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Polycalin has been confirmed as a binding protein of the Cry toxins in a few Lepidoptera insects, but its function in the action mechanism of Cry1Ac and whether it is involved in resistance evolution are still unclear. In this study, Ligand blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays showed that Helicoverpa armigera polycalin could specifically interact with Cry1Ac with a high affinity (Kd = 118.80 nM). Importantly, antisera blocking polycalin in H. armigera larvae decreased the toxicity of Cry1Ac by 31.84%. Furthermore, the relative gene and protein expressions were lower in Cry1Ac-resistant strain (LF60) than that in Cry1Ac-susceptible strain (LF). These findings indicated that H. armigera polycalin was a possible receptor of Cry1Ac and may be contributed to the resistance to Cry1Ac.  相似文献   

Insensitive acetylcholinesterase was identified as a resistance mechanism by comparing biochemical analysis with a laboratory selected monocrotophos resistant cotton bollworm (RR: 200) and the susceptible strain. The cDNA encoding AChE was cloned by the method of RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends). The complete AChE gene deduced from the cDNA consisted of a putative signal peptide of 32 amino acid residues, a mature protein of 615 residues, 5' untranslated regions (UTR) of 315 bp and 3' UTR of 324 bp. The coding sequence had a high degree of homology to the AChE from other insect species reported in the GenBank. After comparing analysis of the entire AChE gene sequence from 5 resistant and 6 susceptible cotton bollworm individuals, nine mutations were identified. One of them, the Ala/Thr mutation, is likely to be responsible for the AChE insensitivity to monocrotophos.  相似文献   

The effect of crude proteinase inhibitor extracts from seeds of different crop plants (black gram, chickpea, chickling vetch, finger millet, French bean, green gram, horse gram, lentil, pea and soybean) on the insecticidal activity of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1 was investigated against neonate larvae of H. armigera by diet incorporation method. The larval mortality due to crude proteinase inhibitors alone (5% seed weight equivalent) ranged from 4.1 to 19.1%; the maximum mortality with finger millet and the minimum with pea var. DDR-23. A mixture of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1 (10 ppm) and proteinase inhibitor (5% seed weight equivalent) was synergistic in larval mortality with respect to proteinase inhibitors of pea var. DMR-16, chickling vetch var. RLK-1098 and B101-212, lentil var. ILL-8095 and L-4076, soybean var. PK-1042, PK-416 and Pusa-22, chickpea var. Pusa-413, French bean (Chitra) and black gram; and antagonistic with respect to those of finger millet, horse gram and kidney bean. The larval growth reduction with crude proteinase inhibitors alone ranged from 17.9 to 53.1%; the maximum growth reduction with soybean var. PK-1042 and minimum with lentil var. L-4076. A mixture of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki and proteinase inhibitor was synergistic in growth reduction with respect to proteinase inhibitors of lentil var. ILL-8095, and L-4626 and antagonistic with respect to that of finger millet. The midgut proteinase inhibition with crude seed extracts (3.3% seed weight equivalent) ranged from 9.3 to 60.9% and was negatively correlated with larval mortality. These results showed that interactive effect of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1 and proteinase inhibitors in the larvae of H. armigera depended upon the quality and quantity of proteinase inhibitors, which vary widely in different plants.  相似文献   

Effect of sublethal concentration of B. thuringiensis on the first, third, fourth and fifth instar larvae of the American bollworm, H. armigera was investigated to study their response to food consumption, digestion, utilization, and their development till adult formation. The young larvae surviving B. thuringiensis treatment in their first instar and third instar delayed larval period by two to three days, but did not consume more food as compared to control. However, they showed higher digestibility of food as compared to control, which was compensated by their reduced ability to utilize the digested food for body substance. Contrary to the effect on first and third instar larvae, the fifth instar larvae surviving B. thuringiensis treatment in its fourth instar consumed less food, showed less absorption efficiency in digesting food, but compensated by increase in the utilization of ingested and digested food into body substance. Insects surviving B. thuringiensis HD-1 sublethal toxicity adapted to normal larval growth when fed on untreated food, depending upon insect growth prior to treatment. The moths emerging from B.thuringiensis treated larvae had sex ratio favouring females, and adult pairs laid less fertile eggs than those from the untreated ones. The response of B. thuringiensis treated larvae to their food and developmental needs is discussed.  相似文献   

