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通过电子显微镜观察、DNA断裂检测及类似半胱氨酸蛋白酶(caspase-like proteases,CLPs)降解检测等技术,对杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)次生木质部分化过程的细胞编程死亡进行了研究.分化中的次生木质部细胞总DNA凝胶电泳检测到DNA ladder,并通过TUNEL检测进一步确定了DNA被降解.Western blot结果表明;caspase-8和caspase-3状蛋白酶(caspase-8-和caspase-3-like proteases,CLPs)及多聚ADP-核糖聚合酶(poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase,PARP)在次生木质部分化过程中被降解.这些研究结果表明,杜仲次生木质部的细胞分化是一个典型的编程性死亡(Programmed cell death,PCD)过程,CLPs可能参与了此过程. 相似文献
杜仲次生木质部细胞分化和脱分化过程中ATPase的超微细胞化学定位 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
采用磷酸铅沉淀技术,对杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)次生木质部细胞分和脱化过程进行了ATPase的超微细胞化学定位。随着分化过程中细胞程序性死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)程度的加深,ATPase在细胞核上的分布由少变多,而在各种细胞器上的分布由有到无,并且随着细胞质的解体,ATPase在细胞壁内侧和纹孔处的分布也由少到多,说明它们的变化是由核基因 相似文献
杜仲次生木质部导管分子分化中的程序性死亡 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
运用原位末端标记法,证明了杜仲(EucommiaulmoidesOliv.)次生木质部的导管分子分化过程是程序性死亡(programmedceldeath,PCD)过程。它包括一系列的物质合成和细胞结构的解体和自溶:细胞核逐步变得极不规则,染色质高度凝集,有些细胞核的核周腔膨大,核周腔内存在着包裹有核物质的内膜凸起,最后,核膜消失,核解体。细胞核是PCD中最后消失的细胞器之一。线粒体有两种解体方式,一种为线粒体内部结构紊乱,嵴极不清晰,线粒体皱缩变形;另一种为线粒体出现一些电子密度低的透明区,进而裂开。内质网囊泡化,相邻的内质网槽库之间互相连接,形成分隔。内质网和液泡共同行使溶酶体功能,吞噬各种细胞器残体。解体后的物质可能有两种去向,一是通过纹孔运输到邻近的细胞中,二是转化成构建自身次生壁的物质 相似文献
杜仲次生木质部分化过程中木质素与半纤维素组分在细胞壁中分布的动态变化 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用紫外光显微镜、透射电子显微镜结合免疫胶体金标记,研究了杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)次生木质部分化过程中木质素与半纤维素组分(木葡聚糖和木聚糖)在细胞壁分布的动态变化。在形成层及细胞伸展区域,细胞壁具有木葡聚糖的分布,而没有木聚糖和木质素沉积,随着次生壁S1层的形成,木质素出现在细胞角隅和胞间层,木聚糖开始出现在S1层中,此时木葡聚糖则分布在初生壁和胞间层;随着次生,壁S2层及S3层的形成和加厚,木质逐逐步由细胞角隅和胞间层扩展到S1、S2和S3层,其沉积呈现出不均匀的块状或片状沉积模式,在次生壁各层形成与其木质化的同时,木聚糖逐渐分布于整个次生壁中,而木糖聚糖仍局限分布于初生壁和胞间层。结果表明,随着细胞次生壁的形成与木质化,细胞壁结构发生较大变化。细胞壁的不同区域,如细胞角隅、胞间层、初生壁和次生壁各层,具有不同的半纤维素组成,其与木质等细胞壁组分结构构成不同的细胞壁分子结构。 相似文献
杜仲次生木质部分化和脱分化过程中酸性磷酸酶的超微细胞化学定位 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
杜仲(EucommiaulmoidesOliv.)次生木质部分化过程中,在形成层刚衍生的木薄壁细胞中,酸性磷酸酶(APase)主要分布于核膜边缘和高尔基体;在分化程度较高的木薄壁细胞中,APase散布于整个核中,进而,在各种细胞器残体上聚集;在成熟的木薄壁细胞中,APase沿细胞壁内侧分布。在未成熟导管分子中,核、质膜及纹孔上明显存在APase聚集,进而,核解体;在即将分化成熟的导管分子中,APase主要集中于初生壁;在已分化成熟的导管分子中,APase集中于次生壁。脱分化过程中,只在细胞质中可见分散的APase活性,而细胞核和细胞壁上未见此酶的分布;更深层的即将分化成熟和已分化成熟的导管分子,未见有细胞分裂,其上APase的分布与剥皮前相同。通过比较分化和脱分化过程中APase的分布,推测不同的APase同工酶可能分别参与了次生木质部细胞程序性死亡过程中原生质体的解体和次生壁的建成。APase的聚集程度可能是决定细胞能否脱分化的一个重要特征。 相似文献
木质部细胞分化和脱分化的机理 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
木质部细胞的分化过程包括了密切不可分的细胞程序死亡和次生壁构建两个过程。现在的研究主要是将两个过程分开来研究,各自在细胞生物学和分子生物学上取得了不少进展,有关次生细胞壁方面的研究时间长,成果也较大。有关木质部细胞脱分化的研究相对较少,但也已取得了可喜的进展。 相似文献
本文主要从研究木质部细胞分化常用的实验系统、木质部分化的诱导、木质部细胞的编程性死亡以及次生壁的构建4个方面阐述了木质部细胞分化的研究进展。并对目前研究的热点也是难点问题进行了展望,希望引起同行的兴趣。 相似文献
