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Pinus halepensis, a Mediterranean pine tree, is a partially serotinous species: individual trees of this species carry both non-serotinous and serotinous cones. Serotinous cones open mainly after fire, whereas non-serotinous cones open in absence of fire. In this study we addressed the question, whether or not this cone response is linked with the germination response of seeds to fires. Two main factors associated with fire are heating of seeds and soil pH. A combination of high heat and high pH simulates a scenario with fire, whereas low heat and low pH simulates a scenario without fire. We assessed the separate and combined effects of heat and pH on the germination rate and the percentage of germination of seeds from non-serotinous cones and two age classes of serotinous cones of P. halepensis. Heat had no effect on the percentage of germination of seeds from any of the cone types, but did positively affect the germination rates of seeds from both age-classes of serotinous cones. High pH negatively affected the germination rate of seeds from all cone types as well as the percentage of germination of seeds from non-serotinous cones. The combinations of heat and pH had different effects on the three cone types: percentage of germination and rate of germination of seeds from non-serotinous cones was higher in the combination high heat-high pH than in the combination low heat-low pH. In the combination high heat-high pH, seeds from serotinous cones germinated better than seeds from non-serotinous cones. The different germination responses of seeds from non-serotinous and serotinous cones could not be attributed to differences in cone age. Our results indicate that the cone response is linked to the germination response of the seeds in P. halepensis, with seeds from serotinous cones being more tolerant to fire related factors. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Increasing anthropic pressure is making forest fires more frequent in the Mediterranean Basin and therefore affecting the response of native flora and fauna. Two large fires occurred in summer, 1994, in the Southeastern Iberian Peninsula. Aleppo pine, the main tree species, regenerated naturally after the fire. In this study we are interested in strategies for maximizing Aleppo pine tree recovery and conservation of its ecosystem. We performed thinning and pruning in the pine tree stands 5 and 10 years after the fire and took measurements on structural patterns and plant diversity using several indices. In addition, we measured macro-lichen and faunal diversity indirectly. Results show significant differences between treated-burned plots and untreated-unburned plots. The plots thinned 10 years after the fire and the unburned plots (mature stands) showed a regular, non-aggregated distribution and a low diameter differentiation. Also, these plots showed similar plant diversity values. The silvicultural treatments did not significantly affect the fauna and lichen index values. The high intensity of thinning and late pruning applied to young Aleppo pine stands improved the structural pattern and plant diversity.  相似文献   

Populations of the obligate-seeder, Banksia ericifolia, were even-aged. Seedling recruitment occurred only after fire. Mean genet size (height + canopy diameter; H+D) increased progressively with elapsed time since fire in stands last burnt 2–23 years before 1981. Populations of a co-occurring resprouter, B. oblongifolia, were mixed-aged. Genet size varied significantly between stands, but this variation was not explained by regressions of H+D on years since fire. In addition B. oblongifolia seedlings were recruited both after fire and in patches of heath unburnt for 16 years.Most flower and seed production in B. oblongifolia occurred in the stands last burnt less than 10 years previously. More than 30% of genets had not produced cones since the last fire, irrespective of how many years had elapsed. In contrast, few B. ericifolia genets had produced cones five years after fire, but by 16 years after fire nearly 100% had. Overall, about 51% of B. ericifolia inflorescences and about 28% of B. oblongifolia inflorescences set seed. The number of seeds in seed-bearing cones was not significantly different between species.Resprouting B. oblongifolia genets began flowering sooner after fire, but B. ericifolia subsequently overtook them in accumulating a bank of serotinous seeds. In the stand unburnt for 23 years the largest B. ericifolia genets had more than twice as many cones as the largest co-occurring B. oblongifolia. However, when accumulated cone production was compared for genets of equal H+D over all stands, there was no difference between species.We thank the New South Wales National Parks & Wildlife Service for permission to do this work in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. We are grateful to Don Adamson, Lynn Day, David Haig and James Sim for constructive comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

