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Orientation of DNA in agarose gels.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
J Borejdo 《Biophysical journal》1989,55(6):1183-1190
An orientation of the lambda DNA during the electrophoresis in agarose gels was measured by a microscopic linear dichroism technique. The method involved staining the DNA with the dye ethidium bromide and measuring under the microscope the polarization properties of the fluorescence field around the electrophoretic band containing the nucleic acid. It was first established that the fluorescence properties of the ethidium bromide-DNA complex were the same in agarose gel and in a solution. Then the linear dichroism method was used to measure the dichroism of the absorption dipole of EB dye bound to lambda DNA. In a typical experiment the orientation of two-tenth of a picogram (2 x 10(-13)g) of DNA was measured. When the electric field was turned on, the dichroism developed rapidly and assumed a steady state value which increased with the strength of the field and with the size of DNA. A linear dichroism equation related the measured dichroism of fluorescence to the mean orientation of the absorption dipole of ethidium bromide and to an extent to which the orientation of this dipole deviated from the mean. The observed development of dichroism in the presence of an electric field was interpreted as an alignment of DNA along the direction of the field. The increase in the steady state value of dichroism with the rise in the strength of the field and with the increase of the size of DNA was interpreted as a better alignment of DNA along the direction of the field and as a smaller deviation from its mean orientation.  相似文献   

We have studied with a number of bacterial restriction enzymes the conditions for digestion of DNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. The restriction endonucleases HpaII, MspI, HaeIII, HindIII, TaqI, HhaI, AluI, BamHI, EcoRI and SalI are capable of digesting DNA in agarose gels of low electroendosmosis and low sulfate concentration. All enzymes, except BamHI, are also capable of digesting DNA in polyacrylamide gels. With this method, rapid two-dimensional restriction mapping of genomes with low and high sequence complexity is possible.  相似文献   

Detection of DNA in agarose gels using berberine and Mordant Yellow 3R.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A nontoxic and simple staining method for the detection of DNA in agarose gels is described. After eletrophoretic separation, the gels were stained with 5 microg/ml of berberine (BB) prepared in distilled water and then the gels were soaked in 20 microg/ml of aqueous Mordant Yellow 3R (MY3R) solution. Employment of MY3R as a counterion dye efficiently quenched unwanted background fluorescence of BB. This method can detect as little as 10 ng of plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase cDNA obtained from Arabidopsis thaliana L. (AHA1, 3.2 kb) under a long wavelength of UV irradiation (366 nm) within 1 h.  相似文献   

J C Bearden 《Gene》1979,6(3):221-234
A new theoretical model for the migration of high-molecular-weight, double-stranded DNA on agarose gels is presented. This leads to the prediction that under certain conditions of electrophoresis, a linear relationship will exist between the molecular weight of a DNA molecule, raised to the (-2/3) power, and its electrophoretic mobility. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the fragments of bacteriophage lambda DNA produced by several restriction endonucleases confirms this relationship, and establishes some of the limits on its linearity. For this work, a polyacrylamide slab gel apparatus was modified for use with agarose gels. This apparatus has several advantages over others commercially available for agarose gel electrophoresis, including the abilities to run a larger number of samples at one time, to use lower-concentration gels, and to maintain better temperature stability across the width of the gel. The validation of the relationship developed here between molecular weight and electrophoretic mobility should make this a useful method for determining the molecular weights of DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a rapid and easily reproducible modification of the freeze-squeeze method of separating DNA from agarose gels. Our method involves slicing out the agarose gel portion which contains the DNA of interest, freezing this gel slice at –20°C, then centrifuging the frozen slice in a filtration unit which contains a cellulose acetate filter. The agarose is retained on the filter and the filtrate contains the DNA. DNA purified in this manner could be completely digested with restriction endonucleases and completely ligated with DNA ligase, without further purification. The percentages of recovery for various sizes of linear and plasmid double-stranded DNA ranged from 57 to 69%. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes to perform.  相似文献   


