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Despite two decades of research into over one hundred species, the function of extrapair paternity to female birds remains unclear. Recent studies have demonstrated patterns between extrapair paternity and the genetic similarity of females with social partners and extrapair males. We believe that selection on females to gain genetically compatible fathers for their offspring offers a possible general explanation for the function of extrapair paternity. The idea of sexual selection being driven by genetic compatibility is widely considered by workers on other taxa but has been largely ignored by studies of birds. Genetic compatibility could be optimised by females through a behavioural process before copulation or through a postcopulatory process. Postcopulatory processes such as cryptic female choice have been recently demonstrated in birds and would allow female birds to use a 'genetically loaded raffle' to target compatible genes through sperm competition. We discuss the general weaknesses of studies of extrapair paternity to date and suggest a number of avenues for future research that will help to elucidate the function of extrapair paternity and widespread genetic polyandry in birds.  相似文献   

A positive association between plumage brightness of male birds and the degree of polygyny may be the result of sexual selection. Although most birds have a socially monogamous mating system, recent paternity analyses show that many offspring are fathered by nonmates. Extrapair paternity arises from extrapair copulations which are frequently initiated by females. Not all females will be able to mate with a male of the preferred phenotype, because of the mating decisions of earlier paired females; extrapair copulations may be a means for females to adjust their precopulation mate choice. We use two comparative analyses (standardized linear contrasts and pairwise comparisons between closely related taxa) to test the idea that male plumage brightness is related to extrapair paternity. Brightness of male plumage and sexual dimorphism in brightness were positively associated with high levels of extrapair paternity, even when potentially confounding variables were controlled statistically. This association between male brightness and extrapair paternity was considerably stronger than the association between male brightness and the degree of polygyny. Cuckoldry thus forms an important component of sexual selection in birds.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity is common in many birds, and it is now generallyaccepted that female choice plays an important role. However,die benefits that females obtain from extrapair paternity aremuch less dear. To test the hypothesis that females obtain indirectfitness benefits, we studied paternity in a blue tit populationover 4 years. Extrapair paternity occurred in 31-47% of allnests and accounted for 11-14% of all offspring. Most malesthat fathered extrapair young did not lose paternity themselves,males never "exchanged" paternity, and within nests the extrapairoffspring were usually fathered by a single male. Comparisonsbetween males that did and did not lose paternity and pairwisecomparisons between the extrapair male(s) and the within-pairmale showed that successful males had longer tarsi and sangon average longer strophes during the dawn chorus. Successfulmales weighed less (relative to their size) during the nettlingstage, but nevertheless they survived better. Male age did notinfluence their likelihood of losing paternity, but extrapairmales were usually older than the within-pair male they cuckolded.Within nests with mixed paternity, extrapair young were morelikely to survive than within-pair young in cases of partialbrood mortality. Our data also suggest that extrapair offspringwere more likely to be males. Because extrapair males were usuallyclose neighbors, male quality should be considered relativeto the quality of the neighbors. Despite this, we found consistencyin female choice over years. Our observations provide supportfor the hypothesis that female blue tits engage in extrapaircopulations to obtain good genes for their offspring.  相似文献   

Evolution of polyandry in a communal breeding system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chao  Lin 《Behavioral ecology》1997,8(6):668-674
The evolution of polyandry requires an asymmetrical factor thatfavors more matings per breeding female than per breeding male,thus reversing Bateman's principle. Here a model is presentedfor the evolution of avian cooperative polyandry. The modelshows that polyandry can evolve if communal breeding is initiallyadvantageous and if increasing clutch size beyond an optimumis detrimental. The advantage of communal breeding favors theaddition of more breeders (either males or females) and thusselects against breeding as single pairs (monogamy). The optimaldutch size creates the asymmetry that favors adding male breeders(polyandry) over adding female breeders (polygyny). Adding femalesis detrimental because females must lay eggs to reproduce andcan therefore increase the clutch size of the group. On theother hand, males can reproduce by sharing paternity withoutincreasing dutch size. It is shown that cooperative polyandryevolves either because it maximizes both male and female fitnessor because polygyny and monogamy are behaviorally unstable.Data from acorn woodpeckers support the assumptions of the modeland suggest that cooperative polyandry evolved because it isbehaviorally more stable. The persistence of monogamy and polygynyin acorn woodpeckers (at a lower incidence than polyandry) isalso examined. Polygyny in these birds represents a case ofthe Prisoner's Dilemma  相似文献   

