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A molecular clone of the simian immunodeficiency virus SIVSMM isolate PBj14, lacking the ATG initiation codon for Rev protein (PBj-1.5), did not produce virus or large unspliced or singly spliced viral RNA upon transfection of HeLa cells. Low but significant levels of virus and large viral RNA production were observed upon transfection of PBj-1.5 into HeLa Rev cells expressing the rev gene of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Furthermore, abundant virus and large viral RNA production occurred upon transfection of PBj-1.5 into HeLa Rex cells expressing the rex gene of human T-cell leukemia virus type I. Virus produced from HeLa Rex and HeLa Rev transfections was infectious, produced large amounts of virus, and was cytopathic for Rex-producing MT-4 cells. In contrast, no or only low levels of virus production were observed upon infection of H9 cells. These studies show that a defective SIV rev gene can be transcomplemented with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Rev and with high efficiency by human T-cell leukemia virus type I Rex, and they suggest that rev-defective viruses could serve as a source for production of a live attenuated SIV vaccine.  相似文献   

Two chimeric mutant genes derived from rev of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and rex of human T-cell leukemia virus type I were constructed to investigate the functions of the nucleolar-targeting signals (NOS) in Rev and Rex proteins. A chimeric Rex protein whose NOS region was substituted with the NOS of Rev was located predominantly in the cell nucleolus and functioned like the wild-type protein in the Rex assay system. However, a chimeric Rev with the NOS of Rex abolished Rev function despite its nucleolar localization. This nonfunctional nucleolar-targeting chimeric protein inhibited the function of both Rex and Rev. In the same experimental conditions, this mutant interfered with the localization of the functional Rex in the nucleolus.  相似文献   

P L Green  M T Yip  Y Xie    I S Chen 《Journal of virology》1992,66(7):4325-4330
The Rex protein of human T-cell leukemia virus types I (HTLV-I) and II (HTLV-II) regulates the expression of the viral structural genes and is critical for viral replication. Rex acts by specifically binding to RNAs containing sequences of the R region of the 5' long terminal repeat. Two forms of Rex detected in HTLV-II-infected cells, p26rex and p24rex, differ in the extent of serine phosphorylation. Two-dimensional phosphopeptide analysis indicates that p26rex is extensively phosphorylated at multiple sites. Using a sensitive immunobinding assay, we show that the phosphorylation state of Rex determines the efficiency of binding of Rex to HTLV-II target RNAs. Thus, the phosphorylation state of Rex in the infected cell may be a switch that determines whether virus exists in a latent or productive state. These studies also suggest that phosphorylation of RNA-binding regulatory proteins is a more general mechanism of gene regulation.  相似文献   

H P Bogerd  L S Tiley    B R Cullen 《Journal of virology》1992,66(12):7572-7575
Expression of the structural proteins of human T-cell leukemia virus type I is dependent upon the interaction of the viral Rex trans activator with its highly structured cis-acting RNA target sequence, the 254-nucleotide Rex-response element. Nucleotides critical for Rex binding in vitro have been mapped by modification interference analysis to a discrete 12-nucleotide RNA sequence that is predicted to form a stem-bulge-stem structure. This minimal RNA binding site was sufficient to mediate specific Rex binding in vitro when analyzed in the context of a short RNA probe. The critical importance of this short RNA sequence in mediating Rex function in vivo is supported by its complete conservation among all primate T-cell leukemia virus isolates.  相似文献   

The viral transactivator proteins Rex and Rev are necessary for the expression of structural proteins of human T-cell leukemia virus type I and human immunodeficiency virus type 1, respectively. Although the interaction of Rex/Rev with a cellular cofactor(s) has been thought to be required for Rex/Rev action, there is no suitable system to search for the cofactor(s) in mammalian cells. We found that a Rex mutant, TAgRex, which contains a simian virus 40 nuclear localization signal in place of the N-terminal 19 amino acids of Rex, could dominantly inhibit wild-type Rex/Rev functions. The inhibition did not require either Rev response element/Rex response element binding or the oligomerization ability of the mutant, but it did require a region around amino acid 90 of the Rex protein, suggesting that TAgRex sequestered the cellular cofactor. Complementation with the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) in this system could restore the impaired Rex function. These results indicate that eIF-5A is the cofactor indispensable for Rex function. Additionally, by using a two-hybrid system, the homo-oligomer formation of Rex was found to be mediated by the region around amino acid 90 in addition to Tyr-64 and Trp-65 of Rex protein. Thus, eIF-5A may play a part in the formation of the Rex homo-oligomer.  相似文献   

D McDonald  T J Hope    T G Parslow 《Journal of virology》1992,66(12):7232-7238
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Rev and human T-cell leukemia virus type I Rex proteins induce cytoplasmic expression of incompletely spliced viral mRNAs by binding to these mRNAs in the nucleus. Each protein binds a specific cis-acting element in its target RNAs. Both proteins also associated with nucleoli, but the significance of this association is uncertain because mutations that inactivate nucleolar localization signals in Rev or Rex also prevent RNA binding. Here we demonstrate that Rev and Rex can function when tethered to a heterologous RNA binding site by a bacteriophage protein. Under these conditions, cytoplasmic accumulation of unspliced RNA occurs without the viral response elements, mutations in the RNA binding domain of Rev do not inhibit function, and nucleolar localization can be shown to be unnecessary for the biological response.  相似文献   

The human T-cell leukemia virus type I rex gene product plays a critical role in the expression of the retroviral structural proteins Gag and Env from incompletely spliced mRNAs. Rex protein acts through a cis element (rex-response element [RxRE]) which is located in the U3/R region of the 3' long terminal repeat and is present on all human T-cell leukemia virus type I-specific mRNAs. Two domains of the predicted secondary structure of the RxRE are crucially important for Rex action in vivo as measured by two assay systems. In vitro studies using highly purified recombinant Rex protein revealed a specific and direct interaction with radiolabeled RxRE sequences. The correlation between our in vivo results and the direct binding of Rex protein to mutant and wild-type RxRE sequences supports both the existence of the predicted secondary structure and the importance of this direct interaction with the cis-acting RNA sequence for Rex function in vivo.  相似文献   

P L Green  Y M Xie    I S Chen 《Journal of virology》1991,65(1):546-550
The Rex proteins of human T-cell leukemia virus types I and II (HTLV-I and HTLV-II) induce cytoplasmic expression of unspliced gag-pol mRNA and singly spliced env mRNA and are critical for virus replication. Two rex gene products, p27rex and p21rex of HTLV-I and p26rex and p24rex of HTLV-II, have been detected in HTLV-infected cells; however, the structural and biological relationship of the proteins has not been clearly elucidated. Endoproteinase digestion and phosphoamino acid analysis of HTLV-II Rex indicated that p24rex has the same amino acid backbone as p26rex and that the larger apparent molecular size of p26rex is attributable to serine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

T Kuga  S Hattori  M Yoshida  T Taniguchi 《Gene》1986,44(2-3):337-340
The entire envelope gene of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) was inserted into an expression vector and expressed under the control of the repressible acid phosphatase promoter in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The product in yeast cells was glycosylated into heterodisperse proteins.  相似文献   

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