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Several lines of evidence suggest that a functional relationship exists between caveolin-1 and insulin signaling. However, it remains unknown whether caveolin-1 is normally required for proper insulin receptor signaling in vivo. To address this issue, we examined the status of insulin receptor signaling in caveolin-1 (–/–)-deficient (Cav-1 null) mice. Here, we show that Cav-1 null mice placed on a high-fat diet for 9 mo develop postprandial hyperinsulinemia. An insulin tolerance test (ITT) revealed that young Cav-1 null mice on a normal chow diet are significantly unresponsive to insulin, compared with their wild-type counterparts. This insulin resistance is due to a primary defect in adipose tissue, as evidenced by drastically reduced insulin receptor protein levels (>90%), without any changes in insulin receptor mRNA levels. These data suggest that caveolin-1 acts as a molecular chaperone that is necessary for the proper stabilization of the insulin receptor in adipocytes in vivo. In support of this notion, we demonstrate that recombinant expression of caveolin-1 in Cav-1 null mouse embryo fibroblasts rescues insulin receptor protein expression. These data provide evidence that the lean body phenotype observed in the Cav-1 knockout mice is due, at least in part, to a defect in insulin-regulated lipogenesis. caveolae; caveolin; insulin signaling; protein stabilization; knockout mice  相似文献   

Paralytic tremor (Plp-pt) is a missense mutation of the myelin proteolipid gene (Plp) in rabbits. The myelin yield in the Plp-pt brain is reduced and the protein and lipid composition of central nervous system (CNS) myelin is abnormal. We studied the intracellular transport of the normal and Plp-pt mutant PLP and DM-20 in transiently transfected Cos-7 cells. While the mutant PLP accumulates in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and does not reach the plasma membrane, the spliced isoform of PLP, mutant DM-20, is normally transported to the cell surface and integrated into the membrane. Analysis of rabbit sciatic nerves revealed that concentration of peripheral nervous system (PNS) myelin proteins is normal in Plp-pt myelin. In the PNS like in the CNS, the level of Plp gene products is subnormal. But this does not affect myelination, in the PNS where PLP, present in low concentration, is not a structural component of compact myelin. The normal level of Plp gene expression in Schwann cells is low and these results suggest that, in the Plp-pt PNS, Schwann cell function is not affected by the deficiency in PLP and/or the impairment of intracellular PLP transport. Special issue dedicated to Dr Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia can modulate the action of many anticancer drugs, and DNA repair processes are temperature-dependent, but the character of this dependence in cancer and normal cells is largely unknown. This subject seems to be worth studying, because hyperthermia can assist cancer therapy. A 1-h incubation at 37 degrees C of normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes and human myelogenous leukemia cell line K562 with 0.5 microM doxorubicin gave significant level of DNA damage as assessed by the alkaline comet assay. The cells were then incubated in doxorubicin-free repair medium at 37 degrees C or 41 degrees C. The lymphocytes incubated at 37 degrees C needed about 60 min to remove completely the damage to their DNA, whereas at 41 degrees C the time required for complete repair was shortened to 30 min. There was also a difference between the repair kinetics at 37 degrees C and 41 degrees C in cancer cells. Moreover, the kinetics were different in doxorubicin-sensitive and resistant cells. Therefore, hyperthermia may significantly affect the kinetics of DNA repair in drug-treated cells, but the magnitude of the effect may be different in normal and cancer cells. These features may be exploited in cancer chemotherapy to increase the effectiveness of the treatment and reduce unwanted effects of anticancer drugs in normal cells and fight DNA repair-based drug resistance of cancer cells.  相似文献   

