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The specialized transducing phage lambdacI857S7drifd18 was used as a donor in a transductional mapping of four genes in the rif region of the Escherichia coli genome. The gene order was rts-2.9-rplL-0.8-rpoB, where the numbers indicate intermarker distances in kilobases. The possible orientation of these genes with respect to each other and to neighboring genes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A mutation located near rpoB (89) in E. coli is responsible for unusual patterns of and (but not L7/L12) synthesis in response to the drugs rifampicin and acridine orange.  相似文献   

The molecular cloning and fine-structure analysis of the homoprotocatechuate (hpc) catabolic pathway genes of Escherichia coli C are described. The genes were located in two operons, hpcBCDEF and hpcGH, that were very closely linked. A regulatory gene, hpcR, involved in the expression of both operons was also identified. Various subclones isolated in the study were useful in the production of chemical intermediates of the pathway. The availability of one such compound facilitated the discovery of a previously unrecognized isomerase involved in the catabolic sequence.  相似文献   

Expression levels of five mouse casein genes were analysed in the mammary gland of virgin, pregnant and lactating mice. We have already shown that the five murine casein genes are arranged in the order, alpha-beta-gamma-epsilon-kappa in a tandem array, very close to each other in a 250 kb DNA fragment of mouse genome. Northern blot analysis showed that, of the calcium-sensitive casein genes, the epsilon casein gene is expressed only during lactation unlike the alpha, beta and gamma casein genes which are expressed during pregnancy and lactation. Even though the alpha, beta and gamma genes exhibited a co-ordinated expression pattern from mid to the later stages of pregnancy, the mRNA levels varied considerably (60, 90 and 100% respectively) by the onset of lactation. The mRNA level of the calcium-insensitive kappa casein gene increased from mid-pregnancy but at a lower rate and reached approximately 60% by the first day of lactation. Considering the locations and closeness of the casein genes, a non-coordinate expression profile is exhibited by the mouse casein genes, particularly the epsilon casein gene.  相似文献   

A mutation in lac-operator region of pUC19 plasmid causing an increase in beta-galactosidase activity was observed. The plasmid was used as a vector to provide high level of expression of the cloned E. coli rplL gene.  相似文献   

Summary The leucine genes of Bacillus subtilis have been cloned directly from the chromosomal DNA into Escherichia coli leuB cells by selection for the Leu+ phenotype using RSF2124 as a vector plasmid. The hybrid plasmid designated RSF2124-B·leu contained a 4.2 megadalton fragment derived from B. subtilis DNA, including the leu genes. The fragment had one site susceptible to EcoRI* and another site susceptible to BamNI endonuclease. Among the three fragments produced by EcoRI* and BamNI endonucleases, the 1.2 megadalton fragment had the ability to transform B. subtilis leuA, leuB and leuC auxotrophs to leu +. However, B. subtilis ilvB and ilvC auxotrophs were not rescued even by the whole 4.2 megadalton fragment present in the hybrid plasmid. -Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (leuB gene product) activity found in E. coli cells containing the hybrid plasmid was about 60% of that in E. coli wild type cells, despite the high copy number (7.8) of the plasmid per chromosome observed.  相似文献   

During different steady state growth conditions in Escherichia coli the level of the three tRNA-modifying enzymes, the tRNA(m5Urd)-, tRNA(m1Guo)- and tRNA(mam5s2Urd)methyltransferase and of five aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, the leucyl-, valyl-, isoleucyl-, arginyl- and threonyl-tRNA-synthetase, has been determined. It is shown that those two classes of tRNA affecting enzymes are not coordinately regulated and that even within these two groups of enzymes the constituents are regulated independently of each other. Furthermore it is demonstrated that none of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and only one of the three tRNA-methyltransferases, the tRNA(m5Urd)methyltransferase, is under control of the relA+-gene.  相似文献   

Two cases are described which indicate that RNA polymerase could alter DNA supercoiling. One occurred in a topA mutant in which abnormally high levels of plasmid supercoiling were lowered by rifampin, an inhibitor of the beta subunit of RNA polymerase. The second case involves suppression of a temperature-sensitive gyrB mutation by a rifampin-resistant allele of rpoB, the gene encoding the beta subunit of RNA polymerase. Measurements of chromosomal DNA supercoiling show that the rpoB mutation reduced DNA relaxation.  相似文献   

