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内源性一氧化碳减轻大鼠双侧后肢缺血再灌注所致的肺损伤   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Zhou JL  Ling YL  Jin GH  Zhang JL  Shi ZL  Huang XL 《生理学报》2002,54(3):229-233
通过观察血红素氧化酶(HO)阻断剂--锌原卟啉(ZnPP)对肺组织、肺泡间质多形核白细胞数目肺组织丙二醛含量和湿重干重之比的影响,并对肺组织HO活性和血内碳氧血红蛋白水平(COHb)进行检测,以探讨内源性HO/一氧化碳(CO)在肢体缺血再灌注(I/R)所致肺损伤中的作用。结果发现,大鼠双侧后肢I/R可导致急性肺损伤,同时使肺组织中HO活性和血内COHb水平显著升高;应用ZnPP预处理可使HO活性和COHb水平显著降低,但肺损伤却进一步加重。上述实验结果表明,肢体I/R致肺损伤时,肺组织中HO活性和内源性CO生成增多或减轻大鼠肢体I/R所致的肺损伤。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血红素-HO-1-CO-cGMP道路对内毒素血症大鼠主动脉血管张力的影响及其分子机制。方法:用离体血管环张力测定技术,观察静脉注射脂多糖(LPS)6h,大鼠胸主动脉环(TARs)对苯肾上腺素(PE)累积收缩反应。分别用一氧化碳(CO)供体正缺血红素(He),血红素氧合酶-1(HO-1)抑制剂锌原卟啉(ZnPP-IX),鸟苷酸环化酶(sGC)抑制剂亚甲兰(MB)预卵育后,测定TARs对PE收缩反应的变化。分别测定主动脉中CO含量,HO-1活性,Western blot测定HO-1蛋白含量,RT-PCR检测HO-1 mRNA表达的改变。结果:LPS组TARs对PE累积收缩反应明显降低,ZnPP-IX可部分逆转低收缩反应,MB可完全逆转低收缩反应,而用He可加重低收缩反应状态;LPS组动脉组织中CO的含量上升,HO-1活性、蛋白表达量和mRNA表达均明显增加。结论:LPS可使主动脉HO-1基因表达上调,蛋白含量及酶活性明显增加,表明启动血红素-HO-1-CO-cGMP通路,是介导ES大鼠主动脉低收缩反应重要机制之一。  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an inducible enzyme that catalyzes oxidative degradation of heme to form biliverdin, carbon monoxide (CO), and free iron. Biliverdin is subsequently reduced to bilirubin by the enzyme biliverdin reductase. Increasing evidence has indicated the critical role of HO-1 in cytoprotection and more diverse biological functions. Induction of HO-1 by various chemical inducers that are primarily cell stress inducers or by HO-1 gene transfection confers a protective capacity to cultured cells as well as to cells in several in vivo animal models. In addition, HO-1-deficient mice exhibit a significant increase in susceptibility to tissue injury. The cytoprotective action of HO-1 seems to be mainly a function of the antiapoptotic effects of the enzyme. HO-1 is believed to exert this antiapoptotic action by multiple mechanisms: (a) decreased intracellular pro-oxidant levels, (b) increased bilirubin levels, and (c) elevated CO production. CO may produce an antiapoptotic effect by inhibiting both expression of p53 and release of mitochondrial cytochrome c. HO-1 may also be a target in antitumor therapy because the growth of most tumors depends on HO-1. Our preliminary studies with an HO inhibitor showed a promising antitumor effect. This preliminary work warrants continued investigation for possible novel anticancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Here the regulatory role of CO during stomatal movement In Vicla faba L. was surveyed. Results Indicated that, like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), CO donor Hematin induced stomatal closure in dose- and time-dependent manners. These responses were also proven by the addition of gaseous CO aqueous solution with different concentrations, showing the first time that CO and H2O2 exhibit the similar regulation role in the atomatal movement. Moreover, our data showed that ascorbic acid (ASA, an important reducing substrate for H2O2 removal) and diphenylene iodonium (DPI, an inhibitor of the H2O2-generating enzyme NADPH oxidase) not only reversed stomatal closure by CO, but also suppressed the H2O2 fluorescence induced by CO, implying that CO induced-atomatal closure probably involves H2O2 signal. Additionally, the CO/NO scavenger hemoglobin (Hb) and CO specific synthetic inhibitor ZnPPIX, ASA and DPI reversed the darkness-induced stomatal closure and H2O2 fluorescence. These results show that, perhaps like H2O2, the levels of CO in guard cells of V. faba are higher In the dark than in light, HO-1 and NADPH oxidase are the enzyme systems responsible for generating endogenous CO and H2O2 in darkness respectively, and that CO is involved in darkness-induced H2O2 synthesis in V. faba guard cells.  相似文献   

