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Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) is caused by Xylella fastidiosa, a phytopathogenic bacterium that can infect all Citrus sinensis cultivars. The endophytic bacterial communities of healthy, resistant, and CVC-affected citrus plants were studied by using cultivation as well as cultivation-independent techniques. The endophytic communities were assessed in surface-disinfected citrus branches by plating and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Dominant isolates were characterized by fatty-acid methyl ester analysis as Bacillus pumilus, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens, Enterobacter cloacae, Methylobacterium spp. (including Methylobacterium extorquens, M. fujisawaense, M. mesophilicum, M. radiotolerans, and M. zatmanii), Nocardia sp., Pantoea agglomerans, and Xanthomonas campestris. We observed a relationship between CVC symptoms and the frequency of isolation of species of Methylobacterium, the genus that we most frequently isolated from symptomatic plants. In contrast, we isolated C. flaccumfaciens significantly more frequently from asymptomatic plants than from those with symptoms of CVC while P. agglomerans was frequently isolated from tangerine (Citrus reticulata) and sweet-orange (C. sinensis) plants, irrespective of whether the plants were symptomatic or asymptomatic or showed symptoms of CVC. DGGE analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from total plant DNA resulted in several bands that matched those from the bacterial isolates, indicating that DGGE profiles can be used to detect some endophytic bacteria of citrus plants. However, some bands had no match with any isolate, suggesting the occurrence of other, nonculturable or as yet uncultured, endophytic bacteria. A specific band with a high G+C ratio was observed only in asymptomatic plants. The higher frequency of C. flaccumfaciens in asymptomatic plants suggests a role for this organism in the resistance of plants to CVC.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is a xylem-limited bacterium that causes citrus variegated chlorosis disease in sweet orange. There is evidence that X. fastidiosa interacts with endophytic bacteria present in the xylem of sweet orange, and that these interactions, particularly with Methylobacterium mesophilicum, may affect disease progress. However, these interactions cannot be evaluated in detail until efficient methods for detection and enumeration of these bacteria in planta are developed. We have previously developed standard and quantitative PCR-based assays specific for X. fastidiosa using the LightCycler system [Li, W.B., Pria Jr., L.P.M.W.D., X. Qin, and J.S. Hartung, 2003.Presence of Xylella fastidiosa in sweet orange fruit and seeds and its transmission to seedlings. Phytopathology 93:953-958.], and now report the development of both standard and quantitative PCR assays for M. mesophilicum. The assays are specific for M. mesophilicum and do not amplify DNA from other species of Methylobacterium or other bacteria commonly associated with citrus or plant tissue. Other bacteria tested included Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens, Pantoea agglomerans, Enterobacter cloacae, Bacillus sp., X. fastidiosa, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. We have demonstrated that with these methods we can quantitatively monitor the colonization of xylem by M. mesophilicum during the course of disease development in plants artificially inoculated with both bacteria.  相似文献   

AIMS: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors. METHODS AND RESULTS: Chelex 100 resin matrix was successfully standardized allowing a fast DNA extraction of X. fastidiosa. An amplicon of 500 bp was observed in samples of citrus leaf and citrus xylem extract, with and without symptoms of citrus variegated chlorosis, using PCR with a specific primer set indicating the presence of X. fastidiosa. The addition of insoluble acid-washed polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVPP) prior to DNA extraction of insect samples using Chelex 100 resin together with nested-PCR permitted the detection of X. fastidiosa within sharpshooter heads with great sensitivity. It was possible to detect up to two bacteria per reaction. From 250 sharpshooter samples comprising four species (Dilobopterus costalimai, Oncometopia facialis, Bucephalogonia xanthopis and Acrogonia sp.), 87 individuals showed positive results for X. fastidiosa in a nested-PCR assay. CONCLUSIONS: The use of Chelex 100 resin allowed a fast and efficient DNA extraction to be used in the detection of X. fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors by PCR and nested-PCR assays, respectively. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The employment of efficient and sensitive methods to detect X. fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors will greatly assist epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

