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While the importance of personality in explaining individual dispersal strategies is increasingly recognized, limited information is still available on how patterns of personality-dependent dispersal may develop, hampering our understanding of the ecological significance of behavioural dispersal syndromes. Here, we examine the relative importance of personality at different stages of dispersal in the great tit, by analysing the sex-specific relationship between exploratory behaviour (EB; quantified in a novel environment) and dispersal distances in different seasons over the course of the first year of life (summer, autumn, winter, and until the first breeding attempt). In females, we found that EB was an important predictor of dispersal distances in summer and autumn, but only a weak to moderate correlation remained for females captured in winter or for natal dispersal distances based on first breeding records. We obtained a contrasting pattern at the population level, whereby male (but not female) immigrants captured in summer and autumn had higher EB scores than locally born birds, while this was not the case in birds captured in winter and those recruited as breeders into the population. In addition to providing further evidence for the existence of a behaviour dispersal syndrome in birds, our results show that correlations between EB and dispersal appear strongest at the early stages of the dispersal process, rather than being developed gradually. These findings show the importance of analysing the effect of phenotypic attributes on dispersal across different stages of the dispersal phenomenon and in each sex separately.  相似文献   

Understanding causes of variation in promiscuity within populations remain a major challenge. While most studies have focused on quantifying fitness costs and benefits of promiscuous behaviour, an alternative possibility--that variation in promiscuity within populations is maintained because of linkage with other traits-has received little attention. Here, we examine whether promiscuity in male and female great tits (Parus major)--quantified as extra-pair paternity (EPP) within and between nests--is associated with variation in a well-documented personality trait: exploration behaviour in a novel environment. Exploration behaviour has been shown to correlate with activity levels, risk-taking and boldness, and these are behaviours that may plausibly influence EPP. Exploration behaviour correlated positively with paternity gained outside the social pair among males in our population, but there was also a negative correlation with paternity in the social nest. Hence, while variation in male personality predicted the relative importance of paternity gain within and outside the pair bond, total paternity gained was unrelated to exploration behaviour. We found evidence that males paired with bold females were more likely to sire extra-pair young. Our data thus demonstrate a link between personality and promiscuity, with no net effects on reproductive success, suggesting personality-dependent mating tactics, in contrast with traditional adaptive explanations for promiscuity.  相似文献   

Using a long-term demographic data set, we estimated the separate effects of demographic and environmental stochasticity in the growth rate of the great tit population in Wytham Wood, United Kingdom. Assuming logistic density regulation, both the demographic (sigma2d = 0.569) and environmental (sigma2e = 0.0793) variance, with interactions included, were significantly greater than zero. The estimates of the demographic variance seemed to be relatively insensitive to the length of the study period, whereas reliable estimates of the environmental variance required long time series (at least 15 yr of data). The demographic variance decreased significantly with increasing population density. These estimates are used in a quantitative analysis of the demographic factors affecting the risk of extinction of this population. The very long expected time to extinction of this population (approximately 10(19) yr) was related to a relatively large population size (>/=120 pairs during the study period). However, for a given population size, the expected time to extinction was sensitive to both variation in population growth rate and environmental stochasticity. Furthermore, the form of the density regulation strongly affected the expected time to extinction. Time to extinction decreased when the maximum density regulation approached K. This suggests that estimates of viability of small populations should be given both with and without inclusion of density dependence.  相似文献   

