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Vaccinia virus A6L is a previously uncharacterized gene that is conserved in all sequenced vertebrate poxviruses. Here, we constructed a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding A6 with an epitope tag and showed that A6 was expressed in infected cells after viral DNA replication and packaged in the core of the mature virion. Furthermore, we showed that A6 was essential for vaccinia virus replication by performing clustered charge-to-alanine mutagenesis on A6, which resulted in two vaccinia virus mutants (vA6L-mut1 and vA6L-mut2) that displayed a temperature-sensitive phenotype. At 31 degrees C, both mutants replicated efficiently; however, at 40 degrees C, vA6L-mut1 grew to a low titer, while vA6L-mut2 failed to replicate. The A6 protein expressed by vA6L-mut2 exhibited temperature-dependent instability. At the nonpermissive temperature, vA6L-mut2 was normal at viral gene expression and viral factory formation, but it was defective for proteolytic processing of the precursors of several major virion proteins, a defect that is characteristic of a block in virion morphogenesis. Electron microscopy further showed that the morphogenesis of vA6L-mut2 was arrested before the formation of immature virion with nucleoid and mature virion. Taken together, our data show that A6 is a virion core protein that plays an essential role in virion morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus intracellular mature virus (IMV) binds to glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on cells via three virion proteins, H3L, A27L, and D8L. In this study, we demonstrated that binding of IMV to BSC40 cells was competitively inhibited by soluble laminin but not by fibronectin or collagen V, suggesting that this cell surface extracellular matrix (ECM) protein may play a role in vaccinia virus entry. Moreover, IMV infection of GAG(-) sog9 cells was also inhibited by laminin, demonstrating that virion binding to laminin does not involve a prior interaction with GAGs. Furthermore, comparative envelope protein analyses of wild-type vaccinia virus strain Western Reserve, which binds to laminin, and of a mutant virus, IA27L, which does not, showed that the A26L open reading frame (ORF), encoding an envelope protein, was mutated in IA27L, resulting in A26L being absent from the IMV. Expression of the wild-type A26L ORF in IA27L resulted in laminin binding activity. Moreover, recombinant A26L protein bound to laminin in vitro with a high affinity, providing direct evidence that A26L is the laminin binding protein on IMV. In summary, these results reveal a novel role for the vaccinia viral envelope protein A26L in binding to the ECM protein laminin, an association that is proposed to facilitate IMV entry.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus WR A5L open reading frame (corresponding to open reading frame A4L in vaccinia virus Copenhagen) encodes an immunodominant late protein found in the core of the vaccinia virion. To investigate the role of this protein in vaccinia virus replication, we have constructed a recombinant virus, vA5Li, in which the endogenous gene has been deleted and an inducible copy of the A5 gene dependent on isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) for expression has been inserted into the genome. In the absence of inducer, the yield of infectious virus was dramatically reduced. However, DNA synthesis and processing, viral protein expression (except for A5), and early stages in virion formation were indistinguishable from the analogous steps in a normal infection. Electron microscopy revealed that the major vaccinia virus structural form present in cells infected with vA5Li in the absence of inducer was immature virions. Viral particles were purified from vA5Li-infected cells in the presence and absence of inducer. Both particles contained viral DNA and the full complement of viral proteins, except for A5, which was missing from particles prepared in the absence of inducer. The particles prepared in the presence of IPTG were more infectious than those prepared in its absence. The A5 protein appears to be required for the immature virion to form the brick-shaped intracellular mature virion.  相似文献   

