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We examined the effects of prolonged undernutrition on plasma leptin and insulin levels and some serum protein metabolites in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) during winter and spring. The reindeer (male < 1 year) were fed their preferred winter feed, low-protein lichen ad libitum for 5 weeks, followed by 40% restriction of energy for 8 weeks and refeeding with high-protein pellets for 6 weeks. The control group received high-protein reindeer pellets ad libitum throughout the experiment. Plasma leptin decreased by 46% and insulin by 54% in the lichen group already during the ad libitum period between January and February, with parallel decreases in body weight, serum total proteins, albumin and urea. Leptin remained low during most of the energy restriction period in March and April, but increased at the end of April while body weight decreased. During the refeeding period in May and June, the body weight and insulin of the lichen group increased in parallel with total proteins and urea, but leptin remained unchanged. Similar significant reductions in plasma leptin (40%) as in the lichen group also took place in the control group fed high-protein pellets ad libitum in January and February, although their feed intake, serum total proteins and body weight remained unchanged. The results show that leptin decreases in reindeer during mid-winter, independent of food or protein intake, and suggest that the decrease may be cued by seasonal factors such as the short photoperiod.  相似文献   

Mucor circinelloides, a dimorphic opportunistic pathogen, expresses three heterotrimeric G‐protein beta subunits (Gpb1, Gpb2 and Gpb3). The Gpb1‐encoding gene is up‐regulated during mycelial growth compared with that in the spore or yeast stage. gpb1 deletion mutation analysis revealed its relevance for an adequate development during the dimorphic transition and for hyphal growth under low oxygen concentrations. Infection assays in mice indicated a phenotype with considerably reduced virulence and tissue invasiveness in the deletion mutants (Δgpb1) and decreased host inflammatory response. This finding could be attributed to the reduced filamentous growth in animal tissues compared with that of the wild‐type strain. Mutation in a regulatory subunit of cAMP‐dependent protein kinase A (PKA) subunit (PkaR1) resulted in similar phenotypes to Δgpb1. The defects exhibited by the Δgpb1 strain were genetically suppressed by pkaR1 overexpression, indicating that the PKA pathway is controlled by Gpb1 in M. circinelloides. Moreover, during growth under low oxygen levels, cAMP levels were much higher in the Δgpb1 than in the wild‐type strain, but similar to those in the ΔpkaR1 strain. These findings reveal that M. circinelloides possesses a signal transduction pathway through which the Gpb1 heterotrimeric G subunit and PkaR1 control mycelial growth in response to low oxygen levels.  相似文献   

Plant heterotrimeric G-proteins are involved in a variety of signaling pathways, though only one alpha and a few betagamma isoforms of their subunits exist. In isolated plasma membranes of California poppy (Eschscholzia californica), the plant-specific Galpha subunit was isolated and identified immunologically and by homology of the cloned gene with that of several plants. In the same membrane, phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) was activated by yeast elicitor only if GTPgammaS (an activator of Galpha) was present. From the cholate-solubilized membrane proteins, PLA(2) was co-precipitated together with Galpha by a polyclonal antiserum raised against the recombinant Galpha. In this immunoprecipitate and in the plasma membrane (but not in the Galpha-free supernatant) PLA(2) was stimulated by GTPgammaS. Plasma membranes and immunoprecipitates obtained from antisense transformants with a low Galpha content allowed no such stimulation. An antiserum raised against the C-terminus (which in animal Galphas is located near the target coupling site) precipitated Galpha without any PLA(2) activity. Using non-denaturing PAGE, complexes of solubilized plasma membrane proteins were visualized that contained Galpha plus PLA(2) activity and dissociated at pH 9.5. At this pH, PLA(2) was no longer stimulated by GTPgammaS. It is concluded that a distinct fraction of the plasma membrane-bound PLA(2) exists in a detergent-resistant complex with Galpha that can be dissociated at pH 9.5. This complex allows the Galpha-mediated activation of PLA(2).  相似文献   

