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Summary Selection was practised for improved feed efficiency (gain/feed intake) of mice on two alternative feeding regimes. In one set of lines animals were fed ad libitum, in the other set they were individually fed a fixed amount of feed (about 10% below the control ad libitum intake) which was not changed over generations. For each treatment, a pair of replicate lines (E) were selected on efficiency from 3–5 weeks of age for 8 generations and another pair (L) from 5–7 weeks for 7 generations. A control line was maintained for both E and L lines. In terminal generations mice from each line were tested on each feeding regime, and carcasses of ad libitum fed mice were analysed.The realized heritability (within families) for efficiency averaged 13%, without much variation over treatments. In the E lines efficiency increased by about 18% of the control mean and in the L lines by about 60%, although absolute changes were small, and responses were similar on the two feeding regimes. Weights at the start of test decreased in the E lines and increased in the L lines; weights at the end of test increased in both.When tested on the alternative regimes, no interactions were detected for live weights, weight gains or efficiency; selection under fixed intake led to the same increase in appetite as did that under ad libitum.There were no interactions for carcass composition. Selection for efficiency led to an increase in fatness on both selection regimes and both weight ranges.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 2,457 lifetime performance records of 29 genetic groups of mice was analyzed using multiple regression of records on the proportion of gene contribution from 6 lines (designated as Lines MP, mQ, WP, wQ, CP and cQ). Genetic effects were partitioned into line additive, line maternal, direct heterosis, maternal heterosis and paternal heterosis effects. The line additive and line maternal effects were expressed as deviations from Line cQ. Seventeen of 25 line additive effects differed significantly (P<0.05) from Line cQ whereas only 4 of 25 line maternal effects deviated significantly from Line cQ. Deviations in line additive effects from cQ were negative in all lines examined whereas deviations in line maternal effects from cQ were all positive, indicating a negative relationship between line additive and line maternal effects. Direct heterosis effects were all positive and significant (P < 0.01) except in the MPxWP cross which was produced by mating Lines MP and WP of the same base population (P). Maternal heterosis effects were significant in 10 of 20 cases whereas paternal heterosis effects were significant in 13 of 20 cases. Although direct heterosis is a major component of total heterosis effects (sum of direct, maternal and paternal heterosis), the results suggest that parental heterosis may need to be considered in producing multiple way crosses. The fitting of line additive, line maternal, direct heterosis, maternal heterosis and paternal heterosis effects in the multiple regression model effectively accounted for all genetic effects in lifetime performance.Animal Research Centre Contribution No. 1326  相似文献   

Summary Direct and correlated responses in weight gain and body weights were assessed for nine generations of within-family selection. Four selection criteria were used: gain between 28 and 38 or 48 and 58 days of age, and under two feeding regimes, i.e. ad libitum consumption or 80% of the control line. Direct responses to selection and realized heritabilities in the ad libitum lines were greater in the first period. Weight gain under ad libitum feeding at later ages appeared to have a lower genetic variability. In the restricted lines the responses and realized heritabilities were higher in the second period. Selection under restricted feeding in both periods led to animals that had lower weight gains than the control line when compared under ad libitum feeding.  相似文献   

Summary A short-term selection experiment for increasing the first-day litter size (LS1) and 28-day litter weight (LW28) was conducted with three populations of mice over 8 generations. Different methods of litter size manipulation were used for the populations — in S the litter size was standardized to 8 (4 , 4 ) on the first day, in LA it was adjusted to the average size of all litters born on the same day and NL had the natural litter size. To eliminate temporary environmental effects, a control population was kept in each case. The selection results per generation were, for LS 1 b=0.30 (S, NL) and 0.20 (LA), and for LW28 b=5.62 g (S), 5.26 g (NL), and 4.32 g (LA). The heritability obtained was between 0.18 and 0.13 for LS 1 and from 0.42 to 0.12 for LW28. The populations differed in the correlated responses for body weight parameters (litter weight gain). The implantation rate increased in populations S and NL (b=0.19, 0.37), but not in population LA. Postnatal mortality went down (b=-0.07) and the dam's milk production rose (b=1.11 g) only in population LA. The estimated partial regression coefficient linking body weight at mating (BWM) for the dam and the daughter's litter size showed an effect on the litter size.  相似文献   