Summary The systemic insecticides Acephate, Chlorpyrifos, and Oxamyl were variously toxic toPinus halepensis seeds and seedlings. When applied directly to seeds. Oxyamyl completely suppressed germination; Acetate and Chlorpyrifos greatly inhibited germination. The insecticides either prevented emergence or inhibited elongation of cotyledons and radicals. The insecticides were toxic to youngPinus halepensis seedlings whether applied to the soil or as shoot dips. Oxamyl was the most toxic of the three insecticidesResearch supported by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisonsin.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Sex allocation has been studied mainly in small herbaceous plants but much less in monoecious wind-pollinated trees. The aim of this study was to explore changes in gender segregation and sex allocation by Pinus halepensis, a Mediterranean lowland pine tree, within tree crowns and between trees differing in their size or crown shape.


The production of new male and female cones and sex allocation of biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus were studied. The relationship between branch location, its reproductive status and proxies of branch vigour was also studied.

Key Results

Small trees produced only female cones, but, as trees grew, they produced both male and female cones. Female cones were produced mainly in the upper part of the crown, and male cones in its middle and lower parts. Lateral branch density was correlated with the number of male but not female cones; lateral branches were more dense in large than in small trees and even denser in hemispherical trees. Apical branches grew faster, were thicker and their phosphorus concentration was higher than in lateral shoots. Nitrogen concentration was higher in cone-bearing apical branches than in apical vegetative branches and in lateral branches with or without cones. Allocation to male relative to female function increased with tree size as predicted by sex allocation theory.


The adaptive values of sex allocation and gender segregation patterns in P. halepensis, in relation to its unique life history, are demonstrated and discussed. Small trees produce only female cones that have a higher probability of being pollinated than the probability of male cones pollinating; the female-first strategy enhances population spread. Hemispherical old trees are loaded with serotinous cones that supply enough seeds for post-fire germination; thus, allocation to males is more beneficial than to females.  相似文献   

Seedling recruitment in many highly serotinous populations of Pinus coulteri on California's central coast depends almost entirely on periodic, stand-replacing fire. Compared to serotinous pines of the Mediterranean Basin, little detailed information is available on the postfire demography of California closed-cone pines, including P. coulteri. In September 1996 a wildfire burned the 760-ha American Canyon Research Natural Area (RNA). Using aerial photography, we mapped burn severity of P. coulteri-chaparral woodlands and forests within the RNA. From May to September of 1997, we also quantified seedling establishment and mortality in relation to biophysical site characteristics including fire severity. Seventy-six percent of P. coulteri forests and woodlands experienced high-severity burns, 9% moderate-severity burns, and 15% low-severity or unburned. Of the 53 plots used for seedling counts, 70% were high-severity, 26% moderate-severity, and 4% low-severity. Seedling densities 13 months postfire were low (0.21 m–2), but seedling mortality also was low (8.4%). Aerial seed bank size increased from north-facing to south-facing slopes and from high-severity to low-severity burns. Seedling recruitment was unrelated to burn severity and increased with the size of the canopy seed bank (cone density). Many seedlings established from rodent seed caches; 23% of the seedlings established in clumps from seeds cached by Dipodomys agilis, Chaetodipus californicus and Peromyscus maniculatus. Pinus coulteri seeds have low potential for dispersal by wind, but secondary dispersal by rodents moves seeds away from source trees and into neighboring chaparral. We discuss the potential importance of rodent seed caching to postfire demography of California and Mediterranean serotinous pines.  相似文献   

