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Groups of female TMD rats were treated either with estradiol benzoate (EB), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), testosterone propionate (TP), EB + DHTP (EB/DHTP), or with oil. These groups of females were tested for social aggression and for masculine and feminine sexual behavior. In addition, patterns of masculine and feminine sexual responses during the aggressive encounters, were investigated. TP-treated females of the same strain were used as opponents in the tests for aggression. In accordance with previous results, EB did not activate aggression whereas TP treatment resulted in a significant increase in aggression in females. Aggressive responses were activated by adding DHTP to EB, up to levels equal to those activated by TP. Sexual responses were observed in the tests for aggression as well as in tests for sexual behavior. The results indicated that feminine and masculine sexual responses were affected significantly by hormonal treatment. Mounting behavior in the test for aggression was activated by TP and by EB/DHTP. Lordosis and proceptive responses were inhibited in these groups as compared to EB-treated females, both in tests for aggression and in tests for sexual behavior. The results are consistent with the idea that dihydrotestosterone inhibits feminine and activates masculine sexual activity. The results also indicate that EB and DHTP synergistically activate aggression.  相似文献   

Interpretation of behavioral and other effects of intracranial steroid implants depends on knowledge of the rate of release of the implanted hormones into the general circulation. Testosterone propionate implants (200 μg, pellets) in the median eminence and pituitary were found to result in circulating levels of testosterone (T) twice as high as those in the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area (AHPOA), posterior hypothalamus (PH), and cortex (Ctx). Implants in all cranial areas examined resulted in plasma T levels in the lower range of circulating T found in normal rats for the first 24 hr postoperatively, decreasing thereafter and reaching very low levels by the end of 2 weeks. There were no significant differences in the plasma T levels in rats with implants in the AHPOA, PH, and Ctx, but AHPOA implants were slightly more effective in restoration of sexual behavior than PH implants, and both of these implants were considerably more effective than those in the cortex. There was no apparent correlation between behavioral responses and peripheral levels of T. The major conclusion of this study was that the effects of hypothalamic implants of T on male sexual behavior cannot be explained by the presence of T in the peripheral circulation.  相似文献   

The effect of progesterone (P) on sexual behavior was tested in five long-term castrated rhesus monkeys treated simultaneously with testosterone (T) and P. A control group consisting of three long-term castrates was treated only with T. Plasma levels of T and P were measured at weekly intervals, and behavioral data were collected for each animal twice a week throughout the study. Progesterone has been reported to inhibit sexual behavior in male guinea pigs and mice, but the levels of behavior in our two groups of monkeys did not differ from each other over 8 weeks of treatment and testing.  相似文献   

The relationships between plasma testosterone (T) and various parameters of male sexual behavior were examined in intact and castrated T-treated male rats. Repeated blood sampling and behavioral testing revealed no correlation between any measure of sexual behavior and plasma T in normal untreated sexually active males. T-Filled Silastic capsules, implanted subcutaneously at the time of castration, were found to produce plasma T levels proportional to capsule size. Plasma T titers less than 10% of normal (0.2 ng/ml) maintained ejaculatory behavior near normal levels for the 58 days of the experiment. Measures of sexual behavior which showed androgen dependence were intromission latency, postejaculatory interval, and intromission frequency. The plasma T concentration required to maintain these parameters within the intact range was 0.7 ng/ml, which is less than one-third of the mean intact level (2.6 ng/ml). No significant improvement in the sex behavior measures was seen with plasma T levels between 0.7 and 3.1 ng/ml. It was concluded that the absence of relationships between circulating T and sexual behavior in the normal rat population is due to the androgen requirement for this behavior being less than the amount normally present. Findings on T levels and T treatment in noncopulator males are also presented.  相似文献   

