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The phylogenetic relationships among sexually reproducing species of Antennaria (Asteraceae) are poorly understood. An earlier cladistic analysis based on morphology did not fully resolve the phylogeny of these taxa and therefore a different approach using molecular data was explored. The internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were sequenced for 30 species of Antennaria and one species from each of the outgroup genera Anaphalis, Ewartia, Leontopodium, and Pseudognaphalium. The ITS-1 sequence in Antennaria ranged from 253 to 260 base pairs (bp) in length, and the proportion of nucleotide differences between pairs of species of Antennaria ranged from 1 to 14%. For ITS-2, the divergence between pairs of species of Antennaria ranged from 0 to 8%. ITS-2 is shorter than ITS-1, ranging from 213 to 219 bp. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that, relative to the outgroups included, Antennaria is a well-supported monophyletic group. Based on the genera surveyed, Leontopodium appears to be the sister genus of Antennaria. The general topology of the molecular trees agrees with that based on previous morphological analyses and indicates that Antennaria is composed of six clades of equal rank, corresponding to the traditionally recognized informal groups, the Geyeriae, Argenteae, Arcuatae, Dimorphae, Pulcherrimae, and Catipes. Sequence and morphological data indicate that the Alpinae and Dioicae are unnatural, polyphyletic units that should be abandoned and redefined as the monophyletic Catipes group. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences also suggests the dissociation of A. stenophylla from the Dimorphae, where it is traditionally placed, and its affiliation with the Argenteae, as well as the placement of A. arcuata in its own group.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 18 Thlaspi s.l. species were inferred from nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence data. These species represent all sections of the basic classification system of Schulz primarily based on fruit characters. The molecular phylogeny supported six clades that are largely congruent with species groups recognized by Meyer on the basis of differences in seed coat anatomy, i.e. Thlaspi s. s., Thlaspkeras, Moccaea {Raparia included), Microthhspi, Vania and Neurotropy. Some of these lineages include species which are morphologically diverse in fruit shape (e.g. Thlaspi s. s.: T. arvense - fruits broadly winged, T. ceratocarpum - fruits with prominent horns at apex, T. alliaceum - fruits very narrowly winged). Furthermore, the same fruit shape type is distributed among different clades. For instance, fruits with prominent horns at apex are found in Thlaspi s. s. ( T. ceratocarpum) and Thlaspiceras (T oxyceras). These results clearly indicate convergence in fruit characters previously used for sectional classification in Thlaspi s. l.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Silphium and subtribe Engelmanniinae were examined using DNA sequence data. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the external transcribed spacer (ETS) region were sequenced for 39 specimens representing the six genera of subtribe Engelmanniinae (Berlandiera, Chrysogonum, Dugesia, Engelmannia, Lindheimera, and Silphium), plus five additional genera identified as closely related to the Engelmanniinae by chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis, and three outgroups. Phylogenetic analysis supported the monophyly of Silphium with Lindheimera as sister. Silphium can be divided into two sections based upon two well-supported clades that correspond to root type and growth form. These results also supported the expansion of subtribe Engelmanniinae to include Balsamorhiza, Borrichia, Rojasianthe, Vigethia, and Wyethia. We hypothesize that subtribe Engelmanniinae originated in Mesoamerica and later radiated to the United States. We suggest that the cypsela complex, which is present in Berlandiera, Chrysogonum, Engelmannia, and Lindheimera, arose only once and was subsequently lost in Silphium.  相似文献   

In order to develop better insights into biogeographic patterns of eastern Asian and North American disjunct plant genera, sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (nr DNA ITS) region were used to estimate interspecific relationships of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae) and infer its biogeography based on the phylogeny. According to the phylogenetic analysis, two clades were recognized. The first clade included Thuja plicata D. Don (western North America) and T. koraiensis Nakai (northeastern Asia), and the second one contained T. occidentalis (Gord.) Carr. (Japan). The ancestral area of Thuja was inferred to be eastern Asia, and two dispersal events were responsible for the modern distribution of Thuja in North America. Both the North Atlantic land bridge and Bering land bridge were possible routes for the migration of ancestral populations to North America.  相似文献   

