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Recent evidence has indicated a requirement for a Src family kinase in initiating Ca(2+) release at fertilization in starfish eggs (Giusti, A. F., Carroll, D. J., Abassi, Y. A., Terasaki, M., Foltz, K. R., and Jaffe, L. A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 29318-29322). We now show that injection of Src protein into starfish eggs initiates Ca(2+) release and DNA synthesis, as occur at fertilization. These responses depend on the phosphorylation state of the Src protein; only the kinase active form is effective. Like Ca(2+) release at fertilization, the Ca(2+) release in response to Src protein injection is inhibited by prior injection of the SH2 domains of phospholipase Cgamma. These findings support the conclusion that in starfish, sperm-egg interaction causes egg activation by sequential activation of a Src-like kinase and phospholipase Cgamma. Injection of the SH2 domain of Src, which inhibits Ca(2+) release at fertilization, does not inhibit Ca(2+) release caused by Src protein injection. This indicates that the requirement for a Src SH2 domain interaction is upstream of Src activation in the pathway leading to Ca(2+) release at fertilization.  相似文献   

Although pharmacological agonists of protein kinase C (PKC) stimulate some events of mammalian egg activation, including cortical granule (CG) exocytosis, it is not known if these events are dependent on PKC activation during the normal process of fertilization. In order to examine the potential role of PKC in CG exocytosis, this study investigated whether PKC agonists faithfully mimic CG release and whether PKC antagonists block fertilization-induced CG release in mature mouse eggs. Phorbol ester (TPA, 2.5 ng/ml) treatment resulted in an atypical pattern of CG release in which there was a greater net loss of CGs in the equatorial region of the egg than in the region opposite the spindle. This pattern also was in contrast to that during fertilization, in which CG release occurred randomly throughout the cortex. Fertilization experiments utilized two different PKC inhibitors, bisindolyl-maleimide (5 μM) and chelerytherine (0.8 μM), targeted to both the “conserved” substrate and ATP binding domains of PKC. Simultaneous use of both inhibitors at maximal concentrations (compatible with fertilization and above their IC50S) resulted in no detectable inhibition of CG release in treated fertilized eggs compared to controls. In addition, no inhibition of anaphase onset was observed in treated fertilized eggs. Activity of the inhibitors was verified by demonstrating that they blocked the induction of CG loss by TPA. Moreover, 1 μM staurosporine, a potent but less specific antagonist of PKC, also did not block CG loss, whereas the metaphase-anaphase transition was temporarily inhibited. The results indicate that TPA does not faithfully mimic CG release in fertilized eggs, that a role for PKC in CG release at fertilization remains to be established, and that other calcium-dependent effectors may be involved in CG exocytosis. Mol Reprod Dev 46:216–226, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Calreticulin, a protein best known as an endoplasmic reticulum chaperone, also is found on the extracellular plasma membrane surface of many cell types where it serves as a mediator of adhesion and as a regulator of the immune response. In this report, we demonstrate that calreticulin is present on the extracellular surface of the mouse egg plasma membrane and is increased in the perivitelline space after egg activation. The extracellular calreticulin appears to be secreted by vesicles in the egg cortex that are distinct from cortical granules. An anticalreticulin antibody binds to extracellular calreticulin on live eggs and inhibits sperm-egg binding but not fusion. In addition, engagement of cell surface calreticulin by incubation of mouse eggs in the presence of anticalreticulin antibodies results in alterations in the localization of cortical actin and the resumption of meiosis as indicated by alterations in chromatin configuration, decreases in cdc2/cyclin B1 and MAP kinase activities, and pronuclear formation. These events occur in the absence of any observable alterations in intercellular calcium. These data demonstrate that calreticulin functionally interacts with the egg cytoskeleton and can mediate transmembrane signaling linked to cell cycle resumption. These studies suggest a role for calreticulin as a lectin that may be involved in signal transduction events during or after sperm-egg interactions at fertilization.  相似文献   

Growth factor activation of MAP kinase requires cell adhesion.   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
