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Needles, annual rings from basal stem discs and bark of three dominant and three suppressed Pinus pinaster from a 12-year-old pine stand (naturally regenerated after a wildfire) were analysed to study the effects of climate, tree age, dominance, and growth on tree δ15N. Foliar-N concentration in dominant pines (0.780–1.474% N) suggested that soil N availability was sufficient, a circumstance that allowed isotopic discrimination by plants and (greater) differences in δ15N among trees. The δ15N decreases in the order wood (−0.20 to +6.12‰), bark (−1.84 to +1.85‰) and needles (−2.13 to +0.77‰). In all trees, before dominance establishment (years 1–8), the N stored in each ring displayed a decreasing δ15N tendency as the tree grows, which is mainly due to a more “closed” N cycle or an increasing importance of N sources with lower δ15N. After dominance establishment (years 9–12), wood δ15N values were higher in suppressed than in dominant trees (2.62 and 1.46‰, respectively; P < 0.01) while the reverse was true for needles and bark; simultaneously, the absolute amount of N stored by suppressed pines in successive rings decreased, suggesting a lower soil N assimilation. These results could be explained by lignification acting as major N source for needles in suppressed pines because products released and reallocated during lignification are 15N-depleted compared with the source. According to principal component analysis, wood δ15N appears associated with wood N concentration and precipitation during the growing season, but clearly opposed to age, basal area increment and mean temperature in spring and summer.  相似文献   

The basic aim of this study was to analyse the influence of calcium on the Chl–TP relationship and to apply the findings to improve dynamic (mechanistically-based) modelling of phosphorus and lake eutrophication. We have analysed long-term data from 73 lakes. The influences of calcium found in these statistical analyses have been integrated into a dynamic foodweb model, the LakeWeb-model, which also includes a mass-balance model for phosphorus. Differences in the model outcome between simulations without and with considerations to the role of calcium are discussed. We can conclude that calcium is an important factor influencing both the Chl–TP relationship and Secchi depths in mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes. Our results also indicate that lakes with long-term median Ca-concentration between 10–30mg/l function as hardwater lakes. The results also stress the importance of taking a holistic view of lakes since the bedrock, soils and land-use activities in the catchment influence the calcium concentration in lakes and therefore the phosphorus cycle, water clarity and the productivity of a given lake. The predictive power of the Chl–TP regression increases markedly if hardwater lakes are omitted from the model domain. For lake foodweb and mass-balance modelling, we show that the inclusion of the presented calcium moderator clearly improved the predictions of lake TP-concentrations in water and sediments, chlorophyll and Secchi depths in Lake Erken, a hardwater lake in Sweden.  相似文献   

Regional chronology and climate–growth relationships assessment are known to be sensitive to sampling effort. To disentangle the respective benefits of increasing whether the number of plots or the number of trees per plot when investigating climate–growth relationships under temperate conditions, we propose to simulate samples from a set of 84 plots established in plantations of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio Poiret var. Corsicana), within which 10 dominant trees were cored in 1992. The effect of sampling effort was investigated through 20 modalities of sampled plots (from 3 to 84) and 10 modalities of sampled trees per plot (from 1 to 10). Regional chronology was studied using the mean effective correlation and the expressed population signal, while climate–growth relationships were evaluated through correlation functions. The calculation of the correlation functions also allowed testing the effect of sampling effort on various climatic regressors presenting different climate–growth correlation strengths. The accuracy of the dendroecological investigations increased with increasing sample size: estimating climate sensitivity with a regional chronology built from a small sample led to a general under-estimation of the climate–growth correlations. Decreasing sample size also increased the risk of estimating (i) “false” non-significant correlations for the most influencing climatic regressors, and (ii) “false” significant correlations for the less influencing ones. Increasing the number of plots was found of a greater interest than increasing the number of trees per plot to improve the climate–growth relationships assessment. Finally, the analysis revealed that the improvement of the expressed population signal with increasing sampling effort did not linearly mirror the bettering in the climate–growth correlations assessment.  相似文献   


