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Many characteristics of organisms in free-living populations appear to be under directional selection, possess additive genetic variance, and yet show no evolutionary response to selection. Avian breeding time and clutch size are often-cited examples of such characters. We report analyses of inheritance of, and selection on, these traits in a long-term study of a wild population of the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis. We used mixed model analysis with REML estimation ("animal models") to make full use of the information in complex multigenerational pedigrees. Heritability of laying date, but not clutch size, was lower than that estimated previously using parent-offspring regressions, although for both traits there was evidence of substantial additive genetic variance (h2 = 0.19 and 0.29, respectively). Laying date and clutch size were negatively genetically correlated (rA = -0.41 +/- 0.09), implying that selection on one of the traits would cause a correlated response in the other, but there was little evidence to suggest that evolution of either trait would be constrained by correlations with other phenotypic characters. Analysis of selection on these traits in females revealed consistent strong directional fecundity selection for earlier breeding at the level of the phenotype (beta = -0.28 +/- 0.03), but little evidence for stabilising selection on breeding time. We found no evidence that clutch size was independently under selection. Analysis of fecundity selection on breeding values for laying date, estimated from an animal model, indicated that selection acts directly on additive genetic variance underlying breeding time (beta = -0.20 +/- 0.04), but not on clutch size (beta = 0.03 +/- 0.05). In contrast, selection on laying date via adult female survival fluctuated in sign between years, and was opposite in sign for selection on phenotypes (negative) and breeding values (positive). Our data thus suggest that any evolutionary response to selection on laying date is partially constrained by underlying life-history trade-offs, and illustrate the difficulties in using purely phenotypic measures and incomplete fitness estimates to assess evolution of life-history trade-offs. We discuss some of the difficulties associated with understanding the evolution of laying date and clutch size in natural populations.  相似文献   

Key life history traits such as breeding time and clutch size are frequently both heritable and under directional selection, yet many studies fail to document microevolutionary responses. One general explanation is that selection estimates are biased by the omission of correlated traits that have causal effects on fitness, but few valid tests of this exist. Here, we show, using a quantitative genetic framework and six decades of life‐history data on two free‐living populations of great tits Parus major, that selection estimates for egg‐laying date and clutch size are relatively unbiased. Predicted responses to selection based on the Robertson–Price Identity were similar to those based on the multivariate breeder's equation (MVBE), indicating that unmeasured covarying traits were not missing from the analysis. Changing patterns of phenotypic selection on these traits (for laying date, linked to climate change) therefore reflect changing selection on breeding values, and genetic constraints appear not to limit their independent evolution. Quantitative genetic analysis of correlational data from pedigreed populations can be a valuable complement to experimental approaches to help identify whether apparent associations between traits and fitness are biased by missing traits, and to parse the roles of direct versus indirect selection across a range of environments.  相似文献   

While evolution occurs when selection acts on a heritable trait, empirical studies of natural systems have frequently reported phenotypic stasis under these conditions. We performed quantitative genetic analyses of weight and hindleg length in a free-living population of Soay sheep (Ovis aries) to test whether genetic constraints can explain previously reported stasis in body size despite evidence for strong positive directional selection. Genetic, maternal and environmental covariance structures were estimated across ontogeny using random regression animal models. Heritability increased with age for weight and hindleg length, though both measures of size were highly heritable across ontogeny. Genetic correlations among ages were generally strong and uniformly positive, and the covariance structures were also highly integrated across ontogeny. Consequently, we found no constraint to the evolution of larger size itself. Rather we expect size at all ages to increase in response to positive selection acting at any age. Consistent with expectation, predicted breeding values for age-specific size traits have increased over a twenty-year period, while maternal performance for offspring size has declined. Re-examination of the phenotypic data confirmed that sheep are not getting larger, but also showed that there are significant negative trends in size at all ages. The genetic evolution is therefore cryptic, with the response to selection presumably being masked at the phenotypic level by a plastic response to changing environmental conditions. Density-dependence, coupled with systematically increasing population size, may contribute to declining body size but is insufficient to completely explain it. Our results demonstrate that an increased understanding of the genetic basis of quantitative traits, and of how plasticity and microevolution can occur simultaneously, is necessary for developing predictive models of phenotypic change in nature.  相似文献   