1. Interest in the evolutionary origin and maintenance of individual behavioural variation and behavioural plasticity has increased in recent years. 2. Consistent individual behavioural differences imply limited behavioural plasticity, but the proximate causes and wider consequences of this potential constraint remain poorly understood. To date, few attempts have been made to explore whether individual variation in behavioural plasticity exists, either within or between populations. 3. We assayed 'exploration behaviour' among wild-caught individual great tits Parus major when exposed to a novel environment room in four populations across Europe. We quantified levels of individual variation within and between populations in average behaviour, and in behavioural plasticity with respect to (i) repeated exposure to the room (test sequence), (ii) the time of year in which the assays were conducted and (iii) the interval between successive tests, all of which indicate habituation to novelty and are therefore of functional significance. 4. Consistent individual differences ('I') in behaviour were present in all populations; repeatability (range: 0.34-0.42) did not vary between populations. Exploration behaviour was also plastic, increasing with test sequence - but less so when the interval between subsequent tests was relatively large - and time of year; populations differed in the magnitude of plasticity with respect to time of year and test interval. Finally, the between-individual variance in exploration behaviour increased significantly from first to repeat tests in all populations. Individuals with high initial scores showed greater increases in exploration score than individuals with low initial scores; individual by environment interaction ('I × E') with respect to test sequence did not vary between populations. 5. Our findings imply that individual variation in both average level of behaviour and behavioural plasticity may generally characterize wild great tit populations and may largely be shaped by mechanisms acting within populations. Experimental approaches are now needed to confirm that individual differences in behavioural plasticity (habituation) - not other hidden biological factors - caused the observed patterns of I × E. Establishing the evolutionary causes and consequences of this variation in habituation to novelty constitutes an exciting future challenge.  相似文献   

Traits that are closely associated with fitness tend to have lower heritabilities (h2) than those that are not. This has been interpreted as evidence that natural selection tends to deplete genetic variation more rapidly for traits more closely associated with fitness (a corollary of Fisher's fundamental theorem), but Price and Schluter (1991) suggested the pattern might be due to higher residual variance in traits more closely related to fitness. The relationship between 10 different traits for females, seven traits for males, and overall fitness (lifetime recruitment) was quantified for great tits (Parus major) studied in their natural environment of Wytham Wood, England, using data collected over 39 years. Heritabilities and the coefficients of additive genetic and residual variance (CVA and CVR, respectively) were estimated using an "animal model." For both males and females, a trait's correlation (r) with fitness was negatively related to its h2 but positively related to its CVR. The CVA was not related to the trait's correlation with fitness in either sex. This is the third study using directly measured fitness in a wild population to show the important role of residual variation in determining the pattern of lower heritabilities for traits more closely related to fitness.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1041-1050
We present a dynamic optimal control model to show how territorial male great tits (Parus major L.) should combine territorial vigilance with foraging. In the model, territory owners allocate time either to feeding in patches or travelling between them. Travelling is compatible with territorial vigilance, while feeding is not. Owners are assumed to adjust their patch residence and travel times in order to minimize the costs accruing from intruders on their territories, while at the same time reducing their hunger. The relation between patch residence and travel time matches that of Charnov's (1976) marginal value theorem while hunger is high, but as hunger is reduced the dynamic model predicts shorter patch residence times for any observed travel time. We present supporting evidence from an experimental test with captive male great tits.  相似文献   

We measured the selection pressure on brood size in a recentlyestablished population of great tits (Parus major L.) in thenorthern Netherlands by manipulating brood size in three years(1995: n = 51, 1997: n = 66, 1998: n = 51), and we estimatedfitness consequences in terms of local survival of both offspringand parents. Enlarged broods had highest fitness; the offspringfitness component was positively affected by manipulation andthe parental fitness component was unaffected. Parental survivaland the probability that parents produced a second clutch werenot affected by the treatment. However, parents that had raisedenlarged broods produced their second clutch later in the season.Clutch size, brood size, and laying date of birds recapturedin the next breeding season were largely independent of thetreatment. We conclude that there is strong evidence for selectionfor larger brood size and reject the individual optimizationhypothesis for this population because the number of young inthe nest predicts fitness independently of the manipulationhistory.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 18 great tits (Parus major) from three neighboring localities in Sweden was investigated with eight tetranucleotide restriction endonucleases. The 18 individuals could be separated into 13 different maternal lineages. The high number of female lineages present in this regional population contrasts with a low level of sequence divergence between the different mtDNA clones, with a mean of 0.19% sequence divergence between all individuals. There was no obvious spatial structuring of mtDNA clones among the three localities. The presence of a high number of different clones with a low degree of sequence divergence could be explained by the effects of a large long-term effective population size, with the mtDNA clones having diverged about 25,000–200,000 years ago.This study was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation, and the Nilsson-Ehle Foundation.  相似文献   

