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Murine and human macrophages rapidly decreased the level of cholesteryl ester hydroperoxides in low density lipoprotein (LDL) when cultured in media non-permissive for LDL oxidation. This process was proportional to cell number but could not be attributed to the net lipoprotein uptake. Macrophage-mediated loss of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL appears to be metal ion-independent. Degradation of cholesteryl linoleate hydroperoxides was accompanied by accumulation of the corresponding hydroxide as the major product and cholesteryl keto-octadecadienoate as a minor product, although taken together these products could not completely account for the hydroperoxide consumption. Cell-conditioned medium possessed a similar capacity to remove lipid hydroperoxides as seen with cellular monolayers, suggesting that the activity is not an integral component of the cell but is secreted from it. The activity of cell-conditioned medium to lower the level of LDL lipid hydroperoxides is associated with its high molecular weight fraction and is modulated by the availability of free thiol groups. Cell-mediated loss of LDL cholesteryl ester hydroperoxides is facilitated by the presence of alpha-tocopherol in the lipoprotein. Together with our earlier reports on the ability of macrophages to remove peroxides rapidly from oxidized amino acids, peptides, and proteins as well as to clear selectively cholesterol 7-beta-hydroperoxide, results presented in this paper provide evidence of a potential protective activity of the cell against further LDL oxidation by removing reactive peroxide groups in the lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Previously, we isolated and characterized unique liposomal-like, cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in human atherosclerotic lesions. Human plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) has a molar ratio of total cholesterol to phospholipid (3:1) similar to that of this lesion cholesterol-rich lipid particle. However, LDL is enriched in cholesteryl ester while the lesion lipid particle is enriched in unesterified cholesterol. To examine a possible precursor-product relationship between LDL and the lesion lipid particle, we hydrolyzed the cholesteryl ester core of LDL with cholesterol esterase. Cholesteryl ester hydrolysis occurred only after LDL was treated with trypsin. Trypsin pretreatment was not required for cholesteryl ester hydrolysis of LDL oxidized with copper, a treatment that also degrades apolipoprotein B, the major protein moiety in LDL. In contrast to greater than 90% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in trypsin-cholesterol esterase-treated or copper-oxidized LDL, there was only 18% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in similarly treated high density lipoprotein. With a limited 10-min hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL-sized particles and newly formed larger flattened films or discs were present. With complete hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL particles converted to complex multilamellar, liposomal-like, structures with sizes approximately five times larger than native LDL. These liposomal-like particles derived from LDL were chemically and structurally similar to unesterified cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein (LDL) can follow either a holoparticle uptake pathway, initiated by the LDL receptor (LDLr), and be completely degraded, or it can deliver its cholesteryl esters (CE) selectively to HepG2 cells. Although high density lipoprotein-CE selective uptake has been shown to be linked to cell cholesterol homeostasis in nonhepatic cells, there is no available information on the effect of LDL-CE selective uptake on hepatic cell cholesterol homeostasis. In order to define the role of the LDL-CE selective uptake pathway in hepatic cell cholesterol homeostasis, we used a cellular model that expresses constitutively a LDLr antisense mRNA and that shows LDLr activity at 31% the normal level (HepG2-all cells). The addition of a specific antibody anti-LDLr (IgG-C7) reduces LDL protein degradation (LDLr activity) to 7%. This cellular model therefore reflects, above all, LDL-CE selective uptake activity when incubated with LDL. The inactivation of LDLr reduces LDL-protein association by 78% and LDL-CE association by only 43%. The LDL-CE selective uptake was not reduced by the inactivation of LDLr. The activities of the various enzymes involved in cell cholesterol homeostasis were measured in normal and LDLr-deficient cells during incubation in the absence or presence of LDL as a cholesterol source. Essentially, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activities responded to LDL in LDLr-deficient cells as well as in normal HepG2 cells. Inhibition of lysosomal hydrolysis with chloroquine abolished the effect measured on ACAT activity in the presence of LDL, suggesting that CE of LDL, but not free cholesterol, maintains cell cholesterol homeostasis. Thus, in HepG2 cells, when LDLr function is virtually abolished, LDL-CE selective uptake is coupled to cell cholesterol homeostasis.  相似文献   

