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Mal'kova MG 《Parazitologiia》2010,44(4):297-309
Analysis of long-term data on the fauna, landscape distribution, and structure of communities of the gamasid mites (Acari:Parasitiformes:Mesostigmata) connected with small mammals and their nests in the plain part of Western Siberia is carried out. By now, presence of 249 gamasid mite species is established in the territory under study, including 193 free-living and 56 parasitic species. Gamasid mites are represented by the maximal number of species on small mammals and in thers nests in northern forest-steppe (102 and 105 species respectively). Nine parasitic species from two ecological groups (epizoic and nidicolous) were found in all landscape zones of the West Siberian Plain, namely: 1) epizoic species Laelaps clethrionomydis Lange, 1955, Laelaps hilaris C. L. Koch, 1836, and Hyperlaelaps arvalis Zachvatkin, 1948 (obligatory non-exclusive hematophagous); 2) nidicolous species Androlaelaps casalis Berlese, 1887 (obligatory non-exclusive hematophagous), Eulaelaps stabularis C. L. Koch, 1836, Haemogamasus nidiformnes Bregetova, 1955 (facultative hematophagous), Haemnogamnasus ambulans Thorell, 1872 (obligatory non-exclusive hematophagous), Hirstionyssus isabellinus Oudemans, 1913, and Hirstionyssus eusoricis Bregetova, 1956 (obligatory exclusive hematophagous). Last three species demonstrate the mixed type of parasitism. The population of gamasid mites on small mammals is most specific in tundra, southern forest-steppe and steppe; the fauna of gamasid mites in nests is most specific in southern forest-steppe and steppe.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of 2 species of water mites on the instantaneous death rate of their hosts was measured on the basis of laboratory experiments. In both parasite-host association — the parasitic water mite Hydryphantes tenuabilis on the aquatic insect host Hydrometra australis and the parasitic water mite Arrenurus pseudotenuicollis on the mosquito Anopheles crucians — the effect of mite load on the instantaneous death rate of the host appeared to be linear. Also, the impact of a single parasite on the host's death rate was apparently related to the ratio of parasite to host body weight. The results of this study are in general agreement with recent theoretical investigations of the regulation of host populations by parasites.  相似文献   

The size relationship between insects and their hosts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Regressions of adult insect size on host size were tested. The analysis was restricted to highly host-specific insects that had thus been exposed to a narrow range of host size.
  • 2 The phylogenetic regression method was used to analyse the data, so as to allow for the possible phylogenetic effects in cross-species data.
  • 3 Significant positive regressions were found in all the groups tested: female flower thrips, Meligethes species of pollen beetle, tephritid flies, and male and female fleas. They were also found by standard regressions within. and between Actornithophilus species of bird louse.
  • 4 The regression of thrips size on pollen size was not significant, providing evidence against a hypothesis involving food size.
  • 5 The regression of flea body size on host hair/feather length was significant, which is consistent with a hypothesis involving the size of spaces on the host.
  • 6 The relationships may have implications for the understanding of evolutionary host shifts.

An investigation of gamasid mites on the body surface of small mammals was carried out in Yunnan Province of China from 1990 to 2004. The small mammal hosts were captured from 25 counties which represent five geographical subregions, namely Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Southern Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Eastern Plateau Subregion of Yunnan, Western Plateau Subregion of Yunnan and Southern Moun- tainous Subregion of Yunnan. The captured 10 803 small mammal hosts belong to nine families, 29 genera and 52 species in four orders (Rodentia, Insectivora, Scandentia and Lagomorpha). A total of 68 571 gamasid mites were collected from the body surface of the captured small mammal hosts and all the gamasid mites were identified to 10 families, 33 genera and 112 species. This paper lists all the mite species, together with their taxonomic position (genera and families) and their corresponding hosts. Much more mite species were found in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains than in other geographical subregions. The total individuals of mites and small mammals in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains are also the most plentiful in the five geographical subregions. Three dominant mite species and three dominant small mammal hosts were determined as the dominant species in the investigated areas of Yunnan Province. The dominant hosts are Rattus flavipectus (which accounts for 34.85% of the total individuals), Apodemus chevrieri (13.43%) and Rattus norvegicus (10.40%) while the dominant gamasid mite species are Laelaps nuttalli (Hirst, 1915) (27.84%), Laelaps echidninus (Berlese, 1887) (18.38%) and Laelaps guizhouensis (Gu et Wang, 1981) (14.79%). The results showed the high species diversity of gamasid mites in Yunnan Province and the uneven distribution feature in different subregions.  相似文献   