Chiu WL  Chang W 《Journal of virology》2002,76(19):9575-9587
Vaccinia virus, a member of the poxvirus family, contains a conserved J1R open reading frame that encodes a late protein of 17.8 kDa. The 18-kDa J1R protein is associated mainly with the membrane fraction of intracellular mature virus particles. This study examines the biological function of J1R protein in the vaccinia virus life cycle. A recombinant vaccinia virus was constructed to conditionally express J1R protein in an isopropyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible manner. When J1R is not expressed during vaccinia virus infection, the virus titer is reduced approximately 100-fold. In contrast, J1R protein is not required for viral gene expression, as indicated by protein pulse-labeling. J1R protein is also not required for DNA processing, as the resolution of the concatemer junctions of replicated viral DNA was detected without IPTG. A deficiency of J1R protein caused a severe delay in the processing of p4a and p4b into mature core proteins 4a and 4b, indicating that J1R protein participates in virion morphogenesis. Infected cells grown in the absence of IPTG contained very few intracellular mature virions in the cytoplasm, and enlarged viroplasm structures accumulated with viral crescents attached at the periphery. Abundant intermediate membrane structures of abnormal shapes were observed, and many immature virions were either empty or partially filled, indicating that J1R protein is important for DNA packaging into immature virions. J1R protein also coimmunoprecipited with A45R protein in infected cells. In summary, these results indicate that vaccinia virus J1R is a membrane protein that is required for virus growth and plaque formation. J1R protein interacts with A45R protein and performs an important role during immature virion formation in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Izmailyan R  Chang W 《Journal of virology》2008,82(20):10079-10087
The vaccinia virus WR53.5L/F14.5L gene encodes a small conserved protein that was not detected previously. However, additional proteomic analyses of different vaccinia virus isolates and strains revealed that the WR53.5 protein was incorporated into intracellular mature virus (IMV). The WR53.5 protein contains a putative N-terminal transmembrane region and a short C-terminal region. Protease digestion removed the C terminus of WR53.5 protein from IMV particles, suggesting a similar topology to that of the IMV type II transmembrane protein. We generated a recombinant vaccinia virus, vi53.5L, that expressed WR53.5 protein under isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) regulation and found that the vaccinia virus life cycle proceeded normally with or without IPTG, suggesting that WR53.5 protein is not essential for vaccinia virus growth in cell cultures. Interestingly, the C-terminal region of WR53.5 protein was exposed on the cell surface of infected cells and mediated calcium-independent cell adhesion. Finally, viruses with inactivated WR53.5L gene expression exhibited reduced virulence in mice when animals were inoculated intranasally, demonstrating that WR53.5 protein was required for virus virulence in vivo. In summary, we identified a new vaccinia IMV envelope protein, WR53.5, that mediates cell adhesion and is important for virus virulence in vivo.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VV) A17L gene encodes a 23-kDa protein that is proteolytically cleaved to generate a 21-kDa product that is incorporated into the viral particles. We have previously shown that the 21-kDa protein forms a stable complex with the VV 14-kDa envelope protein and suggested that the 21-kDa protein may serve to anchor the 14-kDa protein to the envelope of the virion (D. Rodríguez, J. R. Rodríguez, and M. Esteban, J. Virol. 67:3435-3440, 1993). To study the role of the 21-kDa protein in virion assembly, in this investigation we generated a VV recombinant, VVindA17L, that contains an inducible A17L gene regulated by the E. coli repressor/operator system. In the absence of the inducer, shutoff of the A17L gene was complete, and this shutoff correlated with a reduction in virus yields of about 3 log units. Although early and late viral polypeptides are normally synthesized in the absence of the A17L gene product, proteolytic processing of the major p4a and p4b core proteins was clearly impaired under these conditions. Electron microscopy examination of cells infected in the absence of isopropylthiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) revealed that virion morphogenesis was completely arrested at a very early stage, even prior to the formation of crescent-shaped membranes, which are the first distinguishable viral structures. Only electron-dense structures similar to rifampin bodies, but devoid of membranes, could be observed in the cytoplasm of cells infected with VVindA17L under nonpermissive conditions. Considering the most recent assembly model presented by Sodeik et al. (B. Sodeik, R. W. Doms, M. Ericsson, G. Hiller, C. E. Machamer, W. van't Hof, G. van Meer, B. Moss, and G. Griffiths, J. Cell Biol. 121:521-541, 1993), we propose that this protein is targeted to the intermediate compartment and is involved in the recruitment of these membranes to the viral factories, where it forms the characteristic crescent structures that subsequently result in the formation of virions.  相似文献   

