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In a flavonoid survey of five species ( D. alatus Roxb. & G.Don, D. costatus Gaertn. f., D. gracilis Blume, D. turbinatus Gaertn. f. and Hopea odorata Roxb . ) of Dipterocarpaceae from Bangladesh, three flavonoid aglycones and two glycosides were isolated. The flavonol kaempferol was detected in 40% of the total species surveyed, while the flavonol quercetin and flavone apigenin were present in all species examined, establishing their chemotaxonomic significance. Proanthocyanidins were found only in three species ( D. alatus , D. gracilis , D. turbinatus ), while the glycosides quercetin 3-glucoside and quercetin 3-rutinoside were isolated in 40% and 60% of the species surveyed, respectively. The flavonoid patterns of H. odorata and D. costatus are advanced in comparison to those of D. alatus , D. gracilis and D. turbinatus due to the loss of proanthocyanidin.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 43−46.  相似文献   

In a leaf flavonoid survey of 59 specimens of the Winteraceae and related families, representing nine genera, luteolin 7,3′-dimethyl ether (in 77%) and flavonols (in 81%) were found to be major constituents. Indeed the high incidence of luteolin 7,3′-dimethyl ether chemically isolates the family from all other angiosperm groups, including families and genera that have been taxonomically associated with the Winteraceae in the past. Simple flavones (in 16%), on the other hand, were found only in some Drimys s. str., Tasmannia and Pseudowintera species. Similarly, the distribution of flavone C-glycosides was restricted to specimens of T. piperita and one specimen of D. winteri. The frequent occurrence of procyanidin (in 60%) and dihydroquercetin (in 44%) reflects the primitive and woody nature of the family. The combined flavonoid data clearly support previous cytological, morphological and phylogenetic studies in the division of the Winteraceae into three groups of genera: (1) Bubbia, Belliolum, Exospermum and Zygogynum; (2) Drimys s. str. and Pseudowintera and (3) Tasmannia. Some generic variations were found within the Bubbia, Belliolum, Expospermum and Zygogynum group but apart from minor geographic variations within Belliolum the flavonoid results do not appear to provide suitable evidence for subgeneric taxonomy.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy is described from 17 species of Psoralea sensu stricto which includes four species of the genus Hallia Thunberg. Species of the two genera share many characters including the presence of rod-shaped crystals, similar stipule structure and a possible continuum in secretory cavity anatomy ranging from a small and non-trabeculate to a large and trabci ulate form. Hallia species are distinguished b the presence of large tannin cells in the bundle sheaths and a narrow lcngllv.width ratio of palisade cells. In the light of other floral evidence this is considered insufficient to separate the two genera, a view confirmed by cluster analysis. Thus, Salter's proposal of 1939 for their amalgamation is supported. Leaf anatomy of herbaceous species is compared with that of seedlings of Psoralea sp. to assess the possibility that the herbaceous species may have arisen through neoteny from species that are trees or shrubs. Comparative venation studies between stipules and scale leaves suggest that the scale leaf form arose from pinnate-leaved ancestors by leaf reduction.  相似文献   

HPLC and chemical analyses of the flavonoids in culms of 11 Chondropetalum species divide the genus into two groups: seven, with glycosides of myricetin larycitin and syringetin; and four, with glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin, gossypetin, gossypetin 7-methyl ether and herbacetin 4′-methyl ether. This chemical dichotomy is correlated with anatomical differences and confirms the view that the genus requires taxonomic revision. HPLC measurements on those species with myricetin derivatives show that taxa with a qualitatively similar pattern of glycosides can be readily separated on quantitative grounds. Syringetin 3-arabinoside and a glycoside of herbacetin 4′-methyl ether are reported for the first time from the genus.  相似文献   

The type-specimens of Anomaloporus hesperiphonae Voge & Davis, 1953 (type-species of Anomaloporus) from Coccothraustes abeillei (Passeriformes) and A. lambi Voge & Davis, 1953 from Streptoprocne semicollaris (Apodiformes), both from Mexico, are re-examined. The former species is considered a synonym of Orthoskrjabinia conica (Fuhrmann, 1908) (new synonymy) and, consequently, Anomaloporus is regarded as a junior synonym of Orthoskrjabinia Spassky, 1947. The latter species is recognised as valid under the name Anonchotaenia (Anonchotaenia) lambi (Voge & Davis, 1953) n. comb. Orthoskrjabinia rostellata (Rodgers, 1941) and Multiuterina dubininae Mathevossian, 1969, previously believed to be probable synonyms of O. conica, are considered species inquirendae.  相似文献   