The metapopulation dynamics ofLernaeocera lusci andL. branchialis on soleSolea solea and flounderPleuronects flesus were studied in the Dutch coastal area. Both fish species harboured large numbers of parasites when they arrived in the coastal area in the spring. Between April and June all parasites detached from the intermediate hosts and infected the definitive hosts (0+ whitingMerlangius merlangus forL. branchialis, and possibly sand gobyPomatoschistus minutus forL. lusci). Thereafter, flounder remained almost parasite-free until autumn. This suggests thatL. branchialis has only 1 generation per year. However, soles were infested again withL. lusci (in June and July), which detached to infest 0+bibTrisopterus luscus, the typical definitive host for this parasite species. Thus, it appears thatL. lusci has 2 generations per year. The flounder length and the infection intensity ofL. branchialis were not correlated throughout the study period. Significant positive correlations were found between the sole length and infection intensity ofL. lusci in late spring, but not in the summer or autumn. Throughout the year, bothL. lusci andL. branchialis were aggregated within their intermediate host populations (variance ≫ ≫ abundance).  相似文献   

John Jaenike 《Oikos》2009,118(3):353-362
Many insect species are infected with maternally transmitted endosymbionts, the most widely documented being Wolbachia . The rate of spread and equilibrium of prevalence of these infections depend on two parameters – maternal transmission fidelity and relative fitness of infected cytoplasmic lineages. Both transmission fidelity and the phenotypic effect of endosymbionts often increase with endosymbiont density within hosts. Thus, the dynamics of infection prevalence in host populations depends on processes affecting within-host density of endosymbionts. In theory, the equilibrium prevalence of infection by male-killing endosymbionts is much more sensitive to changes in transmission fidelity and relative fitness than is that of endosymbionts that cause cytoplasmic incompatibility. In natural populations, male-killers exhibit much greater temporal and spatial variation in the prevalence of infection than do endosymbionts that cause cytoplasmic incompatibility. Thus, the population dynamics of endosymbiont infections, especially those that cause male-killing, is likely to be governed by environmental and genetic variables that affect within-host density of these infections.  相似文献   

刘金华  龙芝美 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):229-231
1992年3~7月在海南省三亚市和通什市捕获12种鼠形动物,检获6种富生革螨。用定量分析方法分析了寄生革螨的群落结构。每棘厉螨是多种宿主体外的优势绒种。  相似文献   

Here we report the presence of Spiroplasma 16S rRNA in populations of two parasitic Leptus mites (Leptus sayi; Leptus lomani) and their Agathemera walking stick hosts. In walking sticks Spiroplasmas were detected in the gut, as well as muscle-tissues, but not in eggs. Throughout Argentina 15.4% of L. sayi populations and 14.3% of L. lomani populations surveyed screened positive for Spiroplasma. Phylogenetic analyses (ML, BCMC) place all sequences within the Ixodetis group. Most sequences form a well-supported sister subclade to the rest of Ixodetis. We briefly discuss the role of Leptus mites in the natural transmission of Spiroplasma.  相似文献   

A. P. Møller 《Oecologia》2000,124(3):351-357
Parasite resistance may act via a number of different mechanisms that regulate or control the survival and the reproductive rate of parasites. Observations and experiments were used to test for effects of host resistance on parasite survival and rate of reproduction. Natural levels of infestation of barn swallow Hirundo rustica nests by the tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa were positively related to brood size, inversely related to the length of the outermost tail feathers of male nest owners (a secondary sexual character) and affected by time of reproduction by the host. A mite inoculation experiment, in which 50 adult mites were introduced into nests during the laying period of the host, was used to test for differential survival and reproduction of mites as a function of host resistance. The relationship between survival and reproduction of parasites, male tail length and host resistance was investigated. There was a negative relationship between mite numbers per nest after fledging of nestlings and male tail length. This relationship was mainly caused by a reduction in the number of mites in the first and second nymph stage with increasing tail length of male hosts, implying a reduction in rate of reproduction of mites. The proportion of mites that had recently fed was inversely related to tail length of male hosts. The proportion of nymph stages was positively related to the proportion of mites that had recently had a blood meal. Parasite resistance of barn swallows to the tropical fowl mite thus appeared to act through increased mortality rate of adult and nymph stages of mites, and through reduced reproductive rates of mites on resistant hosts. This is the first study demonstating a direct relationship between fitness components of a parasite and the expression of a secondary sexual character of a host. Received: 11 January 2000 / Accepted: 22 March 2000  相似文献   

