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Photoinhibition of white clover seed germination at low water potential   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photosensitivity of germination of white clover ( Trifolium repens L. cv. Podkowa) seeds was studied under water deficit (low water potential) conditions at 25°C. The seeds showed negative photoblastism, which was most pronounced at -0.03 MPa polyethylene glycol solution. Inhibition was observed at two different wavelength bands with maxima at 660 nm (R) and around 730 nm (FR). Red light acted identically to white light (maximum inhibition ca 50%). The effect of far-red illumination was less inhibitory (20–30%). The photoresponse required long illuminations (3 h exposures); saturation level was at 0.1 W m−2, independently of the light quality. White clover seed germination showed no reversibility of the effects of R and FR light. Prolonged illumination with R and FR increased the inhibition, and intermittent illumination had a higher effect than a continuous one. It was concluded that the photoinhibition of germination of seeds of Trifolium repens involves a reaction dependent on the rate of phytochrome interconversion, a property that is characteristic for the high irradiance reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds were germinated in soils of known matric potential (ψm) achieved by adding the requisite amount of water to air-dry soil and mixing for several days. The quantity of water was derived from calibration curves of water content against ψm by use of pressureplate extraction equipment. Soils were transferred to plastic Petri dishes in which seeds were sown. Variations of the technique permitted germination counting through the transparent dish lid, or by opening the dish and either resealing or discarding the replicate dish. Measurements of ethylene and carbon dioxide in the soil atmosphere suggest that neither gas accumulated to a level which could interfere with interpretation of results. Some species showed sensitivity of germination to water potential which was correlated with the relative wetness of their habitats.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of culture filtrates of some common rhizosphere fungi on the seed germination ofDichanthium annulatum, Bothriochloa pertusa andSetaria glauca was studied. Surface sterilized seeds were soaked in the fungal culture filtrates for 24 hours and after several washings in distilled water transferred to moist filter paper in Petri dishes and the percentage germination recorded. No significant inhibition or stimulation of germination was noticed in any of the treatments. The only exception wasTrichoderma viride which inhibited the germination ofD. annulatum seeds to some extent.  相似文献   

The effect of water stress induced by application of polyethylene glycol 6000 during seed germination and seedling growth ofOryza sativa L. cv. IAC 165 was analysed. The seed germination was inhibited by the decrease in the water potential of the medium, the inhibition being greater under white light than under continuous darkness. When the seedling was submitted to water stress (-0.51 MPa) white light inhibited growth of root, coleoptile-and leaf, while under no stress conditions white light caused increase in growth of root and leaf and only inhibition of coleoptile growth.  相似文献   

A water relations analysis of seed germination rates   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Seed germination culminates in the initiation of embryo growth and the resumption of water uptake after imbibition. Previous applications of cell growth models to describe seed germination have focused on the inhibition of radicle growth rates at reduced water potential (Ψ). An alternative approach is presented, based upon the timing of radicle emergence, to characterize the relationship of seed germination rates to Ψ. Using only three parameters, a `hydrotime constant' and the mean and standard deviation in minimum or base Ψ among seeds in the population, germination time courses can be predicted at any Ψ, or normalized to a common time scale equal to that of seeds germinating in water. The rate of germination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv Empire) seeds, either intact or with the endosperm envelope cut, increased linearly with embryo turgor. The endosperm presented little physical resistance to radicle growth at the time of radicle emergence, but its presence markedly delayed germination. The length of the lag period after imbibition before radicle emergence is related to the time required for weakening of the endosperm, and not to the generation of additional turgor in the embryo. The rate of endosperm weakening is sensitive to Ψ or turgor.  相似文献   

Seed germination is greatly influenced by both temperature (T) and water potential (ψ) and these factors largely determine germination rate (GR) in the field. Quantitative information about T and ψ effects on seed germination in lemon balm (Melisa officinalis L.) is scarce. The main objective of this study was to quantify seed germination responses of lemon balm to T and ψ, and to determine cardinal temperatures in a laboratory experiment. A segmented model was used to describe the effects of ψ (i.e., T) on GR and other germination parameters. The segmented model estimates were 7.2 °C for base (T b), 28.9 °C for optimum (T o), 40.1 °C for ceiling temperature (T c) and 1.64 physiological days (f o) (equivalent to a GRmax of 0.610 d?1 and a thermal time of 35.6 °C days) to reach 50 % maximum germination in the control (0 MPa) treatment (R 2 = 0.99, RMSE = 0.005 day?1). The inherent maximum rate of germination (days) was calculated by the [GRmax = 1/f o] model. ψ affected cardinal temperatures. From 0 to ?0.76 MPa, when ψ increased, T b was a constant 7.2 °C to ?0.38 MPa and increased linearly to 20.1 °C as ψ decreased. T o and f o increased linearly from 28.9 to 30 °C, and from 1.64 to 5.4 day?1, respectively as ψ decreased. However, there was no signification difference in T o as ψ decreased nor did T c decrease from 40.1 to 35 °C as ψ decreased. T b, T c and GRmax were the sole parameters affected by ψ and could be used to characterize differences between ψ treatments with respect to GR at various Ts. Therefore, the segmented model and its parameters can be used in lemon balm germination simulation models.  相似文献   

