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Summary The use of cholinesterase (CHE) inhibitors provided valuable information about the mechanism(s) of neuromuscular transmission, but questions on side effects at the level of AChactivated channels were raised. Patch-clamp recording was used to study the effects of prostigmine (PST) and methanesulfonyl fluoride (MSF), a reversible and an irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor, respectively, on ACh-activated channels. We found that these drugs diminish the average dwell time of elementary currents from around 5 msec (control) to less than 1 msec in the presence of PST (20 m) or MSF (5 mm) (at room temperature). With MSF the ACh-activated channel conductance of the most frequently observed amplitude class decreased from 45 pS (control) to 30 pS, but not in the presence of PST. In control conditions there were also amplitude classes of 60 and 24 pS, with probabilities of occurrence <10%. In the presence of 1.5 mm MSF, where current dwell time was not affected, additional subconductance states of 19 and 36 pS were observed and may be due to partial blockade of the open channel. We conclude that the drug of choice to be used in studies on the role of CHE in the neuromuscular transmission is MSF, because at 20 m PST, where blockade of ACh-activated channels is significant, cholinesterase was reported to be partially inhibited, whereas at 1 mm MSF it is fully inhibited and the dwell time of ACh-activated channels is not affected.This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Slovenia. M.S. would like to acknowledge the Italian Board of Education (M.P.I.) for support. The analog-to-digital converter (CED 1401) was kindly donated by The Wellcome Trust.  相似文献   

We previously suggested that insulin increases diacylglycerol (DAG) in BC3H-1 myocytes, both by increases in synthesis de novo of phosphatidic acid (PA) and by hydrolysis of non-inositol-containing phospholipids, such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). We have now evaluated these insulin effects more thoroughly, and several potential mechanisms for their induction. In studies of the effect on PA synthesis de novo, insulin stimulated [2-3H]glycerol incorporation into PA, DAG, PC/PE and total glycerolipids of BC3H-1 myocytes, regardless of whether insulin was added simultaneously with, or after 2 h or 3 or 10 days of prelabelling with, [2-3H]glycerol. In prelabelled cells, time-related changes in [2-3H]glycerol labelling of DAG correlated well with increases in DAG content: both were maximal in 30-60 s and persisted for 20-30 min. [2-3H]Glycerol labelling of glycerol 3-phosphate, on the other hand, was decreased by insulin, presumably reflecting increased utilization for PA synthesis. Glycerol 3-phosphate concentrations were 0.36 and 0.38 mM before and 1 min after insulin treatment, and insulin effects could not be explained by increases in glycerol 3-phosphate specific radioactivity. In addition to that of [2-3H]glycerol, insulin increased [U-14C]glucose and [1,2,3-3H]glycerol incorporation into DAG and other glycerolipids. Effects of insulin on [2-3H]glycerol incorporation into DAG and other glycerolipids were half-maximal and maximal at 2 nM- and 20 nM-insulin respectively, and were not dependent on glucose concentration in the medium, extracellular Ca2+ or protein synthesis. Despite good correlation between [3H]DAG and DAG content, calculated increases in DAG content from glycerol 3-phosphate specific radioactivity (i.e. via the pathway of PA synthesis de novo) could account for only 15-30% of the observed increases in DAG content. In addition to increases in [3H]glycerol labelling of PC/PE, insulin rapidly (within 30 s) increased PC/PE labelling by [3H]arachidonic acid, [3H]myristic acid, and [14C]choline. Phenylephrine, ionophore A23187 and phorbol esters did not increase [2-3H]glycerol incorporation into DAG or other glycerolipids in 2-h-prelabelling experiments; thus activation of the phospholipase C which hydrolyses phosphatidylinositol, its mono- and bis-phosphate, Ca2+ mobilization, and protein kinase C activation, appear to be ruled out as mechanisms to explain the insulin effect on synthesis de novo of PA, DAG and PC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Regulation of Ca2+-dependent glycogen phosphorylase activity by alpha 1-adrenergic and H1-histamine receptors has been examined in BC3H-1 muscle cells. Stimulation by either norepinephrine or histamine elevates the phosphorylase activity ratio within 5 s from a resting value of 0.37 +/- 0.03 to maximal values of 0.8-0.9. Phosphorylase activation by alpha-adrenergic agonists is sustained over 20-30 min of agonist exposure, whereas histamine exposure only transiently activates phosphorylase during the initial 5 min of stimulation. The initial activation of phosphorylase by either receptor is not attenuated by treated cells with Ca2+-deficient and [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid-supplemented buffer, whereas the response to sustained adrenergic stimulation depends largely, but not totally, upon extracellular Ca2+. The involvement of protein kinase C in agonist responses was tested by treating cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibits receptor-mediated mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ (IC50 = 3.6 nM) yet activates phosphorylase independently of agonist. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate has no effect on cellular 45Ca2+ fluxes in the absence of agonist. Thus, the two receptors coordinately regulate intracellular signaling through Ca2+- and protein kinase C-mediated pathways. alpha 1-Adrenergic receptors elicit sustained phosphorylase activation whereas H1-histaminergic receptors desensitize.  相似文献   