An account is given of early liberations and the spread of hedgehogs throughout New Zealand between 1869 and 1973. Evidence, gathered largely from questionnaires and personal observations, is summarised in tables and maps to show the present range and abundance of the species. Hedgehogs dispersed from many points of liberation; their numbers increased dramatically in the South Island between 1910 and 1940, and in the North Island between 1920 and the 1950s. By the 1940s they had colonised most of the lowland areas, and their range had extended to the foot of the bushed mountainous regions; a few were found at altitudes of 2000 m. Since 1948 they have extended their range a little to include parts of the central volcanic plateau of the North Island, areas of inland Nelson, and northern Westland. Their numbers appear to have stabilised over the past 25 years. Today, hedgehogs are most abundant in intensively farmed lowland districts, towns, and suburbs. They become less numerous with increasing altitude, and few are encountered above 800 m or in wet, bushed areas. They are absent from areas where rainfall exceeds 250 cm/year or where more than 250 frosts occur annually. Factors limiting the abundance of hedgehogs in New Zealand are discussed.  相似文献   

In the United States’ (US) Northern Rockies, synoptic pressure systems and atmospheric circulation drive interannual variation in seasonal temperature and precipitation. The radial growth of high-elevation trees in this semi-arid region captures this temperature and precipitation variability and provides long time series to contextualize instrumental-era variability in synoptic-scale climate patterns. Such variability in climate patterns can trigger extreme climate events, such as droughts, floods, and forest fires, which have a damaging impact on human and natural systems. We developed 11 tree-ring width (TRW) chronologies from multiple species and sites to investigate the seasonal climatic drivers of tree growth in the Bighorn Mountains, WY. A principal component analysis of the chronologies identified 54% of shared common variance (1894–2014). Tree growth (expressed by PC1) was driven by multiple seasonal climate variables: previous October and current July temperatures, as well as previous December and current April precipitation, had a positive influence on growth, whereas growth was limited by July precipitation. These seasonal growth-climate relationships corresponded to circulation patterns at higher atmospheric levels over the Bighorn Mountains. Tree growth was enhanced when the winter jet stream was in a northward position, which led to warmer winters, and when the spring jet stream was further south, which led to wetter springs. The second principal component, explaining 19% of the variance, clustered sites by elevation and was strongly related to summer temperature. We leverage this summer temperature signal in our TRW chronologies by combining it with an existing maximum latewood density (MXD) chronology in a nested approach. This allowed us to reconstruct Bighorn Mountains summer (June, July, and August) temperature (BMST) back to 1654, thus extending the instrumental temperature record by 250 years. Our BMST reconstruction explains 39–53% of the variance in regional summer temperature variability. The 1830s were the relatively coolest decade and the 1930s were the warmest decade over the reconstructed period (1654–1983 CE) – which excludes the most recent 3 decades. Our results contextualize recent drivers and trends of climate variability in the US Northern Rockies, which contributes to the information that managers of human and natural systems need in order to prepare for potential future variability.  相似文献   

Question: What is the effect of gap size on the seedling emergence, growth and survival of four common tree species in wooded pastures? Location: A pasture in the Jura mountains, Switzerland. Methods: Seeds were sown in a complete three‐way factorial design with eight blocks in May 2003. Each block consisted of a competition treatment (four gap sizes including zero) and a mowing treatment (mown and unmown). Emergence, survival and total biomass of tree seedlings of three species (Picea abies, Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica) were measured. A fourth species (Abies alba) failed to germinate. Results: Gaps had a positive influence on the early stages of tree development for all species. Larger gaps favoured growth and survival more than small gaps. Seedling growth was higher when vegetation around the openings was mown. Mowing the vegetation at gap size zero enhanced both growth and survival compared to unmown vegetation. Mown gaps larger than zero had increased seedling desiccation but decreased seedling predation. Species showed similar trends in their emergence and growth responses to gap size and mowing treatments but for Picea emergence rate was higher and survivorship was lower than for Acer and Fagus. Conclusions: Gap size does matter for tree seedling success but even in more favourable large gaps only a small percentage of seedlings emerged and survived. The effects of gaps on tree seedling establishment are complex as a result of interactions between biotic and abiotic changes caused by gaps.  相似文献   