I studied the causes of variation and selection on clutch size in a population of Darwin's Medium Ground Finches (Geospiza fortis) on Isla Daphne Major, using data collected over a nine-year period (1976–1984). Quantitative-genetic analyses were carried out using the first clutch laid by a female in a given year. I used both unadjusted clutch-size values and values adjusted for between-year differences in mean clutch size for repeatability and regression analyses. Repeatability of clutch size was small (≤8%) and nonsignificant in all cases. Sib-sib analyses and parent-offspring regressions gave no evidence of a significant additive genetic component to clutch-size variation. Slopes of mother-daughter regressions were actually negative, suggesting possible maternal effects of mother's clutch size on daughter's clutch size. There was a small positive relationship between female age and clutch size but no effect of male or female body size or of large-scale differences in habitat quality on clutch size. Selection on clutch size was generally directional and positive: in almost all years in which successful breeding occurred, large clutches tended to fledge more chicks and produce more young surviving to the following year, possibly because there was no trade-off between clutch size and the weights of individual chicks at fledging. Thus, sustained directional selection for large clutch size may have reduced additive genetic variation in clutch size to low levels in this population. The size of a female's clutch may be primarily determined by unidentified proximate environmental factors which vary from year to year, rather than by any long-term optimization of clutch size with respect to adult survival.  相似文献   

Reproduction is thought to entail costs, but assessing survival costs associated with maturation as organisms express reproductive genes for the first time is problematic because many will die prior to expressing a phenotype. We quantified selection acting on this invisible fraction by measuring selection on predicted breeding values for clutch size estimated from a multigenerational pedigree of side-blotched lizards in which clutch size was heritable (h2=0.25+/-0.04). The survival effects of predicted breeding values for clutch size during maturation, however, differed between males and females indicating ontogenetic conflict. Increased mortality during maturation was associated with lower predicted breeding values for clutch size for females, but higher predicted breeding values for males who do not produce a clutch. Genetic correlations between clutch size and male and female survival were consistent with calculated selection differentials. Experimental yolk removal did not affect progeny survival during maturation, indicating that selection on maturing progeny was not due to confounding yolk-volume maternal effects, and hormone manipulations confirmed clutch size as the target of viability selection during maturation. Such episodes of selection prior to phenotypic expression of the trait will have important consequences for the evolution of reproductive investment.  相似文献   

There is abundant evidence in many taxa for positive directional selection on body size, and yet little evidence for microevolutionary change. In many species, variation in body size is partly determined by the actions of parents, so a proposed explanation for stasis is the presence of a negative genetic correlation between direct and parental effects. Consequently, selecting genes for increased body size would result in a correlated decline in parental effects, reducing body size in the following generation. We show that these arguments implicitly assume that parental care is cost free, and that including a cost alters the predicted genetic architectures needed to explain stasis. Using a large cross‐fostered population of blue tits, we estimate direct selection on parental effects for body mass, and show it is negative. Negative selection is consistent with a cost to parental care, mainly acting through a reduction in current fecundity rather than survival. Under these conditions, evolutionary stasis is possible for moderately negative genetic correlations between direct and parental effects. This is in contrast to the implausibly extreme correlations needed when care is assumed to be cost‐free. Thus, we highlight the importance of accounting correctly for complete selection acting on traits across generations.  相似文献   

In contrast to our growing understanding of patterns of additive genetic variance in single- and multi-trait combinations, the relative contribution of nonadditive genetic variance, particularly dominance variance, to multivariate phenotypes is largely unknown. While mechanisms for the evolution of dominance genetic variance have been, and to some degree remain, subject to debate, the pervasiveness of dominance is widely recognized and may play a key role in several evolutionary processes. Theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that the contribution of dominance variance to phenotypic variance may increase with the correlation between a trait and fitness; however, direct tests of this hypothesis are few. Using a multigenerational breeding design in an unmanipulated population of Drosophila serrata, we estimated additive and dominance genetic covariance matrices for multivariate wing-shape phenotypes, together with a comprehensive measure of fitness, to determine whether there is an association between directional selection and dominance variance. Fitness, a trait unequivocally under directional selection, had no detectable additive genetic variance, but significant dominance genetic variance contributing 32% of the phenotypic variance. For single and multivariate morphological traits, however, no relationship was observed between trait–fitness correlations and dominance variance. A similar proportion of additive and dominance variance was found to contribute to phenotypic variance for single traits, and double the amount of additive compared to dominance variance was found for the multivariate trait combination under directional selection. These data suggest that for many fitness components a positive association between directional selection and dominance genetic variance may not be expected.  相似文献   