For the first time, growth curves are shown for the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa on traditional growth media such as PW (periwinkle wilt), BCYE (buffered charcoal yeast extract), and on new ones such as GYE (glutamate yeast extract) and PYE (phosphate yeast extract) that were developed in this work. The optimal growth conditions on solid and liquid media as well as their measurements are presented, by using total protein content and turbidity determinations. The results demonstrated that yeast extract provided sufficient nutrients for X. fastidiosa, since the cells grew well on PYE medium.  相似文献   

A cosmid library was made of the 2.7 Mb genome of the Gram-negative plant pathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa and analysed by hybridisation mapping. Clones taken from the library as well as genomic restriction fragments of rarely cutting enzymes were used as probes. The latter served as a backbone for ordering the initial map contigs and thus facilitated gap closure. Also, the co-linearity of the cosmid map, and thus the eventual sequence, could be confirmed by this process. A subset of the eventual clone coverage was distributed to the Brazilian X.fastidiosa sequencing network. Data from this effort confirmed more quantitatively initial results from the hybridisation mapping that the redundancy of clone coverage ranged between 0 and 45-fold across the genome, while the average was 15-fold by experimental design. Reasons for this not unexpected fluctuation and the actual gaps are being discussed, as is the use of this effect for functional studies.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate endophytic bacteria and Xylella fastidiosa and also to evaluate whether the bacterial endophyte community contributes to citrus-variegated chlorosis (CVC) status in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck cv. Pera). METHODS AND RESULTS: The presence of Xylella fastidiosa and the population diversity of culturable endophytic bacteria in the leaves and branches of healthy, CVC-asymptomatic and CVC-symptomatic sweet orange plants and in tangerine (Citrus reticulata cv. Blanco) plants were assessed, and the in vitro interaction between endophytic bacteria and X. fastidiosa was investigated. There were significant differences in endophyte incidence between leaves and branches, and among healthy, CVC-asymptomatic and CVC-symptomatic plants. Bacteria identified as belonging to the genus Methylobacterium were isolated only from branches, mainly from those sampled from healthy and diseased plants, from which were also isolated X. fastidiosa. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro interaction experiments indicated that the growth of X. fastidiosa was stimulated by endophytic Methylobacterium extorquens and inhibited by endophytic Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work provides the first evidence of an interaction between citrus endophytic bacteria and X. fastidiosa and suggests a promising approach that can be used to better understand CVC disease.  相似文献   

The Xylella fastidiosa is a bacterium that is the cause of citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC). The shikimate pathway is of pivotal importance for production of a plethora of aromatic compounds in plants, bacteria, and fungi. Putative structural differences in the enzymes from the shikimate pathway, between the proteins of bacterial origin and those of plants, could be used for the development of a drug for the control of CVC. However, inhibitors for shikimate pathway enzymes should have high specificity for X. fastidiosa enzymes, since they are also present in plants. In order to pave the way for structural and functional efforts towards antimicrobial agent development, here we describe the molecular modeling of seven enzymes of the shikimate pathway of X. fastidiosa. The structural models of shikimate pathway enzymes, complexed with inhibitors, strongly indicate that the previously identified inhibitors may also inhibit the X. fastidiosa enzymes.  相似文献   

