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The stability of monomeric and dimeric bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in laurylmaltoside-containing buffers of high ionic strength allowed separation of the two forms by gel-filtration high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A solution of the dimeric oxidase could be diluted without monomerisation. Both monomeric and dimeric cytochrome c oxidase showed biphasic steady-state kinetics when assayed spectrophotometrically at low ionic strength. Thus, the biphasic kinetics did not result from negative cooperativity between the two adjacent cytochrome c binding sites of the monomers constituting the dimeric oxidase. On polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) a fraction of subunit III of the dimeric enzyme migrated as a dimer, a phenomenon not seen with the monomeric enzyme. This might suggest that in the dimeric oxidase subunit III lies on the contact surface between the protomers. If so, the presumably hydrophobic interaction between the two subunits III resisted dissociation by SDS to some extent. Addition of sufficient ascorbate and cytochrome c to the monomeric oxidase to allow a few turnovers induced slow dimerisation (on a time-scale of hours). This probably indicates that one of the transient forms arising upon reoxidation of the reduced enzyme is more easily converted to the dimeric state than the resting enzyme. Gel-filtration HPLC proved to be a useful step in small-scale purification of cytochrome c oxidase. In the presence of laurylmaltoside the monomeric oxidase eluted after the usual trace contaminants, the dimeric Complex III and the much larger Complex I. The procedure is fast and non-denaturing, although limited by the capacity of available columns.  相似文献   

Monomers and dimers of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (EC were separated by gel filtration chromatography on Ultrogel AcA 34 or by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Factors influencing the interconversion of the two aggregation states of this enzyme were analyzed. At very low ionic strength, in the presence of dodecyl maltoside, monomers were the main species. Salts appeared to stabilize the dimeric form, divalent cations being more efficient than monovalent. High enzyme concentrations favoured the formation of dimers, also at low ionic strength. The type of detergent had a strong influence on the monomer-dimer interconversion; in Triton X-100 and dodecyl maltoside (at high ionic strength) cytochrome c oxidase was homogenously dispersed in its dimeric form, while in Tween-80 gel filtration showed only large particles eluting in the void volume. In cholate monomers and aggregates were observed but no dimers. The aggregation state had an influence on the steady state kinetics of the ferrocytochrome c oxidase activity. Monomers showed linear Eadie-Hofstee plots, whilst the dimeric and aggregated enzyme gave nonlinear Eadie-Hofstee plots. Ionic strength, enzyme concentration and type of detergent were affecting the enzyme's kinetics in a way consistent with the molecular form obtained by the gel filtration or sedimentation analysis. The data support a negative cooperative mechanism for the interaction of cytochrome c with the dimeric enzyme, as proposed earlier (K.A. Na?ecz et al., (1983) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 114, 822-828).  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase isolated from hammerhead shark red muscle is monomeric in relation to the dimeric form of isolated bovine cytochrome c oxidase but in other ways bears a close resemblance to the enzyme isolated from mammalian tissue [1, 2]. Comparative studies of shark and bovine cytochrome c oxidase were extended to address the degree of functional similarity between the monomeric (shark) and dimeric (bovine) enzymes in the kinetics of peroxide binding and in the extent to which the catalytic action of the enzymes in vesicles can establish a proton gradient. Although the kinetics of peroxide binding and the proton pumping processes are complex, the dimeric and monomeric forms are quite similar with respect to these functional attributes. The kinetic heterogeneity of the process of peroxide binding is expressed in the shark enzyme as well as in the bovine enzyme, and both types of enzymes in vesicles can generate transmembrane proton gradients. On this basis we conclude that the dimeric state of isolated cytochrome c oxidase from mammalian sources is not essential for its function in vitro.  相似文献   