Soaking seeds of cucumber and pumpkin with an extract of Westiellopsis prolifica, an N2-fixing cyanobacterium, promoted germination and their subsequent growth and development. An extract of Lyngbya sp., a non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium, had no significant effect.The authors are with the Algal Physiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Berhampur University, Berhampur-760007, Orissa, India.  相似文献   

Seed size and weight are important criteria for determining seedling vigour and stand establishment. Evolution of seed dry weight of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during germination and early growth was examined because poor stands are often associated with the depletion and exhaustion of seed reserves. Two laboratory experiments were conducted on filter paper and in soil at three water potentials using wheat seeds. Seed, root, and shoot dry weights were recorded at approximately one-day intervals. Coleoptile and first leaf lengths were also measured at all sampling periods. Wheat seedlings grown on filter paper in the dark grew to a length of 90 to 100 mm with 50% of the initial seed weight remaining after eight days when the experiment was terminated. In soil, wheat seedlings grew 15 mm with 25% of the initial seed weight remaining. Seed reserves were depleted more quickly when the soil was wet because seedlings grew more quickly. There were significant and similar negative relationships between seed weight and coleoptile length of wheat seedlings grown on filter paper and in soil. There was no effect of soil water potential on the relationship between seed weight and shoot length. Therefore, it was concluded that poor wheat stands are not likely to occur due to depletion of seed reserves under field conditions without mechanical obstacles.  相似文献   

Effect of lanthanum on aged seed germination of rice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Attempts were made to promote germination of natural aged rice seeds by treating them with lanthanum nitrate. In tests to measure the germination rate, germination index, and vigor index of natural aged rice seeds were found to be significantly increased by lanthanum. It is treating aged rice seed with lanthanum nitrate that enhanced the respiratory rate and activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase, and decreased superoxide and malondidehyde contents, and therefore reduced plasma membrane permeability. It suggests that lanthanum may be used to pretreat seed before sowing.  相似文献   

研究温水浸种破除蒙古黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.) Hsiao)种子休眠的适宜条件,采用恒温和变温2种浸种方式,测定蒙古黄芪种子在不同时间、不同温度梯度条件下的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数。结果表明,温水浸种破除蒙古黄芪种子休眠的效果显著,变温浸种效果略优于恒温浸种。不同温度破除休眠效果排序依次为60℃> 70℃> 80℃,其中60℃变温浸种2 min和5 min的发芽率分别为对照的2.87倍和2.31倍。浸种时间、浸种温度均可显著影响蒙古黄芪种子萌发,与对照相比,随着浸种时间增加,发芽率总体呈现出先急速升高后逐渐降低的趋势;发芽指数与浸种温度极显著正相关;浸种温度与发芽势和发芽指数均显著正相关。本研究结果表明温水浸种可以提高种子发芽率,保持种子活力。  相似文献   

Germination and seedling growth were studied on sevenCassia species with relation to salt solutions of different osmotic potential (Ψs).C. angustifolia, C. italica andC. pumila are more resistant to low osmotic potential andC. tora, C. auriculata, C. occidentalis andC. obtusifolia are very sensitive.  相似文献   

Seeds of white clover ( Trifolium repens L., cv. Podkowa) were germinated at water potential ψ=−0.3 MPa in darkness, at 25°C. A short exposure to blue light (B) inhibited germination in a manner similar to that described earlier for red (R) and far‐red (FR) light (Niedźwiedź‐Siegień and Lewak 1989). No reversibility of B, R and FR effects was observed. Saturation irradiance and energy was the lowest for R and the highest for B. The reciprocity of irradiance versus time of exposure was observed only for non‐saturating irradiances of B, R and FR.  相似文献   