Six types of haemocytes viz., prohaemocytes, plasmatocytes (round, fusiform, vermiform and spindle shaped), granular cells, spherule cells, oenocytoids and adipohaemocytes were found in the haemolymph of larvae of American bollworm H. armigera. The total and differential haemocyte counts (THC and DHC) in H. armigera haemolymph were affected by nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) treatment. There was a general decrease in THC in response to NPV treatment in both young and old larvae. However the decrease was more apparent in 5 and 8 day old larvae than in 10 day old larvae. The differential haemocytes showed less of granular cells and more of spherule cells and prohaemocytes in the old larvae. Plasmatocytes and granular cells in 10 day old larvae initially phagocytosed polyhedra; however, disintegrated after 3 to 4 hr. The haemolymph of NPV treated larvae melanized slowly particularly in old larvae. Phenoloxidase (PO) activity decreased positively with granular cells and oenocytoids in 10 day old treated larvae. Cellular fraction had high level of PO activity, which was transferred to plasma in response to NPV infection in the older larvae. The role of NPV pathogenesis vis-à-vis immunity in insect is discussed.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is one of the most prominent polyphagous species of the Heliothinae pest complex that inflicts severe damage to a wide range of crops in India. Knowledge regarding the population structure of the pest species, whether morphological or genetic, is considered as an essential tool in making effective management decisions. Thus here, we performed the phenotypic characterization of H. armigera populations collected from varied geographic locations across India. Studied populations differed significantly for several external morphometric traits studied at larval, pupal and adult stages. Significant differences were also observed with respect to the intensity of black pigmentation on larval body as well as adult eye and forewing colour patterns. Besides external phenotypic traits, the length of genital organs like aedeagus and valva in males, and bursa copulatrix and bursa seminalis in females also differed significantly amongst populations. The dendrogram based on selected traits showed clear cut differentiation of studied populations into two major groups, one including all the South Zone populations and the other having populations from North and Central Zones. Differences based on phenotyping in the present study indicate the possibility of the existence of different subspecies within the Indian populations of H. armigera.  相似文献   

Intra-specific variation in susceptibility of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) in Australia to the Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab delta-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) was determined to establish a baseline for monitoring changes that might occur with the use of Bt cotton. Strains of H. armigera and H. punctigera were established from populations collected primarily from commercial farms throughout the Australian cotton belts. Strains were evaluated for susceptibility using two bioassay methods (surface treatment and diet incorporation) by measuring the dose response for mortality (LC50) and growth inhibition (IC50). The variation in LC50 among H. armigera (n=17 strains) and H. punctigera (n=12 strains) in response to Cry1Ac was 4.6- and 3.2-fold, respectively. The variation in LC50 among H. armigera (n=19 strains) and H. punctigera (n=12 strains) to Cry2Ab was 6.6- and 3.5-fold, respectively. The range of Cry1Ac induced growth inhibition from the 3rd to 4th instar in H. armigera (n=15 strains) was 3.6-fold and in H. punctigera (n=13 strains) was 2.6-fold, while the range of Cry2Ab induced growth inhibition from neonate to 3rd instar in H. armigera (n=13 strains) was 4.3-fold and in H. punctigera (n=12 strains) was 6.1-fold. Variation in susceptibility was also evaluated for two age classes (neonates and 3rd instars) in laboratory strains of H. armigera and H. punctigera. Neonates of H. punctigera had the same or higher sensitivity to Bt than 3rd instars. Neonates of H. armigera were more sensitive to Cry2Ab than 3rd instars, while being less sensitive to Cry1Ac than 3rd instars. Differences in the two methods of bioassay used affected relative sensitivity of species to Bt toxins, highlighting the need to standardize bioassay protocols.  相似文献   

