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Habitat selection and spatial usage are important components of animal behavior influencing fitness and population dynamic. Understanding the animal–habitat relationship is crucial in ecology, particularly in developing strategies for wildlife management and conservation. As this relationship is governed by environmental features and intra‐ and interspecific interactions, habitat selection of a population may vary locally between its core and edges. This is particularly true for central place foragers such as gray and harbor seals, where, in the Northeast Atlantic, the availability of habitat and prey around colonies vary at local scale. Here, we study how foraging habitat selection may vary locally under the influence of physical habitat features. Using GPS/GSM tags deployed at different gray and harbor seals’ colonies, we investigated spatial patterns and foraging habitat selection by comparing trip characteristics and home‐range similarities and fitting GAMMs to seal foraging locations and environmental data. To highlight the importance of modeling habitat selection at local scale, we fitted individual models to colonies as well as a global model. The global model suffered from issues of homogenization, while colony models showed that foraging habitat selection differed markedly between regions for both species. Despite being capable of undertaking far‐ranging trips, both gray and harbor seals selected their foraging habitat depending on local availability, mainly based on distance from the last haul‐out and bathymetry. Distance from shore and tidal current also influenced habitat preferences. Results suggest that local conditions have a strong influence on population spatial ecology, highlighting the relevance of processes occurring at fine geographical scale consistent with management within regional units.  相似文献   

During reproduction, seabirds need to balance the demands of self- and offspring-provisioning within the constraints imposed by central place foraging. To assess behavioral adjustments and tolerances to these constraints, we studied the feeding tactics and reproductive success of common murres (also known as common guillemots) Uria aalge , at their largest and most offshore colony (Funk Island) where parents travel long distances to deliver a single capelin Mallotus villosus to their chicks. We assessed changes in the distance murres traveled from the colony, their proximate foraging locations and prey size choice during two successive years in which capelin exhibited an order of magnitude decrease in density and a shift from aggregated (2004) to dispersed (2005) distributions. When capelin availability was low (2005), parental murres increased their maximum foraging distances by 35% (60 to 81 km) and delivered significantly larger capelin to chicks, as predicted by central place foraging theory. Murres preferred large (>140 mm) relative to small capelin (100–140 mm) in both years, but unexpectedly this preference increased as the relative density of large capelin decreased. We conclude that single prey-loading murres target larger capelin during long foraging trips as parents are 'forced' to select the best prey for their offspring. Low fledgling masses suggest also that increased foraging time when capelin is scarce may come at a cost to the chicks (i.e. fewer meals per day). Murres at this colony may be functioning near physiological limits above which further or sustained adjustments in foraging effort could compromise the life-time reproductive success of this long-lived seabird.  相似文献   

白马雪山自然保护区格花箐滇金丝猴夜宿地的季节性选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年9月至2006年9月,在白马雪山自然保护区南端的格花箐,对一群(约250只)滇金丝猴的夜宿地选择与利用情况进行调查.整个调查历时13个月,确认研究群的夜宿点54个,共记录夜宿地的利用次数137次,提示研究群在其中一些地点多次夜宿.滇金丝猴夜宿地在平均海拔分布上存在明显的季节性差异:夏季猴群夜宿地的平均海拔为3 352 m,为一年中夜宿地分布最高的时期;春季猴群则多选择在低海拔地区夜宿,平均海拔在一年中最低(3 082 m).猴群夜宿地集中分布于3 200~3 400 m的海拔范围,随季节变化,不同海拔梯度上的夜宿地数量和利用频次差异明显.虽然猴群夜宿地主要位于针阔混交林中,但是不同季节猴群夜宿地植被的组成明显不同.猴群明显偏好在位于南坡面和西坡面的地点过夜,在夏季和秋季尚未发现北坡向的夜宿地.研究还表明,不同季节,猴群都会不同程度地在少数几个地点多次过夜,但大多数夜宿地在一年中仅利用一次.滇金丝猴为什么会对某些地点多次利用尚需进一步研究证实.  相似文献   