Effect of fruit size and seediness (seed number per fruit) was examined on germination and early growth of seedlings in Mesua ferrea L. Fruiting incidence (number of fruited trees in a population) and fruit loading (number of fruits per tree) vary from one year to the other, and were greater in 1997 than in 1998. Seeds from large fruits (> 40 g) are preferred for forestry plantations and those from small fruits (< 40 g) are discarded, despite a greater proportion of small fruits (63.2 %) than large fruits (36.8 %). A fruit, large or small in size, may contain one, two, three or four seeds. The germination percentage of seeds increased from 1-seeded through 4-seeded fruits both in laboratory and greenhouse conditions, and both in case of large and small fruits. Conversely, the mean seed weight and germination time decreased along this gradient, i.e. seeds from 1-seeded fruits were the heaviest and required maximum time for germination, and the seeds from 4-seeded fruits were the lightest and required minimum time for germination. The seeds from small fruits were lighter in weight, achieved lower germination percentages and required greater germination time than the seeds from large fruits in all four seeded categories. Seedlings from seeds from 1-seeded fruits survived better and with stronger vigour after 1 year of growth than seedlings from 2-, 3- and 4-seeded fruits. Further, seedling survival and vigour were greater for seeds from large rather than small fruits.  相似文献   

The capacity of Mediterranean species to adapt to variable nutrient supply levels in a global change context can be a key factor to predict their future capacity to compete and survive in this new scenario. We aimed to investigate the capacity of a typical Mediterranean tree species, Pinus halepensis, to respond to sudden changes in N and P supply in different environmental conditions. We conducted a fertilisation, irrigation and removal of competing vegetation experiment in a calcareous post-fire shrubland with an homogeneous young (5 years old) population of P. halepensis in order to investigate the retranslocation and nutrient status for the principal nutrients (N, P, Mg, K, S, Ca and Fe), and the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of the most important nutrients linked to photosynthetic capacity (N, P, Mg and K). P fertilisation increased P concentration in needles, P, N, Mg and K retranslocations, and NUE calculated as biomass production per unit of nutrient lost in the litterfall. The P fertilisation was able to increase the aboveground biomasses and P concentration 3 years after P fertiliser application. Those responses to P fertilisation were enhanced by the removal of competing vegetation. The N needle and litterfall concentration decreased after P fertilisation and this effect was greater when the P fertilisation was accompanied by removal of competing vegetation. The increase of P availability decreased the P-NUE and increased the N-NUE when these variables were calculated as aboveground biomass production per unit of P present in the biomass. Both P-NUE and N-NUE increased when calculated as total aboveground production per unit of nutrient loss. The results show that it is necessary to calculate NUE on a different basis to have a wider understanding of nutrient use. The irrigation did not change the needle nutrient concentrations and the litterfall production, but it significantly changed the nutrient litterfall concentrations and total aboveground contents (especially P and K). These results show a high capacity of P. halepensis to quickly respond to a limiting nutrient such as P in the critical phases of post-fire regeneration. The increase in P availability had a positive effect on growth and P concentrations and contents in aboveground biomass, thus increasing the capacity of growth in future periods and avoiding immediate runoff losses and leachate. This capacity also strongly depends on neighbour competition.  相似文献   

Three methodological approaches were combined to assess the population dynamics of woody species, particularly birch, growing along the shores of the Dalälven river in eastern central Sweden. 1) Seed rain, seed bank and seedling densities were estimated to document the current recruitment potential. 2) Seed burial experiments were performed and artificial gaps in the field layer created to obtain additional information on germination and establishment processes. 3) Age distributions were used for retrospective interpretation of woody species successions.The zonation of the vegetation along transects from wet meadow into forest cannot be interpreted as a chronosequence. Storm gap formation, water level regulation and cessation of hay-making in the past were followed by episodic colonisation and regeneration of several woody species.Although birch seed rain is most abundant close to parent trees and the half-life of the birch seed bank increases with decreasing submersion, seedlings occur abundantly everywhere along the transects. Seedling mortality, however, is 100% and the current environmental conditions in the wet meadows and in the forest do not allow any establishment. Long-lasting submersion, shading by trees and interference by species from the field layer hampered or prevented birch establishment.  相似文献   