The selectivity of acetylcholine (A-Ch)-activated channels for alkali cations, organic cations, and nonelectrolytes in cultured muscle cells has been studied. To test the effect of size, charge, and hydrogen- binding capacity of permeant molecules on their permeability, we have obtained the selectivity sequences of alkali cations, compared the permeability of pairs of permeant molecules with similar size and shape but differing in charge, and studied the permeability of amines of different hydrogen bonding capacity. ACh-activated channels transport alkali cations of small hydration radii and high mobility. The molecules with positive charge and (or) a hydrogen-bond donating moiety are more permeable than the ones without. On the other hand, several nonelectrolytes, i.e., ethylene glycol, formamide, and urea, do have a small, but measurable, permeability through the channels. These results are consistent with a model that ACh-activated channel is a water- filled pore containing dipoles or hydrogen bond accepting groups and a negative charged site with a pK of 4.8.  相似文献   

To examine whether glucose has regulatory effects on the expression of Gi-proteins, BC3H-1 myocytes were incubated for 24 hr in the presence of various concentrations of glucose (0-25 mM) and the amount of Gi-proteins was detected by pertussis toxin ADP-ribosylation and immunoblot analysis. Both detection methods showed a progressive decrease in the amount of Gi proteins in cells treated with increasing concentrations of glucose. A maximal reduction of 40% was observed after a 24 hr exposure to 25 mM glucose. The reduction in Gi-proteins correlated with a decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose transport.  相似文献   

We studied binding and growth inhibitory properties of different glycosaminoglycans in growing and differentiated BC3H-1 muscle cells. Heparin (10 micrograms/ml) and heparan sulfate (10 micrograms/ml) significantly inhibited DNA synthesis in growing and differentiated cells, as monitored by [3H]thymidine incorporation. Binding of heparin to BC3H-1 cells was specific and time-dependent. Heparan sulfate was the only glycosaminoglycan able to displace [3H]heparin (IC50, 3.2 x 10(-7) M), although it was 10-fold less effective than heparin itself (IC50, 3.6 x 10(-8) M). Scatchard analysis revealed the existence of high-affinity heparin binding sites (Kd, 5 x 10(-8) M). Furthermore, heparin inhibited serum-induced stimulation of inositol lipid turnover. Taken together, these results indicate that heparin inhibits BC3H-1 cell growth by interacting with the cell surface, possibly disrupting the flow of growth factor-related mitogenic signalling.  相似文献   