Fluorescent cholesteryl esters with chromophores placed either on the acyl chain (cholesteryl-cis-parinarate), the sterol ring system (5,7,9-cholesteryl oleate), or the side chain (naphthylcholenamide oleate) have been incorporated into the core of low density lipoprotein. The temperature dependence of several fluorescence parameters has been evaluated. An analysis of the fluorescence lifetime components of cholesteryl-cis-parinarate reveals coexisting environments whose proportion varies and reflects the thermotropic reorganization of the core of the particle. An analysis of the motion by dynamic depolarization suggests that the motions of the acyl chains in the core of the particle are highly restricted.  相似文献   

Two different methods were evaluated for incorporating [125I]cholesteryl iopanoate ([125I]CI), a non-hydrolyzable cholesteryl ester analog, into LDL. The first procedure was an organic solvent delipidation-reconstitution procedure (R[125I-CI]LDL) while the second involved incubation of detergent (Tween-20)-solubilized [125I]CI with whole plasma (D[125I-CI]LDL). R[125I-CI]LDL behaved similar to native LDL in vitro, but was markedly different in vivo, apparently due to a heterogeneity in particle size. D[125I-CI]LDL, however, was metabolized normally both in vitro and in vivo. These results, combined with the residualizing nature of [125I]CI, demonstrate that D[125I-CI]LDL is appropriate for tracing LDL uptake in vivo.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester-loaded macrophages, or foam cells, are a prominent feature of atherosclerotic lesions. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-mediated endocytosis of native LDL is a relatively poor inducer of macrophage cholesteryl ester accumulation. However, the data herein show that in the presence of a very small amount of sphingomyelinase, LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of 125I-LDL was enhanced and led to a 2-6-fold increase in 125I-LDL degradation and up to a 10-fold increase in cholesteryl ester accumulation in macrophages. The enhanced lipoprotein uptake and cholesterol esterification was seen after only approximately 12% hydrolysis of LDL phospholipids, was specific for sphingomyelin hydrolysis, and appeared to be related to the formation of fused or aggregated spherical particles up to 100 nm in diameter. Sphingomyelinase-treated LDL was bound by the macrophage LDL receptor. However, when unlabeled acetyl-LDL, a scavenger receptor ligand, was present during or after sphingomyelinase treatment of 125I-LDL, 125I-LDL binding and degradation were enhanced further through the formation of LDL-acetyl-LDL mixed aggregates. Experiments with cytochalasin D suggested that endocytosis, not phagocytosis, was involved in internalization of sphingomyelinase-treated LDL. Nonetheless, the sphingomyelinase effect on LDL uptake was macrophage-specific. These data illustrate that LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of fused LDL particles can lead to foam cell formation in cultured macrophages. Furthermore, since both LDL and sphingomyelinase are present in atherosclerotic lesions and since some lesion LDL probably is fused or aggregated, there is a possibility that sphingomyelinase-treated LDL is a physiologically important atherogenic lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Metabolism of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesteryl ester (CE) by cultured rat adrenal cells was studied. Addition of [3H]CE-HDL to cells pretreated with adrenocorticotrophin in lipoprotein poor media resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent accumulation of [3H]cholesteryl ester and production of [3H]cholesterol and [3H]corticosterone. HDL-CE metabolism could be described as the sum of a high affinity ([ HDL-cholesterol]1/2 max = 16 micrograms/ml) and low affinity ([ HDL-cholesterol]1/2 max greater than 70 micrograms/ml) process. [3H]Cholesterol was found both intracellularly and in the media. Accumulation of [3H]cholesteryl ester could not be attributed to uptake and re-esterification of unesterified cholesterol since addition of Sandoz 58-035, an inhibitor of acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase, did not prevent ester accumulation. Moreover, addition of chloroquine did not inhibit cholesteryl ester hydrolysis indicating that hydrolysis was not lysosomally mediated. Aminoglutethimide prevented conversion of [3H]CE-HDL to steroid hormones but did not inhibit [3H]cholesteryl ester uptake. Cellular accumulation of [3H] cholesteryl ester exceeded accumulation of 125I-apoproteins 5-fold at 1 h and 35-fold at 24 h indicating selective uptake of cholesteryl ester moiety. We conclude that rat adrenal cells possess a mechanism for selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl esters which provides substrate for steroidogenesis. These results constitute the first direct demonstration that cholesteryl esters in HDL can be used as steroidogenic substrate by the rat adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

