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Summary In the first part of the paper, evidence has been presented that electrochromic styryl dyes, such as RH 421, incorporate into Na, K-ATPase membranes isolated from mammalian kidney and respond to changes of local electric field strength. In this second part of the paper, fluorescence studies with RH-421-labeled membranes are described, which were carried out to obtain information on the nature of charge-translocating reaction steps in the pumping cycle. Experiments with normal and chymotrypsin-modified membranes show that phosphorylation by ATP and occlusion of Na+ are electroneutral steps, and that release of Na+ from the occluded state to the extracellular side is associated with translocation of charge. Fluorescence signals observed in the presence of K+ indicate that binding and occlusion of K+ at the extracellular face of the pump is another major electrogenic reaction step. The finding that the fluorescence signals are insensitive to changes of ionic strength leads to the conclusion that the binding pocket accommodating Na+ or K+ is buried in the membrane dielectric. This corresponds to the notion that the binding sites are connected with the extracellular medium by a narrow access channel (ion well). This notion is further supported by experiments with lipophilic ions, such as tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) or tetraphenylborate (TPB), which are known to bind to lipid bilayers and to change the electrostatic potential inside the membrane. Addition of TPP+ leads to a decrease of binding affinity for Na+ and K+, which is thought to result from the TPP-induced change of electric field strength in the access channel.Deceased (September 13, 1990).  相似文献   

Summary Membrane fragments containing a high density of Na, K-ATPase can be noncovalently labeled with amphiphilic styryl dyes (e.g., RH 421). Phosphorylation of the Na,K-ATPase by ATP in the presence of Na+ and in the absence of K+ leads to a large increase of the fluorescence of RH 421 (up to 100%). In this paper evidence is presented that the styryl dye mainly responds to changes of the electric field strength in the membrane, resulting from charge movements during the pumping cycle: (i) The spectral characteristic of the ATP-induced dye response essentially agrees with the predictions for an electrochromic shift of the absorption peak. (ii) Adsorption of lipophilic anions to Na, K-ATPase membranes leads to an increase, adsorption of lipophilic cations to the decrease of dye fluorescence. These ions are known to bind to the hydrophobic interior of the membrane and to change the electric field strength in the boundary layer close to the interface. (iii) The fluorescence change that is normally observed upon phosphorylation by ATP is abolished at high concentrations of lipophilic ions. Lipophilic ions are thought to redistribute between the adsorption sites and water and to neutralize in this way the change of field strength caused by ion translocation in the pump protein. (iv) Changes of the fluorescence of RH 421 correlate with known electrogenic transitions in the pumping cycle, whereas transitions that are known to be electrically silent do not lead to fluorescence changes. The information obtained from experiments with amphiphilic styryl dyes is complementary to the results of electrophysiological investigations in which pump currents are measured as a function of transmembrane voltage. In particular, electrochromic dyes can be used for studying electrogenic processes in microsomal membrane preparations which are not amenable to electrophysiological techniques.Deceased (September 13, 1990).  相似文献   

Ion binding at the extracellular face of the Na,K-ATPase is electrogenic and can be monitored by the styryl dye RH 421 in membrane fragments containing a high density of the Na,K-pumps. The fluorescent probe is noncovalently bound to the membrane and responds to changes of the local electric field generated by binding or release of cations inside the protein. Due to the fact that K+ binding from the extracellular side is an electrogenic reaction, it is possible to detect the amount of ions bound to the pump as function of the aqueous concentration. The results are in contradiction to a second order reaction, i.e., a simultaneous binding of two K+ ions. A mathematical model is presented to discuss the nature of the two step binding process. On the basis of this model the data allow a quantitative distinction between binding of the first and the second K+ ion. The temperature dependence of ion binding has been investigated. At low temperatures the apparent dissociation constants differ significantly. In the temperature range above 20°C the resulting apparent dissociation constants for both K+ ions merge and have values between 0.2 and 0.3 mm, which is consistent with previous experiments. The activation energy for the half saturating concentration of K+ is 22 kJ/mol. Additional analysis of the titration curve of K+ binding to the state P — E2 by the Hill equation yields a Hill coefficient, nHill, of 1.33, which is in agreement with previously published data.The authors would like to thank G. Witz for technical assistance. This work has been financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 156).  相似文献   