The acetylcholine-(ACh-)activated channels of chick myotubes were studied by the patch-clamp method. Single-channel amplitudes were measured over a wide range of potentials in solutions of cesium, arginine, and three small amines. Symmetrical, isotonic cesium solutions gave a linear I-V relationship with the single-channel conductance, gamma, of 42 pS at 11 degrees C. Dilutions of cesium by mannitol shifted the reversal potential 23.9 mV per e-fold change in internal cesium concentration. Selectivity, as defined by reversal potential criteria, depended on the molecular size of the permeant cation. The Q10 of gamma for the symmetrical isotonic cesium solutions as well as internal isotonic methylamine was 1.3-1.4. These properties are qualitatively similar to those seen at the ACh-activated channel of the frog neuromuscular junction. Partially substituting arginine for internal cesium depressed outward currents. 80 mM arginine acted equally well from the inside or the outside, as if arginine transiently blocks the ACh-activated channel in a current dependent way. Diluting internal cesium almost 10-fold, from 320 to 40 mM, increased the permeability of the channel calculated from Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equations by almost threefold. Thus, cesium itself appears to block with a dissociation constant of 135 mM. Methylamine blocked the channel approximately as well as did cesium. Ammonia and ethylamine blocked the channel somewhat more than cesium. We conclude that (a) the channel is qualitatively similar to that of frog neuromuscular junction, (b) cations bind within the channel, and (c) arginine decreases channel conductance equally whether applied from the inside or the outside.  相似文献   

The magnesium buffer coefficient (B Mg) was calculated for BC3H-1 cells from the rise in cytosolic Mg2+ activity observed when magnesium was released from ATP after iodoacetate (IAA) and NaCN treatment. The basal cytosolic Mg2+ activity (0.54±0.1 mM) measured with mag-fura-2 doubled when 4.54 mM magnesium was liberated from ATP:B Mg was 12.9 indicating that a 1 mM increase in Mg2+ activity requires an addition of about 13 mM magnesium. The accuracy of this value depends on these assumptions: (a) all of the magnesium released from ATP stayed in the cells; (b) the rise in Mg2+ was not secondary to pH-induced changes inB Mg; (c) mag-fura-2 measured Mg2+ and not Ca2+; and (d) the accuracy of the mag-fura-2 calibration. Total magnesium did not change in response to IAA/CN treatment, thus the change in Mg2+ activity reflected a redistribution of cell magnesium. pH changes induced by NH4Cl pulse and removal had little effect on Mg2+ activity and the changes were slower than and opposite to pH-induced changes in Ca2+ activity measured by fura-2. Ca2+ responses were temporally uncopled from Mg2+ responses when the cells were treated with IAA only and in no cases did Ca2+ levels rise above 1 M, showing that the mag-fura-2 is responding to Mg2+. Additional studies demonstrated that 90% of the mag-fura-2 signal was cytosolic in origin. The remaining non-diffusible mag-fura-2 either was bound to cytosolic membranes or sequestered in organelles with the fluorescence characteristics of the Mg2+-complexed form, even when cytosolic free Mg2+ activity was approximately 0.5 mM. This bound mag-fura-2 would appear to increase the Kd and thus clearly limits the accuracy of our estimmate forB Mg. Despite this limitation, we demonstrate that Mg2+ is tightly regulated in face of large changes in extracellular Mg2+, and that the interplay observed between pH, Ca2+ and Mg2+ activities strongly supports the hypothesis that these factors interact through a shared buffer capacity of the cell.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that insulin stimulates glycerolipid synthesis and phospholipid hydrolysis in BC3H-1 myocytes, resulting in the generation of membrane diacylglycerol, a known cellular mediator. This led us to the original proposal that diacylglycerol may contribute to the mediation of insulin action, especially stimulation of glucose transport. The fact that agents such as phenylephrine and phorbol esters, which increase or act as membrane diacylglycerols, are fully active in stimulating glucose transport in this tissue lent further support to this proposal. In this paper, we demonstrate that the diacylglycerol analogues PMA (4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) and mezerein (both possessing 12 beta- and 13 alpha-O-linked substituents as well as a 4 beta-hydroxyl group) each increase the Vmax of the glucose transporter as does insulin. Diacylglycerol generated by the addition of phospholipase C also stimulates glucose uptake to a maximum which is equal and nonadditive to that of insulin, while addition of the narrowly active phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C which generates the putative phosphoinositol-glycan mediator of Saltiel et al. (Saltiel, A., Fox, J., She Lin, P., and Cutrecasas, P. (1986) Science 233, 967-972) stimulates pyruvate dehydrogenase in these cells without any effect on glucose uptake. Pretreatment of the myocytes with PMA resulted in desensitization of subsequent glucose uptake to stimulation by phenylephrine, but had no effect on stimulation of glucose uptake by phospholipase C or by insulin, indicating that PMA pretreatment primarily desensitizes agonist-induced polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis which, as we have previously shown, is not involved in the insulin-induced generation of diacylglycerol. This was confirmed by the absence of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization during insulin administration, as measured by the sensitive fluorescent probe fura-2 in attached monolayer BC3H-1 myocytes. Furthermore, we have shown that insulin-generated diacylglycerol satisfies several criteria for a mediator of insulin action, including the demonstration that insulin-stimulated endogenous diacylglycerol generation is antecedent to glucose transport and has an identical insulin dose-response curve and moreover that the magnitude and time course of subsequent stimulation of glucose transport is reproduced by the addition of the simple exogenous diacylglyerol, dioctanoylglycerol, in the complete absence of the hormone. These results establish a central role for insulin-induced glycerolipid metabolism in mediating insulin-stimulated glucose transport in BC3H-1 myocytes.  相似文献   