Relatively simple foraging radius models have the potential to generate predictive distributions for a large number of species rapidly, thus providing a cost-effective alternative to large-scale surveys or complex modelling approaches. Their effectiveness, however, remains largely untested. Here we compare foraging radius distribution models for all breeding seabirds in Ireland, to distributions of empirical data collected from tracking studies and aerial surveys. At the local/colony level, we compared foraging radius distributions to GPS tracking data from seabirds with short (Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica, and razorbill Alca torda) and long (Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus, and European storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus) foraging ranges. At the regional/national level, we compared foraging radius distributions to extensive aerial surveys conducted over a two-year period. Foraging radius distributions were significantly positively correlated with tracking data for all species except Manx shearwater. Correlations between foraging radius distributions and aerial survey data were also significant, but generally weaker than those for tracking data. Correlations between foraging radius distributions and aerial survey data were benchmarked against generalised additive models (GAMs) of the aerial survey data that included a range of environmental covariates. While GAM distributions had slightly higher correlations with aerial survey data, the results highlight that the foraging radius approach can be a useful and pragmatic approach for assessing breeding distributions for many seabird species. The approach is likely to have acceptable utility in complex, temporally variable ecosystems and when logistic and financial resources are limited.  相似文献   

1. A model is described that evaluates the maximum economic foraging range in central place foragers by using optimality criteria to discriminate between foraging sites at different distances from the forager's central place. 2. The basic model can be varied to suit foragers that optimise either their rate of net energy uptake or their foraging efficiency. 3. The model requires specification of the time and energy budgets of travel and foraging, and of the rewards obtainable at potential foraging sites. 4. The specific case of bumblebees, whose foraging ranges are poorly known, is considered. 5. Numerical solutions of the model for parameter values that represent bumblebees and their forage predict economic foraging ranges exceeding several kilometres. The model demonstrates that economics alone can explain extensive flight ranges in bees.  相似文献   

西藏红拉雪山滇金丝猴的夜宿地与夜宿树选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树栖灵长类动物要在夜宿地度过半生以上的时光,因此选择合适的夜宿地及夜宿树对其存活尤为关键。影响夜宿地以及夜宿树选择的主要因素是逃避天敌捕食,但对于栖息在温带森林的灵长类而言,还必须面对低 温以及食物缺乏等因素的影响。2003 年6 月至2005 年3 月,采用跟踪猴群,记录夜宿地并依据地面粪便颗粒数确定夜宿树,在西藏红拉雪山自然保护区对小昌都滇金丝猴的夜宿地及夜宿树进行了研究。结果表明:在主要 研究时间段196 d 夜宿地记录中猴群使用了101 个夜宿地,使用2 次以上的夜宿地有67 个,夜宿162 d。夜宿地全部位于针叶林中,冬季夜宿地主要分布在向阳、背风和低海拔处。比较重复利用夜宿次数多与夜宿次数少的树发现:夜宿多的树高大,底枝长,而与底枝高没有差异。比较夜宿和不过夜的树发现:夜宿树高大、底枝长。这些特点表明小昌都猴群夜宿地及夜宿树的选择可能受到逃避天敌和体温调节的影响。  相似文献   