The changes of inheritance mode and fitness of resistance in Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) along with its resistance evolution to Cry1Ac toxin were evaluated in the laboratory. The resistance levels reached 170.0-, 209.6- and 2893.3-fold, on selection of the field population in the 16th (BtR-F(16)), 34th (BtR-F(34)) and 87th (BtR-F(87)) generation with artificial diet containing Cry1Ac toxin, respectively. As the resistance levels increased, more larvae feeding on the Bt cotton expressing Cry1Ac toxin survived. Most larvae of BtR-F(87) could develop to the 5th instar and about 3% individuals reached the adult stage. The inheritance of Cry1Ac resistance trait at three resistant levels was autosomal and incompletely recessive, but the degree of dominance decreased as the resistance increased. The resistance was primarily monogenic in BtR-F(16) strain, but polygenic as resistance increased. The relative fitness of H. armigera, measured as a ratio of R(0) (the net replacement rate) of resistant strain divided by R(0) of the susceptible strain, decreased with an increase of the resistance levels, with ratios of 0.79, 0.64 and 0.59 in their respective BtR-F(16), BtR-F(34) and BtR-F(87) strains.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxins (Bt-toxins) are the most important biopesticides used in controlling insect pests and vectors of diseases. The emergence of widespread resistance to Bt in some insect species is a serious threat to agricultural production. Analysis of Bt-resistant and susceptible laboratory strains of Helicoverpa armigera revealed elevated immune responses involving increased melanization and the presence of a soluble toxin-binding glycoprotein in the hemolymph and gut lumen of the resistant strain. We propose a resistance mechanism against toxins based on a systemic immune-induction that can be transmitted to the next generation by a maternal effect.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is the major insect pest of cotton in Africa, Turkey, Asia, India, Indonesia and Australia. Populations recently developed resistance to pyrethroids in West Africa via the overproduction of cytochrome P450 (oxidases) increasing pyrethroid metabolism. One way to overcome pyrethroid resistance is to use compounds that show negative cross-resistance to pyrethroids. Triazophos is one of these compounds: it is slightly more toxic against pyrethroid resistant larvae of H. armigera than against susceptible ones. Overproduced oxidases transform the non active triazophos into its active form, triazophos-oxon, since this form was significantly more often found in larvae from pyrethroid resistant strain (23%) than in susceptible strain (15%). This suggests that oxidases, which provide resistance by degradation of pyrethroids in the resistant individuals, also activate triazophos in its toxic oxon form resulting in a negative cross-resistance.  相似文献   

The cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera Hübner), which migrated in the Carpathian-basin from Mediterraneum in the last decades, is becoming an increasingly serious problem for maize producers in Hungary. In several regions the damage it causes has reached the threshold of economic loss, especially in the case of the sweet maize cultivation. The aim of the research was to determine the changing of ears weights and in-kernel accumulation and alteration in grain as a function of cotton bollworm mastication.Our investigation confirmed that there is an in-kernel and protein pattern change of maize grain by cotton bollworm. Our results proved the significant damaging of each part of ears by cotton bollworm masticating (the average weight loss of ears: 13.99%; the average weight loss of grains: 14.03%; the average weight loss of cobs: 13.74%), with the exception of the increasing of the grain-cob ratio. Our examinations did not prove the water loss - that is the "forced maturing" - caused by the damage. Decreasing of raw fat (control: 2.8%; part-damaged: 2.6%; damaged: 2.4%) and starch content (control: 53.1%; part-damaged: 46.6%; damaged: 44.7%) were registered as a function of injury. In contrast, the raw protein content was increased (control: 4.7%; part-damaged: 5.3%; damaged: 7.4%) by maize ear masticating. The most conspicuous effect on protein composition changing was proved by comparison of damaged grain samples by SDS PAGE. Increased amounts of 114, 50, 46 and 35 kDa molecular mass proteins were detected which explained the more than 50% elevation of raw protein content. The statistical analysis of molecular weights proved the protein realignment as a function of the pest injuries, too.  相似文献   