Nucleotide binding affinity to Na,K-ATPase is reduced by a number of anions such as nitrate and perchlorate in comparison with affinity in the presence of chloride (all with sodium as the cation). The reduction correlates with the position of these anions in the Hofmeister series. Transient kinetic experiments using the fluorescent dye eosin—which binds to the nucleotide site of the Na,K-ATPase—show that simultaneous anion binding, exemplified with nitrate, and eosin binding is possible. The effect of nitrate on eosin binding is reflected in a decreased binding-rate constant and an increased dissociation rate constant, leading to a decreased equilibrium binding constant for eosin. Since eosin binding is analogous with nucleotide binding to Na,K-ATPase, the results suggest the simultaneous presence of nucleotide and anion binding sites.Abbreviations E1 the protein conformation in Na+ - E2 the enzyme conformation in K+ - Eo eosin (tetrabromofluorescein) - F fluorescence - I ionic strength - ki rate constant - Ki equilibrium dissociation constant - Ki,0 equilibrium dissociation constant at zero ionic strength - N nitrate - zi net charge - charge product zi·zj  相似文献   

Immunoprecipitation of Na,K-ATPase from kidney homogenate by antibodies against alpha1-subunit results in the precipitation of several proteins together with the Na,K-ATPase. A protein with molecular mass of about 67 kD interacting with antibodies against melittin (melittin-like protein, MLP) was found in the precipitate when immunoprecipitation was done in the presence of ouabain. If immunoprecipitation was done using antibodies against melittin, MLP and Na,K-ATPase alpha1-subunit were detected in the precipitate, and the amount of alpha1-subunit in the precipitate was increased after the addition of ouabain to the immunoprecipitation medium. MLP was purified from mouse kidney homogenate using immunoaffinity chromatography with antibodies against melittin. The addition of MLP to purified FITC-labeled Na,K-ATPase decreases fluorescence in medium with K+ and increases it in medium with Na+. The enhancement of fluorescence depends upon the MLP concentration. The N-terminal sequence of MLP determined by the Edman method is the following: HPPKRVRSRLNG. No proteins with such N-terminal sequence were found in the protein sequence databases. However, we revealed five amino acid sequences that contain this peptide in the middle part of the chain at distance 553 amino acids from the C-terminus (that corresponds to protein with molecular mass of about 67 kD). Analysis of amino acid sequence located between C-terminus and HPPKRVRSRLNG in all found sequences has shown that they were highly conservative and include WD40 repeats. It is suggested that the 67-kD MLP either belongs to the found protein family or was a product of proteolysis of one of them.  相似文献   

Summary A fluorescence method is described for the measurement of ATP-driven ion fluxes in lipid vesicles containing purified Na,K-ATPase. The membrane voltage of enzyme containing vesicles was measured by using a voltage-sensitive indocyanine dye. By addition of valinomycin the vesicle membrane is made selectively permeable to K+ so that the membrane voltage approaches the Nernst potential for K+. With constant external K+ concentration, the time course of internal K+ concentration can be continuously measured as change of the fluorescence signal after activation of the pump. The optical method has a higher time resolution than tracer-flux experiments and allows an accurate determination of initial flux rates. From the temperature dependence of active K+ transport its activation energy was determined to be 115 kJ/mol. ATP-stimulated electrogenic pumping can be measured as a fast fluorescence change when the membrane conductance is low (i.e., at low or zero valinomycin concentration). In accordance with expectation, the amplitude of the fast signal change increases with decreasing passive ion permeability of the vesicle membrane. The resolution of the charge movement is so high that a few pump turnovers can be easily detected.  相似文献   

Summary Nonstationary pump currents which have been observed in K+-free Na+ media after activation of the Na,K-ATPase by an ATP-concentration jump (see the preceding paper) are analyzed on the basis of microscopic reaction models. It is shown that the behavior of the current signal at short times is governed by electrically silent reactions preceding phosphorylation of the protein; accordingly, the main information on charge-translocating processes is contained in the declining phase of the pump current. The experimental results support the Albers-Post reaction scheme of the Na,K-pump, in which the translocation of Na+ precedes translocation of K+. The transient pump current is represented as the sum of contributions of the individual transitions in the reaction cycle. Each term in the sum is the product of a net transition rate times a dielectric coefficient describing the amount of charge translocated in a given reaction step. Charge translocation may result from the motion of ion-binding sites in the course of conformational changes, as well as from movement of ions in access channels connecting the binding sites to the aqueous media. A likely interpretation of the observed nonstationary currents consists in the assumption that the principal electrogenic step is the E1-P/P-E2 conformational transition of the protein, followed by a release of Na+ to the extracellular side. This conclusion is supported by kinetic data from the literature, as well as on the finding that chymotrypsin treatment which is known to block the E1-P/P-E2 transition abolishes the current transient. By numerical simulation of the Albers-Post reaction cycle, the proposed mechanism of charge translocation has been shown to reproduce the experimentally observed time behavior of pump currents.  相似文献   