木质部细胞分化的程序 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文主要对近十几年来有关木质部细胞分化研究中使用的实验系统及用这些系统所取得的重要进展作了评述.并以作者实验室的研究成果为基础,结合国内外研究进展,提出木质部细胞分化程序由参与细胞编程死亡(PCD)和次生壁构建的全部基因综合编制而成.以PCD过程各阶段的划分标准来看,木质部细胞分化中从IAA诱导形成层细胞平周分裂到细胞扩大前为PCD的起始阶段,其间包括死亡信号的发生、接受和传导,以及启始caspase(半胱氨酰基天门冬氨酸蛋白酶)类似物(例如caspase-8类似物)的活化;木质部母细胞的径向扩大为PCD的效应阶段,而效应caspase类似物(例如caspase-3类似物)活化DNase、DNA的片段化及次生细胞壁的构建和各种细胞器的解体则为PCD的清除降解阶段.至今还无法将DNase活化及其引起的DNA断裂过程与次生细胞壁构建过程分开. 相似文献
The result from in situ end-labelling of fragmented DNA indicated that the vessel element differentiation of the secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. was a typical programmed cell death (PCD) which involved a series of events, viz. synthesis of components essential for the secondary wall formation and a well organized succession of protoplast degeneration and autolysis in the tracheary cells. The nuclei gradually became irregular with highly condensed chromatin. In some nuclei, the cistema of the nuclear envelope became unevenly dilated within which some inner membrane protrusion enclosed with nuclear materials were present. The nuclear envelope underwent disruption and the nucleus eventually degenerated. However, as the nucleus was one of the most stable components in the cell, it was among the last organelles disappeared during the autolytic process. In the process, there were two forms of degeneration in the mitochondria (Mit). In one form the Mit shrank and became disorganized; in the other, part of the matrix in the Mit became electron-lucent with breakage of the membrane nearby. The cytoplasmic component residues were phagocitized and sequestered by the dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) cisternae. The RER and vacuoles did play a vital role in the further degeneration of other organelles just similar to the lysosomes acting in the animal cells. The autolyzed debri might be utilized in situ by taking part in the formation of secondary wall or be transported to the adjacent cells through the pits. 相似文献
The dynamic changes in the distribution of lignin and hemicelluloses (xylans and xyloglucans) in cell walls during the differentiation of secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were studied by means of ultraviolet light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy combined with immunogold labelling. In the cambial zone and cell expansion zone, xyloglucans were localized both in the tangential and radial walls, but no xylans or lignin were found in these regions. With the formation of secondary wall S1 layer, lignin occurred in the cell corners and middle lamella, while xylans appeared in S1 layer, and xyloglucans were localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. In pace with the formation of secondary wall S2 and S3 layer, lignification extended to S1, S2 and S3 layer in sequence, showing a patchy style of lignin deposition. Concurrently, xylans distributed in the