Inbreeding resulting from the mating of two related individuals can reduce the fitness of their progeny. However, quantifying inbreeding depression in wild populations is challenging, requiring large sample sizes, detailed knowledge of life histories and study over many generations. Here we report analyses of the effects of close inbreeding, based on observations of mating between relatives, in a large, free-living noninsular great tit (Parus major) population monitored over 41 years. Although mating between close relatives (f > or = 0.125) was rare (1.0-2.6% of matings, depending on data set restrictiveness), we found pronounced inbreeding depression, which translated into reduced hatching success, fledging success, recruitment to the breeding population and production of grand offspring. An inbred mating at f = 0.25 had a 39% reduction in fitness relative to that of an outbred nest, when calculated in terms of recruitment success, and a 55% reduction in the number of fledged grand offspring. Our data show that inbreeding depression acts independently at each life-history stage in this population, and hence suggest that estimates of the fitness costs of inbreeding must focus on the entire life cycle.  相似文献   

Studies of a range of taxa, including birds, have revealed latitudinal clines in allele length at the conserved Clock locus, a gene with known influences on behaviour and physiology. Such clines might reflect adaptation to seasonal variation, a suggestion supported by a recent within‐population analysis of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, which found associations between Clock genotype and timing of breeding in females. To test the generality of this pattern, we sequenced the polymorphic poly‐Q locus of the Clock gene in 521 female great tits Parus major, which were selected based on possession of extreme breeding phenotypes. In total, we identified five alleles with one allele accounting for 96% of allelic diversity in the sample set. Overall variability at the poly‐Q locus was very low, and the spatial distribution of Clock alleles across Wytham was highly homogenous. Our data further provide no evidence for a connection between Clock genotype and reproductive timing phenotype in female great tits; further, we found no effect of Clock genotype on reproductive success. Hence, these results are in contrast to the pattern found for the sympatric blue tit population inhabiting the same woodlands, suggesting that phenotypic effects of Clock are not general in passerine birds.  相似文献   

Aim The laying of eggs and the building of a nest structure to accommodate them are two of the defining characteristics of members of the class Aves. Nest structures vary considerably across avian taxa and for many species the structure of the completed nest can have important consequences both for parents and their offspring. While nest characteristics are expected to vary adaptively in response to environmental conditions, large‐scale spatial variation in nest characteristics has been largely overlooked. Here, we examine the effects of latitudinal variation in spring temperatures on nest characteristics, including insulatory properties, and reproductive success of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, and great tits, Parus major. Location Great Britain. Methods Nests and reproductive data were collected from seven study sites, spread over 5° of latitude. The nest insulatory properties were then determined before the nests were separated into nest base material and cup lining material. Results As spring temperatures increased with decreasing latitude, the mass of the nest base material did not vary in either species, while the mass of the cup lining material and nest insulatory properties decreased in both species. This suggests that in response to increasing temperatures the breeding female reduces the mass of the cup lining material, thereby maintaining an appropriate microclimate for incubating and brooding. The mean first egg date of both species advanced with decreasing latitude and increasing spring temperatures, although clutch size and brood size at hatching and fledging did not vary. Main conclusions This is the first study to demonstrate that the nest‐construction behaviour of birds varies in response to large‐scale spatial variation in ambient temperatures. Therefore, nest composition reliably indicates environmental conditions and we suggest that studies of nest structure may be sentinels for the early signs of rapid climate change.  相似文献   

