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Fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) was used to determine the number and distribution of the 18S-25S and 5S rDNA sites on mitotic chromosomes of 6 wild and 2 edible diploid (2n=22) accessions belonging to the two banana species, Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana. FISH with the 18S-25S probe resulted in signals on one pair of chromosomes, the position of signals corresponded to the secondary constriction at the end of a short arm. The intensity of labelling was different between the homologues and the larger site corresponded to a larger secondary constriction. This labelling pattern was observed consistently in all genotypes. On the other hand, differences in the number of 5S sites were observed between the accessions. While in some of the wild seeded species, the 5S rDNA was localised on two pairs of chromosomes, hybridisation signals appeared on three pairs of chromosomes in other wild accessions. Quite unexpectedly, only five sites of 5S rDNA were reproducibly observed in the two vegetatively propagated diploid edible cultivars, Pisang Mas and Niyarma Yik, evidence for structural heterozygosity. A dual colour FISH showed that in all accessions, the satellite chromosomes carrying the 18S-25S loci did not carry the 5S loci. The results demonstrate that molecular cytogenetics can be applied to Musa and that physical cytogenetic maps can be generated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Absract  The physical locations of the 5S and 18S-25S rDNA sequences were examined in nine wild Hordeum species and cytotypes by double-target in situ hybridization using digoxigenin-labelled 5S rDNA and biotin-labelled 18S-25S rDNA as probes. H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum (2n=2x=14; I-genome) had a similar composition of 5S and 18S-25S rDNA to cultivated barley (H. vulgare ssp. vulgare, I-genome), with two major 18S-25S rDNA sites and minor sites on four of the other five chromosomes; three chromosomes had 5S rDNA sites. The closely related H. bulbosum (2x; also I-genome) showed only one pair of 5S rDNA sites and one pair of 18S-25S rDNA sites on different chromosomes. Four wild diploid species, H. marinum (X-genome), H. glaucum and H. murinum (Y-genomes) and H. chilense (H-genome), differed in the number (2–3 pairs), location, and relative order of 5S and the one or two major 18S-25S rDNA sites, but no minor 18S-25S rDNA sites were observed. H. murinum 4x had three chromosome pairs carrying 5S rDNA, while the diploid had only a single pair. Two other tetraploid species, H. brachyantherum 4x and H. brevisubulatum 4x (both considered to have H-type genomes), had minor 18S-25S rDNA sites, as well as the major sites. Unusual double 5S rDNA sites – two sites on one chromosome arm separated by a short distance – were found in the American H-genome species, H. chilense and H. brachyantherum 4x. The results indicate that the species H. brachyantherum 4x and H. brevisubulatum 4x have a complex evolutionary history, probably involving the multiplication of minor rDNA sites (as in H. vulgare sensu lato), or the incorporation of both I and H types of genome. The rDNA markers are useful for an investigation of chromosome evolution and phylogeny. Received: 9 February 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

Wild germplasms are often the only significant sources of useful traits for crops, such as soybean, that have limited genetic variability. Before these germplasms can be effectively manipulated they must be characterized at the cytological and molecular levels. Modern soybean probably arose through an ancient allotetraploid event and subsequent diploidization of the genome. However, wild Glycine species have not been intensively investigated for this ancient polyploidy. In this article we determined the number of both the 5S and 18S-28S rDNA sequences in various members of the genus Glycine using FISH. Our results distinctly establish the loss of a 5S rDNA locus from the "diploid" (2n = 40) species and the loss of two from the (2n = 80) polyploids of GLYCINE: A similar diploidization of the 18S-28S rDNA gene family has occurred in G. canescens, G. clandestina, G. soja, and G. max (L.) Merr. (2n = 40). Although of different genome types, G. tabacina and G. tomentella (2n = 80) both showed two major 18S-28S rDNA loci per haploid genome, in contrast to the four loci that would be expected in chromosomes that have undergone two doubling events in their evolutionary history. It is evident that the evolution of the subgenus Glycine is more complex than that represented in a simple diploid-doubled to tetraploid model.  相似文献   