In order to develop better insights into biogeographic patterns of eastern Asian and North American disjunct plant genera, sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (nr DNAITS) region were used to estimate interspecific relationships of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae) and infer its biogeography based on the phylogeny. According to the phylogenetic analysis, two clades were recognized. The first clade included Thuja plicata D. Don (western North America) and T. koraiensis Nakai (northeastern Asia), and the second one contained T. occidentalis (Gord.) Cart. (Japan). The ancestral area of Thuja was inferred to be eastern Asia, and two dispersal events were responsible for the modern distribution of Thuja in North America. Both the North Atlantic land bridge and Bering land bridge were possible routes for the migration of ancestral populations to North America.  相似文献   

Li WP  Yang FS  Jivkova T  Yin GS 《Annals of botany》2012,109(7):1341-1357

Background and Aims

The classification and phylogeny of Eurasian (EA) Aster (Asterinae, Astereae, Asteraceae) remain poorly resolved. Some taxonomists adopt a broad definition of EA Aster, whereas others favour a narrow generic concept. The present study aims to delimit EA Aster sensu stricto (s.s.), elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of EA Aster s.s. and segregate genera.


The internal and external transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the plastid DNA trnL-F region were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of EA Aster through maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses.

Key Results

The analyses strongly support an Aster clade including the genera Sheareria, Rhynchospermum, Kalimeris (excluding Kalimeris longipetiolata), Heteropappus, Miyamayomena, Turczaninowia, Rhinactinidia, eastern Asian Doellingeria, Asterothamnus and Arctogeron. Many well-recognized species of Chinese Aster s.s. lie outside of the Aster clade.


The results reveal that EA Aster s.s. is both paraphyletic and polyphyletic. Sheareria, Rhynchospermum, Kalimeris (excluding K. longipetiolata), Heteropappus, Miyamayomena, Turczaninowia, Rhinactinidia, eastern Asian Doellingeria, Asterothamnus and Arctogeron should be included in Aster, whereas many species of Chinese Aster s.s. should be excluded. The recircumscribed Aster should be divided into two subgenera and nine sections. Kalimeris longipetiolata, Aster batangensis, A. ser. Albescentes, A. series Hersileoides, a two-species group composed of A. senecioides and A. fuscescens, and a six-species group including A. asteroides, should be elevated to generic level. With the Aster clade, they belong to the Australasian lineages. The generic status of Callistephus should be maintained. Whether Galatella (including Crinitina) and Tripolium should remain as genera or be merged into a single genus remains to be determined. In addition, the taxonomic status of A. auriculatus and the A. pycnophyllus–A. panduratus clade remains unresolved, and the systematic position of some segregates of EA Aster requires further study.  相似文献   

Complex geographical distribution patterns and agamospermy have united to obscure systematic relationships in the genusErigeron (400+ species). Sequence data were analyzed from the internal transcribed spacer region of nrDNA (ITS) and 5.8S cistron for 77 taxa including 63Erigeron species. Results support the North American origin ofErigeron and document thatAphanostephus, Conyza, and three small genera restricted to South America (Apopyros, Hysterionica, Neja) are all derived from withinErigeron. Phylogenetic data indicate that agamospermy has arisen at least three times inErigeron and that autogamy has evolved independently inConyza and inE. sect.Trimorpha.  相似文献   

Internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) sequences from 97 accessions representing 23 species of Lactuca and related genera were determined and used to evaluate species relationships of Lactuca sensu lato (s.l.). The ITS-1 phylogenies, calculated using PAUP and PHYLIP, correspond better to the classification of Feráková than to other classifications evaluated, although the inclusion of sect. Lactuca subsect. Cyanicae is not supported. Therefore, exclusion of subsect. Cyanicae from Lactuca sensu Feráková is proposed. The amended genus contains the entire gene pool (sensu Harlan and De Wet) of cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sativa). The position of the species in the amended classification corresponds to their position in the lettuce gene pool. In the ITS-1 phylogenies, a clade with L. sativa, L. serriola, L. dregeana, L. altaica, and L. aculeata represents the primary gene pool. L. virosa and L. saligna, branching off closest to this clade, encompass the secondary gene pool. L. virosa is possibly of hybrid origin. The primary and secondary gene pool species are classified in sect. Lactuca subsect. Lactuca. The species L. quercina, L. viminea, L. sibirica, and L. tatarica, branching off next, represent the tertiary gene pool. They are classified in Lactuca sect. Lactucopsis, sect. Phaenixopus, and sect. Mulgedium, respectively. L. perennis and L. tenerrima, classified in sect. Lactuca subsect. Cyanicae, form clades with species from related genera and are not part of the lettuce gene pool.  相似文献   

Lespedeza (tribe Desmodieae, Fabaceae) follows a disjunct distribution in eastern Asia and eastern North America. Phylogenetic relationships among its species and related taxa were inferred from nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid sequences (trnH‐psbA, psbK‐psbI, trnK‐matK and rpoC1). We examined 35 species of Lespedeza, two of Kummerowia and one of Campylotropis, the sole constituents of the Lespedeza group. An analysis of these data revealed that the genus Campylotropis is sister to the other two genera. However, we were unable to resolve the relationships between Kummerowia and Lespedeza in the strict consensus trees of parsimony analyses based on plastid and combined DNA data. In the genus Lespedeza, the Old World subgenus Macrolespedeza is monophyletic, whereas the transcontinental subgenus Lespedeza is paraphyletic. Monophyly of eastern Asian species and of North American species is strongly supported. Although inconsistent with the traditional classification, this phylogenetic finding is consistent with seedling morphology. Three subgroups recognized in subgenus Macrolespedeza were unresolved in our phylogenetic trees. An incongruence length difference (ILD) test indicated that the two partitions (nuclear ITS and plastid sequences) were significantly incongruent, perhaps because of hybridization between species in Lespedeza. Most of the primary clades of tribe Desmodieae are Asian, implying that the relatively few New World ones, such as those in Lespedeza, are more recently derived from Asia. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 221–235.  相似文献   

Carex section Acrocystis currently includes 27 taxa in North America. Recent phylogenetic studies have suggested that the North American and some but not all of the Eurasian species form a clade. Relationships and biogeographic patterns among species in this core-Acrocystis group are explored here using nuclear ribosomal (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and nrDNA external transcribed spacer region (ETS) sequence data. While maximum parsimony analysis of the ITS and ETS data provides only a moderately resolved branching structure for species relationships within the core-Acrocystis clade, maximum likelihood analysis provides a more resolved hypothesis of relationships in the section. The core-Acrocystis clade consists of a grade of Eurasian and primarily western North American species, with a well-supported clade of only eastern North American species nested within this grade. ITS and ETS types do not coalesce within many species or species complexes. Possible explanations for the non-coalescent nature of ITS and ETS copies in Acrocystis are explored, including lineage sorting, hybridization, and cryptic species.  相似文献   

The cycad genus Encephalartos is restricted to Africa and is threatened with extinction in most of its range. Total DNA was extracted from 51, i.e., 78 %, of the described species of Encephalartos. The accessions were sampled from the furthest western occurrence of the genus in Nigeria, via Sudan and Uganda, to southern South Africa. The sequences of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 (ITS 1&2), the chloroplast encoded rbcL gene, and ISSR genomic fingerprinting were employed to resolve the molecular history and the relationships within the genus. Sequence alignment, as well as ISSR fingerprinting, data show low genetic variation among all analysed accessions, indicating diversification within the Pliocene/Pleistocene. ITS 1&2 data agree well with morphological and geographical characters and resolved three major genetic clusters with overlapping distribution ranges in eastern South Africa. This area, that contains the largest diversity of genotypes of Encephalartos, may have served as a Pliocene/Pleistocene refugium.  相似文献   