M W Renshaw  X D Ren    M A Schwartz 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(18):5592-5599
The MAP kinase pathway is a major regulator of both normal and oncogenic growth. We report that activation of the MAP kinase ERK2 by serum or purified growth factors is strongly dependent on cell adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins. This effect is specific to soluble growth factors, since suspended cells still activate ERK2 in response to plating on fibronectin, and is reversible. Analysis of endogenous Ras and Raf show that these proteins are still activated by serum in suspended cells, whereas MEK activity is inhibited. Conversely, activation of ERK2 by activated mutants of Ras and Raf is still adhesion-dependent but activation by MEK is not. Consistent with these results, activated MEK enhances growth of ras-transformed cells in suspension but not when adherent. These results identify a novel synergism between cell adhesion- and growth factor-regulated pathways, and explain how oncogenic activation of MAP kinases induces both serum- and anchorage-independent growth.  相似文献   

The effects of protein kinase C (PKC) activation on meiotic resumption and cortical granule (CG) exocytosis as well as its dependence on Ca2+ in porcine eggs matured in vitro were studied. Cortical granule release was judged by both confocal laser microscopy after the eggs were labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate-peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) and electron microscopy. Meiotic resumption and pronuclear formation were observed after eggs were stained with acetic orcein. When eggs were treated with PKC activators, 1-oleyl-2-acetyl-glycerol (OAG) or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), the pronuclear formation percentage was significantly lower than that of Ca2+ ionophore A23187-treated group, but not statistically different from that in negative control group (P > 0.05), and most of the eggs were still arrested at metaphase II stage, suggesting that PKC activation does not induce the resumption of meiosis and pronuclear formation. In contrast, PKC activation induced 89.1% to 100% of the eggs completely or partially released their CG in different groups, not statistically different from A23187-treated group, and this effect could be overcome by PKC inhibition. When the intracellular free Ca2+ was chelated with acetoxymethal ester form of 1,2-bis(0-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA-AM), and then treated with PMA or OAG in Ca2+-free medium, the proportions of eggs with CG release were 90.9% and 78.1%, respectively, not statistically different from the above-treated groups, suggesting that CG exocytosis induced by PKC activation is independent of Ca2+ rise. The results indicate that different events of porcine egg activation may be uncoupled from one another.  相似文献   

RINGO was identified as a Cdc2-binding and activating protein which is necessary and sufficient to trigger G2/M progression in Xenopus oocytes. We have investigated whether the function of RINGO is conserved in mouse oocytes. We show that RINGO induces Germinal Vesicle BreakDown (GBVD) in mouse oocytes. Mos is known to induce GVBD in mouse oocytes, and is also involved in the metaphase II arrest, which is due to the CSF (CytoStatic Factor) activity. We found that RINGO also has CSF activity and induces cleavage arrest after injection into one blastomere of a late two-cell mouse embryo, like Mos. However, RINGO also inhibits polar body extrusion of wild type mouse oocytes. The same effect of RINGO on first and second polar body extrusion was observed in Mos -/- mouse oocytes. The injection of RINGO mimics Mos effects: GVBD induction and efficient cleavage arrest. However, our results in mouse oocytes suggest that RINGO may have additional functions in meiosis regulation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the implication of protein kinase C (PKC) in the mouse egg activation process. We used OAG (1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol) as a PKC activator, calphostin C as a specific PKC inhibitor, and the calcium ionophore A23187 as a standard parthenogenetic agent. The exposure of zona-free eggs to 150 μM or 50 μM OAG for 10 min resulted in meiosis II completion in ∼80% of instances. By contrast, at a lower concentration (25 μM), the PKC stimulator was ineffective as parthenogenetic agent. Shortly after the application of 150 μM OAG, the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) increased transiently in all the eggs examined, whereas after the addition of 50 μM OAG, [Ca2+]i remained unchanged for at least 20 min. During this period, the activity of M-phase promoting factor (MPF) dramatically decreased and most of the eggs entered anaphase except when the PKC was inhibited by calphostin C. Similarly, MPF inactivation and meiosis resumption were prevented in calphostin C-loaded eggs following treatment with A23187, even though the ionophore-induced Ca2+ signalling was not affected. Taken together, our results indicate that stimulation of PKC is a sufficient and necessary event to induce meiosis resumption in mouse eggs and strongly suggest that, in this species, the mechanism by which a transient calcium burst triggers MPF inactivation involves a PKC-dependent pathway. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:292–299, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Our biopharmacological approach suggests that the now well-documented inhibitory effects of genistein on the maturation of mammalian oocytes do not seem to be related to its effect on tyrosine kinases. Indeed, we show that both tyrphostin B46 and Lavendustin A, two selective inhibitors of protein tyrosine kinases, fail to inhibit meiosis reinitiation. According to recent findings, the G2/M arrest induced by genistein could be due to inhibition of the kinase activity of cdc2. We were therefore mainly interested in dissecting the cytological effects of genistein on mouse primary and secondary oocytes. Genistein exerts the same cytological effects as IBMX on primary oocytes: their germinal vesicle is maintained in a central position, the cytoplasmic microtubule network is stabilized, the central GV immobilization is overcome by demecolcine and they complete normal maturation after their transfer to culture medium. The GV-arresting activity of genistein is also bypassed by OA but combination of both drugs results in a dramatic reorganization of the cytoskeleton leading to a huge membrane bulging, which is quite different to apoptotic-related blebbing. MAP Kinase activation is correlated with meiosis reinitiation. When applied after GVBD has taken place, genistein does not inhibit MAPK activation, metaphase spindle formation and metaphase-to-anaphase transition, but prevents the barrel-shaped MI spindle from undergoing its peripheral migration and the oocytes from extruding their first polar body. It may thus be concluded that the checkpoint control for anaphase onset is unaffected by the drug. On the contrary, our results suggest that spindle anaphase A to spindle anaphase B transition, spindle degradation, mid-body formation and cytokinesis are triggered by a genistein-sensitive mechanism that might be a mid-anaphase checkpoint. Finally, we confirm that genistein induces transition to interphase in metaphase II oocytes but never induces cortical granule exocytosis, the cytoplasmic hallmark of activation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen dioxide is a highly toxic reactive nitrogen species (RNS) recently discovered as an inflammatory oxidant with great potential to damage tissues. We demonstrate here that cell death by RNS was caused by c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Activation of JNK by RNS was density dependent and caused mitochondrial depolarization and nuclear condensation. JNK activation by RNS was abolished in cells lacking functional Fas or following expression of a truncated version of Fas lacking the intracellular death domain. In contrast, RNS induced JNK potently in cells expressing a truncated version of tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 or cells lacking tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNF-R1), illustrating a dependence of Fas but not TNF-R1 in RNS-induced signaling to JNK. Furthermore, Fas was oxidized, redistributed, and colocalized with Fas-associated death domain (FADD) in RNS-exposed cells, illustrating that RNS directly targeted Fas. JNK activation and cell death by RNS occurred in a Fas ligand- and caspase-independent manner. While the activation of JNK by RNS or FasL required FADD, the cysteine-rich domain 1 containing preligand assembly domain required for FasL signaling was not involved in JNK activation by RNS. These findings illustrate that RNS cause cell death in a Fas- and JNK-dependent manner and that this occurs through a pathway distinct from FasL. Thus, avenues aimed at preventing the interaction of RNS with Fas may attenuate tissue damage characteristic of chronic inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by high levels of RNS.