Y Sang  G H Liang 《Génome》2000,43(5):918-922
The physical locations of the 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA sequences were examined in three sorghum species by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using biotin-labeled heterologous 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA probe (pTa71). Each 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA locus occurred at two sites on the chromosomes in Sorghum bicolor (2n = 20) and S. versicolor (2n = 10), but at four sites on the chromosomes of S. halepense (2n = 40) and the tetraploid S. versicolor (2n = 20). Positions of the rDNA loci varied from the interstitial to terminal position among the four accessions of the three sorghum species. The rDNA data are useful for investigation of chromosome evolution and phylogeny. This study excluded S. versicolor as the possible progenitor of S. bicolor.  相似文献   

The physical sites of 18S-5.8S-25S and 5S rRNA genes and telomericsequences in theMusaL. genome were localized by fluorescentinsituhybridization on mitotic chromosomes of selected lines.A single major intercalary site of the 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA wasobserved on the short arm of the nucleolar organizing chromosomein each genome. AA and BB genome diploids had a single pairof sites, triploids had three sites while a tetraploid hybridhad four sites. The probe is useful for quick determinationof ploidy, even using interphase nuclei from slowly growingtissue culture material. Variation in the intensity of signalswas observed among heterogeneousMusalines indicating variationin the number of copies of the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes. Eightsubterminal sites of 5S rDNA were observed in Calcutta 4 (AA)while Butohan 2 (BB) had six sites; some were weaker in bothgenotypes. Triploid lines showed six to nine major sites of5S rDNA of widely varying intensity and near the limit of detection.The diploid hybrids had five to nine sites of 5S rDNA whilethe tetraploid hybrid had 11 sites. The telomeric sequence wasdetected as pairs of dots at the ends of all the chromosomesanalysed but no intercalary sequences were seen. The molecularcytogenetic studies ofMusausing repetitive and single copy DNAprobes should yield insight into the genome and its evolutionand provide data forMusabreeders, as well as generating geneticmarkers inMusa.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Genome evolution, nucleolar organizing regions, telomeres,in situhybridization, genetic markers, banana, plantain.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of the 5S and 45S rDNA in teosintes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Han YH  Li LJ  Song YC  Li ZY  Xiong ZY  Li DY 《Hereditas》2002,137(1):16-19
The physical locations of the 5S and 45S rDNA sequences were examined in three types of teosinte, Zea mays ssp. mexicana (2n = 20), Zea diploperennis (2n = 20) and Zea perennis (2n = 40) by biotinylated fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The tested materials only showed one hybridization site of 5S rDNA on their genomes, but they were different in the position of the signals. The hybridization site of Zea mays ssp. mexicana was located on the long arm of chromosome 2, indicating that it is the same as the cultivated maize in the position of 5S rDNA, while the sites of Zea diploperennis and Zea perennis were on the short arms of other chromosomes. For 45S rDNA, one hybridization site was detected at secondary constriction region of the satellite chromosomes in Zea mays ssp. mexicana and Zea diploperennis, while in Zea perennis, besides the site located at the secondary constriction region, a second site on the short arm of another chromosome pair was observed. Our results provide additional evidence for Zea mays ssp. mexicana being a subspecies of Zea mays.  相似文献   

18S-25S rDNA of intact plants and tissue cultures of G. acaulis, G. punctata and G. lutea have been investigated by using blot-hybridization. The decrease of rDNA amount was found in the callus cultures as compared with the plants. In contrast to other species, G. lutea showed intragenome heterogeneity of rRNA genes as well as qualitative rDNA changes in tissue culture, in particular appearance of altered repeats. The relationship between the peculiarities of rRNA gene structure and their rearrangements in in vitro culture was suggested.  相似文献   

A physical map of the 5S and 18S–26S rRNA genes was determined using bi-color fluorescencein situ hybridization technique inA. victorialis var.platyphyllum. 5S rRNA genes were positioned in the intercalary regions of the short arms in homologous chromosomes 6. Two major loci of the 18S-26S rRNA genes were detected in the secondary constrictions flanking with a pair of satellite and terminal region of short arm in chromosome 4. And two additional minor loci were heterotype, representing one signal on the terminal region of the short arm in one homolog of chromsome 2, and other on one homolog of chromosome 6 with linked 5S rRNA loci. In addition chromomycin A3 (CMA,) fluorescent banding method was used to identify the relation between Nucleolus Organizer Region (NOR) sites and CMA, positive heterochromatin sites. In homologous chromosome 4 showing 18S–26S rDNA hybridization signals revealed also distinct CMA, positive band.  相似文献   

* BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Hordeum exists at three ploidy levels (2x, 4x and 6x) and presents excellent material for investigating the patterns of polyploid evolution in plants. Here the aim was to clarify the ancestry of American polyploid species with the I genome. * METHODS: Chromosomal locations of 5S and 18S-25S ribosomal RNA genes were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In both polyploid and diploid species, variation in 18S-25S rDNA repeated sequences was analysed by the RFLP technique. * KEY RESULTS: Six American tetraploid species were divided into two types that differed in the number of rDNA sites and RFLP profiles. Four hexaploid species were similar in number and location of both types of rDNA sites, but the RFLP profiles of 18S-25S rDNA revealed one species, H. arizonicum, with a different ancestry. * CONCLUSIONS: Five American perennial tetraploid species appear to be alloploids having the genomes of an Asian diploid H. roshevitzii and an American diploid species. The North American annual tetraploid H. depressum is probably a segmental alloploid combining the two closely related genomes of American diploid species. A hexaploid species, H. arizonicum, involves a diploid species, H. pusillum, in its ancestry; both species share the annual growth habit and are distributed in North America. Polymorphisms of rDNA sites detected by FISH and RFLP analyses provide useful information to infer the phylogenetic relationships of I-genome Hordeum species because of their highly conserved nature during polyploid evolution.  相似文献   

Chromosomal features, location and variation of the major and minor rDNA genes cluster were studied in three pufferfish species: Sphoeroides greeleyi and Sphoeroides testudineus (Tetraodontidae) and Cyclichthys spinosus (Diodontidae). The location of the major rDNA was revealed with an 18S probe in two loci for all species. The minor rDNA loci (5S rDNA) was found in one chromosome pair in tetraodontid fishes and four sites located on two distinct chromosomal pairs in C. spinosus. A syntenical organization was not observed among the ribosomal genes. Signal homogeneity for GC/AT-DNA specific fluorochromes was observed in diodontid fish except in the NORs regions, which were CMA3-positive. Giemsa karyotypes of tetraodontid species presents 2n = 46, having the same diploid value of other Sphoeroides species that have been investigated. On the other hand, the karyotype of C. spinosus, described for the first time, shows 2n = 50 chromosomes (4m + 18sm + 12st + 16a). The foreknowledge of the karyotypic structure of this group and also the physical mapping of certain genes could be very helpful for further DNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   

18S rDNA sequences and the holometabolous insects   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Holometabola (insects with complete metamorphosis: beetles, wasps, flies, fleas, butterflies, lacewings, and others) is a monophyletic group that includes the majority of the world's animal species. Holometabolous orders are well defined by morphological characters, but relationships among orders are unclear. In a search for a region of DNA that will clarify the interordinal relationships we sequenced approximately 1080 nucleotides of the 5' end of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene from representatives of 14 families of insects in the orders Hymenoptera (sawflies and wasps), Neuroptera (lacewing and antlion), Siphonaptera (flea), and Mecoptera (scorpionfly). We aligned the sequences with the published sequences of insects from the orders Coleoptera (beetle) and Diptera (mosquito and Drosophila), and the outgroups aphid, shrimp, and spider. Unlike the other insects examined in this study, the neuropterans have A-T rich insertions or expansion regions: one in the antlion was approximately 260 bp long. The dipteran 18S rDNA evolved rapidly, with over 3 times as many substitutions among the aligned sequences, and 2-3 times more unalignable nucleotides than other Holometabola, in violation of an insect-wide molecular clock. When we excluded the long-branched taxa (Diptera, shrimp, and spider) from the analysis, the most parsimonious (minimum-length) trees placed the beetle basal to other holometabolous orders, and supported a morphologically monophyletic clade including the fleas+scorpionflies (96% bootstrap support). However, most interordinal relationships were not significantly supported when tested by maximum likelihood or bootstrapping and were sensitive to the taxa included in the analysis. The most parsimonious and maximum-likelihood trees both separated the Coleoptera and Neuroptera, but this separation was not statistically significant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The synthetic allotetraploid Aegilops sharonensis x Ae. umbellulata (genomic formula S(sh)U) was used to study inheritance and expression of 45S rDNA during early stages of allopolyploid formation. Using silver staining, we revealed suppression of the NORs (nucleolar organizing regions) from the S(sh) genome in response to polyploidization. Most allopolyploid plants of the S(2)-S(4) generations retained the chromosomal location of 45S rDNA typical for the parental species, except for two S(3) plants in which a deletion of the rDNA locus on one of the homologous 6S(sh) chromosomes was revealed. In addition, we found a decrease in NOR signal intensity on both 6S(sh) chromosomes in a portion of the S(3) and S(4) allopolyploid plants. As Southern hybridization showed, the allopolyploid plants demonstrated additive inheritance of parental rDNA units together with contraction of copy number of some rDNA families inherited from Ae. sharonensis. Also, we identified a new variant of amplified rDNA unit with MspAI1 restriction sites characteristic of Ae. umbellulata. These genetic alterations in the allopolyploid were associated with comparative hypomethylation of the promoter region within the Ae. umbellulata-derived rDNA units. The fast uniparental elimination of rDNA observed in the synthetic allopolyploid agrees well with patterns observed previously in natural wheat allotetraploids.  相似文献   