Timing of reproduction and clutch size are important determinants of breeding success, especially in seasonal environments. Several recent bird population studies have shown changes in breeding time and in natural selection on it. These changes have often been linked with climate change, but few studies have investigated how the traits or natural selection are actually connected with climatic factors. Furthermore, the effect of population density on selection has been rarely considered, despite the potential importance of density in demographic processes. We studied variation in natural selection on laying date and on clutch size in relation to measures of spring phenology and population density in a long-term study of pied flycatchers in SW Finland. The phenological stage of the environment at mean egg-laying did not affect the direction of selection on either laying date or on clutch size. There was, however, stronger selection for earlier laying date when the breeding density of the population was high, suggesting that early breeding is not necessarily beneficial as such, but that its importance is emphasized when high population density increases competition. In addition, early breeding was favoured when the pre-breeding period was cool, which may indicate an increased advantage for the fittest individuals in harsher conditions. In the middle of the twentieth century, there was selection for large clutch size, which subsequently ceased, along with an overall decrease in recruit production. Our results indicate that attention should be paid to demographic factors such as breeding density when studying natural selection and temporal changes in it.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has been identified as a major evolutionary force shaping male life history traits but its impact on female life history evolution is less clear. Here we examine the impact of sexual selection on three key female traits (body size, egg size and clutch size) in Galliform birds. Using comparative independent contrast analyses and directional discrete analyses, based on published data and a new genera-level supertree phylogeny of Galliform birds, we investigated how sexual selection [quantified as sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and social mating system (MS)] affects these three important female traits. We found that female body mass was strongly and positively correlated with egg size but not with clutch size, and that clutch size decreased as egg size increased. We established that SSD was related to MS, and then used SSD as a proxy of the strength of sexual selection. We found both a positive relationship between SSD and female body mass and egg size and that increases in female body mass and egg size tend to occur following increases in SSD in this bird order. This pattern of female body mass increases lagging behind changes in SSD, established using our directional discrete analysis, suggests that female body mass increases as a response to increases in the level of sexual selection and not simply through a strong genetic relationship with male body mass. This suggests that sexual selection is linked to changes in female life history traits in Galliformes and we discuss how this link may shape patterns of life history variation among species.  相似文献   

The possible roles of random genetic change and natural selection in bryozoan speciation were analyzed using quantitative genetic methods on breeding data for traits of skeletal morphology in two closely related species of the cheilostome Stylopoma. The hypothesis that morphologic differences between the species are caused entirely by mutation and genetic drift could not be rejected for reasonable rates of mutation maintained for as few as 103 to 104 generations. Divergence times this short or shorter are consistent with the abrupt appearances of many invertebrate species in the fossil record, commonly followed by millions of years of morphologic stasis. To produce these differences over 103 generations or fewer, directional selection acting alone would require unrealistically high levels of minimum selective mortality throughout divergence. Thus, selection is unnecessary to explain the divergence of these species, except as a means of accelerating the effects of random genetic change on shorter time scales (directional selection), or decelerating them over longer ones (stabilizing selection). These results are consistent with a variety of models of phenotypic evolution involving random shifts between multiple adaptive peaks. Similar results were obtained by substituting trait heritabilities and genetic covariances reconstructed by partitioning within- and among-colony phenotypic variance in place of the values based on breeding data. Quantitative genetic analysis of speciation in fossil bryozoan lineages is thus justified.  相似文献   