Summary Replicated within full-sib family single-trait selection was conducted for 10 generations in mice for (1) high or low 12-week epididymal fat pad percentage (100 x epididymal fat pad weight/body weight) or (2) high or low 12-week hind carcass percentage (100 x hind carcass weight/body weight). Pooled realized heritabilities based on high, low and divergent selection were 0.66±0.09, 0.65±0.13 and 0.66±0.05 for epididymal fat pad percentage and 0.48±0.08, 0.33±0.08 and 0.40±0.04 for hind carcass percentage. The pooled realized genetic correlation (rG R) between epididymal fat pad percentage and hind carcass percentage based on divergence was –0.67±0.04. Other estimates of (rG R) were: epididymal fat pad percentage with body weight (0.57±0.05); epididymal fat pad percentage with epididymal fat pad weight (1.17±0.05); hind carcass percentage with body weight (–0.61±0.09); hind carcass percentage with hind carcass weight (–0.05±0.11). Indirect measures of fat and lean tissue percentages were highly heritable, and (rG R) between them would be desirable from the standpoint of analogous types of traits in livestock. In the same context, undesirable (rG R)'s were found between epididymal fat pad percentage and body weight and between hind carcass percentage and body weight.Paper No. 10957 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7601, USA. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   

Summary The influence of male-induced early puberty on female reproductive rate was determined in three lines of mice differing in litter size and body weight. The lines originated from a single base population and had undergone 20 generations of selection for the following criteria: large litter size at birth (L+), large litter size and small 6-week body weight (L+W), or small litter size and large 6-week body weight (LW+). Females were paired with a mature intact male of the same line at 3, 5 or 7 weeks of age. Mean mating age, averaged over lines, was 26.5 ± .3, 38.3 ± .3 and 52.7 ± .3 days. Exposure to a mature male accelerated female sexual maturation in each line. When contrasted with their sibs mated at a later age, early-pregnant females from each line exhibited a decline in one or more component of reproductive performance, suggesting that the physiological state of the very young female was not optimum for normal pregnancy. In comparisons of early and later mating ages, all three lines showed a decreased littering rate at first mating, number born alive, and individual birth weight of progeny adjusted for litter size; L+ and L+W mice showed an increased perinatal mortality rate; L+ and LW+ had a reduction in litter size at birth. When the L+, L+W and LW+ lines were compared with an unselected strain and a line selected for high postweaning gain in similar experiments, a genotype by environment interaction was apparent since all lines did not respond in a similar manner to early mating. The line ranking for litter size at birth for each age at male-exposure was L+>L+W>LW+, despite the significant line by age interaction. When litter size was adjusted by covariance for body weight at mating, the significant effects of age at male-exposure and line by age interaction were eliminated. All fertile females were remated after they had weaned their first litter to obtain information on litter size in parity two. Line differences in litter size at birth and number born alive were uniform across parities. An age by parity interaction was evident since the decreased fecundity at younger ages of male exposure in the L+ and LW+ litters of parity one was not evident in parity two. Litter feed efficiency during first parity gestation was defined as litter birth weight divided by either cumulative feed intake of the dam from mating to parturition (GEI) or cumulative feed intake from weaning to parturition (GEII). The ranking of lines for GEI and GEH was L+> L+W>LW+, but when feed efficiency was adjusted for littering rate, L+W and LW+ were not significantly different. With regard to age at mating, the ranking for GEI (7 wk > 5 wk > 3 wk) was reversed from GEII (3 wk >5 wk > 7 wk) and these significant differences were maintained after adjustment for littering rate.Paper No. 6302 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentionedOn leave at the Institute of Animal Genetics, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JN, Scotland. Supported, in part, by an Underwood Fund Fellowship, Agricultural Research Council, and an Edinburgh University Biological Fellowship in the Department of Genetics  相似文献   

Summary Five 60-pair lines of mice were selected for seven generations for the following criteria: number born alive (LSO), random selection of litters (LC), number born alive divided by the weight of the dam at 9 weeks (LSO/DWT), total litter weight weaned divided by the weight of the dam at 9 weeks (LWT/DWT), and weight of litter weaned (LWT). All traits were measured in the first parity only and litters were not standardized. Realized heritabilities for LSO, LWT, LSO/DWT, and LWT/ DWT were 0.10± 0.06, 0.11±0.07, 0.22 ± 0.04, and 0.22 ± 0.08, respectively. Selection response for the two ratio lines was due to correlated responses in the respective numerators, LSO and LWT, as DWT did not decrease. In terms of improving LWT, selection for LWT/ DWT was three times as effective as selection for LSO/ DWT.  相似文献   