We provide the initial characterization of the product of the vaccinia virus A21L (VACWR140) gene and demonstrate that it is required for cell entry and low pH-triggered membrane fusion. The A21L open reading frame, which is conserved in all sequenced members of the poxvirus family, encodes a protein of 117 amino acids with an N-terminal hydrophobic domain and four invariant cysteines. Expression of the A21 protein occurred at late times of infection and was dependent on viral DNA replication. The A21 protein contained two intramolecular disulfide bonds, the formation of which required the vaccinia virus-encoded cytoplasmic redox pathway, and was localized on the surface of the lipoprotein membrane of intracellular mature virions. A conditional lethal mutant, in which A21L gene expression was regulated by isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside, was constructed. In the absence of inducer, cell-to-cell spread of virus did not occur, despite the formation of morphologically normal intracellular virions and extracellular virions with actin tails. Purified virions lacking A21 were able to bind to cells, but cores did not penetrate into the cytoplasm and synthesize viral RNA. In addition, virions lacking A21 were unable to mediate low pH-triggered cell-cell fusion. The A21 protein, like the A28 and H2 proteins, is an essential component of the poxvirus entry/fusion apparatus for both intracellular and extracellular virus particles.  相似文献   

An arboviral infection like dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) with high morbidity and mortality rate are extensively prevalent in several parts of the world. Global efforts have been directed towards development of vaccine for prevention of dengue. However, lack of thorough understanding about biology and pathogenesis of dengue virus restricts us from development of an effective vaccine. Here we report molecular interaction of domain III of envelope protein of dengue virus type-4 with heparan sulfate. A codon optimized synthetic gene encoding domain III of dengue virus type-4 envelope protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified under denaturing conditions, refolded and purified to homogeneity. Refolded Den4-DIII was characterized using biochemical and biophysical methods and shown to be pure and homogeneous. The purified protein was recognized in Western analyses by monoclonal antibody specific for the 6x His tag as well as the H241 monoclonal antibody. The in vitro refolded recombinant protein preparation was biologically functional and found to bind cell free heparan sulfate. This is the first report providing molecular evidence on binding of dengue-4 envelope protein to heparan sulfate. We developed a homology model of dengue-4 envelope protein (domain III) and mapped the possible amino acid residues critical for binding to heparan sulfate. Domain III envelope protein of dengue virus is a lead vaccine candidate. Our findings further the understanding on biology of dengue virus and will help in development of bioassay for the proposed vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

The A28L gene of vaccinia virus is conserved in all poxviruses and encodes a protein that is anchored to the surface of infectious intracellular mature virions (IMV) and consequently lies beneath the additional envelope of extracellular virions. A conditional lethal recombinant vaccinia virus, vA28-HAi, with an inducible A28L gene, undergoes a single round of replication in the absence of inducer, producing IMV, as well as extracellular virions with actin tails, but fails to infect neighboring cells. We show here that purified A28-deficient IMV appeared to be indistinguishable from wild-type IMV and were competent to synthesize RNA in vitro. Nevertheless, A28-deficient virions did not induce cytopathic effects, express early genes, or initiate a productive infection. Although A28-deficient IMV bound to the surface of cells, their cores did not penetrate into the cytoplasm. An associated defect in membrane fusion was demonstrated by the failure of low pH to trigger syncytium formation when cells were infected with vA28-HAi in the absence of inducer (fusion from within) or when cells were incubated with a high multiplicity of A28-deficient virions (fusion from without). The correlation between the entry block and the inability of A28-deficient virions to mediate fusion provided compelling evidence for a relationship between these events. Because repression of A28 inhibited cell-to-cell spread, which is mediated by extracellular virions, all forms of vaccinia virus regardless of their outer coat must use a common A28-dependent mechanism of cell penetration. Furthermore, since A28 is conserved, all poxviruses are likely to penetrate cells in a similar way.  相似文献   