For marine top predators like seabirds, the oceans represent a multitude of habitats regarding oceanographic conditions and food availability. Worldwide, these marine habitats are being altered by changes in climate and increased anthropogenic impact. This is causing a growing concern on how seabird populations might adapt to these changes. Understanding how seabird populations respond to fluctuating environmental conditions and to what extent behavioral flexibility can buffer variations in food availability can help predict how seabirds may cope with changes in the marine environment. Such knowledge is important to implement proper long‐term conservation measures intended to protect marine predators. We explored behavioral flexibility in choice of foraging habitat of chick‐rearing black‐legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla during multiple years. By comparing foraging behavior of individuals from two colonies with large differences in oceanographic conditions and distances to predictable feeding areas at the Norwegian shelf break, we investigated how foraging decisions are related to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. We found that proximity to the shelf break determined which factors drove the decision to forage there. At the colony near the shelf break, time of departure from the colony and wind speed were most important in driving the choice of habitat. At the colony farther from the shelf break, the decision to forage there was driven by adult body condition. Birds furthermore adjusted foraging behavior metrics according to time of the day, weather conditions, body condition, and the age of the chicks. The study shows that kittiwakes have high degree of flexibility in their behavioral response to a variable marine environment, which might help them buffer changes in prey distribution around the colonies. The flexibility is, however, dependent on the availability of foraging habitats near the colony.  相似文献   

In studies performed during 1986, 1987, 1990, and 1991, in the seasonally flooded forest of the Napo and Nanay river basin, we recorded seven instances of cohabitation in night monkeys,Aotus vociferans. Cohabitation refers to the sharing of a sleeping site of one species of animal with other different species of animals (Aquino & Encarnacion, 1986). We also recorded two instances of cooccupation of night monkeys with other species of nocturnal mammals. Cooccupation refers to the independent use of different sleeping sites within the same tree by two or more species of animals. This study is the first report of cooccupation within the generaAotus. Forty-five sleeping trees with entrance holes were used by the night monkeys. In addition, one sleeping site was observed in a small concavity of the foliar sheath on aMauritia flexuosa palm.  相似文献   

Here we review all published articles and book chapters, as well as unpublished theses and data of Ateles geoffroyi diet to (1) summarize the literature; (2) synthesize general feeding patterns; (3) document plant taxonomic similarity in diet across study sites; and (4) suggest directions for future research and conservation priorities. We found 22 samples from five countries: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama. Tropical wet forest is the most studied habitat (N=13 samples), followed by tropical dry forest (6) and tropical moist forest (3). Most samples have been carried out in large protected forests. In spite of showing an overall high dietetic diversity (364 species, 76 families), A. geoffroyi concentrated the majority of feeding time on a few species in the families Moraceae and Fabaceae. At all study sites fruits were the most common food item in the diet followed by leaves. Furthermore, a greater variety of food items and less fruit were consumed in forest fragments. These findings suggest that fruit shortage in fragments results in primates using foods of presumably lower energetic content such as leaves. Similarity in diet was higher among groups geographically closer to each other than among distant groups, showing that the floristic and phenological characteristics of the forest can influence diet composition. We conclude that several years of data are required to fully describe the dietary list of A. geoffroyi at any one site, as studies of the same group over different years shared as little as 56% of species. As most populations of A. geoffroyi live in highly fragmented landscapes, it is crucial to carry out studies in these areas to evaluate (1) changes in diet and activity patterns that may negatively affect survival; and (2) habitat attributes that may favor their persistence in altered landscapes.  相似文献   

In the Yucatán Peninsula, spider monkeys Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis are generally found in two contrasting conditions: large tracts of conserved forest or small fragments surrounded by human populations. In the present study, we analyzed fecal cortisol levels of spider monkeys to investigate whether environmental conditions have an influence on stress; specifically, we compared fecal cortisol across individuals living in conserved forests, fragmented forests and captive conditions (zoos and pets). Radioimmunoanalysis of fecal samples from 121 individuals indicated significant differences in mean cortisol for A. g. yucatanensis based on habitat type, with the lowest levels found in the conserved forest condition. The higher cortisol levels in both fragmented forest populations and in captive individuals may be the result of metabolic and behavioral stress. The mean male fecal cortisol concentration was significantly higher than that of females, and the fecal cortisol concentration was higher in the dry season compared with the wet season in a conserved habitat. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of considering sex and seasonality when monitoring fecal cortisol concentrations of spider monkeys, and more generally of frugivores, as they face a seasonal variation in food availability. Finally, our results suggest that forest fragmentation may create long-term stressors for spider monkeys, affecting the viability of populations living under such conditions.  相似文献   

