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测定了中国鲹科8属9种鱼的细胞色素b基因的全序列(1141bp),结合来自GenBank中分布于美国、安哥拉、希腊以及巴拿马的鲹科4属14种鱼的相应同源序列生成供系统发育分析的序列矩阵,用最大简约法和邻接法构建分子系统树。结果显示:(1)支持科下设四个亚科(鲹亚科,亚科,鲳鲹亚科,鰆鲹科)阶元的分类系统;(2)亚科属下不宜设亚属分类阶元;(3)及达副叶鲹与丽叶鲹亲缘关系较近,应同属于副叶鲹属;(4)我国传统的鱼类检索系统将狮鼻鲳鲹误鉴定为卵形鲳鲹,建议予以修正。  相似文献   

The classification and evolutionary relationships are important issues in the study of the groupers. Cytochrome b gene fragment of twenty-eight grouper species within six genera of subfamily Epinephelinae was amplified using PCR techniques and the sequences were analyzed to derive the phylogenetic relationships of the groupers from the China Seas. Genetic information indexes, including Kimura-2 parameter genetic distance and Ts/Tv ratios, were generated by using a variety of biology softwares. With Niphon spinosus, Pagrus major and Pagrus auriga as the designated outgroups, phylogenetic trees, which invoke additional homologous sequences of other Epinephelus fishes from GenBank, were constructed based on the neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and minimum-evolution (ME) methods. Several conclusions were drawn from the DNA sequences analysis: (1) genus Plectropomus, which was early diverged, is the most primitive group in the subfamily Epinephelinae; (2) genus Variola is more closely related to genus Cephalopolis than the other four genera; (3) genus Cephalopolis is a monophyletic group and more primitive than genus Epinephelus; (4) Promicrops lanceolatus and Cromileptes altivelis should be included in genus Epinephelus; (5) there exist two sister groups in genus Epinephelus.  相似文献   

王乃馨  封霞  蒋国芳  方宁  轩文娟 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1187-1195
本研究基于Cytb 基因和COI基因的部分序列来推断17种蝗虫之间的系统发育关系。这17种蝗虫均采自国内,代表了蝗科(Acrididae)5个亚科:黑蝗亚科(Melanoplinae)、斑腿蝗亚科(Catantopinae)、刺胸蝗亚科(Cyrtacanthacridinae)、斑翅蝗亚科(Oedipodinae)和大足蝗亚科(Gomphocerinae)。采用联合序列方法进行分析,结果显示:Cytb 和COI联合序列长度为1 998 bp,其中A和T总含量为72.13%,G和C总含量为27.87%。联合序列共包含了889个保守位点,1 109个变异位点,在这些变异位点中有838个简约信息位点。系统发生树采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和最大似然法(ML)进行构建。使用蜢总科的变色乌蜢Erianthus versicolor 和 Erianthus sp. 两个种作为外群。结果表明:大足蝗亚科和斑腿蝗亚科的单系性没有得到支持。斑翅蝗亚科内部各种聚成一个大支,在本研究中该亚科的单系性得到支持,与前人的研究结论相同。大足蝗亚科、斑腿蝗亚科、刺胸蝗亚科和黑蝗亚科这4科关系非常近,可以考虑将其合并为一个亚科。同时,我们发现基于Cytb和COI基因联合序列推断蝗科内各亚科间的系统发生关系并不十分可靠。  相似文献   

Microchiroptera have diversified into many species whose size and the shapes of the complicated ear and nose have been adapted to their echolocation abilities. Their speciation processes, and intra- and interspecies relationships are still under discussion. Here we report on the geographical variation of Japanese Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and R. cornutus using the complete sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to clarify the phylogenetic positions of the 2 species as well as that of Rhinolophidae within the Microchiroptera. We have found that sequence divergence values within each of the 2 species are unexpectedly low (0.07%-0.94%). We have also found that there is no local specificity of their mtCytb alleles. On the other hand, the divergence values for Japanese Microchiroptera (12.7%-16.6%) are much higher than those for other mammalian genera. Similarly, the values among five genera of Vespertilionidae were 20.5%-27.3%. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the 2 species of family Rhinolophidae in the suborder Microchiroptera belong to the Megachiroptera cluster in the constructed maximum parsimony tree. These results suggest that the speciation of Rhinolophidae involved its divergence as an independent lineage from other Microchiroptera, and other microbats might be paraphyletic. In addition, the tree also shows that the order Chiroptera is monophylitic, and the closest group to Chiroptera is the ungulates.  相似文献   