The use of strong promoter systems for recombinant protein production generates high product yields, but also overburdens the host cell metabolism and compromises production. Escherichia coli has highly developed regulatory pathways that are immediately responsive to adverse conditions. To gain insight into stress response mechanisms and to detect marker genes and proteins for stress specific monitoring time course analysis of controlled chemostat cultivations was performed using E. coli total microarray and difference gel electrophoresis (Ettan™ DIGE). In order to detect differences and consistencies of stress response as well as the impact of the inducer isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranosid on cells, expression of two recombinant proteins (hSOD and GFPmut3.1) was investigated. Genes involved in aerobic metabolism under control of the ArcB/ArcA two component system were found to be down-regulated, and the interplay of the psp operon, ArcA system and guanosine tetraphosphate is suggested to be involved in stress regulatory mechanisms. A distinct impact of the two recombinant proteins was observed, particularly on levels of known stress regulatory genes and proteins, as well as on the response associated with ArcA and psp. Altogether, 62 genes as well as seven proteins showed consistent expression levels due to recombinant gene expression, and are therefore suggested to be appropriate monitoring targets.  相似文献   

Although widely used in experimental and industrial situations, genetically engineered plasmids containing the lac promoter from Escherichia coli are subject to catabolite repression when grown in glucose-containing media. Several methods of overcoming this problem have been investigated by studying the expression of the protein A gene from Staphylococcus aureus under the control of the Escherichia coli lac promoter. When glycerol is used as a sole carbon source, the plasmid is unstable and is rapidly lost from the culture. When the bacteria are grown in chemostats under glucose limitation, the plasmid is maintained, even at high dilution rates, and the expression of protein A is similar to that observed when glycerol was used. The balance between metabolic load and protein A expression seems to be maintained by reducing the gene dose to a tolerable level. Depending on the metabolic conditions prevailing in the culture, this is achieved, either by reducing the copy number of the plasmid or in extreme cases by removing the plasmid altogether.  相似文献   

We explored the feasibility of studying nuclear matrix protein (NMP) expressions of the hepatocytes in normal and cirrhotic rat livers with liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Sixteen Wistar healthy rats were studied with experimental liver regeneration and/or liver cirrhosis. Two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis was used to generate these NMP compositions from these rat liver samples. Several antibodies against cytokeratin, vimentin, actin, B23, HNF4alpha, and heat shock protein 70 were used for identification by Western blot. Totally, 41 strongly stained protein spots were characterized on the 2-D gels. Thirty-four protein spots were detected in all of these rat livers, of which, cytokeratin, vimentin, actin, HNF4alpha, and heat shock protein 70 were identified. B23 was detected in the regenerated livers. Three protein spots (s33, s34, and s35) were detectable only in NMP preparation extracted from the regenerating rat livers after hepatectomy. Another three protein spots (s36, s37, and s38) were detectable only in NMP preparation extracted from thioacetamide-induced cirrhotic rat livers. Under these conditions including experimental liver regeneration and/or liver cirrhosis, Over thirty higher abundance NMPs of hepatocytes were consistently expressed and considered as common and basic NMPs. Some of the NMPs are specific for liver regeneration and may play a critical role in cell proliferation and cell cycle, and some are specific for liver cirrhosis.  相似文献   

This paper reports genetic variation at the prealbumin ( Pr ), postalbumin ( Pa ) and transferrin ( Tf ) loci in Equus przewalskii found using thin layer isoelectric focusing and an amphoteric separator. The method resolves all three loci plus serum esterase ( Es ) on a single gel, and typing of all four loci is readily achieved. In addition to the esterase alleles previously reported by Fisher & Scott (1979), five alleles were found at the Pr locus. three at the Pa locus and six at the Tf locus. Analysis of several mating types confirms inheritance is autosomal and codominant for all four loci.  相似文献   

Variations in carbohydrates and proteins were monitored during avocado (Persea americana Mill.) zygotic embryo development and correlated with growth parameters in order to define specific markers characterizing distinct embryogenic phases. Hexose (glucose and fructose) levels were initially high and declined as embryo development advanced reaching the lowest levels in completely mature embryos. Sucrose and starch evolution showed an opposite trend with a progressive increase during embryo growth. The beginning of the maturation phase could be identified by a switch in the carbohydrate status from high hexose/sucrose ratio to low hexose/sucrose ratio. Storage protein accumulation began at early cotyledonary stages (7–8 mm), increasing significantly in the maturation phase where they represented 83% of total proteins. Mature embryos (38–40 mm) contained albumins, globulins and glutelins, albumins being the predominant and most heterogeneous fraction. Storage protein accumulation occurred in a sequential and specific way suggesting a possible role as indicators of embryo development. The complete maturation stage could be characterized by the synthesis and accumulation of a 49 kDa albumin.  相似文献   