In birds with biparental care, great variation exists in thefrequency of extrapair paternity. Several hypotheses have beenproposed to account for this variation. We tested the incompleteknowledge hypothesis, which states that females are constrainedin their knowledge of male quality and that this influencestheir willingness to engage in extrapair copulations (EPC).By selective removal and release of female pied flycatchersFicedula hypoleuca, we created a situation where females finallysettled with a social mate close to the site where a formersocial mate was breeding. According to the incomplete knowledgehypothesis, this would lower the threshold for females to seekextrapair copulations in cases where their former social matewas of higher quality than the one finally chosen. The hypothesiswas not supported because manipulation of female settlementdid not increase frequency of extrapair paternity, not evenin cases where the female nested close to the previous mateand the current mate apparently was of lower quality becausehe was younger and more dull colored. However, we found that when extrapair paternity did occur, the cuckolder tended tobe a familiar male (i.e., the female's initial social mate).  相似文献   

Survival of extrapair and within-pair young in tree swallows   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In monogamous species, it is generally accepted that males seekextrapair matings to increase their reproductive success withoutadditional parental investment; however, the benefits of extrapairmatings to females are much less clear. One possibility isthat females obtain genes for enhanced offspring viabilityfrom the extrapair sires. If this is the case, then the increasedviability of extrapair young may be evident throughout the periodof embryonic development as well as later in life. Tree swallows(Tachycineta bicolor) have one of the highest known levelsof extrapair mating in birds, and females have substantialcontrol over the paternity of their offspring. We used moleculartechniques to determine the parentage of nestlings and unhatchedembryos to examine the possibility that female tree swallowsgain viability benefits for their extrapair offspring. Althoughboth extrapair paternity and mortality of embryos and nestlingswere high (89% and 54% of broods respectively), we found nodifference in the viability of within-pair and extrapair youngprior to fledging. In addition, extrapair young were not morelikely to be male. There was no bias in the sex of young atfledging, but unhatched embryos were more likely to be male.Our results do not support the idea that female tree swallowsengage in extrapair mating to increase offspring viability,at least early in life.  相似文献   

Natural levels of infertility in many taxa are often remarkably high, amounting to a considerable fitness cost which one expects to be minimized by natural selection. Several mechanisms have been proposed as potential causes of infertility, including inbreeding depression, genetic incompatibilities and selfish genetic elements. Infertility may also be an inherent result of conflict over fertilization between the sexes in polyandrous species, either because too many sperm enter the egg or because of over‐efficient barriers to such polyspermic fertilizations. We generated phylogenetic independent contrasts to examine the variation in hatching success for a maximum of 58 species of birds in relation to two measures of female polyandry. Hatching success varied enormously across species (range: 61–100%), with a mean of 12% of eggs failing to hatch, but was not related to either the rate of extrapair paternity or to relative testes size. Thus, the causes of this significant fitness cost remains unclear and merits further examination by evolutionary biologists.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of polyandry is an intensely debated subject in sexual selection. For species with male infanticidal behaviour, it has been hypothesized that polyandry evolved as female counterstrategy to offspring loss: by mating with multiple males, females may conceal paternity and so prevent males from killing putative offspring. Here we present, to our knowledge, the first empirical test of this hypothesis in a combined laboratory and field study, and show that multiple mating seems to reduce the risk of infanticide in female bank voles Myodes glareolus. Our findings thus indicate that females of species with non-resource based mating systems, in which males provide nothing but sperm, but commit infanticide, can gain non-genetic fitness benefits from polyandry.  相似文献   

The evolution of paternity and paternal care in birds   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Paternity has been hypothesized to be related to the evolutionof paternal care because (1) there should be selection formales not to invest in broods with an uncertain parentage,or (2) male extrapair activity is traded against paternal care.We used interspecific comparisons to discriminate between these alternatives. Male participation in three kinds of parentalcare (nest building, incubation, provisioning of offspring)increased with high paternity in their own nests. Male parentalactivities at some stages of the breeding cycle were significantlycorrelated. A multivariate analysis taking this intercorrelationbetween different components of care and potentially confoundingvariables such as precociality, polyandry, and sexual dichromatism into account revealed that paternity was significantly positivelyrelated to offspring provisioning, while male participationin the other components of parental care did not explain asignificant amount of interspecific variation in paternity.Analyses of evolutionary transitions between different dichotomizedstates of paternity and paternal care provided no clear conclusionsconcerning evolutionary scenarios. However, theoretical arguments and the results of the contrast analyses suggest that male provisioningof offspring evolved in response to paternity.  相似文献   

