands are important sources of methane (CH4) and sinks of carbon dioxide (CO2). However, little is known about CH4 and CO2 fluxes and dynamics of seasonally flooded tropical forests of South America in relation to local carbon (C) balances and atmospheric exchange. We measured net ecosystem fluxes of CH4 and CO2 in the Pantanal over 2014–2017 using tower‐based eddy covariance along with C measurements in soil, biomass and water. Our data indicate that seasonally flooded tropical forests are potentially large sinks for CO2 but strong sources of CH4, particularly during inundation when reducing conditions in soils increase CH4 production and limit CO2 release. During inundation when soils were anaerobic, the flooded forest emitted 0.11 ± 0.002 g CH4‐C m?2 d?1 and absorbed 1.6 ± 0.2 g CO2‐C m?2 d?1 (mean ± 95% confidence interval for the entire study period). Following the recession of floodwaters, soils rapidly became aerobic and CH4 emissions decreased significantly (0.002 ± 0.001 g CH4‐C m?2 d?1) but remained a net source, while the net CO2 flux flipped from being a net sink during anaerobic periods to acting as a source during aerobic periods. CH4 fluxes were 50 times higher in the wet season; DOC was a minor component in the net ecosystem carbon balance. Daily fluxes of CO2 and CH4 were similar in all years for each season, but annual net fluxes varied primarily in relation to flood duration. While the ecosystem was a net C sink on an annual basis (absorbing 218 g C m?2 (as CH4‐C + CO2‐C) in anaerobic phases and emitting 76 g C m?2in aerobic phases), high CH4 effluxes during the anaerobic flooded phase and modest CH4 effluxes during the aerobic phase indicate that seasonally flooded tropical forests can be a net source of radiative forcings on an annual basis, thus acting as an amplifying feedback on global warming.  相似文献   



Andean montane forests are biodiversity hotspots and large carbon stores and they provide numerous ecosystem services. Following land abandonment after centuries of forest clearing for agriculture in the Andes, there is an opportunity for forest recovery. Field-based studies show that forests do not always recover. However, large-scale and long-term knowledge of recovery dynamics of Andean forests remains scarce. This paper analyses tropical montane forest recovery trajectories over a 15-year time frame at the landscape and tropical Andean scale to inform restoration planning.


We first detect “potential recovery” as areas that have experienced a forest transition between 2000 and 2005. Then, we use Landsat time series analysis of the normalized difference water index (NDWI) to classify four “realized recovery” trajectories (“ongoing”, “arrested”, “disrupted” and “no recovery”) based on a sequential pattern of 5-yearly Z-score anomalies for 2005–2020. We compare these results against an analysis of change in tree cover to validate against other datasets.


Across the tropical Andes, we detected a potential recovery area of 274 km2 over the period. Despite increases in tree cover, most areas of the Andes remained in early successional states (10–25% tree cover), and NDWI levelled out after 5–10 years. Of all potential forest recovery areas, 22% showed “ongoing recovery”, 61% showed either “disrupted” or “arrested recovery”, and 17% showed “no recovery”. Our method captured forest recovery dynamics in a Peruvian arrested succession context and in landscape-scale tree-planting efforts in Ecuador.

Main conclusions

Forest recovery across the Andes is mostly disrupted, arrested or unsuccessful, with consequences for biodiversity recovery and provision of ecosystem services. Low-recovery areas identified in this study might be good candidates for active restoration interventions in this UN Decade on Restoration. Future studies could determine restoration strategies and priorities and suggest management strategies at a local planning scale across key regions in the biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高、降水格局改变、全球氮沉降增加和土地覆盖变化等全球变化不仅改变了森林土壤理化性质,而且影响了植物的生长和微生物活性,导致森林土壤碳、氮循环发生改变,进而影响土壤CH4的吸收.本研究综述了森林土壤CH4吸收的重要性,森林土壤CH4吸收对大气CO2浓度升高、降水格局改变、全球氮沉降增加和土地覆盖变化等全球变化的响应差异及驱动机制.大气CO2浓度升高抑制土壤CH4吸收;降水减少倾向于促进土壤CH4吸收;外源氮输入抑制富氮森林土壤CH4吸收,而对贫氮森林土壤CH4吸收则表现为促进或不影响;森林转化为草地、农田或人工林会减少土壤CH4的吸收量,而植树造林则会增加土壤CH4的吸收量.今后的研究重点是探讨全球变化对森林土壤CH4吸收产生长期影响和综合效应,并借助分子生物学方法进一步探究土壤CH4吸收的微生物学机制.  相似文献   