Insulin was found to provoke simultaneous, rapid, biphasic increases in [3H]choline-labeling of phosphatidylcholine and phosphocholine in BC3H-1 myocytes. Phorbol esters increased [3H]choline-labeling of phosphocholine, but not phosphatidylcholine. Both agonists increased diacylglycerol production. These results suggest that: (a) insulin provokes coordinated increases in the synthesis and hydrolysis of PC; and, (b) insulin-induced activation of protein kinase C may activate a PC-specific phospholipase.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on chronically denervated frog sartorius muscles to determine the permeability of the acetylcholine-activated channels to organic cations. The membrane voltage response to bath-applied acetylcholine was measured with the moving electrode when the muscles were bathed in normal Ringer and in Ringer in which all of the Na+ had been replaced with an organic cation. The magnitude of the maximum voltage response was used to estimate the permeability of the channel to the organic cation. These results were compared with those which have been reported for innervated frog sartorius muscles (Maeno, Edwards, and Anraku, 1977). It is concluded that the permeability to a wide range of organic cations is virtually identical for the extrajunctional channels which develop following denervation and the channels which are localized at the junctional region of innervated muscles.  相似文献   

Myristic acid utilization and processing in BC3H1 muscle cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because myristic acid (14:0) is important in regulating cell function, we have studied its utilization in BC3H1 muscle cells. Phosphatidylcholine contained 70-80% of the [9,10-3H]14:0 radioactivity incorporated into the cell phospholipids. In both myoblasts and myocytes, however, large amounts of radioactivity also accumulated in a labile neutral lipid pool consisting mostly of triacylglycerol. Therefore, radioactive lipid products formed when BC3H1 cells labeled with 14:0 are stimulated are not necessarily derived only from phosphatidylcholine. Elongation of [9,10-3H]14:0 occurred rapidly in the myoblasts and myocytes, and extensive desaturation also occurred in the myoblasts. Thus, even after short periods of labeling, substantial amounts of radioactivity are contained in fatty acids other than 14:0. The labeling of proteins with [9,10-3H]myristic acid was generally similar in the myoblasts and myocytes. A number of lipid-soluble, polar radioactive metabolites were released into the medium during incubation of [9,10-3H]14:0 with the cells. [1-14C] 14:0 was not converted to these compounds, indicating that they are chain-shortened 14:0 derivatives. Based on chemical analysis, two of the major products appear to be hydroxylated fatty acids. This oxidation process shows some specificity for 14:0 because similar compounds were not produced from palmitic, oleic, or linoleic acids. The myocytes formed larger amounts of the metabolites than the myoblasts, suggesting that differentiation may increase the activity of this 14:0 oxidative pathway.  相似文献   

