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The mitotic chromosomes of the Australian ground frogs Mixophyes fasciolatus and M. schevilli were analyzed by means of banding techniques and restriction endonuclease digestions. Chromosomal differentiation in these two species occurred exclusively by considerable changes in the amount of telomeric and centromeric heterochromatin, whereas the sizes and locations of interstitial heterochromatic regions, the sizes of all euchromatic segments as well as the positions of centromeres remained nearly identical during karyotype evolution. The major heterochromatic regions in the karyotypes of M. fasciolatus and M. schevilli amount to 30.2% and 20.7%, respectively. They consist of AT base pair-rich repetitive DNA sequences that are brightly labeled by AT-specific fluorochromes and display quenched fluorescence after staining with GC-specific fluorochromes. The heterochromatic regions can be differentiated by treatment of metaphase chromosomes and interphase cell nuclei with various restriction enzymes which either disclose the complete set of C-band patterns in the karyotypes of both species, or else reveal several subsets of these C-bands.  相似文献   

Abstract: There has been limited research examining the role that terrestrial habitat characteristics play in influencing persistence of amphibian populations. In this study we investigated the influence of a terrestrial habitat attribute on the distribution of the terrestrial egg‐laying toadlet, Pseudophryne bibronii. Eggs of this species are deposited in depressions, or under leaf litter, and develop to a stage where they can hatch to free swimming tadpoles when water covers breeding sites or embryos are washed into water. Because rainfall can be intermittent, eggs may sit for extended periods in terrestrial nests before sufficient rainfall initiates hatching. Appropriate egg‐laying sites must be chosen by both males and females to ensure embryos survive these periods. A study of 20 sites found that soil pH at sites where P. bibronii were recorded as present was significantly lower than pH at sites where P. bibronii were recorded as absent. To determine whether soil pH influenced the hatching success in P. bibronii, experiments were conducted in which batches of eggs were translocated to local areas with different soil pH. Survival rate of eggs was significantly influenced by relatively small changes in pH, with hatching success higher at lower pH. In a laboratory trial survival of eggs raised on sterilized soil was not affected by soil pH. Fungal infection of eggs was observed in the field and laboratory suggesting that hatching success might be affected via a complex interaction between soil pH, fungi and other soil biota. Choice trials using P. bibronii metamorphs indicated that individuals were capable of distinguishing between small differences in pH. Therefore, distribution of P. bibronii may be influenced by either differential mortality of embryos, or habitat choice by post metamorphic individuals, and further experiments are required to determine the relative importance of these factors.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Limnodynastes are a prominent and widespread feature of the Australian frog fauna. Yet despite their potential to be informative about biogeographic history and mechanisms of speciation, the relationships among these taxa are not well known. We investigated phylogenetic relationships within the genus Limnodynastes via sequencing of mitochondrial (mt)DNA from current members of the genus Limnodynastes and the monotypic genus Megistolotis. a 450-bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene and a 370-bp fragment of the protein-coding gene ND4 were used to infer a molecular phylogeny. We revise traditional species groupings and now recognize four species groups within Limnodynastes: the L. ornatus group (L. ornatus and L. spenceri), the L. peronii group (L. peronii, L. tasmaniensis, L. fletcheri, the L. depressus), the L. salmini group (L. salmini, L. convexiusculus, and L. lignarius), and the L. dorsalis group (L. dorsalis, L. terraereginae, L. dumerilii and L. interioris). The L. ornatus species group forms a highly distinctive clade that is a sister group to the other Limnodynastes groups. Pending broader phylogenetic studies it could be removed from the genus Limnodynastes. Our results concur with previous suggestions that Megistolotis lignarius is nested within Limnodynastes, and we therefore reclassify this species as Limnodynastes lignarius. Furthermore, specimens identified as L. depressus form a mtDNA lineage distinct from other species in the genus, confirming the validity of the species. Specimens of species from the L. dorsalis group (L. dorsalis, L. dumerilii, L. interioris, and L. terraereginae) are closely related such that L. dumerilii is paraphyletic with two other species. Finally, our study provides broad support for previous phylogenies based on microcomplement fixation.