鳜类系统发育的线粒体Cytb基因全序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章群  任岗  钱开诚  陈泉梅 《生态科学》2006,25(5):430-432,436
测定了鳜、大眼鳜、斑鳜、暗鳜、波纹鳜、长体鳜、中国少鳞鳜等7种鳜类12个个体的线粒体细胞色素b基因全序列。结合GenBank中的同源序列,共分析了9种鳜类的系统发育关系。序列分析表明,鳜属鱼类属内种间的遗传距离(0.015~0.093)明显小于少鳞鳜属鱼类属内种间的遗传距离(0.152~0.178)。在分子系统发育树上,长体鳜与鳜属的鳜、大眼鳜、斑鳜、波纹鳜、暗鳜聚合成一分支,少鳞鳜属的种类聚成另一分支;支持将长体鳜归入鳜属,鳜类分为鳜属和少鳞鳜属等二个属的分类处理。在鳜属鱼类中,鳜和大眼鳜亲缘关系十分密切;斑鳜与波纹鳜亲缘较近;长体鳜与鳜属其它5个种的亲缘关系较远。在少鳞鳜属鱼类中,中国少鳞鳜和日本少鳞鳜的亲缘关系较远,韩国少鳞鳜的系统位置较不明确。鳜类的单系性及其鳜类的系统位置仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

基于线粒体Cyt b基因的全长序列探讨闭壳龟类的系统进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR技术对淡水龟科具闭壳结构的黄缘盒龟、黄额盒龟、金头闭壳龟、潘氏闭壳龟、锯缘龟和白腹摄龟的线粒体Cytb基因的全长序列进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,并结合GenBank中16种淡水龟科物种的同源序列,进行了序列变异和系统发生分析。经C lustalX1.8软件对位排列后共有1154个位点,其中可变位点413个,简约信息位点301个;A+T的平均含量(56.5%)高于G+C(43.5%)。在氨基酸密码子中,第一位富含A,第二位富含T,第三位富含C;碱基转换/颠换率为5.97,碱基替换多发生在密码子第三位。以中华鳖和马来鳖为外群,通过最大简约法,最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了分子系统树,均具有一致的拓扑结构,结果表明:金头闭壳龟和潘氏闭壳龟最先聚成一支,再和三线闭壳龟聚成一组,说明形态上相似的三种闭壳龟亲缘关系最近;闭壳龟属、盒龟属和单种锯缘龟属聚成一个单系的闭壳龟群,建议合并为闭壳龟属;齿缘龟属和果龟属聚为一支,它们与新的闭壳龟属关系较远,揭示闭壳结构的形成不是由一个共同祖先分化而来;乌龟属、花龟属和拟水龟属三属为并系起源,建议三属可以合并为一属。  相似文献   

The classification and evolutionary relationships are important issues in the study of the groupers. Cytochrome b gene fragment of twenty-eight grouper species within six genera of subfamily Epinephelinae was amplified using PCR techniques and the sequences were analyzed to derive the phylogenetic relationships of the groupers from the China Seas. Genetic information indexes, including Kimura-2 parameter genetic distance and T S/T V ratios, were generated by using a variety of biology softwares. With Niphon spinosus, Pagrus major and Pagrus auriga as the designated outgroups, phylogenetic trees, which invoke additional homologous sequences of other Epinephelus fishes from GenBank, were constructed based on the neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and minimum-evolution (ME) methods. Several conclusions were drawn from the DNA sequences analysis: (1) genus Plectropomus, which was early diverged, is the most primitive group in the subfamily Epinephelinae; (2) genus Variola is more closely related to genus Cephalopolis than the other four genera; (3) genus Cephalopolis is a monophyletic group and more primitive than genus Epinephelus; (4) Promicrops lanceolatus and Cromileptes altivelis should be included in genus Epinephelus; (5) there exist two sister groups in genus Epinephelus. These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