Insulin treatment stimulated the activity of the Ca2+- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C) in both cytosolic and membrane fractions of BC3H-1 myocytes. Within 60 s of insulin treatment, membrane protein kinase C activity increased 2-fold, diminished toward control levels transiently, and then increased 2-fold again after 15 min. Cytosolic protein kinase C activity increased more gradually and steadily up to 80% over a 20-min period. Increases in protein kinase C activity were dose-dependent and were not simply a result of translocation of cytosolic enzyme (although this may have occurred), as total activity was also increased. The increase in protein kinase C activity was not inhibited by cycloheximide (which also increased protein kinase C activity and 2-deoxyglucose transport) and was still evident following anion exchange chromatography. The insulin effect was decidedly different from those of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate and phenylephrine using histone III-S as substrate. Phenylephrine decreased cytosolic protein kinase C activity while increasing membrane activity; 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate only decreased cytosolic protein kinase C activity. The early insulin-induced increases in membrane protein kinase C activity may be related to increased diacylglycerol generation from de novo phosphatidic acid synthesis, as there were rapid increases in [3H]glycerol incorporation into diacylglycerol, and transient increases in phospholipid hydrolysis, as there were transient rapid increases in [3H]diacylglycerol in cells prelabeled with [3H]arachidonate. Later, sustained increases in membrane and cytosolic protein kinase C activity may reflect the continuous activation of de novo phospholipid synthesis, as there were associated increases in [3H]glycerol incorporation into diacylglycerol at later, as well as very early time points.  相似文献   

BC3H1 cells induced to differentiate by serum withdrawal were found to incorporate substantially less [3H]inositol into their phosphoinositides than cells induced to differentiate by growth in the presence of high serum. This decrease was found to be due to a decline in the rate of [3H]inositol uptake by the serum-starved cells. Addition of purified growth factors such as TGF-beta, EGF and FGF to these cells promoted inositol uptake and lead to an increase in the incorporation of [3H]inositol into phosphoinositides. Stimulation of inositol uptake by TGF-beta required at least a 24 hr exposure to the growth factor. These data indicate that growth factors regulate phosphoinositide metabolism at many different levels including at the level of inositol uptake.  相似文献   

The involvement of G-proteins in the insulin signal transduction system has been studied in detail using the murine BC3H-1 myocyte system. Pertussis toxin (PT) treatment, previously shown to attenuate some of the metabolic effects of insulin in this cell line (Luttrell, L.M., Hewlett, E.L., Romero, G., and Rogol, A.D. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 6134-6141), abolished insulin-induced generation of diacylglycerol and inositolglycan mediators with no effects on either the autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor or the phosphorylation of the major endogenous substrates for insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity (pp185 and pp42-45). In vitro ADP-ribosylation and immunoblotting studies suggest that the major PT substrate is a 40-kDa protein of the G alpha family. This protein band did not exhibit detectable tyrosine phosphorylation upon stimulation of either intact cells or cell membranes with insulin. In the presence of low concentrations of GTP, insulin treatment of isolated myocyte plasma membranes resulted in a small (30-40%) but significant stimulation of GTP hydrolysis. This effect was best observed in the presence of small concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The rate of guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) binding to BC3H-1 membranes was also significantly increased in the presence of insulin. The effects of insulin on GTP hydrolysis and GTP gamma S binding were found to be dependent on the concentration of insulin. These effects were not detected in plasma membranes prepared from PT-pretreated BC3H-1 myocytes. In contrast, pretreatment with the B (inactive) subunit of PT did not alter the response of myocyte membranes to insulin. High affinity binding of [125I]iodoinsulin to myocyte plasma membranes was reduced by 60-70% in the presence of guanine nucleotides. Similar effects on insulin binding were produced by PT pretreatment of the cells. In contrast, adenine nucleotides had no effect on insulin binding. Scatchard analysis of the binding data showed that the observed effects of guanine nucleotides and PT on insulin binding resulted either from a reduction in the number of high affinity insulin binding sites or from a significant reduction of the affinity of insulin for its receptor. Low affinity binding sites did not appear to be affected by either guanine nucleotides nor PT pretreatment. These results provide substantial evidence suggestive of a noncovalent interaction between the insulin receptor and a regulatory G-protein system during the process of insulin signaling.  相似文献   