High efficiency transient transfection was used to introduce cDNA corresponding to various G protein alpha subunits into Cos-7 cells. The proteins that were subsequently synthesized were detected with specific G protein alpha subunit antipeptide antiserum and were localized in the membrane fraction of the cell. Cells that were prelabeled with the [3H]inositol and transfected with G alpha q and G alpha 11 cDNA showed marked increases in formation of [3H]inositol phosphates after stimulation with aluminum fluoride. Co-transfection with cDNAs corresponding to phosphoinositide specific phospholipase C beta 1 (PI-PLC beta 1) and to G alpha q or G alpha 11 resulted in even higher levels of inositol phosphate formation. The introduction of mutations that convert residue glutamine 209 to leucine in G alpha q and G alpha 11 resulted in persistent activation of PI-PLC and high steady state levels of inositol phosphates. On the other hand, transfection with a variety of other G alpha subunit cDNAs, i.e. G alpha Z, G alpha OA, G alpha OB, transducin, and the glutamine 205 to leucine mutants of G alpha Z and of G alpha OA did not increase inositol phosphate formation. To further test the specificity of G protein activation of PI-PLC, a cell-free system was prepared by using washed membranes of transiently transfected cells and purified PI-PLC beta 1. Membranes derived from G alpha q and G alpha 11, but not G alpha OA transfected cells, showed guanosine 5-O-thiotriphosphate (GTP gamma S)-stimulated PIP2 hydrolysis. The activity seen in the system reconstituted with membranes derived from G alpha 11-transfected cells was blocked by preincubation with specific G alpha 11 antipeptide antibodies. All of these results are consistent with the conclusion that G alpha q and G alpha 11 cDNA encode proteins that in the presence of GTP gamma S specifically activate PI-PLC.  相似文献   

Amsacrine is an acridine derivative drug applied in haematological malignancies. It targets topoisomerase II enhancing the formation of a cleavable DNA-enzyme complex and leading to DNA fragmentation in dividing cancer cells. Little is known about other modes of the interaction of amsacrine with DNA, by which it could affect also normal cells. Using the alkaline comet assay, we showed that amsacrine at concentrations from the range 0.01 to 10 microM induced DNA damage in normal human lymphocytes, human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells lacking the p53 gene and murine pro-B lymphoid cells BaF3 expressing BCR/ABL oncogene measured as the increase in percentage tail DNA. The effect was dose-dependent. Treated cells were able to recover within a 120-min incubation. Amifostine at 14 mM decreased the level of DNA damage in normal lymphocytes, had no effect on the HL-60 cells and potentiated the DNA-damaging effect of the drug in BCR/ABL-transformed cells. Vitamin C at 10 and 50 microM diminished the extent of DNA damage in normal lymphocytes, but had no effect in cancer cells. Pre-treatment of the cells with the nitrone spin trap, N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone or ebselen, which mimics glutathione peroxidase, reduced the extent of DNA damage evoked by amsacrine in all types of cells. The cells exposed to amsacrine and treated with endonuclease III and 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase II, the enzymes recognizing oxidized and alkylated bases, respectively, displayed greater extent of DNA damage than those not treated with these enzymes. The results obtained suggest that free radicals may be involved in the formation of DNA lesions induced by amsacrine. The drug can also methylate DNA bases. Our results indicate that the induction of secondary malignancies should be taken into account as diverse side effects of amsacrine. Amifostine may potentate DNA-damage effect of amsacrine in cancer cells and decrease this effect in normal cells and Vitamin C can be considered as a protective agent against DNA damage in normal cells.  相似文献   

On the basis of sequence similarities to the yeast PMR1 and hSPCA gene, the rat alternatively spliced mRNA has been suggested to be a Golgi secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase (SPCA). Data in this report lend further support for this hypothesis in that sucrose gradient fractionation of rat liver microsomes resulted in SPCA comigrating with the Golgi calcium binding protein CALNUC, which was well resolved from the endoplasmic reticulum marker calreticulin. Also, in PC-12 cells, antibody to SPCA colocalized with an antibody to the Golgi marker -mannosidase II. To study the biological effects of SPCA expression, we performed stable overexpression of SPCA in COS-7 cells. Seven clones were selected for further comparison with COS-7 cells containing an empty expression vector. Overexpression of SPCA resulted in a significant reduction of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase, sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, and calreticulin expression in these clones. In contrast, the expression of the Golgi