The stability of monomeric and dimeric bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in laurylmaltoside-containing buffers of high ionic strength allowed separation of the two forms by gel-filtration high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A solution of the dimeric oxidase could be diluted without monomerisation. Both monomeric and dimeric cytochrome c oxidase showed biphasic steady-state kinetics when assayed spectrophotometrically at low ionic strength. Thus, the biphasic kinetics did not result from negative cooperativity between the two adjacent cytochrome c binding sites of the monomers constituting the dimeric oxidase. On polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) a fraction of subunit III of the dimeric enzyme migrated as a dimer, a phenomenon not seen with the monomeric enzyme. This might suggest that in the dimeric oxidase subunit III lies on the contact surface between the protomers. If so, the presumably hydrophobic interaction between the two subunits III resisted dissociation by SDS to some extent. Addition of sufficient ascorbate and cytochrome c to the monomeric oxidase to allow a few turnovers induced slow dimerisation (on a time-scale of hours). This probably indicates that one of the transient forms arising upon reoxidation of the reduced enzyme is more easily converted to the dimeric state than the resting enzyme. Gel-filtration HPLC proved to be a useful step in small-scale purification of cytochrome c oxidase. In the presence of laurylmaltoside the monomeric oxidase eluted after the usual trace contaminants, the dimeric Complex III and the much larger Complex I. The procedure is fast and non-denaturing, although limited by the capacity of available columns.  相似文献   

The monomeric and dimeric forms of bovine cytochrome c oxidase (EC were obtained from gel filtration chromatography on Ultrogel AcA 34 and analyzed. Both species contained all 12-13 subunits described for this enzyme. In the dimer 320 molecules [3H]dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside were bound per heme aa3 and in the monomer 360 molecules per heme aa3. The monomers contained 10 mol of tightly bound phospholipid/mol heme aa3 and the dimers 14. Sedimentation coefficients of 15.5-18 S for the dimer and 9.6 S for the monomer were calculated from sucrose density centrifugation analysis and analytical centrifugation. By the laser beam light-scattering technique a Stokes radius of 70 A for the dimeric detergent-lipid-protein complex was measured. From those parameters and the densitometric determined partial specific volumes of the detergent and the enzyme, the molecular weights of 400,000 for the protein moiety of the dimer and 170,000-200,000 for the monomer were calculated. Under very low ionic strength conditions the monomer/dimer equilibrium was found to be dependent on the protein concentration. At low enzyme concentrations (10(-9) M) monomers were predominant, whereas at concentrations above 5 X 10(-6) M the amounts of dimers and higher aggregates were more represented. The cytochrome c oxidase activity, measured spectrophotometrically and analyzed by Eadie-Hofstee plot, was biphasic as a function of cytochrome c concentration for the dimeric enzyme. Pure monomers gave monophasic kinetics. The data, fitting with a homotropic negative cooperative mechanism for the dimer of cytochrome c oxidase, are discussed and compared with other described mechanisms.  相似文献   

Seven cytochromes c, in which individual lysines have been modified to the propylthiobimane derivatives, have been prepared. These derivatives were also converted to the porphyrin cytochromes c by treatment with HF. The properties of both types of modified proteins were studied in their reactions with cytochrome c oxidase. The results show that lysines 25, 27, 60, 72, and 87 do not contribute a full charge to the binding interaction with the oxidase. These five residues, with the exception of the lysine-60 derivative, on the front surface of the protein and contain the solvent-accessible edge of the heme prosthetic group. By contrast, lysines 8 and 13 at the top of the front surface do contribute a full charge to the binding interaction with the oxidase. The removal of the positive charge on any one lysine weakens the binding to cytochrome c oxidase by at least 1 kcal (1 cal = 4.1868 J). The presence of bimane at lysines 13 and 87 clearly forces the separation of the cytochrome c and oxidase, but this does not occur with the other complexes. The bimane-modified lysine-13 protein, and to a lesser extent that modified at lysine 8, show the interesting effect of enhanced complex formation with cytochrome c oxidase when subjected to pressure, possibly because of entrapment of water at the newly created interface of the complex. Our observations indicate that the two proteins of the cytochrome c - cytochrome oxidase complex have preferred, but not obligatory, spatial orientations and that interaction occurs without either protein losing significant portions of its hydration shell.  相似文献   

