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In submammalian animals including chicks, the retina contains oligodendrocytes (OLs), and axons in the optic fiber layer are wrapped with compact myelin within the retina; however, the expression of myelin genes in the chick retina has not been demonstrated yet. In the present study, we examined the expression of three myelin genes (proteolipid protein, PLP; myelin basic protein, MBP; cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, CNP) and PLP in the developing chick retina, in comparison to the localization of Mueller cells. In situ hybridization demonstrated that all three myelin genes began to be expressed at E14 in the chick embryo retina. They are mostly restricted to the ganglion cell layer and the optic fiber layer, with a few exceptions in the inner nuclear layer where Mueller cells reside; however, PLP mRNA+ cells do not express glutamine synthetase, or vice versa. The present results elucidate that myelin genes are expressed only by OLs that are mostly localized in the innermost layer of the developing chick retina.  相似文献   

Frizzleds (Fzds) are transmembrane receptors that can transduce signals dependent upon binding of Wnts, a large family of secreted glycoproteins homologous to the Drosophila wingless gene. FZDs are critical for a wide variety of normal and pathological developmental processes. In the nervous system, Wnts and Frizzleds play an important role in anterior-posterior patterning, cell fate decisions, proliferation, and synaptogenesis. Here, we preformed a comprehensive expression profile of Wnt receptors (FZD) by using situ hybridization to identify FZDs that are expressed in dorsal-ventral regions of the neural tube development. Our data show specific expression for FZD1,2,3,7,9 and 10 in the chick developing spinal cord. This expression profile of cFZD receptors offers the basis for functional studies in the future to determine roles for the different FZD receptors and their interactions with Wnts during dorsal-ventral neural tube development in vivo. Furthermore, we also show that co-overexpression of Wnt1/3a by in vivo electroporation affects FZD7/10 expression in the neural tube. This illustrates an example of Wnts-FZDs interactions during spinal cord neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The auditory-vestibular ganglion (AVG) is formed by the division of otic placode-derived neuroblasts, which then differentiate into auditory and vestibular afferent neurons. The developmental mechanisms that regulate neuronal cell fate determination, axonal pathfinding and innervation of otic neurons are poorly understood. The present study characterized the expression of myosin VIIA, along with the neuronal markers, Islet1, NeuroD1 and TuJ1, in the developing avian ear, during Hamburger–Hamilton (HH) stages 16–40. At early stages, when neuroblasts are delaminating from the otic epithelium, myosin VIIA expression was not observed. Myosin VIIA was initially detected in a subset of neurons during the early phase of neuronal differentiation (HH stage 20). As the AVG segregates into the auditory and vestibular portions, myosin VIIA was restricted to a subset of vestibular neurons, but was not present in auditory neurons. Myosin VIIA expression in the vestibular ganglion was maintained through HH stage 33 and was downregulated by stage 36. Myosin VIIA was also observed in the migrating processes of vestibular afferents as they begin to innervate the otic epithelium HH stage 22/23. Notably, afferents targeting hair cells of the cristae were positive for myosin VIIA while afferents targeting the utricular and saccular maculae were negative (HH stage 26–28). Although previous studies have reported that myosin VIIA is restricted to sensory hair cells, our data shows that myosin VIIA is also expressed in neurons of the developing chick ear. Our study suggests a possible role for myosin VIIA in axonal migration/pathfinding and/or innervation of vestibular afferents. In addition, myosin VIIA could be used as an early marker for vestibular neurons during the development of the avian AVG.  相似文献   