A primeval atmosphere is proposedcontaining simple molecules such as formaldehyde, ammonia, carbon monoxide, cyanogen andhydrogen cyanide, which have been detected in space. Chemical reactions aredescribed for the formation ofaziridine-2-one and di-azirine-3-one derivatives aspotential precursors for the original synthesesis of amino-acids, proteins, pyrimidines,purines, nicotinamide and flavin. The reactions have been shown to be kinetically feasiblefrom the overall enthalpy changes in the ZKE approximation at the MP2/6-31G* level.  相似文献   

硫化氢(hydrogen sulfide,H2S)是继一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)和一氧化碳(carbon monoxide,CO)之后发现的第3种气体信号分子,它能参与生物体内的多种生理生化过程并发挥特定功能。在动物体内,H2S能够调节血管及神经系统功能。植物也能通过产生内源H2S来提高对环境的适应能力,缓解多种逆境胁迫造成的损伤和毒害,参与特定的生理代谢过程,诸如参与气孔运动和延缓衰老等。本文从H2S产生和代谢途径、已发现的生理功能和信号转导机制等方面综述H2S在植物中的最新研究进展,同时也探讨了H2S与其它信号分子的相互作用以及H2S对蛋白质的修饰机制。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the interaction between nitric oxygenase (NOS)/nitric oxide (NO) and heme oxygenase (HO)/carbon monoxide (CO) system in the pathogenesis of recurrent febrile seizures (FS). On a rat model of recurrent FS, the ultrastructure of hippocampal neurons was observed under electron microscopy, and expression of neuronal NOS (nNOS) in hippocampus and NO formation in plasma were examined after treatment with ZnPP-IX, an HO-1 inhibitor. In the ultrastructure of hippocampal neurons, the expression of HO-1 in hippocampus and CO formation in plasma were examined after treatment with L-NAME, a NOS inhibitor. We found that hippocampal neurons were injured after recurrent FS. The gene and protein expression of nNOS and HO-1 increased markedly in hippocampus in FS rats, while CO formation in plasma increased markedly and the concentration of NO in plasma increased slightly. ZnPP-IX could worsen the neuronal damage of recurrent FS rats. However, it further increased the expression of nNOS and endogenous production of NO obviously. L-NAME alleviated the neuronal damage of recurrent FS rats, but decreased the expression of HO-1 and CO formation. The results of this study suggested that endogenous NOS/NO and HO/CO systems might interact with each other and therefore play an important regulating role in recurrent FS brain damage.  相似文献   

Ou HS  Yan LM  Fu MG  Wang XH  Pang YZ  Su JY  Tang CS 《生理学报》1999,51(3):315-320
血红素加氧酶(heme oxygenase,HO)是血红素分解代谢过程中的限速酶,它能使细胞内的血红素降解成胆绿素和一氧化碳(carbonmonoxide,CO),近来资料表明内源性一氧化碳对生理和病理状态下的血管张力有重要的调节作用,目前尚不不禁内源性HO/CO刘否参与平滑肌细胞增殖过程的调节,本实验在体内培养的大鼠主动脉平滑肌细胞模型上,用血色素加氧酶抑制剂卟啉锌-9(zinc protopo  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is increasingly recognized to modulate physiological processes in mammals through mechanisms that are currently under scrutiny. H2S is not able to react with reduced thiols (RSH). However, H2S, more precisely HS, is able to react with oxidized thiol derivatives. We performed a systematic study of the reactivity of HS toward symmetric low molecular weight disulfides (RSSR) and mixed albumin (HSA) disulfides. Correlations with thiol acidity and computational modeling showed that the reaction occurs through a concerted mechanism. Comparison with analogous reactions of thiolates indicated that the intrinsic reactivity of HS is 1 order of magnitude lower than that of thiolates. In addition, H2S is able to react with sulfenic acids (RSOH). The rate constant of the reaction of H2S with the sulfenic acid formed in HSA was determined. Both reactions of H2S with disulfides and sulfenic acids yield persulfides (RSSH), recently identified post-translational modifications. The formation of this derivative in HSA was determined, and the rate constants of its reactions with a reporter disulfide and with peroxynitrite revealed that persulfides are better nucleophiles than thiols, which is consistent with the α effect. Experiments with cells in culture showed that treatment with hydrogen peroxide enhanced the formation of persulfides. Biological implications are discussed. Our results give light on the mechanisms of persulfide formation and provide quantitative evidence for the high nucleophilicity of these novel derivatives, setting the stage for understanding the contribution of the reactions of H2S with oxidized thiol derivatives to H2S effector processes.  相似文献   