The underlying genetic basis of life-history traits in free-ranging animals is critical to the effects of selection on such traits, but logistical constraints mean that such data are rarely available. Our long-term ecological studies on free-ranging oviparous snakes (keelbacks, Tropidonophis mairii (Gray, 1841), Colubridae) on an Australian floodplain provide the first such data for any tropical reptile. All size-corrected reproductive traits (egg mass, clutch size, clutch mass and post-partum maternal mass) were moderately repeatable between pairs of clutches produced by 69 female snakes after intervals of 49-1152 days, perhaps because maternal body condition was similar between clutches. Parent-offspring regression of reproductive traits of 59 pairs of mothers and daughters revealed high heritability for egg mass (h2= 0.73, SE=0.24), whereas heritability for the other three traits was low (< 0.37). The estimated heritability of egg mass may be inflated by maternal effects such as differential allocation of yolk steroids to different-sized eggs. High heritability of egg size may be maintained (rather than eroded by stabilizing selection) because selection acts on a trait (hatchling size) that is determined by the interaction between egg size and incubation substrate rather than by egg size alone. Variation in clutch size was mainly because of environmental factors (h2=0.04), indicating that one component of the trade-off between egg size and clutch size is under much tighter genetic control than the other. Thus, the phenotypic trade-off between egg size and egg number in keelback snakes occurs because each female snake must allocate a finite amount of energy into eggs of a genetically determined size.  相似文献   

Maternal effects may strongly influence evolutionary response to natural selection but they have been little studied in the wild. We use a novel combination of experimental and statistical methods to estimate maternal effects on condition and clutch size in the collared flycatcher, where we define “condition” to be the nongenetic component of clutch size. We found evidence of two maternal effects. The first (m) was the negative effect of mother's clutch size on daughter's condition, when mother's condition was held constant. The second (M) was the positive effect of mother's condition on daughter's condition, when mother clutch size was held constant. These two effects oppose one another because mothers in good condition also lay many eggs. The maternal effects were large: Experimentally adding an egg to a mother's nest reduced clutch sizes of her daughters by 1/4 egg (i.e., m = -0.25). Measured degree of resemblance between mother and daughter clutch sizes yielded M = 0.43. The results weakly support the presence of heritable genetic variation in clutch size: additive genetic variance/total phenotypic variance = 0.33. This estimate was highly variable probably because, as we show, mother-daughter resemblance may depend hardly at all on the amount of genetic variance when maternal effects are present. Daughter-mother regression (a standard method for estimating heritability) is consequently a poor guide to the amount of genetic variance in clutch size. Our results emphasize the value of combining field experiments with observations for studying inheritance.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that herbivores constitute a selective agent for the evolution of plant resistance. However, few studies have tested this hypothesis. In this study, we look at the annual weed Datura stramonium for evidence of current natural selection for resistance to herbivorous insects. Paternal half-sib families obtained through controlled crosses were exposed to herbivores under natural conditions. The plants were damaged by two folivorous insects: the tobacco flea beetle Epitrix parvula and the grasshopper Sphenarium purpurascens. Selection was estimated using a multiple-regression analysis of plant size and of damage by the two herbivores on plant fitness measured as fruit production for both individual phenotypes and family breeding values (genetic analysis). Directional phenotypic selection was detected for both larger plant size and lower resistance to the flea beetles, whereas stabilizing phenotypic selection was revealed for resistance to S. purpurascens. However, performing the same analyses on the breeding values of the characters revealed directional and stabilizing selection only for plant size. Thus, no agreement existed between the results of the two types of analyses, nor was there any detectable potential for genetic change in the studied population because of selection on herbivore resistance. The narrow-sense heritability of every trait studied was small (all <0.1) and not different from zero. The potential for evolutionary response to natural selection for higher resistance to herbivores in the studied population of D. stramonium is probably limited by lack of genetic variation. Natural selection acts on phenotypes, and the detection of phenotypic selection on resistance to herbivores confirms their ecological importance in determining plant fitness. However, evolutionary inferences based solely on phenotypic selection analyses must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Comparing observed versus theoretically expected evolutionary responses is important for our understanding of the evolutionary process, and for assessing how species may cope with anthropogenic change. Here, we document directional selection for larger female size in Atlantic salmon, using pedigree‐derived estimates of lifetime reproductive success as a fitness measure. We show the trait is heritable and, thus, capable of responding to selection. The Breeder's Equation, which predicts microevolution as the product of phenotypic selection and heritability, predicted evolution of larger size. This was at odds, however, with the observed lack of either phenotypic or genetic temporal trends in body size, a so‐called “paradox of stasis.” To investigate this paradox, we estimated the additive genetic covariance between trait and fitness, which provides a prediction of evolutionary change according to Robertson's secondary theorem of selection (STS) that is unbiased by missing variables. The STS prediction was consistent with the observed stasis. Decomposition of phenotypic selection gradients into genetic and environmental components revealed a potential upward bias, implying unmeasured factors that covary with trait and fitness. These results showcase the power of pedigreed, wild population studies—which have largely been limited to birds and mammals—to study evolutionary processes on contemporary timescales.  相似文献   