黄丽琴  郭宪国  吴滇  王乔花 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1328-1337
寄生在小兽体表的革螨可能是传播肾综合征出血热和立克次体痘等人兽共患病的媒介。本文报道了云南省28个县(市)小兽体表革螨的野外调查结果, 运用物种数、平均丰富度和Shannon多样性指数对小兽寄生革螨的群落特征和沿环境梯度的空间分布进行了研究, 并用系统聚类分析法 (SPSS 16.0软件)对18种主要小兽的革螨群落相似性进行了比较。在云南省28个县(市)共捕获到小兽14 544头, 隶属于5目(啮齿目、食虫目、攀鼩目、兔形目、食肉目)10科35属67种, 在捕获的小兽体表采集到革螨80 791头, 经鉴定属于10科33属112种。结果分析表明: 主要的宿主动物为黄胸鼠 Rattus tanezumi、齐氏姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri和大绒鼠Eothenomys miletus;纳氏厉螨Laelaps nuttalli、毒厉螨L. echidninus和贵州厉螨L. guizhouensis为革螨的优势种。齐氏姬鼠A. chevrieri、社鼠N. confucianus和黄胸鼠R. tanezumi体表寄生的革螨种类最多;臭鼩鼱Suncus murinus、齐氏姬鼠A. chevrieri和灰麝鼩Crocidura attenuata的革螨群落多样性最高。聚类分析结果表明, 大部分革螨群落的相似程度与相应小兽的亲缘关系及所处生态环境的相似性是基本一致的, 分类地位和生境选择相似的小兽, 它们的革螨群落也被聚为一类。革螨物种数沿纬度梯度的水平分布呈现两个峰值, 最大峰值出现在25°~26°N之间;沿海拔梯度的垂直分布呈单峰分布格局, 峰值在海拔2 000~2 500 m之间。革螨和小兽的多样性沿纬度梯度和海拔梯度的空间分布趋势也均表现出随着纬度和海拔的升高而先升高后降低的单峰型分布格局, 峰值分别出现在北纬25°~27°N和海拔2 000~2 500 m之间。结果提示云南革螨群落种类丰富, 多样性高。云南革螨物种数和多样性的分布格局可能直接受到古北和东洋两区系边缘效应的影响。  相似文献   

Plants vary in their resistance to tetranychid spider mites, and this can have profound effects on spider-mite population dynamics. Such variation can be attributable to many factors. In this review, however, we focus on how previous or concurrent feeding by phytophagous hervivores influences expression of plant resistance to spider mites.Induced resistance is a change in the host plant in response to extrinsic stimuli, resulting in reduced host suitability for the population growth of spider mites. We begin our review by summarizing the different ways in which spider mites and plants interact to produce induced resistance-like phenomena. We then discuss a number of hypotheses which address the mechanisms underlying induced resistance and end by suggesting agricultural applications. Although the potential use of induced resistance to manage spider mites is apparent, progress in this area will depend on a better understanding of the mechanisms involved and their associated costs and benefits to the plant.  相似文献   

Experimental hepatosis induced by intragastric administration of CCl4 was revealed to be accompanied by changes in temporal organization of lipid peroxidation, sideremia and iron excretion with urine. Even at early stages of organ lesions, the activation of free-radical lipid oxidation and rearrangement of sideruria circadian rhythm were found to result in a substantial and stable increase in mesor of the trace element excretion with urine in spite of a statistically significant decrease in water release.  相似文献   

Y Sato  J M Alba  M W Sabelis 《Heredity》2014,113(6):495-502
When phylogenetically close, two competing species may reproductively interfere, and thereby affect their population dynamics. We tested for reproductive interference (RI) between two congeneric haplo-diploid spider mites, Tetranychus evansi and Tetranychus urticae, by investigating their interspecific mating and their population dynamics when they competed on the same plants. They are both pests of tomato, but differ in the host plant defences that they suppress or induce. To reduce the effect of plant-mediated interaction, we used a mutant tomato plant lacking jasmonate-mediated anti-herbivore defences in the competition experiment. In addition, to manipulate the effect of RI, we introduced founder females already mated with conspecific males in mild RI treatments or founder, virgin females in strong RI treatments (in either case together with heterospecific and conspecific males). As females show first-male sperm precedence, RI should occur especially in the founder generation under strong RI treatments. We found that T. urticae outcompeted T. evansi in mild, but not in strong RI treatments. Thus, T. evansi interfered reproductively with T. urticae. This result was supported by crossing experiments showing frequent interspecific copulations, strong postmating reproductive isolation and a preference of T. evansi males to mate with T. urticae (instead of conspecific) females, whereas T. urticae males preferred conspecific females. We conclude that interspecific mating comes at a cost due to asymmetric mate preferences of males. Because RI by T. evansi can improve its competitiveness to T. urticae, we propose that RI partly explains why T. evansi became invasive in Europe where T. urticae is endemic.  相似文献   