Microplitis mediator (Haliday) is an important endoparasitoid of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) in northern China. Interactions among H. armigera, its larval parasitoid M. mediator, and Cry1Ac over two generations were evaluated under laboratory conditions. The results indicated that the developmental period of M. mediator offspring's eggs and larvae were significantly delayed and pupal and adult weight were significantly less compared to the control when the female parasitoids parasitized H. armigera larvae that fed on diet containing 1, 2, 4 and 8 µg/g Cry1Ac. The female parasitoids emerged from the host fed diet containing 8 µg/g Cry1Ac could oviposit in healthy hosts, and their offspring's biological parameters (egg–larval period, pupal weight and adult weight), parasitism rate, abnormal cocoon rate and adult emergence were not significantly affected. Cry1Ac was detected in larvae and hemolymph of H. armigera, but not in the larvae of M. mediator. The results suggest that the observed significant effects on several fitness parameters of the F1 M. mediator developed from H. armigera fed Cry1Ac diet most likely were host-quality mediated rather than direct effects of Cry1Ac.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Gong P  Wu K  Wei W  Sun J  Li D 《Journal of insect physiology》2007,53(10):1016-1026
Laboratory colonies of cotton bollworm larvae, Helicoverpa armigera, kept at 20 degrees C under a photoperiod of L:D=10:14 were fed on five host plants (cotton, corn, kidney bean, tobacco and tomato) and an artificial diet (control) to determine the effects of larval host quality on survival and pupal over-wintering preparedness. A separate experiment showed that diapausing pupae weighed more and contained greater nutrient stores than did non-diapausing pupae. Diapausing pupae reared on different host plants showed significant differences in terms of over-wintering reserve storage, and degree of cold-hardiness (extent of low-molecular-weight substances and SCPs), and survivorship. The more nutrients the host plant had, the more the pupae weighed and the higher the levels of total lipids and glycogen. Body water content was also significantly affected by larval food quality. The mean pupal super-cooling capacities varied significantly from -16.7 to -18.9 degrees C according to host plants the larvae feed on, and these significantly related to water content, pupal weight, lipid and glycogen content, and the levels of glycerol. Levels of trehalose, glycerol, and inositol, which were mainly low-molecular-weight substances, showed no significant differences among different host plants, except for trehalose. Pupal mortality varied from 39.7% on corn to 3.3% on the artificial diet, which was significantly related to pupal weight, total lipid content, trehalose levels, and super-cooling points. These results suggest that larval food quality can affect survival and influence the over-wintering preparedness of the cotton bollworm.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis produces several larvicidal crystalline inclusions during sporulation. An understanding of their mechanisms of action is commercially important. In this study, two toxins, Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac, were compared that showed 98% amino acid identity in domain I and II, but differed significantly in domain III. Using site-directed mutagenesis techniques, two conserved loop 2 Arg's (368RR369) of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac toxins were replaced with Ala (368AR369, 368RA369, 368AA369), Glu (368EE369), Phe (368FF369), His (368HH369), and Lys (368KK369). The effect of these mutants on structural stability, larvicidal potency, receptor binding, and ionic permeability towards two important cotton pests, pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) and bollworm (Helicoverpa zea) were analyzed. All seven mutants of Cry1Ab, excluding 368AR369, produced a stable protoxin, whereas for Cry1Ac all seven mutants yielded stable protoxin. Results showed that all the stable mutants behaved similarly to the wild type on incubation with trypsin and gut extract of both insect larvae. The Cry1Ab mutants, 368AR369, 368AA369, 368FF369, and 368HH369, lost toxicity; 368EE369 had reduced toxicity; whereas the more conserved change 368KK369 retained the toxicity similar to the wild type towards P. gossypiella. Double mutants of Cry1Ac, 368AA369 and 368FF369, abolished the toxicity. Double mutant 368KK369 of Cry1Ac retained its toxicity against P. gossypiella, whereas single mutants 368AR369, 368RA369, and 368HH369 retained only reduced toxicity. All the mutants of Cry1Ab lost their toxicity against H. zea except 368KK369. In Cry1Ac single mutants, 368AR369 and 368RA369, reduction in the toxicity was observed. A double mutant of Cry1Ac, 368KK369, also retained reduced toxicity. All the other double mutants lost their toxicity. Voltage clamping experiments on H. zea midguts provided an additional evidence about the insecticidal property and inhibition of Isc across the transepithelial membrane of the insect midgut. Received: 5 June 2000 / Accepted: 5 July 2000  相似文献   