The source of infection has always been considered as an important factor in epidemiology and mostly linked to environmental source such as surface water, soil, plants and also animals. The activity of the opportunistic pathogens associated with plant root, their adaptation and survival under hostile environmental condition is poorly understood. In this study the salt tolerance ability of Methylobacterium mesophilicum and its colonization in the root and shoot of plants under severe drought and salt stress conditions were investigated. The colonization of plant by M. mesophilicum was investigated in a gnotobiotic sand system, and their survival in pots with saline soil. Bacterial strain was found to colonize rhizosphere of cucumber, tomato and paprika grown under normal and salt stress condition and reached up to 6.4 × 104 and 2.6 × 104 CFU/g root. The strain was resistant to Gentamicin, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin plus Clavulanic acid, Cefotaxime, neomycin, penicillin and was also tolerant to salinity stress (up to 6% NaCl). These abilities play important roles in enabling persistent colonization of the plant surface by M. mesophilicum strains. In conclusion, this study provides background information on the behaviour of opportunistic pathogen M. mesophilicum on plants and their survival in harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is one of many forces contributing to the diversity, adaptation, and emergence of pathogens. For naturally competent bacteria, transformation is one possible route for the acquisition of novel genetic material. This study demonstrates that Xylella fastidiosa, a generalist bacterial plant pathogen responsible for many emerging plant diseases, is naturally competent and able to homologously recombine exogenous DNA into its genome. Several factors that affect transformation and recombination efficiencies, such as nutrient availability, growth stage, and methylation of transforming DNA, were identified. Recombination was observed in at least one out of every 10(6) cells when exogenous plasmid DNA was supplied and one out of every 10(7) cells when different strains were grown together in vitro. Based on previous genomic studies and experimental data presented here, there is mounting evidence that recombination can occur at relatively high rates and could play a large role in shaping the genetic diversity of X. fastidiosa.  相似文献   

The recent spread of the plant pathogenic bacterium Xylclla fastidiosa Wells et al. by an invasive vector species, Homalodisca coagulata Say, in southern California has resulted in new epidemics of Pierce's disease of grapevine. Our goal is to develop an efficient method to detect low titers of X. fastidiosa in H. coagulata that is amenable to large sample sizes for epidemiological studies. Detection of the plant pathogenic bacterium X. fastidiosa in its insect vector is complicated by low titers of bacteria, difficulty in releasing it from the insect mouthparts and foregut, and the presence of substances in the insect that inhibit polymerase chain reaction (PCr). To select the optimal protocol for DNA extraction to be used with PCR, we compared three standard methods and 11 commercially available kits for relative efficiency of X. fastidiosa DNA extraction in the presence of insect tissue. All of the protocols tested were proficient at extracting DNA from pure bacterial culture (1 x 10(5) cells), and all but one protocol successfully extracted sufficient bacterial DNA in the presence of insect tissue. Three DNA extraction techniques, immunomagnetic separation, the DNeasy Tissue kit (Qiagen, Hercules, CA), and Genomic DNA Purification kit (Fermentus, Hanover, MD), were compared more closely using a dilution series of X. fastidiosa (5000-0 cells) with and without insect tissue present. The DNeasy Tissue kit was the best kit tested, allowing detection of 5 x 10(3) X. fastidiosa cells with an insect head background.  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridization was used to rapidly identify 18 gene differences between a citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) strain and a Pierce's disease of grape (PD) strain of Xylella fastidiosa. The results were validated as being highly representative of actual differences by comparison of the completely sequenced genome of a CVC strain with that of a PD strain.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is the causal agent of Pierce's disease of grape, an economically significant disease for the grape industry. X. fastidiosa systemically colonizes the xylem elements of grapevines and is able to breach the pit pore membranes separating xylem vessels by unknown mechanisms. We hypothesized that X. fastidiosa utilizes cell wall degrading enzymes to break down pit membranes, based on the presence of genes involved in plant cell wall degradation in the X. fastidiosa genome. These genes include several beta-1,4 endoglucanases, several xylanases, several xylosidases, and one polygalacturonase (PG). In this study, we demonstrated that the pglA gene encodes a functional PG. A mutant in pglA lost pathogenicity and was compromised in its ability to systemically colonize Vitis vinifera grapevines. The results indicate that PG is required for X. fastidiosa to successfully infect grapevines and is a critical virulence factor for X. fastidiosa pathogenesis in grapevine.  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridization was used to rapidly identify 18 gene differences between a citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) strain and a Pierce's disease of grape (PD) strain of Xylella fastidiosa. The results were validated as being highly representative of actual differences by comparison of the completely sequenced genome of a CVC strain with that of a PD strain.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is a pathogenic bacterium that causes diseases in many crop species, which leads to considerable economic loss. Phenolic compounds (a group of secondary metabolites) are widely distributed in plants and have shown to possess antimicrobial properties. The anti-Xylella activity of 12 phenolic compounds, representing phenolic acid, coumarin, stilbene and flavonoid, was evaluated using an in vitro agar dilution assay. Overall, these phenolic compounds were effective in inhibiting X. fastidiosa growth, as indicated by low minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). In addition, phenolic compounds with different structural features exhibited different anti-Xylella capacities. Particularly, catechol, caffeic acid and resveratrol showed strong anti-Xylella activities. Differential response to phenolic compounds was observed among X. fastidiosa strains isolated from grape and almond. Elucidation of secondary metabolite-based host resistance to X. fastidiosa will have broad implication in combating X. fastidiosa-caused plant diseases. It will facilitate future production of plants with improved disease resistance properties through genetic engineering or traditional breeding approaches and will significantly improve crop yield.  相似文献   

