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Five of the stable low molecular weight RNA species in the HeLa cell nucleus have been localized in RNP complexes in the cell nucleus. The two abundant species C and D and the three minor species F, G′ and H are found in RNP particles following two different methods of preparation. Sonication of nuclei releases the five small RNAs and also the hnRNA in RNPs that sediment in a range from 10 to 150 S. Alternatively, incubation of intact nuclei at elevated temperature and pH releases four of the small RNAs and degraded hnRNA in more slowly sedimenting structures.When nuclear RNPs obtained by sonication are digested with RNAase in the presence of EDTA, the hnRNA is degraded and the hnRNPs sediment at 30 S. The structures containing the small RNA species D are similarly shifted to 30 S particles by RNAase and EDTA but not by either agent alone. In contrast, the sedimentation of complexes containing species G′ and H are not altered by exposure to RNAase/EDTA and small RNA species C and F are unstable under these conditions.In isopycnic metrizamide/2H2O gradients species D and hnRNA accumulate at a density characteristic of RNP particles. They have a similar but not identical distribution.Species D is released from large RNPs by salt concentrations of 0.1 m-NaCl or greater, while the hnRNA remains in large RNP particles. In contrast, the structures containing species G′ and H are stable in 0.3 m-NaCl. All five of the small nuclear RNA species and the hnRNAs are released from rapidly sedimenting complexes by the ionic detergent sodium deoxycholate.It is suggested that the low molecular weight RNA species play a structural role in RNP particles in the cell nucleus and that a subpopulation of species D may be associated with the particles that package the hnRNA.  相似文献   

The structural organisation of nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles carrying the HnRNA has been investigated. Experiments are presented which indicate the existence in the RNP particles of two different RNA species: (1) the rapidly labelled HnRNA and (2) stable, low molecular weight RNA, probably located in the interior of the protein moiety, which may serve a structural role for the arrangement of the proteins within the RNP particle.  相似文献   

hnRNP are made of two classes of unit, monoparticles and heterogeneous complexes. The monoparticles are much more easily dissociated by salt than the heterogeneous complexes. We made use of this differential salt sensitivity to determine the localization of snRNA in hnRNP.
  • 1.1, About 50% of the snRNA were released by NaCl under the conditions of dissociation of monoparticles. U1 RNA which was enriched in monoparticles was preferentially released.
  • 2.2, When the proteins resistant to salt dissociation were digested with proteinase K, an additional small proportion of snRNA was released, in particular a species designated as 5 Sa RNA. Therefore, 5 Sa RNA seems to be preferentially associated with the proteins of heterogeneous complexes.
  • 3.3, 40% of the snRNA remained associated with the hnRNA in the absence of any detectable protein. U1 and U2 RNA were the major RNAs in this fraction. The same RNA pattern was obtained for phenol-extracted RNA.
The results indicate that all snRNA species are associated with the proteins of monoparticles, with those of heterogeneous complexes and with hnRNA. The existence of these pools of snRNA may reflect different functional states.  相似文献   

Viral RNA was shown to be bound with informofers inside the nuclei of human cells infected by adenovirus, by immunological techniques.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies to ribonucleoprotein particles containing U2 small nuclear RNA.   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
Autoantibodies exclusively precipitating U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) particles [anti-(U1,U2)RNP] were detected in sera from four patients with autoimmune disorders. When tested by immunoblotting, these sera recognized up to four different protein antigens in purified mixtures of U1-U6 RNP particles. With purified antibody fractions eluted from individual antigen bands on nitrocellulose blots, each anti-(U1,U2)RNP serum precipitated U2 RNP by virtue of the recognition of a U2 RNP-specific B" antigen (mol. wt. 28 500). Antibodies to the U2 RNP-specific A' protein (mol. wt. 31 000) were found in only one serum. The B" antigen differs slightly in mol. wt. from the U1-U6 RNA-associated B/B' antigens and can be separated from this doublet by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, due to its more acidic pI. In immunoprecipitation assays, the purified anti-B" antibody specificity also reacts with U1 RNPs which is due to cross-reactivity of the antibody with the U1 RNA-specific A protein, as demonstrated by immunoblotting using proteins from isolated U1 RNPs as antigenic material. Thus the A antigen not only bears unique antigenic sites for anti-A antibodies contained in anti-(U1)RNP sera, it also shares epitopes with the U2 RNP-specific B" antigen.  相似文献   

Stabilization of heterogeneous nuclear RNA by intercalating drugs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effect of the intercalating drugs proflavine, ethidium and daunomycin on the rate of degradation of 14C-labeled heterogeneous nuclear RNA (HnRNA) in KB cells was studied. All three drugs decreased the rate of degradation of 14C-HnRNA to acid soluble products. The most striking effect was produced by proflavine which promptly and completely stabilized 14C-HnRNA against degradation. Ethidium also produced complete stabilization after a delay of 30 to 60 min. Daunomycin decreased the rate of 14C-HnRNA degradation but did not alter the fraction of 14C-HnRNA which was ultimately degraded. The results are consistent with the view that base-paired sequences are present in HnRNA in vivo and play a role in the processing of HnRNA.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis of proteins from nuclear particles containing DNA-like RNA gave a pattern with 45 bands. The possibility that some of these proteins arose by contamination with ribosomes, chromatin, or soluble nuclear proteins was examined and eliminated. The fate of the proteins of the particles was studied after partial dissociation with 0.25 and 0.70 M NaCl. The individual proteins were released progressively and in different quantities. A group of easily released species (75 and 95% removed with 0.25 and 0.70 M NaCl) was demonstrated. This group contained 8 species between 29,000 and 39,000 daltons which represented approximately one-half of the total number of molecules. It is suggested that they are bound to repetitive sequences of the RNA. At least 30 and 60% of the other proteins were released at 0.25 and 0.70 M NaCl, respectively. There were no specific proteins tightly bound to the RNA, unless the nature of the remaining species is different from that of the released ones of the same molecular weight. The phosphorylated proteins were more tightly bound to the RNA than the nonphosphorylated species of similar molecular weight. In several instances, the 32-P radioactivity was associated with quantitatively minor bands of proteins.  相似文献   