Santamaría  L.  Dias  C.  Hootsmans  M. J. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):219-231
In a laboratory experiment, Ruppia drepanensis Tineo seedlings from a brackish marsh in Southern Spain were grown at 20 and 30 °C, at three different nitrogen levels. These levels were obtained by the addition of a slow release fertilizer (23% NH4NO3 by weight) to a sediment mixture of sand and clay (3:1). Several morphometric parameters were recorded during the first five weeks of the experiment, and photosynthesis and respiration were measured after 7 weeks of growth. Results showed a significant reduction of growth and development with increasing nitrogen and temperature levels. Dark respiration increased strongly at high nitrogen levels. At the same time, net photosynthesis at 250 and 500 µE m-2 s-1, Pm, Km and LCP were not affected by either factor. We attribute these phenomena to ammonia toxicity, since relatively high total ammonia (NH3 + NHf4 p+) levels were found in the interstitial water.  相似文献   

Relationships between genome size and environmental variables suggest that DNA content might be adaptive and of evolutionary importance in plants.The genus Larrea provides an interesting system to test this hypothesis,since it shows both intra-and interspecific variation in genome size.Larrea has an amphitropical distribution in North and South American deserts,where it is most speciose.Larrea tridentata in North America shows a gradient of increasing autopolyploidy;while three of the four studi...  相似文献   

Ring analysis was carried out on 39 Rhizophora mangle trees from two salineand one brackish forest sites on apeninsula in north Brazil. All trees showedconstant growth over their entire lifespan, however the distinctiveness of growthrings was greater in trees from the salineareas than in trees from the brackish site.The mean radial increments form a patternof three distinct groups (`fast', `medium',and `slow' growth). Although all threegrowth groups contained trees from eachstudy site, trees from the brackish and thefrequently inundated saline area presenteda significantly higher growth rate (3.3 mmy-1) than the trees growing in asaline, seldom inundated area. Radiocarbonanalysis showed that R. mangle formsannual rings in the region. The mean age ofeach forest, derived from the mean stemradius, the growth rates, and the treeaffiliation to each growth group, explainsforest's density and basal area. For thetrees from a saline area belonging to themedium growth group (mean increment 2.5 mmy-1), the cambial growth correlatessignificantly with the precipitation in thetransition months between the dry and therainy season. The slowest growing trees(1.2 mm y-1) showed a closerelationship between the ring width and thenumber of months with rainfall < 50 mm.Based on these results, we propose that thelocal abiotic factors influence theindividual growth rates but their effect onthe forest structure is modified by bioticfactors, such as neighborhoodcompetition.  相似文献   

Polysaccharide extracts from four New Zealand members of the Gracilariaceae have been characterized by 13C-NMR spectroscopy and GLC analysis of alditol acetate derivatives prepared using a new double hydrolysis-reduction procedure. All were based on variously substituted repeating disaccharide units of agarobiose and 20% of its precursor containing l-galactose-6-sulfate. Gracilaria truncata yielded a firm gelling agar with 67% methylation on the 6-position of the d-galactose residues. The other extracts belong to a new class of agar molecules having methylation on both the 6-position of the d-galactose units and the 2-position of the l-sugar units. The Curdiea coriacea polysaccharide displayed this double methylation almost completely ( 96 %); the alkali-modified polymer thus had only two free hydroxy-groups per disaccharide repeat unit, yet still gave a firm gel. The Curdiea flabellata and Melanthalia abscissa extracts had this double methylation pattern but to a lesser extent, and additional xylosyl branch units on up to 18% of the repeating disaccharide units.  相似文献   


