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CD8+T细胞在多发性硬化中的致病性作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梅云华  徐凌云 《生命科学》2006,18(3):244-246
多发性硬化是T细胞介导的自身免疫性疾病。先前对它的研究大多集中在CD4 T细胞的致病和调节性作用上,但是,近几年来越来越多的证据表明CD8 T细胞也参与多发性硬化的病理损伤过程。 CD8 T细胞存在于MS病灶部位,髓鞘抗原特异性CD8 T细胞也从MS患者的血液和脑脊液中分离得到,CD8 T细胞通过直接杀伤或释放细胞因子和趋化因子等间接参与MS的病理过程。本文就近几年关于CD8 T细胞在多发性硬化中的致病性作用的研究进展予以介绍。  相似文献   

Autoreactive T cells specific for myelin proteins, such as myelin basic protein (MBP), are thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). In MS, these MBP-reactive T cells are activated and clonally expandedin vivo and found to accumulate in the brain compartment, suggesting their pathologic role in the disease. There is experimental evidence supporting the beliefs that MBP-reactive T cells are regulatedin vivo by the clonotypic regulatory network. This concept has led to the paradigm of T cell vaccination where attenuated MBP-reactive T cells are used as vaccines to effectively prevent and treat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model for MS. In this paper, the recent evidence regarding the pathologic relevance encephalomyelitis, an animal model for MS. In this paper, the recent evidence regarding the pathologic relevance of MBP-reactive T cell in MS is reviewed. In particular, we discuss our recent clinical trial in which patients with MS were vaccinated with inactivated autologous MBP-reactive T cell clones to investigate the nature of clonotypic responsesin vivo, and whether the responses are effective in depleting circulating MBP-reactive T cells in patients with MS. Our study presented in this paper demonstrated the successful depletion of MBP-reactive T cells by T cell vaccination and touched upon important issues related to the clinical application of T cell vaccination in humans. This review provides new insights into the current development in designing effective therapeutic strategies, such as T cell vaccination, to treat patients with MS and other autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Calpain, a calcium-activated neutral proteinase, is ubiquitously present in human tissues. To determine if lymphoid cells implicated in pathogenesis of demyelination may harbor calpain in a functionally active form, we determined both Calpain and mCalpain activities in human lymphoid cell lines. DEAE-cellulose and phenylsepharose column chromatography were used to isolate the enzyme from the natural inhibitor, calpastatin. Lymphocytic lines (CCRF-CEM, MOLT-3, MOLT-4, M.R.) showed predominance of Calpain (55–80%) whereas the monocytic line (U-937) showed prodominance of mCalpain (77%). Proportion and subcellular distribution of both isoforms varied among cell lines. Calpains isolated from U-937 cells degraded myelin basic protein. These results indicate that human lymphoid cells harbor functionally active calpain that can degrade myelin components in vitro. The study suggests a degradative role for calpain in demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

RhoA is one of the best-studied members of Rho GTPases. Experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN), which is characterized by infiltration of T cells and macrophages into the peripheral nervous system, is an autoantigen-specific T-cell-mediated animal model of human Guillain-Barré Syndrome. In this study, RhoA expression has been investigated in the dorsal/ventral roots of EAN rats by immunohistochemistry. A significant accumulation of RhoA+ cells was observed on Day 12, with a maximum around Day 15, correlating to the clinical severity of EAN. In dorsal/ventral roots of EAN, RhoA+ cells were seen in perivascular areas but also in the parenchyma. Furthermore, double-labelling experiments showed that the major cellular sources of RhoA were reactive macrophages and T cells. In conclusion, this is the first demonstration of the presence of RhoA in the dorsal/ventral roots of EAN. The time courses and cellular sources of RhoA together with the functions of RhoA indicate that RhoA may function to facilitate macrophage and T-cell infiltration in EAN and therefore could be a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