C-banding studies support earlier evidence thatB. bulbosa, as a previously circumscribed, is heterogeneous, consisting of three distinct entities: (1) theB. bulbosa complex (B. bulbosa s. str.) at 4x (2n = 24), 8x (2n = 48) and 12x (2n = 72) ploidy levels, (2) the rock lily and (3) the Kroombit population (both 2n = 46). Each of these three main groups has a distinctive banding profile, though centromeric and telomeric dot bands, variably expressed, are common to all. In theB. bulbosa complex, substantial heterochromatin development, apart from bands associated with the NORs on chromosomes 1 L, 2 S and 3 L, occurs only at the terminal regions of the short arms of the large and middlesized acrocentric chromosomes, with considerable polymorphic and polytypic variation in the number and size of the heterochromatic blocks, especially at the 4x level. Queensland 8xB. bulbosa populations differ in having terminal heterochromatin, probably associated with NORs, on 11 S and 12 S, and in having some strong interstitial bands. The differences appear to correlate with attributes relating to flower morphology, and may have systematic significance. The karyotypes of rock lily and Kroombit are somewhat similar but the former has a characteristic C-band profile with multiple interstitial bands on chromosomes 1–5 and 7–9, whereas the latter has only one interstitial band on chromosome 9.First contribution of a series on cytoevolution in the AustralianBulbine. Two introductory papers in Austral. J. Bot.34 (2)  相似文献   


Helastia Guenée, 1868 is redefined and redescribed. New Zealand species previously placed in that genus but not congeneric with the type species are reassigned to either the available genera Epyaxa Meyrick, 1883, Asaphodes Meyrick, 1885 and Xanthorhoe Hübner, [1825] or placed in a newly described genus, Gingidiobora. Six Australian species placed in Xanthorhoe are shown to be congeneric with three New Zealand species, previously placed in Helastia and here transferred to Epyaxa.

Eight new species are described in Helastia: Helastia alba n. sp.; H. angusta n. sp.; H. christinae n. sp.; H. cryptica n. sp.; H. mutabilis n. sp.; H. ohauensis n. sp.; H. salmoni n. sp.; H. scissa n. sp. The following new combinations and synonymies are proposed: Asaphodes chlorocapna (Meyrick, 1925) n. comb.; A. citroena (Clark, 1934) n. comb.; A. glaciata (Hudson, 1925) n. comb.; A. ida (Clark, 1926) n. comb; Epyaxa agelasta (Turner, 1904) n. comb.; E. centroneura (Meyrick, 1890) n. comb.;

E. epia (Turner, 1922) n. comb.; E. hyperythra (Lower, 1892) n. comb.; E. lucidata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; E. sodaliata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; E. subidaria (Guenée, 1857) n. comb.; E. venipunctata (Walker, 1863) n. comb.; Gingidiobora nebulosa (Philpott, 1917) n. comb.; G. subobscurata (Walker, 1862) n. comb.; Helastia clandestina (Philpott, 1921) n. comb.; H. corcularia (Guenée, 1868) n. comb. (= Larentia infantaria Guenée, 1868 n. syn.); H. expolita (Philpott, 1917) n. comb.; H. siris (Hawthorne, 1897) n. comb.; H. triphragma (Meyrick, 1883) n. comb.  相似文献   

We report results of karyotype analyses using nine species of Maianthemum from China. The species, except M. atropurpureum (with 2n=72), had 2n=36, and the results support the earlier suggestion that Maianthemum has x=18 with 2n=36 in most species. The species examined, however, showed marked differences in karyotype, particularly in the numbers of metacentric, submetacentric, and acrocentric chromosomes as well as in the number of satellites. In addition, we distinguished three different modes based on the number of clear gaps in chromosome length variation: unimodal, bimodal, and trimodal. The unimodal variation (with no gap) was found in M. dahuricum and M. atropurpureum, the bimodal variation (with one gap) in M. tatsienense, and the trimodal variation (with two gaps) in M. bifolium, M. forrestii, M. japonicum, M. henryi, M. purpureum, and M. lichiangense. In the trimodal variation, the positions of the two gaps may differ from species to species. In addition, the frequency of acrocentric chromosomes per complement was generally higher in the trimodal variation than in the unimodal and bimodal variations. Results of our analyses, which had not been clearly presented prior to this, may provide a better understanding of species evolution in the tribe Polygonatae.  相似文献   