High frequency of polyandry in a lek mating system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adaptive significance of polyandry by female birds in theabsence of direct benefits remains unclear. We determined thefrequencies of polyandrous mating and multiple paternity inthe ruff, a lekking shorebird with a genetic dimorphism inmale mating behavior. More than half of female ruffs mate with, and have clutches fertilized by, more than one male. Individualfemales mate with males of both behavioral morphs more oftenthan expected. Polyandrous mating was more likely followingcopulation interference, but interference was uncommon. Themultiple paternity rate of ruffs is the highest known for avian lekking species and for shorebirds. The general hypothesis thatpair-bond constraints are the major selective factor favoringmultiple mating in birds does not predict our findings. Activegenetic diversification, which has been widely dismissed asa functional explanation for polyandrous mating in birds, mayapply with respect to the behavioral polymorphism in ruffs becauseof a Mendelian genetic basis for male behavioral morph determinationand aspects of male—male cooperation and female choice.However, rates of multiple paternity in other species of lekkingbirds are higher than generally realized, and the potentialbenefits of diversification in general deserve further consideration.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding birds multiple maternity and paternity of broods is not uncommon, reproduction often being shared among group members as well as with extragroup members. We investigated the extent of extrapair paternity and intraspecific brood parasitism in a population of cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits. Our aim was to determine the frequency and cause of mixed parentage and to investigate whether shared maternity or paternity was associated with decisions made by helpers. Genetic analyses using eight microsatellite loci showed that extrapair paternity was low (2.4-6.9% of nestlings in 16-29% of broods), and that intraspecific brood parasitism was negligible. Mate switching and extrapair copulations were both observed, but mate switching was not responsible for the mixed paternity we recorded. Some extrapair offspring were assigned to males that became helpers at the nest containing their extrapair young, but these males were also close neighbours of the cuckolded males and so were the most likely males to gain extrapair paternity. There was no evidence that the existence of a direct reproductive stake in a brood played an important role in the helping decisions of either male or female helpers. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) show one of the highestlevels of extrapair paternity in birds, and there is evidencethat females have control over who fathers their offspring.However, it is unclear which benefits female tree swallows obtainfrom mating with multiple males. Using microsatellite DNA fingerprinting,we studied extrapair paternity in relation to nesting successand male, female, and offspring characteristics. More than 70%of all nests contained extrapair young, and more than half ofall offspring were extrapair. Within broods, the extrapair youngwere often fathered by several males. Despite screening allresident and some floater males, we could identify the biologicalfather of only 21% of all extrapair offspring. All identifiedextrapair males were close neighbors. Extrapair males did notdiffer from within-pair males in any of the measured characteristics,except that the former had larger cloacal protuberances than thelatter. Extrapair males were equally successful in gaining paternityin their own broods as males that did not father extra young.In nests with mixed paternity, extrapair young did not differfrom within-pair young in body size or mass. However, nestswith extrapair young had higher hatching success than nestswithout extrapair young. All examined unhatched eggs were fertilizedand thus hatch failure resulted from embryo mortality. The availabledata are in accordance with the genetic diversity and the geneticcompatibility hypothesis, but not with the good genes hypothesis.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by females is difficult to explain in primarily socially monogamous taxa such as birds because mating outside the pair bond often provides no obvious benefit to females. Although indirect selection is often invoked to explain the evolution of polyandry, current evidence suggests that selection on indirect benefits of mating is weak. Here, I consider a direct benefit of remating in birds: increased fertilization success. I test whether increased hatching success of a female's eggs is related to rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP), a proxy of polyandry, across 113 bird species. I use two statistical approaches, control for phylogenetic uncertainty, and assess the fit of competing evolutionary models. Results show there is indeed a positive relationship between rates of EPP and hatching success in birds. I propose that by mating with many males, females may increase their fertility. I end by discussing the biological rationale for this explanation, alternative interpretations of the results, and how this study furthers our understanding of polyandry and mating system evolution.  相似文献   