The mechanism of insulin-induced down-regulation of surface membrane insulin receptors was studied in the muscle cell line BC3H-1. Down-regulation for the differentiated myocytes is dose- and time-dependent with a half-maximum response at 0.5 nM insulin and a maximum decrease of 50% in the number of surface insulin receptors following exposure to 20 nM insulin for 18 h at 37 degrees C, as confirmed by Scatchard analysis. These receptors were fully recoverable upon lysis of the down-regulated myocyte with Triton X-100, demonstrating that down-regulation is mediated solely by insulin-induced receptor internalization without detectable receptor degradation. Phospholipase C treatment of intact down-regulated cells and Triton X-100 treatment after subcellular fractionation showed that no cryptic or masked receptors were detectable within the plasma membrane. Insulin-induced receptor internalization was dependent upon cellular energy production, protein synthesis, and endocytosis, but was insensitive to agents which primarily affect lysosomal, cytoskeletal, or transglutaminase activities. The magnitude of insulin-induced down-regulation and the kinetics of down-regulation and recovery of cell surface receptors indicate that the surface and internal receptor pools are in dynamic equilibrium with each other. The kinetic data are accommodated by separate internalization rate constants for the unoccupied (0.01 h-1) and occupied (0.11 h-1) surface receptors and a single recycling rate constant (0.11 h-1) for the internalized receptors. This model also explains the previous apparently paradoxical finding in several other systems that down-regulation is more sensitive to hormone than hormone-receptor binding under physiologic conditions. Down-regulation in BC3H-1 myocytes, therefore, appears to be mediated solely by an insulin-induced increase in the receptor internalization rate constant and a consequent shift in the dynamic equilibrium between the surface and internalized receptor pools, resulting in a 50% decrease in the number of cell surface receptors. In other systems where the internalized hormone receptor is a substrate for rapid degradation, the essential role of this shift in mediating the down-regulation process may be obscured.  相似文献   

The effects of pertussis toxin (PT) treatment on insulin-stimulated myristoyl-diacylglycerol (DAG) generation, hexose transport, and thymidine incorporation were studied in differentiated BC3H-1 myocytes. Insulin treatment caused a biphasic increase in myristoyl-DAG production which was abolished in myocytes treated with PT. There was no effect of PT treatment on basal (nonstimulated) myristoyl-DAG production. Insulin-stimulated hydrolysis of a membrane phosphatidylinositol glycan was blocked by PT treatment. ADP-ribosylation of BC3H-1 plasma membranes with [32P]NAD revealed a 40-kDa protein as the major PT substrate in vivo and in vitro. The time course and dose dependence of the effects of PT on diacylglycerol generation correlated with the in vivo ADP-ribosylation of the 40-kDa substrate. Pertussis toxin treatment resulted in a 71% attenuation of insulin-stimulated hexose uptake without effect on either basal or phorbol ester-stimulated uptake. The stimulatory effects of insulin and fetal calf serum on [3H]thymidine incorporation into quiescent myocytes were attenuated by 61 and 59%, respectively, when PT was added coincidently with the growth factors. Nonstimulated and EGF-stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation was unaffected by PT treatment. These data suggest that a PT-sensitive G protein is involved in the cellular signaling mechanisms of insulin.  相似文献   