This study of customary harvests of sooty shearwater Puffinus griseus chicks by Rakiura Maori compares the utility of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and ecological science for understanding patterns in prey availability. We recorded TEK of 28 muttonbirders about emergence patterns and variation in chick size at different aspects of 14 breeding islands and in their coastal fringe compared to inland areas. Spatial and temporal variation of chick availability were measured using the methods of ecological science in the 2001 harvest season across Putauhinu Island, south west of Rakiura, New Zealand. As predicted by TEK, titi emerged earlier from west than east coast locations on Putauhinu. Scientific measures were also consistent with an earlier emergence in coastal compared to inland areas as asserted by TEK, but conclusive inference is potentially confounded by movement of chicks between burrows just before fledging. A TEK construct predicting heavier chicks on the west coast was not supported by scientific measurements. We also measured the characteristics of areas preferred for harvesting so that we could gauge representativeness of the areas “sampled” by the muttonbirders to accumulate their TEK. Within forested habitat, areas harvested by muttonbirders had 62–65% higher chick density than unharvested areas. The muttonbirders concentrated harvesting where there was less ground cover and taller canopy cover and only hunted on nights and times of the season when harvesting was most profitable. Therefore, TEK may be less able to detect wider‐scale variation and harvest impacts on prey in particular. Short runs of scientific information from spatially and temporally stratified sampling will complement and assist inference from longer term TEK. As shown in this case study, TEK and science often agree on pattern, but are likely to disagree on why a pattern exists.  相似文献   


The influence Of temperature on the growth and survival of first-instar larvae of black beetle feeding in soil was examined. Similarly the consumption, utilisation, growth, and survival of second- and third-instar larvae feeding on carrot were investigated using gravimetric methods. Soil temperatures in the range 20–25° c were found to be necessary for optimum growth of all instars. First-instar larval growth increased exponentially over the temperature range 10–20°c. Third-instar larvae were tolerant of higher temperatures than second-instar larvae. The temperatures for optimum levels of consumption and utilisation of carrot varied between the instars.  相似文献   

Samples of plankton from the Australian–New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean have been examined. A species list of pelagic fauna of ostracods is presented including latitudes and depths for Antarctic and Subantarctic water structures and the neighboring subtropical regions. The vertical distribution of ostracods is studied in the waters of the Subantarctic and Antarctic.  相似文献   

The latitudinal distribution of ostracods between the Subtropical Convergence and Antarctic Divergence has been studied from the example of materials from the Australian–New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean. The biogeographical structure of ostracod fauna has been revealed in the Subantarctic and Antarctic. Species-indicators have been distinguished for Antarctic and Subantarctic waters.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The structure of a forest stand, i.e. the distribution of tree size features, has strong effects on its functioning. The management of the structure is therefore an important tool in mitigating the impact of predicted changes in climate on forests, especially with respect to drought. Here, a new functional–structural model is presented and is used to assess the effects of management on forest functioning at a national scale.


The stand process-based model (PBM) Castanea was coupled to a stand structure module (SSM) based on empirical tree-to-tree competition rules. The calibration of the SSM was based on a thorough analysis of intersite and interannual variability of competition asymmetry. The coupled Castanea–SSM model was evaluated across France using forest inventory data, and used to compare the effect of contrasted silvicultural practices on simulated stand carbon fluxes and growth.

Key Results

The asymmetry of competition varied consistently with stand productivity at both spatial and temporal scales. The modelling of the competition rules enabled efficient prediction of changes in stand structure within the Castanea PBM. The coupled model predicted an increase in net primary productivity (NPP) with management intensity, resulting in higher growth. This positive effect of management was found to vary at a national scale across France: the highest increases in NPP were attained in forests facing moderate to high water stress; however, the absolute effect of management on simulated stand growth remained moderate to low because stand thinning involved changes in carbon allocation at the tree scale.


This modelling approach helps to identify the areas where management efforts should be concentrated in order to mitigate near-future drought impact on national forest productivity. Around a quarter of the French temperate oak and beech forests are currently in zones of high vulnerability, where management could thus mitigate the influence of climate change on forest yield  相似文献   

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