The composition and density of soil seed banks beneath co-occurring Adenostoma fasciculatum and Ceanothus greggii shrubs from three chaparral stands last burned 9, 35 and 85 years before 1986 were investigated. The overall density of seeds in the soil, as estimated by germinations under greenhouse conditions, increased with time since fire (ca. 8000 to 25000/m2). However, this increase was due entirely to the accumulation of A. fasciculatum seed in the soil (ca. 2000 to 21000/m2). In contrast, the density of C. greggii seed was different in each of the three stands, but was not correlated with time since fire: maximum densities were recorded from the 35 year old stand (ca. 2000/m2).A total of 31 taxa germinated and 17 occurred in sufficient numbers to be analyzed statistically. Germinable seed densities of three herb species were not influenced by soil source (beneath A. fasciculatum or C. greggii), time since fire, or the direct effects of a controlled fire treatment. Germinable seed densities of a further nine species were significantly influenced by the elapsed time since stands last burned. The densities of four decreased and five increased. Four of the species that increased in seed density over the three stands were annuals, suggesting that the chaparral sub-canopy habitat is not as unfavorable for annuals as is often assumed. The fire treatment decreased germinable seed densities of four annual species by 40–70%, but increased the germinable seed densities of the shrubs A. fasciculatum and C. greggii, and the annual Phacelia brachyloba. Our results indicate that seeds of A. fasciculatum will increase in the soil bank for at least 85 years after fire in chaparral where it is dominant. In contrast, seed reserves of C. greggii appear to be influenced primarily by site-specific patterns of seed production and by the intensity of post-dispersal seed predation.  相似文献   

文峪河上游华北落叶松林的种子雨、种子库与幼苗更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高润梅  石晓东  郭跃东  樊兰英 《生态学报》2015,35(11):3588-3597
华北落叶松林下更新不良,为探究其制约因素,开展了山西省文峪河上游5个华北落叶松林分的种子雨、土壤种子库和幼苗更新的研究。结果表明:(1)华北落叶松种子主要集中于9—10月散落。2011年为华北落叶松种子丰年:种子产量高,种子雨密度达(961.93±377.40)粒/m2;种子质量高,完整种子占(89.31±16.13)%。2012年为种子平年,种子产量低,种子雨密度为(252.73±115.12)粒/m2。华北落叶松种子雨主要源于毗邻树木,华北落叶松纯林和落叶松云杉林的种子雨密度显著高于其他3个针阔混交林。(2)土壤种子库主要由上年种子雨组成,2012年4月的土壤种子库密度为(695.18±297.23)粒/m2,完整种子占(59.73±9.56)%。种子自然萌发前,约(78.98±24.76)粒/m2具发芽力,基本可满足更新需要。但种子活力保持期少于2 a,只能形成短期持久土壤种子库。(3)华北落叶松更新不良,种子年后仍难以实现幼苗建成,当年生幼苗的出现频度平均为1.6%,且林下难以存活。幼苗发生与种子储量关联性不强,种源条件不是制约华北落叶松更新的主要因素。  相似文献   

We analysed patterns of woody species richness in Pinus sylvestris and Fagus sylvatica forests in Catalonia (NE Spain) from forestry inventory databank in relation to climate and landscape structure. Both types of forests are found within the same climatic range, although they have been managed following somewhat different goals. Overall, woody species richness significantly increased when conditions get closer to the Mediterranean ones, with milder temperatures. Differences between the two types of forests arose when comparing the relationship between richness and forest patch size. Woody species richness increased in pine forests with patch size, while the opposite trend was observed in beech forests. This pattern is explained by the different behaviour of structural canopy properties, since leaf area index and canopy cover showed a steeper increase with increasing forest patch size in Fagus forests than in Pinus ones. Accordingly, richness decreased with canopy cover in Fagus plots, but not in Pinus ones. We suggest that these differences would be related to management history, which may have enhanced the preservation of beech stands in larger forest landscape units.  相似文献   