These studies were undertaken to examine the effects of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) on the transfer of cholesteryl esters from high density lipoproteins (HDL) to very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). Human or rat VLDL was incubated with human HDL in the presence of either partially purified CETP, bovine milk LPL or CETP plus LPL. CETP stimulated both isotopic and mass transfer of cholesteryl esters from HDL into VLDL. LPL caused only slight stimulation of cholesteryl ester transfer. However, when CETP and LPL were both present, the transfer of cholesteryl esters from HDL into VLDL remnants was enhanced 2- to 8-fold, compared to the effects of CETP alone. The synergistic effects of CETP and LPL on cholesteryl ester transfer were more pronounced at higher VLDL/HDL ratios and increased with increasing amounts of CETP. In time course studies the stimulation of cholesteryl ester transfer activity occurred during active triglyceride hydrolysis. When lipolysis was inhibited by incubating LPL with either 1 M NaCl or 2 mM diethylparanitrophenyl phosphate, the synergism of CETP and LPL was reduced or abolished, and LPL alone did not stimulate cholesteryl ester transfer. These experiments show that LPL enhances the CETP-mediated transfer of cholesteryl esters from HDL to VLDL. This property of LPL is related to lipolysis.  相似文献   

Previous reports attributed cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated HDL cholesteryl ester (CE) selective uptake to the CETP-mediated transfer of CE from HDL to newly secreted apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, which are then internalized by the LDL receptor (LDL-R). CETP has also been implicated in the remodeling of HDL, which renders it a better substrate for selective uptake by scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). However, CETP-mediated selective uptake of HDL3-derived CE was not diminished in LDL-R null adipocytes, SR-BI null adipocytes, or in the presence of the receptor-associated protein. We found that monensin treatment or energy depletion of the SW872 liposarcoma cells with 2-deoxyglucose and NaN3 had no effect on CETP-mediated selective uptake, demonstrating that endocytosis is not required. This is supported by data indicating that CETP transfers CE into a compartment from which it can be extracted by unlabeled HDL. CETP could also mediate the selective uptake of HDL3-derived triacylglycerol (TG) and phospholipid (PL). The CETP-specific kinetics for TG and CE uptake were similar, and both reached saturation at approximately 5 microg/ml HDL. In contrast, CETP-specific PL uptake did not attain saturation at 5 microg/ml HDL and was approximately 6-fold greater than the uptake of CE. We propose two possible mechanisms to account for the role of CETP in selective uptake.  相似文献   

The human cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) facilitates the exchange of neutral lipids among lipoproteins. In order to evaluate the effects of increased plasma CETP on lipoprotein levels, a human CETP minigene was placed under the control of the mouse metallothionein-I promoter and used to develop transgenic mice. Integration of the human CETP transgene into the mouse genome resulted in the production of active plasma CETP. Zinc induction of CETP transgene expression caused depression of serum cholesterol due to a significant reduction of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. There was no change in total cholesterol content in very low and low density lipoproteins. However, there was a decrease in the free cholesterol/cholesteryl ester ratio in plasma and in all lipoprotein fractions of transgenic mouse plasma, suggesting stimulation of plasma cholesterol esterification. The results suggest that high levels of plasma CETP activity may be a cause of reduced high density lipoproteins in humans.  相似文献   