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of three different cellular stresses on oocyte maturation in meiotically arrested mouse oocytes. Cumulus-cell enclosed oocytes (CEO) or denuded oocytes (DO) from immature, eCG-primed mice were cultured for 17-18 h in dbcAMP-containing medium plus increasing concentrations of the metabolic poison, sodium arsenite, or the free radical-generating agent, menadione. Alternatively, oocytes were exposed to osmotic stress by pulsing with sorbitol and returned to control inhibitory conditions for the duration of culture. Arsenite and menadione each dose-dependently induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) in both DO and CEO. DO, but not CEO, pulsed for 60 min with 500 mM sorbitol were stimulated to resume maturation. The lack of effect in CEO suggests that the cumulus cells may be playing a protective role in osmotic stress-induced GVB. The AMP-activated protein kinase (PRKA; formerly known as AMPK) inhibitors, compound C and araA, completely blocked the meiosis-stimulating effects of all the tested stresses. Western blots showed that acetyl-CoA carboxylase, an important substrate of PRKA, was phosphorylated before GVB, supporting a role for PRKA in stress-induced maturation. Together, these data show that a variety of stresses stimulate GVB in meiotically arrested mouse oocytes in vitro and suggest that this effect is mediated through activation of PRKA.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C in tumoricidal activation of mouse macrophage cell lines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A potential role of protein kinase C (PKC) in lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced tumoricidal activation of macrophages was investigated by using two mouse macrophage cell lines (P388D1 and J774). J774 cells are stimulated by LPS to kill target P815 mastocytoma cells, whereas P388D1 cells fail to develop such an ability. Pretreatment of J774 cells with H-7 or phorbol myristate acetate resulted in a significant inhibition of LPS-induced cytotoxicity, whereas pretreatment with H-8, ML-7, HA1004, or W-7 did not. Since these results suggested a critical role of PKC in the activation process, the properties of PKC in the two cell lines were compared. Western blotting with rabbit antiserum specific for the PKC beta regulatory domain allowed detection of a protein of 79 kilodaltons (kDa) in the detergent lysates of both cell lines that were not stimulated by LPS. However, LPS treatment resulted in the appearance of a second protein of 40 kDa only in J774 cells and not in P388D1 cells. Furthermore, two forms of protein kinase (one basic and the other acidic) were identified in the cytosol of J774 cells by HPLC on DEAE-5PW, whereas only the basic form was found in P388D1 cells. On the basis of the response of the basic and acidic form protein kinases to phosphatidylserine (PS), diolein, and Ca2+, the basic form was found to contain both regulatory and catalytic domains of PKC, whereas the acidic form was suggested to represent the PKC catalytic domain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The process of resumption of the first meiotic division (RMI) in mammalian oocytes includes germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), spindle formation during first metaphase (MI), segregation of homologous chromosomes, extrusion of the first polar body (PBI) and an arrest at metaphase of the second meiotic division (MII). Previous studies suggest a role for Fyn, a non-receptor Src family tyrosine kinase, in the exit from MII arrest. In the current study we characterized the involvement of Fyn in RMI. Western blot analysis demonstrated a significant, proteasome independent, degradation of Fyn during GVBD. Immunostaining of fixed oocytes and confocal imaging of live oocytes microinjected with Fyn complementary RNA (cRNA) demonstrated Fyn localization to the oocyte cortex and to the spindle poles. Fyn was recruited during telophase to the cortical area surrounding the midzone of the spindle and was then translocated to the contractile ring during extrusion of PBI. GVBD, exit from MI and PBI extrusion were inhibited in oocytes exposed to the chemical inhibitor SU6656 or microinjected with dominant negative Fyn cRNA. None of the microinjected oocytes showed misaligned or lagging chromosomes during chromosomes segregation and the spindle migration and anchoring were not affected. However, the extruded PBI was of large size. Altogether, a role for Fyn in regulating several key pathways during the first meiotic division in mammalian oocytes is suggested, particularly at the GV and metaphase checkpoints and in signaling the ingression of the cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