Electrogenic ion transport by the Na,K-ATPase was investigated in a model system of protein-containing membrane fragments adsorbed to a lipid bilayer. Transient Na+ currents were induced by photorelease of ATP from inactive caged ATP. This process was accompanied by a capacitance change of the membrane system. Two methods were applied to measure capacitances in the frequency range 1 to 6000 Hz. The frequency dependent capacitance increment, ΔC, was of sigmoidal shape and decreased at high frequencies. The midpoint frequency, f 0, depended on the ionic strength of the buffer. At 150 mm NaCl f 0 was about 200 Hz and decreased to 12 Hz at high ionic strength (1 M). At low frequencies (ff 0) the capacitance increment became frequency independent. It was, however, dependent on Na+ concentration and on the membrane potential which was generated by the charge transferred. A simple model is presented to analyze the experimental data quantitatively as a function of two parameters, the capacitance of the adsorbed membrane fragments, C P, and the potential of maximum capacitance increment, ψ 0. Below 5 mm Na+ a negative capacitance change was detected which may be assigned to electrogenic Na+ binding to cytoplasmic sites. It could be shown that the results obtained by experiments with the presented alternating current method contain the information which is determined by current-relaxation experiments with cell membranes. Received: 3 November 1997 / Revised version: 19 February 1998 / Accepted: 21 February 1998  相似文献   

The structure of the N-domain of porcine alpha(2) Na,K-ATPase was determined crystallographically to 3.2A resolution by isomorphous heavy-atom replacement using a single mercury derivative. The structure was finally refined against 2.6A resolution synchrotron data. The domain forms a seven-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with two additional beta-strands forming a hairpin and five alpha-helices. Approximately 75% of the residues were superimposable with residues from the structure of Ca-ATPase N-domain, and a structure-based sequence alignment is presented. The positions of key residues are discussed in relation to the pattern of hydrophobicity, charge and sequence conservation of the molecular surface. The structure of a hexahistidine tag binding to nickel ions is presented.  相似文献   

Sodium- and potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatases (Na,K-ATPase) is the ubiquitous active transport system that maintains the Na+ and K+ gradients across the plasma membrane by exchanging three intracellular Na+ ions against two extracellular K+ ions. In addition to the two cation binding sites homologous to the calcium site of sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase and which are alternatively occupied by Na+ and K+ ions, a third Na+-specific site is located close to transmembrane domains 5, 6 and 9, and mutations close to this site induce marked alterations of the voltage-dependent release of Na+ to the extracellular side. In the absence of extracellular Na+ and K+, Na,K-ATPase carries an acidic pH-activated, ouabain-sensitive “leak” current. We investigated the relationship between the third Na+ binding site and the pH-activated current. The decrease (in E961A, T814A and Y778F mutants) or the increase (in G813A mutant) of the voltage-dependent extracellular Na+ affinity was paralleled by a decrease or an increase in the pH-activated current, respectively. Moreover, replacing E961 with oxygen-containing side chain residues such as glutamine or aspartate had little effect on the voltage-dependent affinity for extracellular Na+ and produced only small effects on the pH-activated current. Our results suggest that extracellular protons and Na+ ions share a high field access channel between the extracellular solution and the third Na+ binding site.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of phospholipase A2 and of related agents on ouabain binding and Na,K-ATPase activity were studied in intact and detergent-treated membrane preparations of rat brain cortex and pig kidney medulla. It was found that phospholipase A2 (PLA2) may distinguish or dissociate ouabain binding complexes I (ATP+Mg+Na) and II (Pi+Mg), stimulating the former and inhibiting the latter. Procedures which break the permeability barriers of vesicular membrane preparations, such as repeated freezing-thawing, sonication or hypoosmotic shock failed to mimic the effect of PLA2, indicating that it was not acting primarily by opening the inside-out oriented vesicles. The detergent digitonin exhibited similar effects on ouabain binding in both ATP+Mg+Na and Pi+Mg media. Other detergents were ineffective.The ability of PLA2 to distinguish between ouabain binding type I and II can be manifested even in SDS-treated, purified preparations of Na,K-ATPase. The number of ATP+Mg+Na-dependent sites is unchanged, while the Pi+Mg-dependent sites are decreased in number in a manner similar to that seen in original membranes. This inhibition is completely lost in the reconstituted Na,K-ATPase system, where the ATP- as well as Pi-oriented ouabain sites are inhibited by PLA2.  相似文献   