All sequenced poxviruses encode orthologs of the vaccinia virus L1 and F9 proteins, which are structurally similar and share about 20% amino acid identity. We found that F9 further resembles L1 as both proteins are membrane components of the mature virion with similar topologies and induce neutralizing antibodies. In addition, a recombinant vaccinia virus that inducibly expresses F9, like a previously described L1 mutant, had a conditional-lethal phenotype: plaque formation and replication of infectious virus were dependent on added inducer. However, only immature virus particles are made when L1 is repressed, whereas normal-looking intracellular and extracellular virions formed in the absence of F9. Except for the lack of F9, the polypeptide components of such virions were indistinguishable from those of wild-type virus. These F9-deficient virions bound to cells, but their cores did not penetrate into the cytoplasm. Furthermore, cells infected with F9-negative virions did not fuse after a brief low-pH treatment, as did cells infected with virus made in the presence of inducer. In these respects, the phenotype associated with F9 deficiency was identical to that produced by the lack of individual components of a previously described poxvirus entry/fusion complex. Moreover, F9 interacted with proteins of that complex, supporting a related role. Thus, despite the structural relationships of L1 and F9, the two proteins have distinct functions in assembly and entry, respectively.  相似文献   

The smallpox vaccine is the prototypic vaccine, yet the viral targets critical for vaccine-mediated protection remain unclear in humans. We have produced protein microarrays of a near-complete vaccinia proteome and used them to determine the major antigen specificities of the human humoral immune response to the smallpox vaccine (Dryvax). H3L, an intracellular mature virion envelope protein, was consistently recognized by high-titer antibodies in the majority of human donors, particularly after secondary immunization. We then focused on examining H3L as a valuable human antibody target. Purified human anti-H3L antibodies exhibited substantial vaccinia virus-neutralizing activity in vitro (50% plaque reduction neutralization test [PRNT50] = 44 microg/ml). Mice also make an immunodominant antibody response to H3L after vaccination with vaccinia virus, as determined by vaccinia virus protein microarray. Mice were immunized with recombinant H3L protein to examine H3L-specific antibody responses in greater detail. H3L-immunized mice developed high-titer vaccinia virus-neutralizing antibodies (mean PRNT50 = 1:3,760). Importantly, H3L-immunized mice were subsequently protected against lethal intranasal challenges with 1 or 5 50% lethal doses (LD50) of pathogenic vaccinia virus strain WR, demonstrating the in vivo value of an anti-H3L response. To formally demonstrate that neutralizing anti-H3L antibodies are protective in vivo, we performed anti-H3L serum passive-transfer experiments. Mice receiving H3L-neutralizing antiserum were protected from a lethal challenge with 3 LD50 of vaccinia virus strain WR (5/10 versus 0/10; P < 0.02). Together, these data show that H3L is a major target of the human anti-poxvirus antibody response and is likely to be a key contributor to protection against poxvirus infection and disease.  相似文献   

Virion glycoproteins gB, gD, and gH/gL play essential roles for herpes simplex virus (HSV) entry. The function of gD is to interact with a cognate receptor, and soluble forms of gD block HSV entry by tying up cell surface receptors. Both gB and the nonessential gC interact with cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG), promoting viral attachment. However, cells deficient in proteoglycan synthesis can still be infected by HSV. This suggests another function for gB. We found that a soluble truncated form of gB bound saturably to the surface of Vero, A431, HeLa, and BSC-1 cells, L-cells, and a mouse melanoma cell line expressing the gD receptor nectin-1. The HSPG analog heparin completely blocked attachment of the gC ectodomain to Vero cells. In contrast, heparin only partially blocked attachment of soluble gB, leaving 20% of the input gB still bound even at high concentrations of inhibitor. Moreover, heparin treatment removed soluble gC but not gB from the cell surface. These data suggest that a portion of gB binds to cells independently of HSPG. In addition, gB bound to two HSPG-deficient cell lines derived from L-cells. Gro2C cells are deficient in HSPG, and Sog9 cells are deficient in HSPG, as well as chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG). To identify particular gB epitopes responsible for HSPG-independent binding, we used a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to gB to block gB binding. Only those gB MAbs that neutralized virus blocked binding of soluble gB to the cells. HSV entry into Gro2C and Sog9 cells was reduced but still detectable relative to the parental L-cells, as previously reported. Importantly, entry into Gro2C cells was blocked by purified forms of either the gD or gB ectodomain. On a molar basis, the extent of inhibition by gB was similar to that seen with gD. Together, these results suggest that soluble gB binds specifically to the surface of different cell types independently of HSPG and CSPG and that by doing so, the protein inhibits entry. The results provide evidence for the existence of a cellular entry receptor for gB.  相似文献   