Tissues with the highest rates of proliferation typically exhibit the highest frequencies of apoptosis, but the mechanisms that coordinate these processes are largely unknown. The homeodomain protein Gax is down-regulated when quiescent cells are stimulated to proliferate, and constitutive Gax expression inhibits cell proliferation in a p21(WAF/CIP)-dependent manner. To understand how mitogen-induced proliferation influences the apoptotic process, we investigated the effects of deregulated Gax expression on cell viability. Forced Gax expression induced apoptosis in mitogen-activated cultures, but quiescent cultures were resistant to cell death. Though mitogen activation was required for apoptosis, neither the cdk inhibitor p21(WAF/CIP) nor the tumor suppressor p53 was required for Gax-induced cell death. Arrest in G1 or S phases of the cell cycle with chemical inhibitors also did not affect apoptosis, further suggesting that Gax-mediated cell death is independent of cell cycle activity. Forced Gax expression led to Bcl-2 down-regulation and Bax up-regulation in mitogen-activated, but not quiescent cultures. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts homozygous null for the Bax gene were refractive to Gax-induced apoptosis, demonstrating the functional significance of this regulation. These data suggest that the homeostatic balance between cell growth and death can be controlled by mitogen-dependent pathways that circumvent the cell cycle to alter Bcl-2 family protein expression.  相似文献   

The improper activation of the Abl tyrosine kinase results in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The recognition of an inactive conformation of Abl, in which a catalytically important Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) motif is flipped by approximately 180 degrees with respect to the active conformation, underlies the specificity of the cancer drug imatinib, which is used to treat CML. The DFG motif is not flipped in crystal structures of inactive forms of the closely related Src kinases, and imatinib does not inhibit c-Src. We present a structure of the kinase domain of Abl, determined in complex with an ATP-peptide conjugate, in which the protein adopts an inactive conformation that resembles closely that of the Src kinases. An interesting aspect of the Src-like inactive structure, suggested by molecular dynamics simulations and additional crystal structures, is the presence of features that might facilitate the flip of the DFG motif by providing room for the phenylalanine to move and by coordinating the aspartate side chain as it leaves the active site. One class of mutations in BCR-Abl that confers resistance to imatinib appears more likely to destabilize the inactive Src-like conformation than the active or imatinib-bound conformations. Our results suggest that interconversion between distinctly different inactive conformations is a characteristic feature of the Abl kinase domain.  相似文献   

beta-Amyloid (A beta) has been strongly implicated in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the means by which the aggregated form of this molecule induces neuronal death have not been fully defined. Here, we examine the role of the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and of their substrate, c-Jun, in the death of cultured neuronal PC12 cells and sympathetic neurons evoked by exposure to aggregated A beta. The activities of JNK family members increased in neuronal PC12 cells within 2 h of A beta treatment and reached 3--4-fold elevation by 6 h. To test the role of these changes in death caused by A beta, we examined the effects of CEP-1347 (KT7515), an indolocarbazole that selectively blocks JNK activation. Inclusion of CEP-1347 (100--300 nM) in the culture medium effectively blocked the increases in cellular JNK activity caused by A beta and, at similar concentrations, protected both PC12 cells and sympathetic neurons from A beta-evoked-death. Effective protection required addition of CEP-1347 within 2 h of A beta treatment, indicating that the JNK pathway acts relatively proximally and as a trigger in the death mechanism. A dominant-negative c-Jun construct also conferred protection from A beta-evoked death, supporting a model in which JNK activation contributes to death via activation of c-Jun. Finally, CEP-1347 blocked A beta-stimulated activation of caspase-2 and -3, placing these downstream of JNK activation. These observations implicate the JNK pathway as a required element in death evoked by A beta and hence identify it as a potential therapeutic target in AD.  相似文献   