Severe wildfire may cause long-term changes in the soil-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide and methane, two gases known to force atmospheric warming. We examined the effect of a severe wildfire 10?years after burning to determine decadal-scale changes in soil gas fluxes following fire, and explored mechanisms responsible for these dynamics. We compared soil carbon dioxide efflux, methane uptake, soil temperature, soil water content, soil O horizon mass, fine root mass, and microbial biomass between a burned site and an unburned site that had similar stand conditions to the burned site before the fire. Compared to the unburned site, soil carbon dioxide efflux was 40% lower and methane uptake was 49% higher at the burned site over the 427-day measurement period. Soil O horizon mass, microbial biomass, fine root mass, and surface soil water content were lower at the burned site than the unburned site, but soil temperature was higher. A regression model showed soil carbon dioxide efflux was more sensitive to changes in soil temperature at the burned site than the unburned site. The relative importance of methane uptake to carbon dioxide efflux was higher at the burned site than the unburned site, but methane uptake compensated for only 1.5% of the warming potential of soil carbon dioxide efflux at the burned site. Our results suggest there was less carbon available at the burned site for respiration by plants and microbes, and the loss of the soil O horizon increased methane uptake in soil at the burned site.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带山地雨林生物量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观测了西双版纳山地气候,建立了山地雨林生物量回归方程,调查了海拔1 100~1 820 m范围5块样地(面积0.16~0.25 hm2)的热带山地雨林生物量。结果表明,海拔1 105和1 610 m的年平均温度分别为20.1和16.6℃,年降雨量分别为1 659和2 011 mm,旱季(11~4月)降雨量分别为295和283mm,年平均相对湿度分别为81%和84%;5块样地生物量变化为256.4~368.6 t.hm-2,平均为312.6t.hm-2,其中乔木占97.1%、木质藤本占1.2%、幼树和灌木占1.3%、草本和幼苗占0.4%;采用热带季节雨林生物量回归方程估计山地雨林生物量,会使得总生物量以及树干和树根生物量高估38.3%~61.5%,树枝生物量低估7.6%~30.8%。可见,西双版纳山地海拔增加导致雨季降雨量增加,山地雨林生物量较热带季节雨林降低32.6%,季节雨林生物量方程不适用于山地雨林。  相似文献   

We describe chimpanzee seed dispersal in the tropical montane forest of Nyungwe National Park (NNP), Rwanda, for a total of three years from January 1998 through May 2000 and May 2006 through March 2007. Relatively few studies have examined chimpanzee seed dispersal in montane communities where there are generally fewer fruiting tree species than in lowland forests. Such studies may reveal new insights into chimpanzee seed dispersal behaviors and the role that they play in forest regeneration processes. Chimpanzees are large‐bodied, highly frugivorous, and tend to deposit the seeds of both large‐ and small‐seeded fruits they consume in a viable state. We found that chimpanzees dispersed a total of 37 fruiting species (20 families) in their feces, 35% of which were large‐seeded trees (≥0.5 cm). A single large‐seeded tree, Syzygium guineense, was the only species to be dispersed in both wadges and feces. Based on phenological patterns of the top five large‐seeded tree species found in chimpanzee feces, our results indicate that chimpanzees do not choose fruits based on their availability. There was, however, a positive relationship between the presence of Ekebergia capensis seeds in chimpanzee feces and S. guineense seeds in chimpanzee wadges and their respective fruit availabilities. Our data reveal that proportionately fewer chimpanzee fecal samples at NNP contained seeds than that reported in two other communities in the Albertine Rift including one at mid‐elevation and one in montane forest. As in other chimpanzee communities, seeds of Ficus spp. were the most common genus in NNP chimpanzee feces. Our data do not support previous studies that describe Ficus spp. as a fallback food for chimpanzees and highlights an intriguing relationship between chimpanzees and the large‐seeded tree species, S. guineense. Am. J. Primatol. 71:901–911, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To clarify the reason for the higher CH4 uptake rate in Japanese forest soils, twenty-seven sites were established for CH4 flux measurement. The first order rate constant for CH4 uptake was also determined using soil core incubation at 14 sites. The CH4 uptake rate had a seasonal fluctuation, high in summer and low in winter, and the rate correlated with soil temperature at 17 sites. The annual CH4 uptake rates ranged from 2.7 to 24.8 kg CH4 ha−1 y−1 (the average of these rates was 9.7 or 10.9 kg CH4 ha−1 y−1, depending on method of calculation), which is somewhat higher than the uptake rates reported in previous literature. The averaged CH4 uptake rate correlated closely with the CH4 oxidation rate of the topsoil (0–5 cm) in the study sites. The CH4 oxidation constant of the topsoil was explained by a multiple regression model using total pore volume of the soil, nitrate content, and C/N ratio (p < 0.05, R 2 = 0.684). This result and comparison with literature data suggest that the high CH4 uptake rate in Japanese forest soils depends on the high porosity probably due to volcanic ash parent materials. According to our review of the literature, the CH4 uptake rate in temperate forests in Europe is significantly different from that in Asia and North America. A new global CH4 uptake rate in temperate forests was estimated to be 5.4 Tg y−1 (1 SE is 1.1 Tg y−1) on a continental basis.  相似文献   

Gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements of expanding and adult leaves of four plant species were compared under field conditions. The pioneer species (PS) tended to have thinner leaves with lower nitrogen content and higher stomatal density compared to forest species (FS). Expanding leaves featured lower photosynthetic pigment contents and gas exchange capacity than adult leaves consistent with an immature photosynthetic apparatus. At the time of maximum irradiance, sun-exposed leaves of both PS and FS showed alteration of initial, variable, and maximum fluorescence as well as their ratios indicating photoinhibition. However, leaves recovered to some extent at predawn, suggesting the activation of photoprotective mechanisms. Sun-exposed leaves had comparable responses to high irradiance.  相似文献   

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