Summary To examine the effect of selection on levels of heterosis, crosses were made between three groups of six lines of mice, one group unselected (controls) and the other two selected for high (large lines) and low (small lines) 6-week body weight, respectively. The coefficient of inbreeding of each line was about 0.60. Each line was crossed reciprocally to one line from each of the parental groups, as well as producing purebred progeny. Heterosis for 3-week weight, 6-week weight and 3–6 week gain averaged 0.0%, 2.4% and 4.2%, respectively, and was higher for males than for females. Heterosis was more extensive in crosses involving large or control lines than in crosses with small lines. There was no detectable heterosis in several measures of developmental rate, such as age at vaginal opening. Food conversion efficiency and carcass composition were measured on a sample of the animals. Food consumption, gonadal fat pad weight, and hindquarters weight, each expressed as a proportion of body weight, exhibited –4.0%, 5.6%, and 2.3% heterosis, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Chiasma frequency was measured in male mice of three outbred lines: FZt:DU (control); DU:6, selected for increased body weight; and DU:C, selected for high fertility. Chiasma frequency was seen to increase in the high body weight line, but decrease in the high fertility line. In both selected lines the intragroup variance in chiasma frequency increased while in DU:C the intracell variance was lower than in the control.  相似文献   

Summary The weights of mice in lines selected for different combinations of high and low body weights at 5 and at 10 weeks of age were recorded from 3 to 21 weeks of age. The average growth curve for each line was computed using the Gompertz function. The growth curves of lines selected for high or low weight at a single age (ST lines) showed large differences in estimates of mature size and small differences in estimates of maturing rate, i.e. of the relative rate of growth to maturity. The growth curves of lines selected by independent culling for divergent combinations of deviations of opposite sign in 5- and 10-week weights (ICL lines) showed little difference in estimates of mature size and a large difference in estimates of maturing rate. The growth curves of lines selected by index for divergence in 5-week weight with no change in 10-week-weight or for divergence in 10-week-weight with no change in 5-week weight showed large differences in estimates of mature size and large differences in estimates of the maturing rate. The relationship between mature size and maturing rate was affected in different ways by the three types of selection.  相似文献   

Summary Mating systems that capitalize on heterosis in dairy cattle are the criss-cross (CC), the repeat hybrid male cross (RHMC) and random mating within a synthetic population (SYN). When performance is determined solely by direct additive genetic and dominance genetic effects, expected performance under CC (averaged over four generations after F1 generation), relative to that under RHMC (or SYN) is (59 G1+69 G2 +82 H)/64(G1+G2+H), where Gi is direct additive genetic effect of breed i and H is direct heterosis. Five CC, five RHMC and one SYN population of mice were prepared to test 533, 534 and 410 females, respectively for performance during lifetime (155 days after mating). Each female was pair-mated at day 42 with a male from the SYN population and the number of lactations during the lifetime (NL), total number (TN) and weight (TW in g) of young born alive during lifetime, total number (AN) and weight (AW in g) of young raised to weaning (18 days), and actual length of reproductive life (RL in days) were recorded. Observed performance averaged over four generations was, under CC, RHMC and SYN, 4.74, 4.62 and 4.56 for NL, 49.9, 48.2 and 48.8 for TN, 86.0, 83.6 and 85.1 g for TW, 47.5, 45.5 and 46.3 for AN, 512.1, 517.9 and 521.1 g for AW, and 120.0, 117.6 and 116.7 for RL, respectively. Heterosis due to the female (H) was 10, 30, 33, 34, 43 and 9% for NL, TN, TW, AN, AW and RL, respectively. Direct additive genetic values were estimated for each pair of lines involved with CC or RHMC. These values were used in the formula to calculate expected performance in each mating system. The ratio of CC to RHMC for the expected and observed performance was 1.01 and 1.01 for NL, 1.04 and 1.04 for TN, 1.04 and 1.03 for TW, 1.04 and 1.04 for AN, 1.05 and 0.99 for AW, and 1.01 and 1.02 for RL, respectively. The ratio of CC to SYN for the observed performance was 1.04 for NL, 1.02 for TN, 1.01 for TW, 1.03 for AN, 0.98 for AW, and 1.03 for RL. As expected, the observed mean performance under CC was slightly larger than that under RHMC or SYN.Animal Research Centre Contribution No. 1262  相似文献   