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity has rarely been reported in anuran amphibians, with only three previous documented examples. For the Australian frog Crinia georgiana, we observed synchronous polyandry in an average of 44% of matings observed at four field sites. This suggests matings involving more than one male are common in this species. One to eight males were observed in amplectant groups with second males amplexed ventrally. Genetic analyses, using allozyme electrophoresis, of offspring from two matings indicated that at least two of three possible males fathered offspring. Third males were unlikely to have shared paternity, explained by their inappropriate position during amplexus. Multiple paternity may be more common in frogs than has been reported. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The larval neurocranium and visceral arches of seven dendrobatid species representing four genera are described, based on cleared-and-stained and serially sectioned specimens. A variety of characters is shared by all seven species. Larval features do not substantiate the assumption of close ranoid affinities of the Dendrobatidae. Instead dendrobatid larvae share features such as the special quadripartite cartilago suprarostralis, the lack of the larval processus oticus, the presence of three foramina acustica, and the lack of a foramen perilymphaticum accessorius with many bufonoid larvae. The first of these characters is unique to bufonids, hylids, dendrobatids, and some New World leptodactylids; the other characters also occur in pelobatids and are presumably plesiomorphic for the Neobatrachia. The free proximal ends of Ceratobranchialia II and III are an autapomorphy of the Dendrobatidae supporting the monophyly of the family. Some features of the cranium are paedomorphic: low cartilago orbitalis, lack of connection between cartilage orbitalis and otic capsule (most species), and vestigal taeniae tecti. New anatomical terms are introduced. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract The eggs of the burrow-nesting frogs Heleioporus albopunctatus Gra y and H. eyrei Gray are predated by the larvae and females of the scuttle fly Aphiura breviceps . The morphology of the female fly and natural history of the species (adult and larva) are described for the first time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Protocols for the hormonal induction of ovulation and oviposition are essential tools for managing threatened amphibians with assisted reproduction, but responses vary greatly between species and even broad taxon groups. Consequently, it is necessary to assess effectiveness of such protocols in representative species when new taxa become targets for induction. The threatened genus Mixophyes (family Myobatrachidae) has amongst the highest proportion of endangered species of all the Australian amphibians. This study developed and optimised the induction of oviposition in a non-threatened member of this taxon, the great barred frog (Mixophyes fasciolatus). METHODS: Gravid female M. fasciolatus were induced to oviposit on one or more occasions by administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) with or without priming with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG). Treatments involved variations in hormone doses and combinations (administered via injection into the dorsal lymph sacs), and timing of administration. Pituitary homogenates from an unrelated bufonid species (Rhinella marina) were also examined with hCG. RESULTS: When injected alone, hCG (900 to 1400 IU) induced oviposition. However, priming with two time dependent doses of PMSG (50 IU, 25 IU) increased responses, with lower doses of hCG (200 IU). Priming increased response rates in females from around 30% (hCG alone) to more than 50% (p = 0.035), and up to 67%. Increasing the interval between the first PMSG dose and first hCG dose from 3 to 6 days also produced significant improvement (p<0.001). Heterologous pituitary extracts administered with hCG were no more effective than hCG alone (p = 0.628). CONCLUSIONS: This study found that M. fasciolatus is amongst the few amphibian species (including Xenopus (Silurana) and some bufonids) that respond well to the induction of ovulation utilising mammalian gonadotropins (hCG). The optimal protocol for M. fasciolatus involved two priming doses of PMSG (50 IU and 25 IU) administered at 6 and 4 days respectively, prior to two doses of hCG (100 IU), 24 hours apart. This study is also the first to demonstrate in an amphibian species that responds to mammalian gonadotropins that an increase in the ovulation rate occurs after priming with a gonadotropin (PMSG) with FSH activity.  相似文献   