We have isolated a variant line of mouse L cells, termed gro2C, which is partially resistant to infection by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Characterization of the genetic defect in gro2C cells revealed that this cell line harbors a specific defect in the heparan sulfate synthesis pathway. Specifically, anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography of metabolically radiolabeled glycosaminoglycans indicated that chondroitin sulfate moieties were synthesized normally in the mutant cells, whereas heparin-like chains were absent. Because of these properties, we have used these cells to investigate the role of heparan sulfate proteoglycans in the HSV-1 life cycle. In this report, we demonstrate that the partial block to HSV-1 infection in gro2C cells occurs in the virus entry pathway. Virus adsorption assays using radiolabeled HSV-1 (KOS) revealed that the gro2C cell surface is a relatively poor target for HSV-1 in that virus attachment was 85% lower in the mutant cells than in the parental L cell controls. A portion of the 15% residual virus adsorption was functional, however, insofar as gro2C cells were susceptible to HSV-1 infection in plaque assays and in single-step growth experiments. Moreover, although the number of HSV-1 plaques that formed in gro2C monolayers was reduced by 85%, the plaque morphology was normal, and the virus released from the mutant cells was infectious. Taken together, these results provide strong genetic evidence that heparan sulfate proteoglycans enhance the efficiency of HSV attachment to the cell surface but are otherwise not essential at any stage of the lytic cycle in culture. Moreover, in the absence of heparan sulfate, other cell surface molecules appear to confer susceptibility to HSV, leading to a productive viral infection.  相似文献   

Meng X  Embry A  Rose L  Yan B  Xu C  Xiang Y 《Journal of virology》2012,86(10):5603-5613
Poxvirus acquires its primary envelope through a process that is distinct from those of other enveloped viruses. The molecular mechanism of this process is poorly understood, but several poxvirus proteins essential for the process have been identified in studies of vaccinia virus (VACV), the prototypical poxvirus. Previously, we identified VACV A6 as an essential factor for virion morphogenesis by studying a temperature-sensitive mutant with a lesion in A6. Here, we further studied A6 by constructing and characterizing an inducible virus (iA6) that could more stringently repress A6 expression. When A6 expression was induced by the inducer isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG), iA6 replicated normally, and membrane proteins of mature virions (MVs) predominantly localized in viral factories where virions were assembled. However, when A6 expression was repressed, electron microscopy of infected cells showed the accumulation of large viroplasm inclusions containing virion core proteins but no viral membranes. Immunofluorescence and cell fractionation studies showed that the major MV membrane proteins A13, A14, D8, and H3 did not localize to viral factories but instead accumulated in the secretory compartments, including the endoplasmic reticulum. Overall, our results show that A6 is an additional VACV protein that participates in an early step of virion membrane biogenesis. Furthermore, A6 is required for MV membrane protein localization to sites of virion assembly, suggesting that MV membrane proteins or precursors of MV membranes are trafficked to sites of virion assembly through an active, virus-mediated process that requires A6.  相似文献   