矮岩羊的分类地位从它被发现后就一直存在着争议。本文测定了分别来自四川和青海的岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)和矮岩羊(Pseudois schaeferi)共7个个体的Cyt b基因全序列(1140bp),结合山羊(Capra hircus)、北山羊(Capra ibex)、绵羊(Ovis aries)和盘羊(Ovis ammon)同源DNA序列进行比较,分析了碱基组成和变异情况以及核苷酸序列差异。用简约法和距离距阵法构建了分子系统树,得到了相同的拓扑结构。结果显示:岩羊和矮岩羊互为单系群,有着较山羊、北山羊、绵羊和盘羊间更近的亲缘关系,它们之间的序列差异(Cyt b=3.2%)低于牛科不同种间的序列差异水平(8.3%-12.1%),明显高于种内个体的序列差异,而处于牛科亚种的序列差异范围内。因此,推测矮岩羊与岩羊之间的差异可能已经达到了亚种的水平。它们的分歧时间为l-3百万年[动物学报49(2):198—204,2003]。  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the phylogenetic position of the cryopelagic cod genus Arctogadus, gadine phylogenetic relationships were examined using the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene. A segment of 401 base pairs was sequenced from 6 gadine species [Arctogadus borisovi Drjagin, A. glacialis (Peters), Gadiculus argenteus Guichenot, Micromesistius poutassou (Risso), Pollachius pollachius (L.), Pollachius virens (L.)] and from 4 gadiform outgroup species. With additional data from GenBank, a dataset of all 12 gadine genera (19 species) was analysed using parsimony and neighbour-joining. Arctogadus appeared in a terminal clade as sistergenus to Boreogadus and closely related to Gadus and Theragra. The relatively small genetic difference between these four genera indicates a need for taxonomic revision, and possibly that Arctogadus should be synonymised with Boreogadus or Gadus. A difference of only 0-2 base pairs between specimens of A. borisovi and A. glacialis indicates that they are conspecific, with A. borisovi as the junior synonym.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 31 Japanese Catocala species were analyzed based on the partial nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (ND5) gene (762 bp). When several non-Catocala Noctuidae moths were designated as the outgroup, these Catocala species formed a monophyletic group. However, divergences between these Catocala species were very deep, and no close phylogenetic relationships were recognized among them except for that between the two recently separated species, C. xarippe and C. fulminea. The remote relationships implied for several pairs of species suggest that the color of the hindwings is a changeable characteristic, and does not reflect phylogenetic lineage. Continental specimens were analyzed in 20 of 31 Catocala species, and all of them showed a close relationship with their Japanese counterpart. However, the closeness of the nucleotide sequences between the Japanese and continental individuals of the same species varied from species to species, indicating that isolation between the Japanese and continental populations of these species occurred at many different times. The two analyzed species endemic to North America showed a close relationship with their morphologically inferred Japanese counterparts, indicating that the geographic separation and following speciation between these Eurasian and American species occurred much more recently compared with the speciation events among the Catocala species now found in Japan.  相似文献   