Proteins associated with heterogeneous nuclear RNA in eukaryotic cells   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
When HeLa cell nuclei axe mechanically disrupted in either hypotonic or isotonic buffers, heterogeneous nuclear RNA is recovered from the post-nucleolar fraction in the form of EDTA-resistant ribonucleoprotein particles, which sediment between 40 S and 250 S in sucrose gradients containing 0.01 m or 0.15 m-NaCl. That the RNA in these particles is HnRNA2 is indicated by its heterodisperse sedimentation (20 to 80 S) and its continued synthesis in concentrations of actinomycin D that selectively inhibit the synthesis of ribosomal RNA. The specificity of the HnRNA-protein complexes is evidenced by the failure of deliberate attempts to generate artificial RNP by the addition of deproteinized HnRNA to intact or disrupted nuclei at low ionic strength.The proteins bound to HnRNA are complex. In HeLa cells, HnRNP particles contain proteins with molecular weights from 39,000 to approximately 180,000 (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and isoelectric points between 4.9 and 8.3 (analytical isoelectric focusing). They are readily distinguishable from proteins in other cell fractions, including those in chromatin.Exposure of HeLa HnRNP particles to 0.5 m-NaCl reduces their average sedimentation velocity by approximately 30%. CsCl density-gradient analysis reveals that this is accompanied by the loss of a major portion of the proteins. However, a significant fraction of the HnRNP (25 to 30%) is resistant to high salt concentrations and continues to band at the same density as native HnRNP (1.43 g/cm3). This is true even after prolonged exposure (24 h) to high salt. The salt-resistant HnRNP is enriched for proteins above 60,000 molecular weight. In at least these two respects, this sub-class of HnRNP resembles “messenger RNP” prepared from cytoplasmic polyribosomes, which is also salt-stable and contains relatively high molecular weight proteins.HnRNP particles can also be recovered from HeLa cell nuclei lysed in high salt but these contain many extra proteins, notably histones, and sediment much faster in sucrose gradients than particles prepared as above. HnRNP is not liberated by extracting HeLa nuclei in 0.14 m-NaCl, pH 8.0 (Samarina et al., 1967) unless the temperature is 20 °C or higher. In this case the particles are converted to 45 S structures, which contain partially degraded HnRNA. 45 S particles can also be produced by subjecting 40 to 250 S HnRNP to a very limited digestion with pancreatic ribonuclease (1 to 2 hits/molecule).HnRNP particles have similar sedimentation velocities (40 to 300 S) when isolated under physiological ionic conditions from a variety of mammalian cells, including WI38 human diploid fibroblasts, mouse L-cells, monkey kidney cells and rat liver. However, electrophoresis reveals a distinct pattern of HnRNP proteins for each cell type. It is proposed that this cell-specificity reflects a situation in which HnRNA molecules that differ in nucleotide sequence are complexed with different sets of proteins, so that the resulting HnRNP particles are biochemically distinct at each genetic locus. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to the cytology of lampbrush and polytene chromosomes.  相似文献   

Structure of late adenovirus 2 heterogeneous nuclear RNA.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Rapidly sedimenting hnRNA complexes contain regions of stable intermolecular duplex. Disruption of such complexes, as judged by a reduction in sedimentation rate, requires conditions sufficient to denature the duplex regions. Rapidly sedimenting molecules reappear only when the complementary sequences reanneal — that is, the formation of such complexes is dependent upon time and the concentration of homologous RNA. These experiments lead us to the conclusion that rapidly sedimenting hnRNA complexes consist of two or more largely single-stranded RNA molecules held together by short duplex regions. Precisely such structures have been visualized in the electron microscope. Rapidly sedimenting fractions of native nuclear RNA from preparative sucrose gradients consist primarily of large, multi-molecular complexes interconnected by duplex regions averaging 300 base pairs in length. Exposure of the RNA to severely denaturing conditions eliminates such complexes. Reannealing of the RNA reconstitutes complexes which are indistinguishable from those observed in preparations before denaturation.  相似文献   

After infection of HeLa cells with adenovirus type 2, virus-specific heterogeneous nuclear RNA is quantitatively associated with a higher ordered structure, the nuclear matrix. Analysis of this matrix-associated RNA by S1 nuclease mapping showed that precursors as well as processed messenger RNAs from the late region L4 were present. By irradiation of intact cells with ultraviolet light, proteins tightly associated with heterogeneous nuclear RNA can be induced to cross-link with the RNA. Characterization of the cross-linked RNA-protein complexes showed that all viral polyadenylated RNAs (precursors, products and processing intermediates) could be cross-linked to two host proteins, earlier found to be involved in the association of host-specific heterogeneous nuclear RNA to the nuclear matrix (van Eekelen &; van Venrooij, 1981). Our results thus further support the concept that the nuclear matrix may function in the localization and the structural organization of (viral) heterogeneous nuclear RNA during its processing.  相似文献   

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