The rate of extrapair paternity is a commonly used index for the risk of sperm competition in birds, but paternity data exist for only a few percent of the approximately 10400 extant species. As paternity analyses require extensive field sampling and costly lab work, species coverage in this field will probably not improve much in the foreseeable future. Recent findings from passerine birds, which constitute the largest avian order (∼5 900 species), suggest that sperm phenotypes carry a signature of sperm competition. Here we examine how well standardized measures of sperm length variation can predict the rate of extrapair paternity in passerine birds.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We collected sperm samples from 55 passerine species in Canada and Europe for which extrapair paternity rates were already available from either the same (n = 24) or a different (n = 31) study population. We measured the total length of individual spermatozoa and found that both the coefficient of between-male variation (CVbm) and within-male variation (CVwm) in sperm length were strong predictors of the rate of extrapair paternity, explaining as much as 65% and 58%, respectively, of the variation in extrapair paternity among species. However, only the CVbm predictor was independent of phylogeny, which implies that it can readily be converted into a currency of extrapair paternity without the need for phylogenetic correction.


We propose the CVbm index as an alternative measure to extrapair paternity for passerine birds. Given the ease of sperm extraction from male birds in breeding condition, and a modest number of sampled males required for a robust estimate, this new index holds a great potential for mapping the risk of sperm competition across a wide range of passerine birds.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity has been observed in many formally monogamous species. Male pursuit of extrapair fertilizations is explained by the advantages of having offspring that receive essential paternal care from other males. Since females are capable of exercising a degree of control over the post-copulatory sperm competition, extrapair paternity cannot persist unless it confers fitness benefits on cuckolding females. Thus, extrapair paternity involves cooperation between mated females and extrapair males. On the other hand, paired males frequently exhibit strategies that minimize their loss of paternity and/or conserve paternal investment if paternity is lost. Hence, extrapair attributes of diverse species and populations reported in the literature are particular solutions of evolutionary games involving gender-specific cuckolding/anti-cuckolding strategies. Here we use methods of evolutionary game theory to study the role of male paternity guarding strategies in situations where females seek extrapair fertilizations for reasons of genetic compatibility and/or in pursuit of genetic diversity for their offspring. Our results indicate that in these circumstances pursuit of extrapair fertilizations is the only evolutionary stable female strategy. Males, on the other hand, have two, mutually exclusive, evolutionary stable strategies: full time pursuit of extrapair fertilizations and a compromise strategy wherein they protect in-pair paternity during their mate's fertile periods and pursue extrapair paternity the rest of the time. The relative merits of these two strategies are determined by the efficiency of male in-pair paternity defense, breeding synchrony, fitness advantages of extrapair over in-pair offspring, and the intensity of competition for extrapair fertilizations from floater males.  相似文献   

Mate guarding, male attractiveness, and paternity under social monogamy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Socially monogamous species vary widely in the frequency ofextrapair offspring, but this is usually discussed assumingthat females are free to express mate choice. Using game-theorymodeling, we investigate the evolution of male mate guarding,and the relationship between paternity and mate-guarding intensity.We show that the relationship between evolutionarily stablemate-guarding behavior and the risk of cuckoldry can be complicatedand nonlinear. Because male fitness accumulates both throughpaternity at his own nest and through his paternity elsewhere,males evolve to guard little either if females are very faithfulor if they are very unfaithful. Attractive males are usuallyexpected to guard less than unattractive males, but within-pairpaternity may correlate either positively or negatively withthe number of extrapair offspring fertilized by a male. Negativecorrelations, whereby attractive males are cuckolded more, becomemore likely if the reason behind female extrapair behavior appliesto most females (e.g., fertility insurance) rather than thesubset mated to unattractive males (e.g., when females seek"good genes") and if mate guarding is efficient in controllingfemale behavior. We discuss the current state of empirical knowledgewith respect to these findings.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the socially monogamous barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) have shown that males that most frequently engage in extrapair copulations and whose partners are least involved in copulations with extrapair males are those with long tail ornaments. In this study, through the use of three highly polymorphic microsatellite markers, we analyze the relationships between length of tail ornaments of male barn swallows and proportion of nestlings fathered in own broods, number of offspring fathered in broods of other pairs, and total number of offspring fathered, using both a correlational and an experimental approach. Consistent with our predictions, we show that males with either naturally long or experimentally elongated tails have higher paternity (proportion of biological offspring in own broods), and they produce more biological offspring during the whole breeding season than males with naturally short or experimentally shortened tails. Males with naturally long tails also had more offspring in extrapair broods than short-tailed males, but the effect of tail manipulation on the number of offspring fathered in extrapair broods, although being in the predicted direction, was not statistically significant. Cuckolded males that did not fertilize extrapair females had smaller postmanipulation tail length than cuckolders. We conclude that there is a causal, positive relationship between male tail length and paternity. Since female barn swallows have extensive control over copulation partners and heritability of tail length is high, this study shows that female choice is a component of selection for larger male ornaments. Benefits from extrapair fertilizations to females may arise because they acquire “good” genes for sexual attractiveness or high viability for their offspring.  相似文献   

