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The formation of interrelations of the axons of neurosecretory cells and of ependyme cells with the capillaries of primary portal plexus in rats from the 14th day of embryogenesis till the 9th day of postnatal life was studied using the light and electron microscope methods. During the whole period under study, the basal processes of the ependyme cells reach the primary portal plexus of the capillaries. The terminals of the basal processes are usually separated from the endothelium of the capillaries by two basal membranes and enclosed pericapillary space. After the birth, some basal process penetrate in the pericapillary space and terminate on the endothelium. The surface of contact of the ependyme cell processes with the external basal membrane increases with the age, this being accompanied by the increase of pinocytotic activity. The neurosecretory axons are found in the median eminence already on the 14th day of embryogenesis, but by the 20th day only they reach the external basal membrane and penetrate sometimes in the pericapillary space. After the birth, the number of axons reaching the external basal membrane and the surface of contact between them increase gradually with, apparently, a concomitant intensification of the transport of neurohormones in the portal circulatory system of the hypophysial-hypothalamic complex.  相似文献   

Morphometric electron microscopy data were obtained using a semiautomatic image analysis which demonstrate that the main stages of formation of the external zone of median eminence in the rat hypothalamus take place during the perinatal period. From the 20th day of prenatal period to the 9th day of postnatal period, the length of contact between the neurosecretory axons and the primary portal plexus increases twice, whereas that between the basal processes of ependyma cells and the primary portal plexus by a factor of 1.5. At the same time, the number of secretory granules and microvesicles in axons and that of pinocytotic vesicles in the basal processes markedly increases. Regional differences in the distribution of vesicular structures were noted in neonatal animals: secretory granules were more numerous in the axon swellings remote from the external basal lamina; pinocytotic vesicles were more numerous in the basal processes which terminated in the medial median eminence.  相似文献   

The presence and possible sources of more than 30 neuropeptides in the median eminence are summarized. The median eminence is the brain area which contains neuropeptides in the highest number and in the highest concentrations in the central nervous system. This area constitutes the final common pathway for signals from the brain to the pituitary. Many peptidergic fibers enter the median eminence and terminate around the pericapillary space and release their neuropeptides into hypophysial portal blood vessels. Other peptidergic fibers traverse the median eminence and terminate in the posterior pituitary. According to their origin, fibers in the median eminence can be classified as intra- or extrahypothalamic fibers. The neuropeptide-containing fibers in the median eminence are mainly intrahypothalamic, they reach the median eminence through either the lateral retrochiasmatic area or the tuberoinfundibular tract. Depending on the site of their action, neuropeptides may be either neurohormones acting on the anterior pituitary cells or neurotransmitters affecting the release of substances from other nerve terminals within the median eminence.  相似文献   

Distribution of adrenergic and peptidergic nerve fibers in rat median eminence was studied three weeks after bilateral adrenalectomy. Fluorescence intensity in the external zone and in some of the nerve cell-bodies proved to be increased in the nucleus arcuatus. There were many nerve fibers with a bright fluorescence in the internal zone. A great number of the peptidergic nerve fibers appeared in the external zone. Reactions in the rostral, medial and caudal regions of the median eminence differed and were described.  相似文献   

Summary The development of immunoreactive (ir) somatostatin-containing nerve terminals in the rat median eminence (ME) has been examined electron-microscopically. Nerve fibers containing ir particles scattered throughout the axoplasm are first seen in the external layer of the ME on day 18.5 of gestation, and, on day 21.5 appear to terminate on the basement membrane of the perivascular space of the portal vessels. After birth, the fiber terminals contain several membrane-limited granules, which are labeled with ir PAP particles. Ultrathin, Epon-embedded sections of ME, treated by the protein A gold-labeling method for somatostatin, demonstrate positively labeled granules in the nerve fibers in the postnatal ME, but in the prenatal tissue, no specific gold-labeling is found. These findings show that, in the external layer of the ME, somatostatin storing occurs in the granules in the axonal terminals after birth.  相似文献   