Parasites are often dependent on their hosts for survival and dispersal and this led to a hypothesis that the evolution of obligate permanent host-specific parasites specifically will show phylogenetic congruence with their hosts. To investigate the factors influencing parasite evolution, mitochondrial- and nuclear DNA sequence data were used to test for genetic co-divergences between Hoplopleura and Polyplax lice occurring on four rodent taxa associated with the Aethomys/Micaelamys rodent complex. Mitochondrial DNA haplotype networks drawn from 24 rodents and 74 obligate permanent lice supported the existence of at least eight genetically distinct parasite lineages. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses showed considerable congruence between the phylogenies of the parasites and their hosts, and these finding were also partly supported in a fair amount of overlap in the timing of divergences. Jane co-phylogenetic reconstructions illustrated that co-divergences are the most parsimonious solution to explain the evolution within Polyplax, and also within Hoplopleura. Based on mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequence distances of >13% between strongly supported monophyletic parasite lineages, coupled to some unique morphological features detected for both lice taxa occurring on Micaelamys granti, we propose that the taxonomy of Polyplax and Hoplopleura studied herein is in need of revision. In addition, our findings provide examples of perfect topological co-divergence between parasites and their hosts, and in doing so also provide circumstantial evidence for co-evolution between these permanent host-specific parasites and their hosts. We argue that the signal of co-divergence is partly enforced by limited opportunities for host switching events across the landscape.  相似文献   

Although little is known on the impact of environment on telomere length dynamics, it has been suggested to be affected by stress, lifestyle and/or life‐history strategies of animals. We here compared telomere dynamics in erythrocytes of hatchlings and fledglings of the brood parasite great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius) and of magpies (Pica pica), their main host in Europe. In magpie chicks, telomere length decreased from hatching to fledging, whereas no significant change in telomere length of great spotted cuckoo chicks was found. Moreover, we found interspecific differences in the association between laying date and telomere shortening. Interspecific differences in telomere shortening were interpreted as a consequence of differences in lifestyle and life‐history characteristics of magpies and great spotted cuckoos. In comparison with magpies, cuckoos experience reduced sibling competition and higher access to resources and, consequently, lower stressful environmental conditions during the nestling phase. These characteristics also explain the associations between telomere attrition and environmental conditions (i.e. laying date) for magpies and the absence of association for great spotted cuckoos. These results therefore fit expectations on telomere dynamics derived from interspecific differences in lifestyle and life history of brood parasites and their bird hosts.  相似文献   

Data are given on the density of active ticks in different landscapes in the central part of Sikhote-Alin. The character of the ticks distribution (regular, even, contagious) in dependence on the relief and vegetation is analysed.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary associations between hosts and symbionts (or parasites) are often reflected in correlated patterns of divergence as a consequence of limitations on dispersal and establishment on new hosts. Here we show that a phylogenetic correlation is observed between chaetodactylid mites and their hosts, the long-tongued bees; however, this association manifests itself in an atypical fashion. Recently derived mites tend to be associated with basal bee lineages, and vice versa, ruling out a process of cospeciation, and the existence of mites on multiple hosts also suggests ample opportunity for host shifts. An extensive survey of museum collections reveals a pattern of infrequent host shifts at a higher taxonomic level, and yet, frequent shifts at a lower level, which suggests that ecological constraints structure the coevolutionary history of the mites and bees. Certain bee traits, particularly aspects of their nesting behavior, provide a highly predictive framework for the observed pattern of host use, with 82.1% of taxa correctly classified. Thus, the museum survey and phylogenetic analyses provide a unique window into the central role ecology plays in this coevolutionary association. This role is apparent from two different perspectives--as (a) a constraining force evident in the historical processes underlying the significant correlation between the mite and bee phylogenies, as well as (b) by the highly nonrandom composition of bee taxa that serve as hosts to chaetodactylid mites.  相似文献   

A five-year mark–recapture study of dusky rats (Rattus colletti) on the Adelaide River floodplain, within the Australian wet–dry tropics, revealed substantial spatial and temporal variation in demographic characteristics (abundance, condition, and rates of survival, growth, and reproduction) of the rats. Our data suggest that annual variation in the intensity and timing of monsoonal rainfall during the ‘wet-season’ is the main factor driving the demography of the rats. When total rainfall figures are modified to reflect the magnitude and duration of inundation of the floodplain each year, a link is evident between rainfall patterns and the rat population dynamics. Minor spatial variations in elevation (and hence, in the duration of inundation) across the floodplain engender large differences in rat growth rates, condition factors, survival rates, and the duration of reproductive activity each year. Because these rats have very high reproductive rates, small rain-induced differences in the duration of their reproductive season (i.e. number of litters per year) can cause massive differences in subsequent rat abundances. Hence, rat numbers can be predicted from rainfall patterns during the preceding wet-season. Similar links between rainfall, the duration of breeding, and fluctuations in abundance may typify many rodent populations in tropical and arid regions of the world.  相似文献   

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