Epiphytic populations of Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia herbicola are important sources of ice nuclei that incite frost damage in agricultural crop plants. We have cloned and characterized DNA segments carrying the genes (ice) responsible for the ice-nucleating ability of these bacteria. The ice region spanned 3.5 to 4.0 kilobases and was continuous over this region in P. syringae Cit7R1. The cloned fragments imparted ice-nucleating activity in Escherichia coli. Substantial increases in the nucleating activity of both E. coli and P. syringae were obtained by subcloning the DNA fragments on multicopy plasmid vectors. Southern blot analysis showed substantial homology between the ice regions of P. syringae and E. herbicola, although individual restriction sites within the ice regions differed between the two species.  相似文献   

Coordinate expression of Escherichia coli dnaA and dnaN genes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The defects of temperature-sensitive dnaA and dnaN mutants of Escherichia coli are complemented by a recombinant lambda phage, which carries the bacterial DNA segment composed of two EcoRI segments of 1.0 and 3.3 kilobases. Derivatives of the phage, which have an insertion segment of Tn3 in the dnaA gene, are much less active in expressing the dnaN gene function than the parent phage. The dnaN gene activity was determined as the efficiency of superinfecting phage to suppress loss of the viability of lysogenic dnaN59 cells at the nonpermissive temperature. Deletions that include the end of the dnaA gene distal to the dnaN gene also reduce the expression of the dnaN gene fuction. Deletion and insertion in the dnaN gene do not affect the expression of the dnaA gene function. The expression of the dnaN gene function by the dnaA - dnaN + phages remains weak upon simultaneous infection with dnaA + dnaN - phages. Thus the insertion and deletion in the dnaA gene influence in cis the expression of the dnaN gene. We propose that the dnaA and dnaN genes constitute an operon, where the former is upstream to the latter.  相似文献   

Progress in our understanding of several biological processes promises to broaden the usefulness of Escherichia coli as a tool for gene expression. There is an expanding choice of tightly regulated prokaryotic promoters suitable for achieving high-level gene expression. New host strains facilitate the formation of disulfide bonds in the reducing environment of the cytoplasm and offer higher protein yields by minimizing proteolytic degradation. Insights into the process of protein translocation across the bacterial membranes may eventually make it possible to achieve robust secretion of specific proteins into the culture medium. Studies involving molecular chaperones have shown that in specific cases, chaperones can be very effective for improved protein folding, solubility, and membrane transport. Negative results derived from such studies are also instructive in formulating different strategies. The remarkable increase in the availability of fusion partners offers a wide range of tools for improved protein folding, solubility, protection from proteases, yield, and secretion into the culture medium, as well as for detection and purification of recombinant proteins. Codon usage is known to present a potential impediment to high-level gene expression in E. coli. Although we still do not understand all the rules governing this phenomenon, it is apparent that "rare" codons, depending on their frequency and context, can have an adverse effect on protein levels. Usually, this problem can be alleviated by modification of the relevant codons or by coexpression of the cognate tRNA genes. Finally, the elucidation of specific determinants of protein degradation, a plethora of protease-deficient host strains, and methods to stabilize proteins afford new strategies to minimize proteolytic susceptibility of recombinant proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, mutations conferring rifampicin (Rif) resistance map to the rpoB gene, which encodes the 1342-amino acid β subunit of RNA polymerase. Almost all sequenced RifR mutations occur within the Rif region, encompassing rpoB codons 500–575. A strong RifR mutation lying outside the Rif region, which changed Val146 to Phe was previously reported, but was not recovered in subsequent studies. Here, we used site-directed mutagenesis followed by selection on Rif to search for RifR mutations in the evolutionarily conserved segment of rpoB around codon 146. Strong RifR mutations were obtained when Val146 was mutated, and several weak RifR mutations were also isolated near position 146. The results define a new, N-terminal cluster of RifR mutations, in addition to the classical central Rif region.  相似文献   

The effect of 1-thioglycerol on the expression of genes of Escherichia coli was investigated. Pulse-labeled proteins from aerobically growing, 1-thioglycerol-treated E. coli were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and their radioactivities were compared with those of identical proteins from nontreated cells. The first 10 min of exposure to thiol stimulated the synthesis of 10% of the observed proteins and inhibited the production of 16% of the proteins. After 30 min of growth with thiol, the synthesis of 44% of the observed proteins was inhibited and synthesis of 18% of the proteins was stimulated. In general, the expression of genes of carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and protein biosynthesis were inhibited, while nucleic acid synthetic and repair gene expressions showed mixed responses. Synthesis of transport proteins was not affected. Transient stimulation of oxidative-stress proteins and sustained stimulation of the expressions of trxB, ompA, and ompB genes and those of several unidentified gene products were also observed. Whether these complex responses merely reflect adjustments by cellular subsystems to a suddenly reducing environment or whether they are manifestations of a reductive-stress regulon will have to await genetic analysis of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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