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Resonance Raman spectra have been obtained of solid porphin, protoporphyrin IX, mesoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester and the two position isomers of Coproporphyrin tetramethyl esters 3 and 4, using the rotating Raman cell technique. The various sidechains in different porphyrins have very pronounced effects on the Raman spectrum of porphin. The usefulness of the resonance Raman technique in the identification of substituted porphins and closely related position isomers is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Raman spectra of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and dicyanocobinamide have been obtained from aqueous solutions at concentrations of approx. 1 10−4 M. The spectra were excited by laser radiation coincident in wavelength with the visible absorption, this resulting in selective enhancement of some vibrational modes through the rigorous resonance Raman effect. In spite of substantial chemical differences, cyanocobalamin and dicyanocobinamide give essentially identical spectra, indicating that only those modes associated with the common corrin ring system are resonance enhanced.  相似文献   

The resonance Raman (RR) spectra of FMN, FAD, FAD in D2O, and 7,8-dimethyl-1, 10-ethyleneisoalloxazinium perchlorate have been obtained by employing KI as a collisional fluorescence-quenching agent. The spectra are very similar to those obtained recently by using the CARS technique to eliminate fluorescence. Spectra have also been obtained for several species in which flavin is known to fluoresce only weakly. We report RR spectra of protonated FMN, FMN semiquinone cation, the general fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and two "charge-transfer" complexes of fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Tentative assignment of several vibrational bands can be made on the basis of our flavin spectra. RR spectra of fatty acyl-CoA and its complexes are consistent with the previous hypothesis that visible spectral shifts observed during formation of acetoacetyl-CoA and crotonyl-CoA complexes of fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase result from charge-transfer interactions in which the ground state is essentially nonbonding as opposed to interactions in which complete electron transfer occurs to form FAD semiquinone. The only significant change in the RR spectrum of FAD on binding to enzyme occurs in the 1250-cm-1 region of the spectrum, a region associated with delta N--H of N-3. The position of this band in fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and the other flavoproteins studied to date is discussed in terms of hydrogen bonding between flavin and protein.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoproteins isolated between density 1.02 and 1.063 g/cm3 from normal fasting human plasma, show strong resonance Raman spectra due to the presence of beta-carotene. Three intense bands, at 1010, 1160 and 1530 cm-1, are assigned to the stretching vibrations of -C-CH3, = C-C = and -C = C- bonds, respectively, of beta-carotene. High-resolution spectra of the 1500-1600 cm-1 region reveal multiple features, suggesting the coexistence of several structural populations of beta-carotene. The modifications of lipoproteins with pH and temperature (30 degrees-42 degrees) change the resonance Raman spectra of beta-carotene. The specific binding of LDL at pH 7.0 by fibroblast cells is suppressed. Our experiments thus suggest that physical and chemical perturbations of plasma lipoproteins modify the lipid-protein interactions and thereby alter the configurational distribution of beta-carotene molecules within these particles.  相似文献   