At least two adaptive processes can lead to the evolution of sexual dimorphism: sexual selection (e.g. male-male combat) or natural selection (e.g. dietary divergence). We investigated the adaptive significance of a distinctive pattern of sexual dimorphism in a south-eastern Australian frog, Adelotus brevis. Male Adelotus grow larger than female conspecifics, have larger heads relative to body size, and have large paired projections (‘tusks’) in the lower jaw. All of these traits are rare among anurans. We quantified the degree of dimorphism in Adelotus, and gathered data on diets and mating systems of this species to evaluate the possible roles of sexual selection and dietary divergence in favoring die evolution of these sexually dimorphic traits. Analysis of prey items in alimentary tracts revealed significant sex differences in prey types. For example, females ate proportionally more arthropods and fewer molluscs than did males. However, this difference is likely to be a secondary consequence of habitat differences between the sexes (due in turn to their different reproductive roles) rather than a selective force for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Calling males spend their time in moist habitats where pondsnails are abundant, whereas females are more often encountered in the drier arthropod-rich woodlands. A three-year behavioural ecology study on a field population revealed that reproductive males engage in agonistic interactions, with the sexually dimorphic tusks used to attack rivals. Larger body size contributed to male reproductive success. Small males were excluded from calling sites and, among the calling males, larger animals had higher reproductive success (numbers of matings) than did smaller individuals. Hence, the atypical pattern of sexual dimorphism in Adelotus brevis seems to have resulted from sexual selection for larger body size and tusk size in males, in the context of male-male agonistic behaviour, rather than natural selection for ecological divergence between the sexes.  相似文献   

Species of frogs in the genus Telmatobius are traded and sold for human consumption in the Andes and in coastal cities of Peru and Bolivia. These frogs are harvested from wild populations. We report high prevalence of infection by the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in live frogs purchased at the main market in Cusco, Peru, from January 2008 to January 2010. We suggest that the transport of native anurans through the live frog trade could facilitate the spread of this fungus among Andean frogs. The tropical Andes are the most important biodiversity hotspot for amphibians. Because many neotropical taxa are known to be susceptible to chytridiomycosis, the presence of a large reservoir of infection in the frog trade poses a significant threat to amphibian conservation.  相似文献   

Larvae of the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis (Daudin), are efficient, obligate suspension feeders. We examine the relationship between the ambient particle concentration offered these larvae as food and their filtering, ingestion, and buccal pumping rates. We demonstrate that: (i) the larvae can sense and respond to a broad range of particle concentrations, down to 0.2 mg 1–1 (dry weight); (ii) their metabolic needs theoretically can be met by particle concentrations as low as 5 mg 1–1; and (iii) their patterns of regulation of filtering and ingestion fit predictions from certain models used to describe zooplankton feeding dynamics. Two such models are discussed: the modified Monod (Michaelis-Menten) model, with a lower threshold below which the tadpoles do not feed, and an energy optimization model. Both the models and the observed behavior of the tadpoles allow for stability of populations of food organisms. Tadpole feeding dynamics apparently are compatible with both the predictions and assumptions of these models, suggesting similar regulation of feeding by tadpoles and zooplankton. However, the size, morphology, and behavior of X. laevis larvae make their feeding regulation uniquely accessible to direct observation.Contribution No. 223, Center for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Contribution No. 223, Center for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  相似文献   

