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采用SSR标记连锁图谱和复合区间作图法在山西灌溉和干旱胁迫条件下,对玉米(Zea mays L.)自交系黄早四×掖107组合的F3群体雌雄开花间隔天数(ASI)、结穗率和籽粒产量进行了数量性状位点(QTL)定位及基因效应分析.结果表明,在两种水分处理下,ASI、结穗率与籽粒产量的相关性均达到显著水平(P<0.05).在灌溉和干旱胁迫下,分别检测到3个和2个控制ASI的QTL,位于第1、2、3和第2、5染色体上.在灌溉条件下,在第3和第6染色体上各检测到1个控制结穗率的QTL,基因作用方式呈加性或部分显性,可解释19.9%的表型变异;在干旱条件下,在第3、 7、10染色体上共检测到4个控制结穗率的QTL,基因作用方式为显性或部分显性,可解释60.4%的表型变异.在灌溉和干旱胁迫下,控制产量的QTL分别定位在第3、6、7和第1、2、4、8染色体上,基因作用方式均以加性或部分显性为主,可解释的表型变异为7.3%~22.0%.在干旱条件下,借助连锁分子标记和基因效应分析,可构建包含ASI、结穗率和产量QTL的选择指数,用于分子标记辅助育种.  相似文献   

玉米优异早熟种质单330开花相关性状的QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
玉米开花相关性状与玉米的成熟期和产量有密切的联系。通过对玉米CN165×单330(早熟种质)群体的130个F2:3家系开花相关性状在3个环境下进行分子鉴定和数量性状位点(QTL)分析,结果表明,在3个环境中检测到控制抽雄天数的10个QTL,分别位于第2、3、4、5、7、8染色体上,在第8染色体上同一区域在3种环境下都检测到了QTL;检测到控制散粉天数的10个QTL,分别位于第1、2、3、5、7、8染色体上,在第8染色体上同一区域在2种环境下都检测到了QTL;检测到控制吐丝天数的4个QTL,分别位于第4、5、8染色体上,在第8染色体不同环境下都检测到了2个QTL;仅仅在一个环境中检测到控制ASI的2个QTL,分别位于第6、9染色体上。这些QTL的基因效应以部分显性和超显性为主。研究表明,第8染色体上ph i060-um c2401区域(8.03~8.04)是一个研究开花相关性状的重要基因组区段,涉及到的标记可以作为分子标记辅助选择的重要候选标记。  相似文献   