Twenty-five clinical and biochemical parameters were determined on 17 normal, male, laboratory-bred Bolivian squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). Parallel hematologic parameters were conducted. The correlation of biochemical and hematological observations and the distribution characteristics, range, and standard error of the mean were determined. The purpose of the present communication is to establish baseline biochemical values for laboratory-bred squirrel monkeys and to present a correlative comparison between selected cellular elements and major blood electrolytes.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI, the one-sided foliage area per unit ground surface area) is a key determinant of plant productivity which has a large influence on water and energy exchange between vegetation and the atmosphere. The variation in forest LAI across landscapes and environmental gradients and its causes are not sufficiently understood. We measured the LAI of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) by litter trapping in 23 closed, mature stands across gradients of rainfall and soil acidity or fertility. With a mean LAI of 7.4 m2 m−2 (minimum: 5.6, maximum: 9.5 m2 m−2), beech stands maintained a comparably high leaf area index with relatively small variation along steep environmental gradients. Contrary to expectation, decreasing water availability (rainfall gradient from 1030 to 520 mm yr−1) or increasing soil acidity (pH 3–7) had no significant effect on LAI. Stand leaf mass (M l) increased slightly with soil fertility (C/N ratio, base saturation). We regressed parameters of site water availability (rainfall), soil fertility or acidity (pH, base saturation, C/N ratio, exchangeable Mg and Al content), and stand structure (stand age and stem density) against LAI and M l in order to detect environmental controls of stand leaf area. Stand age was the most influential factor for both LAI and M l (negative relationship). Stem density and the base saturation of the soil affected M l significantly, but had a weak influence on LAI. We conclude that the leaf area index of beech is mainly under control of age-related physiological factors, whereas the influence of soil chemistry and rainfall is comparably low.  相似文献   

In the cell cycle the transition from G2 phase to cell division (M) is strictly controlled by protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation reactions effected by several protein kinases and phosphatases. Although much indirect and direct evidence point to a key role of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) at the G2/M transition, the control of the enzyme activity prior to and after the transition are not fully clarified. Using synchronized HeLa cells we determined the PP2A activity (i.e. the increment sensitive to inhibition by 2nM okadaic acid) in immunoprecipitates obtained with antibodies raised against a conserved peptide sequence (residues 169-182, Ab(169/182)) of the PP2A catalytic subunit (PP2A C). Two different substrates were offered: the phospho-peptide KR(p)TIRR and histone H1 phosphorylated by means of the cyclin-dependent protein kinase p34(cdc2). The results indicate that in HeLa cells the specific activity of PP2A towards both substrates goes through a minimum in late G2 phase and stays low until metaphase. Treatment of G2 cells with TPA (10(-7) M) caused a reactivation of the downregulated PP2A activity within 20 min, i.e. the same time frame within which TPA was shown earlier to block HeLa cells at the transition from G2 to mitosis [Kinzel et al., 1988. Cancer Res. 48, 1759-1762]. Activation of PP2A was also induced by TPA in mitotic cells. The low activity of PP2A in mitotic cells was accompanied by a strong reaction of mitotic PP2A C with anti-P-Tyr antibodies in Western blots, which was reversed by treatment of mitotic cells with TPA. The results suggest that the activity of cellular PP2A requires downregulation for the transition from G2 phase to mitosis. Unscheduled reactivation of PP2A induced by TPA in late G2 phase appears to inhibit the progress into mitosis.  相似文献   

CD147 is reported to be correlated with the malignancy of some cancers, and its overexpression affects the progression of tumor. In the present study, we investigated the function of HAb18G/CD147, a member of CD147 family, on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) adhesion, invasion and metastasis in 3-dimensional (3-D) cell co-culture model. The results showed that the extracellular microenvironment could determine the cellular phenotypes and then affected the cellular functions. The expressions of HAb18G/CD147 in HCC cells and fibroblasts were both obviously elevated in 3-D co-culture model. The overexpression of HAb18G/CD147 increased MMPs' (MMP-2 and MMP-9) production (P < 0.01), and was obviously accompanied with enhanced expressions of paxillin, FAK and p-FAK in 3-D cell co-culture model. All the results suggest that HAb18G/CD147 plays an important role in HCC adhesion, invasion and metastasis mainly via modulating synthesis of MMPs and activating integrin signal pathways in fibroblasts and tumor cells themselves under the 3-D co-culture conditions.  相似文献   