Vertebrate homologues of musashi have recently been referred to as neural stem cell markers because of their expression patterns and RNA-binding interactions. In the context of the notch signaling pathway, Musashi-1 (Msi-1) is a regulator of neural cell generation, cooperating with notch to maintain mitosis. In an effort to identify definitive stem cell markers of the neural retina, a portion of the Msi-1 cDNA was cloned, and the expression of Msi-1 in the chick eye was analyzed. Using an Msi-1-specific antibody and RNA probe, we show that expression of Msi-1 in the early neural tube is consistent with neural stem identity. In the neural retina, expression starts shortly before embryonic day 3 (E3) and continues up to and including E18. A BrdU incorporation assay shows Msi-1 to be found in both proliferating and differentiating cells of E5 neural retina. At E8 (when proliferation is complete in the fundus of the retina) and E18 (mature retina) Msi-1 expression was found in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) as well as in a subpopulation of differentiated cells, including photoreceptors and ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Expression of myelin protein genes in the developing brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major myelin proteins fall into two classes, the basic proteins and the proteolipid proteins. In mice, five forms of the myelin basic protein (MBP) have been identified with apparent molecular masses of 21.5 kD, 18.5 kD, 17 kD and 14 kD. The 17 kD MBP variant consists of two molecular forms with similar molecular masses but different amino acid sequences. Cell-free translation studies and analyses of MBP cDNAs have shown that each of the MBP variants is encoded by a separate mRNA of approximately 2 000 bp. The five mouse MBP mRNAs appear to be derived by alternative splicing of exons 2, 5, and 6 of the MBP gene. cDNAs encoding four forms of MBP have been isolated from a human fetal spinal cord library. The mRNAs corresponding to these cDNAs are probably derived by alternative splicing of exons 2 and 5 of the human MBP gene. Proteolipid protein (PLP) cDNAs have been isolated from several species and used to establish that the size of the major PLP mRNA is approximately 3 kb. Multiple size classes of the PLP mRNAs exist in mice and rats whereas the 3 kb mRNA is the predominant form in the developing human spinal cord. In normal mice, maximal expression of the PLP gene lags behind that of the MBP gene by several days. Studies on dysmyelinating mutants have determined some of the molecular defects with respect to these two classes of myelin proteins. For example, there is a deletion of a portion of the MBP gene in the shiverer mutant. In the quaking mutant, the expression of both classes of myelin proteins is significantly reduced prior to 3 weeks. However, after 3 weeks, MBP expression approaches normal levels but the newly synthesized protein fails to be incorporated into myelin. In the jimpy mutant, although the expression of both classes of proteins is reduced, PLP expression is most severely affected.  相似文献   

Patterning of the vertebrate eye appears to be controlled by the mutual regulation and the progressive restriction of the expression domains of a number of genes initially co-expressed within the eye anlage. Previous data suggest that both Otx1 and Otx2 might contribute to the establishment of the different eye territories. Here, we have analysed the ocular phenotype of mice carrying different functional copies of Otx1 and Otx2 and we show that these genes are required in a dose-dependent manner for the normal development of the eye. Thus, all Otx1(-/-); Otx2(+/-) and 30% of Otx1(+/-); Otx2(+/-) genotypes presented consistent and profound ocular malformation, including lens, pigment epithelium, neural retina and optic stalk defects. During embryonic development, optic vesicle infolding was severely altered and the expression of pigment epithelium-specific genes, such as Mitf or tyrosinase, was lost. Lack of pigment epithelium specification was associated with an expansion of the prospective neural retina and optic stalk territories, as determined by the expression of Pax6, Six3 and Pax2. Later in development the presumptive pigment epithelium region acquired features of mature neural retina, including the generation of Islet1-positive neurones. Furthermore, in Otx1(-/-); Otx2(+/-) mice neural retina cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptotic cell death were also severely affected. Based on these findings we propose a model in which Otx gene products are required for the determination and differentiation of the pigment epithelium, co-operating with other eye patterning genes in the determination of the specialised tissues that will constitute the mature vertebrate eye.  相似文献   

The Msh-like homeobox genes define domains in the developing vertebrate eye.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The mouse Hox-7.1 gene has previously been shown to be related to the Drosophila Msh homeobox-containing gene. Here we report the isolation of a new member of this family which resides at an unlinked chromosomal location and has been designated Hox-8.1. Both Hox-7.1 and Hox-8.1 are expressed in the mouse embryo during the early stages of eye development in a distinct spatial and temporal relationship. Hox-8.1 is expressed in the surface ectoderm and in the optic vesicle before invagination occurs in regions corresponding to the prospective corneal epithelium and neural retina, respectively. Hox-7.1 is expressed after formation of the optic cup, marking the domain that will give rise to the ciliary body. The activity of these genes indicates that the inner layer of the optic cup is differentiated into three distinct compartments before overt cellular differentiation occurs. Our results suggest that these genes are involved in defining the region that gives rise to the inner layer of the optic cup and in patterning this tissue to define the iris, ciliary body and retina.  相似文献   