Differentiated mouse BC3H1 myogenic cells secrete substrate-associated macro-molecules (SAM) which restrict the proliferation of undifferentiated cells and promote both cell shape changes and expression of predominantly the vascular smooth muscle (VSM)-specific isoform of the contractile protein alpha-actin. While we previously reported that high cell density was required for stimulating maximal expression of VSM alpha-actin in BC3H1 cells (Strauch and Reeser: Journal of Biological Chemistry 264:8345-8355, 1989), the permissive effect of SAM on myoblast cytodifferentiation was not at all dependent on the formation of cell to cell contacts. This observation suggests that biogenesis of an extracellular matrix rather than the formation of physical contacts between cells may be the rate-limiting step for induction of VSM alpha-actin expression at high cell density. The biologically active moieties in SAM that promote cytodifferentiation also are expressed by mouse embryonic fibroblast cell lines and are distinctly different from a class of adheron-like macromolecules released by differentiated BC3H1 myocytes directly into the culture medium. While SAM was cell growth restrictive, reconstituted particulate material (RPM) prepared from myocyte-conditioned medium promoted the adhesion and proliferation of growth-arrested myoblasts. SAM and RPM are composed of different polypeptide subunits which collectively may establish microenvironmental conditions that are permissive for BC3H1 myogenic cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Acting through hormonal and/or autocrine/paracrine mechanisms, the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) stimulate the differentiation of muscle cells. Previous studies have suggested that one mechanism by which IGFs stimulate muscle cell differentiation is by increasing the expression of myogenin, a DNA binding protein that regulates the expression of muscle-specific genes. While exogenous IGF peptides increase myogenin mRNA, the role of endogenously produced IGF peptides in myogenin expression has not been established. In addition, the potential role of IGFs in regulating the expression of Id, a protein in myoblasts that can inhibit the action of myogenin-like peptides, is also unknown. In the present study, we have examined the kinetics of accumulation of myogenin and IGF-II mRNAs during differentiation of BC3H-1 mouse muscle cells and have explored the potential role of IGFs in regulating Id expression. During differentiation induced by serum withdrawal, induction of myogenin expression preceded that of IGF-II, the principal IGF peptide expressed by these cells. In addition, Id expression decreased within two hours in serum-free medium and was not affected by IGF treatment. Thus, these studies suggest that endogenously-produced IGF-II may stimulate muscle cell differentiation after both the decrease in Id and the induction of myogenin gene expression have occurred.  相似文献   

Expression of MRF4, a myogenic regulatory factor of the basic helix-loop-helix type, produced multiple changes in the myogenic program of the BC3H-1 cell line. BC3H-1 cells that stably expressed exogenous MRF4 were prepared and termed BR cell lines. Upon differentiation, the BR cells were found to have three muscle-specific properties (endogenous MyoD expression, myoblast fusion, and fast myosin light-chain 1 expression) that the parent BC3H-1 cells did not have. Of the four known myogenic regulatory factors (MyoD, myogenin, Myf-5, and MRF4), only MRF4 was capable of activating expression of the endogenous BC3H-1 myoD gene. In addition, the pattern of Myf-5 expression in BR cells was the opposite of that in BC3H-1 cells. Myf-5 expression was low in BR myoblasts and showed a small increase upon myotube formation, whereas Myf-5 expression was high in BC3H-1 myoblasts and decreased upon differentiation. Though the MRF4-transfected BR cells fused to form large myotubes and expressed fast myosin light-chain 1, the pattern of myosin heavy-chain isoform expression was the same in the BR and the nonfusing parent BC3H-1 cells, suggesting that factors in addition to the MyoD family members regulate myosin heavy-chain isoform expression patterns in BC3H-1 cells. In contrast to the changes produced by MRF4 expression, overexpression of Myf-5 did not alter BC3H-1 myogenesis. The results suggest that differential expression of the myogenic regulatory factors of the MyoD family may be one mechanism for generating cells with diverse myogenic phenotypes.  相似文献   

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