Two chemically defined media based on xylem fluid chemistry were developed for Xylella fastidiosa. These media were tested and compared to chemically defined media XDM2, XDM4 and XF-26. New media were evaluated for the Pierce's disease (PD) strain UCLA-PD. Our media either was similar to the concentration of some amino acids found in the xylem fluid of the PD-susceptible Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay (medium CHARD2) or incorporated the tripeptide glutathione found in xylem fluid composition (medium 3G10-R). CHARD2 and 3G10-R are among the simplest chemically defined media available. Xylem fluid chemistry-based media supported X. fastidiosa growth and especially stimulated aggregation and biofilm formation.  相似文献   

The bacterium Xylella fastidiosa causes a number of plant diseases of significant economic impact. To date, progress determining mechanisms of host-plant susceptibility, tolerance, or resistance has been slow, due in large part to the long generation time and limited available genetic resources for grape, almond, and other known hosts of X. fastidiosa. To overcome many of these limitations, Arabidopsis thaliana has been evaluated as a host for X. fastidiosa. A pin-prick inoculation method has been developed to infect Arabidopsis with X. fastidiosa. Following infection, X. fastidiosa multiplies and can be detected by microscopy, polymerase chain reaction, and isolation. The ecotypes Van-0, LL-0, and Tsu-1 all allow more growth of strain X. fastidiosa Temecula than the reference ecotype Col-0. Affymetrix ATH1 microarray analysis of inoculated vs. noninoculated Tsu-1 reveals gene expression changes that differ greatly from changes seen after infection with apoplast-colonizing bacteria such as Psuedomonas syringae pvs. tomato or syringae. Many genes responsive to oxidative stress are differentially regulated, while classic pathogenesis-related genes are not induced by X. fastidiosa infection.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is a fastidious, xylem-limited bacterium that causes several economically important plant diseases, including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC). X. fastidiosa is the first plant pathogen to have its genome completely sequenced. In addition, it is probably the least previously studied of any organism for which the complete genome sequence is available. Several pathogenicity-related genes have been identified in the X. fastidiosa genome by similarity with other bacterial genes involved in pathogenesis in plants, as well as in animals. The X. fastidiosa genome encodes different classes of proteins directly or indirectly involved in cell-cell interactions, degradation of plant cell walls, iron homeostasis, anti-oxidant responses, synthesis of toxins, and regulation of pathogenicity. Neither genes encoding members of the type III protein secretion system nor avirulence-like genes have been identified in X. fastidiosa.  相似文献   

In this study, the production of siderophores by Xylella fastidiosa from the citrus bacteria isolate 31b9a5c (FAPESP – ONSA, Brazil) was investigated. The preliminary evidence supporting the existence of siderophore in X. fastidiosa was found during the evaluation of sequencing data generated in our lab using the BLAST-X tool, which indicated putative open reading frames (ORFs) associated with iron-binding proteins. In an iron-limited medium siderophores were detected in the supernatant of X. fastidiosa cultures. The endophytic bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens was also evaluated. Capillary electrophoresis was used to separate putative siderophores produced by X. fastidiosa. The bacterial culture supernatants of X. fastidiosa were identified negative for hydroxamate and catechol and positive for M. extorquens that secreted hydroxamate-type siderophores.  相似文献   

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