Spatial processes could play an important role in density-dependent population regulation because the disproportionate use of poor quality habitats as population size increases is widespread in animal populations-the so-called buffer effect. While the buffer effect patterns and their demographic consequences have been described in a number of wild populations, much less is known about how dispersal affects distribution patterns and ultimately density dependence. Here, we investigated the role of dispersal in spatial density dependence using an extraordinarily detailed dataset from a reintroduced Mauritius kestrel (Falco punctatus) population with a territorial (despotic) breeding system. We show that recruitment rates varied significantly between territories, and that territory occupancy was related to its recruitment rate, both of which are consistent with the buffer effect theory. However, we also show that restricted dispersal affects the patterns of territory occupancy with the territories close to release sites being occupied sooner and for longer as the population has grown than the territories further away. As a result of these dispersal patterns, the strength of spatial density dependence is significantly reduced. We conclude that restricted dispersal can modify spatial density dependence in the wild, which has implications for the way population dynamics are likely to be impacted by environmental change.  相似文献   

Tschirren B  Fitze PS  Richner H 《Oecologia》2005,143(3):477-482
While elaborate carotenoid-based traits in adult birds may have evolved as honest signals of individual quality in the context of sexual selection or other social interactions, the function of carotenoid-based colours in juveniles is less well understood. We investigated the hypothesis that carotenoid-based nestling colouration has evolved in response to parental preference of intensely coloured offspring during food provisioning. In a field experiment, we manipulated nestling plumage colouration by a carotenoid-supplementation and analysed the parental food provisioning behaviour before feather appearance and at the end of the nestling stage. Carotenoids per se did not influence the nestlings begging behaviour or parental feeding decisions and we found no evidence that carotenoid-based colouration in nestling great tits has a signalling function in parent-offspring interactions. Parents did not discriminate between intensely coloured and control offspring in their food provisioning and in accordance with this finding intensely coloured nestlings were not heavier or larger at the end of the nestling stage. Alternative explanations for the evolution of carotenoid-based colours in nestling birds are discussed.  相似文献   

Human presence is generally negatively related to species richness locally, but the relationship is positive at coarse scales. An increase in the strength of the latter correlation with increasing study resolution has been documented within studies, but it is not known whether such a scale dependence is present across different studies. We test this with data on the spatial co-occurrence of human beings and the species richness of plants and vertebrates from a continuum of scales. The correlation coefficient between human presence and species richness is positively related to study grain and extent. The correlation turns from positive to negative below a study grain of c. 1 km and below a study extent of c. 10 000 km2. The broad-scale positive correlation between human presence and species richness suggests that people have preferentially settled and generally flourished in areas of high biodiversity and/or have contributed to it with species introductions and habitat diversification. The scale dependency of the correlation between people and biodiversity's presence emphasizes the importance of the preservation of green areas in densely populated regions.  相似文献   

Clutch size and egg mass are life history traits that have been extensively studied in wild bird populations, as life history theory predicts a negative trade‐off between them, either at the phenotypic or at the genetic level. Here, we analyse the genomic architecture of these heritable traits in a wild great tit (Parus major) population, using three marker‐based approaches – chromosome partitioning, quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and a genome‐wide association study (GWAS). The variance explained by each great tit chromosome scales with predicted chromosome size, no location in the genome contains genome‐wide significant QTL, and no individual SNPs are associated with a large proportion of phenotypic variation, all of which may suggest that variation in both traits is due to many loci of small effect, located across the genome. There is no evidence that any regions of the genome contribute significantly to both traits, which combined with a small, nonsignificant negative genetic covariance between the traits, suggests the absence of genetic constraints on the independent evolution of these traits. Our findings support the hypothesis that variation in life history traits in natural populations is likely to be determined by many loci of small effect spread throughout the genome, which are subject to continued input of variation by mutation and migration, although we cannot exclude the possibility of an additional input of major effect genes influencing either trait.  相似文献   

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