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Since 1991 faunal collections have been made from the mountain lakes of NW Slovenia. These lakes are at altitudes of between 1250 and 2150 m a. s.l., and have rich biotas, both in terms of species-richness, and faunal abundance. Amongst the animals collected were hump-backed specimens of genus Chydorus. These are identical with Chydorus mutilus, a species described from Swiss mountain lakes by Kreis (1921). The abundance of specimen in the collections, coupled with the availability of data from four successive years of sampling, allowed the detailed analysis of these populations. This also includes an examination of chitinous remains preserved in subrecent sediments.The results show that C. mutilus Kreis, 1921 actually represents a postephippial form of C. sphaericus (O. F. Müller, 1785). From the data available, it appears that the hump-backed form only occurs under certain environmental conditions. Here I discuss environmental factors having the potential to trigger the formation of hump-backed Chydorus. These findings may prove significant in palaelimnological studies, and in the reconstruction of paleotemperatures.In addition, hump-backed animals, apparently identical to European C. mutilus, have also been found in a sample taken from Lake Titicaca (Peru) in 1954. This supports the hypothesis that the hump-backed morph is an environmentally-cued ecophenotype, and not an independent taxon.  相似文献   

Horizontal distribution of the dinoflagellateCeratium hirundinella (O. F. Müller) Bergh in the Ishitegawa Reservoir, Ehime Prefecture, Japan, was investigated. Water quality was also surveyed. It was observed that the population ofC. hirundinella exponentially decreased in number from the head of the reservoir to the dam site. Further investigation proved thatC. hirundinella initiated growth at the head of the reservoir, and later gradually expanded downstream. It was found during the period of increase in water temperature that the cell density ofC. hirundinella at the uppermost station exponentially increased.  相似文献   

Numerous headshields of ephippial Chydorus piger (currently called Paralona pigra) females were found from the Holocene sediments of Aitajärvi Lake, northern Finnish Lapland (69° 08′ N, 27° 14′ E). Headshields of ephippial females of the genus Chydorus s.l. can be easily identified since their posterior margin is elongated and pointed. According to analysis of fossil cladoceran remains, Chydorus piger lived in the lake throughout the Holocene but was never very common (less than 10% of preserved cladoceran remains). Headshields of ephippial females were found in most samples and they comprised ca 10–30% of all Chydorus piger headshields. No similar phenomenon was met in Chydorus cf. sphaericus which is common up to the most severe arctic conditions. Aitajärvi is situated north of the modern distribution area of Chydorus piger. I suggest that this species reacted to the stress of harsh climatic conditions outside of its distribution area by being gamogenetic during most of the ice-free period. The ephippial headshields could be valuable indicators of severe climatic conditions in pre-Holocene sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

The radular morphology of the patellid species Testudinalia testudinalis (O. F. Müller, 1776) from the White Sea was studied using light, electron, and confocal microscopy. The radula is of the docoglossan type with four teeth per row and consisting of six zones. We characterize teeth formation in T. testidinalis as follows: one tooth is formed by numerous and extremely narrow odontoblasts through apocrine secretion; this initially formed tooth consists of numerous vesicles; the synthetic apparatus of the odontoblasts is localized in the apical and central parts of the cells throughout the cytoplasm and is penetrated by microtubules which are involved in the transport of the synthesized products to the apical part of the odontoblast; the newly formed teeth consist of unpolymerized chitin. Mitotic activity is located in the lateral parts of the formation zone. The first four rows contain an irregular arrangement of teeth, but the radular teeth are regularly arranged after the fifth row. The irregularly arranged teeth early on could be a consequence of the asynchronous formation of teeth and the distance between the odontoblasts and the membranoblasts. The morphological data obtained significantly expands our knowledge of the morphological diversity of the radula formation in Gastropoda.  相似文献   

Unhatched, but fully developed larvae of two solitary ascidians Ascidia mentula O.F. Müller and Ascidiella scabra (O.F. Müller) were incubated in a variety of adult tissue extracts, which an earlier study had shown to accelerate metamorphosis. Our study confirmed this observation and showed, furthermore, that tissue extracts induce tail resorption in unhatched larvae of Ascidiella. For both species, the most active induction of metamorphosis was obtained with tunic tissue extracts. The results indicate that chemical stimulation without the presence of tactile cues may initiate metamorphosis. We suggest that the ability of tunic extracts to induce metamorphosis may explain juvenile establishment on adult ascidians and their aggregated distribution found in nature.  相似文献   