Beef heart cytochrome c oxidase was labeled at a single sulfhydryl group by treatment with 5 mM N-iodoacetylamidoethyl-1-aminonaphthalene-5-sulfonate (1,5-I-AEDANS) at pH 8.0 for 4 h. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed that the enzyme was exclusively labeled at subunit III, presumably at Cys-115. The high affinity phase of the electron transfer reaction with horse cytochrome c was not affected by acetylamidoethyl-1-aminonaphthalene-5-sulfonate (AEDANS) labeling. Addition of horse cytochrome c to dimeric AEDANS-cytochrome c oxidase resulted in a 55% decrease in the AEDANS fluorescence due to the formation of a 1:1 complex between the two proteins. Forster energy transfer calculations indicated that the distance from the AEDANS label on subunit III to the heme group of cytochrome c was in the range 26-40 A. In contrast to the results with the dimeric enzyme, the fluorescence of monomeric AEDANS-cytochrome c oxidase was not quenched at all by binding horse heart cytochrome c, indicating that the AEDANS label on subunit III was at least 54 A from the heme group of cytochrome c. These results support a model in which the lysines surrounding the heme crevice of cytochrome c interact with carboxylates on subunit II of one monomer of the cytochrome c oxidase dimer and the back of the molecule is close to subunit III on the other monomer. In order to identify the cysteine residues that ligand copper A, a new procedure was developed to specifically remove copper A from cytochrome c oxidase by incubation with 2-mercaptoethanol followed by gel chromatography. Treatment of the copper A-depleted cytochrome c oxidase preparation with 1,5-I-AEDANS resulted in labeling sulfhydryl groups on subunit II as well as on subunit III. No additional subunits were labeled. This result indicates that the copper A binding site is located at cysteines 196 and/or 200 of subunit II and that removal of copper A exposes these residues for labeling by 1,5-I-AEDANS. Alternative copper A depletion methods involving incubation with bathocuproine sulfonate (Weintraub, S.T., and Wharton, D.C. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 1669-1676) or p-(hydroxymercuri)benzoate (Li, P.M., Gelles, J., Chan, S.I., Sullivan, R.J., and Scott, R.A. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 2091-2095) were also investigated. Treatment of these preparations with 1,5-I-AEDANS resulted in labeling cysteine residues on subunits II and III. However, additional sulfhydryl residues on other subunits were also labeled, preventing a definitive assignment of the location of copper A using these depletion procedures.  相似文献   

Thermal stability of membrane-reconstituted yeast cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P E Morin  D Diggs  E Freire 《Biochemistry》1990,29(3):781-788
The thermal dependence of the structural stability of membrane-reconstituted yeast cytochrome c oxidase has been studied by using different techniques including high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry, differential detergent solubility thermal gel analysis, and enzyme activity measurements. For these studies, the enzyme has been reconstituted into dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dielaidoylphosphatidylcholine (DEPC) vesicles using detergent dialysis. The phospholipid moiety affects the stability of the enzyme as judged by the dependence of the denaturation temperature on the lipid composition of the bilayer. The enzyme is more stable when reconstituted with the 18-carbon, unsaturated phospholipid (DEPC) than with the 14-carbon saturated phospholipid (DMPC). In addition, the shapes of the calorimetric transition profiles are different in the two lipid systems, indicating that not all of the subunits are affected equally by the lipid moiety. The overall enthalpy change for the enzyme denaturation is essentially the same for the two lipid reconstitutions (405 kcal/mol of protein for the DMPC and 425 kcal/mol for the DEPC-reconstituted enzyme). In both systems, the van't Hoff to calorimetric enthalpy ratios are less than 0.2, indicating that the unfolding of the enzyme cannot be represented as a two-state process. Differential detergent solubility experiments have allowed us to determine individual subunit thermal denaturation profiles. These experiments indicate that the major contributors to the main transition peak observed calorimetrically are subunits I and II and that the transition temperature of subunit III is the most affected by the phospholipid moiety. Experiments performed at different scanning rates indicate that the thermal denaturation of the enzyme is a kinetically controlled process characterized by activation energies on the order of 40 kcal/mol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Beef heart cytochrome c oxidase is dimeric in reconstituted membranes and in nonionic detergents at physiological pH [Henderson, R., Capaldi, R. A., & Leigh, J. (1977) J. Mol. Biol. 112, 631; Robinson, N.C., & Capaldi, R. A. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 375], raising the possibility that this aggregation state is a prerequisite for enzymatic activity. A procedure for dissociating the enzyme into monomers is presented. This involves treating the protein with high concentrations of Triton X-100 at pH 8.5. The electron transfer activity of the monomer is comparable to that of the dimer under identical assay conditions. The beef heart cytochrome c oxidase monomer was found to be heterogeneous in hydrodynamic studies, probably due to dissociation of associated polypeptides, including subunit III. Monomer molecular weights in the range 129 000-160 000 were obtained. Previous studies have indicated that shark heart cytochrome c oxidase is monomeric under physiological conditions. Sedimentation equilibrium studies reported here confirm this. The elasmobranch enzyme, with a similar polypeptide composition to that of beef enzyme, was determined to have a molecular weight of 158 000.  相似文献   