肾脏病发病率逐年增高,已经成为影响人类健康的重要疾病之一。硫化氢是继NO、CO之后的第三种气体信号分子,大剂量有毒害作用,但生理浓度的硫化氢起到舒张血管、抗氧化、抗炎、抗凋亡等重要作用。肾脏病尤其继发性肾脏病如梗阻性肾病、肾移植、糖尿病肾病及高血压性肾损害等与血管病变、氧化应激、炎症密切相关,那么硫化氢与肾脏疾病之间有怎样的关系,本文将就硫化氢在肾脏病中的保护作用做一综述。  相似文献   

以水稻品种‘II优084’为材料,测定了强光胁迫下,水稻光合速率、叶绿素荧光快速诱导曲线(OJIP)以及O2ˉ·和H2O2在水稻叶片中积累的影响。结果表明强光胁迫下,水稻的净光合速率及气孔导度下降;光系统II(PSII)反应中心关闭的比例以及电子传递链中光系统II受体侧原初醌受体(QA)的还原程度增加;PSII反应中心电子传递的量子产额、能量以及传递到下游电子链的比率下降;光抑制下PSII的过剩能量向PSI的状态装换减少;自由基的产生增加。而施加作为硫化氢(H2S)供体的外源硫氢化钠(NaHS)后,上述影响PSII活性的指标的负变化被缓解,捕光天线复合体LHC通过在两个光系统之间的移动,来调节两个光系统的能量分配。强光下H2S处理能促进LHC离开PSII,与PSI结合,从而减少PSII分配的激发能,增加PSI分配的激发能,缓解了PSII的过度还原。以上结果表明外源H2S通过促进PSII的光合活性来缓解水稻光抑制伤害。  相似文献   

Anodically electrodeposited amorphous molybdenum sulfide (AE‐MoSx) has attracted significant attention as a non‐noble metal electrocatalyst for its high activity toward the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The [Mo3S13]2? polymer‐based structure confers a high density of exposed sulfur moieties, widely regarded as the HER active sites. However, their intrinsic complexity conceals full understanding of their exact role in HER catalysis, hampering their full potential for water splitting applications. In this report, a unifying approach is adopted accounting for modifications in the inherent electrochemistry (EC), HER mechanism, and surface species to maximize the AE‐MoSx electroactivity over a broad pH region (0–10). Dramatic enhancements in HER performance by selective electrochemical cycling within reductive (overpotential shift, ηHER ≈ ?350 mV) and electro‐oxidative windows (ηHER ≈ ?290 mV) are accompanied by highly stable performance in mildly acidic electrolytes. Joint analysis of X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman, and EC experiments corroborate the key role of bridging and terminal S ligands as active site generators at low pH, and reveal molybdenum oxysulfides (Mo5+OxSy) to be the most active HER moiety in AE‐MoSx in mildly acidic‐to‐neutral environments. These findings will be extremely beneficial for future tailoring of MoSx materials and their implementation in commercial electrolyzer technologies.  相似文献   

小麦幼苗经饱和度为50%的一氧化碳(C0)溶液预处理24h可以缓解随后以200mmol·L^-1NaCl处理所导致的小麦幼苗生长的受抑程度和相对含水量的下降。CO预处理还可有效提高盐胁迫下小麦幼苗根中吡咯啉-5-羧酸合成酶(P5CS)活性及其基因的表达,同时抑制脯氨酸脱氢酶(ProDH)活性,从而诱导脯氨酸的大量合成,缓解盐胁迫对小麦幼苗的伤害。  相似文献   