PLP 139-151(S) is the major encephalitogenic epitope of PLP in the SJL/J mouse. CD4+ T cells specific for PLP 139-151(S) induce a relapsing-remitting form of EAE which is similar to the human demyelinating disease MS in both clinical course and histopathology. We are interested in events involved in activation of autoreactive T cells and how to specifically regulate these immune response to both prevent and treat ongoing demyelinating disease. In the current study, we examined the effect of both amino acid substitutions and deletions in the native PLP 139-151(S) peptide to identify which residues are critical for immunogenicity and encephalitogenicity. Conservative and nonconservative substitutions at position 145 diminished or completely destroyed the encephalitogenic potential of the peptide without affecting the ability to recall a proliferative response in lymph node T cells primed with the native PLP 139-151(S) peptide indicating an interesting dichotomy between ability to induce T cell proliferation and ability to induce active clinical disease. In addition, tryptophan at position 144 was identified as a critical TCR contact site as a peptide containing an alanine for tryptophan at this position (A144) primed a unique population of T cells which did not cross react with the native PLP 139-151(S). In addition, A144 was unable to stimulate PLP 139-151(S)-specific T cells in vitro or to induce active relapsing EAE in vivo. The significance of these results to the potential development of new strategies for preventing and treating T cell-mediated autoimmune diseases is discussed.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Majorie B. Lees.  相似文献   

Background aimsMultiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be a T-cell–mediated disease. Although MS remits with corticosteroid treatment, the disease relapses on discontinuation of therapy. Human amniotic epithelial cells (hAEC) from the placenta are readily accessible in large quantities and have anti-inflammatory properties. Previously we reported that hAEC given near disease onset ameliorated clinical signs and decreased myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-specific immune responses in MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an experimental MS model.MethodsTo examine the therapeutic effect of hAEC in a clinically relevant setting, we first treated MOG peptide–induced EAE mice with a corticosteroid, prednisolone, in drinking water to induce remission. hAEC were then infused intravenously into the remitted mice. Anti-MOG antibodies in serum were detected by enzyme-linked immunoassay. Splenocyte proliferation was assessed by 3H-thymidine incorporation. Immune cell subpopulations in spleens and lymph nodes and secreted cytokines in splenocyte culture were quantified by flow cytometry. Central nervous system histology was examined with the use of hematoxylin and eosin, Luxol fast blue and immunostaining.ResultsWith cessation of prednisolone treatment, hAEC delayed EAE relapse for 7 days, and, after another 7 days, largely remitted disease in six of eight responder mice. Splenocyte proliferation was suppressed, anti-MOG35–55 antibodies in serum were decreased and interleukin-2 and interleukin-5 production by splenocytes were elevated after hAEC treatment. In the central nervous system, hAEC-treated mice had decreased demyelination and fewer macrophages in the inflammatory infiltrates. hAEC treatment also increased CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in inguinal lymph nodes.ConclusionsThese data demonstrate that the therapeutic effects of hAEC after corticosteroid treatment in an MS model probably are the consequence of peripheral immunoregulation. We suggest that hAEC may have potential as a cell therapy for remitted MS.  相似文献   

An active involvement of blood-brain barrier endothelial cell basement membranes in development of inflammatory lesions in the central nervous system (CNS) has not been considered to date. Here we investigated the molecular composition and possible function of the extracellular matrix encountered by extravasating T lymphocytes during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE).Endothelial basement membranes contained laminin 8 (alpha4beta1gamma1) and/or 10 (alpha5beta1gamma1) and their expression was influenced by proinflammatory cytokines or angiostatic agents. T cells emigrating into the CNS during EAE encountered two biochemically distinct basement membranes, the endothelial (containing laminins 8 and 10) and the parenchymal (containing laminins 1 and 2) basement membranes. However, inflammatory cuffs occurred exclusively around endothelial basement membranes containing laminin 8, whereas in the presence of laminin 10 no infiltration was detectable. In vitro assays using encephalitogenic T cell lines revealed adhesion to laminins 8 and 10, whereas binding to laminins 1 and 2 could not be induced. Downregulation of integrin alpha6 on cerebral endothelium at sites of T cell infiltration, plus a high turnover of laminin 8 at these sites, suggested two possible roles for laminin 8 in the endothelial basement membrane: one at the level of the endothelial cells resulting in reduced adhesion and, thereby, increased penetrability of the monolayer; and secondly at the level of the T cells providing direct signals to the transmigrating cells.  相似文献   