Summary Calbindin, a 28-kDa vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein was localized immunohistochemically in developing and growing chick testes. The protein first appeared in the germinal epithelium of developing testes of the eight-day-old embryo and remained therein throughout development. Calbindin was not present in the germinal epithelium after hatching. Calbindin was next detected in the spermatogonia and spermatocytes of one-week-old and growing chick testes. Calbindin-positive spermatogonia and spermatocytes gradually increased in number and staining intensity as the seminiferous tubules further developed. A few interstitial Leydig cells were positive for calbindin from five-week-old and older chicks. Comparison of the time-course of appearance and increase in calbindin content in spermatogonia and spermatocytes with spermatogenesis in chickens suggests that calbindin may be involved in the mitotic process in spermatogonia and spermatocytes.  相似文献   

We isolated a chick homologue of LINGO-1 (cLINGO-1), a novel component of the Nogo-66 receptor (NgR)/p75 neurotrophin receptor (NTR) signaling complex, and examined the expression of cLINGO-1 in the developing brain and spinal cord of the chick embryo by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. cLINGO-1 was expressed broadly in the spinal cord, including the ventral portion of the ventricular zone, and motor neurons. cLINGO-1 was also expressed in the dorsal root ganglion and boundary cap cells at dorsal and ventral roots. In the early embryonic brain, cLINGO-1 was first expressed in the prosencephalon and the ventral mesencephalon, and later in the telencephalon, the rostral part of the mesencephalon and some parts of the hindbrain. cLINGO-1 was also expressed in the ventral part of the neural retina and trigeminal and facial nerves. We also found that cLINGO-1, cNgR1 and p75NTR were expressed in overlapped patterns in the spinal cord and the dorsal root ganglion, but that these genes were expressed in distinct patterns in the early embryonic brain.  相似文献   

Graded expression of the Eph receptor EphA3 in the retina and its two ligands, ephrin A2 and ephrin A5 in the optic tectum, the primary target of retinal axons, have been implicated in the formation of the retinotectal projection map. Two homeobox containing genes, SOHo1 and GH6, are expressed in a nasal-high, temporal-low pattern during early retinal development, and thus in opposing gradients to EphA3. Retroviral misexpression of SOHo1 or GH6 completely and specifically repressed EphA3 expression in the neural retina, but not in other parts of the central nervous system, such as the optic tectum. Under these conditions, some temporal ganglion cell axons overshot their expected termination zones in the rostral optic tectum, terminating aberrantly at more posterior locations. However, the majority of ganglion cell axons mapped to the appropriate rostrocaudal locations, although they formed somewhat more diffuse termination zones. These findings indicate that other mechanisms, in addition to differential EphA3 expression in the neural retina, are required for retinal ganglion axons to map to the appropriate rostrocaudal locations in the optic tectum. They further suggest that the control of topographic specificity along the retinal nasal-temporal axis is split into several independent pathways already at a very early time in development.  相似文献   

Eyes of early embryonic chicks possess 14 scleral papillae, derived from the conjuctival epithelium and present as transient structures between seven and 11 days of incubation. These papillae induce the formation of the 14 scleral ossicles, which develop in the adjacent, neural crest-derived ectomesenchyme. Each papilla undergoes a predictable series of developmental changes, divided by Murrary ('43) into six morphological stages (M stages 1–6). We have confirmed his staging, and provide a scanning electron microscopic (SEM) evaluation of papilla development. The earliest stage that can be visualized with the S.E.M. is M stage 2. We describe the initial modifications of the surface of papilla cells, the presence of large microvilli and the asymmetrical morphogenesis and growth of the papillae. Papillae are shed by a mechanism that involves elongation of the cells at the base of the papilla. Such moribund papillae consist of necrotic cells coated with fibers.  相似文献   