Summary Four lines of mice were formed from a common base population and selected for 37 generations for either increased 3-week weight (weaning weight), 6-week weight, 3–6 week gain, or maintained as a randomly bred control line. Realised heritability estimates for short-term (long-term) responses were 0.33±0.20 (0.07±0.10), 0.46±0.14 (0.26±0.09), 0.36±0.14 (0.24±0.11) for 3-week weight, 6-week weight and 3–6 week gain, respectively. Realised genetic correlations estimated from short-term (long-term) responses were 0.23±0.08 (0.35±0.10) between 3-week weight and 3–6 week gain; 0.82±0.04 (0.58±0.08) between 3-week weight and 6-week weight; and 0.81±0.04 (0.97±0.04) between 3–6 week gain and 6-week weight. The genetic correlation between 3-week weight and 6-week weight was asymmetric with a greater correlated response for 3-week weight when selecting for 6-week weight (1.06) than vice versa (0.63).  相似文献   

Summary Frequencies of mice with the rat growth hormone (rGH) transgene were examined in lines derived from two genetic bases (P/W and P/C). The genetic bases were developed from males (P) with the rGH transgene, mated with non-transgenic females of different origin: a line previously selected for large body size (W) and a corresponding unselected control line (C). They were maintained for six generations under random mating with or without selection for increased 42-day body weight. The frequencies of P/W and P/C males with the rGH transgene wer 0.075 and 0.300, respectively at generation 0 of the genetic bases. They were significantly (P<0.05) lower than the expected frequency (about 0.5). At generation 6, the frequencies had decreased further both in selected and unselected lines (ranging from 0.025 to 0.125). Decreased frequencies of mice with the transgene were confirmed in a separate experiment testing segregation of the transgene. The reasons for these decreases are not clear. The results suggest that transgenes need to be monitored when transgenic animals are mated with animals of different origin.Animal Research Centre Contribution No. 1697  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the postnatal maternal environment, simulated by rearing mice in litters of three, six or nine, on body weight and body composition was investigated in three lines of mice differing widely in growth rate. The lines were selected for high (H6) and low (L6) 6-week body weight while the control line was maintained by random selection. Body weight and weights and percentages of ether extract, water, ash and protein at 21, 42, 63 and 84 days were recorded. With few exceptions, there were positive correlated responses to selection in body weight and in weights of body components. At 21 and 42 days the correlated responses were larger in L6 mice than in H6 mice. Body weight and weights of body components were larger for mice reared in litters of three than for those reared in litters of nine. Also, mice reared in litters of six were intermediate in body weight and weights of some of the body components between those reared in litters of three and nine. Differences in body weight and weights of body components due to postnatal maternal environment were small by comparison with differences due to genetic line. There were significant line by maternal environment interactions in body weight at 21 days and in ether extract weight at 21 and 63 days. Line and maternal environment differences in percentages of body components did not follow any consistent trend. The results for percentages of body components were further complicated by line x maternal environment interactions. In general, both line and postnatal maternal environmental differences in percentages of body components diminished with age.Paper No. 5670 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina 27650. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to examine the differences in physical activity and their contribution to differences in energy utilization in mice, selected either high or low for food intake, adjusted for body weight, which show correlated responses in lean content and metabolic rate. Simultaneous measurements of fasting metabolic rate and activity were made in lines of mice selected at either: a young age, 4-to 6-week food intake corrected for 4-week body weight; or an older age, 8- to 10-week food intake corrected for mean weight at 8 and 10 weeks of age. Correlated response in metabolic rate was found to have been accompanied by changes in locomotor activity near the ages at selection in both sets of lines. Activity, however, accounted for only a small proportion of variation in fasting heat production, generally less than 5%, although a highly positive correlation (r=0.63) between the two traits was found. It was concluded that selection for food intake adjusted for body weight has led to correlated response in physical activity. In consequence, mice selected in the upward direction expend some of the excess energy intake rather than assimilating it as body mass and are, therefore, slightly leaner than their counterparts selected in the downward direction.  相似文献   

Summary Six straightbred lines of mice, some of their F1 crosses and a synthetic line were used to evaluate male and female contributions to heterosis in lifetime performance measured on females. Females from each straightbred line or F1 crosses were pair-mated randomly at day 42 with either a male of the corresponding genetic group or from a synthetic line, and pairs were maintained for 155 days (lifetime). Each mother was allowed to rear all young born alive until day 18 when the young were discarded. Data were analyzed using a model in which the group mean of lifetime performance was expressed as the sum of (additive direct) genetic and environmental effects for each of the male and female genetic groups used for mating. Comparison of group means for lifetime performance revealed that estimates of F1 heterosis due to male and female averaged 10 and 9% for number of parturitions during lifetime, 7 and 28% for total number of young born alive, 6 and 31% for total body weight of young born alive, 8 and 33% for total number of young raised to day 18, 9 and 43% for total body weight of young raised to weaning, and 8 and 8% for days from first mating to last parturition. The male's contribution to heterosis in lifetime performance was smaller than female's contribution for productive traits (total number of young born alive and at day 18, and total body weight of young born alive and at day 18), and was nearly equal in reproductive traits (number of parturitions during lifetime and days from first mating to last parturition).Animal Research Centre Contribution No. 1098  相似文献   