Persistence of granular formulations of Beauveria bassiana sensu lato, strains GHA726 and ERL1170, and Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato, strains ERL824 and ERL701, applied to forest soil was documented. One formulation was prepared by producing fungi on millet and at application adding cooked, dried millet to provide additional nutrients for fungal growth. The other was made by producing fungi on corn starch ‘packing peanuts’, a biodegradable packaging material, adding additional packing peanuts as a nutrient base. The trial was conducted in three sites in a forest predominating in sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in Underhill, VT, USA. In each site, 33 dominant sugar maples were randomly selected. A 1-m2 plot located 1 m from the bole of the tree was established. Soil samples were collected before application, and 1 h, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 wk post-application. Fungal levels were estimated based on number of colony-forming units (CFUs). A significant increase in CFUs was observed 2 wk post-application in plots treated with isolates GHA726, ERL1170 and ERL824 as a result of fungal reproduction on nutrients in the formulations. Evidence of greater persistence for the B. bassiana than the M. anisopliae isolates was observed, based on CFU levels over time. Isolates formulated with millet proliferated more than those on packing peanuts. Use of entomopathogenic fungi in forest soil has potential for managing soil-dwelling insect pests such as pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens, and the black vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus, though the type of formulation and the specific isolate used must be selected carefully.  相似文献   

Chromosome C-band patterns have been studied in 34 populations of the Australian annualBulbine group, which comprises 4x (2n = 26, 28), 8x (2n = 52, 54) and 12x (2n = 78) populations. The 2n = 26B. semibarbata populations have a simple, low heterochromatin pattern with very minor polytypic variation. The 2n = 28 populations, corresponding morphologically to a group given separate status asB. alata, are similar in pattern but exhibit pronounced enhancement of telomeric and, more particularly, centromeric dot bands. NOR heterochromatin and satellites are difficult to identify inB. alata but appear to occur in different positions from the 26-chromosome karyotype. Eastern Australian 8 x patterns are consistent with a proposed hybrid ancestry,B. semibarbata ×B. alata. Annual and perennial C-band profiles in the AustralianBulbine are discussed briefly in relation to the additive and transformation models of heterochromatin evolution and to the possible adaptive significance of variation in heterochromatin content.Cytoevolution in the AustralianBulbine 2; for part 1 see Pl. Syst. Evol.157, 201–217.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns in ten species of Gagea Salisb. were compared by counts and measurements of bulbs, bulbils and flowers in large cohorts including all life stages. Two types of bulbils were found: taxa with “type I bulbils” start to develop a single to several bulbils as soon as the replacement bulb has reached a certain diameter and then continue to form them indefinitely throughout the life of the plant. “Type II bulbils” are only temporarily produced in immature, non-flowering plants of some species, but not in fully grown, flowering individuals, a phenomenon termed “reproductive switch”. Patterns of bulbil formation are species-specific: G. davlianidzeae, G. nigra, G. peduncularis, G. pratensis, and G. spathacea produce only type I bulbils; G. angelae, G. fedschenkoana and G. lutea develop only type II bulbils. Both bulbil types occur simultaneously in G. fragifera and G. villosa. The quantitative investigations demonstrate the existence of species-specific thresholds for the development of bulbils as well as flowers. Compared to the adult volume of the replacement bulb (where 90% of all plants flower), both types of bulbils have usually low thresholds: 0–5% (type I, all but one species) and 3–13% (type II). Inflorescences develop if plants attain between 38 and 60% of the adult bulb volume. Minor changes in patterns of bulbil formation and thresholds for their development may ensure survival of highly sterile taxa (e.g. G. spathacea, G. fragifera). This, in turn, can facilitate speciation in the genus driven by both hybridization and polyploidization.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic structure of four Lampetra species from the Pacific drainage of North America (western brook lamprey Lampetra richardsoni, Pacific brook lamprey Lampetra pacifica, river lamprey Lampetra ayresii and Kern brook lamprey Lampetra hubbsi) and unidentified Lampetra specimens (referred to as Lampetra sp.) from 36 locations was estimated using the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian inferences did not correspond with any taxonomic scheme proposed to date. Rather, although L. richardsoni (from Alaska to California) and L. ayresii (from British Columbia to California) together constituted a well‐supported clade distinct from several genetically divergent Lampetra populations in Oregon and California, these two species were not reciprocally monophyletic. The genetically divergent populations included L. pacifica (from the Columbia River basin) and L. hubbsi (from the Kern River basin) and four Lampetra sp. populations in Oregon (Siuslaw River and Fourmile Creek) and California (Kelsey and Mark West Creeks). These four Lampetra sp. populations showed genetic divergence between 2·3 and 5·7% from any known species (and up to 8·0% from each other), and may represent morphologically cryptic and thus previously undescribed species. A fifth population (from Paynes Creek, California) may represent a range extension of L. hubbsi into the Upper Sacramento River.  相似文献   

Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionidae) have suffered strong declines over the last century. High morphological plasticity of Unionidae causes disturbances in their systematics and taxonomy, hampering conservation efforts. Species that have historically been placed under the North American genus Quadrula have suffered from numerous taxonomic and species delineation problems since its inception. Four genera are presently recognized within Quadrula sensu lato, that is, Cyclonaias, Quadrula, Theliderma and Tritogonia, but their phylogenetic basis remains incompletely tested. In the present study, we reconstructed several two‐marker (mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I—COI and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1—ND1) phylogenies with newly collected specimens and all previously available sequences covering most species within this group. We then delineated the species within the group using an integrative approach with the application of molecular statistical methods, morphometric (Fourier Shape) analyses and geographic distribution data. Four clades corresponding to these genera were consistently recovered in all phylogenies. To validate the generic status of these clades, molecular analyses were complemented with morphological, anatomical and ecological data compiled from the literature. Several revisions are here proposed to the current systematics and taxonomy of these genera, including the synonymization of Cyclonaias asperata under Cyclonaias kieneriana; the inclusion of Quadrula apiculata and Quadrula rumphiana under Quadrula quadrula; the placement of Quadrula nobilis under Tritogonia; and finally the separation of the Mobile River basin populations of Theliderma metanevra as a new species, that is, Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. The conservation implications of the proposed changes are then discussed.  相似文献   

DNA variation in a conifer,Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae sensu lato)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kado T  Yoshimaru H  Tsumura Y  Tachida H 《Genetics》2003,164(4):1547-1559
We investigated the nucleotide variation of a conifer, Cryptomeria japonica, and the divergence between this species and its closest relative, Taxodium distichum, at seven nuclear loci (Acl5, Chi1, Ferr, GapC, HemA, Lcyb, and Pat). Samples of C. japonica were collected from three areas, Kantou-Toukai, Hokuriku, and Iwate. No apparent geographic differentiation was found among these samples. However, the frequency spectrum of the nucleotide polymorphism revealed excesses of intermediate-frequency variants, which suggests that the population was not panmictic and a constant size in the past. The average nucleotide diversity, pi, for silent sites was 0.00383. However, values of pi for silent sites vary among loci. Comparisons of polymorphism to divergence among loci (the HKA test) showed that the polymorphism at the Acl5 locus was significantly lower. We also observed a nearly significant excess of replacement polymorphisms at the Lcyb locus. These results suggested possibilities of natural selection acting at some of the loci. Intragenic recombination was detected only once at the Chi1 locus and was not detected at the other loci. The low level of population recombination rate, 4Nr, seemed to be due to both low level of recombination, r, and small population size, N.  相似文献   

 Morphological and electrophoretic data were studied to examine species delimitation, patterns of morphological and genetic variation in three Korean Hepatica including two endemics, H.␣maxima and H. insularis. Based on a phenogram using 15 morphological characters, taxa were distinct; it was consistent with the phenogram based on genetic distance. In the enzyme electrophoresis study, the genetic identities suggested that three taxa were genetically divergent enough to be recognized as different species, falling within the range expected␣for congeners. The genetic identity between H.␣asiatica and H. insularis was higher than the values between these two taxa and H.␣maxima, a restricted endemic of Ulleung Island. The least genetic variation was found in H. maxima and the greatest in widespread H. asiatica. These data are consistent with theoretical expectations that small populations are more likely to be genetically depauperate. Received November 13, 2001; accepted May 10, 2002 Published online: December 11, 2002  相似文献   

A rich material of echinoderm fragments from two Middle Cambrian stratigraphical levels on Bornholm are preserved due to phosphatization of the original calcitic stereom. Preservation of echinoderms in this way - not previously recorded from the Middle Cambrian - permits detailed analysis of the three-dimensional stereom structure. Identifiable are fragments of stylophorans and eocrinoids. Stem columnals, most likely from eocrinoids, show a wide and advanced morphological variation indicating articulation similar to that of crinoids. The material from the Exsulans Limestone/Kalby marl ( Ptychagnostus gibbus Zone) represents stem-bearing cystoids older than Akadocrinus from Bohemia. The Andrarum Limestone ( Sole-nopleura brachymetopa Zone) contains echinoderm fragments from a higher stratigraphical level, a level correlatable with that from which the oldest North American stem–bearing cystoid, Eustypocystis , has been recorded.  相似文献   

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