The molecular evidence of phylogenetic status regarding the Formosan serow (Capricornis swinhoei) is not robust and little is known about the genetic diversity of the Sumatran serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), which partly is due to the hardness in sample collection. Here we determined the sequences of the complete mitochondrial DNA control region (1,014 bp) of 19 Sumatran-serow individuals. Nine new haplotypes were defined based on 78 variable sites. Combined analysis with other 32 haplotypes downloaded from the public database, including 1 Sumatran-serow, 11 Formosan-serow and 20 Japanese-serow (Capricornis crispus) haplotypes, a relatively high level of nucleotide diversity was first observed in Sumatran serow (π = 0.0249). By comparative analysis with structural consensus sequences from other mammals, we have identified central, left and right domains and depicted the putative functional structure, including extend termination associated sequences and conserve sequence blocks, in mtDNA control region. The alignment of mtDNA control region revealed that both Sumatran and Japanese serow have two tandem repeats (TRs), but three TRs in Formosan serow. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the Formosan serow is distinct species with the Japanese serow, but a sister group with the Sumatran serow. The divergence time estimated among three serow species revealed that Pleistocene climate changes and the uplift of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau might play an important role in the genetic differentiation of the serows. These results mainly provide the convinced evidence on the genetic relationship between three serow species.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of soricid shrews (Soricidae, Eulipotyphla, Mammalia) based on 1140 bp mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b ) sequences was inferred by the maximum likelihood (ML) method. All 13 genera of extant Soricinae and two genera of Crocidurinae were included in the analyses. Anourosorex was phylogenetically distant from the main groupings within Soricinae and Crocidurinae in the ML tree. Thus, it could not be determined to which subfamily Anourosorex should be assigned: Soricinae, Crocidurinae or a new subfamily. Soricinae (excluding Anourosorex ) should be divided into four tribes: Neomyini, Notiosoricini, Soricini and Blarinini. However, monophyly of Blarinini was not robust in the present data set. Also, branching orders among tribes of Soricinae and those among genera of Neomyini could not be determined because of insufficient phylogenetic information of the cyt b sequences. For water shrews of Neomyini ( Chimarrogale , Nectogale and Neomys ), monophyly of Neomys and the Chimarrogale – Nectogale group could not be verified, which implies the possibility of multiple origins for the semi-aquatic mode of living among taxa within Neomyini. Episoriculus may contain several separate genera. Blarinella was included in Blarinini not Soricini, based on the cyt b sequences, but the confidence level was rather low; hence more phylogenetic information is needed to determine its phylogenetic position. Furthermore, some specific problems of taxonomy of soricid shrews were clarified, for example phylogeny of local populations of Notiosorex crawfordi , Chimarrogale himalayica and Crocidura attenuata .  相似文献   

Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene is considered to be one of the best markers for breed characterization as well as studying the ancestry in the vertebrates due to its exclusive maternal inheritance. DNA fingerprinting by single nucleotide polymorphism is most reliable and widely used molecular technique in modern forensics and is being considered in this study. Partial sequencing of 1,061?bp of aforementioned gene from 14580 to 15643 was conducted in two famous Pakistani buffalo breeds named Nili-Ravi and Kundi. In which we explore seven haplotypes within earlier and none in the latter breed. Nili-Ravi is polymorphic at four codons of this gene, and the protein translation is also different from the reference sample while monomorphic at three codons with no amino acid replacement. Haplotypes frequency distribution of these four haplotypes named NR3, NR4, NR5, NR7 revealed that the prevalence of each haplotype is 0.04?% in the Pakistani buffalo population of this Nili-Ravi breed while complete homoplasmy was observed in the Kundi breed population. Nili-Ravi breed of buffalo is genetically more variable than the Kundi breed as far as the gene in subject is concerned. It means later breed has spent more time to propagate its wild type haplotype which make this breed more ancestral as compare to Nili-Ravi. Secondly both breeds share their common ancestors with regional water buffalo rather than the swamp one.  相似文献   

