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The work deals with a study of physiological significance of relaxation mechanisms initiated by stimulation of -adrenoreceptors and NO-dependent pathways as well as of participation of cyclic nucleotide signal pathways in dilatation of rat blood vessels with different density and type of nervous regulation: of thoracic aorta with poorly developed adrenergic vasoconstrictional innervation, of tail artery with well-developed adrenergic vasoconstrictional innervation, and of portal vein with adrenergic and cholinergic vasoconstrictional innervation. Isometric contraction of 1-mm wide vascular rings produced by electrostimulation or action of exogenous selective antagonists (phenylephrine for 1-adrenoreceptors of all three vessels and 5-methylformetide for muscarinic cholinergic receptors of portal vein) was recorded using a laboratory-made highly sensitive device. From relaxants, isoproterenol, sodium nitroprusside, forskolin, and isobutylmethylxanthine were used. As a result of the performed study with use of substances affecting various chains of processes providing relaxation of smooth muscle contractile apparatus of blood vessels with different degree of development of nervous regulation, we have obtained data that indicate heterogeneity of intracellular mechanisms of transmission of external signal realizing the contractionndash;relaxation cycle in these vessels.  相似文献   

D I Duke 《Teratology》1975,11(1):119-126
The antimitotic, anticancer drug ICRF 159 [(plus or minus)-1,2,'bis(3,5'dioxopiperazine-l-yl)propane] when given to pregnant BALB/c mice, Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats, and New Zealand white rabbits had mainly embryolethal effects; the margin between no apparent activity and total embryolethality was narrow. A small percentage of fetuses were malformed and some exhibited retarded development. In all three species the time of maximum sensitivity to the drug was early in gestation, between days 6-10 in mice, 6-8 in rats, and 7-10 in rabbits.  相似文献   

环颈雉胃的血供   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用血管铸型法和大体解剖学方法对环颈雉胃动脉的起源、分布及胃静脉的回流情况进行了解剖学研究。结果表明,环颈雉的胃动脉均由腹腔动脉分出;腺胃由腺胃背侧动脉和腺胃腹侧动脉营养,腺胃背侧动脉直接起自腹腔动态的左侧,腺胃腹侧动脉起自腹腔动脉左支。腺胃血液的静脉有腺胃前静脉和腺胃后静脉,分别汇入后腔静脉和左肝门静脉。肌胃由肌胃左动脉、肌胃右动脉和肌胃背侧动脉营养,肌胃左动脉起自腹腔动脉的左支;肌胃右动脉起自腹腔动脉的右支;肌胃背侧动脉从腺胃背动脉分支而来。回流肌胃血液的静脉有胃右静脉、胃左静脉和胃腹侧静脉;胃右静脉汇入右肝门静脉,胃左静脉和胃腹侧静脉汇入左肝门静脉。另外腺胃和肌胃的表面缺乏主干动脉间的吻合。  相似文献   

WE have reported the efficacy of exogenous interferon preparations in inhibiting the development of several virus-induced leukaemias of mice. These are the Friend1,2 and Rauscher leukaemias3 as well as the spontaneously appearing lymphoid leukaemia of AKR mice4. Comparable interferon preparations also inhibited the growth of transplantable ascitic tumours (of viral and non-viral origin) and markedly increased the survival of tumour inoculated mice5,6. We thought it would be interesting to determine the effect of interferon on the growth of a solid metastasizing tumour.  相似文献   

Electropermeabilization/electroporation (EP) provides a tool for the introduction of molecules into cells and tissues. In electrochemotherapy (ECT), cytotoxic drugs are introduced into cells in tumors, and nucleic acids are introduced into cells in gene electrotransfer. The normal and tumor tissue blood flow modifying effects of EP and the vascular disrupting effect of ECT in tumors have already been determined. However, differential effects between normal vs. tumor vessels, to ensure safety in the clinical application of ECT, have not been determined yet. Therefore, the aim of our study was to determine the effects of EP and ECT with bleomycin on the HT-29 human colon carcinoma tumor model and its surrounding blood vessels. The response of blood vessels to EP and ECT was monitored in real time, directly at the single blood vessel level, by in vivo optical imaging in a dorsal window chamber in SCID mice with 70 kDa fluorescently labeled dextrans. The response of tumor blood vessels to EP and ECT started to differ within the first hour. Both therapies induced a vascular lock, decreased functional vascular density (FVD) and increased the diameter of functional blood vessels within the tumor. The effects were more pronounced for ECT, which destroyed the tumor blood vessels within 24 h. Although the vasculature surrounding the tumor was affected by EP and ECT, it remained functional. The study confirms the current model of tumor blood flow modifying effects of EP and provides conclusive evidence that ECT is a vascular disrupting therapy with a specific effect on the tumor blood vessels.  相似文献   

Midtgård, U. 1980. Blood vessels in the hind limb of the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos): anatomical evidence for a sphincteric action of shunt vessels in connection with the arterio-venous heat exchange system. (Institute of Comparative Anatomy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.) — Acta zool. (Stockh.) 61(1): 39–49. The rete tibiotarsale is the main arterio-venous heat exchange system in the hind limb of the Mallard. A large arterial shunt and a venous shunt allow the blood to by-pass the rete. These shunt vessels must be able to constrict so as to direct the blood to the rete when heat conservation is needed. Using ordinary histological methods and the technique of Falck and Hillarp for demonstration of biogenic monoamines, it was shown that the arterial shunt is more muscular and receives a more dense adrenergic innervation than adjacent segments of the same vessel. Perfusion with noradrenaline before fixation revealed that the arterial shunt was able to reduce its lumen to near closure. No structure, in the ordinary sense of a sphincter, was found in the shunt vein but adrenergic nerves were scattered throughout the tunica media at the base of venous valves, suggesting that a sphincteric action at these sites is possible.  相似文献   