Low-protein diets are increasingly being used in dairy cow nutrition to minimise noxious nitrogen (N) emissions. However, at parturition, the lower milk yield at that time may mask deficiency in dietary utilisable crude protein (uCP; equivalent to metabolisable protein). Under restrictive feeding conditions, farmers would limit the feed allowance to match the lower measured milk yield, thereby exacerbating the deficiency. The consequences for N emission intensity per kg milk yield and methane emissions are unknown. In this study, two diets were fed to nine Holstein cows each from parturition onwards. One diet was complete and the other was calculated as 20% deficient in uCP. Feed allowance was always oriented towards the measured milk yield. In each of the first eight lactation weeks, intake and excretion were measured for 5 d. On the last 2 d of this period, methane emission was measured in respiration chambers. The statistical model included treatment, week and interaction as effects. The real levels of uCP and energy supply across the 8 weeks were 33% and 15% below requirements, respectively, in the Deficient cows. In addition, the Deficient cows consumed 18% less dry matter (caused by substantial refusals in week 1, where energy supply was according to requirements) and produced 25% less milk (26 vs. 34 kg/d). Cows in both groups used dietary N with similar efficiency for milk protein synthesis and excreted similar proportions of the N ingested via urine and faeces. This resulted in both treatments having similar N emission intensities per kg milk N and similar urinary N as a proportion of total excreta N, suggesting a similar potential for gaseous N emissions from the manure per kg of milk. The Deficient cows emitted 22% less methane overall but had similar methane yield and emission intensity to the Controls. In conclusion, a reduction in crude protein intake immediately after parturition does not reduce N emission per unit of milk when associated with uCP deficiency.  相似文献   

(1) Wild living Drosophila simulans were collected in two different seasons and their progeny grown at 14 and 21 °C. Several morphometrical traits were measured on parents and offspring.  相似文献   

Summary Endocrine cells containing bombesin-, enkephalin-, gastrin/CCK-, 5-HT-, and substance P-like material were demonstrated in the alimentary tract of Poecilia reticulata and Leuciscus idus melanotus. Endocrine cells with neuropeptide-Y-like immunoreactivity were found only in P. reticulata, those with VIP-like immunoreactivity only in L. idus melanotus. Gut nerves showing bombesin-, G/CCK-5-HT-, neurotensin-, substance P-and VIP-like immunoreactivity were observed in both species investigated, enkephalin- and neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in P. reticulata alone. The distribution and amount of endocrine cells and nerves along the gut as visualized with the appropriate antisera varied in both teleosts. Histologically, the intestinal tract of these stomachless fish can be divided into three regions. A large number of endocrine cells with VIP-like immunoreactivity was noted in the rectum of L. idus melanotus. Endocrine cells containing bombesin-, enkepha-lin- and substance P-like material were found only in intestinal parts I and II in L. idus melanotus. Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity was absent from intestinal part I of P. reticulata. The influence of starvation on the immunoreactivity of nerves and enteroendocrine cells in the teleost intestine was examined. After a starvation period of more than 6 weeks, no alterations were observed either in the appearance or amount of nerve and endocrine cell immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Tobacco BY-2 cells undergo autophagy in sucrose-free culture medium, which is the process mostly responsible for intracellular protein degradation under these conditions. Autophagy was inhibited by the vacuolar H+-ATPase inhibitors concanamycin A and bafilomycin A1, which caused the accumulation of autophagic bodies in the central vacuoles. Such accumulation did not occur in the presence of the autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine, and concanamycin in turn inhibited the accumulation of autolysosomes in the presence of the cysteine protease inhibitor E-64c. Electron microscopy revealed not only that the autophagic bodies were accumulated in the central vacuole, but also that autophagosome-like structures were more frequently observed in the cytoplasm in treatments with concanamycin, suggesting that concanamycin affects the morphology of autophagosomes in addition to raising the pH of the central vacuole. Using BY-2 cells that constitutively express a fusion protein of autophagosome marker protein Atg8 and green fluorescent protein (GFP), we observed the appearance of autophagosomes by fluorescence microscopy, which is a reliable morphological marker of autophagy, and the processing of the fusion protein to GFP, which is a biochemical marker of autophagy. Together, these results suggest the involvement of vacuole type H+-ATPase in the maturation step of autophagosomes to autolysosomes in the autophagic process of BY-2 cells. The accumulation of autophagic bodies in the central vacuole by concanamycin is a marker of the occurrence of autophagy; however, it does not necessarily mean that the central vacuole is the site of cytoplasm degradation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the potential relationship between the expression levels of lysosome-associated membrane proteins (LAMP) 1 and 2 and responses to enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in the members of a single family with Fabry disease (FD). LAMP levels were assessed by flow cytometry in leukocytes from 17 FD patients who received an eight-month course of ERT course and 101 healthy individuals. We found that phagocytic cells from the FD patients had higher expression levels of both LAMP-1 and LAMP-2, relative to the levels in phagocytes from the healthy controls (p = 0.001). Furthermore, the LAMP-1 and LAMP-2 levels in phagocytes from the FD carriers continuously decreased with ERT administration to reach levels similar to those in healthy controls. We suggest that LAMP-1 and LAMP-2 could be used as additional markers with which to assess ERT effectiveness in FD.  相似文献   