The Compositae (Asteraceae) is the largest flowering plant family if described, accepted taxa are considered. Recent revisions in the taxonomy of the family have resulted in the recognition of ten subfamilies and 35 tribes. The tribe Arctotideae is one of the smallest, with around 200 species; it contains two subtribes and several hard-to-place taxa. Previous work has shown that the subtribe Arctotidinae is well defined and is restricted to southern Africa, except for the Australian genus Cymbonotus . Molecular data from internal transcribed spacer (ITS), ndh F, and trn L-F sequences were used (24 previously published sequences; 47 new sequences) to determine the patterns of relationships within the subtribe. Twenty-three samples from the ingroup, including members of all genera and all three species of Cymbonotus , were included in the analysis, together with two outgroup taxa. Cymbonotus is monophyletic and deeply embedded in the subtribe; Haplocarpha is paraphyletic and basal in position; all other genera are monophyletic; however, Arctotis has over 60 species and only eight were sampled for this study, so additional work may prove otherwise. Arctotis is nested high in the tree and has short branch lengths; this may reflect recent radiation. By contrast, the species of the paraphyletic and basal Haplocarpha have long branches, which may indicate an older radiation and a shared ancestry with the remainder of the subtribe. The presence of Cymbonotus in Australia is most probably the result of long-distance dispersal.  Journal compilation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 1–8. No claim to original US government works  相似文献   

The nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the plastid encoded trnL-F region were sequenced for 25 populations of Korthalsella, a genus of reduced, monoecious, Old World misletoes. The molecular study confirms the hypothesis that branch shape and cladotaxy (the arrangement of branches with respect to their parent axis) are unreliable indicators of relationship in the genus and demonstrates that many of the taxa previously recognized are not monophyletic. Both gene regions identify three major subgroups within the genus and find lower level relationships within these subgroups highly correlated with geographic distance. An analysis based upon 18S and rbcL sequences identifies Ginalloa as the sister group to Korthalsella, which together with the branching order within the genus, indicates that Korthalsella originated in Papuasia and aids in elucidating evolution of the peculiar inflorescence structure. There are problems associated with species delimitation when evolutionary units are more restricted than morphological lineages, and justification is offered for recognizing only morphologically diagnosable monophyletic lineages as species. Varying substitution rates and differing modes of inheritance in ITS and trnL-F result in complementary utility of the two regions for elucidating infrageneric relationships in Korthalsella.  相似文献   

周启明  魏江春 《菌物学报》2006,25(3):376-385
本文描述了位于新科盾叶科 Rhizoplacopsidaceae(Umbilicariales,Lecanoromycetes,Ascomycota)中的新属盾叶属 Rhizoplacopsis 和新种蔚青盾叶 Rhizoplacopsis weichingii。蔚青盾叶取名于著名中国真菌学家王云章教授之字“蔚青”,作为庆祝教授百岁生日之纪念。该新种在外形上与 Rhizoplaca 属地衣极为相似,但位于地衣体上的子囊盘却为网衣型。此外,它的子囊顶器结构非常接近于 Umbilicaria-type。基于分子数据,对 Rhizoplacopsis weichingii 及其它相关地衣进行的系统发育分析支持成立新属盾叶属 Rhizoplacopsis 和新科盾叶科 Rhizoplacopsidaceae。  相似文献   