Six models for determining air temperatures for thermal comfort of people using sleeping bags were reviewed. These models were based on distinctive metabolic rates and mean skin temperatures. All model predictions of air temperatures are low when the insulation values of the sleeping bag are high. Nevertheless, prediction variations are greatest for the sleeping bags with high insulation values, and there is a high risk of hypothermia if an inappropriate sleeping bag is chosen for the intended conditions of use. There is, therefore, a pressing need to validate the models by wear trial and determine which one best reflects ordinary consumer needs.  相似文献   

One reason given for the success of social insects is their exceptional efficiency in foraging. In this study we examined the recruitment trail dynamics of sucrose foraging red imported fire ants at three distances in order to understand the limitations of their recruitment ability. Five biologically and statistically significant differences were found among several important parameters between the furthest distance (32 m) and the two closer distances (8 and 16 m): 1) Recruits leaving the food at the greatest distance had significantly more load than recruits leaving the food at the shorter distances did. 2) At the greatest distance, recruits approaching the food already had significant loads. 3)Way stations and counter-current food passing were only found when food was placed at the furthest distance. 4) Ants leaving the colony for the most distant food source were significantly smaller than recruits leaving for the two closer distances. 5) The majority of recruits returning to the colony from the furthest distance had no detectable sugars, and were also dehydrated. Our data suggest that maintaining a minimum viable level of body water appears to be more important as a limiting factor to foraging range than energetics, at least under humidity regimes that are less than saturated. Received 6 June 2007; revised 10 January 2008; accepted 11 January 2008.  相似文献   

目的:分析慢性吗啡依赖大鼠纳洛酮催瘾戒断条件性位置厌恶(CPA)建立前后、消退后及重建后,与成瘾密切相关的脑区杏仁中央核(CeA)内蛋白激酶A(PKA)蛋白表达的适应性变化,探讨阿片依赖戒断后厌恶动机形成的生物学基础。方法:①将雄性SD大鼠分为实验组(慢性吗啡注射+纳洛酮催瘾组,MN),对照组(慢性吗啡注射+生理盐水催瘾组,MS),慢性生理盐水注射+纳洛酮催瘾组,SN),每组24只。采用慢性吗啡注射(10 mg/kg,BID,ip)后给予一次纳洛酮(0.3 mg/kg)催瘾注射(同时与条件性位置训练箱搭配)建立大鼠CPA模型。②在CPA建立前后、消退后及重建后,采用免疫组织化学方法检测CeA内PKA蛋白表达情况。结果:MN组在CPA建立前后、消退后及重建后CeA内PKA的蛋白表达出现适应性变化(P<0.05),建立后(Day7,134.43±4.481,P<0.05),消退后(Day13,141.01±3.360,P<0.01)及重建后(Day14,137.18±40.330,P<0.05)PKA蛋白表达水平均低于建立前(Day5,124.48±6.722)。而MS组(P>0.05)和SN组(P>0.05)在CPA的各个时间点PKA的蛋白表达变化差异均无显著性。结论:①CeA内PKA蛋白的低表达导致的厌恶的中枢状态,可能是CPA建立的关键的神经机制。②CeA内PKA的适应性变化可能是物质依赖戒断后CPA相关神经可塑性变化的重要分子基础。  相似文献   

基于重心、中心地理论的广东省主体功能分区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhong XQ  Ye DQ 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1268-1274
基于2008年广东省21个地级市的各项指标,采用空间重心法、中心地理论和模糊聚类分析法研究了广东省主体功能分区.结果表明:2008年,广州、深圳、汕头、佛山、东莞、潮州是优化开发区,位于广东省的重心区,很好地发挥了其经济辐射能力,是广东省经济发展的中心地区;河源、汕尾、江门、阳江、湛江、茂名、肇庆是限制开发区,中心性指数较低,经济基础较差,需加强生态修复和保护,以将其建设成为广东省的生态效益保障区;珠海、韶关、梅州、惠州、中山、清远、揭阳、云浮是重点开发区,应承接优化开发区域的产业转移和限制开发区域的人口转移,逐步成为支撑全省经济发展和人口集聚的重要承载区域.  相似文献   