Human MID1 (midline-1) is a microtubule-associated protein that is postulated to target the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A for degradation. It binds alpha4 that then recruits the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A. As a member of the TRIM (tripartite motif) family, MID1 has three consecutive zinc-binding domains—RING (really interesting new gene), Bbox1, and Bbox2—that have similar ββα-folds. Here, we describe the in vitro characterization of these domains individually and in tandem. We observed that the RING domain exhibited greater ubiquitin (Ub) E3 ligase activity compared to the Bbox domains. The amount of autopolyubiquitinated products with RING-Bbox1 and RING-Bbox1-Bbox2 domains in tandem was significantly greater than those of the individual domains. However, no polyubiquitinated products were observed for the Bbox1-Bbox domains in tandem. Using mutants of Ub, we observed that these MID1 domain constructs facilitate Ub chain elongation via Lys63 of Ub. In addition, we observed that the high-molecular-weight protein products were primarily due to polyubiquitination at one site (Lys154) on the Bbox1 domain of the RING-Bbox1 and RING-Bbox1-Bbox2 constructs. We observed that MID1 E3 domains could interact with multiple E2-conjugating enzymes. Lastly, a 45-amino-acid peptide derived from the C-terminus of alpha4 that binds tightly to Bbox1 was observed to be monoubiquitinated in the assay and appears to down-regulate the amount of polyubiquitinated products formed. These studies shed light on MID1 E3 ligase activity and show how its three zinc-binding domains can contribute to MID1's overall function.  相似文献   

The effect of non-ionic detergents on baclofen (GABAB-R agonist)-stimulated G-protein activity was measured as a [35S]GTPγS binding assay in the plasma membranes (PM) isolated from the brain tissue. The effect was clearly biphasic — a decrease in the activity was followed by an activation maximum and finally, at high concentrations, drastic inhibition of the G-protein activity was noticed. Contrarily, specific radioligand binding to GABAB-receptor was inhibited in the whole range of detergent concentrations step by step, i.e. it was strictly monophasic. The magnitude of both detergent effects was decreased in the same order of potency: Brij58 > Triton X-100 > Digitonin. The identical order was found when comparing detergents ability to alter fluorescence anisotropy of the membrane probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (rDPH) incorporated into the hydrophobic PM interior. Decrease of rDPH, in the order of Brij58 > Triton X-100 > Digitonin, was reflected as decrease of the S-order parameter and rotation correlation time ? paralleled by an increase of diffusion wobbling constant Dw (analysis by time-resolved fluorescence according to “wobble-in-cone” model). The influence of the detergents on the membrane organization at the polar headgroup region was characterized by Laurdan generalized polarization (GP). As before, the effect of detergents on GP parameters proceeded in the order: Brij58 > Triton X-100 > Digitonin.  相似文献   

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