The Scarce Chaser (Libellula fulva) is widespread in Europe and in many regions is relatively common. It is also abundant in the lake districts of western and northern Poland. Although the species frequently occurs in large numbers its biology is poorly known. Emergence of L. fulva was investigated in this study as a contribution to the life history of the species. Studies were carried out in the vicinity of Chojno (52°41′ N, 16°12′ E) on the edge of the Notecka Forest in 2003 and 2004. The stem habitat of the population is a stream with the adjacent swamps. Libellula fulva belongs to the spring species sensu Corbet (1999). The emergence of the studied population lasted 19 days (between 18 May and 5 June) and 31 days (between 13 May and 12 June) in 2003 and 2004, respectively. It was characterised by synchronous and, especially in the first phase, mass emergence. The high synchronisation is reflected in the fact that 50% of the population had emerged by the seventh (in 2003) and the fifth (in 2004) days of the process. This is vital to the imagines, which mature and return to the water body as soon as possible to reproduce. Timing of the end of emergence depends on atmospheric conditions during its duration and the conditions preceding the start of emergence on a given day. In the daily course there is a tendency for emergence to finish as soon as possible. Extension of the emergence is synonymous with increased mortality in the dragonfly population caused by predators.  相似文献   

A strain of Anthophysa vegetans (O. F. Müller) Stein (Chrysophyceae or Chrysomonadida) was grown in culture and examined in detail by light and electron microscopy. It was shown to be a typical, though apochlorotic, member of its class; features of interest include a well-developed leucoplast and a starch-like reserve product. Aspects of the largely inorganic stalk are also discussed.  相似文献   

The tiny echinoid Echinocyamus pusillus (O. F. Müller) is equipped with specialized external structures that suit it for a wide variety of environments. Special features include the ability to burrow in sediments of fine sand to shell gravel and to climb vertically.Specimens dredged off the west coast of Scotland were observed in aquaria and with the SEM. E. pusillus is characterized by three kinds of spines, and by two of pedicellariae. In contrast to sand dollars, the spines play a passive rôle in the feeding and burrowing operation, probably retaining a defensive nature as in the regular urchins. It is the podia that are chiefly involved in climbing, burrowing, righting, and probably feeding. Surface ciliary currents transport particles, but not to the mouth; they may have a respiratory or cleansing function. Experimental animals did not burrow in either very fine or very coarse sand, probably because a certain relationship exists between particle weight and podia size.E. pusillus shares behavioural and structural characteristics with regular and irregular urchins. It is not a true sand dollar, but may illustrate an evolutionary stage towards such a form.  相似文献   

Patrick Scaps 《Hydrobiologia》2002,470(1-3):203-218
The common ragworm Hediste diversicolor inhabits the shallow marine and brackish waters in the North Temperate Zone of the Atlantic. This infaunal species builds U or Y-shaped burrows in the soft sediments. H. diversicolor is gonochoristic and remains atokous throughout its life. Due to the facility of harvesting of individuals by hand and their maintenance, this species represents a good biological material for experimental studies. In consequence, the common ragworm served as a model for endocrine control of reproduction in Polychaeta and played a fundamental role in the study of immune defence in Polychaeta.Life history characteristics (longevity, spawning season, feeding tactics and growth) and population dynamics (sex ratio, density and biomass) vary greatly according to geographical location of the populations. In addition, inter-population morphological, biochemical and physiological differences have been noticed in individuals from different areas and different environmental conditions in the same areas and could be related to the limited dispersal capacity of the species. H. diversicolor interacts with its environment. The construction of burrows by individuals increases the sediment–water interface. When they ventilate their burrows, individuals verticalize oxic zones into the sediment and promote microbial and meiofaunal growth alongside their burrows. Moreover, the common ragworm is a species of commercial interest because of its use as bait in recreational fishing and as food in aquaculture. In order to alleviate environmental pressure caused by excessive demand over optimal sustainable yield of bait fisheries, intensive aquaculture has been proposed. The common ragworm could be also used as biomonitor of pollution in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Lubzens  E.  Rankevich  D.  Kolodny  G.  Gibson  O.  Cohen  A.  Khayat  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):175-183
The biology of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis has been studied extensively in recent years, due to its importance in aquaculture. Today, the culture of several marine fish species relies completely on the daily production of live rotifers.In the present paper we explore the conditions that facilitate maintaining live rotifers for extensive periods at low temperatures. In addition to its possible contribution in providing reserve stocks for commercial application, these studies may be of ecological importance. They could explain some of the physiological adaptive mechanisms that are involved in the survival of rotifers under adverse environmental conditions.Experimental results showed relatively high survival rates (82–85%) in rotifers that were cultured at 25 °C and exposed later to -1 °C for 12–14 days. During this period, rotifers were kept without food and their media were not changed. The survival was found to depend on the rotifer culture conditions, prior to exposure to -1 °C. These included the type of food fed to rotifers (yeast or algae), the salinity in which they were cultured, and an essential acclimation period of 2–6 day at 4 °C or 10 °C. The acclimation period was associated with the synthesis of at least one specific protein and accumulation of lipids. Profiles of protein synthesis in rotifers incubated at 10 °C revealed a 94 kD protein, which did not appear in rotifers cultured at 25 or 37 °C. Immunoisolation, using a polyclonal antibody that was prepared against HSP60, revealed that this protein was synthesized in rotifers kept at 10, 25 or 37 °C. However, this antibody did not react with the 94 kD peptide.In addition, rotifers kept at 10 °C accumulated substantial amounts of lipids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is found in the algae fed to them. These results support the hypothesis of specific adaptations to survival at low temperatures during an acclimation period.  相似文献   