Abstract: Endogenous inhibitors of Na,K-ATPase and ouabain-binding were partially purified from bovine central nervous system, and some of their properties were studied. They were eluted as low-molecular-weight fractions by gel filtration. They could be adsorbed by both Amberlite IR 120 and Amberlite IRA 400 at acidic and basic pH, respectively, indicating that they could act as both anions and cations at different pH. These inhibitors of ouabain-binding appeared to affect specific binding of ouabin, and Scatchard plot analysis showed that the in hibition was competitive, suggesting that they could bind to the same site as ouabain, presumably to Na,K-ATPase itself. The inhibitory activities were heat stable, but charring inactivated them completely.  相似文献   

The current voltage characteristic of the Na, K pump is described on the basis of a modified Post-Albers cycle. The voltage dependence of the rate constants is derived from the elementary chargetranslocations associated with the single reaction steps. Charge displacements result from movements of the sodium- or potassium-loaded binding sites, as well as from motions of polar groups in the pump molecule. If part of the transmembrane voltage drops between the alkali-ion binding sites and the aqueous solution, the binding constants become voltage-dependent. Depending on the values of the microscopic parameters, the current-voltage characteristic may assume a variety of different shapes. Saturating behaviour results when one or more voltage-independent reaction steps become rate limiting. Non-monotonic current-voltage curves exhibiting regions of negative pump conductance are predicted when, at least in one of the transitions, charge is moved against the direction of overall charge-translocation. The theoretical predictions are compared with recent experimental studies of voltage-dependent pump currents.  相似文献   

Using cupric phenanthroline as a cross-linking agent, we have shown that melittin induced time-dependent aggregations of Na,K-ATPase in microsomal fractions and in preparations of purified Na,K-ATPase from duck salt glands. Incubation of melittin with these preparations also led to the progressive loss of Na,K-ATPase activity. At melittin/protein molar ratio of 5:1, we did not observe inhibition of Na,K-ATPase in the microsomal fraction but the process of enzyme aggregation occurred. At higher melittin/protein molar ratios (10:1 and 30:1), the inhibition of the enzyme and its aggregation proceeded simultaneously but the rates of these processes and maximal values achieved were different. At a melittin/protein ratio of 30:1, Na,K-ATPase inhibition may be described as a biexponential curve with the values for pseudo-first order rate constants being 2.7 and 0.15 min−1. However, the aggregation may be presented by a monoexponential curve with a pseudo-first order rate constant of 0.15 min−1. In purified preparations of Na,K-ATPase, the maximal aggregation (about 90%) was achieved at a melittin/protein molar ratio of 2:1, and a further increase in the melittin/protein ratio increased the rate of aggregation but did not affect the value of maximal aggregation. The results show that melittin induced both aggregation and inhibition of Na,K-ATPase but these two processes proceeded independently.  相似文献   