Both testosterone (T) and progesterone (P) facilitate the expression of male-typical sexual behavior in a variety of animals, including rodents and lizards. In two species of whiptail lizards, Cnemidophorus inornatus and C. uniparens, both hormones elicit the full repertoire of courtship behavior. However, the relative efficacy of the two hormones is unknown. In Experiments 1 and 2 we assessed differences in capacity of exogenous T and P to induce male-typical courtship behavior in gonadectomized whiptail lizards. In both species, individuals implanted with T showed more frequent courtship behavior relative to those implanted with P or cholesterol. In Experiments 3 and 4 we examined whether T and P differentially affected the retention of courtship behavior following implant removal. In both species, individuals implanted with T showed more courtship behavior following implant removal than those previously given P. In these experiments, implants were removed at a time when individuals in both groups were behaviorally similar; therefore, the differences in behavior following implant removal were not due to differences in the amount of courtship experience. Taken together, the hormone that was more effective at activating courtship behavior was also more effective at maintaining courtship behavior following implant removal. In summary, though both T and P can elicit identical sexual behaviors in both whiptail species, T has a greater and more lasting effect on courtship behavior and possibly on the neural circuits underlying courtship behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of estrogen and progesterone on the social and sexual behavior of brown lemmings, Lemmus trimucronatus, were investigated. The behavior of hormone-treated and untreated ovariectomized females and sexually vigorous males was observed in six consecutive daily 5-min dyadic encounters. Sexual receptivity, as measured by lordosis, and other social behaviors including nasonasal contact, boxing postures, allogrooming, perineal investigation, and male mounting increased following 48 hr of exposure to daily injections of 0.5 μg estradiol benzoate (EB). Lordosis in EB-primed females was not facilitated or inhibited by short-term (4 hr) exposure to 0.5 mg progesterone (P). Long-term (greater than 24 hr) exposure to P apparently inhibited lordosis and other social behaviors in EB-treated females, although males continued to attempt to mount these females. In EB-treated females a dramatic increase in threat-leaps, directed by the female toward the male, was observed within 4 hr of P injection. Threat-leaps declined when P was withdrawn. Threat-leaps were also observed in ovariectomized females after prolonged exposure to P only (0.5 mg/day). Vaginal perforation and cornification were first apparent 48 hr after EB injection. P-alone treated ovariectomized females also showed vaginal perforation but cornified cells were infrequent and these animals did not show lordosis.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that sex steroids in the eggs, besides affecting progeny phenotype and behavior in the short term, also have enduring effects until adulthood, when they may translate into differences in reproductive strategies and success. Maternal steroids transfer may therefore affect both agonistic behavior and mate choice decisions, either through the promotion of body size and condition or through a priming effect on the neuroendocrine system. However, owing to the prevalence of a short-term perspective, relevance of maternal transfer of sex steroids to sexual selection processes has been seldom studied. Here we investigate the effects of an experimental increase in egg testosterone on male dominance and copulation success in the ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, a polygynous galliform with multiple male ornamental traits, in captivity. We found that females from testosterone (T) injected eggs copulated less than control females. Males from T-injected eggs obtained more copulations than control males, specifically with control females. The effect of male ‘ordinary’ and secondary sexual traits on either dominance or copulation frequency did not depend on early exposure to T, nor did T treatment affect male dominance. Present results demonstrate that variation in the early hormonal environment set up by mothers affects sexual behavior of the offspring, which might translate into fitness differences.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2009,55(5):735-740
The transient actions of gonadal steroids on the adult brain facilitate social behaviors, including reproduction. In male rodents, testosterone acts in the posterior medial amygdala (MeP) and medial preoptic area (MPOA) to promote mating. Adult neurogenesis occurs in both regions. The current study determined if testosterone and/or sexual behavior promote cell proliferation and survival in MeP and MPOA. Two experiments were conducted using the thymidine analog BrdU. First, gonad-intact and castrated male hamsters (n = 6/group) were compared 24 h or 7 weeks after BrdU. In MeP, testosterone-stimulated cell proliferation 24 h after BrdU (intact: 22.8 ± 3.9 cells/mm2, castrate: 13.2 ± 1.4 cells/mm2). Testosterone did not promote cell proliferation in MPOA. Seven weeks after BrdU, cell survival was sparse in both regions (MeP: 2.5 ± 0.6 and MPOA: 1.7 ± 0.2 cells/mm2), and was not enhanced by testosterone. In Experiment 2, gonad-intact sexually-experienced animals were mated weekly to determine if regular neural activation enhances cell survival 7 weeks after BrdU in MeP and MPOA. Weekly mating failed to increase cell survival in MeP (8.1 ± 1.6 vs. 9.9 ± 3.2 cells/mm2) or MPOA (3.9 ± 0.7 vs. 3.4 ± 0.3 cells/mm2). Furthermore, mating at the time of BrdU injection did not stimulate cell proliferation in MeP (8.9 ± 1.7 vs. 8.1 ± 1.6 cells/mm2) or MPOA (3.6 ± 0.5 vs. 3.9 ± 0.7 cells/mm2). Taken together, our results demonstrate a limited capacity for neurogenesis in the mating circuitry. Specifically, cell proliferation in MeP and MPOA are differentially influenced by testosterone, and the birth and survival of new cells in either region are not enhanced by reproductive activity.  相似文献   