whole secondary walls and xyloglucans, on the other hand, still localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. The results indicated that along with the formation and lignification of the secondary wall, great changes had taken place in the cell walls. Different parts of cell walls, such as cell corners, middle lamella, primary walls and various layers of secondary walls, had different kinds of hemicelluloses, which formed various cell wall architecture combined with lignin and other cell wall components. 相似文献
Hui-Min Chen Yu Pang Jun Zeng Qi Ding Shen-Yi Yin Chao Liu Meng-Zhu Lu Ke-Ming Cui and Xin-Qiang He State 《植物学报(英文版)》2012,54(7):456-470
Secondary xylem development has long been recognized as a typical case of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants. During PCD, the degradation of genomic DNA is catalyzed by endonucleases. However, to date, no endonuclease has been shown to participate in secondary xylem development. Two novel Ca 2+ -dependent DNase genes, EuCaN1 and EuCaN2, were identified from the differentiating secondary xylem of the tree Eucommia ulmoides Oliv., their functions were studied by DNase activity assay, in situ hybridization, protein immunolocalization and virus-induced gene silencing experiments. Full-length cDNAs of EuCaN1 and EuCaN2 contained an open reading frame of 987 bp, encoding two proteins of 328 amino acids with SNase-like functional domains. The genomic DNA sequence for EuCaN1 had no introns, while EuCaN2 had 8 introns. EuCaN1 and EuCaN2 digested ssDNA and dsDNA with Ca 2+ -dependence at neutral pH. Their expression was confined to differentiating secondary xylem cells and the proteins were localized in the nucleus. Their activity dynamics was closely correlated with secondary xylem development. Secondary xylem cell differentiation is influenced by RNAi of endonuclease genes. The results provide evidence that the Ca 2+ -dependent DNases are involved in secondary xylem development. 相似文献
聚腺苷二磷酸核糖基聚合酶(poly (ADP-ribose) polyerase, PARP)是存在于多数真核细胞中的一个蛋白质翻译后修饰酶,它可催化组蛋白H1等重要核蛋白及它自身的聚腺苷二磷酸核糖基化作用.细胞受到外界损伤因子作用时, DNA发生链断裂,PARP结合到DNA断裂口,其催化活性被激活,修饰受体蛋白,进而引发一系列级联反应.这种性质使PARP有可能作为细胞内的分子感受器和传感器,启动细胞内对损伤作出反应的信号传导机制,从而根据细胞受损程度决定细胞的命运:修复或是死亡. 相似文献
小鼠胚胎干细胞分化形成拟胚体过程中的细胞程序性死亡 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了检测小鼠胚胎干细胞 (embryonicstemcell ,ES细胞 )体外分化的拟胚体 (embryoidbodies ,EBs)形成过程中细胞程序性死亡 (programmedcelldeath ,PCD)的发生 ,通过悬滴、悬浮培养技术定向诱导未分化的ES细胞分化为拟胚体 ,并用RT PCR检测原始内胚层、原始外胚层、中胚层、内脏内胚层 4种分子标记物在EBs中的表达 .通过TUNEL染色、电镜、激光共聚焦显微镜及Western印迹以确定凋亡发生 .结果表明 :ES细胞体外分化为拟胚体并且表达各胚层相应的分子标记物 ;在拟胚体的发育过程中出现明显的空腔化过程 ,TUNEL染色及电镜观察到凋亡生成 ,同时线粒体膜电位 (ΔΨm)在拟胚体发育过程中降低 ,通过Western印迹检测到caspase3、caspase8的激活 .表明小鼠ES细胞所分化的拟胚体可以作为研究早期胚胎发育的实验模型 ,线粒体在拟胚体的细胞程序性死亡过程中发挥重要的作用 .为进一步利用拟胚体研究细胞程序性死亡及相关信号分子在小鼠胚胎发育早期的作用奠定了基础 相似文献