从细胞色素b部分序列探讨石斑鱼属的分子系统发育关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石斑鱼的分类在学术界尚存在很多争议。本文采用PCR技术,测定了分布于中国的点带石斑鱼(Epinepheluscoioiaes)、青石斑鱼(E.awoara)、六带石斑鱼(E.sexfasciatus)、褐石斑鱼(E.brunneus),长棘石斑鱼(E.longispinis),吻斑石斑鱼(E.spilotoceps),巨石斑鱼(E.tauvina)以及石斑鱼亚科侧牙鲈属的侧牙鲈(Variola louti)的线粒体细胞色素b基因402bp的序列,结合GenBank提供的7种中国无记录的石斑鱼:青铜石斑鱼(E.aeneus)、海丰石斑鱼(E.haifensis)、犬牙石斑鱼(E.caninus)、东大西洋石斑鱼(E.marginatus)、白斑石斑鱼(E.multinotatus)、德氏石斑鱼(E.drummondhayi)、淡点石斑鱼(E.labriformis),把这14种石斑鱼作为内群,对他们的序列组成和结构特点进行了分析;并以同为科(Serranidae)、石斑鱼亚科(Epinephelinae)的侧牙鲈属(Variola)的侧牙鲈作外群,分别用MP法、NJ法对内、外群构建了分子系统树,结果表明:(1)14种石斑鱼402bp的mtDNA Cytb部分序列的碱基组成上,A+T的含量为53.6%高于G+C含量(46.4%),序列中转换颠换比为4.78,没有突变饱和;(2)青石斑鱼与六带石斑鱼、点带石斑鱼与巨石斑鱼、长棘石斑鱼与吻斑石斑鱼分别聚在一起,与形态分类结果一致;(3)系统树中,大西洋与太平洋种类各枝交替汇合,表明石斑鱼的Cytb序列有严格的保守性,也可能是协同进化的结果;(4)揭示在良种选配或遗传管理时,避免居于同枝的石斑鱼混交,将大西洋种类与太平洋种类杂交可能是遗传改良的一种途径。    相似文献   

The mtDNA Cyt b gene was sequenced partially for Variola louti of Serranidae,Epinephelinae and seven endemic species of groupers-Epinephelus awoara,E.brunneus,E.coioides,E.longispinis,E.sexfasciatus,E.spilotoceps and E.tauvina in China.The seven endemic species and other seven foreign species of groupers--E,aeneus,E.caninus,E.drummondhayi,E,haifensis,E.labriformis,E.marginatus and E.multinotatus from the GenBank were combined and analysed as ingroup,while Variola louti was used as outgroup.We compared the 420 bp sequences of Cyt b among the 15 species and constructed two types of molecular phylogenetic trees with maximum parsimony method (MP)and neighbor-joining method (NJ) respectively.The results were as follows:(1) As to the base composition of mtDNA Cyt b sequence (402 bp) of 14 species of Epinepkelus,the content of (A + T) was 53.6%,higher than that of (G + C) (46.4%).The transition/transversion ratio was 4.78 with no mutation saturation.(2) The duster relationships between E.awoara and E.sexfasciatus,E.coioides and E.tauvina,E.longispinis and E.spilotoceps were consistent with phenotypes in taxonomy.(3) In the phylogenetic tree,the species in the Atlantic Ocean were associated closely with those in the Pacific Ocean,which suggested that the Cyt b sequences of Epinephelus were highly conserved.This may be attributed to the coordinate evolution.(4) In well-bred mating or heredity management,mating Epinephelus of the same branch should be avoided.It is likely to be an effective way to mate the species of the Atlantic Ocean with those of the Pacific Ocean to improve the inheritance species.  相似文献   