A phylogeny of Packera is presented based on sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA of 26 species (28 populations) of Packera and 23 outgroup taxa, including representatives of all three subtribes of the Senecioneae. The results support a Mexican origin for Packera, with its closest relatives found among Old World taxa in the subtribe Senecioninae, such as Senecio jacobaea and Pericallis. Packera species from the west coast of the United States, previously included in the section Bolanderi of Greenman, are part of a basal assemblage including species of Greenman's Mexican section Sanguisorboidei. The rest of Packera separates into two sister groups, one containing species from the Arizona-New Mexico region and the other containing more geographically diverse taxa. Among the outgroups, New World Senecio species are monophyletic and two Tussilaginoid assemblages are strongly supported; the Tephroseroid group (Tephroseris and Sinosenecio) plus Petasites combine with the Luina complex to form a clade of north temperate taxa, and the four Mexican genera (Psacalium, Robinsonecio, Barkleyanthus, and Pittocaulon) form a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the 18 S–25 S nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat was sequenced from 19 populations of the tribeLactuceae, including all species of dwarf dandelion (Krigia) and five outgroup genera. The incidence of length changes and base substitutions was at least two times higher for ITS 1 than ITS 2. Interspecific sequence divergence withinKrigia averaged 9.62% (1.61%–15.19%) and 4.26% (0%–6.64%) in ITS 1 and ITS 2, respectively. Intergeneric sequence divergence ranged from 15.6% to 44.5% in ITS 1 and from 8.0% to 28.6% in ITS 2. High sequence divergence and homoplasy among genera of tribeLactuceae suggest that the phylogenetic utility of ITS sequence data is limited to interspecific studies or comparisons among closely related genera. Trees generated from ITS sequences are essentially identical to those from restriction site comparisons of the entire nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA region. The degree of tree resolution differed depending on how gaps were treated in phylogenetic analyses. The ITS trees were congruent with the chloroplast DNA and morphological phylogenies in three major ways: 1) the sister group relationship betweenKrigia andPyrrhopappus; 2) the recognition of two monophyletic sections,Krigia andCymbia, in genusKrigia; and 3) the monophyly of theK. occidentalis-K. cespitosa clade in sect.Cymbia. However, the two nrDNA-based trees are not congruent with morphology/chloroplast DNA-based trees for the interspecific relationships in sect.Krigia. An average of 22.5% incongruence was observed among fourKrigia data sets. The relatively high degree of incongruence among data sets is due primarily to conflict between trees based on nrDNA and morphological/cpDNA data. The incongruence is probably due to the concerted evolution of nrDNA repeating units. The results fromKrigia and theLactuceae suggest that nrDNA data may have limited utility in phylogenetic studies of plants, especially in groups which exhibit high levels of sequence divergence. Our combined phylogenetic analysis as a total evidence shows the least conflict to each of the individual data sets.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analyses of 26 of the 28 species of Ourisia , including eight of ten subspecies and two purported natural hybrids, are presented and used to examine the biogeography of the genus, which is distributed in subalpine to alpine habitats of South America, New Zealand and Tasmania. Gondwanan vicariance, often cited as the cause of this classic austral biogeographical pattern, was rejected by parametric bootstrapping of our combined dataset. Alternatively, various lines of evidence are presented in favour of a South American origin of Ourisia and subsequent dispersal to Australasia. Specifically, the genus likely arose in the Andes of central Chile and spread to southern Chile and Argentina, to the north-central Andes, and finally to Tasmania and New Zealand. The ancestor of the New Zealand species probably first arrived on the South Island, where the New Zealand species of Ourisia are most diverse, and migrated to the North and Stewart Islands. Because the Tasmanian and New Zealand species are sister to one another, the direction of dispersal between these two areas is equivocal. These results agree with other molecular phylogenetic studies that show that past dispersal between southern hemisphere continents has played an important role in the evolutionary history of many high-elevation austral plants. Our data also show that within South America, many of the geographical barriers (with the exception of the Atacama Desert) that have played a role in the evolution of other plant groups have not affected Ourisia species. Within New Zealand, the phylogeny and biogeography of species of Ourisia coincide with the geological history of the country and patterns of other alpine plants. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 479–513.  相似文献   

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