A large, low-density form of heparan sulfate proteoglycan was isolated from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor and demonstrated to bind in immobilized-ligand assays to laminin fragment E3, collagen type IV, fibronectin and nidogen. The first three ligands mainly recognize the heparan sulfate chains, as shown by inhibition with heparin and heparan sulfate and by the failure to bind to the proteoglycan protein core. Nidogen, obtained from the EHS tumor or in recombinant form, binds exclusively to the protein core in a heparin-insensitive manner. Studies with other laminin fragments indicate that the fragment E3 possesses a unique binding site of laminin for the proteoglycan. A major binding site of nidogen was localized to its central globular domain G2 by using overlapping fragments. This allows for the formation of ternary complexes between laminin, nidogen and proteoglycan, suggesting a key role for nidogen in basement-membrane assembly. Evidence is provided for a second proteoglycan-binding site in the C-terminal globule G3 of nidogen, but this interaction prevents the formation of such ternary complexes. Therefore, the G3-mediated nidogen binding to laminin and proteoglycan are mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan, isolated from the cell surface of nonadhering murine myeloma cells (P3X63-Ag8653), does not bind to plasma fibronectin, but binds partially to collagen type I, as assayed by affinity chromatography with proteins immobilized on cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose 4B. Identical results were obtained when myeloma heparan sulfate was cochromatographed, on the same fibronectin and collagen columns, with cell surface heparan sulfates collagen columns, with cell surface heparan sulfates from adhering Swiss mouse 3T3 and SV3T3 cells. These latter heparan sulfates do, however, bind to both fibronectin and collagen, as reported earlier (Stamatoglou, S.C., and J.M. Keller, 1981, Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 719:90-97). Cell adhesion assays established that hydrated collagen substrata can support myeloma cell attachment, but fibronectin cannot. Saturation of the heparan sulfate binding sites on the collagen substrata with heparan sulfate or heparin, prior to cell inoculation, abolished the ability to support cell adhesion, whereas chondroitin 4 sulfate, chondroitin 6 sulfate, and hyaluronic acid had no effect.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) enters cells by attaching to cellular receptor molecules of the integrin family, one of which has been identified as the RGD-binding integrin alpha(v)beta3. Here we report that, in addition to an integrin binding site, type O strains of FMDV share with natural ligands of alpha(v)beta3 (i.e., vitronectin and fibronectin) a specific affinity for heparin and that binding to the cellular form of this sulfated glycan, heparan sulfate, is required for efficient infection of cells in culture. Binding of the virus to paraformaldehyde-fixed cells was powerfully inhibited by agents such as heparin, that compete with heparan sulfate or by agents that compete for heparan sulfate (platelet factor 4) or that inactivate it (heparinase). Neither chondroitin sulfate, a structurally related component of the extracellular matrix, nor dextran sulfate appreciably inhibited binding. The functional importance of heparan sulfate binding was demonstrated by the facts that (i) infection of live cells by FMDV could also be blocked specifically by heparin, albeit at a much higher concentration of inhibitor; (ii) pretreatment of cells with heparinase reduced the number of plaques formed compared with that for untreated cells; and (iii) mutant cell lines deficient in heparan sulfate expression were unable to support plaque formation by FMDV, even though they remained equally susceptible to another picornavirus, bovine enterovirus. The results show that entry of type O FMDV into cells is a complex process and suggest that the initial contact with the cell surface is made through heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

The major surface protein of malaria sporozoites, the circumsporozoite protein, binds to heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the surface of hepatocytes. It has been proposed that this binding event is responsible for the rapid and specific localization of sporozoites to the liver after their injection into the skin by an infected anopheline mosquito. Previous in vitro studies performed under static conditions have failed to demonstrate a significant role for heparan sulfate proteoglycans during sporozoite invasion of cells. We performed sporozoite attachment and invasion assays under more dynamic conditions and found a dramatic decrease in sporozoite attachment to cells in the presence of heparin. In contrast to its effect on attachment, heparin does not appear to have an effect on sporozoite invasion of cells. When substituted heparins were used as competitive inhibitors of sporozoite attachment, we found that sulfation of the glycosaminoglycan chains at both the N- and O-positions was important for sporozoite adhesion to cells. We conclude that the binding of the circumsporozoite protein to hepatic heparan sulfate proteoglycans is likely to function during sporozoite attachment in the liver and that this adhesion event depends on the sulfated glycosaminoglycan chains of the proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Virulent, wild-type equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is restricted in one or more early steps in replication in equine skin fibroblast cells compared with cell culture-adapted virus, which is fully competent for replication in this cell type. We compared the sequences of wild-type EIAV and a full-length infectious proviral clone of the cell culture-adapted EIAV and found that the genomes were relatively well conserved with the exception of the envelope gene region, which showed extensive sequence differences. We therefore constructed several wild-type and cell culture-adapted virus chimeras to examine the role of the envelope gene in replication in different cell types in vitro. Unlike wild-type virus, which is restricted by an early event(s) for replication in equine dermis cells, the wild-type outer envelope gene chimeras are replication competent in this cell type. We conclude that even though there are extensive sequence differences between wild-type and cell culture-adapted viruses in the surface envelope gene region, this domain is not a determinant of the differing in vitro cell tropisms.  相似文献   

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