Bovine cytochrome c oxidase in 0.1% dodecylmaltoside, 50 mM KCl and 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 is monodisperse with an apparent Mr 360,000 (dimer) as estimated by filtration on Ultrogel AcA 34. In the absence of added KCl the apparent Mr is 160,000 (monomer). The dimeric enzyme has a high and a low affinity site for cytochrome c; the monomeric, only the high affinity site. The results are consistent with the existence of one active site per monomer, having high affinity for cytochrome c. Since in a dimer the two sites are in close proximity, the binding of the first molecule of cytochrome c to the first site hinders the binding of the second molecule to the second site. The kinetic data fit with a model of homotropic negative cooperativity. The effect of salts on the cytochrome c oxidase kinetics is also present in isolated bovine heart mitochondria.  相似文献   

When the carbon monoxide complex of fully reduced cytochrome c oxidase, reconstituted into liposomes, is mixed with oxygen-containing buffer, complex kinetic progress curves are observed. This pattern is seen irrespective of whether the oxidase used in reconstitution is the dimeric or monomeric (subunit III-depleted) enzyme. These findings are interpreted in the light of similar experiments on the detergent-solubilized enzyme reported by Gibson and Greenwood (Gibson, Q.H., and Greenwood, C. (1963) Biochem. J. 86, 541-554) and confirmed by ourselves. We conclude that reconstitution of monomeric (subunit III-less) enzyme yields, preferentially, vesicles containing more than one functional unit, possibly associated as dimers. This result is of significance to our understanding of the relationships between aggregation state and proton pumping capacity of cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

Reactions of mercaptans with cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome c   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The steady-state oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by dioxygen catalyzed by cytochrome c oxidase, is inhibited non-competitively towards cytochrome c by methanethiol, ethanethiol, 1-propanethiol and 1-butanethiol with Ki values of 4.5, 91, 200 and 330 microM, respectively. 2. The inhibition constant Ki of ethanethiol is found to be constant between pH 5 and 8, which suggests that only the neutral form of the thiol inhibits the enzyme. 3. The absorption spectrum of oxidized cytochrome c oxidase in the Soret region shows rapid absorbance changes upon addition of ethanethiol to the enzyme. This process is followed by a very slow reduction of the enzyme. The fast reaction, which represents a binding reaction of ethanethiol to cytochrome c oxidase, has a k1 of 33 M-1 . s-1 and a dissociation constant Kd of 3.9 mM. 4. Ethanethiol induces fast spectral changes in the absorption spectrum of cytochrome c, which are followed by a very slow reduction of the heme. The rate constant for the fast ethanethiol reaction representing a bimolecular binding step is 50 M-1 . s-1 and the dissociation constant is about 2 mM. Addition of up to 25 mM ethanethiol to ferrocytochrome c does not cause spectral changes. 5. EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectra of cytochrome c oxidase, incubated with methanethiol or ethanethiol in the presence of cytochrome c and ascorbate, show the formation of low-spin cytochrome alpha 3-mercaptide compounds with g values of 2.39, 2.23, 1.93 and of 2.43, 2.24, 1.91, respectively.  相似文献   