In some seabirds, foraging trips have been defined as eitherlong or short, with the length of time spent traveling to theforaging area apparently a critical feature in determining foragingtrip length. Using logger technology, together with complimentarydata from published studies, we investigated traveling and foragingtimes in 18 free-living Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae,which were foraging for chicks. Most deep, foraging dives weredistributed around the center of the foraging trip. This centraltendency was particularly apparent if the cumulative amountof undulations in the depth profile (indicative of prey capture)was considered during deep dives; values started to increasebefore 20.9% and ceased after 67.2% of the dives had occurred.This concentration of the feeding activity in the middle ofthe foraging trip indicates that birds traveled to and froma prey patch whose location varied little over the birds' trips.These data form the basis for a simple model that uses travelingand foraging times together with projected rates of prey ingestionand chick and adult gastric emptying to determine that thereare occasions when, to optimize rates of prey ingestion whileat sea for both adults and chicks, birds should conduct foragingtrips of bimodal lengths.  相似文献   

When central place foragers compete aggressively for patchyresources, subordinates may be preventedfrom collecting fooduntil a dominant has departed with its load. Extensions of centralplace foraging models predict that animals forced to wait ata patch should increase their load sizes and patch times aswellas their tendency to search for and switch to alternative patches.We tested these predictions usingeastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus,hoarding sunflower seeds collected from seed/vermiculite mixturesintrays placed 5-8 m from their burrows. By using her hand toprevent access to the patch, the experimentersubjected animalsto progressively increasing waiting times at two seed densities;another series of trialsat the same seed densities monitoreda similar number of trips without imposed waiting. As predicted,patch times and load sizes were higher in sessions with imposedwaiting than in control sessions. Loadsizes increased with trialnumber in experimental sessions but decreased or remained thesame in controlsessions. Chipmunks spent more of their timesearching for alternative patches during trials with imposedwaiting than during controls. They also started searching foralternative patches at lower levels of imposed waiting whenusing poor than when using rich patches. These results indicatethat the effects of interference on foraging decisions and onspatial overlap between individuals can be predicted by simpleeconomic models. Furthermore, the results suggest how resource-defensetactics can be predicted by the economic effects of interferenceon the foraging efficiency of the opponent.  相似文献   

To identify Trypanosoma brucei genotypes which are potentially transmitted in a sleeping sickness focus, microsatellite markers were used to characterize T. brucei found in the mid-guts of wild tsetse flies of the Fontem sleeping sickness focus in Cameroon. For this study, two entomological surveys were performed during which 2685 tsetse flies were collected and 1596 (59.2%) were dissected. Microscopic examination revealed 1.19% (19/1596) mid-gut infections with trypanosomes; the PCR method identified 4.7% (75/1596) infections with T. brucei in the mid-guts. Of these 75 trypanosomes identified in the mid-guts, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense represented 0.81% (13/1596) of them, confirming the circulation of human infective parasite in the Fontem focus. Genetic characterization of the 75 T. brucei samples using five microsatellite markers revealed not only multiple T. brucei genotypes (47%), but also single genotypes (53%) in the mid-guts of the wild tsetse flies. These results show that there is a wide range of trypanosome genotypes circulating in the mid-guts of wild tsetse flies from the Fontem sleeping sickness focus. They open new avenues to undertake investigations on the maturation of multiple infections observed in the tsetse fly mid-guts. Such investigations may allow to understand how the multiple infections evolve from the tsetse flies mid-guts to the salivary glands and also to understand the consequence of these evolutions on the dynamic (which genotype is transmitted to mammals) of trypanosomes transmission.  相似文献   

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