The effects of organic quaternary amines, tetraethylammonium (TEA) chloride and benzyltriethylammonium (BTEA) chloride, on Na,K pump current were examined in rat cardiac myocytes superfused in extracellular Na(+)-free solutions and whole-cell voltage-clamped with patch electrodes containing a high Na(+)-salt solution. Extracellular application of these quaternary amines competitively inhibited extracellular K(+) (K(+)(o)) activation of Na,K pump current; however, the concentration for half maximal inhibition of Na,K pump current at 0 mV (K(0)(Q)) by BTEA, 4.0 +/- 0.3 mM, was much lower than the K(0)(Q) for TEA, 26.6 +/- 0.7 mM. Even so, the fraction of the membrane electric field dissipated during K(+)(o) activation of Na,K pump current (lambda(K)), 39 +/- 1%, was similar to lambda(K) determined in the presence of TEA (37 +/- 2%) and BTEA (35 +/- 2%), an indication that the membrane potential (V(M)) dependence for K(+)(o) activation of the Na,K pump current was unaffected by TEA and BTEA. TEA was found to inhibit the Na,K pump current in a V(M)-independent manner, i.e., inhibition of current dissipated 4 +/- 2% of the membrane electric field. In contrast, BTEA dissipated 40 +/- 5% of the membrane electric field during inhibition of Na,K pump current. Thus, BTEA inhibition of the Na,K-ATPase is V(M)-dependent. The competitive nature of inhibition as well as the similar fractions of the membrane electric field dissipated during K(+)(o)-dependent activation and BTEA-dependent inhibition of Na,K pump current suggest that BTEA inhibits the Na,K-ATPase at or very near the enzyme's K(+)(o) binding site(s) located in the membrane electric field. Given previous findings that organic quaternary amines are not occluded by the Na,K-ATPase, these data clearly demonstrate that an ion channel-like structure provides access to K(+)(o) binding sites in the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary Na, K-ATPase function was studied in order to evaluate the mechanism of increased colonic Na+ transport during early postnatal development. The maximum Na+-pumping activity that was represented by the equivalent short-circuit current after addition of nystatin (I sc N ) did not change during postnatal life or after adrenalectomy performed in 16-day-old rats.I sc N was entirely inhibited by ouabain; the inhibitory constant was 0.1mm in 10-day-old (young) and 0.4mm in 90-day-old (adult) rats. The affinity of the Na, K pump for Na+ was higher in young (11mm) than in adult animals (19mm). The Na, K-ATPase activity (measured after unmasking of latent activity by treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate) increased during development and was also not influenced by adrenalectomy of 16-day-old rats. The inhibitory constant for ouabain (K I ) was not changed during development (0.1–0.3mm). Specific [3H]ouabain binding to isolated colonocytes increased during development (19 and 82 pmol/mg protein), the dissociation constant (K D ) was 8 and 21 m in young and adult rats, respectively. The Na+ turnover rate per single Na, K pump, which was calculated fromI sc N and estimated density of binding sites per cm2 of tissue was 500 in adult and 6400 Na+/min·site in young rats. These data indicate that the very high Na+ transport during early postnatal life reflects an elevated turnover rate and increased affinity for Na+ of a single isoform of the Na, K pump. The development of Na+ extrusion across the basolateral membrane is not directly regulated by corticosteroids.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase is a crucial enzyme for ion homeostasis in human tissues. Different isozymes are produced by assembly of four alpha- and three beta-subunits. The expression of the alpha3/beta1 isozyme is confined to brain and heart. Its heterologous production has so far never been attempted in a lower eukaryote. In this work we explored whether the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris is capable of expressing the alpha3/beta1 isoform of human Na,K-ATPase. cDNAs encoding the alpha(3) and the beta(1)-subunits were cloned under the control of the inducible promoter of Pichia pastoris alcohol oxidase 1. Pichia pastoris could express the single alpha3- and beta1-subunits and even coexpress them after methanol induction. beta1-subunit was produced as a major 44-kDa glycosylated polypeptide and alpha3 as a 110-kDa unglycosylated polypeptide. Expression at the plasma membrane was limited in shaking flask cultures but by cultivating P. pastoris cells in a fermenter there was a 10-fold increase of the number of ouabain binding sites per cell. The exported enzyme was estimated to be about 0.230 mg L(-1) at the end of a bioreactor run. Na,K-ATPase proved active and the dissociation constant of the recombinant enzyme-ouabain interaction was determined.  相似文献   

Substitutions within the cardenolide target site of several insects' Na,K-ATPase α-subunits may confer resistance against toxic cardenolides. However, to which extent these substitutions alter the Na,K-ATPase's kinetic properties and how they interact with different β-subunits is not clear. The cardenolide-adapted milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus possesses three paralogs of the α-subunit (A, B, and C) that differ in number and identity of resistance-conferring substitutions. We introduced these substitutions into the α-subunit of Drosophila melanogaster and combined them with the β-subunits Nrv2.2 and Nrv3. The substitutions Q111T-N122H-F786N-T797A (A-copy mimic) and Q111T-N122H-F786N (B-copy mimic) mediated high insensitivity to ouabain, yet they drastically lowered ATPase activity. Remarkably, the identity of the β-subunit was decisive and all α-subunits were less active when combined with Nrv3 than when combined with Nrv2.2. Both the substitutions and the co-expressed β-subunit strongly affected the enyzme's affinity for Na+ and K+. Na+ affinity was considerably higher for all enzymes expressed with nrv3 while expression with nrv2.2 mostly increased K+ affinity. Our results provide the first evidence that resistance against cardenolides comes at the cost of significantly altered kinetic properties of the Na,K-ATPase. The β-subunit can strongly modulate these properties but cannot fully compensate for the effect of the substitutions.  相似文献   

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