calcium-binding protein CALNUC increased significantly. The phosphoenzyme intermediate formed using membranes from clone G11/5 was calcium dependent, significantly more intense than in COS-7 cells, and not affected by La3+ treatment. Calcium uptake by G11/5 microsomes was ATP dependent and significantly greater than in microsomes from parent COS-7 cells. The overexpression of SPCA significantly increased the growth rate of these cells compared with COS-7 cells containing only the empty vector. These data demonstrate that overexpression of the rat SPCA results in significant changes in the expression of calcium transport and storage proteins in COS-7 cells. calcium transport  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytryptamine 2A (5-HT(2A)) serotonin receptors are important for a variety of functions including vascular smooth muscle contraction, platelet aggregation, and the modulation of perception, cognition, and emotion. In a search for 5-HT(2A) receptor-interacting proteins, we discovered that caveolin-1 (Cav-1), a scaffolding protein enriched in caveolae, complexes with 5-HT(2A) receptors in a number of cell types including C6 glioma cells, transfected HEK-293 cells, and rat brain synaptic membrane preparations. To address the functional significance of this interaction, we performed RNA interference-mediated knockdown of Cav-1 in C6 glioma cells, a cell type that endogenously expresses both 5-HT(2A) receptors and Cav-1. We discovered that the in vitro knockdown of Cav-1 in C6 glioma cells nearly abolished 5-HT(2A) receptor-mediated signal transduction as measured by calcium flux assays. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of Cav-1 also greatly attenuated endogenous Galpha(q)-coupled P2Y purinergic receptor-mediated signaling without altering the signaling of PAR-1 thrombin receptors. Cav-1 appeared to modulate 5-HT(2A) signaling by facilitating the interaction of 5-HT(2A) receptors with Galpha(q). These studies provide compelling evidence for a prominent role of Cav-1 in regulating the functional activity of not only 5-HT(2A) serotonin receptors but also selected Galpha(q)-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Now diabetes is growing to be a health problems globally. However, its specific pathogenesis still needs further exploration. Here we showed that miR-15b was upregulated in the palmitate-induced HepG2 cells and livers of hyperglycemic mice. At the same time, we confirmed that the insulin receptor was a direct target of miR-15b. Then we found that the manipulation of miR-15b expression level could affect the insulin signaling pathway of HepG2 cells and the inhibition of miR-15b in liver of ob/ob mice can improve insulin sensitivity of mice. Furthermore, our study demonstrated that palmitate could upregulate the expression of miR-15b by activating PPARα. Our findings established PPARα-responsive miR-15b as a critical regulator of hepatic insulin signaling, thus serving as a new potential therapeutic target for diabetes.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate the interaction of BMPRII and caveolin-1 in various cell types. In this study we test the hypothesis that caveolin-1 interacts with and regulates BMPRII-dependent signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells. We demonstrate that BMPRII localizes to caveolae and directly interacts with caveolin-1 in mouse aortic smooth muscle cells. We demonstrate that this interaction is mediated by the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain and is regulated by caveolin-1 phosphorylation. Downregulation of caveolin-1 via siRNA resulted in a loss of BMP-dependent SMAD phosphorylation and gene regulation. Further studies revealed that loss of caveolin-1 results in decreased BMPRII membrane localization and decreased association of BMPRII with the type I BMP receptor BMPRIa. Dominant negative caveolin-1 decreased BMPRII membrane localization suggesting a role for caveolin-1 in BMPRII trafficking. Taken together, our findings establish caveolin-1 as an important regulator of downstream signaling and membrane targeting of BMPRII in vascular smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor has recently been described as a marker for lung alveolar epithelial type I cells. Here, we demonstrate both the expression of P2X7 protein and its partition into lipid rafts in the mouse lung alveolar epithelial cell line E10. A significant degree of colocalization was observed between P2X7 and the raft marker protein Caveolin-1; also, P2X7 protein was associated with caveolae. A marked reduction in P2X7 immunoreactivity was observed in lung sections prepared from Caveolin-1-knockout mice, indicating that Caveolin-1 expression was required for full expression of P2X7 protein. Indeed, suppression of Caveolin-1 protein expression in E10 cells using short hairpin RNAs resulted in a large reduction in P2X7 protein expression. Our data demonstrate a potential interaction between P2X7 protein and Caveolin-1 in lipid rafts, and provide a basis for further functional and biochemical studies to probe the physiologic significance of this interaction.