7个烤烟产量相关性状的QTL定位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以烤烟Y3和K326为亲本,采用单粒传法(SSD)获得一个包含262个F6株系的重组自交系群体(RILs)。基于该群体构建了一张含有24个连锁群、626个SSR标记,总长为1 120.45cM的遗传图谱。通过两年一点3次重复的随机区组田间试验,测定了株高、节距、叶数、茎围、茎叶角度、腰叶长和腰叶宽7个与产量相关农艺性状,采用混合线性模型的严格复合区间作图法(rMQM)在烟草全基因组范围内进行QTL扫描分析。结果显示:(1)烤烟7个目标性状在RILs群体内各株系间存在较大范围的连续变异,具有显著的双向超亲分离,且各性状的平均值很接近中亲值;7个农艺性状的平均广义遗传率为73.33%,其中株高和节距的广义遗传率在80%以上,而茎围和茎叶角度的广义遗传率则低于60%,表明7个与烤烟产量相关的农艺性状是既受微效多基因控制又受环境条件影响的数量性状。(2)共检测到30个QTLs分布在9条连锁群上,其中与株高、节距、叶数、腰叶长和腰叶宽相关的5个主效QTLs在连续两年中均可检测到,且具有较大的效应值,可解释大于10%的表型变异。(3)7个目标性状之间存在一定程度的相关性,与之对应在基因组中也存在一些较小区域,每个区域包含2个或2个以上紧密连锁的不同性状的QTLs。烟草产量相关农艺性状的QTL分析和主效QTLs的获得,为进一步利用分子标记辅助选择培育烟草高产新品种奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫和正常灌溉条件下玉米开花相关性状的QTL分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
干旱是影响玉米生产的重要限制因素,特别是花期对干旱胁迫非常敏感.本研究通过对玉米L050× B73的180个F2:3家系进行开花期干旱胁迫处理和分子标记鉴定,重点对开花相关性状进行了数量性状位点(QTL)分析.结果表明,在干旱胁迫处理条件下,存在与出苗到抽雄天数有关的6个QTL,位于第1、6、9染色体上各1个,位于第3染色体上有3个,共可解释的表现型变异为55.0%;基于出苗到散粉天数检测到4个QTL,其中两个位于第3染色体上,位于第1、2染色体上各1个,共可解释的表型变异为52.8%;对出苗到吐丝天数检测到分别位于第3、6染色体上的2个QTL,共可解释的表现型变异为20.4%;对抽雄至吐丝间隔天数(ASI)只检测位于第6染色体上的1个QTL,可解释6.5%的表现型变异.而正常灌溉环境下,检测到出苗到抽雄天数检测到1个QTL,位于第9染色体上,可解释的变异为15.0%;对出苗到散粉天数检测到3个QTL,位于第1、3、9染色体上,共可解释的变异为55.0%;对出苗到吐丝天数检测到4个QTL,分别位于第1、2、3、7染色体上.共可解释表现型变异的46.8%;对ASI检测到分别位于第2、6染色体上的2个QTL,可解释的变异为15.5%.这些QTL的基因效应以显性与超显性为主.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫和正常灌溉条件下玉米产量性状的QTL分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
产量及其产量因子是衡量玉米耐旱能力的重要性状。本研究利用Lo1067×Y i72的F2∶3家系进行产量性状的数量性状位点(QTL)的分析。结果表明,在正常水分条件和开花期干旱胁迫条件下,分别有14个QTL与产量性状穗重、粒重、轴重、百粒重、穗数、穗粒数有关。此外,还检测到7个与抗旱指数(TI)相关的QTL。各QTL所解释的表型变异在1%~78%;这些QTL以部分显性和超显性为主。不同胁迫条件下检测到的QTL不一致,说明存在显著的QTL与环境互作。  相似文献   

胚性愈伤组织的培养是水稻(Oryza sativa)遗传转化和功能基因组学研究的关键。为了评价不同类型的水稻种质资源的胚性愈伤组织诱导能力的差异,鉴定水稻胚性愈伤诱导性状调控相关基因,本研究以6个亚群的191份水稻种质为材料,分析了不同类型种质的胚性愈伤诱导力变异,利用全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association analysis,GWAS)定位了与胚性愈伤诱导率相关的数量性状位点(quantitative trait locus,QTL)。结果表明,6个亚群内不同品种间愈伤诱导率变异大,变异系数在17.86%~42.91%。平均胚性愈伤诱导率为籼稻(IND)>热带粳稻(TRJ)>温带粳稻(TEJ)>秋稻(AUS)>香稻(AROMATIC)>中间型(ADMIX),但是不同亚群品种间平均愈伤诱导率差异不显著。全基因组关联分析鉴定30个与愈伤诱导率显著关联的QTL,预测获得其中15个QTL位点是与胚性愈伤诱导率相关的候选基因,编码生长素信号调控相关蛋白、驱动蛋白、AP2结构域包含蛋白、磷酸酰肌醇-4-磷酸5-激酶蛋白、受体类蛋白激酶和同源异...  相似文献   

油脂是植物中广泛存在且参与众多生物学过程的一类物质,具有重要的生物学功能。本研究从拟南芥和水稻油脂代谢基因出发,基于序列相似和功能域相同原则,克隆并注释了1003个玉米油脂代谢相关基因,其中,774个从GenBank中直接注释,229个为新克隆基因。电子表达谱分析发现97个基因在玉米籽粒、根、叶或分生组织中特异高表达。整合已发表籽粒油分相关QTL,在玉米基因组中发现70个控制籽粒油份的QTL富集区(分布于34%的基因组区域),其中59个QTL富集区内存在油脂代谢候选基因147个。在玉米籽粒中特异高表达的13个脂肪酸合成代谢基因都落在QTL富集区。本研究挖掘的油脂代谢相关基因信息,电子表达谱数据及整合的油份QTL结果,为玉米油份QTL的进一步精细定位和克隆、玉米籽粒油份形成的分子生物学基础研究提供了有益信息。  相似文献   