铝浸种对荞麦种子萌发和幼苗生理的影响   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
对2个荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentumMoench)品种(小白花叶和溪荞5号)在铝浸种后萌发特性和幼苗的生理变化进行了初步研究。结果表明,10~1000mg.L-1的铝浸种处理对2个荞麦品种的发芽率和发芽指数影响不明显,低浓度铝(≤100mg.L-1)处理可降低荞麦种子细胞膜透性,减少细胞内营养物质的外渗,促进种子的萌发。5000mg.L-1的铝处理降低了荞麦的发芽指数。种子萌发后,铝对荞麦根的伸长有抑制作用,并且随着铝浓度的增加,抑制作用增大。10~1000mg.L-1的铝浸种处理对荞麦叶片内MDA含量影响较小,但高浓度的铝处理(5000mg.L-1)明显增加了MDA的含量;POD、SS、Pro随着铝浓度增加都有先降低后增加的趋势;不同品种叶片内CAT活性变化趋势不同,小白花叶内CAT活性对铝的敏感性大于溪荞5号。试验结果可以看出,荞麦种子和幼苗对环境中的铝都有较强的耐受性,在铝胁迫下,荞麦可以通过升高POD活性以及增加SS和Pro含量来缓解铝毒害,不同荞麦的基因型对铝毒害的反应有一定的差异性。  相似文献   

天山雪莲[Saussurea involucrata(Kar.et Kir.) Sch.-Bip.],又称新疆雪莲、雪莲或雪莲花,为菊科(Compositae)风毛菊属(Saussurea DC.)多年生草本植物,主要分布在新疆天山、昆仑山、阿尔泰山和帕米尔高原,生于海拔2 400 ~4 000 m的石缝、砾石坡和湿润沙地上,通常需5~8a发育成熟并开花结果.天山雪莲是传统药用植物,具有温肾助阳、祛风胜湿和通经活血等功效,主治类风湿性关节炎、小腹冷痛和月经不调等.现代药理和临床研究结果显示:天山雪莲还具有延缓衰老的功效,并且在治疗脑动脉硬化、缺血性中风、抗菌消炎、抑制癌细胞增殖和抗氧化等领域都有重要的研发价值[1-4].  相似文献   

刘兴坦 《生物技术》2002,12(2):25-26
初步探讨了磺胺对小麦种子萌发与幼苗生长的影响。研究表明,用低浓度(<6.0mg/L)的磺胺溶液浸泡小麦种子,能显著增加幼苗的根重,根长和根冠比,提高根系活力和叶片叶绿素的含量,降低幼苗的苗高,苗重,但对发芽率影响不大。高浓度(>10.0mg/L)和安则强烈抑制小麦幼苗根,芽的生长,并导致幼苗形态的不良变化。  相似文献   

Effect of light on seed germination of eight wetland Carex species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In wetland plant communities, species-specific responses to pulses of white light and to red : far-red light ratios can vary widely and influence plant emergence from the seed bank. Carex species are the characteristic plants of sedge meadows of natural prairie wetlands in mid-continental USA but are not returning to restored wetlands. Little is known about how light affects seed germination in these species-information which is necessary to predict seed bank emergence and to develop optimal revegetation practices. The effects of light on germination in eight Carex species from prairie wetlands were investigated. METHODS: Non-dormant seeds of eight Carex species were used to determine the influence of light on germination by examining: (a) the ability of Carex seeds to germinate in the dark; (b) the effect of different lengths of exposures to white light on germination; (c) whether the effect of white light can be replaced by red light; and (d) whether the germination response of Carex seeds to white or red light is photoreversible by far-red light. KEY RESULTS: Seeds of C. brevior and C. stipata germinated >25 % in continuous darkness. Germination responses after exposure to different lengths of white light varied widely across the eight species. Carex brevior required <15 min of white light for > or =50 % germination, while C. hystericina, C. comosa, C. granularis and C. vulpinoidea required > or =8 h. The effect of white light was replaced by red light in all species. The induction of germination after exposure to white or red light was reversed by far-red light in all species, except C. stipata. CONCLUSIONS: The species-specific responses to simulated field light conditions suggest that (a) the light requirements for germination contribute to the formation of persistent seed banks in these species and (b) in revegetation efforts, timing seed sowing to plant community development and avoiding cover crops will improve Carex seed germination.  相似文献   

In ungerminated seeds of Lupinus luteustRNAs are aminoacylated 10% or less depending on species of tRNA. The levels of tRNA aminoacylation for specific tRNAs increase steadily during seed germination. Specific tRNAs in cotyledons and axes of 3-day-old seedlings are aminoacylated to a similar extent. No significant changes are observed in the tRNA population during germination.  相似文献   

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