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, a common cause of renal failure, arises from mutations in either the PKD1 or the PKD2 gene. The precise function of both PKD gene products polycystins (PCs) 1 and 2 remain controversial. PC2 has been localized to numerous cellular compartments, including the endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane, and cilia. It is unclear what pools are the most relevant to its physiological function as a putative Ca2+ channel. We employed a Xenopus oocyte Ca2+ imaging system to directly investigate the role of PC2 in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-dependent Ca2+ signaling. Cytosolic Ca2+ signals were recorded following UV photolysis of caged IP3 in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. We demonstrated that overexpression of PC2, as well as type I IP3 receptor (IP3R), significantly prolonged the half-decay time (t1/2) of IP3-induced Ca2+ transients. However, overexpressing the disease-associated PC2 mutants, the point mutation D511V, and the C-terminally truncated mutation R742X did not alter the t1/2. In addition, we found that D511V overexpression significantly reduced the amplitude of IP3-induced Ca2+ transients. Interestingly, overexpression of the C terminus of PC2 not only significantly reduced the amplitude but also prolonged the t1/2. Co-immunoprecipitation assays indicated that PC2 physically interacts with IP3R through its C terminus. Taken together, our data suggest that PC2 and IP3R functionally interact and modulate intracellular Ca2+ signaling. Therefore, mutations in either PC1 or PC2 could result in the misregulation of intracellular Ca2+ signaling, which in turn could contribute to the pathology of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is an adipokine with anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic and insulin sensitizing properties. Its effects on energy homeostasis, glucose and lipid metabolism are mediated by two ubiquitously expressed seven-transmembrane receptors, AdipoR1 and -R2. With the exception of APPL1 and RACK1, no intracellular binding partners of adiponectin receptors are reported and thus signaling pathways downstream of these receptors remain largely unknown. To incorporate adiponectins protective potential in drug development it is essential to understand adiponectin signaling cascades in detail. A yeast two-hybrid approach employing AdipoR1s cytoplasmatic N-terminus led to the identification of the regulatory subunit of protein kinase CK2. We confirmed the interaction in co-immunoprecipitation, ELISA experiments and co-localization analysis in mammalian cells. Furthermore we could localize the interaction site in an N-terminal basic region close to the transmembrane domain. In adiponectin stimulation experiments of C2C12 mouse myotubes and MCF7 cells incorporating CK2 inhibitor 2-dimethylamino-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benz-imidazole (DMAT) we found a modulator role of CK2 in adiponectin signaling. Accordingly we identified the regulatory subunit of protein kinase CK2 as a novel intracellular partner of AdipoR1 and have strong evidence of CK2 as an effector molecule in adiponectin signaling. Since CK2 is involved in signaling cascades of other adipokines and hormones, e.g. leptin and insulin, our findings suggest a possible key function in crosstalk between adiponectin and insulin signaling pathways and could provide further insight into the anti-diabetic effects of adiponectin.  相似文献   