Observed phenotypic responses to selection in the wild often differ from predictions based on measurements of selection and genetic variance. An overlooked hypothesis to explain this paradox of stasis is that a skewed phenotypic distribution affects natural selection and evolution. We show through mathematical modeling that, when a trait selected for an optimum phenotype has a skewed distribution, directional selection is detected even at evolutionary equilibrium, where it causes no change in the mean phenotype. When environmental effects are skewed, Lande and Arnold's (1983) directional gradient is in the direction opposite to the skew. In contrast, skewed breeding values can displace the mean phenotype from the optimum, causing directional selection in the direction of the skew. These effects can be partitioned out using alternative selection estimates based on average derivatives of individual relative fitness, or additive genetic covariances between relative fitness and trait (Robertson–Price identity). We assess the validity of these predictions using simulations of selection estimation under moderate sample sizes. Ecologically relevant traits may commonly have skewed distributions, as we here exemplify with avian laying date — repeatedly described as more evolutionarily stable than expected — so this skewness should be accounted for when investigating evolutionary dynamics in the wild.  相似文献   

Adaptive studies of avian clutch size variation across environmental gradients have resulted in what has become known as the fecundity gradient paradox, the observation that clutch size typically decreases with increasing breeding season length along latitudinal gradients, but increases with increasing breeding season length along elevational gradients. These puzzling findings challenge the common belief that organisms should reduce their clutch size in favor of additional nesting attempts as the length of the breeding season increases, an approach typically described as a bet‐hedging strategy. Here, we propose an alternative hypothesis—the multitasking hypothesis—and show that laying smaller clutches represents a multitasking strategy of switching between breeding and recovery from breeding. Both our individual‐based and analytical models demonstrate that a small clutch size strategy is favored during shorter breeding seasons because less time and energy are wasted under the severe time constraints associated with breeding multiply within a season. Our model also shows that a within‐generation bet‐hedging strategy is not favored by natural selection, even under a high risk of predation and in long breeding seasons. Thus, saving time—wasting less time as a result of an inability to complete a breeding cycle at the end of breeding season—is likely to be the primary benefit favoring the evolution of small avian clutch sizes during short breeding seasons. We also synthesize the seasonality hypothesis (pronounced seasonality leads to larger clutch size) and clutch size‐dependent predation hypothesis (larger clutch size causes higher predation risks) within our multitasking hypothesis to develop an integrative model to help resolve the paradox of contrasting patterns of clutch size along elevational and latitudinal gradients. Ultimately, our models provide a new perspective for understanding life‐history evolution under fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

Male fitness is dependent on sexual traits that influence mate acquisition (precopulatory sexual selection) and paternity (post‐copulatory sexual selection), and although many studies have documented the form of selection in one or the other of these arenas, fewer have done it for both. Nonetheless, it appears that the dominant form of sexual selection is directional, although theoretically, populations should converge on peaks in the fitness surface, where selection is stabilizing. Many factors, however, can prevent populations from reaching adaptive peaks. Genetic constraints can be important if they prevent the development of highest fitness phenotypes, as can the direction of selection if it reverses across episodes of selection. In this study, we examine the evidence that these processes influence the evolution of the multivariate sex comb morphology of male Drosophila simulans. To do this, we conduct a quantitative genetic study together with a multivariate selection analysis to infer how the genetic architecture and selection interact. We find abundant genetic variance and covariance in elements of the sex comb. However, there was little evidence for directional selection in either arena. Significant nonlinear selection was detected prior to copulation when males were mated to nonvirgin females, and post‐copulation during sperm offence (again with males mated to nonvirgins). Thus, contrary to our predictions, the evolution of the D. simulans sex comb is limited neither by genetic constraints nor by antagonistic selection between pre‐ and post‐copulatory arenas, but nonlinear selection on the multivariate phenotype may prevent sex combs from evolving to reach some fitness maximizing optima.  相似文献   