In the pregnant domestic rabbit, scent marking (“chinning”) and sexual behavior are inhibited by ovarian-derived progesterone (P). In order to distinguish behavioral effects of P that are PR-dependent from those mediated by its ring A reduced metabolites, we administered P, P+RU486 (PR antagonist), chlormadinone acetate (CA, synthetic progestin that does not form ring A reduced metabolites), or vehicle to ovariectomized (ovx) estradiol-benzoate (EB)-treated female rabbits, via sc injection, on experimental day 0. Chinning was quantified daily, and mating tests were done on days -1, 1, 3, 5, and 7. On day 1, chinning was significantly decreased, and the latency to be mounted by the male was significantly increased (indicating decreased sexual attractivity of the female) in P-treated females. The effect of P on chinning, but not its effect on sexual attractivity, was completely blocked by RU486 and replicated by CA. Although CA had no effect on attractivity on day 1, it decreased both sexual receptivity and attractivity on day 3. In a preference test in which the male could interact with either an ovx EB-treated female or an ovx female that had received one of the above hormone treatments 24 h earlier, P decreased sexual attractivity and increased aggression. The effect of P on aggression, but not its effect on attractivity, was blocked by RU486 and replicated by CA. These results indicate that both PR-dependent and PR-independent mechanisms decrease sexual attractivity, whereas PR activation is necessary for the inhibition of chinning and sexual receptivity, and for the stimulation of aggression.  相似文献   

Summary Male rats kept on a standard diet were treated either with progesterone or testosterone by a single intramuscular injection of preparations which are slowly absorbed and metabolized. The rats were anaesthetized 24 h after application of the hormones, perfused with glutaraldehyde, and the parathyroid glands prepared for electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis revealed that both progesterone and testosterone provoked (1) an increment in nuclear and cell volume and a concomitant increment in cell surface area, and (2) an increment in surface area of rough endoplasmic reticulum by 42% and 49%, and of the Golgi complex by 85% and 63%, respectively. Previously, we had found that oestradiol treatment led to a similar response in parathyroid cells. The conclusion is thus drawn that male and female sex hormones induce membrane synthesis resulting in an enhanced capacity for parathyroid hormone secretion since RER and Golgi complex are concerned with this secretion. It is considered probable that sex hormones have the ability fundamentally to modulate secretory activity in parathyroid cells.  相似文献   

The effects of post-castration interactions with oestrous females on the responsiveness of pre-copulatory patterns to androgens were examined in male Mongolian gerbils. Males that were (EXP group) or were not (NONEXP group) allowed post-castration experience with females were compared. Following castration, male aggressive and female defensive patterns increased significantly in the EXP group; fighting between the pairs also increased. Androgen treatment reduced both fighting and the defensive patterns of test females to pre-castration levels, and induced male pre-copulatory behaviour which was similar to that of the NONEXP group. But restoration of pre-copulatory behaviour in the EXP group to levels shown by the NONEXP group required longer treatment, suggesting that post-castration experience of aggressive interactions decreases the effectiveness of androgen.  相似文献   

Testosterone is commonly thought to drive male sexual interest, but little experimental evidence demonstrates a direct relationship between natural variation in testosterone and sexual interest in healthy young men. This study measured young men's testosterone levels and their interest in visual sexual stimuli across three test sessions within 1 month. Fifteen men aged 23–28 viewed pictures of couples engaged in sexually explicit activity. Each session included a unique set of 72 pictures depicting heterosexual oral sex or intercourse presented in randomized order. Participants controlled how long they viewed each picture, with viewing time indicating sexual interest. Men's testosterone (T) levels were assayed from blood spots obtained prior to viewing the pictures. Overall, T and viewing time were positively correlated; however, the strength of this relationship varied by test session. T was marginally correlated with viewing time during the first session (r = 0.43) and not significantly correlated with viewing time on the second session (r = 0.16). During the final test session, when habituation might influence male interest in the stimuli, T was strongly correlated with viewing time (r = 0.80). Thus, the current study demonstrates a direct but context dependent relationship between testosterone and sexual interest in healthy young males.  相似文献   