Low density lipoproteins (LDL) contain apolipoprotein B-100 and are cholesteryl ester-rich, triglyceride-poor macromolecules, arising from the lipolysis of very low density lipoproteins. This review will describe the receptors responsible for uptake of whole LDL particles (holoparticle uptake), and the selective uptake of LDL cholesteryl ester. The LDL-receptor mediates the internalization of whole LDL through an endosomal-lysosomal pathway, leading to complete degradation of LDL. Increasing LDL-receptor expression by pharmacological intervention efficiently reduces blood LDL concentrations. The lipolysis stimulated receptor and LDL-receptor related protein may also lead to complete degradation of LDL in presence of free fatty acids and apolipoprotein E- or lipase-LDL complexes, respectively. Selective uptake of LDL cholesteryl ester has been demonstrated in the liver, especially in rodents and humans. This activity brings five times more LDL cholesteryl ester than the LDL-receptor to human hepatoma cells, suggesting that it is a physiologically significant pathway. The lipoprotein binding site of HepG2 cells mediates this process and recognizes all lipoprotein classes. Scavenger receptor class B type I and CD36, which mediate the selective uptake of high density lipoprotein cholesteryl ester, are potentially involved in LDL cholesteryl ester selective uptake, since they both bind LDL with high affinity. It is not known whether they are identical to the uncloned lipoprotein binding site and if the selective uptake of LDL cholesteryl ester produces a less atherogenic particle. If this is verified, pharmacological up-regulation of LDL cholesteryl ester selective uptake may become another therapeutic approach for reducing blood LDL-cholesterol levels and the risk of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) is a cell-surface glycoprotein that mediates selective uptake of high density lipoprotein cholesteryl ester (CE) without the concomitant uptake and degradation of the particle. We have investigated the endocytic and selective uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL)-CE by SR-BI using COS-7 cells transiently transfected with mouse SR-BI. Analysis of lipoprotein uptake data showed a concentration-dependent LDL-CE-selective uptake when doubly labeled LDL particles were incubated with SR-BI-expressing COS-7 cells. In contrast to vector-transfected cells, SR-BI-expressing COS-7 cells showed marked increases in LDL cell association and CE uptake by the selective uptake pathway, but only a modest increase in CE uptake by the endocytic pathway. SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE-selective uptake exceeded LDL endocytic uptake by 50-100-fold. SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE-selective uptake was not inhibited by the proteoglycan synthesis inhibitor, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside or by the sulfation inhibitor sodium chlorate, indicating that SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE uptake occurs independently of LDL interaction with cell-surface proteoglycan. Analyses with subclones of Y1 adrenocortical cells showed that LDL-CE-selective uptake was proportional to the level of SR-BI expression. Furthermore, antibody directed to the extracellular domain of SR-BI blocked LDL-CE-selective uptake in adrenocortical cells. Thus, in cells that normally express SR-BI and in transfected COS-7 cells SR-BI mediates the efficient uptake of LDL-CE via the selective uptake mechanism. These results suggest that SR-BI may influence the metabolism of apoB-containing lipoproteins in vivo by mediating LDL-CE uptake into SR-BI-expressing cells.  相似文献   

The formation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) from very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) was studied after injecting 14C-radiomethylated or 125I-radioiodinated VLDL into rats. VLDL and LDL B apoprotein specific radioactivity time curves were obtained after tetramethylurea extraction of the lipoproteins. In all experiments, the specific activity of LDL B apoprotein did not intercept the VLDL curve at maximal heights, suggesting that not all LDL B apoprotein is derived from VLDL B apoprotein. Further subfractionation of LDL into the Sf 12-20, 5-12, and 0-5 ranges showed that most (65%) LDL B apoprotein was present in the Sf 0-5 fraction and that only a small proportion (6-15%) of this fraction was derived from VLDL. However, the curves obtained for the Sf 12-20 and 5-12 subfractions were consistent with a precursor-product relationship in which all of these fractions were derived entirely from VLDL catabolism. These results contrasted strikingly with similar data obtained for normal humans in which all LDL is derived from VLDL. In the rat, it appears that most of the B apoprotein in the Sf 0-5 range, which contains 65% of the total LDL B apoprotein, enters the plasma independently of VLDL secretion.  相似文献   