A cDNA clone coding for pheromone binding protein was isolated from the antennae of Helicoverpa armigera by RT-PCR and (5'/3')-RACE technique. The full-length of H. armigera pheromone binding protein (HarmPBP) was 952 bp, possessing 162 amino acid residues including a signal peptide of 20 amino acids. Its predicted molecular weight and isoelectric point were 18.26 kDa and 5.23, respectively. This deduced amino acid sequence shared some common structural features with odorant-binding proteins from several moth species, including the six conserved cysteine motif, a typical characteristic of insect's odorant-binding proteins. Northern blot showed that HarmPBP is specifically expressed in the antennae of Helicoverpa armigera and more abundantly expressed in male than female. During the antennal development, HarmPBP is first expressed about 4 days prior to adult eclosion and rises to a plateau 2 days prior to adult eclosion. In order to obtain sufficient PBP for further determining its biochemical and physiological properties, a bacterical expression vector of PBP was constructed and successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant PBP was shown to cross-react with an anti-PBP antiserum from Antheraea polyphemus. Polyclonal antibodies against HarmPBP were used to mark the distribution of the protein in olfactory sensilla. Very strong labeling was observed in the sensillum lymph of the hair lumen and of the sensillum-lymph cavity. In the male, HarmPBP is expressed in sensilla trichodea and not in sensilla basiconica, while in the female, it is expressed both in sensilla basiconica and sensilla trichodea.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) populations from West Africa recently developed resistance to pyrethroid insecticides through enhanced metabolism by mixed-function oxidases. The combination index method was used to study the synergism of pyrethroids by organophosphorus insecticides. Several mixtures of insecticides currently registered to control cotton pest complex in West Africa were tested, including: cypermethrin/ethion, cypermethrin/profenofos, deltamethrin/ triazophos, deltamethrin/chlorpyriphos, cyfluthrin/chlorpyriphos, and betacyfluthrin/chlorpyriphos. In the resistant strain, the organophosphorus insecticides significantly increased the toxicity of pyrethroids suppressing the resistance effect, either by additive or synergistic effects. Significant synergism was shown for the following mixtures: cypermethrin/ethion, deltamethrin/triazophos, and deltamethrin/chlorpyriphos. The use of synergism from these insecticide mixtures should prove to be an additional tool in the overall resistance management strategy because the pyrethroid resistance in H. armigera from West Africa is not yet stable, decreasing between cotton seasons and increasing with treatments. In absence of selection, the susceptibility of H. armigera to insecticides should be restored.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-resistant light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), created by selection of a laboratory colony with artificial diets containing the Bt endotoxin Cry1Ac, were used to explore relationships between larval behavior and resistance to toxins. Our hypothesis was that behavioral responses during the first days of exposure to diet are directly related to the toxicity of the diet, as measured by subsequent mortality. We tested two predictions from this hypothesis. The first prediction was that susceptible larvae and resistant larvae exhibit similar behavior on diet without toxins, settling at feeding sites within a few hours. The second prediction was that susceptible and resistant larvae differ in their behavior on Cry1Ac diet to the same degree that their mortality differs, i.e., on Cry1Ac diet, resistant larvae exhibit anorexia and walking to a lesser degree than susceptible larvae. Predictions were tested by making observations over 2 wk, with each larva held individually in a 10-cm-long cylindrical glass arena with two aliquots of diet. The two aliquots consisted of either the same diet (two no-choice treatments: control/control or Cry 1Ac/Cry1Ac) or different diets (one choice treatment: control/Cry 1Ac). The two predictions did not accurately describe larval behavior. On control diet, behavior differed, with resistant larvae settling more quickly than susceptible larvae. On Cry1Ac diet, behavior was more similar than expected. Thus, even though the Bt diet was much less toxic to resistant larvae, resistant larvae seemed to match the ability of susceptible larvae to reduce exposure to Bt diet while increasing exposure to nontoxic control diet.  相似文献   

The effect of two insect growth regulators of plant origin viz. plumbagin and azadirachtin and the ecdysteroids 20-hydroxyecdysone, makisterone A and a phytoecdysteroid on DNA synthesis in imaginal wing discs of day 4 final instarHelicoverpa armigera larvae was studied. DNA synthesis increased with increase in time of incubation up to 8 h and decreased later without the addition of moulting hormone. Addition of 20-hydroxyecdysone supported long term acquisition of competence for DNA synthesis in the wing discs. Both DNA synthesis and protein content were drastically reduced in plumbagin and azadirachtin-treated insects. Underin vitro conditions, plumbagin had a more pronounced inhibitory effect than azadirachtin. All the ecdysteroids tested, viz. makisterone A, 20-hydroxyecdysone and the ecdysteroidal fraction from the silver fernCheilanthes farinosa enhanced DNA synthesis  相似文献   

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