Lanthionine ketimine (LK) is a natural sulfur amino acid metabolite which binds to collapsin response mediator protein‐2 (CRMP2), an abundant brain protein that interacts with multiple partners to regulate microtubule dynamics, neurite growth and retraction, axonal transport, and neurotransmitter release. LK ethyl‐ester (LKE) is a cell‐permeable synthetic derivative that promotes neurogenesis, suppresses nitric oxide production from microglia, and reduces neurotoxicity of microglia‐conditioned medium. These properties led us to test the effects of LKE in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a commonly used mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Female C57Bl/6 mice were immunized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide 35–55 to develop a chronic disease. LKE was provided in the chow at 100 ppm, ad libitum beginning when the mice reached moderate clinical signs. Over the following 4 weeks the LKE‐treated mice showed a significant reduction in clinical signs compared to vehicle‐treated mice. LKE dose dependently reduced IFNγ production from splenic T cells, but had no effect on IL‐17 production suggesting protective effects were mediated within the CNS. Electron microscopy revealed that, compared to sham mice, EAE mice had significant neurodegeneration in both the optic nerve and spinal cord, which was reduced in the LKE‐treated mice. In contrast only minimal disruption of myelin was observed at this time point. In the optic nerve, measurements of axon caliber and myelin thickness showed little changes between sham and EAE mice, however, treatment with LKE increased the percentage of axons with thicker myelin and with larger axon calibers. In the spinal cord, only smaller effects of LKE on myelin thickness were observed. The effects of LKE were associated with a reduced relative level of phosphorylated CRMP2 to CRMP2. Together, these results demonstrate that LKE reduces neurodegeneration in a chronic EAE model of MS, which could have translation potential for treatment of progressive forms of MS.


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease of the CNS in which an unrelenting attack from the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system results in extensive demyelination, loss of oligodendrocytes and axonal degeneration. This review summarizes advances in the understanding of the cellular and molecular pathways involved in neurodegeneration following autoimmune-mediated inflammation in the CNS. The mechanisms underlying myelin and axonal destruction and the equally important interaction between degenerative and repair mechanisms are discussed. Recent studies have revealed that the failure of CNS regeneration may be in part a result of the presence of myelin-associated growth inhibitory molecules in MS lesions. Successful therapeutic intervention in MS is likely to require suppression of the inflammatory response, in concert with blockade of growth inhibitory molecules and possibly the mobilization or transplantation of stem cells for regeneration.  相似文献   

Ke Y  Kapp LM  Kapp JA 《Cellular immunology》2003,221(2):107-114
Although many tumors express tumor-specific antigens, most fail to stimulate effective immune responses. Tumors generally lack co-stimulatory molecules, which can lead to tolerance of tumor-specific T cells and progressive tumor growth. Here, we demonstrate that the ovalbumin (OVA) transfected EL4 tumor, E.G7-OVA, grows progressively in syngeneic mice even though the tumor can be rejected if the mice are immunized with OVA in adjuvant. E.G7-OVA grew more rapidly in RAG-1 deficient than sufficient mice suggesting that normal mice make an abortive immune response to this tumor. Depletion of gammadelta T cells or IL-10 augmented the ability of B6 mice to reject E.G7-OVA. Spleen cells from normal, but not IL-10 knockout, mice reconstituted rapid tumor growth in gammadelta T cell-deficient mice. Thus, gammadelta T cells play an important role in preventing immune elimination of this tumor by a mechanism that directly or indirectly involves IL-10.  相似文献   