Latency of the first attack, number of attacks and total attacking time in aggressive male C57BL/6J strain mice were studied during agonistic interactions with submissive mice which had a great defeat experience. Then, aggressive mice were placed together in order to find out which will be the winner in each pair. It has been shown that males with a shorter latency of the first attack and greater total attacking time gained the victory.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [4-14C]progesterone and [4-14C]testosterone by slices of the nasal mucosa from rats was studied. As shown by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry there was a preferential formation of reduced progesterone-metabolites (5 alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione, 3 alpha- and 3 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnane-20-one, 20 alpha- and 20 beta-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one, 2 alpha,3 alpha-dihydroxy-5 alpha-pregnane-20-one, 3 alpha,16 alpha-dihydroxy-5 alpha-pregnane-20-one) and reduced testosterone-metabolites (4-androstene-3,17-dione, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstane-17-one, and 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol, 2 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, 5 alpha-androstane-2 alpha,3 alpha, 17 beta-triol) indicating the presence of 5 alpha-reductase, 3 alpha-, 3 beta-, 17 beta-, 20 alpha- and 20 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase activities in this tissue. Progesterone-metabolites hydroxylated at positions 2 alpha, 6 alpha, 6 beta, 15 alpha and 16 alpha and testosterone-metabolites hydroxylated at positions 1 beta, 2 alpha, 6 beta, 15 beta and 16 alpha were also identified, indicating the presence of several steroid hydroxylases in the nasal mucosa. Autoradiography of the nasal region of rats injected with [4-14C]progesterone or [4-14C]testosterone showed a selective localization of radioactivity in the mucosa covering the olfactory region of the nasal cavity.  相似文献   

A rise in plasma testosterone (T) levels occurs in male rats during the first 2 hr after birth which is of importance for the process of sexual differentiation. To study the influence of environmental factors on the postnatal T surge and sexual development, newborn male rats were subjected to various treatments immediately after cesarean delivery including cooling, ether anesthesia, and mother-infant separation. In adulthood, the animals were observed for masculine and feminine sexual behavior. Males anesthetized at 0 hr showed elevated levels of feminine sexual behavior and impaired masculine sexual behavior. Pups subjected to cooling or mother-infant separation showed slightly prolonged intromission latencies, but otherwise normal levels of feminine sexual behavior. Significantly elevated plasma T levels were found in intact pups 2 hr after birth but not in pups subjected to cooling or ether anesthesia. Significantly higher levels of T were observed in pups subjected to cooling 4 hr after birth, suggesting a delay of the T surge. The most pronounced impairing effects were seen in the defeminization process, but the masculinization process also is affected by ether anesthesia. It was concluded that ether anesthesia immediately after birth may permanently interfere with the sexual development by suppressing the neonatal T surge.  相似文献   

The present work studied the effects of dopaminergic and muscarinic receptor agonists and antagonists on rat locomotor activity and catalepsy. Results showed that carbachol at the highest dose used (10 mg/kg, p.o.) decreased and pimozide at the dose used abolished locomotor activity. Atropine at a low dose (1 mg/kg, p.o.) increased and at a high dose decreased this parameter. Mazindol at a high dose also increased locomotor activity. A significant and dose-dependent increase in the time on the bar was observed in animals treated with carbachol or pimozide as compared to controls. The increase observed with pimozide was greater than 60 s. Effects of carbachol on locomotor activity were observed already after the first drug exposure, but the increased time on bar produced by this drug in the test of catalepsy was observed only after repeated exposure (7th day). The effect of the highest dose (10 mg/kg, p.o.) of atropine (decreased activity) as related to the lowest one was evident at the 7th day, but the increased locomotor activity seen at the low dose was detected already at the first day. There was a predominance of the effect of pimozide on the open field as well as on catalepsy after its association with each one of the three doses of carbachol. The association of atropine and mazindol did not seem to alter locomotor activity and catalepsy as related to each drug alone. Our results indicate that interactions between dopaminergic and cholinergic systems play an important role on behavior and motor functions.  相似文献   

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