Dilatometry is a sensitive technique for measuring volume changes occurring during a chemical reaction. We applied it to the reduction-oxidation cycle of cytochrome c oxidase, and to the binding of cytochrome c to the oxidase. We measured the volume changes that occur during the interconversion of oxidase intermediates. The numerical values of these volume changes have allowed the construction of a thermodynamic cycle that includes many of the redox intermediates. The system volume for each of the intermediates is different. We suggest that these differences arise by two mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive: intermediates in the catalytic cycle could be hydrated to different extents, and/or small voids in the protein could open and close. Based on our experience with osmotic stress, we believe that at least a portion of the volume changes represent the obligatory movement of solvent into and out of the oxidase during the combined electron and proton transfer process. The volume changes associated with the binding of cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase have been studied as a function of the redox state of the two proteins. The volume changes determined by dilatometry are large and negative. The data indicate quite clearly that there are structural alterations in the two proteins that occur on complex formation.  相似文献   

The reactions of horse heart cytochrome c with succinate-cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome oxidase were studied as a function of ionic strength using both spectrophotometric and oxygen electrode assay techniques. The kinetic parameter Vmax/Km for both reactions decreased very rapidly as the ionic strength was increased, indicating that electrostatic interactions were important to the reactions. A new semiempirical relationship for the electrostatic energy of interaction between cytochrome c and its oxidation-reduction partners was developed, in which specific complementary charge-pair interactions between lysine amino groups on cytochrome c and negatively charged carboxylate groups on the other protein are assumed to dominate the interaction. The contribution of individual cytochrome c lysine amino groups to the electrostatic interaction was estimated from the decrease in reaction rate caused by specific modification of the lysine amino groups by reagents that change the charge to 0 or -1. These estimates range from -0.9 kcal/mol for lysines immediately surrounding the heme crevice of cytochrome c to 0 kcal/mol for lysines well removed from the heme crevice region. The semiempirical relationship for the total electrostatic energy of interaction was in quantitative agreement with the experimental ionic strength dependence of the reaction rates when the parameters were based on the specific lysine modification results. The electrostatic energies of interaction between cytochrome c and its reductase and oxidase were nearly the same, providing additional evidence that the two reactions take place at similar sites on cytochrome c.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) modification of the lysine amino groups in cytochrome c causes decrease in the reaction rate with cytochrome c oxidase.
  • 2.2. The rate constants for (PLP);-cyt. c, PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c, PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c and native cytochrome c (at pH 7.4, 1=0.02) are 3.6 × 10−3'sec-', 5.5 × 10−3, 5.2 × 10−3-'sec−1 and 9.8 × 10−3sec−1, respectively.
  • 3.3. In spite of the same positive charge of singly PLP-cytochromes c the reaction between PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c and cyt. c oxidase exhibits the ionic strength dependence that differs from those of the PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c.
  • 4.4. The rate constants at zero and infinite ionic strength for PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c is 2-fold less than that for PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c.
  • 5.5. The positively charged cytochrome c lysines 86 and 79 form two from four or five predicted complementary charge interactions with carboxyl groups on cytochrome c oxidase.

Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (Complex III), cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase can be combined to reconstitute antimycin-sensitive ubiquinol oxidase activity. In 25 mM-acetate/Tris, pH 7.8, cytochrome c binds at high-affinity sites (KD = 0.1 microM) and low-affinity sites (KD approx. 10 microM). Quinol oxidase activity is 50% of maximal activity when cytochrome c is bound to only 25% of the high affinity sites. The other 50% of activity seems to be due to cytochrome c bound at low-affinity sites. Reconstitution in the presence of soya-bean phospholipids prevents aggregation of cytochrome c oxidase and gives rise to much higher rates of quinol oxidase. The cytochrome c dependence was unaltered. Antimycin curves have the same shape regardless of lipid/protein ratio, Complex III/cytochrome c oxidase ratio or cytochrome c concentration. Proposals on the nature of the interaction between Complex III, cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase are considered in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Reaction of cytochrome c oxidase with endogenous and exogenous cytochrome c   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L Smith  H C Davies  M E Nava 《Biochemistry》1980,19(18):4261-4265

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