Expression of calbindin-D28k in developing and growing chick testes.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Calbindin, a 28-kDa vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein was localized immunohistochemically in developing and growing chick testes. The protein first appeared in the germinal epithelium of developing testes of the eight-day-old embryo and remained therein throughout development. Calbindin was not present in the germinal epithelium after hatching. Calbindin was next detected in the spermatogonia and spermatocytes of one-week-old and growing chick testes. Calbindin-positive spermatogonia and spermatocytes gradually increased in number and staining intensity as the seminiferous tubules further developed. A few interstitial Leydig cells were positive for calbindin from five-week-old and older chicks. Comparison of the time-course of appearance and increase in calbindin content in spermatogonia and spermatocytes with spermatogenesis in chickens suggests that calbindin may be involved in the mitotic process in spermatogonia and spermatocytes.  相似文献   

The distribution of two novel human, basement-membrane (BM) collagens has been characterized by immunohistochemical analysis of developing and mature tissue using monoclonal antibodies specific for the non-collagenous (NC1) domain of each molecule. A distribution more restricted than that of type IV collagen was observed. In the kidney, the 28K parent molecules appear relatively late, at the early capillary-loop stage of glomerular development, whereas type IV collagen is present in all BM, including those of the ureteric bud, S-form, primitive glomerulus, and vessels. Antibody to the Alport familial nephritis antigen (a 26K peptide), which is missing from epidermal BM and glomerular BM in Alport syndrome, reacted with the ureteral bud BM and all stages of glomerular BM development from the early capillary-loop stage onward, but not with BM of more primitive glomeruli (vesicles and S forms). In the human fetal eye, the collagen molecules from which the 28K NC1 peptides are derived appear later in development than type IV collagen. They are present in trace amounts in Bruch's membrane but are not detected until after birth in the retinal internal limiting membrane and cuticular and non-pigmented epithelial BM of the ciliary process. In contrast, the BM of the lens capsule and Descemet's membrane were reactive with anti-28K antibodies early in development. In all instances, the 28K peptides are detected in BM that also contain the Alport antigen, although the later is present in some BM not containing the 28K peptides. The distribution of Alport antigen and type IV collagen in developing eye is similar to that observed in the mature eye. The 28K parent molecules appear to be expressed in concert with the maturation of the BM, coincident with fusion of glomerular endothelial and epithelial BM, whereas the lens capsule BM and Descemet's membrane contain these restricted components much earlier in gestation.  相似文献   

Erythropoiesis in the developing chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The types of erythroid cells of chick embryos developing in ovo have been correlated with the hemoglobins of the embryos. Prior to 5 days, when primitive cells constitute the only erythroid cells, two hemoglobins can be resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two adult hemoglobins and a minor hemoglobin found only in embryos and young chicks first appear simultaneously with initiation of definitive erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

Frizzled transmembrane proteins (Fzd) are receptors of Wnts, and they play key roles during central nervous system (CNS) development in vertebrates. Here we report the expression pattern of Frizzled10 in mouse CNS from embryonic stages to adulthood. Frizzled10 is expressed strongly at embryonic days E8.5 and E9.5 in the neural tube and tail bud. At E10.5, Frizzled10 is expressed in the forebrain vesicle, the fourth ventricle and the dorsal spinal cord. From E12.5 to E16.5, Frizzled10 expression is mainly observed in the cortical hem/fimbria, the neuroepithelium of the third ventricular zone, midbrain, developing cerebellum, and dorsal spinal cord. At P0, with the exception of expression in the fimbria, Frizzled10 mRNA expression is limited to specific nuclei including the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus (VP) and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLG) in the developing thalamus as well as in the proliferative ventricular zone of the developing cerebellum. From P20 to adult, Frizzled10 mRNA is detected only in the internal capsule (ic). Our data show that expression of Frizzled10 is very strong during embryonic development of the CNS and suggest that Frizzled10 may play an essential role in spatial and temporal regulation during neural development.  相似文献   

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