We present a mitochondrial gene tree for representative species of all the genera in the subfamily Myobatrachinae, with special emphasis on Crinia and Geocrinia. This group has been the subject of a number of long-standing taxonomic and phylogenetic debates. Our phylogeny is based on data from approximately 780 bp of 12S rRNA and 676 bp of ND2, and resolves a number of these problems. We confirm that the morphologically highly derived monotypic genera Metacrinia, Myobatrachus, and Arenophryne are closely related, and that Pseudophryne forms the sister group to these genera. Uperoleia and the recently described genus Spicospina are also part of this clade. Our data show that Assa and Geocrinia are reciprocally monophyletic and together they form a well-supported clade. Geocrinia is monophyletic and the phylogenetic relationships with the genus are fully resolved with two major species groups identified: G. leai, G. victoriana, and G. laevis; and G. rosea, G. alba, and G. vitellina (we were unable to sample G. lutea). We confirm that Taudactylus forms the sister group to the other myobatrachine genera, but our data are equivocal on the phylogenetic position of Paracrinia. The phylogenetic relationships among Crinia species are well resolved with strong support for a number of distinct monophyletic clades, but more data are required to resolve relationships among these major Crinia clades. Crinia tasmaniensis and Bryobatrachus nimbus form the sister clade to the rest of Crinia. Due to the lack of generic level synapomorphies for a Bryobatrachus that includes C. tasmaniensis, we synonymize Bryobatrachus with Crinia. Crinia georgiana does not form a clade distinct from other Crinia species and so our data do not support recognition of the genus Ranidella for other Crinia species. Crinia subinsignifera, C. pseudinsignifera, and C. insignifera are extremely closely related despite differences in male advertisement call. A preliminary investigation of phylogeographic substructure within C. signifera revealed significant divergence between samples from across the range of this species.  相似文献   

Seven microsatellite primer pairs were isolated and characterized in the endangered Australian northern corroboree frog (Pseudophryne pengilleyi). All seven were polymorphic (2–14 alleles) and displayed high heterozygosity (0.036–0.964) in 28 sampled individuals. We also tested the microsatellites on two closely related species. Four were polymorphic in the southern corroboree frog (P. corroboree) and Bibron’s toadlet (P. bibronii). These primers will be useful in studies of conservation genetics and mating systems in Pseudophryne species.  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphology of the free swimming Pipa larvae, compares them with Xenopus, Hymenochirus, and to some extent, Rhinophrynus larvae, and presents a morphological diagnosis of pipid larvae. Pipa and Xenopus have very similar chondrocrania. Hymenochirus is superficially different but has the same diagnostic features. The differences appear related to its small size and predatory habitus. Other aspects of anatomy, especially the filter apparatus are very different in each genus. The filter apparatus of Pipa is somewhat reduced and seems modified for the retention of relatively large (20+microns) particles. Similar adaptations may have been annectant to predations in Hymenochirus, which lacks a filter apparatus. However, varying states of seven character complexes, which cut across the varying ecology, show that there are two basic pipid lineages, each currently confined to Africa or South America, respectively. Recent finds of fossil South American Xenopus indicate that these two lineages separated before the continents did. This does not warrant the recognition of two subfamilies because Xenopus and Hymenochirus are too different. Pseudhymenochirus is not an intermediate between them; it is a primitive Hymenochirus. Eight character states separate pipid and rhynophrynid larvae.  相似文献   

Natale, G.S., Alcalde, L., Herrera, R., Cajade, R., Schaefer, E.F., Marangoni, F. and Trudeau, V.L. 2011. Underwater acoustic communication in the macrophagic carnivorous larvae of Ceratophrys ornata (Anura: Ceratophryidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 46–53. We provide the first evidence for sound production by anuran larvae. In this study, we describe the sounds, their context‐specific emission and the structures related to sound production of the carnivorous larvae of Ceratophrys ornata (Amphibia, Anura, Ceratophryidae). Tadpoles emit a brief, clear and very audible metallic‐like sound that consists of a short train of notes that occur at all stages of larval development. Tadpoles make sound only when a conspecific tadpole is preying upon it or when touched by an object. Ceratophrys ornata larvae possess the basic required anatomical structures for sound production via expulsion of atmospheric air from the lungs through the open soft‐tissue glottis. The glottis is opened and closed via the larval laryngeal muscles (constrictor laryngis and dilatator laryngis). The arytenoid cartilages appear at stage 40 and the cricoid cartilage does at stage 43. Adult laryngeal muscles differentiate from the larval ones at stage 46 together with the vocal sac formation from the adult interhyoideus muscle. We demonstrate (n = 2160 conspecific predator–prey interactions) that larval sounds occur always under predatory attack, probably serving to diminish the chances of cannibalism. These data raise the possibility that other macrophagic carnivorous anuran larvae may produce sound.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the filter apparatus of anuran larvae (Amphibia,Anura)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bruno Viertel 《Zoomorphology》1991,110(5):239-266