Methyl green (MG) is an inexpensive, nonproprietary, traditional histological stain for cell nuclei. When bound to DNA and upon excitation with orange-red light, it fluoresces brightly in the far red region. We compared MG with ethidium bromide (EtBr), the conventional stain for DNA in gels, and Serva DNA stain G? (SDsG), a proprietary stain marketed as a safer alternative to EtBr for staining of electrophoresed DNA bands in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. DNA-MG fluorescence was recorded and 2.4 μg/ml MG produced crisp images of electrophoresed DNA after incubation for 10 min. Stain solutions were stable and detection limits for faint bands as well as relative densitometric quantitation were equivalent to EtBr. MG, EtBr and SDsG cost 0.0192, 0.024 and 157.5 US cents/test, respectively. MG is an effective stain for visualizing DNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. Its major advantages including low cost, comparable quality of staining, storage at room temperature, photo-resistance and low mutagenic profile outweigh its disadvantages such as staining of tracking dye and requirement for a gel documentation system with a red filter.  相似文献   

A novel type of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) marker was developed for the mapping of cereal rye (Secale cereale). Primer pairs were synthesized targeting the insertion sites of three individual copies of the R173 family of rye specific repeated DNA sequences. While one primer was derived from a sequence within the respective R173 element, the second primer corresponded to a flanking region. The complex banding patterns obtained in rye allowed not only the mapping of the three R173 elements to certain chromosome regions of 1RS (the short arm of rye chromosome 1) but also the mapping of an additional 3-10 easily identifiable bands per primer pair to other rye chromosomes. Linkage mapping of a polymorphic 1R band derived from three rye cultivars demonstrated the presence of nonallelic, dominant markers in two independent crosses. Because of the high copy number of the R173 family (15,000 copies per diploid rye genome), its dispersion over the entire length of all chromosomes and the high number of markers obtained per primer pair, PCR markers based on the R173 family provide an almost unlimited source for well-spaced markers in rye mapping.  相似文献   

Oriented agarose gels were prepared by applying an electric field to molten agarose while it was solidifying. Immediately afterwards, DNA samples were applied to the gel and electrophoresed in a constant unidirectional electric field. Regardless of whether the orienting field was applied parallel or perpendicular to the eventual direction of electrophoresis, the mobilities of linear and supercoiled DNA molecules were either faster (80% of the time) or slower (20% of the time) than observed in control, unoriented gels run simultaneously. The difference in mobility in the oriented gel (whether faster or slower) usually increased with increasing DNA molecular weight and increasing voltage applied to orient the agarose matrix. In perpendicularly oriented gels linear DNA fragments traveled in lanes skewed toward the side of the gel; supercoiled DNA molecules traveled in straight lanes. If the orienting voltage was applied parallel to the direction of electrophoresis, both linear and supercoiled DNA molecules migrated in straight lanes. These effects were observed in gels cast from different types of agarose, using various agarose concentrations and two different running buffers, and were observed both with and without ethidium bromide incorporated in the gel. Similar results were observed if the agarose was allowed to solidify first, and the orienting electric field was then applied to the gel for several hours before the DNA samples were added and electrophoresed. The results suggest that the agarose matrix can be oriented by electric fields applied to the gel before and probably during electrophoresis, and that orientation of the matrix affects the mobility and direction of migration of DNA molecules. The skewed lanes observed in the perpendicularly oriented gels suggest that pores or channels can be created in the matrix by application of an electric field. The oriented matrix becomes randomized with time, because DNA fragments in oriented and unoriented gels migrated in straight lanes with identical velocities 24 hours later.  相似文献   

Hybridization of labeled RNA to DNA in agarose gels.   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
Specific DNA restriction endonuclease fragments can be identified after electrophoresis in agarose gels by hybridization in the gel (in situ) to radioactive homologous RNA. RNA-DNA hybrids are detected by autoradiography of the gel. Comparison of band patterns of the autoradiogram and the ethidium bromide stained gel allows the identification of the DNA fragment which is complementary to the RNA probe. The technique is rapid, easy and inexpensive. It is sensitive enough to detect individual genes in a mixture of fragments produced by restriction enzyme digestion of complex cellular DNA. We have used this technique to determine which of the Hin III and Eco R1 fragments of phi80d3ilv+su+7 and E. coli DNAs contain the 5S, 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of E. coli.  相似文献   