病毒离子通道——一种新的抗病毒靶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病毒离子通道蛋白是一种在病毒生命周期中起多种作用的小跨膜蛋白,可在宿主细胞膜上形成选择性离子通道,一些离子通道阻滞剂能阻滞这些离子通道,从而抑制这些病毒的繁殖,因而病毒离子通道蛋白可作为新的抗病毒作用靶.  相似文献   

The lymphatic pathways in the gingivae from aged humans were traced by the use of the PAS reaction or iron hematoxylin stain, and their structural characteristics were compared to those of the blood microvasculature. In the young and aging gingivae the lymphatic capillaries originated in the connective tissue papillae of the lamina propria, and appeared as thin walled irregular shaped vessels. The adjacent blood capillaries in aged gingivae differed in that their walls were thicker and stained intensely Schiff positive than seen in young adult gingivae. The lymphatic capillaries emptied into thin walled collecting vessels of varying calibers that course through the lamina propria to reach the main conducting vessels that contained valves projecting within its lumen. The accompanying blood vessels were easily differentiated from the lymphatic vessels by the intense positive staining of their walls following exposure to the PAS reaction. Distended lymphatic vessels of different caliber were demonstrable in inflamed aging gingivae, suggesting that lymphatic vessels in the aged gingivae were able to provide a drainage system for excessive fluid, proteins, and other particulates from both non-injured and injured sites.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that numerous proteins interact with drugs or their metabolites. Knowledge of these proteins is necessary to understand the mechanisms of drug action and human response. Progress in modern genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry and pharmacology is generating a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of drug-target interaction on the molecular level. This is valuable for researchers and pharmaceutical companies in their efforts to improve the efficacy of existing drugs and to discover new ones. Most recently, the integration of a systems biology approach into drug discovery processes calls for more holistic knowledge and easily accessible resources of the proteins that are important in drug action and human response. We have reviewed many publicly accessible internet resources of these proteins, according to their roles in drug action and human response, such as therapeutic effect, adverse reaction, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion.  相似文献   

TYPE Am, a variation of the A blood type, was discovered by Weiner et al.1 and further studied by Salmon et al.2 and HrubiSko et al.3,4. Ikemoto et al.6 conducted family surveys on type Bm 5 in Japanese subjects. Although there have been genetic surveys and studies of the antigenicity of red cells, nobody has yet quantified the immune globulins in serum, the effect of the B and O decomposing enzymes on the Bm red cells, the genetic polymorphism of the plasma or the antigenicity of hairs and cells in the oral mucosa. Recently we surveyed a family, F, of type Bm which included monozygotic twins. We report now further surveys on some of the members of that family and discuss their antigenic relationships and Furuhata's7 triple allelomorph theory, that blood type antibodies are genetically determined.  相似文献   

Several strategies have been used to generate transgenic birds. The most successful method so far has been the injection of lentiviral vectors into the subgerminal cavity of a newly laid egg. We report here a new, easy and effective way to produce transgenic quails through direct injection of a lentiviral vector, containing an enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) transgene, into the blood vessels of quail embryos at Hamburger-Hamilton stage 13–15 (HH13–15). A total of 80 embryos were injected and 48 G0 chimeras (60%) were hatched. Most injected embryo organs and tissues of hatched quails were positive for eGFP. In five out of 21 mature G0 male quails, the semen was eGFP-positive, as detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), indicating transgenic germ line chimeras. Testcross and genetic analyses revealed that the G0 quail produced transgenic G1 offspring; of 46 G1 hatchlings, 6 were transgenic (6/46, 13.0%). We also compared this new method with the conventional transgenesis using stage X subgerminal cavity injection. Total 240 quail embryos were injected by subgerminal cavity injection, of which 34 (14.1%) were hatched, significantly lower than the new method. From these hatched quails semen samples were collected from 19 sexually matured males and tested for the transgene by PCR. The transgene was present in three G0 male quails and only 4/236 G1 offspring (1.7%) were transgenic. In conclusion, we developed a novel bird transgenic method by injection of lentiviral vector into embryonic blood vessel at HH 13–15 stage, which result in significant higher transgenic efficiency than the conventional subgerminal cavity injection.  相似文献   

Recent evidence demonstrated that endothelial cells initiate signaling events that enhance tumor cell survival, proliferation, invasion, and tumor recurrence. Under this new paradigm for cellular crosstalk within the tumor microenvironment, the origin of endothelial cells and tumor cells may have a direct impact on the pathobiology of cancer. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the effect of endothelial cell species (i.e. murine or human) on xenograft tumor growth and response to therapy. Tumor xenografts vascularized either with human or with murine microvascular endothelial cells were engineered, side-by-side, subcutaneously in the dorsum of immunodefficient mice. When tumors reached 200 mm3, mice were treated for 30 days with either 4 mg/kg cisplatin (i.p.) every 5 days or with 40 mg/kg sunitinib (p.o.) daily. Xenograft human tumors vascularized with human endothelial cells grow faster than xenograft tumors vascularized with mouse endothelial cells (P<0.05). Notably, human tumors vascularized with human endothelial cells exhibited nuclear translocation of p65 (indicative of high NF-kB activity), and were more resistant to treatment with cisplatin or sunitinib than the contralateral tumors vascularized with murine endothelial cells (P<0.05). Collectively, these studies suggest that the species of endothelial cells has a direct impact on xenograft tumor growth and response to treatment with the chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin or with the anti-angiogenic drug sunitinib.  相似文献   

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