The mtDNA Cyt b gene was sequenced partially for Variola louti of Serranidae, Epinephelinae and seven endemic species of groupers—Epinephelus awoara, E. brunneus, E. coioides, E. longispinis, E. sexfasciatus, E. spilotoceps and E. tauvina in China. The seven endemic species and other seven foreign species of groupers—E. aeneus, E. caninus, E. drummondhayi, E. haifensis, E. labriformis, E. marginatus and E. multinotatus from the GenBank were combined and analysed as ingroup, while Variola louti was used as outgroup. We compared the 420 bp sequences of Cyt b among the 15 species and constructed two types of molecular phylogenetic trees with maximum parsimony method (MP) and neighbor-joining method (NJ) respectively. The results were as follows: (1) As to the base composition of mtDNA Cyt b sequence (402 bp) of 14 species of Epinephelus, the content of (A + T) was 53.6%, higher than that of (G + C) (46.4%). The transition/transversion ratio was 4.78 with no mutation saturation. (2) The cluster relationships between E. awoara and E. sexfasciatus, E. coioides and E. tauvina, E. longispinis and E. spilotoceps were consistent with phenotypes in taxonomy. (3) In the phylogenetic tree, the species in the Atlantic Ocean were associated closely with those in the Pacific Ocean, which suggested that the Cyt b sequences of Epinephelus were highly conserved. This may be attributed to the coordinate evolution. (4) In wel1-bred mating or heredity management, mating Epinephelus of the same branch should be avoided. It is likely to be an effective way to mate the species of the Atlantic Ocean with those of the Pacific Ocean to improve the inheritance species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Primer pairs were designed and protocols developed to selectively amplify segments of vertebrate mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b ) mtDNA from the bloodmeals of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). The protocols use two pairs of nested COI primers and one pair of Cyt b primers to amplify short segments of DNA. Resultant sequences are then compared with sequences in GenBank, using the BLAST function, for putative host identification. Vertebrate DNA was amplified from 88% of our sample of 162 wild-caught, blood-fed mosquitoes from Oregon, U.S.A. and GenBank BLAST searches putatively identified 98% of the amplified sequences, including one amphibian, seven mammalian and 14 avian species. Criteria and caveats for putative identification of bloodmeals are discussed.  相似文献   

Partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences of eight salmonid species were used in a PAUP analysis to generate a phylogeny of the group. The four genera represented are Salmo, Salvelinus, Oncorhynchus and Thymallus . The inferred phylogenetic tree coincides well with the classically derived one for these genera. The recent reclassification of the rainbow trout as a member of the genus Oncorhynchus is supported. The assignment of grayling as the outgroup is vindicated. The utility of gene sequence data to infer the phylogenetic relationships of the Salmonidae is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding with the gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) in the mitochondrial genome has been proposed as a standard marker to identify and discover animal species. Some migratory wild birds are suspected of transmitting avian influenza and pose a threat to aircraft safety because of bird strikes. We have previously reported the COI gene sequences of 92 Korean bird species. In the present study, we developed a DNA microarray to identify 17 selected bird species on the basis of nucleotide diversity. We designed and synthesized 19 specific oligonucleotide probes; these probes were arrayed on a silylated glass slide. The length of the probes was 19-24 bps. The COI sequences amplified from the tissues of the selected birds were labeled with a fluorescent probe for microarray hybridization, and unique hybridization patterns were detected for each selected species. These patterns may be considered diagnostic patterns for species identification. This microarray system will provide a sensitive and a high-throughput method for identification of Korean birds.  相似文献   

目的通过克隆分析中国地鼠16S基因的部分序列,对中国地鼠16S基因的结构和功能进行初步探索和揭示。方法从GenBank中已报道的啮齿动物16S基因保守区设计一对引物,进行PCR扩增,测序。用Blastn与GenBank中七种啮齿类动物的16S基因进行序列比较,分析其碱基组成及变异情况,并用邻接法(NJ)、非加权组平均法(UPGMA)构建分子系统树,在分子水平上探讨中国地鼠和其他啮齿类动物的进化关系,对中国地鼠的种属地位进行了进一步验证。结果获得了中国地鼠线粒体16S基因的部分序列,其碱基组成A、T、C、G分别为40.5%、24.5%、18.7%、16.3%,与其他七种啮齿类动物的碱基含量相比,各碱基含量基本相似。NJ进化树表明,中国地鼠、金黄地鼠与欧洲仓鼠先聚为一支,小鼠与大鼠先聚为一支,东方田鼠、台湾田鼠与东欧田鼠先聚为一支。结论中国地鼠和金黄地鼠的亲缘关系最近,与传统的分类地位基本吻合。  相似文献   

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