Recombinant high density lipoprotein (rHDL) particles were prepared by cosonication of purified lipids and human apoproteins and incubated with partly purified cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) containing [3H]cholesteryl ester. Increasing the triglyceride content relative to cholesteryl ester in rHDL significantly decreased the ability of the particles to accept cholesteryl esters transferred by CETP. Kinetic analysis of the data was performed to numerically define the maximum velocity of lipid transfer, Tmax, and the HDL concentration required for half maximal velocity, KH. Increases in rHDL-triglyceride content were shown to result in a significant reduction in the Tmax without a major change in KH. When the free cholesterol content was increased relative to phospholipid, the ability of the particles to accept cholesteryl esters was also decreased in a similar manner. Conversely, rHDL prepared from purified apoprotein A-I, A-II, or mixtures of both, had significantly elevated Tmax and KH values for their interaction with CETP. The results suggest that increases in triglyceride or free cholesterol content of an rHDL particle decrease the catalytic ability of CETP by noncompetitive inhibition. In addition, some component(s) of HDL apoproteins, other than A-I or A-II, were shown to uncompetitively inhibit the activity of CETP, by modifying both Tmax and the KH for the reaction. This study has shown that altered HDL composition may have marked effects on the transfer and equilibration of cholesteryl esters within the HDL pool.  相似文献   

Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the transfer of cholesteryl esters (CE) between lipoproteins and was reported to also directly mediate the uptake of high density lipoprotein (HDL) CE by human Hep G2 cells and fibroblasts. The present study investigates that uptake and its relationship to a pathway for "selective uptake" of HDL CE that does not require CETP. HDL3 labeled in both the CE and apoprotein moieties was incubated with Hep G2 cells. During 4-h incubations, CE tracer was selectively taken up from doubly labeled HDL3 in excess of apoA-I tracer, and added CETP did not modify that uptake. However, during 18-20-h incubations, CETP stimulated the uptake of CE tracer more than 4-fold without modifying the uptake of apoA-I tracer. This suggested that secreted products, perhaps lipoproteins, might be required for the CETP effect. Four inhibitors of lipoprotein uptake via low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors (heparin, monensin, an antibody against the LDL receptor, and antibodies against the receptor binding domains of apoB and apoE) effectively blocked the CETP stimulation of CE tracer uptake. Heparin caused an increase in CE tracer in a d less than 1.063 g/ml fraction of the medium that more than accounted for the heparin blockade of CETP-stimulated CE uptake. CETP did not affect the uptake of doubly labeled HDL3 by human fibroblasts, even at twice plasma levels of activity, and heparin did not modify uptake of HDL3 tracers. Thus the CETP effect on Hep G2 cells can be accounted for by transfer of HDL CE to secreted lipoproteins which are then retaken up, and there is no evidence for a direct effect of CETP on cellular uptake of HDL CE.  相似文献   