It has been found that 1,2- but not 1,3-diacylglycerols stimulated phosphorylation of the insulin receptor of cultured human monocyte-like (U-937) and lymphoblastoid (IM-9) cells both in the intact- and broken-cell systems. The stimulation of the receptor's beta-subunit phosphorylation was dose-dependent, with optimal effect at 100 micrograms/ml of diacylglycerol. The effects of insulin and 1,2-diacylglycerols on the phosphorylation of partially purified insulin receptors were additive. Phosphoamino acid analysis showed a major effect of diacylglycerols on phosphorylation of tyrosine residues. The diacylglycerols also stimulated tyrosine kinase activity of the partially purified U-937 and IM-9 insulin receptors 2.5-3.5-fold when measured by phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate, poly(Glu80Tyr20) in the absence of any added insulin, calcium or phospholipid. Since this diacylglycerol effect could not be reproduced under conditions optimal for protein kinase C activation and the purified protein kinase C did not stimulate phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor in this system, it is unlikely that the diacylglycerol effect was mediated by protein kinase C. Since these exogenous 1,2-diacylglycerols at the same high concentration also inhibited 125I-insulin binding to the insulin receptor of the intact U-937 and IM-9 cells, diacylglycerols could modulate the function of the insulin receptor and insulin action in human mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

Aging influences stem cells, but the processes involved remain unclear. Insulin signaling, which controls cellular nutrient sensing and organismal aging, regulates the G2 phase of Drosophila female germ line stem cell (GSC) division cycle in response to diet; furthermore, this signaling pathway is attenuated with age. The role of insulin signaling in GSCs as organisms age, however, is also unclear. Here, we report that aging results in the accumulation of tumorous GSCs, accompanied by a decline in GSC number and proliferation rate. Intriguingly, GSC loss with age is hastened by either accelerating (through eliminating expression of Myt1, a cell cycle inhibitory regulator) or delaying (through mutation of insulin receptor (dinR) GSC division, implying that disrupted cell cycle progression and insulin signaling contribute to age‐dependent GSC loss. As flies age, DNA damage accumulates in GSCs, and the S phase of the GSC cell cycle is prolonged. In addition, GSC tumors (which escape the normal stem cell regulatory microenvironment, known as the niche) still respond to aging in a similar manner to normal GSCs, suggesting that niche signals are not required for GSCs to sense or respond to aging. Finally, we show that GSCs from mated and unmated females behave similarly, indicating that female GSC–male communication does not affect GSCs with age. Our results indicate the differential effects of aging and diet mediated by insulin signaling on the stem cell division cycle, highlight the complexity of the regulation of stem cell aging, and describe a link between ovarian cancer and aging.  相似文献   

Atg5 and Ambra1 differentially modulate neurogenesis in neural stem cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neuroepithelial cells undergoing differentiation efficiently remodel their cytoskeleton and shape in an energy-consuming process. The capacity of autophagy to recycle cellular components and provide energy could fulfill these requirements, thus supporting differentiation. However, little is known regarding the role of basal autophagy in neural differentiation. Here we report an increase in the expression of the autophagy genes Atg7, Becn1, Ambra1 and LC3 in vivo in the mouse embryonic olfactory bulb (OB) during the initial period of neuronal differentiation at E15.5, along with a parallel increase in neuronal markers. In addition, we observed an increase in LC3 lipidation and autophagic flux during neuronal differentiation in cultured OB-derived stem/progenitor cells. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy with 3-MA or wortmannin markedly decreased neurogenesis. These observations were supported by similar findings in two autophagy-deficient genetic models. In Ambra1 loss-of-function homozygous mice (gt/gt) the expression of several neural markers was decreased in the OB at E13.5 in vivo. In vitro, Ambra1 haploinsufficient cells developed as small neurospheres with an impaired capacity for neuronal generation. The addition of methylpyruvate during stem/progenitor cell differentiation in culture largely reversed the inhibition of neurogenesis induced by either 3-MA or Ambra1 haploinsufficiency, suggesting that neural stem/progenitor cells activate autophagy to fulfill their high energy demands. Further supporting the role of autophagy for neuronal differentiation Atg5-null OB cells differentiating in culture displayed decreased TuJ1 levels and lower number of cells with neurites. These results reveal new roles for autophagy-related molecules Atg5 and Ambra1 during early neuronal differentiation of stem/progenitor cells.  相似文献   

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