Sperm swimming speed is an important determinant of male fertility and sperm competitiveness. Despite its fundamental biological importance, the underlying evolutionary processes affecting this male reproductive trait are poorly understood. Using a comparative approach in a phylogenetic framework, we tested the predictions that sperm swim faster with (1) increased risk of sperm competition, (2) shorter duration of female sperm storage, and (3) increased sperm length. We recorded sperm swimming speed in 42 North American and European free-living passerine bird species, representing 35 genera and 16 families. We found that sperm swimming speed was positively related to the frequency of extrapair paternity (a proxy for the risk of sperm competition) and negatively associated with clutch size (a proxy for the duration of female sperm storage). Sperm swimming speed was unrelated to sperm length, although sperm length also increased with the frequency of extrapair paternity. These results suggest that sperm swimming speed and sperm length are not closely associated traits and evolve independently in response to sperm competition in passerine birds. Our findings emphasize the significance of both sperm competition and female sperm storage duration as evolutionary forces driving sperm swimming speed.  相似文献   

Generally in birds, the classic sex roles of male competition and female choice result in females providing most offspring care while males face uncertain parentage. In less than 5% of species, however, reversed courtship sex roles lead to predominantly male care and low extra-pair paternity. These role-reversed species usually have reversed sexual size dimorphism and polyandry, confirming that sexual selection acts most strongly on the sex with the smaller parental investment and accordingly higher potential reproductive rate. We used parentage analyses and observations from three field seasons to establish the social and genetic mating system of pheasant coucals, Centropus phasianinus, a tropical nesting cuckoo, where males are much smaller than females and provide most parental care. Pheasant coucals are socially monogamous and in this study males produced about 80% of calls in the dawn chorus, implying greater male sexual competition. Despite the substantial male investments, extra-pair paternity was unusually high for a socially monogamous, duetting species. Using two or more mismatches to determine extra-pair parentage, we found that 11 of 59 young (18.6%) in 10 of 21 broods (47.6%) were not sired by their putative father. Male incubation, starting early in the laying sequence, may give the female opportunity and reason to seek these extra-pair copulations. Monogamy, rather than the polyandry and sex-role reversal typical of its congener, C. grillii, may be the result of the large territory size, which could prevent females from monopolising multiple males. The pheasant coucal’s exceptional combination of classic sex-roles and male-biased care for extra-pair young is hard to reconcile with current sexual selection theory, but may represent an intermediate stage in the evolution of polyandry or an evolutionary remnant of polyandry.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity has been suggested to represent a potentially important source of sexual selection on male secondary sexual characters, particularly in birds with predominantly socially monogamous mating systems. However, relatively few studies have demonstrated sexual selection within single species by this mechanism, and there have been few attempts to assess the importance of extrapair paternity in relation to other mechanisms of sexual selection. We report estimates of sexual selection gradients on male secondary sexual plumage characters resulting from extrapair paternity in the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, and compare the importance of this form of sexual selection with that resulting from variation in mate fecundity. Microsatellite genotyping revealed that 15% of nestlings, distributed nonrandomly among 33% of broods (N=79), were the result of extrapair copulations. Multivariate selection analyses revealed significant positive directional sexual selection on two uncorrelated secondary sexual characters in males (forehead and wing patch size) when fledgling number was used as the measure of fitness. When number of offspring recruiting to the breeding population was used as the measure of male fitness, selection on these traits appeared to be directional and stabilizing, respectively. Pairwise comparisons of cuckolded and cuckolding males revealed that males that sired young through extrapair copulations had wider forehead patches, and were paired to females that bred earlier, than the males that they cuckolded. Path analysis was used to partition selection on these traits into pathways via mate fecundity and sperm competition, and suggested that the sperm competition pathway accounted for between 64 and 90% of the total sexual selection via the two paths. The selection revealed in these analyses is relatively weak in comparison with many other measures of selection in natural populations. We offer some explanations for the relatively weak selection detected. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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