beta-Migrating very-low-density lipoproteins (beta-VLDL) are cholesteryl-ester-enriched lipoproteins which accumulate in the serum of cholesterol-fed animals or patients with type III hyperlipoproteinemia. In the rat, beta-VLDL are rapidly cleared by the liver and parenchymal liver cells form the major site for uptake. In this investigation, beta-VLDL were labeled with [3H]cholesteryl esters and the hepatic intracellular transport of these esters was followed. 2 min after injection, the major part of the [3H]cholesteryl esters is already associated with the liver and a significant proportion is recovered in endosomes. Up to 25 min after injection, an increase in radioactivity in the lysosomal compartment is noticed. This radioactivity initially represents cholesteryl esters, while from 25 min onward, radioactivity is mainly present in unesterified cholesterol. Between 45 min and 90 min after beta-VLDL injection, specific transfer of unesterified [3H]cholesterol to the endoplasmic reticulum is observed, while by 3 h the majority is located in this fraction. The appearance of radioactivity in the bile was rather slow as compared to the rapid initial uptake and processing, and up to 5 h after injection only 10% of the injected dose had reached the bile (mainly as bile acids). 72 h after injection, the amount of the injected radioactivity recovered in the bile had increased to 50%. Chloroquine treatment of the rats inhibited the hydrolysis of the cholesteryl esters and the appearance of radioactivity in the bile was retarded. It is concluded that beta-VLDL are rapidly processed by parenchymal liver cells and that the cholesteryl esters from beta-VLDL are hydrolyzed in the lysosomal compartment. Unesterified cholesterol remains associated with the endoplasmic reticulum for a prolonged time, although ultimately the majority will be secreted into the bile as bile acids. The effective operation of this pathway will prevent extrahepatic accumulation of cholesteryl esters from beta-VLDL, while the prolonged residence time of unesterified cholesterol in the endoplasmic reticulum might be important for regulation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors in liver and thus for LDL levels in the blood.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein were isolated from rat serum by sequential ultracentrifugation in the density intervals 1.025-1.050 g/ml and 1.125-1.21 g/ml, respectively. The isolated lipoproteins were radioiodinated using ICl. Low density lipoprotein was further purified by concanavalin A affinity chromatography and concentrated by ultracentrifugation. 95% of the purified low density lipoprotein radioactivity was precipitable by tetramethylurea, while only 4% was associated with lipids. The radioiodinated high density lipoprotein was incubated for 1 h at 4 degrees C with unlabelled very low density lipoprotein, followed by reisolation by sequential ultracentrifugation. Only 3% of the radioactivity was associated with lipids and 90% was present on apolipoprotein A-I. The serum decay curves of labelled and subsequently purified rat low and high density lipoprotein, measured over a period of 28 h, clearly exhibited more than one component, in contrast to the monoexponential decay curves of iodinated human low density lipoprotein. The decay curves were not affected by the methods used to purify the LDL and HDL preparations. The catabolic sites of the labelled rat lipoproteins were analyzed in vivo using leupeptin-treated rats. In vivo treatment of rats with leupeptin did not affect the rate of disappearance from serum of intravenously injected labelled rat low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein. Leupeptin-dependent accumulation of radioiodine occurred almost exclusively in the liver after intravenous injection of iodinated low density lipoprotein, while both the liver and the kidneys showed leupeptin-dependent accumulation of radioactivity after injection of iodinated high density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The removal from the blood and the uptake by the liver of injected very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) preparations that had been radiolabelled in their apoprotein and cholesteryl ester moieties was studied in lactating rats. Radiolabelled cholesteryl ester was removed from the blood and taken up by the liver more rapidly than sucrose-radiolabelled apoprotein. Near-maximum cholesteryl ester uptake by the liver occurred within 5 min of the injection of the VLDL. At this time, apoprotein B uptake by the liver was only about 25% of the maximum. Maximum uptake of the injected VLDL apoprotein B label was not achieved until at least 15 min after injection, by which time the total uptakes of cholesteryl ester and apoprotein B label were very similar. The results suggest that preferential uptake of the lipoprotein cholesteryl ester by the liver occurred before endocytosis of the entire lipoprotein complex. The fate of the injected VLDL cholesteryl ester after its uptake by the liver was also monitored. Radiolabel associated with the hepatic cholesteryl ester fraction fell steadily from its early maximum level, the rate of fall being faster and more extensive when the fatty acid, rather than the cholesterol, moiety of the ester was labelled. By 30 min after the injection of VLDL containing [3H]cholesteryl ester, over one-third of the injected label was already present as [3H]cholesterol in the liver. When VLDL containing cholesteryl [14C]oleate was injected, a substantial proportion (about 25%) of the injected radiolabelled fatty acid appeared in the hepatic triacylglycerol fraction within 60 min: very little was present in the plasma triacylglycerol fraction at this time.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been established that lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is partly associated with circulating lipoproteins. This report describes the effects of physiological amounts of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-bound LPL on the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated cholesteryl ester transfer (CET) from high density lipoprotein (HDL) to VLDL. Three patients with severe LPL deficiency exhibited a strong decrease in net mass CET that was more than 80% lower than that of common hypertriglyceridemic subjects. Recombination experiments showed that this was due to an abnormal behavior of the VLDL fraction. Replacement of the latter by normal VLDL totally normalized net mass CET. We therefore prepared VLDL containing controlled amounts of bound LPL that we used as CE acceptors in experiments involving unidirectional radioisotopic CET measurements. These were carried out either in the absence or in the presence of inhibitors of LPL lipolytic activity. When LPL-induced lipolysis was totally blocked, the stimulating effect of the enzyme on the CETP-dependent CET was only reduced by about 50%, showing that it did not entirely result from its lipolytic action. These data were dependent upon neither the type of LPL inhibitor (E600 or THL) nor the source of CETP (delipidated plasma or partially purified CETP). Thus, in addition to the well-known stimulating effect of LPL-dependent lipolysis on CET, our work demonstrates that physiological amounts of VLDL-bound LPL may facilitate CET through a mechanism partially independent of its lipolytic activity.  相似文献   

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