Drought or water stress is a serious agronomic problem resulting in maize (Zea mays L.) yield loss throughout the world. Breeding hybrids with drought tolerance is one important approach for solving this problem. However, lower efficiency and a longer period of breeding hybrids are disadvantages of traditional breeding programs. It is generally recognized that applying molecular marker techniques to traditional breeding programs could improve the efficiency of the breeding of drought‐tolerant maize. To provide useful information for use in studies of maize drought tolerance, the mapping and tagging of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield and its components were performed in the present study on the basis of the principle of a mixed linear model. Two hundred and twenty‐one recombinant inbred lines (RIL) of Yuyu 22 were grown under both well‐watered and water‐stressed conditions. In the former treatment group, plants were well irrigated, whereas those in the latter treatment group were stressed at flowering time. Ten plants of each genotype were grown in a row that was 3.00 m × 0.67 m (length × width). The results show that a few of the QTL were the same (one additive QTL for ear length, two additive QTL and one pair of epistatic QTL for kernel number per row, one additive QTL for kernel weight per plant), whereas most of other QTL were different between the two different water treatment groups. It may be that genetic expression differs under the two different water conditions. Furthermore, differences in the additive and epistatic QTL among the traits under water‐stressed conditions indicate that genetic expression also differs from trait to trait. Major and minor QTL were detected for the traits, except for kernel number per row, underwater‐stressed conditions. Thus, the genetic mechanism of drought tolerance in maize is complex because the additive and epistatic QTL exist at the same time and the major and minor QTL all contribute to phenotype under water‐stressed conditions. In particular, epidemic QTL under water‐stressed conditions suggest that it is important to investigate the drought tolerance of maize from a genetic viewpoint. (Managing editor: Wei Wang)  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic basis of drought tolerance in soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.) a recombinant inbred population with 184 F2:7:11 lines developed from a cross between Kefeng1 (drought tolerant) and Nannong1138-2 (drought sensitive) were tested under water-stressed and well-watered conditions in field and greenhouse trials. Traits measured included leaf wilting coefficient, excised leaf water loss and relative water content as indicators of plant water status and seed yield. A total of 40 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified: 17 for leaf water status traits under drought stress and 23 for seed yield under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions in both field and greenhouse trials. Two seed yield QTLs were detected under both well-watered and drought-stressed conditions in the field on molecular linkage group H and D1b, while two seed yield QTLs on molecular linkage group C2 were found under greenhouse conditions. Several QTLs for traits associated with plant water status were identified in both field and greenhouse trials, including two leaf wilting coefficient QTLs on molecular linkage group A2 and one excised leaf water loss QTL on molecular linkage group H. Phenotypic correlations of traits suggested several QTLs had pleiotropic or location-linked associations. These results will help to elucidate the genetic basis of drought tolerance in soybean, and could be incorporated into a marker-assisted selection breeding program to develop high-yielding soybean cultivars with improved tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic basis of drought tolerance in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) a recombinant inbred population with 184 F2:7:11 lines developed from a cross between Kefengl (drought tolerant) and Nannong1138-2 (drought sensitive) were tested under water-stressed and well-watered conditions in field and greenhouse trials. Traits measured included leaf wilting coefficient, excised leaf water loss and relative water content as indicators of plant water status and seed yield. A total of 40 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified: 17 for leaf water status traits under drought stress and 23 for seed yield under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions in both field and greenhouse trials. Two seed yield QTLs were detected under both well-watered and drought-stressed conditions in the field on molecular linkage group H and Dlb, while two seed yield QTLs on molecular linkage group C2 were found under greenhouse conditions. Several QTLs for traits associated with plant water status were identified in both field and greenhouse trials, including two leaf wilting coefficient QTLs on molecular linkage group A2 and one excised leaf water loss QTL on molecular linkage group H. Phenotypic correlations of traits suggested several QTLs had pleiotropic or location-linked associations. These results will help to elucidate the genetic basis of drought tolerance in soybean, and could be incorporated into a marker-assisted selection breeding program to develop high-yielding soybean cultivars with improved tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