Injection of sperm preparations into mammalian oocytes and eggs has been shown to elicit persistent [Ca2+]i oscillations that closely resemble fertilization-associated Ca2+ release. However, the ability of these sperm fractions to initiate egg activation has not been clearly demonstrated. In the present experiments, mouse eggs injected with a porcine sperm preparation were evaluated for early and late events of activation. Events monitored included, among early events, the generation of [Ca2+]i oscillations and cortical granule exocytosis and, among late events, the decrease in histone H1 and myelin basic protein kinase activities, polar body extrusion, pronuclear formation, and cleavage to the two-cell stage. Injection of sperm fractions consistently evoked [Ca2+]i oscillations that, in turn, initiated all events of activation. Uninjected control eggs or eggs injected with buffer or heat-treated sperm fractions failed to show Ca2+ responses or activation. In addition, injection of sperm fractions into recently ovulated eggs (experiments were concluded within 15 hr after human chorionic gonadotropin administration) induced high rates of activation, while similarly aged eggs exposed to 7% ethanol for 5 min, a known parthenogenetic treatment, failed to activate. Together these results indicate that injection of sperm fractions elicits [Ca2+]i oscillations that are capable of initiating normal egg activation. These results support the hypothesis that a sperm component participates in the generation of fertilization-associated [Ca2+]i oscillations. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:37–47, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) is activated by phosphorylation on Ser-133 and plays a key role in the proliferative and survival responses of mature B cells to B cell receptor (BCR) signaling. The signal link between the BCR and CREB activation depends on a phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate)-sensitive protein kinase C (PKC) activity and not protein kinase A or calmodulin kinase; however, the identity and role of the PKC(s) activity has not been elucidated. We found the novel PKCdelta (nPKCdelta) activator bistratene A is sufficient to induce CREB phosphorylation in murine splenic B cells. The pharmacological inhibitor G?6976, which targets conventional PKCs and PKCmu, has no effect on CREB phosphorylation, whereas the nPKCdelta inhibitor rottlerin blocks CREB phosphorylation following BCR cross-linking. Bryostatin 1 selectively prevents nPKCdelta depletion by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate when coapplied, coincident with protection of BCR-induced CREB phosphorylation. Ectopic expression of a kinase-inactive nPKCdelta blocks BCR-induced CREB phosphorylation in A20 B cells. In addition, BCR-induced CREB phosphorylation is significantly diminished in nPKCdelta-deficient splenic B cells in comparison with wild type mice. Consistent with the essential role for Bruton's tyrosine kinase and phospholipase Cgamma2 in mediating PKC activation, Bruton's tyrosine kinase- and phospholipase Cgamma2-deficient B cells display defective CREB phosphorylation by the BCR. We also found that p90 RSK directly phosphorylates CREB on Ser-133 following BCR cross-linking and is positioned downstream of nPKCdelta. Taken together, these results suggest a model in which BCR engagement leads to the phosphorylation of CREB via a signaling pathway that requires nPKCdelta and p90 RSK in mature B cells.  相似文献   

Summary Meristematic cells of pea cotyledonary buds blocked in G0–1 state contain a small nucleolus with a large central clear area surrounded by a fibrillar rim. The nucleolar structure varies according to the cell cycle from the G0–1-blocked state until the first mitoses occurring between 24 and 27h after removal of the main stem. In order to better identify and understand the role of the central area in the nucleolar function, its content was investigated by cytochemical and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-immunogold methods. The central area showed the characteristics of a vacuole commonly constituted of the condensed chromatin, ribonucleoprotein granules, and lack of argyrophilic proteins. 3 h after decapitation, a thickening of the fibrillar rim occurred, accompanied by an increase of granules in the vacuole. After 6h, the unique vacuole broke up into two to four small vacuoles in which the granules are more abundant. After 12 h the nucleolus acquired compact structure with few minute vacuoles dispersed over the fibrillar component. During the whole cell cycle, the condensed chromatin is always observed in the vacuole. Our findings suggest that the appearance of the vacuoles is subsequent to the output of preribosomes from nucleolus. These vacuoles might play a role in condensation and decondensation of the chromatin.  相似文献   

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