Summary Two selection methods were compared to determine which was more efficient for increasing percentage phaseolin in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A base population consisting of families segregating for six seed protein alleles (Phas S , Phas C , Phas T , phas -, lec-, and Arcl +), all of which have measurable effects on percentage phaseolin, was subjected to either three cycles of S1 family recurrent selection for increased percentage phaseolin (PPS), or one cycle of selection for combinations of the protein alleles (PAS) known to have positive effects on phaseolin accumulation. One cycle of PAS resulted in an increase in percentage phaseolin that was equivalent to three cycles of PPS. Selection under both methods produced increases in several correlated traits including percentage total protein, phaseolin as a percent of total protein, mg protein/seed, and mg phaseolin/seed. The amount of nonphaseolin protein per seed decreased, while seed yield was unaffected by either selection procedure. By selecting for favorable seed protein alleles identified by electrophoresis, it was possible to rapidly increase percentage phaseolin without the need for field evaluation.  相似文献   

Components of genetic variation for postweaning growth traits were estimated for both control and growth stocks of mice. The effect of phenotypic selection for gain, which genetically combines selection for additive direct and maternal effects, on additive genetic variance components, heritability, and additive genetic correlationsis discussed. Quantitative genetic theory predicts that simultaneous selection for two metric traits in the same direction will cause the genetic correlation between the two traits to become more negative. The results presented in this paper conflict with this theory. The direct-maternal additive genetic correlation was more negative in the control line (with 356 mice) than in the growth-selected line (with 320 mice) for the three traits analyzed (0.310 vs 0.999 for 21-day weight, 0.316 vs 1.000 for 42-day weight, and 0.506 vs 1.000 for gain from 21–42 days). Estimates were obtained by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) computed under a derivative free algorithm (DFREML).  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of two way selection for plasma alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was investigated in order to determine its influences on growth traits through thirteen generations. The responses of the two lines selected for high (HP) and low (LP) ALP at 45 days of age were compared to that of the mice selected for large (L) and small (SM) body size. The selection responses of plasma ALP were very effective for both HP and LP lines, with average responses per generation calculated from linear regressions of 0.227±0.037 and –0.088±0.022 respectively. The final levels of ALP in HP and LP were 5.54±0.71 and 1.27±0.20 in the thirtheenth generation, while the SM, L and base population had levels of 3.49±0.08, 0.86±0.55 and 2.77±0.56 respectively. The body weight at 45 days of age in LP (31.4±1.4 g) as a correlated response was significantly higher than HP (23.4±1.8 g) at generation 10. The correlated response of milk yield, measured by weight gain up to 12 days of age, was significantly greater in the LP line than in HP, but the correlated response of gains after weaning was not so different as the response of milk yield. The response of litter size and weight in LP showed significant higher levels than that of HP, but pups' birth weight did not differ between LP and HP. It is suggested that the correlated response of milk yield contributed more to the divergence of body size between HP and LP than the gain after weaning.Realized heritabilities of ALP were 0.335±0.059 (HP) and 0.279±0.051 (LP). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and 45 days' body weight were –0.27±0.13 (HP with SM) and –0.52±0.19 (LP with L). Realized genetic correlations between ALP and milk yield were –0.95±0.03 (HP) and –0.37±0.29 (LP). Correlations between ALP and postweaning gains were fairly low.  相似文献   

Surviving inhospitable periods or seasons may greatly affect fitness. Evidence of this exists in the prevalence of dormant stages in the life cycles of most insects. Here I focused on butterflies with distinct seasonal morphological types (not a genetic polymorphism) in which one morphological type, or form, delays reproduction until favorable conditions return, while the other form develops in an environment that favors direct reproduction. For two butterflies, Anaea aidea and A. andria, I tested the hypothesis that the development of each seasonal form involves a differential allocation of resources to survival at eclosion. I assayed differences in adult longevity among summer and winter forms in either a warm, active environment or a cool, calm environment. Winter form adults lived 40 times longer than summer form but only in calm, cool conditions. The magnitude of this difference provided compelling evidence that the winter form body plan and metabolic strategy (i.e. resource conservatism) favor long term survival. This research suggests that winter form adults maintain lowered metabolic rate, a common feature of diapause, to conserve resources and delay senescence while overwintering.  相似文献   

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