Post-anthesis photoassimilation is very important for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain filling. The aim of the present study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for post-anthesis dry matter accumulation (DMA). A set of 120 doubled haploid (DH) lines, derived from winter wheat varieties Hanxuan 10 and Lumai 14, was grown under field conditions in two consecutive growing seasons during 2002-2004 in Beijing. Post-anthesis DMA per culm and related traits, including flag leaf greenness (FLG) and flag leaf weight (FLW; dry weight per flag leaf) at flowering, and grain weight per ear (GWE) were investigated. All traits segregated continuously in the DH population in both trials. The DMA was significantly and positively correlated with GWE, with the correlation coefficients being 0.79 and 0.66 in the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 growing seasons (both P〈0.01), suggesting the importance of DMA in grain filling. Further correlation analysis showed that FLW was more closely correlated with DMA and GWE than FLG in both growing seasons, indicating that FLW was more important than FLG in influencing DMA and GWE. In total, 30 QTLs for these four traits were mapped and distributed on 10 chromosomes. Phenotypic variations explained by an individual QTL were in the range 5.8%-21.3%, 5.9%-17.2%, 5.1%-18.1%, and 5.6%-16.2% for FLG, FLW, DMA, and GWE, respectively. Eight QTLs for DMA were detected, of which four (on chromosome arms 2AS, 4BL, 5AS, and 7AS) were linked with QTLs for GWE; two (on chromosome arms 5BL and 7BL) coincided with QTLs for FLW. These results may provide useful information for developing marker-assisted selection for the improvement of DMA.  相似文献   

Broman KW  Kim S  Sen S  Ané C  Payseur BA 《Genetics》2012,192(1):267-279
Despite advances in genetic mapping of quantitative traits and in phylogenetic comparative approaches, these two perspectives are rarely combined. The joint consideration of multiple crosses among related taxa (whether species or strains) not only allows more precise mapping of the genetic loci (called quantitative trait loci, QTL) that contribute to important quantitative traits, but also offers the opportunity to identify the origin of a QTL allele on the phylogenetic tree that relates the taxa. We describe a formal method for combining multiple crosses to infer the location of a QTL on a tree. We further discuss experimental design issues for such endeavors, such as how many crosses are required and which sets of crosses are best. Finally, we explore the method's performance in computer simulations, and we illustrate its use through application to a set of four mouse intercrosses among five inbred strains, with data on HDL cholesterol.  相似文献   

微卫星标记与奶牛数量性状QTL定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
储明星  叶素成  陈国宏 《遗传》2003,25(3):337-340
本文对奶牛产奶性能(产奶量、乳脂率、乳脂量、蛋白率、蛋白量)、乳房炎及体细胞数、繁殖性能、生产寿命等数量性状QTL定位研究进展进行了综述。 Abstract:Mapping of quantitative trait loci for some important traits (milk yield,fat percentage,fat yield,protein percentage,protein yield,clinical mastitis and somatic cell count,reproductive performance,productive life,etc.) in dairy cattle was introduced in this review.  相似文献   

作物数量性状基因图位克隆研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对数量性状基因(QTL)的鉴定和克隆不仅有利于从分子水平上阐明作物重要农艺性状的形成机理,而且对于有效开展这些性状的分子育种,进一步提高作物增产潜力具有重要意义.近年来作物QTL图位克隆取得了重要突破,一批QTL被成功克隆,而模式植物基因组研究的快速发展则为作物QTL图位克隆技术带来了新的策略和方法.本文就相关研究的主要进展和发展趋势进行了综述.  相似文献   

江西东乡野生稻苗期抗旱基因定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
普通野生稻是栽培稻的祖先种,其遗传多样性远远大于栽培稻,蕴涵着栽培品种中难以找到的重要性状.以江西东乡普通野生稻为供体、以桂朝2号为遗传背景的野生稻基因渗入系(BC4F5、BC4F6)为材料,利用30%的PEG人工模拟干旱环境,对渗入系二叶一心苗期进行抗旱鉴定,共定位了12个与抗旱有关的QTL,其中在第2、6和12染色体上发现了4个QTL的加性效应值为正,来自东乡野生稻的等位基因能使渗入系的抗旱性增强,特别是位于第12染色体RM17附近的qSDT12-2在多次重复中均被检测到,在PEG处理后1-8 d能稳定表达.通过对抗旱性QTL的动态分析,发现不同QTL表达时间不同.  相似文献   

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