Paradiscocyrtus neglectus Mello-Leitão, 1927 is here redescribed and for the first time illustrated. A neotype is proposed to clarify the taxonomic status of this species and to differentiate it from the other two species of Paradiscocyrtus and related genera (e.g., Discocyrtus). Two junior synonyms of this species, currently allocated in Discocyrtus Holmberg, 1876 are here detected. This harvestman is endemic from areas above 2000 meters of altitude, occurring in the Campos Rupestres montane savannas terrestrial eco-region in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This species is characterized by the powerful retrodorsal apophysis of the coxa IV, the unique armature of dorsal scutum, trochanter IV, and femur IV.  相似文献   

Reproductive output of green sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis O.F. Müller) in the field was highest at depths where preferred macro-algae were abundant, and lowest at depths where preferred macro-algae were overgrazed or replaced by non-preferred species (Agarum and Ptilota). Feeding rate and gonad indices of sea urchins in the laboratory were highest on a diet of preferred algae (Fucusdistichus L. subsp. edentatus (Pyl.) Powell, Laminaria longicruris Pyl., Desmarestia spp. and Saccorhizadermatodea (Pyl.) J. Ag.), and lowest on the less preferred Agarum cribrosum (Mert.) Bory, Ptilota serrata Kütz., and crustose corallines. Gamete production/unit area in overgrazed habitats was as great or greater than in kelp beds because of the higher biomass of urchins in overgrazed areas. Gonad weight and reproductive output of urchins from habitats poor in food can be increased by providing preferred foods.  相似文献   

Summary Perikarya and nerve fibers containing a substance immunologically related to CCK-8 were detected in the nervous system of Nereis, a marine annelid worm. The most noteworthy immunostaining was seen in cell bodies, localized at the periphery of the brain, within nuclei 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 23–24. Immunoreactive fibers were also found in the neuropile without any particular grouping. Numerous other positive perikarya occur in the medio-ventral portion of the ventral nerve cord, and in the ventral and dorsal parts of the suboesophageal ganglion. In addition to the cell bodies in the cerebral external layer, immunoreactive axons were abundantly observed in the connectives between the ganglia. Moreover, our results demonstrate CCK-like staining in neurons showing variations in size and shape, and in affinity for paraldehyde fuchsin. The present results support the hypothesis that this peptide may exert a role as neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in annelids.  相似文献   

The reproductive morphology of Dumontia incrassata (O. F. Müller) Lamouroux is described from New Hampshire, U.S.A. populations. Mature carpogonial and auxiliary branches are usually 5 and 6 celled, respectively, but both may range from 4 to 9 cells. Auxiliary branches are more numerous than carpogonial branches; however, the ratio of carpogonial to auxiliary branches increases towards the apex of the frond. A linear relationship exists between the position of the generative auxiliary cell and the number of cells in the auxiliary branches. In most cases the third cell from the top of the auxiliary branch becomes the generative auxiliary cell. The probabilities for different positions of the generative auxiliary cells are summarized. During spermatangial development, four mother cells are initially produced per cortical cell initial; subsequently, successive spermatangia are cut off obliquely and on opposite sides of each mother cell. Monoecious asexual plants of D. incrassata are described, as well as an irregular tetraspore development.Scientific Contribution Number from the New Hampshire Agriculture Experiment Station; also issued as contribution No. 81 of the Jackson Estuarine LaboratoryScientific Contribution Number from the New Hampshire Agriculture Experiment Station; also issued as contribution No. 81 of the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory  相似文献   

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