The acyl carbonyl group of [3-(5-methyl-2-thienyl)acryloyl]chymotrypsin (5MeTA-chymotrypsin) has been investigated by using both resonance Raman (RR) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies. The spectrum of the acyl-enzyme carbonyl group has been obtained as a function of pH over the range 3.0-10.0 in the RR experiments and over the range 3.4-7.6 (p2H) in the FTIR experiments. The carbonyl spectral profiles obtained by using FTIR spectroscopy are substantially different from the carbonyl profiles obtained by using RR spectroscopy. The FTIR spectra were obtained by subtracting the spectrum of the free enzyme from that of the acyl-enzyme. Use of the active-site inhibitor phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride demonstrates that part of the intensity observed in the FTIR spectra of 5MeTA-chymotrypsin is due to a subtraction artifact giving rise to enzyme-associated bands, probably from peptide groups perturbed by substrate binding. The enzyme bands can be removed by subtracting the FTIR spectrum of 13C=O acyl-enzyme from that of 12C=O acyl-enzyme. Additionally, this procedure reveals that one of the acyl-enzyme carbonyl bands observed at 1727 cm-1 using RR spectroscopy is absent in the FTIR acyl-enzyme spectrum. However, a feature near 1720 cm-1 can be induced in the FTIR spectrum by actinic light in the near-UV region. Thus, it is proposed that the 1727 cm-1 RR carbonyl band results from a population of acyl-enzymes which is generated by exposure to the laser beam during RR data collection. When both the RR and FTIR data are adjusted to remove artifacts, they provide essentially identical carbonyl stretching profiles.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy at ambient temperature and 77 K has been used to probe the structures of the copper sites in Achromobacter cycloclastes nitrite reductase. This enzyme contains three copper ions per protein molecule and has two principal electronic absorption bands with lambda max values of 458 and 585 nm. Comparisons between the resonance Raman spectra of nitrite reductase and blue copper proteins establish that both the 458 and 585 nm bands are associated with Cu(II)-S(Cys) chromophores. A histidine ligand probably is also present. Different sets of vibrational frequencies are observed with 457.9 nm (ambient) or 476.1 nm (77 K) excitation as compared with 590 nm (ambient) or 593 nm (77 K) excitation. Excitation profiles indicate that the 458 and 585 nm absorption bands are associated with separate [Cu(II)-S(Cys)N(His)] sites or with inequivalent and uncoupled cysteine ligands in the same site. The former possibility is considered to be more likely.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra of native bovine liver ferri-catalase have been obtained in the 200-1800 cm-1 region. Excitation at a series of wavelengths ranging from 406.7 to 514.5 nm has been used and gives rise to distinct sets of resonance Raman bands. Excitation within the Soret and Q-bands of the heme group produces the expected set of polarized and nonpolarized porphyrin modes, respectively. The frequencies of the porphyrin skeletal stretching bands in the 1450-1700 cm-1 region indicate that catalase contains only five-coordinate, high-spin heme groups. In addition to the porphyrin modes, bovine liver catalase exhibits bands near 1612 and 1520 cm-1 that are attributable to ring vibrations of the proximal tyrosinate that are enhanced via resonance with a proximal tyrosinate----Fe(III) change transfer transition centered near 490 nm. Similar bands have been observed in mutant hemoglobins that have tyrosinate axial ligands and in other Fe(III)-tyrosinate proteins. No resonance Raman bands have been observed that can be attributed to degraded hemes. The spectra are relatively insensitive to pH over the range of 5-10, and the same spectra are observed for catalase samples that do and do not contain tightly bound NADPH. Resonance Raman spectra of the fluoride complex exhibit porphyrin skeletal stretching modes that show it to be six coordinate, high spin, while the cyanide complex is six coordinate, low spin. Both the azide and thiocyanate complexes, however, are spin-state mixtures with the high-spin form predominant.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra of the nucleoside 5′-monophosphates UMP, CMP, AMP, and GMP have been obtained with 266- and 213-nm radiation, the fourth and fifth harmonics of a Nd:YAG laser. The 266-nm radiation is resonant with the states giving rise to the first absorption band of the bases. The resulting spectra are in agreement with those reported previously using similar wavelength excitation but are generally of better quality. The 213-nm radiation is resonant with those states giving rise to the second strong absorption band of the bases. The spectra obtained with this wavelength show several new features relative to the 266-nm spectra, including strong enhancement of modes of the pyrimidines with a character similar to the e2g ν8 mode of benzene, relative enhancement of ring modes at 1580 and 729 cm?1 in AMP, and strong enhancement of the 1670-cm?1 C = O mode of GMP. These enhancements are discussed in terms of previously reported preresonance behavior and predicted intensities based on CNDO bond-order changes and normal-mode calculations. The results of a preliminary study of the effect of the interaction of GMP with cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) on the 213-nm resonance Raman spectrum is also discussed.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectroscopy may yield precise information on the conformation of, and on the interactions assumed by, the chromophores involved in the first steps of the photosynthetic process, whether isolated in solvents, embedded in soluble or membrane proteins, or, as shown recently, in vivo. By making use of this technique, it is possible, for instance, to relate the electronic properties of these molecules to their structure and/or the physical properties of their environment, or to determine subtle changes of their conformation associated with regulatory processes. After a short introduction to the physical principles that govern resonance Raman spectroscopy, the information content of resonance Raman spectra of chlorophyll and carotenoid molecules is described in this review, together with the experiments which helped in determining which structural parameter each Raman band is sensitive to. A selection of applications of this technique is then presented, in order to give a fair and precise idea of which type of information can be obtained from its use in the field of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the complex of anionic semiquinoid D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) with picolinate in H2O and D2O were observed in the 300-1,750 cm-1 region. RR spectra were also measured for the complex of the semiquinoid enzyme reconstituted with isotopically labeled FAD's, i.e., [4a-13C]-, [4,10a-13C2]-, [2-13C]-, [5-15N]-, and [1,3-15N2]-FAD. On the basis of the isotope effects, tentative assignments of the observed bands of the anionic semiquinoid flavin were made. The spectra differ from those of oxidized, neutral semiquinoid, and anionic reduced flavins previously reported. The 1,602 cm-1 band was not shifted for any FAD labeled in ring II and/or ring III and was assigned to a ring I mode. The 1,516 cm-1 band underwent an isotopic shift upon [4a-13C]- or [4,10a-13C2]-labeling. The band was assigned to the mode containing C(4a)-C(10a) stretching. The 1,331 and 1,292 cm-1 bands shifted upon [4a-13C]- or [5-15N]-labeling and were assigned to the modes containing C(4a)-N(5) stretching. The 1,217 and 1,188 cm-1 bands were assigned to the skeletal vibrations of ring III coupled with the N(3)-H bending mode. The RR spectrum of the complex of anionic semiquinoid DAO with alpha-iminopropionate or N-methyl-alpha-iminopropionate was essentially identical with that of the complex with picolinate.  相似文献   