A new method for isolating DNA from agarose gels is described. The method involves the simultaneous transfer of all DNA-fragments from an agarose slab gel onto DEAE-cellulose paper and the elution of the individual fragments from the paper with 1 M NaCl. DNA isolated from agarose gels in this way is susceptible to cleavage with several restriction endonucleases, and can be labeled in vitro with E coli DNA-polymerase I, T4 DNA-polymerase and T4 polynucleotide kinase. We have used the method to construct restriction endonuclease maps of adenovirus type 16 DNA.  相似文献   

A systematic study has been undertaken to prove or disprove the predictions of a revised reptation model, biased reptation with fluctuations (BRF). Our data, which scan about two orders of magnitude of DNA sizes and of electric fields, and a fourfold range of gel concentrations, are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with the model and support the applicability of this theory to DNA gel electrophoresis. In particular, we show that the mobility in the compression zone scales as the first power of the electric field, and that the limit of separation scales as the inverse first power of the electric field, for low enough fields. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The electrophoresis of circular DNA, ranging in size from 4.4 kilobase pairs (kbp) to 220 kbp, was studied in agarose gels. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) DNA was used as a source of large supercoiled and open circular (relaxed) forms. The open circles above approximately 50 kbp were trapped at the sample wells of 1% agarose gels during electrophoresis at 3 V/cm. Field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE) was used to relieve the trapping of the open circles in the gels. Using FIGE (30 s forward pulse time), open circles with sizes of 115 and 220 kbp required reverse pulse times of 3 and 6 s, respectively, to free the circles from open-ended gel fibers. A minimum in the gel velocity of the open circles was measured at approximately 20 kbp. Open circles below approximately 20 kbp migrated slower than the supercoiled forms, and above 20 kbp the order was reversed. These results indicate that when the size of the open circles exceeded the average pore size of a gel and it was forced to span multiple pores, the open circles gained a mobility advantage. Decreasing the ionic strength of the electrophoresis buffer significantly decreased the mobility of the smaller circles and slightly increased the mobility of the larger circles.  相似文献   

Protein kinase activity, including activity specific for the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues, can be detected among particulate fraction proteins of T cell lymphomas after separation by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Putative protein kinases are detected by renaturation of enzyme activity directly within the gel following removal of detergent. LSTRA, a cell line that exhibits elevated levels of protein-tyrosine kinase activity, was found to express a predominant protein-tyrosine kinase of molecular weight 30,000. This same enzyme was present in T lymphocytes and other T lymphoid cell lines. Studies involving rapid preparation of protein fractions, limited proteolysis and one-dimensional peptide mapping did not demonstrate a direct relationship between the phosphorylated 30,000 dalton protein and the predominant 56,000 dalton phosphotyrosine containing protein that is observed following phosphorylation of LSTRA cell particulate fractions in vitro.  相似文献   

In the African green monkey genome, 20% of the total DNA consists of a highly reiterated DNA sequence that occurs largely in long tandem arrays of a repeat unit that is 172 base-pairs in length. The DNA of the baboon contains sequences homologous to this repeat unit. However, in the baboon genome, these sequences comprise roughly 6% of the total DNA and alternate in a regular fashion with a DNA segment that may be distantly related to the monkey repeat unit. The sequences in the baboon that are homologous to the monkey repeat unit are contained within a 340 base-pair repeat unit of the highly repeated DNA fraction of the baboon. The extent of nucleotide divergence of the homologous repeated sequences between the two species is estimated to be about 10%.  相似文献   

Quantitation of protein and DNA in silver-stained agarose gels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A silver stain for both proteins and DNA in agarose gels is described. Quantitation of proteins with this stain is possible, with individual proteins exhibiting characteristic responses, as observed with other stains. The advantage of the silver stain over Coomassie blue is its increased (50- to 100-fold) sensitivity, which allows samples containing very low protein concentrations to be analyzed without prior concentration. This silver stain, when applied to DNA, is at least as sensitive as ethidium bromide, and gives a linear response for the type of DNA and fragment sizes studied.  相似文献   

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