Summary The pharynx ofBufo calamita, Rana temporaria andBombina variegata larvae (larval Types IV and III) changes considerably during the latter part of embryonic development. The entodermal regions between the visceral pockets flatten inward to form the anlagen of the filter plates. The ectoderm thrusts forward from the area of the persistent epidermal gills overlying the anlagen of the filter plates. The esophagus pushes dorsolaterally into the pharynx to give rise to the ciliary cushions. Comparison with the development ofXenopus laevis (larval Type I) reveals shared characters: (1) the filter plates are overlapped by the sensory layer of the epiderm and (2) the ciliary grooves are, like the ciliary cushions of larval Types III and IV, anteriorly directed dorsolateral extensions of the esophagus. In all the species studied an ectodermal-esophageal filter apparatus develops. The evolutionary origin of this filter apparatus is discussed. The epidermalization of gills is suggested as a common character with the sister group of Dipnoi, and is therefore a plesiomorphic character in all amphibians. The tendency of filter plate epidermalization is considered to be the end of a process which is also indicated in the epidermalization of the first visceral pouch in lung fish. The ciliary groove is unique in anuran larvae within the Lissamphibia, and is therefore seen as an autapomorphic character within amphibians. On the basis of the different structure of the ciliary cushion inX. laevis and in the other species of this study, two alternative levels of evolutionary ciliary groove origin are discussed. Derivation from the esophagus took place: (1) in a common anuran larval ancestor, or (2) at two independent levels; the first in the Pipidae (-Rhinophrynidae) ancestor and the second in the ancestor of all the other anuran families. Several larval characters and cladistic aspects make the first alternative more probable than the second. Larval Type II anatomy and Larval Type II truncation from the Larval Type IV of Ranoidea do not contradict these considerations. There is disproportionately early commencement of ingestion activity inR. temporaria (G Stage 23),B. calamita (G Stage 23), andB. bufo (G Stage 24) compared toXenopus. Feeding in the former three species precedes the differentiation of the filter plates, their mucus production, and the exhaustion of the yolk supply in the gut tissue. By contrast, the goblet cells and the ciliary cells of the ciliary cushions are already differentiated when feeding starts. This suggests that ingestion in these early stages requires mucus production by the ciliary cushions and transport by their ciliary cells. Presumably in fully formed larvae, the ciliary cushions are the mucus donors, whereas the filter plates are the mucus depositors. By contrast,X. laevis does not begin active food intake by suspension feeding until after the yolk supply has been used up from the entoderm of the buccal cavity to deep in the esophagus.Abbreviations AAC anlage of apical cell - AC apical cell - ACE anlage of cerebrum - ACG anlage of ciliary groove - AD aorta dorsalis - ADV anlage of dorsal velum - AG anlage of glottis - AFP anlage of filter plates - AFR anlage of filter rows - AFPC anlage of epidermal fold of peribranchial chamber (anlage of operculum) - ant. anterior - AMF anlage of middle fold - AO adhesive organ - APEG anlage of persistent epidermal gills - APOP anlage of postnarial papilla - APSF anlage of primary side fold - ASC1 anlage of Type 1 secretory cell - ATE anlage of tuba Eustachii - ATEG anlage of transient epidermal gills - AVV anlage of ventral velum - B branchial arch - BI-IV branchial arches I–IV - BFA buccal floor arena - BFT branchial food trap - BL basal lamina - BRA buccal roof arena - C cilium, cilia - CA cartilage of visceral arch - CC ciliary cushion - CE cerebrum, brain - CG ciliary groove - CH choana - CHY ceratohyale - CIC ciliary cell - CL capillary vessel - CN centriole, basal body - COC cuboidal cells - CT connective tissue - CTC connective tissue cell - d dorsal - DV dorsal velum - DVI–III dorsal vela I–III - E esophagus - e early - ED edge of filter plate - EN endothelium - ENC entodermal cell - EP epiderm - EPC epidermal cell - ER endoplasmatic reticulum - ET erythrocyte - ETZ ectodermal-entodermal transition zone - EV ear vesicle - EX merocrine extrusion - EY eye - EZ zone of extrusion - FP filter plate - FPII filter plate of the 2nd branchial arch - FPIV filter plate of the 4th branchial arch - FPC epidermal fold of peribranchial chamber (operculum) - FC filter cavity - FN filter niche - FR filter row - GL glottis - GS gill slit - 1. GS first gill slit - GZ glandular zone - H heart - HP hypobranchial plate - HY hyoid arch - IC intercellular space, enlarged by fixation and dehydration - L late - LJ lower jaw - LT larval type - LV lipid vacuole - M mitochondrion - MA mandibular arch - MF middle fold - med. median - MS microvillous stubs - MZ zone of microtubes - NAC nucleus of apical cell - NCIC nucleus of ciliary cell - NCL nucleus of capillary vessel - NCOC nucleus of cuboidal cells - NCT nucleus of connective tissue - NENC nucleus of entodermal cell - NEPC nucleus of epidermal cell - NO external nares - NPEC nucleus of periderm cell - NRC nucleus of random cell - NSC1 nucleus of Type 1 secretory cell - NSC3 nucleus of Type 3 secretory cell - NSLC nucleus of sensory layer cell - NSPC nucleus of supporting cell - NSQC nucleus of squamous epithelial cell - OC oral cavity - OS mouth - P papilla - PC peribranchial chamber - PCW peribranchial chamber wall - PE periderm - PEC periderm cell - PEG persistent epidermal gill - PG pigment granule - post. posterior - PS primary side fold - PH pharynx - RC random cell - RO rootlet - SC1 Type 1 secretory cell - SC2 Type 2 secretory cell, goblet cell - SC3 Type 3 secretory cell - SC4 Type 4 secretory cell - SG secretory groove - SL sensory layer - SLC sensory layer cell - SP secretory pit - SPC supporting cell - SQC squamous epithelial cell - SR secretory ridge - SRC secretory ridge cell - SS secondary side fold - ST. stage - STD stomodeum - SU spiculum of hypobranchial plate - T tentacle - TA anlage of tongue - TEG transient epidermal gill - TZ transitional zone of branchial food trap and ventral velum - UJ upper jaw - v ventral - VA visceral arch - VC vacuole - VPI–IV visceral pockets I–IV - VP visceral pocket - VV ventral velum - YV yolk vacuoles Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)  相似文献   

Bruno Viertel 《Zoomorphology》1985,105(6):345-355
Summary In larvae of Rana temporaria and Bufo bufo the location of filter apparatus within the larval organization, the arrangement of the morphological parts as branchial food trap, ventral velum, and filter rows, as well as their surface anatomy, are similar to that of other species of Orton's larval type IV. The means by which mucous with its entrapped food particles is transported from the filter rows to the esophagus is finally resolved. The dorsally positioned ciliary cushion extends far ventrally between the filter plates. From their contact with the filter rows, the cilia transport the mucous to Kratochwill's caudally positioned Flimmerrinne and from there to the esophagus. The original chordate principle of mucous entrapment and ciliary transport is thus retained by these anuran larvae. The only modification specific to the latter is the division into a ventral filter apparatus, whose epithelia serve for mucus entrapment, and a dorsal ciliary area.Six different types of cell may be distinguished ultrastructurally: (1) The ubiquitous squamous epithelium with merocrine extrusions; (2) the large supporting cells of the filter rows and of the ventral velum; (3) the ciliary cells of the ciliary cushion; (4) three different types of mucous producing secretory cells: (a) A type of cell similar to the goblet cell is found in the ciliary cushion (merocrine extrusion); (b) The secretory pits of the ventral velum and the secretory ridges have similar bottle-shaped merocrine secretory cells; (c) The merocrine apical cells of the filter rows are the final kind. It is evident that the ciliary cushion epithelium resembles that of both the manicotto glandulare of anuran larvae and the trachea and bronchus of Mammalia.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-DFG  相似文献   

Bruno Viertel 《Oecologia》1990,85(2):167-177
Summary Ingestion and filtering rates in larval Xenopus laevis, Bufo calamita, Rana temporia and Bufo bufo fed suspensions of Chlorella fusca were investigated. Concentrations were measured with a Coulter Counter. (1) For all species, filtration occurred at concentrations far below those reported by other authors for Rana sylvatica feeding on Chlorella pyrenoidosa. For Bufo bufo, only larvae near metamorphosis showed ingestion at low particle concentrations. Since buccopharyngeal ventilation continues even in the absence of food particles, this threshold feeding behaviour in the younger larvae must be due to different mechanisms to those found in Daphnia and Calanus studied by other authors: probably reduction of the buccal pumping rate and the mucus production of the filter apparatus. (2) For B. calamita, R. temporaria and X. laevis the highest suspension feeding efficiency was at early tadpole stages, corresponding with the high growth rate of these stages. (3) The life histories of the species provide the basis for understanding their different retention efficiencies and functional responses.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-DFG  相似文献   

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