Summary Several lines of evidence show that soil texture plays an important role in the distribution of desert-dwelling heteromyid rodents. This is not surprising, since texture influences the energetic cost of digging burrows and of scratching at the soil surface to harvest buried seeds. Texture also may influence the efficiency with which seeds can be separated from the soil particles with which they are mixed. To explore mechanisms of particle separation by foraging heteromyids we measured seed harvest rates and size selection in the laboratory for a variety of seed sizes and soil textures. Harvest rate declined with increasing soil coarseness, and the preference for seeds of intermediate size that was apparent in fine soil disappeared when seeds were mixed with soil slightly coarser than the preferred seed size. In addition, there was evidence that particle separation efficiency is sensitive to the relative sizes of seeds and soil. A discontinity in the function relating harvest rate to soil texture occurred at finer soil textures for small seeds than for large seeds, suggesting that harvest techniques change once soil particle diameter equals or exceeds that of seeds. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that heteromyids use a combination of gravity-and rake-sorting mechanisms for particle separation.  相似文献   

Dacus tryoni (Frogg.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the main tephritid pest of cultivated fruits in Australia. D. jarvisi (Tryon) is also able to infest these fruits. Some factors influencing the rate at which D. tryoni and D. jarvisi exploit patches of host fruits were examined to determine whether one species may have an advantage when they exploit the same fruits in the field. Measurements of the intrinsic rate of increase, ovariole number, clutch size and egg size and the influence of body size on these parameters were made for both species in the laboratory. Up to 10 weeks of age D. tryoni produced twice as many eggs as D. jarvisi, most during a peak 3–5 weeks after adult emergence. The difference in fecundity up to 10 weeks can be explained partly by the higher number of ovarioles in D. tryoni (38/ovary) compared to D. jarvisi (27/ovary). In addition D. tryoni produces smaller eggs than D. jarvisi and distributes them in smaller clutches; 3–4 eggs/clutch vs 10–15. In both species there was a positive correlation between ovariole number and body size (as measured by wing length). By contrast, egg size remained constant over a broad range of body sizes. The influence of these life history differences on the interaction between D. tryoni and D. jarvisi in the field is discussed.
Résumé D. tryoni Frogg est la principale téphrididae nuisible aux fruits cultivés en Australie. Cependant, plusieurs autres espèces de Dacus, dont D. jarvisi Tryon sont susceptibles de contaminer ces fruits. Quelques facteurs influant sur le taux de contamination de fruits ont été examinés pour déterminer si une espèce peut être avantagée lors de l'exploitation des mêmes fruits dans la nature. L'influence de la taille de l'adulte sur le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque, sur le nombre d'ovarioles, sur l'effectif des pontes et sur la taille des ufs a été examinée au laboratoire sur les 2 espèces. Pendant les 10 premières semaines, D. tryoni produit 2 fois plus d'ufs que D. jarvisi, la plupart étant pondus entre la 3e et la 5e semaines après l'émergence. La production de D. tryoni diminue rapidement après ce maximum. D. jarvisi ne présente pas ce maximum précoce, et la production des ufs se fait au même rythme entre les 3e et 7e semaines, avant de diminuer graduellement. La différence de fécondité au bout de 10 semaines peut être expliquée partiellement par le plus grand nombre d'ovarioles de D. tryoni (38/ovaire) contre 24/ovaire pour D. jarvisi. De plus, D. tryoni forme des ufs plus petits que D. jarvisi et l'effectif de chacune de ses pontes est plus limité: 3 à 4 ufs contre 10 à 15. Chez les deux espèces, il y a une relation directe nette entre le nombre d'ovarioles et la taille du corps de la femelle (mesurée par la longueur de l'aile). Par contre, la taille des ufs est indépendante d'une grande gamme de tailles du corps des femelles. Les caractéristiques biologiques de D. tryoni le rendent capable de contaminer rapidement les bouquets de fruits qu'il vient de coloniser, ce qui réduit les disponibilités pour les autres espèces susceptibles de contaminer ces fruits. Dans le cas particulier de D. jarvisi, D. tryoni a peu d'impact sur son niveau de population, puisque D. jarvisi peut exploiter aussi son hôte d'origine, Planchonia careya: Il ne tend à entrer en compétition avec D. tryoni que pour une ou deux générations tardives en été, quand l'hôte partage (la goyave) est souvent abondant. Néanmoins, si les fruits sont rares à cette époque ou si les 2 espèces sont obligées de partager leurs hôtes pendant plusieurs générations (hors de l'aire de Planchonia), D. tryoni aura un avantage certain.