The median eminence content of immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) was measured by radioimmunoassay in 107 male albino rats, who were either hypothyroid after surgical thyroidectomy (N = 38), hyperthyroid following a subcutaneous implant of 5 mg of L-thyroxine (N = 36), or otherwise untreated (N = 33). Thyroid function was assessed by determining plasma levels of T4 and TSH from trunk blood obtained at the time of decapitation. Subgroups of animals from the 3 groups were killed either before (1800 hr), during (2200, 0200, 0400 hr), or after the dark portion of their 14:10 LD photoperiod. Although no changes in median eminence IRS content were found throughout the period of study within any of the 3 groups, hypothyroid animals (297.23 +/- 13.47 ng per ME; 620.41 +/- 58 ng IRS/mg protein) had a significantly lower median eminence IRS concentration than untreated rats (355.86 +/- 16.55 ng of IRS per ME, P less than 0.01; 906.86 +/- 96.38 ng IRS/mg protein, P less than 0.05) and hyperthyroid animals (384.12 +/- 14.67 ng per ME, P less than 0.001; 874.1 +/- 104.5 ng IRS@mg protein, P less than 0.05). It is concluded, that the feedback of thyroid hormones on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis during thyroid hormone excess in vivo, contrary to what occurs in hypothyroidism, is probably independent of hypothalamic somatostatin.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether the median eminence (ME) is the site of action of CRF (corticotropin releasing factor) in inhibiting LH levels in female rats, we have injected CRF (1 nmol) directly into the ME and then measured plasma LH and FSH concentrations in conscious ovariectomized (OVX) rats in the absence or presence of a single dose of estradiol benzoate (EB). CRF caused a significant decrease in plasma LH levels in both OVX and OVX + EB rats at 30 min postinjection, in comparison to the values obtained in animals injected with water only. Injection into the ME of water had no effect on plasma LH levels in either OVX or OVX + EB animals. The results suggest that CRF probably inhibits LH secretion, at least in part by a central action on GnRH release in ME.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of renin, angiotensinogen, kininogen, total protein, and renal renin concentration were measured in rats before spontaneous birth, immediately after vaginal delivery, during the subsequent 48 h, as well as at the ages of 10, 20 and 80 days. Preterm rats had a plasma renin concentration about 15 times higher than adults, which increased further in 1 h-old vaginally-delivered rats. Thereafter renin fell to very low levels within 2 h, rose again during the first day and remained at 4 times the adults level until day 10. Renal renin content and concentration increased over the whole observation period, except for a slight fall of renin concentration in the first 3 h after birth. In pre- and full-terms rats, angiotensinogen concentration was only 20% that of adults, reaching even lower values immediately after delivery, due to excessive consumption by renin. Thereafter, angiotensinogen increased more than 10 fold within 48 h. Kininogen concentration in plasma was higher than in adults and stable up to the 10th postnatal day. We conclude that vaginal delivery is a strong stimulus for renin release, the resulting high concentration of renin being responsible both for the increased turnover of angiotensinogen and the subsequent inhibition of renin release. The cause and biological significance of the dramatic increase of angiotensinogen during the first 48 h of life remains obscure.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the median eminence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary The present ultrastructural study proves the existence of nerve terminals closely apposed to the plasmalemmata of tanycytes in the rat median eminence. Several of these axo-tanycytic endings display remarkable accumulations of agranular endoplasmic reticulum in the form of pleomorphic vesicles which are closely apposed on either side of the plasma membrane of each cell compartment. Some of these vesicular profiles give the impression of structural continuity across both membrane systems. This phenomenon is discussed in the context of being a potential substratum for communication between both cell compartments.Supported by NIH Grant NS13717 and NSF Grant BNS 78-11820  相似文献   

Concentrations of dopamine (DA) and one of its major metabolites, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), were determined in selected brain regions of rats that were euthanatized either by decapitation or by intravenous injections of pentobarbital or Fatal Plus, a commercial preparation that contains pentobarbital. When compared with values in decapitated brains, pentobarbital increased the concentration of DOPAC in the median eminence, which contains terminals of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons. Fifteen minutes of restraint reduced the concentration of DOPAC in the median eminence of rats killed by decapitation or by injections of pentobarbital, indicating that pentobarbital does not mask restraint-induced decrease in TIDA neuronal activity. In contrast, none of the manipulations altered DA or DOPAC concentrations in the striatum, which contains terminals of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. Thus, changes in the concentrations of DOPAC in the median eminence (an index of TIDA neuronal activity) induced by stress can be detected in rats euthanatized by either decapitation or an injection of pentobarbital.  相似文献   

Summary The ependymal cells bordering the median eminence to the third ventricle are characterised by many microvillus-like projections and bulbous cell processes of the luminal plasma membrane. The latter contain many vesicles 500–1,000 Å in diameter. Cilia with 9+2 fibrillar pattern are seen occasionally. Adhesive devices in the from of zonula adhaerens and zonula occludens are found in the apical part of the intercellular junction. Unmyelinated nerve fibres with a mean diameter of 1 and containing many electron dense granules of 830–1,330 Å are often seen between the ependymal cells.Two types of glial cells are found in the median eminence. One is characterised by a nucleus with dense blods of chromatin and dense cytoplasm, and it is associated chiefly with the nerve fibres in the region of the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract. The other type of glial cell is characterised by fine, uniformly distributed chromatin in the nucleus and a relatively pale cytoplasm and branched processes which terminate perivascularly in the base of the median eminence.Myelinated nerve fibres are seen only in the region of the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract. Only a part of them contain electron dense granules 1,330–2,330 Å in diameter.Three types of unmyelinated nerve fibres can be distinguished in the median eminence according to the size of the electron dense granules they contain: 1. Nerve fibres containing granules 1,330–2,330 Å in diameter. They are seen primarily in the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract, but also in the zona externa; 2. those containing granules with a mean diameter of 1,330 Å; and 3. those containing granules with a mean diameter of 1,000 Å. The last two types are both encountered in the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract, the zona externa and the perivascular region of the base of the median eminence. Under high magnification, the membrane of the granules show evidence of a trilaminar structure and the content of the granules with a low electron density appeares to consist of small microvesicles or globular components. Besides granules, these nerve fibres contain vesicles mostly 420 Å in diameter whose relative number increases towards the perivascular nerve endings. 53 per cent of the inclusions in the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract are granules and 47 per cent vesicles, while the corresponding percentages for the zona externa are 40 and 60 and for the perivascular nerve endings 20 and 80.The mean width of the pericapillary space is 1 , but it varies greatly. It containes many collagen fibrils and fibroblasts. The capillary endothelium is frequently fenestrated and contains many vesicles of various sizes.Two types of granules-containing cells are found in the pars tuberalis depending on the size of the electron dense granules: 1. cells containing granules with a mean diameter of 1,330 Å: and 2. cells containing granules with a mean diameter of 2,000 Å. In addition, there are occasional follicular cavities filled with amorphous material, microvilli and cilia of 9+2 fibrillar pattern.Aided by a grant from the Sigrid Jusélius Stifteise.  相似文献   

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