The genome organizer special AT‐rich sequence binding protein 1 (SATB1) regulates specific functions through chromatin remodeling in T helper cells. It was recently reported by our team that T cells from SATB1 conditional knockout (SATB1cKO) mice, in which the Satb1 gene is deleted from hematopoietic cells, impair phosphorylation of signaling molecules in response to T cell receptor (TCR) crosslinking. However, in vivo T cell responses upon antigen presentation in the absence of SATB1 remain unclear. In the current study, it was shown that SATB1 modulates T cell antigen responses during the induction and effector phases. Expression of SATB1 was upregulated in response to TCR stimulation, suggesting that SATB1 is important for this antigen response. The role of SATB1 in TCR responses and induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) was therefore examined using the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide 35‐55 (MOG35‐55) and pertussis toxin. SATB1cKO mice were found to be resistant to EAE and had defects in IL‐17‐ and IFN‐γ‐producing pathogenic T cells. Thus, SATB1 expression appears necessary for T cell function in the induction phase. To examine SATB1 function during the effector phase, a tamoxifen‐inducible SATB1 deletion system, SATB1cKO‐ER‐Cre mice, was used. Encephalitogenic T cells from MOG35‐55‐immunized SATB1cKO‐ER‐Cre mice were transferred into healthy mice. Mice that received tamoxifen before the onset of paralysis were resistant to EAE. Furthermore, no disease progression occurred in recipient mice treated with tamoxifen after the onset of EAE. Thus, SATB1 is essential for maintaining TCR responsiveness during the induction and effector phases and may provide a novel therapeutic target for T cell‐mediated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a model of multiple sclerosis. Dark Agouti rats immunized with spinal cord homogenate (SCH) and carbonyl iron (CI), as an adjuvant, develop severe hyperacute form of EAE. They succumb to EAE earlier and have higher clinical scores and lethality rate in comparison to counterparts immunized with SCH + complete Freund's adjuvant. There is no difference in the number of cells or in histological presentation of the CNS infiltrates of rats immunized with the two adjuvants. However, there are more granulocytes, NK and NKT cells, and less CD4(+) T cells in the spinal cord infiltrates of SCH + CI-immunized animals. Nitric oxide (NO)-generating enzyme inducible NO synthase have higher expression in spinal cord of SCH + CI-immunized rats, and this corresponds to more intensive nitrotyrosine formation in the CNS tissue of these rats. Abundant infiltration of granulocytes and NK cells into the CNS and excessive generation of peroxynitrite within the CNS of SCH + CI-immunized rats might account for the severe neurological deficits induced by immunization with CI. These factors should be closely examined in the fulminant forms of multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, as they could represent a promising targets for therapy.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) and has been used as an animal model for study of the human demyelinating disease, multiple sclerosis (MS). EAE is characterized by pathologic infiltration of mononuclear cells into the CNS and by clinical manifestation of paralytic disease. Similar to MS, EAE is also under genetic control in that certain mouse strains are susceptible to disease induction while others are resistant. Typically, C57BL/6 (H-2(b)) mice immunized with myelin basic protein (MBP) fail to develop paralytic signs. This unresponsiveness is certainly not due to defects in antigen processing or antigen presentation of MBP, as an experimental protocol described here had been used to induce severe EAE in C57BL/6 mice as well as other reputed resistant mouse strains. In addition, encephalitogenic T cell clones from C57BL/6 and Balb/c mice reactive to MBP had been successfully isolated and propagated. The experimental protocol involves using a cellular adoptive transfer system in which MBP-primed (200 μg/mouse) C57BL/6 donor lymph node cells are isolated and cultured for five days with the antigen to expand the pool of MBP-specific T cells. At the end of the culture period, 50 million viable cells are transferred into naive syngeneic recipients through the tail vein. Recipient mice so treated normally do not develop EAE, thus reaffirming their resistant status, and they can remain normal indefinitely. Ten days post cell transfer, recipient mice are challenged with complete Freund adjuvant (CFA)-emulsified MBP in four sites in the flanks. Severe EAE starts to develop in these mice ten to fourteen days after challenge. Results showed that the induction of disease was antigenic specific as challenge with irrelevant antigens did not induce clinical signs of disease. Significantly, a titration of the antigen dose used to challenge the recipient mice showed that it could be as low as 5 μg/mouse. In addition, a kinetic study of the timing of antigenic challenge showed that challenge to induce disease was effective as early as 5 days post antigenic challenge and as long as over 445 days post antigenic challenge. These data strongly point toward the involvement of a "long-lived" T cell population in maintaining unresponsiveness. The involvement of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in this system is not defined.  相似文献   

Pro‐inflammatory interleukin (IL)‐17‐producing γδ (γδ17) T cells are thought to develop exclusively in the thymus during fetal/perinatal life, as adult bone marrow precursors fail to generate γδ17 T cells under homeostatic conditions. Here, we employ a model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in which hematopoiesis is reset by bone marrow transplantation and demonstrate unequivocally that Vγ4+ γδ17 T cells can develop de novo in draining lymph nodes in response to innate stimuli. In vitro, γδ T cells from IL‐17 fate‐mapping reporter mice that had never activated the Il17 locus acquire IL‐17 expression upon stimulation with IL‐1β and IL‐23. Furthermore, IL‐23R (but not IL‐1R1) deficiency severely compromises the induction of γδ17 T cells in EAE, demonstrating the key role of IL‐23 in the process. Finally, we show, in a composite model involving transfers of both adult bone marrow and neonatal thymocytes, that induced γδ17 T cells make up a substantial fraction of the total IL‐17‐producing Vγ4+ T‐cell pool upon inflammation, which attests the relevance of this novel pathway of peripheral γδ17 T‐cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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