Arboreal arthropods in a 15-year-old plantation ofCryptomeria japonica were surveyed using the smoking method under open conditions and also in the enclosed condition in which the whole above-ground part of a tree was covered by a cloth bag. Per tree, the number of individuals collected was 8200–14000, with a biomass of 340–1700 mg d.wt. Collembola and Acarina were major components in number, while Diplopoda, Collembola, and Araneae occupied the larger part of the biomass. About 60–70% of total numbers of individuals dropped within two hours after the open fumigation. Clear power-form regressions between total numbers of individuals and biomasses of all animals and their host tree size (stem diameter at clear length,D B ) showed they were approximately proportional toD B 2. The guilds of scavengers and tourists demonstrated the most significant correlations between their numbers and biomasses and the tree size. Numbers and biomasses of Collembola, Diptera, and Araneae revealed remarkable dependence on the tree size. From these regressions, numbers of individuals and biomasses per unit ground area were estimated for all arthropods to be 3755/m2 and 165.87 mg d.wt./m2, respectively. Power-form regressions were observed between numbers and biomasses of prey and predators. The number-and biomass ratios of all predators to all prey tended to decrease with increasing tree size. A similar trend was observed in the corresponding ratios of parasitic Hymenoptera to lepidopteran larvae, while those of Araneae to Collembola were almost constant, irrespective of tree size.  相似文献   

硬化地表对不同树种土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于伟伟  陈媛媛  汪旭明  王效科 《生态学报》2019,39(10):3575-3585
城市硬化地表可减少土壤有机物输入,并改变土壤理化性质,由此可能影响土壤微生物群落结构和功能,但目前国内外相关研究较少。为研究不同树种下土壤微生物群落对硬化地表的响应,设置透水硬化地表(Pervious pavement, P)、不透水硬化地表(Impervious pavement, IP)和自然地表(Control, C)3个处理水平的地表类型,并栽种北方常见的常绿针叶树油松(pine,Pinus tabulaeformis)和落叶阔叶树白蜡(ash,Fraxinus chinensis)。采用氯仿熏蒸浸提法、磷脂脂肪酸法(PLFA)及BIOLOG培养法分别测定了土壤微生物量、群落结构和功能多样性。结果表明:(1)与自然地表(C)相比,硬化地表下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量显著降低(P0.05),土壤微生物群落组成和群落功能多样性发生了改变。透水和不透水硬化地表下土壤微生物细菌、真菌数量降低,真菌/细菌(fungi/bacteria, F/B)、cy/pre(环丙基脂肪酸/前体结构cyclopropyl fatty acid/monoenoic precursors)和sat/mono(一般饱和脂肪酸/单不饱和脂肪酸normal saturated fatty acid/monounsaturated fatty acid)等环境压力指标均显著升高(P0.05),且土壤微生物cy/pre值在不透水硬化地表下显著高于透水硬化地表下,表明不透水硬化地表下土壤环境压力更大;不透水硬化地表下土壤微生物对糖类、氨基酸类、羧酸类、胺类和聚合物的利用显著降低(P0.05),微生物群落功能丰富度及多样性指数显著降低(P0.05)。(2)土壤微生物群落结构和功能多样性在不同树种间存在一定差异。油松树下土壤微生物真菌、丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)和F/B值在透水和不透水硬化地表下均显著降低(P0.05),而白蜡树下只在透水硬化地表下显著降低(P0.05);硬化地表使土壤微生物对糖类、氨基酸类和聚合物的利用强度在油松和白蜡树下表现出显著差异。硬化地表对土壤微生物的影响将进一步影响城市绿地的养分循环、树木生境和生态系统服务功能。  相似文献   