一氧化碳中毒是常见的以中枢神经系统损害为主的全身性疾病。一氧化碳作为一个脂溶性分子,进入细胞内造成组织缺氧。一氧化碳是否可以诱导产生其他特定的生物学效应,还需要我们去研究。代谢组学是继基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学后的又一新兴学科,在肿瘤、糖尿病、冠心病、肥胖症、脑卒中等多种临床疾病的相关研究中显示出巨大的潜力。将代谢组学技术应用到一氧化碳中毒研究中,可以加深对一氧化碳中毒发病机制的认识,丰富早期诊断方法,改善治疗效果的监测手段。但代谢组学技术在一氧化碳中毒研究中的应用仍是凤毛麟角,我们在此对代谢组学在一氧化碳中毒研究中应用及前景作一展望。  相似文献   

选用水稻品种‘Ⅱ优128’种子为材料,以1.0μmol.L-1高铁血红素(Hematin,H)和200μmol.L-1硝普钠(sodium nitroprusside,SNP)分别作为CO和NO供体,采用PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫,研究外源CO和NO对干旱胁迫下水稻种子萌发和萌发过程中抗氧化能力的影响。结果表明:高铁血红素和硝普钠处理可以显著提高干旱胁迫下水稻种子的发芽率、芽长和根长;同时显著提高种子淀粉酶活性,显著增加其可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和脯氨酸含量;还不同程度地诱导增强超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,同时降低质膜相对透性和丙二醛(MDA)含量。研究证实,外源CO和NO可通过调节渗透调节物质含量和保护酶活性来有效缓解干旱胁迫对萌发水稻种子造成的氧化伤害,促进种子萌发生长。  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an endogenously produced gaseous molecule with important roles in cellular signaling. In mammals, exogenous H2S improves survival of ischemia/reperfusion. We have previously shown that exposure to H2S increases the lifespan and thermotolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans, and improves protein homeostasis in low oxygen. The mitochondrial SQRD-1 (sulfide quinone oxidoreductase) protein is a highly conserved enzyme involved in H2S metabolism. SQRD-1 is generally considered important to detoxify H2S. Here, we show that SQRD-1 is also required to maintain protein translation in H2S. In sqrd-1 mutant animals, exposure to H2S leads to phosphorylation of eIF2α and inhibition of protein synthesis. In contrast, global protein translation is not altered in wild-type animals exposed to lethally high H2S or in hif-1(ia04) mutants that die when exposed to low H2S. We demonstrate that both gcn-2 and pek-1 kinases are involved in the H2S-induced phosphorylation of eIF2α. Both ER and mitochondrial stress responses are activated in sqrd-1 mutant animals exposed to H2S, but not in wild-type animals. We speculate that SQRD-1 activity in H2S may coordinate proteostasis responses in multiple cellular compartments.  相似文献   

Li X  Du J  Jin H  Tang X  Bu D  Tang C 《Life sciences》2007,81(10):841-849
The study aimed to explore the regulatory effect of endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S), a novel gasotransmitter, on pulmonary vascular structure and gasotransmitters in rats with high pulmonary blood flow. Thirty-two Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into a sham group, shunt group, sham+PPG (propargylglycine, an inhibitor of cystathionine-gamma-lyase) group and shunt+PPG group. Rats in the shunt and shunt+PPG groups underwent abdominal aorta-inferior vena cava shunting. Rats in the shunt+PPG and sham+PPG groups were intraperitoneally injected with PPG. After 4 weeks of shunting, mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) and pulmonary vascular structural remodeling (PVSR) were evaluated. H(2)S, nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) contents were measured in lung tissues. Meanwhile, nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), heme oxygenase (HO-1) and proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) protein expressions and ERK activation were evaluated. After 4 weeks of shunting, rats showed PVSR with increased lung tissue H(2)S and NO content but decreased CO content. After the PPG treatment, MPAP further increased and PVSR was aggravated. Meanwhile, PCNA expression and ERK activation were augmented with decreased lung tissue CO and HO-1 protein production but increased lung tissue NO production and eNOS expression. H(2)S exerted a protective effect on PVSR, and the inhibition of the NO/NOS pathway and the augmentation of the CO/HO pathway might be involved in the mechanisms by which H(2)S regulates PVSR in rats with high pulmonary flow.  相似文献   

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