18S-25S rDNA sequence in genomes of G. lutea plants from different natural populations and from tissue culture has been studied with blot-hybridization method. It was shown that ribosomal repeats are represented by the variants which differ for their size and for the presence of additional HindIII restriction site. Genome of individual plant usually possesses several variants of DNA repeats. Interpopulation variability according to their quantitative ratio and to the presence of some of them has been shown. Modifications of the range of rDNA repeats not exceeding intraspecific variability were observed in callus tissues in comparison with the plants of initial population. Non-randomness of genome modifications in the course of cell adaptation to in vitro conditions makes it possible to some extent to forecast these modifications in tissue culture.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the phylogenetic and genomic relationships in the genus Setaria Beauv. including diploid and tetraploid species, by means of the molecular diversity of the 5S rDNA spacer and chromosomal organization of the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA genes. PCR amplification of the 5S rDNA sequences gave specific patterns. All the species studied here share a common band of about 340 bp. An additional band of an approximately 300-bp repeat unit was found for Setaria verticillata and the Chinese accessions of Setaria italica and Setaria viridis. An additional band of 450 bp was found in the sole species Setaria faberii. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was used for physical mapping of the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA genes and showed that they are localized at two separate loci with no polymorphism of chromosome location among species. Two chromosome pairs carrying the 5S and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA clusters can now be unambiguously identified using FISH. Phylogenetic trees based on the variation of the amplified 5S rDNA sequences showed a clear separation into four groups. The clustering was dependent on the genomic composition (genome A versus genome B) and confirmed the closest relationship of S. italica and S. viridis accessions from the same geographical region. Our results confirm previous hypotheses on the domestication centers of S. italica. They also show the wide difference between the A and B genomes, and even clarify the taxonomic position of S. verticillata. Received: 28 August 2000 / Accepted: 27 January 2001  相似文献   

Chromosomal localization of 5S rDNA and 5SHindIII repetitive sequences was carried out in several representatives of the Erythrinidae family, namely in karyomorphs A, D, and F of Hoplias malabaricus, and in H. lacerdae, Hoplerythrinusunitaeniatus and Erythrinus erythrinus. The 5S rDNA mapped interstitially in two chromosome pairs in karyomorph A and in one chromosome pair in karyomorphs D and F and in H. lacerdae. The 5SHindIII repetitive DNA mapped to the centromeric region of several chromosomes (18 to 22 chromosomes) with variations related to the different karyomorphs of H. malabaricus. On the other hand, no signal was detected in the chromosomes of H. lacerdae, H. unitaeniatus and E. erythrinus, suggesting that the 5SHindIII-DNA sequences have originated or were lost after the divergence of H. malabaricus from the other erythrinid species. The chromosome distribution of 5S rDNA and 5SHindIII-DNA sequences contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms of karyotype differentiation among the Erythrinidae members.  相似文献   

Mapping of rRNA genes in four species of Gentiana genus has been carried out by blot-hybridization method using some restriction endonucleases. The following characteristics of Gentiana rDNA structural organization have been revealed: 1) interspecific and intragenomic variability of the length of ribosomic repeats; 2) conservativity of the transcribed region; 3) variability of the length and location of Hind-III site in non-transcribed spacer; 4) interspecific variability of the number of copies. Comparative analysis of the constructed restriction maps of Gentiana species and some other plants revealed the similarity of restriction site location in the transcribed DNA region.  相似文献   

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