An enduring hypothesis for the proximal benefits of sex is that recombination increases the genetic variation among offspring and that this genetic variation increases offspring performance. A corollary of this hypothesis is that mothers that mate multiply increase genetic variation within a clutch and gain benefits due to genetic diversity alone. Many studies have demonstrated that multiple mating can increase offspring performance, but most attribute this increase to sexual selection and the role of genetic diversity has received less attention. Here, we used a breeding design to generate populations of full-siblings, half-siblings, and unrelated individuals of the solitary ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Importantly, we preclude the potentially confounding influences of maternal effects and sexual selection. We found that individuals in populations with greater genetic diversity had greater performance (metamorphic success, postmetamorphic survival, and postmetamorphic size) than individuals in populations with lower genetic diversity. Furthermore, we show that by mating with multiple males and thereby increasing genetic variation within a single clutch of offspring, females gain indirect fitness benefits in the absence of mate-choice. Our results show that when siblings are likely to interact, genetic variation among individuals can decrease competition for resources and generate substantial fitness benefits within a single generation.  相似文献   

MANUEL SOLER  JUAN JOSE SOLER 《Ibis》1996,138(3):377-383
Two Jackdaw Corvus monedula colonies were given supplementary food before and during breeding in 1983. Breeding density and cavity use were compared with those of the same colonies in previous years, when no food was provided. Predation rate and reproductive parameters were compared with those in the same colonies in previous years and with those of two control colonies, without experimental food. Jackdaws preferred safe cavities with small minimum nest-entrance dimensions and avoided those with a high risk of nest predation. In experimental (fed) colonies, however, there was a tendency to use all cavities, which resulted in an increased breeding density. No nests were preyed upon by Ravens Corvus corax in the experimental colonies because supplemental food favoured group defence by increasing colony size and by increasing the time the Jackdaws spent in the colony. Additional food advanced laying date, increased clutch size independently of laying date and increased fledging success. Supplementary food significantly increased fledging success in less than half of all experimental studies on birds. We suggest that the key to this problem is the species' breeding strategy, and we show that supplementary food significantly increased fledging success in brood-reduction strategist species but not in species which directly adjusted their clutch size.  相似文献   

In the thirty-five years since David Lack first highlighted the importance of clutch size, a large number of hypotheses have been proposed relating clutch size variation to various environmental and demographic factors. Despite a great deal of both empirical and theoretical work on clutch size, there has been very little effort to test many of the competing hypotheses in explaining a clutch size difference between two populations of the same species. I have taken the latter approach in an effort to explain a clutch size reduction in the California Gull (Larus californicus) population at Mono Lake, California. I compared the breeding biologies of the gulls at Mono Lake and at Great Salt Lake, Utah, collecting data for three breeding seasons at Mono Lake and one breeding season at Great Salt Lake. These data included measurements of the conditions of 60 adults, growth and mortality measurements for approximately 900 chicks, 4450 nest-hours of parental care observations, and the results of egg-removal experiments on 40 females. I tested seven hypotheses to explain the clutch size reduction: age structure, egg predation, bet-hedging, effort reallocation, most productive brood size, parental mortality, and pre-egg food limitation. Each of these hypotheses is described in detail in the introduction. The pre-egg food limitation hypothesis is best able to explain the clutch size reduction at Mono Lake, although the egg-removal experiments show that the resource limitation is relative and not absolute. Clutch size variation at each site need not be viewed as the result of fine-scaled evolutionary adjustment, although the general clutch size decision machinery is presumably molded by selection. Future research must focus on the details of this clutch size decision machinery and its application to the concept of reproductive effort.  相似文献   

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