The resonance Raman (RR) spectra of oxidized, reduced, and oxidized cyanide-bound cytochrome c oxidase with excitation at several wavelengths in the 600-nm region are presented. No evidence is found for laser-induced photoreduction of the oxidized protein with irradiation at lambda approximately 600 nm at 195 K, in contrast to the predominance of this process upon irradiation in the Soret region at this temperature. The Raman spectra of all three protein species are very similar, and there are no Raman bands which are readily assignable to either cytochrome a or cytochrome a3 exclusively. The Raman spectra of the three protein species do, however, exhibit a number of bands not observed in the RR spectra of other hemoproteins upon exicitation in their visible absorption bands. In particular, strong Raman bands are observed in the low-frequency region of the RR spectra (less than 500 cm-1). The frequencies of these bands are similar to those of the copper-ligand vibrations observed in the RR spectra of type 1 copper proteins upon excitation in the 600-nm absorption band characteristic of these proteins. In cytochrome c oxidase, these bands do not disappear upon reduction of the protein and, therefore, cannot be attributed to copper-ligand vibrations. Thus, all the observed RR bands are associated with the two heme A moieties in the enzyme.  相似文献   

The laser-excited Raman spectrum of helical polyglycine II has been obtained. Oligomers of polyglycine are in the planar zigzag conformation and their Raman spectra are indicative of the spectrum of polyglycine I. The Raman spectra of polyglycines have bands complementary to the infrared which are sensitive to the conformation of the chain. The spectra of the oligomers have bands sensitive to the length of the polyglycine. The Raman spectra of di- and triglycine in aqueous solution suggest the conformation is neither planar nor helical.  相似文献   

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