Fruit is an important food resource for neotropical primates. In this study I compare the fruit diet of sympatric brown howlers (Alouatta guariba) and southern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides). Feeding behavior was studied over 12 months and fruit species consumed were identified and assigned to the categories fruit type, fruit color, and seed size. Observed-fruit feeding records were compared with expected records determined from local availability of the fruit of the tree species. I also determined dietary overlap. Fruit consumption occupied 8 and 12% of the feeding time of A. guariba and B. arachnoides, respectively. Fruit from eight tree species were consumed by the former and fruit from twenty-two species by the latter. Patterns of fruit selection of A. guariba and B. arachnoides varied widely. Although howlers and muriquis converge behaviorally by selecting fruit with common attributes (fleshy/unprotected, violet and brown/black-colored), unlike A. guariba, B. arachnoides fed on immature seeds of fleshy/protected and dry fruit. Large seeds were ingested, and defecated intact, by B. arachnoides only. There was little overlap of fruit diet even within categories that had been selected by both, suggesting that dietary divergence is occurring at the interspecific level. Different resource exploitation probably mediates the coexistence of A. guariba and B. arachnoides in low diversity, semideciduous forests, where the environment imposes narrow limits on primate food choices.  相似文献   

The life history characteristics, population dynamics and production of Pontoporeia hoyi in Lake George, New York, were studied from May 1981 through October 1982. P. hoyi, in terms of both density and standing crop, is the most prevalent member of the deep water macrobenthos of Lake George. It reproduces in the winter, with young being released in the late winter-early spring. At the southernmost study site, young released in the spring grew to 6–7 mm in length and bred during their first winter. At the remaining sites, P. hoyi required two years to complete its life cycle. This difference in life history characteristics can be related to food availability and temperature differences. The open waters of the south end of Lake George are not only more productive but are also more closely associated with the littoral zone, providing a wealth of bacteria-rich detritus for benthic deposit feeders. The greater food availability in the south basin of Lake George is reflected in significantly larger brood sizes and smaller size at maturity for P. hoyi populations from the south end of the lake.The southernmost study site has significantly greater P. hoyi density and standing crop than all other sites. The cohort of the year dominated density and standing crop at the southern site while the cohort of the previous year dominated standing crop at the other sites. Peak abundance ranged from 600 · m–2 at the north site to 2 900 · m–2 at the south site. Cohort production ranged from 2g · m–2 at the north site to 15g · m–2 at the south site.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven mature cotton bolls with Aspergillus flavus Link colonies naturally occurring on the surface of the boll or lint were collected in the field in Arizona along with their subtending stems and peduncles. Bolls inoculated through the carpel wall 30 days after anthesis were allowed to mature in the field and were collected in the same manner. The seed and stem and peduncle sections of each boll were surface-sterilized, plated on agar media and observed for A. flavus. Seventy-eight percent of the naturally contaminated bolls with A. flavus in the seed also had the fungus in the stem and peduncle, whereas only 31% of the naturally contaminated bolls with no A. flavus in the seed had the fungus in the stem or peduncle. This difference was significant (P=0.0125), indicating a positive relationship between seed infection and stem and peduncle infection. All of the bolls inoculated through the carpel wall had A. flavus in the seed, but only 11% of the stem and peduncle sections were infected, indicating that the fungus does not readily grow downward from the boll into the supporting stem or peduncle.This unidirectional pattern of movement (upward) was further substantiated in greenhouse experiments where cotton seedlings were inoculated at the cotyledonary leaf scar with A. flavus and plants were sequentially harvested, surface sterilized and plated. Aspergillus flavus was isolated from the cotyledonary leaf scar, flower buds, developing bolls, and stem sections in the upper portion of the plant. It was never isolated from roots or stem sections below the cotyledonary node, again indicating that the fungus does not readily move downward through the plant.  相似文献   

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